TV-opas (Maksukanavat)

111 281 290
    • 10:15-17:45

    • 17:45-18:00

    • 18:30-23:00

    • 23:00-23:30

48 114 292 132
    • 23:25-00:15

      Käärmeet ja tikkaat - Simon ja Siouxie suuntaavat intialaiseen Mysoren kaupunkiin auttaakseen paikallista käärmeiden pelastajaa kiireisellä monsuunikaudella.

    • 00:15-00:55

      Parinetsintää koirille - Cesar auttaa perhettä, joka haluaa adoptoida koiran pojalleen.

    • 00:55-01:45

      Rannikon kuningattaret - Maata ja merta yhdistävällä rannikolla asuu kaksi luonnon ikonisinta naarasta - miekkavalas ja harmaakarhu.

    • 01:45-02:30

    • 02:30-03:15

      Kirahveja pelastamassa: Pitkä kotimatka - Valtava tulva jättää kahdeksan harvinaista kirahvia jumiin saarelle. Jos niitä ei pelasteta, ne kuolevat.

    • 03:15-04:00

      Puuma vs. susi - Puuma-asiantuntija Boone Smith vaeltaa kauas Montanan Bitterrootvuorille etsimään todisteita näiden talvisten maisemien suurimpien petojen välisestä kilpailuista.

    • 04:00-04:40

      Vuoriston kuningattaret - Etiopian vuoristoa hallitsee kaksi erilaista kuningatarta, mutta molemmat ovat tyttärien äitejä.

    • 04:40-05:30

    • 05:30-06:15

      Kirahveja pelastamassa: Pitkä kotimatka - Valtava tulva jättää kahdeksan harvinaista kirahvia jumiin saarelle. Jos niitä ei pelasteta, ne kuolevat.

    • 06:15-07:00

      Vuoriston kuningattaret - Etiopian vuoristoa hallitsee kaksi erilaista kuningatarta, mutta molemmat ovat tyttärien äitejä.

    • 07:00-07:20

      Ladon uusi elämä - Perheen farmille tarvitaan lato! Polin perhe on valmis ryhtymään seuraavan ison projektinsa kimppuun: he aikovat purkaa varovasti satavuotiaan ladon ja koota sen uudelleen.

    • 07:20-07:40

      Ladon palastelua - Polit ovat satavuotiaan ladon purkamisen vaarallisimmassa vaiheessa, hirsien irrottamisessa. Jos kaikki sujuu hyvin, sen jälkeen ne kuljetetaan farmille.

    • 07:40-08:00

      Uuhen uudet kujeet - Markkinakausi on alkanut! Polit haluavat hankkia ainakin kaksi lehmää ja kuusi lammasta huutokaupasta, mutta heillä on paljon tekemistä ennen kuin se toteutuu.

    • 08:00-08:45

      Saksa on Euroopan väkirikkain maa. Mahtavien jokin halkoma ja metsien peittämä maa. Erämaissa luonto on täynnä yllätyksiä. Yli kolmannes maasta on suojeltu aina Bavarian vuorilta Pohjanmerelle.

    • 08:45-09:30

      Villi Portugali - Kuvittele maa, jonka rannat ovat täynnä lohkareita ja jossa on yksinäisiä vuoria ja kultaisia preerioita.

    • 09:30-10:10

      Muodonmuuttajat - Mustekalat ovat yksi maapallon merkittävimmistä eläimistä, mutta niillä on yksi supervoima, joka nostaa ne muiden yläpuolelle.

    • 10:10-10:55

      Saksa on Euroopan väkirikkain maa. Mahtavien jokin halkoma ja metsien peittämä maa. Erämaissa luonto on täynnä yllätyksiä. Yli kolmannes maasta on suojeltu aina Bavarian vuorilta Pohjanmerelle.

    • 10:55-11:40

      Villi Portugali - Kuvittele maa, jonka rannat ovat täynnä lohkareita ja jossa on yksinäisiä vuoria ja kultaisia preerioita.

    • 11:40-12:20

      Muodonmuuttajat - Mustekalat ovat yksi maapallon merkittävimmistä eläimistä, mutta niillä on yksi supervoima, joka nostaa ne muiden yläpuolelle.

    • 12:20-13:00

      Älypäät - Mustekalat rikkovat kaikkia eläinten älykkyyttä koskevia sääntöjä.

    • 13:00-13:45

      Sosiaaliset verkostoitujat - Mustekalojen on aina ajateltu olevan luonnon äärimmäisiä erakoita, jotka suosivat omaa seuraansa. Totuus on, että niillä on salainen sosiaalinen elämä.

    • 13:45-14:30

      Saksa on Euroopan väkirikkain maa. Mahtavien jokin halkoma ja metsien peittämä maa. Erämaissa luonto on täynnä yllätyksiä. Yli kolmannes maasta on suojeltu aina Bavarian vuorilta Pohjanmerelle.

    • 14:30-15:15

      Iberian niemimaan kuivista maista nousevat lumihuippuiset vuoret, valtavat harvinaiset korkkipuut ja Euroopan ainut usvametsä.

    • 15:15-16:00

      Puola - Euroopan muinaiset maisemat ovat lähes kadonneet, mutta muutamia paikkoja on silti jäljellä. Puolaa kattavat vielä runsaat, mosaiikkimaiset elinympäristöt.

    • 16:00-16:45

      Kreikka - Harvat Euroopan maat voivat kehuskella niin laajalla ja ihmeellisellä eläimistöllä kuin Kreikka. Sen mannerosia kutsutaankin Euroopan Serengetiksi.

    • 16:45-17:30

      Villi Portugali - Kuvittele maa, jonka rannat ovat täynnä lohkareita ja jossa on yksinäisiä vuoria ja kultaisia preerioita.

    • 17:30-18:15

    • 18:15-19:00

      Polin uusi maailma - Eräs Polin klinikan lempieläinlääkäreistämme sanoo hyvästit, mutta sitä ennen useita mysteereitä saapuu hoidettavaksi.

    • 19:00-19:45

      Iberian niemimaan kuivista maista nousevat lumihuippuiset vuoret, valtavat harvinaiset korkkipuut ja Euroopan ainut usvametsä.

    • 19:45-20:30

      Puola - Euroopan muinaiset maisemat ovat lähes kadonneet, mutta muutamia paikkoja on silti jäljellä. Puolaa kattavat vielä runsaat, mosaiikkimaiset elinympäristöt.

    • 20:30-21:15

      Villi Portugali - Kuvittele maa, jonka rannat ovat täynnä lohkareita ja jossa on yksinäisiä vuoria ja kultaisia preerioita.

    • 21:15-22:00

      Iberian niemimaan kuivista maista nousevat lumihuippuiset vuoret, valtavat harvinaiset korkkipuut ja Euroopan ainut usvametsä.

    • 22:00-22:45

    • 22:45-23:30

      Polin uusi maailma - Eräs Polin klinikan lempieläinlääkäreistämme sanoo hyvästit, mutta sitä ennen useita mysteereitä saapuu hoidettavaksi.

    • 23:30-00:15

      Saksa on Euroopan väkirikkain maa. Mahtavien jokin halkoma ja metsien peittämä maa. Erämaissa luonto on täynnä yllätyksiä. Yli kolmannes maasta on suojeltu aina Bavarian vuorilta Pohjanmerelle.

52 123 71 160
    • 23:55-00:05

    • 00:05-00:30

    • 00:30-00:55

    • 00:55-01:15

    • 01:15-01:40

    • 01:40-02:00

    • 02:00-02:20

    • 02:20-02:40

    • 02:40-03:05

    • 03:05-03:30

    • 03:30-03:55

    • 03:55-04:15

    • 04:15-04:40

    • 04:40-05:05

    • 05:05-05:30

    • 05:30-05:55

    • 05:55-06:20

    • 06:20-06:40

    • 06:40-07:00

    • 07:00-07:25

    • 07:25-07:50

    • 07:50-08:10

    • 08:10-08:20

    • 08:20-08:25

    • 08:25-08:35

    • 08:35-08:40

    • 08:40-08:45

    • 08:45-08:55

    • 08:55-09:00

    • 09:00-09:05

    • 09:05-09:25

    • 09:25-09:50

    • 09:50-10:15

    • 10:15-10:35

    • 10:35-11:05

    • 11:05-11:30

    • 11:30-11:55

    • 11:55-12:15

    • 12:15-12:40

    • 12:40-13:00

    • 13:00-13:05

    • 13:05-13:15

    • 13:15-13:20

    • 13:20-13:30

    • 13:30-13:40

    • 13:40-13:45

    • 13:45-13:55

    • 13:55-14:00

    • 14:00-14:25

    • 14:25-14:45

    • 14:45-15:05

    • 15:05-15:30

    • 15:30-15:55

    • 15:55-16:10

    • 16:10-16:35

    • 16:35-16:45

    • 16:45-16:55

    • 16:55-17:20

    • 17:20-17:40

    • 17:40-17:55

    • 17:55-18:20

    • 18:20-18:40

    • 18:40-19:05

    • 19:05-19:30

    • 19:30-19:35

    • 19:35-19:55

    • 19:55-20:05

    • 20:05-20:10

    • 20:10-20:20

    • 20:20-20:25

    • 20:25-20:30

    • 20:30-20:40

    • 20:40-20:45

    • 20:45-21:05

    • 21:05-21:15

    • 21:15-21:40

    • 21:40-22:00

    • 22:00-22:25

    • 22:25-22:50

    • 22:50-23:15

    • 23:15-23:35

    • 23:35-23:55

    • 23:55-00:05

50 125 73 162
58 129 70 151
    • 00:00-00:15

      The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.

    • 00:15-00:25

      The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.

    • 00:25-00:35

      The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.

    • 00:35-00:45

      The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.

    • 00:45-00:55

      The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.

    • 00:55-01:05

      The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.

    • 01:05-01:15

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 01:15-01:25

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 01:25-01:35

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 01:35-01:45

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 01:45-01:55

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 01:55-02:05

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 02:05-02:15

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 02:15-02:30

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 02:30-02:40

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 02:40-02:50

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 02:50-03:00

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 03:00-03:15

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 03:15-03:25

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 03:25-03:35

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 03:35-03:45

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 03:45-04:00

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 04:00-04:10

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 04:10-04:20

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 04:20-04:30

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 04:30-04:45

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 04:45-04:55

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 04:55-05:05

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 05:05-05:30

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 05:30-05:40

      The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.

    • 05:40-05:50

      The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.

    • 05:50-06:05

      The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.

    • 06:05-06:15

      The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.

    • 06:15-06:20

      The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.

    • 06:20-06:30

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 06:30-06:40

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 06:40-06:50

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 06:50-07:00

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 07:00-07:10

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 07:10-07:20

      The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.

    • 07:20-07:35

      The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.

    • 07:35-07:55

      After a cataclysm changes their world forever, new and old Ninja must team up to save all the realms from high-tech villains bent on domination.

    • 07:55-08:10

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 08:10-08:20

      The baby bear siblings travel to different locations around the world, on their journey to find a permanent place they can call home.

    • 08:20-08:30

      Adventures of Robin, Cyborg, Starfire, Raven and Beast Boy. They are superheroes who save the day, but what happens when they're not fighting crime?

    • 08:30-08:40

      Adventures of Robin, Cyborg, Starfire, Raven and Beast Boy. They are superheroes who save the day, but what happens when they're not fighting crime?

    • 08:40-08:55

      Grab your toilet-paper sword and follow best friends Craig, JP and Kelsey as they explore their neighbourhood creek - a boundless kid-run world!

    • 08:55-09:10

      Scott has drawn 100 Heroes in 100 comic books. When he disappears, only his books remain, and they get scattered all over San Francisco.

    • 09:10-09:20

      Welcome to the town of Jellystone - a charming place where your favorite Hanna-Barbera characters live, work and play together...

    • 09:20-09:35

      Welcome to the town of Jellystone - a charming place where your favorite Hanna-Barbera characters live, work and play together...

    • 09:35-10:00

      A group of kids joins a secret agency and enter the Dream World to combat nightmares and use the power of imagination to save dreamers in distress.

    • 10:00-10:10

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 10:10-10:20

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 10:20-10:30

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 10:30-10:40

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 10:40-10:50

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 10:50-11:00

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 11:00-11:10

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 11:10-11:20

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 11:20-11:30

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 11:30-11:40

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 11:40-12:00

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 12:00-12:10

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 12:10-12:20

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 12:20-12:30

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 12:30-12:40

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 12:40-12:50

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 12:50-13:00

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 13:00-13:10

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 13:10-13:20

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 13:20-13:30

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 13:30-13:40

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 13:40-13:55

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 13:55-14:05

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 14:05-14:15

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 14:15-14:25

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 14:25-14:35

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 14:35-14:45

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 14:45-15:00

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 15:00-15:10

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 15:10-15:20

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 15:20-15:30

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 15:30-15:40

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 15:40-16:00

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 16:00-16:20

      Fred, Daphne, Velma, Shaggy and Scooby-Doo join forces with some of the biggest names in celebrity and pop culture.

    • 16:20-16:35

      Folks, have ya heard? Your favorite Looney Tunes characters are back in action!

    • 16:35-16:45

      The baby bear siblings travel to different locations around the world, on their journey to find a permanent place they can call home.

    • 16:45-17:00

      The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.

    • 17:00-17:15

      Scott has drawn 100 Heroes in 100 comic books. When he disappears, only his books remain, and they get scattered all over San Francisco.

    • 17:15-17:30

      Scott has drawn 100 Heroes in 100 comic books. When he disappears, only his books remain, and they get scattered all over San Francisco.

    • 17:30-17:40

      Apple and Onion are two best friends who live in a big city full of other food-people.

    • 17:40-18:05

      After a cataclysm changes their world forever, new and old Ninja must team up to save all the realms from high-tech villains bent on domination.

    • 18:05-18:15

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 18:15-18:30

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 18:30-18:55

      A group of kids joins a secret agency and enter the Dream World to combat nightmares and use the power of imagination to save dreamers in distress.

    • 18:55-19:05

      Welcome to the town of Jellystone - a charming place where your favorite Hanna-Barbera characters live, work and play together...

    • 19:05-19:15

      Welcome to the town of Jellystone - a charming place where your favorite Hanna-Barbera characters live, work and play together...

    • 19:15-19:30

      Welcome to the town of Jellystone - a charming place where your favorite Hanna-Barbera characters live, work and play together...

    • 19:30-19:40

      Grab your toilet-paper sword and follow best friends Craig, JP and Kelsey as they explore their neighbourhood creek - a boundless kid-run world!

    • 19:40-19:50

      Grab your toilet-paper sword and follow best friends Craig, JP and Kelsey as they explore their neighbourhood creek - a boundless kid-run world!

    • 19:50-20:00

      Grab your toilet-paper sword and follow best friends Craig, JP and Kelsey as they explore their neighbourhood creek - a boundless kid-run world!

    • 20:00-20:10

      Adventures of Robin, Cyborg, Starfire, Raven and Beast Boy. They are superheroes who save the day, but what happens when they're not fighting crime?

    • 20:10-20:20

      Adventures of Robin, Cyborg, Starfire, Raven and Beast Boy. They are superheroes who save the day, but what happens when they're not fighting crime?

    • 20:20-20:35

      The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.

    • 20:35-20:50

      Scott has drawn 100 Heroes in 100 comic books. When he disappears, only his books remain, and they get scattered all over San Francisco.

    • 20:50-21:10

      After a cataclysm changes their world forever, new and old Ninja must team up to save all the realms from high-tech villains bent on domination.

    • 21:10-21:25

      Folks, have ya heard? Your favorite Looney Tunes characters are back in action!

    • 21:25-21:35

      Folks, have ya heard? Your favorite Looney Tunes characters are back in action!

    • 21:35-21:45

      Folks, have ya heard? Your favorite Looney Tunes characters are back in action!

    • 21:45-21:55

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 21:55-22:05

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 22:05-22:15

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 22:15-22:25

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 22:25-22:40

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 22:40-22:50

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 22:50-23:00

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 23:00-23:10

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 23:10-23:20

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 23:20-23:30

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 23:30-23:50

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 23:50-00:00

      The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.

    • 00:00-00:10

      Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.

    • 00:10-00:20

      Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.

    • 00:20-00:30

      Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.

    • 00:30-00:40

      Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.

    • 00:40-00:50

      Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.

    • 00:50-00:59

      Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.

    • 00:59-01:11

      Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.

    • 01:11-01:22

      Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.

    • 01:22-01:33

      Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.

    • 01:33-01:45

      Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.

    • 01:45-01:51

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 01:51-01:58

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 01:58-02:04

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 02:04-02:11

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 02:11-02:17

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 02:17-02:25

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 02:25-02:31

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 02:31-02:38

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 02:38-02:44

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 02:44-02:51

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 02:51-02:57

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 02:57-03:04

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 03:04-03:16

      Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.

    • 03:16-03:27

      Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.

    • 03:27-03:38

      Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.

    • 03:38-03:50

      Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.

    • 03:50-03:56

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 03:56-04:03

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 04:03-04:09

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 04:09-04:16

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 04:16-04:22

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 04:22-04:30

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 04:30-04:34

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 04:34-04:46

      Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.

    • 04:46-04:57

      Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.

    • 04:57-05:08

      Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.

    • 05:08-05:20

      Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.

    • 05:20-05:27

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 05:27-05:33

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 05:33-05:40

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 05:40-05:46

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 05:46-05:53

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 05:53-06:00

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 06:00-06:07

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 06:07-06:14

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 06:14-06:21

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 06:21-06:30

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 06:30-06:40

      Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.

    • 06:40-06:50

      Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.

    • 06:50-07:00

      Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.

    • 07:00-07:07

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 07:07-07:13

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 07:13-07:20

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 07:20-07:40

      Tom and Jerry are running wild in Manhattan! They live in a fancy hotel, but their mayhem doesnt stop at the hotel lobby.

    • 07:40-07:50

      Mr. Bean is joined by his trusty sidekick Teddy his reliable MINI and his grumpy landlady Mrs Wicket not forgetting her evil one-eyed cat Scrapper.

    • 07:50-08:00

      Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.

    • 08:00-08:10

      They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.

    • 08:10-08:25

      They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.

    • 08:25-08:30

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 08:30-08:40

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 08:40-08:45

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 08:45-09:00

      Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny manage a crew of builders that, quite frankly, should not be anywhere near a construction site.

    • 09:00-09:05

      In this feel-good comedy series, full of heart, Sonia, Hugo, and Mel create memories with Mom, Dad, and Granny on days spent with family and friends.

    • 09:05-09:15

      In this feel-good comedy series, full of heart, Sonia, Hugo, and Mel create memories with Mom, Dad, and Granny on days spent with family and friends.

    • 09:15-09:25

      From wishing to be taller to memorizing a bedtime routine, Jessica wants to be an independent "big kid."

    • 09:25-09:34

      From wishing to be taller to memorizing a bedtime routine, Jessica wants to be an independent "big kid."

    • 09:34-09:40

      A little girl named Masha befriends a bear. Masha finds herself in all kinds of adventures that cause havoc in the bear's peaceful existence!

    • 09:40-09:47

      A little girl named Masha befriends a bear. Masha finds herself in all kinds of adventures that cause havoc in the bear's peaceful existence!

    • 09:47-09:55

      A little girl named Masha befriends a bear. Masha finds herself in all kinds of adventures that cause havoc in the bear's peaceful existence!

    • 09:55-10:00

      A little girl named Masha befriends a bear. Masha finds herself in all kinds of adventures that cause havoc in the bear's peaceful existence!

    • 10:00-10:10

      They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.

    • 10:10-10:20

      They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.

    • 10:20-10:30

      They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.

    • 10:30-10:40

      Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.

    • 10:40-10:50

      Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.

    • 10:50-11:05

      Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.

    • 11:05-11:11

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 11:11-11:18

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 11:18-11:25

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 11:25-11:30

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 11:30-11:40

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 11:40-11:45

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 11:45-11:50

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 11:50-11:57

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 11:57-12:05

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 12:05-12:15

      They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.

    • 12:15-12:25

      They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.

    • 12:25-12:35

      They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.

    • 12:35-12:45

      They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.

    • 12:45-12:55

      They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.

    • 12:55-13:04

      They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.

    • 13:04-13:15

      Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.

    • 13:15-13:25

      Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.

    • 13:25-13:35

      Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.

    • 13:35-13:45

      Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.

    • 13:45-13:55

      Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.

    • 13:55-14:09

      Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.

    • 14:09-14:16

      The cat and mouse rivals are back and up to their old antics. Follow Tom and Jerry as they explore fantastic new places.

    • 14:16-14:23

      The cat and mouse rivals are back and up to their old antics. Follow Tom and Jerry as they explore fantastic new places.

    • 14:23-14:30

      The cat and mouse rivals are back and up to their old antics. Follow Tom and Jerry as they explore fantastic new places.

    • 14:30-14:36

      The cat and mouse rivals are back and up to their old antics. Follow Tom and Jerry as they explore fantastic new places.

    • 14:36-14:43

      The cat and mouse rivals are back and up to their old antics. Follow Tom and Jerry as they explore fantastic new places.

    • 14:43-14:50

      The cat and mouse rivals are back and up to their old antics. Follow Tom and Jerry as they explore fantastic new places.

    • 14:50-15:00

      The cat and mouse rivals are back and up to their old antics. Follow Tom and Jerry as they explore fantastic new places.

    • 15:00-15:07

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 15:07-15:15

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 15:15-15:20

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 15:20-15:26

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 15:26-15:34

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 15:34-15:45

      They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.

    • 15:45-15:55

      They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.

    • 15:55-16:00

      Lu is a ladybird who has started preschool with her new friends. Together they explore their new social lives though play, music, feelings and fun!

    • 16:00-16:10

      Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.

    • 16:10-16:20

      Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.

    • 16:20-16:30

      Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.

    • 16:30-16:35

      In this feel-good comedy series, full of heart, Sonia, Hugo, and Mel create memories with Mom, Dad, and Granny on days spent with family and friends.

    • 16:35-16:45

      In this feel-good comedy series, full of heart, Sonia, Hugo, and Mel create memories with Mom, Dad, and Granny on days spent with family and friends.

    • 16:45-16:50

      In this feel-good comedy series, full of heart, Sonia, Hugo, and Mel create memories with Mom, Dad, and Granny on days spent with family and friends.

    • 16:50-17:00

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 17:00-17:05

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 17:05-17:15

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 17:15-17:20

      A little girl named Masha befriends a bear. Masha finds herself in all kinds of adventures that cause havoc in the bear's peaceful existence!

    • 17:20-17:30

      A little girl named Masha befriends a bear. Masha finds herself in all kinds of adventures that cause havoc in the bear's peaceful existence!

    • 17:30-17:35

      A little girl named Masha befriends a bear. Masha finds herself in all kinds of adventures that cause havoc in the bear's peaceful existence!

    • 17:35-17:45

      From wishing to be taller to memorizing a bedtime routine, Jessica wants to be an independent "big kid."

    • 17:45-17:55

      From wishing to be taller to memorizing a bedtime routine, Jessica wants to be an independent "big kid."

    • 17:55-18:05

      They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.

    • 18:05-18:15

      They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.

    • 18:15-18:30

      They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.

    • 18:30-18:40

      Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny manage a crew of builders that, quite frankly, should not be anywhere near a construction site.

    • 18:40-18:50

      Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny manage a crew of builders that, quite frankly, should not be anywhere near a construction site.

    • 18:50-18:59

      Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny manage a crew of builders that, quite frankly, should not be anywhere near a construction site.

    • 18:59-19:10

      Mr. Bean is joined by his trusty sidekick Teddy his reliable MINI and his grumpy landlady Mrs Wicket not forgetting her evil one-eyed cat Scrapper.

    • 19:10-19:20

      From wishing to be taller to memorizing a bedtime routine, Jessica wants to be an independent "big kid."

    • 19:20-19:29

      From wishing to be taller to memorizing a bedtime routine, Jessica wants to be an independent "big kid."

    • 19:29-19:45

      They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.

    • 19:45-19:50

      In this feel-good comedy series, full of heart, Sonia, Hugo, and Mel create memories with Mom, Dad, and Granny on days spent with family and friends.

    • 19:50-20:00

      In this feel-good comedy series, full of heart, Sonia, Hugo, and Mel create memories with Mom, Dad, and Granny on days spent with family and friends.

    • 20:00-20:05

      In this feel-good comedy series, full of heart, Sonia, Hugo, and Mel create memories with Mom, Dad, and Granny on days spent with family and friends.

    • 20:05-20:20

      Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.

    • 20:20-20:30

      They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.

    • 20:30-20:40

      They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.

    • 20:40-20:50

      They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.

    • 20:50-21:00

      Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.

    • 21:00-21:10

      Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.

    • 21:10-21:25

      Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.

    • 21:25-21:45

      Tom and Jerry are running wild in Manhattan! They live in a fancy hotel, but their mayhem doesnt stop at the hotel lobby.

    • 21:45-21:52

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 21:52-22:00

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 22:00-22:05

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 22:05-22:15

      The cat and mouse rivals are back and up to their old antics. Follow Tom and Jerry as they explore fantastic new places.

    • 22:15-22:25

      The cat and mouse rivals are back and up to their old antics. Follow Tom and Jerry as they explore fantastic new places.

    • 22:25-22:35

      The cat and mouse rivals are back and up to their old antics. Follow Tom and Jerry as they explore fantastic new places.

    • 22:35-22:45

      The cat and mouse rivals are back and up to their old antics. Follow Tom and Jerry as they explore fantastic new places.

    • 22:45-22:55

      The cat and mouse rivals are back and up to their old antics. Follow Tom and Jerry as they explore fantastic new places.

    • 22:55-23:00

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 23:00-23:08

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 23:08-23:14

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 23:14-23:21

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 23:21-23:27

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 23:27-23:35

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 23:35-23:41

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 23:41-23:55

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 23:55-00:00

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 00:00-00:15

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 00:15-00:30

      Culture news from the world's art, food and fashion capital, Paris. Join us every day for reviews and conversations on what's arguably the only daily arts programme on TV.

    • 00:30-00:45

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 00:45-01:00

      Join Georja Calvin-Smith for all the news from Africa and the Maghreb, together with France 24's correspondents and guests of the show.

    • 01:00-01:15

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 01:15-01:30

      French Connections revolves around France, its top stories and news, its experience in various spheres and cultural life, sport events, health care and education and so much more.

    • 01:30-01:45

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 01:45-02:00

      The 51 Percent is revolving around women and their role in the world and presents various stories of women with different backgrounds from all over the world.

    • 02:00-02:15

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 02:15-02:30

      France in Focus brings top stories and most essential reports on France, its political and social life. Be the first to know about latest events in politics, culture and economy.

    • 02:30-02:45

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 02:45-03:00

      Culture news from the world's art, food and fashion capital, Paris. Join us every day for reviews and conversations on what's arguably the only daily arts programme on TV.

    • 03:00-03:15

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 03:15-03:21

      French Connections revolves around France, its top stories and news, its experience in various spheres and cultural life, sport events, health care and education and so much more.

    • 03:21-03:30

      Be aware of what is in the spotlight every season and find out the latest trends. Follow haute couture news, videos, reports and analyses, and look behind the scene of Parisian catwalks.

    • 03:30-03:45

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 03:45-04:00

      Join Georja Calvin-Smith for all the news from Africa and the Maghreb, together with France 24's correspondents and guests of the show.

    • 04:00-04:10

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 04:10-04:30

      Reporters presents various reports by team of correspondents from all over the world regarding hot button issues.

    • 04:30-04:40

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 04:40-05:00

      Revisited presents certain places in different parts of the world several years after some significant events or accidents. Are there any changes?

    • 05:00-05:15

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 05:15-05:20

      This amazing programme brings you the latest and most important, exclusive reports from all around the globe.

    • 05:20-05:30

      You are Here presents the most beautiful villages, various regions with their unique atmosphere, unusual gardens and nature parks of France and the people who keep French traditions and heritage alive.

    • 05:30-05:45

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 05:45-06:00

      French Connections revolves around France, its top stories and news, its experience in various spheres and cultural life, sport events, health care and education and so much more.

    • 06:00-06:15

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 06:15-06:30

      Join Georja Calvin-Smith for all the news from Africa and the Maghreb, together with France 24's correspondents and guests of the show.

    • 06:30-06:45

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 06:45-07:00

      Culture news from the world's art, food and fashion capital, Paris. Join us every day for reviews and conversations on what's arguably the only daily arts programme on TV.

    • 07:00-07:15

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 07:15-07:30

      France in Focus brings top stories and most essential reports on France, its political and social life. Be the first to know about latest events in politics, culture and economy.

    • 07:30-07:45

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 07:45-07:50

      This amazing programme brings you the latest and most important, exclusive reports from all around the globe.

    • 07:50-08:00

      The sports recap of the day with France 24 journalists and a summary of world sports news, both on and off the field.

    • 08:00-08:15

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 08:15-08:30

      The 51 Percent is revolving around women and their role in the world and presents various stories of women with different backgrounds from all over the world.

    • 08:30-08:45

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 08:45-08:50

      This amazing programme brings you the latest and most important, exclusive reports from all around the globe.

    • 08:50-09:00

      The sports recap of the day with France 24 journalists and a summary of world sports news, both on and off the field.

    • 09:00-09:15

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 09:15-09:30

      Culture news from the world's art, food and fashion capital, Paris. Join us every day for reviews and conversations on what's arguably the only daily arts programme on TV.

    • 09:30-09:45

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 09:45-09:50

      This amazing programme brings you the latest and most important, exclusive reports from all around the globe.

    • 09:50-10:00

      The sports recap of the day with France 24 journalists and a summary of world sports news, both on and off the field.

    • 10:00-10:30

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 10:30-11:00

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 11:00-11:15

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 11:15-11:30

      French Connections revolves around France, its top stories and news, its experience in various spheres and cultural life, sport events, health care and education and so much more.

    • 11:30-11:45

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 11:45-11:51

      French Connections revolves around France, its top stories and news, its experience in various spheres and cultural life, sport events, health care and education and so much more.

    • 11:51-12:00

      Be aware of what is in the spotlight every season and find out the latest trends. Follow haute couture news, videos, reports and analyses, and look behind the scene of Parisian catwalks.

    • 12:00-12:10

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 12:10-12:30

      Reporters presents various reports by team of correspondents from all over the world regarding hot button issues.

    • 12:30-12:40

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 12:40-13:00

      Revisited presents certain places in different parts of the world several years after some significant events or accidents. Are there any changes?

    • 13:00-13:16

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 13:16-13:30

      Culture news from the world's art, food and fashion capital, Paris. Join us every day for reviews and conversations on what's arguably the only daily arts programme on TV.

    • 13:30-13:45

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 13:45-13:50

      This amazing programme brings you the latest and most important, exclusive reports from all around the globe.

    • 13:50-14:00

      The sports recap of the day with France 24 journalists and a summary of world sports news, both on and off the field.

    • 14:00-14:30

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 14:30-15:00

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 15:00-15:15

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 15:15-15:30

      France in Focus brings top stories and most essential reports on France, its political and social life. Be the first to know about latest events in politics, culture and economy.

    • 15:30-15:45

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 15:45-15:50

      This amazing programme brings you the latest and most important, exclusive reports from all around the globe.

    • 15:50-16:00

      You are Here presents the most beautiful villages, various regions with their unique atmosphere, unusual gardens and nature parks of France and the people who keep French traditions and heritage alive.

    • 16:00-16:15

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 16:15-16:30

      French Connections revolves around France, its top stories and news, its experience in various spheres and cultural life, sport events, health care and education and so much more.

    • 16:30-16:45

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 16:45-17:00

      The 51 Percent is revolving around women and their role in the world and presents various stories of women with different backgrounds from all over the world.

    • 17:00-17:10

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 17:10-17:30

      Reporters presents various reports by team of correspondents from all over the world regarding hot button issues.

    • 17:30-17:40

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 17:40-18:00

      Revisited presents certain places in different parts of the world several years after some significant events or accidents. Are there any changes?

    • 18:00-18:16

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 18:16-18:30

      Culture news from the world's art, food and fashion capital, Paris. Join us every day for reviews and conversations on what's arguably the only daily arts programme on TV.

    • 18:30-18:45

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 18:45-18:51

      French Connections revolves around France, its top stories and news, its experience in various spheres and cultural life, sport events, health care and education and so much more.

    • 18:51-19:00

      Be aware of what is in the spotlight every season and find out the latest trends. Follow haute couture news, videos, reports and analyses, and look behind the scene of Parisian catwalks.

    • 19:00-19:15

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 19:15-19:30

      France in Focus brings top stories and most essential reports on France, its political and social life. Be the first to know about latest events in politics, culture and economy.

    • 19:30-19:45

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 19:45-19:50

      This amazing programme brings you the latest and most important, exclusive reports from all around the globe.

    • 19:50-20:00

      You are Here presents the most beautiful villages, various regions with their unique atmosphere, unusual gardens and nature parks of France and the people who keep French traditions and heritage alive.

    • 20:00-20:15

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 20:15-20:30

      French Connections revolves around France, its top stories and news, its experience in various spheres and cultural life, sport events, health care and education and so much more.

    • 20:30-20:45

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 20:45-21:00

      The 51 Percent is revolving around women and their role in the world and presents various stories of women with different backgrounds from all over the world.

    • 21:00-21:30

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 21:30-22:00

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 22:00-22:12

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 22:12-22:24

      Reporters presents various reports by team of correspondents from all over the world regarding hot button issues.

    • 22:24-22:30

    • 22:30-22:45

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 22:45-23:00

      Join Georja Calvin-Smith for all the news from Africa and the Maghreb, together with France 24's correspondents and guests of the show.

    • 23:00-23:15

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 23:15-23:21

      French Connections revolves around France, its top stories and news, its experience in various spheres and cultural life, sport events, health care and education and so much more.

    • 23:21-23:30

      You are Here presents the most beautiful villages, various regions with their unique atmosphere, unusual gardens and nature parks of France and the people who keep French traditions and heritage alive.

    • 23:30-23:45

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 23:45-00:00

      Join Georja Calvin-Smith for all the news from Africa and the Maghreb, together with France 24's correspondents and guests of the show.

    • 00:00-00:30

      In-depth reports on the major international and US news of the day presented from Washington DC.

    • 00:30-01:00

      Stephen Sackur speaks to economist Ian Goldin, who wants to reframe the contentious global debate about migration.

    • 01:00-01:30

      Live from Singapore, the latest international news from the BBC.

    • 01:30-01:45

      Business Today. Bringing the latest business news and up-to-date informed analysis from Singapore and around the world.

    • 01:45-02:00

      A round-up of the day's sporting action, plus talking points, analysis and original journalism.

    • 02:00-02:30

      Live from Singapore, the latest international news from the BBC.

    • 02:30-02:45

      Business Today. Bringing the latest business news and up-to-date informed analysis from Singapore and around the world.

    • 02:45-03:00

      A round-up of the day's sporting action, plus talking points, analysis and original journalism.

    • 03:00-03:30

      Live from Singapore, the latest international news from the BBC.

    • 03:30-03:45

      Business Today. Bringing the latest business news and up-to-date informed analysis from Singapore and around the world.

    • 03:45-04:00

      A round-up of the day's sporting action, plus talking points, analysis and original journalism.

    • 04:00-04:30

      The latest news from the BBC.

    • 04:30-04:45

      Business Today. Bringing the latest business news and up-to-date informed analysis from Singapore and around the world.

    • 04:45-05:00

      A round-up of the day's sporting action, plus talking points, analysis and original journalism.

    • 05:00-05:30

      The latest news from the BBC.

    • 05:30-06:00

      Click revisits some of the team's favourite sustainability stories, including a stratospheric solar-powered plane.

    • 06:00-06:30

      The latest news from the BBC.

    • 06:30-07:00

      Stephen Sackur speaks to Anne Enright, the Irish novelist whose fiction digs deep into the dynamics of family, motherhood, and sexuality. In the course of her career, how much has Ireland changed?

    • 07:00-07:30

      The latest news from the BBC.

    • 07:30-08:00

      Business Today. Bringing the latest business news and up-to-date informed analysis from London and around the world.

    • 08:00-08:30

      The latest news from the BBC.

    • 08:30-09:00

      Business Today. Bringing the latest business news and up-to-date informed analysis from London and around the world.

    • 09:00-09:30

      The latest news from the BBC.

    • 09:30-10:00

      Business Today. Bringing the latest business news and up-to-date informed analysis from London and around the world.

    • 10:00-10:30

      The latest news from the BBC.

    • 10:30-11:00

      In the second part of his Caribbean adventure Reece Parkinson heads to the dazzling islands of The Bahamas. He meets a community adapting to unpredictable, and sometimes devastating weather patterns.

    • 11:00-11:30

      The latest news from the BBC.

    • 11:30-12:00

      The latest news from the BBC.

    • 12:00-12:30

      The latest news from the BBC.

    • 12:30-13:00

      Stephen Sackur speaks to Anne Enright, the Irish novelist whose fiction digs deep into the dynamics of family, motherhood, and sexuality. In the course of her career, how much has Ireland changed?

    • 13:00-13:30

      The latest news from the BBC.

    • 13:30-13:45

      Business Today. Bringing the latest business news and up-to-date informed analysis from London and around the world.

    • 13:45-14:00

      The latest news from the BBC.

    • 14:00-14:30

      All the big stories, live as they happen, presented by Lucy Hockings.

    • 14:30-15:00

      All the big stories, live as they happen, presented by Lucy Hockings.

    • 15:00-15:30

      All the big stories, live as they happen, presented by Lucy Hockings.

    • 15:30-16:00

      All the big stories, live as they happen, presented by Lucy Hockings.

    • 16:00-16:30

      All the big stories, live as they happen, presented by Lucy Hockings.

    • 16:30-16:45

      Business Today. Bringing the latest business news and up-to-date informed analysis from New York and around the world.

    • 16:45-17:00

      All the big stories, live as they happen, presented by Lucy Hockings.

    • 17:00-17:30

      Matthew Amroliwala presents all the latest global and UK news, live from London.

    • 17:30-18:00

      Matthew Amroliwala presents all the latest global and UK news, live from London.

    • 18:00-18:30

      Matthew Amroliwala presents all the latest global and UK news, live from London.

    • 18:30-18:45

      Business Today. Bringing the latest business news and up-to-date informed analysis from London and around the world.

    • 18:45-19:00

      Matthew Amroliwala presents all the latest global and UK news, live from London.

    • 19:00-19:30

      Matthew Amroliwala presents all the latest global and UK news, live from London.

    • 19:30-20:00

      The biggest African and international stories from the BBC.

    • 20:00-20:30

      Watch the best of the BBC's journalism from around the world.

    • 20:30-21:00

      Watch the best of the BBC's journalism from around the world.

    • 21:00-21:30

      Watch the best of the BBC's journalism from around the world.

    • 21:30-22:00

      Watch the best of the BBC's journalism from around the world.

    • 22:00-22:30

      Presented by Christian Fraser. A regular panel of guests from across the political spectrum discuss the biggest international stories of the day.

    • 22:30-23:00

      Presented by Christian Fraser. A regular panel of guests from across the political spectrum discuss the biggest international stories of the day.

    • 23:00-23:30

      Presented by Christian Fraser. A regular panel of guests from across the political spectrum discuss the biggest international stories of the day.

    • 23:30-00:00

      Presented by Christian Fraser. A regular panel of guests from across the political spectrum discuss the biggest international stories of the day.

187 344
    • 00:00-01:55

      Including: News Summary@01:00 Press, Sport, New Media

    • 01:55-02:00

      news (QAT 5') A look at what the weather has in store. With international forecasts, temperatures and weather warnings.

    • 02:00-02:30

      Hourly update of international news with an emphasis on the Arab world.

    • 02:30-02:55

      Presented by Al Habib Al Ghoreiby A current affairs daily program looking at a major news story of the day.

    • 02:55-03:00

      news (QAT) A look at what the weather has in store. With international forecasts, temperatures and weather warnings.

    • 03:00-03:05

      The news team at Al Jazeera Arabic bring you a round-up of the day's main stories. With headlines from around the world and the latest information on current affairs.

    • 03:05-03:55

      Shedding light on the life style and demeanor of stars and famous personalities in politics, culture, intellect, and arts through informal interviews to reveal new aspects of their lives, personalities, hobbies, interests and

    • 03:55-04:00

      news (QAT 5') A look at what the weather has in store. With international forecasts, temperatures and weather warnings.

    • 04:00-05:00

      Hourly update of international news with an emphasis on the Arab world.

    • 05:00-05:05

      The news team at Al Jazeera Arabic bring you a round-up of the day's main stories. With headlines from around the world and the latest information on current affairs.

    • 05:05-06:00

      A selected full length documentary.

    • 06:00-06:30

      Hourly update of international news with an emphasis on the Arab world.

    • 06:30-07:00

      Presented by Mohamed Mzemaz Weekly media-oriented magazine that monitors up-to-date Arab and world media issues.

    • 07:00-07:30

      Hourly update of international news with an emphasis on the Arab world.

    • 07:30-08:00

      Presented by Al Habib Al Ghoreiby A current affairs daily program looking at a major news story of the day.

    • 08:00-09:00

      Hourly update of international news with an emphasis on the Arab world.

    • 09:00-09:05

      Hourly update of international news with an emphasis on the Arab world.

    • 09:05-09:30

      news (QAT 61') This morning show includes a daily variety of topics that concern women and children's issues, as well as presenting several news weekly like environmental, health, educational and cinema segments.

    • 09:30-10:00

      Weekly program dealing with travel issues, adventure journeys and touring touristic activities.

    • 10:00-10:30

      Hourly update of international news with an emphasis on the Arab world.

    • 10:30-11:00

      Weekly program dealing with travel issues, adventure journeys and touring touristic activities.

    • 11:00-13:55

    • 13:55-14:00

      news (QAT) A look at what the weather has in store. With international forecasts, temperatures and weather warnings.

    • 14:00-14:55

      Hourly update of international news with an emphasis on the Arab world.

    • 14:55-15:00

      news (QAT 5') A look at what the weather has in store. With international forecasts, temperatures and weather warnings.

    • 15:00-18:00

      news (QAT 90') A news bulletin, with live interviews, this program presents the most important developments in the daily world news.

    • 18:00-18:03

      Hourly update of international news with an emphasis on the Arab world.

    • 18:03-19:00

    • 19:00-19:30

      Hourly update of international news with an emphasis on the Arab world.

    • 19:30-20:00

      A journey throughout history in search of literature, poetry and eloquence . A Lingual reflection of deep roots extended in the Arabic language. And a long journey seeking the story behind definitions.

    • 20:00-20:30

      Hourly update of international news with an emphasis on the Arab world.

    • 20:30-21:00

      Presented by Al Habib Al Ghoreiby A current affairs daily program looking at a major news story of the day.

    • 21:00-23:00

      Hourly update of international news with an emphasis on the Arab world.

    • 23:00-00:00

      news (QAT 60') Presented by Hassan Gamoul An extensive round up of the day's news coverage, bringing you the headline news along with in-depth reports, analysis and interviews from around the world. Also includes world sports news.

    • 01:00-02:00

      Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world.

    • 02:30-03:00

      Documentary (/QAT, 2024) "What's Troubling Her?" A 26-year-old psychologist Mehria Qadiri treats young women in Mazar-e-Sharif as an urgent mental health crisis unfolds across Afghanistan.

    • 03:00-03:30

      Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. Live

    • 03:30-04:00

      News (QAT, 2024) Beyond the headlines to the heart of the news of the day. Al Jazeera gets the Inside Story from some of the best minds in the Middle East and beyond.

    • 05:30-06:00

      "12082024" One-on-one conversations with global leaders, icons, influencers and alternative voices shaping our times.

    • 06:00-06:30

      Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. Live

    • 06:30-07:00

      News (QAT, 2011) The Yemen conflict and the geo-politics of the coverage. Plus, the resurrection of Greece's state-owned broadcaster.

    • 07:00-07:30

      Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. Live

    • 07:30-08:00

      Documentary (/QAT, 2024) Counting the Cost provides background to the economics stories that shape our world and impact the lives of ordinary people.

    • 08:00-08:30

      Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. Live

    • 08:30-09:00

      The Stream is where Al Jazeera's audience becomes a global community.

    • 09:00-09:30

      Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. Live

    • 09:30-10:00

      News (QAT, 2024) Beyond the headlines to the heart of the news of the day. Al Jazeera gets the Inside Story from some of the best minds in the Middle East and beyond.

    • 11:30-12:00

      Documentary (/QAT, 2024) "What's Troubling Her?" A 26-year-old psychologist Mehria Qadiri treats young women in Mazar-e-Sharif as an urgent mental health crisis unfolds across Afghanistan.

    • 12:00-12:30

      Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. Live

    • 12:30-13:00

      "Challenging Notions of AI" AI experts Camille Francois and Meredith Whittaker discuss how to break up Big Tech and build a safe and ethical AI.

    • 14:30-15:00

      News (QAT, 2024) Beyond the headlines to the heart of the news of the day. Al Jazeera gets the Inside Story from some of the best minds in the Middle East and beyond.

    • 16:00-17:00

      Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world.

    • 17:30-18:00

      The Stream is where Al Jazeera's audience becomes a global community.

    • 19:30-20:00

      "Iztapalapa, Mexico" Mexico City's Iztapalapa, was once the country's most dangerous municipality. Meet the local heroes trying to turn it into an urban utopia.

    • 20:00-20:30

      Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. Live

    • 20:30-21:00

      News (QAT, 2024) Beyond the headlines to the heart of the news of the day. Al Jazeera gets the Inside Story from some of the best minds in the Middle East and beyond.

    • 22:30-23:00

      Weekly discussion show on US politics and policies hosted by Steve Clemons.

    • 23:00-23:30

      Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. Live

    • 23:30-00:00

      News (QAT, 2024) Beyond the headlines to the heart of the news of the day. Al Jazeera gets the Inside Story from some of the best minds in the Middle East and beyond.

46 133 343
    • 00:00-00:30

      Wolf Blitzer is in the command center for breaking news, politics and extraordinary reports from around the world.

    • 00:30-01:00

      Daily sports show features major stories and issues making news in the world of sports.

    • 01:00-02:00

      Julia Chatterley explains the latest on global markets and the biggest stories shaping the economic landscape.

    • 02:00-03:00

      Erin Burnett stays ahead of the headlines, delivering a show that's in-depth and informative.

    • 03:00-04:00

      Anderson Cooper takes you beyond the headlines with in-depth reporting and investigations.

    • 04:00-05:00

      Kaitlan Collins goes straight to the source for the best reporting on the day's biggest stories.

    • 05:00-06:00

      Abby Phillip delivers a smart, sharp approach to the day's biggest stories.

    • 06:00-07:00

      Laura Coates goes inside the story with a relentless pursuit of the facts.

    • 07:00-07:45

      Live context and clarity to the day's top stories from around the world.

    • 07:45-08:00

      Daily sports show features major stories and issues making news in the world of sports.

    • 08:00-09:00

      Live context and clarity to the day's top stories from around the world.

    • 09:00-09:45

      Live context and clarity to the day's top stories from around the world.

    • 09:45-10:00

      Daily sports show features major stories and issues making news in the world of sports.

    • 10:00-11:00

      Live context and clarity to the day's top stories from around the world.

    • 11:00-12:00

      Live context and clarity to the day's top stories from around the world.

    • 12:00-13:00

      Start your day with Kasie Hunt bringing you the latest headlines and analysis.

    • 13:00-14:00

      Start your day with Kasie Hunt bringing you the latest headlines and analysis.

    • 14:00-14:30

      Stay up to date with John Berman, Kate Bolduan and Sara Sidner from CNN's immersive news hub.

    • 14:30-15:00

      Daily sports show features major stories and issues making news in the world of sports.

    • 15:00-16:00

      Live context and clarity to the day's top stories from around the world.

    • 16:00-16:45

      Becky Anderson explores diverse perspectives and explains global issues of the day.

    • 16:45-17:00

      Daily sports show features major stories and issues making news in the world of sports.

    • 17:00-18:00

      Becky Anderson explores diverse perspectives and explains global issues of the day.

    • 18:00-19:00

      Live context and clarity to the day's top stories from around the world.

    • 19:00-20:00

      Zain Asher and Bianna Golodryga cover the top global and national issues of the day.

    • 20:00-21:00

      Christiane Amanpour provides her powerful interview skills and provocative analysis on global stories that matter to you.

    • 21:00-22:00

      Isa Soares deep dives into today's top stories with insightful conversations and reports from around the world.

    • 22:00-23:00

      Live context and clarity to the day's top stories from around the world.

    • 23:00-00:00

      Richard Quest speaks to the top names in global business to bring viewers the bottom line.

342 352
    • 00:00-01:00

      . Bloomberg: Balance of Power focuses on the politics and policies being shaped by the agenda of President Biden s administration.

    • 01:00-01:30

      NBA President Stokes Africa s Hoop Dreams. Toronto Raptors President Masai Ujiri leads the only non-US team in the National Basketball Association and he s spearheading an effort to take the game global.

    • 01:30-02:00

      How Youth Sports Became a $38 Billion Play. Major League Baseball Hall of Famer Cal Ripken Jr. and his brother Bill have turned youth sports into big business. But can they chase profits while preserving what s best for kids?

    • 02:00-04:00

      . Live from Tokyo and Sydney with Shery Ahn and Haidi Stroud-Watts getting insight and analysis from newsmakers and industry leaders on the biggest stories shaping markets.

    • 04:00-06:00

      . Your definitive source for news and analysis on the world s second-biggest economy. Hosted by Yvonne Man and David Ingles.

    • 06:00-07:00

      . From Hong Kong the most important global business and breaking markets news information as it happens.

    • 07:00-08:00

      . Linking the market drivers from overnight in the US and across Asia into the region s trading day with deep dive analysis of the top business energy and geopolitical stories shaping decisions.

    • 08:00-09:00

      . Live from London we catch you up with overnight markets news from the US and Asia. Plus we ll tell you what matters for investors in Europe giving you insight before trading begins.

    • 09:00-11:00

      . Everything you need to know as markets open across Europe. We break down today s biggest stories and speak to guests with skin in the game. Hosted by Anna Edwards Guy Johnson and Kriti Gupta.

    • 11:00-12:00

      . Conversations with high profile guests in the beating heart of global business finance and politics. We go wherever the story is bringing you exclusive interviews and market-moving scoops.

    • 12:00-13:00

      . Delivering the market news data and analysis you need to set your agenda.

    • 13:00-16:00

      . Daily conversations with leaders and decision makers from Wall Street to Washington and beyond. Hosted by Jonathan Ferro Lisa Abramowicz and Annmarie Hordern.

    • 16:00-18:00

      . Matt Miller Katie Greifeld and Sonali Basak deliver the market-moving news you need to know to get a jump start on the US trading day.

    • 18:00-19:00

      . The only daily news programme focused exclusively on technology innovation and the future of business. Hosted by Ed Ludlow from San Francisco and Caroline Hyde in New York.

    • 19:00-19:30

      . Bloomberg Crypto covers the people transactions and technology shaping decentralised finance. Your weekly source for the latest news analysis and interviews with the most influential stakeholders.

    • 19:30-20:00

      . Bloomberg Markets is focused on bringing you the most important global business and breaking markets news and information as it happens.

    • 20:00-21:00

      . Bloomberg: Balance of Power focuses on the politics and policies being shaped by the agenda of President Biden s administration.

    • 21:00-22:00

      . Carol Massar and Tim Stenovec bring together the latest news from the world of business and finance by harnessing the power of Bloomberg Businessweek reporters and editors.

    • 22:00-00:00

      . Alix Steel Romaine Bostick and Scarlet Fu own the market-moving breaking news around the closing bell in this must-watch daily program to get an edge on equities earnings and the economy.

193 339 340
    • 00:00-00:15

      Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?

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      Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?

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      Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?

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      Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?

    • 12:15-12:30

      Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?

    • 12:30-12:46

      Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?

    • 12:46-13:00

      QATAR 365 präsentiert Katars Aktionen und Angebote auf der globalen Bühne. Programme aus den Bereichen Lifestyle, Kultur, Tourismus und Wirtschaft zeigen das Land als einen besuchenswerten Ort, der viele Investitionsmöglichkeiten bietet.

    • 13:00-13:15

      Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?

    • 13:15-13:30

      Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?

    • 13:30-14:00

      Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?

    • 14:00-14:15

      Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?

    • 14:15-14:30

      Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?

    • 14:30-15:00

      Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?

    • 15:00-15:15

      Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?

    • 15:15-15:30

      Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?

    • 15:30-16:00

      Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?

    • 16:00-16:15

      Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?

    • 16:15-16:30

      Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?

    • 16:30-17:00

      Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?

    • 17:00-17:15

      Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?

    • 17:15-17:30

      Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?

    • 17:30-18:00

      Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?

    • 18:00-18:15

      Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?

    • 18:15-18:30

      Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?

    • 18:30-19:00

      Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?

    • 19:00-19:15

      Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?

    • 19:15-19:30

      Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?

    • 19:30-20:00

      Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?

    • 20:00-20:15

      Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?

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      Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?

    • 20:30-21:00

      Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?

    • 21:00-21:15

      Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?

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      Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?

    • 21:30-22:00

      Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?

    • 22:00-22:15

      Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?

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      Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?

    • 22:30-23:00

      Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?

    • 23:00-23:15

      Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?

    • 23:15-23:30

      Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?

    • 23:30-00:00

      Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?

    • 00:00-00:10

    • 00:10-00:23

      Silk Roads to Success

    • 00:23-00:30

      Clothes That Transcend Time

    • 00:30-01:00

      Tobishima Kaido: Taking it Slow on Golden Isles

    • 01:00-01:10

    • 01:10-01:20

      Horse Trekking

    • 01:20-01:30

      Gojinjo Taiko: Nafune-machi

    • 01:30-02:00

      Rika's Tokyo Cuisine/Rika's Squid Dishes

    • 02:00-02:10

    • 02:10-02:15

      #2 Kishu

    • 02:15-02:20

      A Summer Bedtime Routine

    • 02:20-02:25

      JOMON The Sannai Maruyama Site

    • 02:25-02:30

      Okinawa Shiimii Festival

    • 02:30-02:45

      Yoshua Bengio Part-1

    • 02:45-02:55

      Riverside Culture

    • 02:55-03:00

      Beginning of Autumn / The 24 Solar Terms

    • 03:00-03:10

    • 03:10-03:23

      Silk Roads to Success

    • 03:23-03:30

      Yamagata Ramen

    • 03:30-04:00

      Mt. Mitake - The Sanctuary in the Sky

    • 04:00-04:10

    • 04:10-04:15

      Sekiguchi Naoko

    • 04:15-04:30

      Leslie Sussan / Anti-Nuclear Activist

    • 04:30-04:45

      #25 Sarutobi Sasuke: The Original Ninja Hero

    • 04:45-04:55


    • 04:55-05:00

      Family Crests: Pedigree in the ancient capital

    • 05:00-05:10

    • 05:10-05:23

      Silk Roads to Success

    • 05:23-05:30

      Designing Thread

    • 05:30-06:00

      Accessibility NPO Founder: Oda Yuriko

    • 06:00-06:10

    • 06:10-06:25

      Intertwined Lives on Sea and Shore Shiretoko, Hokkaido

    • 06:25-06:30

      #2 Kishu

    • 06:30-07:00

      Life-Saving Weight Loss Tips

    • 07:00-07:10

    • 07:10-07:23

      Filling Needs with Empty Rooms

    • 07:23-07:30

      The Sword of Sincerity

    • 07:30-07:45

      Yoshua Bengio Part-1

    • 07:45-07:55

      Riverside Culture

    • 07:55-08:00

      Beginning of Autumn / The 24 Solar Terms

    • 08:00-08:10

    • 08:10-08:15

      Yamagata Ramen

    • 08:15-08:30

      The Fine Line Between Strength and Fragility

    • 08:30-09:00

      Tobishima Kaido: Taking it Slow on Golden Isles

    • 09:00-09:10

    • 09:10-09:23

      Silk Roads to Success

    • 09:23-09:30

      Kawakami Kenji

    • 09:30-10:00

      Rika's Tokyo Cuisine/Rika's Squid Dishes

    • 10:00-10:10

    • 10:10-10:30

      Nighttime Scenery

    • 10:30-11:00

      Spinning On at a 24-Hour Osaka Laundromat

    • 11:00-11:10

    • 11:10-11:20

      Horse Trekking

    • 11:20-11:23

      Vinegared Chrysanthemums

    • 11:23-11:30

      Okinawa Shiimii Festival

    • 11:30-11:45

      Yoshua Bengio Part-1

    • 11:45-11:55

      Riverside Culture

    • 11:55-12:00

      Beginning of Autumn / The 24 Solar Terms

    • 12:00-12:15

    • 12:15-12:30

      Takada Satoshi Gelato Artisan

    • 12:30-13:00

      Life-Saving Weight Loss Tips

    • 13:00-13:15

    • 13:15-13:30

      One Thousand Springs in the Capital:Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto

    • 13:30-14:00

      Tobishima Kaido: Taking it Slow on Golden Isles

    • 14:00-14:15

    • 14:15-14:30

      Silk Roads to Success

    • 14:30-14:40

      Gojinjo Taiko: Nafune-machi

    • 14:40-14:55

      The Fine Line Between Strength and Fragility

    • 14:55-15:00

      A Summer Bedtime Routine

    • 15:00-15:10

    • 15:10-15:30

      Nighttime Scenery

    • 15:30-16:00

      Rika's Tokyo Cuisine/Rika's Squid Dishes

    • 16:00-16:10

    • 16:10-16:25

      Mt. Fuji Long Trail / CULTURE

    • 16:25-16:30

      Kawakami Kenji

    • 16:30-17:00

      Spinning On at a 24-Hour Osaka Laundromat

    • 17:00-17:10

    • 17:10-17:20

      Horse Trekking

    • 17:20-17:25

      Clothes That Transcend Time

    • 17:25-17:30

      #2 Kishu

    • 17:30-18:00

      The Mystery of the Dying Bamboo

    • 18:00-18:10

    • 18:10-18:25

      One Thousand Springs in the Capital:Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto

    • 18:25-18:30

      The Sword of Sincerity

    • 18:30-19:00

      Tobishima Kaido: Taking it Slow on Golden Isles

    • 19:00-19:10

    • 19:10-19:15

      Yamagata Ramen

    • 19:15-19:30

      The Fine Line Between Strength and Fragility

    • 19:30-19:45

      Yoshua Bengio Part-1

    • 19:45-19:55

      Riverside Culture

    • 19:55-20:00

      Beginning of Autumn / The 24 Solar Terms

    • 20:00-20:10

    • 20:10-20:30

      Nighttime Scenery

    • 20:30-21:00

      Rika's Tokyo Cuisine/Rika's Squid Dishes

    • 21:00-21:10

    • 21:10-21:23

      Silk Roads to Success

    • 21:23-21:40

      Mt. Fuji Long Trail / CULTURE

    • 21:40-21:55

      Takada Satoshi Gelato Artisan

    • 21:55-22:00

      A Summer Bedtime Routine

    • 22:00-22:30

      Kanagawa Selfie Ride

    • 22:30-23:00

      Spinning On at a 24-Hour Osaka Laundromat

    • 23:00-23:10

    • 23:10-23:25

      One Thousand Springs in the Capital:Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto

    • 23:25-23:30

      Kawakami Kenji

    • 23:30-00:00

      The Mystery of the Dying Bamboo

139 351
174 75
159 241 51 271
160 242 52 272
161 233 56 273
162 234 54 274
163 238 57 276
164 235 53 283
58 262
134 301
175 350 364
176 350 365
172 347 367
349 361
    • 23:50-00:35

      Wer tief in die eigenen Gene blickt, kann dort sein Schicksal finden. In der DNA verstecken sich Mutationen, Risikofaktoren und Erbkrankheiten.

    • 00:35-02:05

      Anke Engelke widmet sich in diesem Film dem komplexen Thema Mutterschaft und erzählt von Freude und Zweifel, Macht und Ohnmacht, Wut und Liebe.

    • 02:05-02:15

    • 02:15-03:48

      Der 17-jährige Simson ist ein erfolgreicher "Prankster". Er spielt anderen Streiche, filmt sich dabei und überträgt es live im Internet.

    • 03:48-03:50

    • 03:50-05:20

      Anke Engelke widmet sich in diesem Film dem komplexen Thema Mutterschaft und erzählt von Freude und Zweifel, Macht und Ohnmacht, Wut und Liebe.

    • 05:20-05:43

    • 05:43-05:45

    • 05:45-06:30

      Wer tief in die eigenen Gene blickt, kann dort sein Schicksal finden. In der DNA verstecken sich Mutationen, Risikofaktoren und Erbkrankheiten.

    • 06:30-10:00

    • 10:00-10:05

    • 10:05-10:55

      Auf einer Brücke im bayerischen Oberland entdecken Hubert und Girwidz ein herrenloses Auto. Der Fahrer des Wagens Frank Giebel liegt tot am Fuà der Brücke. Alles deutet auf Selbstmord unter Alkoholeinfluss hin.

    • 10:55-13:00

      * Reporter: Florian Naà * Moderation: Stephanie Müller-Spirra * Ãbertragung aus Rotterdam

    • 13:00-13:10

    • 13:10-15:00

    • 15:00-15:10

    • 15:10-16:40

      Die selbstbewusste MittdreiÃigerin Maja liebt ihren stressigen Job als Ãrztin in einem Berliner Krankenhaus.

    • 16:40-18:55

      * Reporter: Florian Naà * Ãbertragung aus Rotterdam

    • 18:55-19:00

    • 19:00-19:50

      Der Quiz-Profi macht auch in dieser Ausgabe wieder Jagd auf die Kandidat:innen. Diesmal bieten ihm Birgit Gercke, Linus Lowski, Lena Gambolis und Manfred Potratz die Stirn.

    • 19:50-20:45

      Paul nimmt an einem Freiwasser-Schwimmen teil. Mitten auf dem See gerät ein Schwimmer neben ihm in Schwierigkeiten und stirbt.

    • 20:45-20:50

      Sie gehören zur Familie der Marder: die seltenen SchwarzfuÃiltisse. In den 70er-Jahren galten sie bereits fast als ausgestorben. Die schwere Last der Arterhaltung lag auf nur wenigen Artgenossen.

    • 20:50-20:55

    • 20:55-21:00

    • 21:00-21:15

    • 21:15-22:00

      Die Polizei greift nachts in einem Möbelhaus eine obdachlose Familie auf, die dort über Wochen heimlich gelebt hat.

    • 22:00-22:45

      Während Dr. Lilly Phan das Geheimnis eines jungen Patienten lüftet, muss Dr. Roland Heilmann lernen, dass langjährige Freundschaften wahrhaftig gepflegt werden müssen. Dr.

    • 22:45-23:15

    • 23:15-23:50

    • 23:50-00:35

      Es waren ganz besondere Videos auf YouTube, die ab Mai 2021 für Aufsehen in der Türkei sorgten: Sedat Peker, ein landesweit bekannter Krimineller, der jahrelang ein

179 354 371
178 255
    • 00:00-00:30


    • 00:30-01:00


    • 01:00-01:30


    • 01:30-02:00


    • 02:00-02:30


    • 02:30-03:00


    • 03:00-03:30


    • 03:30-04:00


    • 04:00-04:30


    • 04:30-05:00


    • 05:00-05:30


    • 05:30-06:00


    • 06:00-06:30


    • 06:30-07:00


    • 07:00-07:30


    • 07:30-08:00


    • 08:00-08:30


    • 08:30-09:00


    • 09:00-09:30


    • 09:30-09:50


    • 09:50-11:40

      CAPÍTULO Nº 589. El programa cuenta con con reportajes y entrevistas, dedicados a analizar en profundidad el mundo de la política y la actualidad.

    • 11:40-12:00


    • 12:00-12:30


    • 12:30-13:00


    • 13:00-13:30


    • 13:30-14:00


    • 14:00-14:30


    • 14:30-15:00


    • 15:00-15:30


    • 15:30-16:00


    • 16:00-16:49


    • 16:49-16:53

      CAPÍTULO Nº 146. Emisión de diferentes reportajes de Historias de superacion. Historias inspiradoras ONCE. PARA TODOS LOS PUBLICOS. CATCHUP: 7 DIAS

    • 16:53-17:00


    • 17:00-17:30


    • 17:30-18:00


    • 18:00-18:30


    • 18:30-19:00


    • 19:00-19:30


    • 19:30-20:00


    • 20:00-20:30


    • 20:30-21:00


    • 21:00-21:30


    • 21:30-22:00


    • 22:00-22:55


    • 22:55-23:30


    • 23:30-00:00


171 370
165 396
43 58 89
    • 06:00-06:25

      Muumipeikko povaa tulevaisuutta. Kausi 3, 18/24. Muumipeikko povaa tulevaisuutta. Nipsu houkuttelee Muumipeikkoa yhteisiin liiketoimiin. Ystävykset etsivät myyntityötä, josta saisi rutkasti rahaa.

    • 06:25-06:50

      Iso pamaus. Kausi 3, 19/24. Iso pamaus. Niiskun lentoalus alkaa olla kohta valmis. Huolta aiheuttaa enää polttoaine-onglemat. Muumilaaksoon saapuu keksijä, nimeltään Muhveli.

    • 06:50-07:00

      Nuuskamuikkunen ja metsän lapset. Nuuskamuikkunen joutuu orpolasten isähahmoksi vapautettuaan heidät Puistovahdin valvonnasta.

    • 07:00-07:15

      Kaltereiden takana. Muumipeikko, Niiskuneiti ja Vilijonkka ovat kaltereiden takana syytettynä puiston kieltotaulujen tuhoamisesta. He saavat tilaisuuden paeta, kun Puistovahti lähtee Muumipapan kirjoittaman näytelmän ensi-iltaan.

    • 07:15-07:40

      Etelä kutsuu. Kausi 3, 11/24. Etelä kutsuu. Niiskun ilma-alus on ahkerassa käytössä, ja Muumipeikkokin haluaa oppia lentämään. Talven lähestyessä yksi jos toinenkin Muumilaakson asukas alkaa suunnitella matkaa etelään.

    • 07:40-08:05

      Niiskuneiti ennustajana. Kausi 3, 12/24. Niiskuneiti ennustajana. Salama iskee Niiskuneitiin ja hän alkaa saada näkyjä tulevasta.

    • 08:05-08:30

      Vedenhengetär. Kausi 3, 13/24. Vedenhengetär. Muumilaakson miehet hullaantuvat salaperäisestä näystä.

    • 08:30-08:40

      Niin syö kuin leipoo. Pikkuriikkinen Gus haluaa valtakunnan mahtavimmaksi ritariksi ja todistaa kaikille, että mikään ei ole mahdotonta, vaan urhoollisuus ja rohkeus menevät kaiken edelle.

    • 08:40-08:55

      Gusin legenda. Pikkuriikkinen Gus haluaa valtakunnan mahtavimmaksi ritariksi ja todistaa kaikille, että mikään ei ole mahdotonta, vaan urhoollisuus ja rohkeus menevät kaiken edelle.

    • 08:55-09:05

      Hieman liian ikku-pikkuinen!. Pikkuriikkinen Gus haluaa valtakunnan mahtavimmaksi ritariksi ja todistaa kaikille, että mikään ei ole mahdotonta, vaan urhoollisuus ja rohkeus menevät kaiken edelle.

    • 09:05-09:20

      Puutarhatonttu. Kausi 1, 17/52. Puutarhatonttu. Kaarina Kärpänen löytää valtavan patsaan, ja on varma, että se on yksi puutarhassa muinoin asuneista jättiläisistä.

    • 09:20-09:30

      Marin lepoloma. Kausi 1, 18/52. Marin lepoloma. Mari Muurahainen raataa tauotta yötä päivää, eikä millään suostu hengähtämään hetkeäkään.

    • 09:30-09:45

      Kuningasrubiini. Muumilaaksossa on riemukkaat elokuunjuhlat. Mutta Tiuhdin ja Viuhdin kuningasrubiini houkuttaa paikalle myös kutsumattoman vieraan, Taikurin panttereineen.

    • 09:45-10:00

      Täytettyjä toivomuksia. Taikuri antaa Elokuunjuhlissa kaikkien toivoa yhden toivomuksen. Mutta toteutuneet toivomukset eivät miellytäkään kaikkia.

    • 10:00-10:15

      Täytettyjä toivomuksia. Taikuri antaa Elokuunjuhlissa kaikkien toivoa yhden toivomuksen. Mutta toteutuneet toivomukset eivät miellytäkään kaikkia.

    • 10:15-10:30

      Kolme kaverusta. Kausi 1, 6/52. Kolme kaverusta. Kauri tympääntyy chhipallopelissä riitantuneisiin Hanaehen ja Silmuun. Hän lähtee Niittymaiden rauhaan - mutta ilkiöliskot Räiske ja Läiske kaappaavatkin hänet puudutuspalloillaan.

    • 10:30-10:45

      Dan sankarina. Kausi 1, 11/52. Denver osaa muuttua näkymättömäksi, mutta kukaan ulkopuolinen ei saa tietää siitä.Dan joutuu itse huomion keskipisteeksi pitääkseen salaisuuden.

    • 10:45-11:00

      Kuin raivo saurus. Kausi 1, 12/52. Neiti Tucson on tehnyt hurjan dinosauruselokuvan, joka saa kaupunkilaiset kavahtamaan Denveriä. Miksi Denver raivoaa kuin elokuvan dinosaurus?

    • 11:00-11:15

      Varaston koirat. Jos on hätä, kutsu viidakon veijarit apuun! Tiikeriksi itseään luuleva Mauri-pingviini, Mikke-gorilla ja muut veijarit paljastavat, mitä viidakossa todella tapahtuu. Suomeksi puhuttu animaatiosarja. 3.

    • 11:15-11:30

      Viherjengi. Jos on hätä, kutsu viidakon veijarit apuun! Tiikeriksi itseään luuleva Mauri-pingviini, Mikke-gorilla ja muut veijarit paljastavat, mitä viidakossa todella tapahtuu. Suomeksi puhuttu animaatiosarja. 3. tuotantokausi.

    • 11:30-11:45

      Hämärästä haukotukseen. Jos on hätä, kutsu viidakon veijarit apuun! Tiikeriksi itseään luuleva Mauri-pingviini, Mikke-gorilla ja muut veijarit paljastavat, mitä viidakossa todella tapahtuu. Suomeksi puhuttu animaatiosarja. 3.

    • 11:45-11:55

      Syntymätähti. Kausi 1, 41/52. Syntymätähti. On koittanut erityinen aika vuodesta: yötaivaalle syttyvät monchhichien syntymätähdet, ja kukin saa esittää omalleen toiveen.

    • 11:55-12:05

      Kivetyxkuva. Kausi 1, 42/52. Kivetyxkuva. Taitu maalaa komeaa kuvaa monchhicheista. Hänen tietämättään Aikorin vakoojakuoriainen on kuitenkin sekoittanut väreihin kivetyxjauhetta, joka jähmettää kuvaan maalatut patsaiksi.

    • 12:05-12:20

      Kaistapäinen monchhiauto. Kausi 1, 43/52. Kaistapäinen monchhiauto. Jälleen juonittelevan Aikorin hallintaloitsu lankeaa monchhiauton ylle, mutta velho itse menettää tajuntansa.

    • 12:20-12:35

      Sarja rohkeasta ja suloisesta Monchhichista, joka aloittaa taianomaisen uniseikkailun.

    • 12:35-13:00

      Nipsu löytää rakkauden. Kausi 4, Jakso 2/25. Nipsu löytää rakkauden. Houska saapuu Muumilaaksoon. Nipsu tuntee olonsa omituiseksi Houskan tavattuaan, ja pian käy selville että tuo omituinen tunne on rakkautta.

    • 13:00-13:25

      Vapaata elämää. Kausi 4, Jakso 3/25. Vapaata elämää. Profeetta ja vapaan elämän ohjeistus.

    • 13:25-13:50

      Hemulitädin vierailu. Kausi 4, 4/25. Hemulitädin vierailu. Vanhemmat lähtevät juhlimaan sukulaisten häitä ja lapset jäävät keskenään Muumitaloon. Riemu jää lyhytaikaiseksi, kun Hemulitäti tulee pitämään jöötä.

    • 13:50-14:05

      Vaahtokarkkipuutarha. Kausi 1, 49/52. Vaahtokarkkipuutarha. Ilahduttaakseen Pikku-Leoa Kaisu loihtii erikoisen puun, jonka oksilla kasvaa vaahtokarkkeja. Kaisu varoittaa, että puun hedelmillä voi olla erikoisia sivuvaikutuksia.

    • 14:05-14:15

      Suuri polkuvenekilpailu. Kausi 1, 50/52. Suuri polkuvenekilpailu. Puistossa järjestetään vuosittain suuri polkuvenekilpailu. Justus ei ole koskaan voittanut kilpailua ja hän haaveilee voittopokaalista.

    • 14:15-14:30

      Rakkaus-zombeja. Kausi 1, 51/52. Rakkaus-zombeja. Hurmatakseen suuren ihastuksensa Aaron Lotta suihkauttaa päälleen Kaisun Taikapussista löytyvää ihmeellistä hajuvettä.

    • 14:30-14:40

      Yllätyskakku. Kausi 1, 52/52. Yllätyskakku. Yasir järjestää puistossa kakkukisan, jonka pääpalkintona on kaksi lippua Vampyyrirakkautta-ennakkonäytökseen. Oi, mikä ihana mahdollisuus Lotalle, mutta ensin täytyisi leipoa voittajakakku.

    • 14:40-14:55

      Kourallinen mustikoita. Uudessa animaatiosarjassa tutustutaan nuoreen Robin Hoodiin ja hänen ystäviinsä, joilta ei puutu hauskanpitoa, energiaa, rohkeutta eikä huumorintajua.

    • 14:55-15:05

      Taikavaja. Kausi 4, 18/51. Taikavaja. Piirretty lastensarja keskinkertaisesta lauluntekijästä David Sevillestä, joka hoitaa kolmea aivan tavallista maaoravaa. Tai no, melkein tavallista... 4. tuotantokausi.

    • 15:05-15:20

      Isoveli Tero. Kausi 4, 19/51. Isoveli Tero. Piirretty lastensarja keskinkertaisesta lauluntekijästä David Sevillestä, joka hoitaa kolmea aivan tavallista maaoravaa. Tai no, melkein tavallista... 4. tuotantokausi.

    • 15:20-15:30

      Grannyn palkinto. Kausi 4, 20/51. Grannyn palkinto. Piirretty lastensarja keskinkertaisesta lauluntekijästä David Sevillestä, joka hoitaa kolmea aivan tavallista maaoravaa. Tai no, melkein tavallista... 4. tuotantokausi.

    • 15:30-15:45

      Ei putteja, ei kunniaa. Kausi 4, 21/51. Ei putteja, ei kunniaa. Piirretty lastensarja keskinkertaisesta lauluntekijästä David Sevillestä, joka hoitaa kolmea aivan tavallista maaoravaa. Tai no, melkein tavallista... 4.

    • 15:45-16:00

      Meteoriittivaara. Kausi 2, 34/52. Meteoriittivaara. Jos on hätä, kutsu viidakon veijarit apuun! Tiikeriksi itseään luuleva Mauri-pingviini, Mikke-gorilla ja muut veijarit paljastavat, mitä viidakossa todella tapahtuu.

    • 16:00-16:15

      Vesirosvot. Kausi 2, 35/52. Vesirosvot. Jos on hätä, kutsu viidakon veijarit apuun! Tiikeriksi itseään luuleva Mauri-pingviini, Mikke-gorilla ja muut veijarit paljastavat, mitä viidakossa todella tapahtuu. Puhuttu suomeksi.

    • 16:15-16:30

      Junnu kesäleirillä. Kausi 2, 36/52. Junnu kesäleirillä. Jos on hätä, kutsu viidakon veijarit apuun! Tiikeriksi itseään luuleva Mauri-pingviini, Mikke-gorilla ja muut veijarit paljastavat, mitä viidakossa todella tapahtuu.

    • 16:30-16:55

      Liukukiekko / Professori Jalmari. Kausi 6, 17/25. Liukukiekko / Professori Jalmari.

    • 16:55-17:05

      Ovela kuin kettu. Uudessa animaatiosarjassa tutustutaan nuoreen Robin Hoodiin ja hänen ystäviinsä, joilta ei puutu hauskanpitoa, energiaa, rohkeutta eikä huumorintajua.

    • 17:05-17:20

      Suurisydäminen tallipoika. Uudessa animaatiosarjassa tutustutaan nuoreen Robin Hoodiin ja hänen ystäviinsä, joilta ei puutu hauskanpitoa, energiaa, rohkeutta eikä huumorintajua.

    • 17:20-17:30

      Papukaijan perässä. Uudessa animaatiosarjassa tutustutaan nuoreen Robin Hoodiin ja hänen ystäviinsä, joilta ei puutu hauskanpitoa, energiaa, rohkeutta eikä huumorintajua.

    • 17:30-17:45

      Isät saavat opetuksen. Uudessa animaatiosarjassa tutustutaan nuoreen Robin Hoodiin ja hänen ystäviinsä, joilta ei puutu hauskanpitoa, energiaa, rohkeutta eikä huumorintajua.

    • 17:45-17:55

      Maaginen kehto. Kausi 1, 14/52. Maaginen kehto Kaisu loihtii Pikku-Leolle lentävän kehdon, joka kuitenkin leijailee tiehensä. Rouva Penkka luulee Sauhusta avaruusolennoksi ja saa Nellin lähtemään marsilaisjahtiin.

    • 17:55-18:10

      Lentävä rullalauta. Kausi 1, 15/52. Lentävä rullalauta: Justus rakentaa esikuvansa opeilla lentävän rullalaudan ja aikoo nolata kilpailijansa. Lentolaudan piirustukset kuitenkin varastetaan, mistä seuraa kommellusten sarja.

    • 18:10-18:35

      Uusi oppilas / Simpukoita. Kausi 3, 13/20. Uusi oppilas / Simpukoita. Palkittu animaatiosarja kertoo merenpohjassa sijaitsevasta Tangalan kaupungista, jossa Paavon lisäksi asustaa joukko muitakin persoonallisia hahmoja.

    • 18:35-19:00

      Haittaohjelma. Kausi 1, 9/26. Haittaohjelma. Ystävyys ja huumori joutuvat välillä koetukselle, kun eliittikoulua käyvät kolme kaverusta rakentavat ainutlaatuisen droonin.

    • 19:00-19:20

      Galinariaani. Kausi 1, 18/26. Galinariaani. Suomeksi puhuttu animaatio.

    • 19:20-19:35

      Pilvenhattaraa ei näy. Klassikkoanimaatio kertoo lempeästä ja nokkelasta professori Balthazarista, joka keksii ihmekoneensa avulla ratkaisun kaikkiin pulmiin.

    • 19:35-19:45

      Kömpelyys kunniaan. Klassikkoanimaatio kertoo lempeästä ja nokkelasta professori Balthazarista, joka keksii ihmekoneensa avulla ratkaisun kaikkiin pulmiin.

    • 19:45-19:57

      Tornien sankarot. Klassikkoanimaatio kertoo lempeästä ja nokkelasta professori Balthazarista, joka keksii ihmekoneensa avulla ratkaisun kaikkiin pulmiin.

40 52 101
    • 22:30-01:00

      Lontoo. Timanttiliiga: Lontoo ( 20.7.2024 ). Selostajana Mika Saukkonen, asiantuntijana Tommi Evilä.

    • 01:00-01:30

      Tärkeimmät uutiset ja kiinnostavimmat puheenaiheet - aina!

    • 06:00-17:01

      Tärkeimmät uutiset ja kiinnostavimmat puheenaiheet - aina!

    • 17:01-18:30

      San Francisco. SailGP purjehduksen osakilpailu (14.7.2024). Englanninkielinen selostus.

    • 18:30-22:30

      Kouvola ja Skellefteå. Suora lähetys Kouvolan ja Skellefteån raviradalta.

    • 22:30-23:25

      Montreal 1000. Kooste ATP-turnausten parhaista paloista. Mukana turnauksen huippuhetket, henkilökuvaukset sekä kurkistuksia turnauksen kulisseihin.

    • 23:25-00:19

      Pre Season - La Ligan kausiennakko. La Ligan erikoisohjelmistoa kauden käännekohtien yhteydessä. Englanninkielinen ohjelma.

55 50 105
    • 23:10-00:05

      Lahti. Kooste Drifting SM kauden 2024 kolmannen kilpailuviikonlopun Pro-luokan TOP 16 kaaviosta Lahdesta.

    • 00:05-01:20

      Digital Racing eSM 2024 (3.8.2024) Digitaalisen autourheilun SM-kilpailut Jyväskylästä. Selostajina Simo Viitalo ja Teemu Vorho.

    • 01:20-02:30

      Tärkeimmät uutiset ja kiinnostavimmat puheenaiheet - aina!

    • 02:30-04:30

      Montreal. ATP 1000 -turnaus Montreal, finaali ( 12.8.2024 ). Selostajana Arne Six.

    • 04:30-05:00

      Tärkeimmät uutiset ja kiinnostavimmat puheenaiheet - aina!

    • 06:00-17:00

      Tärkeimmät uutiset ja kiinnostavimmat puheenaiheet - aina!

    • 17:00-17:45


    • 17:45-17:55

    • 17:55-18:00

56 51 106
    • 23:30-02:05

      Suomi, EK 6 - 7. Erikoiskoe 6: Laukaa 2, Erikoiskoe 7: Saarikas 2 (2.8.2024). Selostus Juho Kokko, asiantuntija Jari Ketomaa.

    • 02:05-06:00

      Tärkeimmät uutiset ja kiinnostavimmat puheenaiheet - aina!

    • 06:00-17:00

      Tärkeimmät uutiset ja kiinnostavimmat puheenaiheet - aina!

    • 17:00-17:55

      Suomi, EK 8. Erikoiskoe 8: Myhinpää 2 (2.8.2024). Selostus Juho Kokko, asiantuntija Jari Ketomaa.

    • 17:55-18:55

      Suomi, EK 9. Erikoiskoe 9: Ruuhimäki 2 (2.8.2024). Selostus Juho Kokko, asiantuntija Jari Ketomaa.

    • 18:55-19:40

      Suomi, EK 10. Erikoiskoe 10: Harju 2 (2.8.2024). Selostus Juho Kokko, asiantuntija Jari Ketomaa.

    • 19:40-23:00

      Suomi, EK 11 - 13. Erikoiskoe 11: Västilä 1, Erikoiskoe 12: Päijälä 1, Erikoiskoe 13: Ouninpohja 1 (3.8.2024). Selostus Aleksis Ärje, asiantuntija Jari Ketomaa.

    • 23:00-02:20

      Suomi, EK 14 - 16. Erikoiskoe 14: Västilä 2, Erikoiskoe 15: Päijälä 2, Erikoiskoe 16: Ouninpohja 2 (3.8.2024). Selostus Juho Kokko, asiantuntija Riku Tahko.

53 59 140
    • 23:50-00:35

      Like Magic. Kausi alkaa. Tutkiva journalisti Benita Alexander alkaa tutkia maailmankuulua kirurgia, joka tunnetaan ihmeidentekijänä. Paolo kokoaa uutta tiimiä.

    • 00:35-01:20

      Worth The Risk. Tragedia pakottaa Benitan vaihtamaan artikkelin painopistettä. Samaan aikaan suhde Paoloon mutkistuu. Paolo ja Ana hoitavat ensimmäistä potilastaan.

    • 01:20-01:55

      Harry Potter. Kausi alkaa. Zainab jätti Ramyn kaksi vuotta sitten. Hänen syrjähypystään serkun kanssa tuli kallis juttu, ja Ramy ponnistelee kasvattaakseen tuloja.

    • 01:55-02:30

      Egyptian Cigarettes. Ramy lähtee Israeliin ja tapaa Diamond Clubin pomon, joka päättää testata Ramyn islaminuskoa. Naseem-eno lähtee mukaan mutta juuttuu tarkastukseen.

    • 02:30-03:15

      Halloween II. Kausi alkaa. Jake, Devon ja Lexy saavat uhkaavia puheluita tutulta viholliselta.

    • 03:15-04:05

      The Sinners Are Much More Fun. Chucky saapuu Jaken uuteen kouluun murhanhimoisen suunnitelman kanssa, ja poliisi kuulustelee Tiffanya ja Nicaa.

    • 04:05-04:35

      Viihdeohjelma On Set vie Hollywoodin tähtitehtaan kulissien taakse.

    • 04:35-05:05

      Viihdeohjelma On Set vie Hollywoodin tähtitehtaan kulissien taakse.

    • 05:05-05:30

      Viihdeohjelma On Set vie Hollywoodin tähtitehtaan kulissien taakse.

    • 05:30-06:00

      Viihdeohjelma On Set vie Hollywoodin tähtitehtaan kulissien taakse.

    • 06:00-07:40

      Frida (Lena Nyman) ja hänen pitkä ystävänsä (Tage Danielsson) haluavat inhimillisempää vankeinhuoltoa.

    • 07:40-09:40

      Tosipohjaiseen kirjaan perustuva ruotsalaisdraama 1930-luvulla eletystä intohimoisesta kolmiodraamasta, jonka jälkikaiut ulottuvat nykypäivään saakka.

    • 09:40-11:20

      Dokumentti komedialegenda Buster Keatonista. Entistetty arkistomateriaali sekoittuu tämän päivän elokuvan suurten nimien haastatteluihin.

    • 11:20-13:05

      Amerikkalaisessa fantasiaseikkailussa 10-vuotias Lewis muuttaa enonsa luo tämän narisevaan vanhaan taloon, joka kätkee yliluonnollisia salaisuuksia.

    • 13:05-13:50

      Kausi päättyy. Totte lentää Pariisin, missä Vessla aikoo käyttää uusia voimiaan ja varastaa Eiffel-tornin. Nyt on Totten tehtävä pelastaa maailma!

    • 13:50-14:05

      Morran alkaa miettiä kuolemaa ja huolehtii Tobiasista, joka on keksinyt tavan ansaita rahaa spermalla. Morran ennustaa tulevaisuutta tarot-korteista.

    • 14:05-14:30

      Ylioppilas. Fredde ja Mickan järjestävät Viktorille yo-juhlat. Kaikki haluavat yhtäkkiä osallistua Alexin ostamaan lahjaan. Mickan huolehtii juhlapuheestaan.

    • 14:30-14:55

      Ensi-ilta. Kausi päättyy. Mickan ja Fredde riitaantuvat Annan ja Alexin kanssa. Ove ja Anette yrittävät sovitella kutsumalla kaikki näytelmän ensi-iltaan.

    • 14:55-15:20

      Carpe semester. Klara panikoi loman loppumista ja haluaa luoda hienoja kesämuistoja perheen kanssa. Tomas saa Matsista isäkilpailijan ja joutuu identiteettikriisiin.

    • 15:20-15:45

      Kesän loppu. Kausi päättyy. Tomas ja Klara haastavat Berndtin vallan talviaikaan siirtymisessä. Rille masentuu epäkäytännöllisyydestään. Söderberg vaatii palvelua.

    • 15:45-16:35

      Kausi päättyy. Rakastavaiset viettävät yön yhdessä. Kaikki näyttää hyvältä, kun Massimo saa huonoja uutisia ja jättää Candelan. Näinkö tarina päättyy?

    • 16:35-17:20

      Vain 21-vuotiaana Kylie ottaa viestikapulan, kun hänestä tulee maailman nuorin miljardööri. Skandaali seuraa toistaan - mitä perhe tekee seuraavaksi?

    • 17:20-17:40

      Hulluna hiukan liian vanhaan kaveriin. Konfliktit jatkuvat, ja kaikkien heikkoudet ja syvälliset puolet paljastuvat. Ruben yrittää tehdä vaikutuksen Lohon, mutta esteeksi tulee uimatesti.

    • 17:40-17:55

      Ajattelet vain itseäsi!. Wilma on saanut tarpeekseen joukkueestaan ja saaresta ja yrittää paeta kanoottiretken aikana. Konflikti riistäytyy käsistä, ja pian ollaan eksyksissä.

    • 17:55-18:20

      Puukko katoaa!. Ronja varttuu Matiaksenlinnassa ryövärijoukon keskuudessa. Eräänä päivänä hän tapaa Birk-pojan, mutta ystävyyttä varjostaa perheiden vihanpito.

    • 18:20-18:45

      Villihevoset. Ronja varttuu Matiaksenlinnassa ryövärijoukon keskuudessa. Eräänä päivänä hän tapaa Birk-pojan, mutta ystävyyttä varjostaa perheiden vihanpito.

    • 18:45-19:10

      Fabian pääsee hyvän padelelämän makuun railakkaissa juhlissa, mutta ensin poikien on kehitettävä osaamistaan vakoilemalla yhtä kilpailijoista.

    • 19:10-19:35

      Jengi tähtää Bosse saunan varastoon ja Hasse saa Fabianissa aikaan odottamattoman reaktion. Padelkuningas yrittää tehdä vaikutuksen Nipapornin äitiin.

    • 19:35-20:15

      Pahuuden kasvot, osa 2. Kausi 2, 6/10. Karita alkaa epäillä poliisintaitojaan, kun hän ei onnistu paikantamaan karkureita. Karita joutuu vaikean päätöksen eteen. Eeli salailee totuutta.

    • 20:15-21:00

      Häippä-äiti. Kausi 2, 1/12. On kulunut puolitoista vuotta Eroasuntojen viime tapahtumista, ja uusia asukkaita pukkaa. Lauran ura on nousukiidossa, mutta perhe-elämä on yhtä myllerrystä.

    • 21:00-21:45

      Kausi alkaa. Teddy ja Emily tapailevat salaa. Teddy ja Isak yrittävät perustaa vakavasti otettavaa yritystä, kun taas Emily hakee uutta työpaikkaa.

    • 21:45-22:30

      Emilyn on valittava uran ja rakkauden välillä. Teddy miettii, onko Emily vain käyttänyt häntä hyväkseen. Alueen uusi rikollisjengi provosoi Teddyä.

    • 22:30-23:15

      Eden, jonka menneisyys vaikutti kaappaukseen, aavistaa kaappaajien laskevan koneen alasampumisen varaan ja vetoaa Bruceen. Koneesta löytyy uusi uhka.

    • 23:15-00:00

      Kausi päättyy. Koneen polttoaine on loppumassa, ja Alex yrittää puhua kaappaajalle järkeä. Fredrika löytää yhteyden Adamin ja Said Khelifin väliltä.

54 60 141
    • 23:00-04:00

      Get ready for the ultimate countdown in Pop royalty now with the biggest names fighting for the No.1 spot. Who is your King of hits or Queen of everything? And will they make it to No.1?

    • 04:00-07:00

      We've got a playlist filled with the hottest hits that have taken over the world!

    • 07:00-09:00

      We got hits... We got hits from the 80s. And guess what? They don't stop! You're welcome!

    • 09:00-15:00

      We've got a playlist filled with the hottest hits that have taken over the world!

    • 15:00-17:00

      We've got a playlist filled with the hottest hits that have taken over the world!

    • 17:00-22:00

      Get ready for the ultimate countdown in Pop royalty now with the biggest names fighting for the No.1 spot. Who is your King of hits or Queen of everything? And will they make it to No.1?

    • 22:00-23:00

      Fresh Out delivers the most important music and pop culture news of the week and beyond with artist interviews, in-studio performances, album drops and tour announcements.

    • 23:00-00:00

      We're bringing you all of the greatest hits from superstar Taylor Swift right here, right now!

81 62 142
84 61 143
    • 22:35-00:50

      Toimintatrilleri, jossa L.A.:n poliisin kova erikoisryhmä saa kuulla legendaarisen ryöstäjän suunnittelevan kaikkien aikojen suurinta keikkaansa.

    • 00:50-02:45

      Tosipohjainen, palkittu elokuva iranilaisesta sarjamurhia tutkivasta toimittajasta. Mikä on oikein ja mikä väärin, kun yhteisö hyväksyy raakuudet?

    • 02:45-04:40

      Ensimmäinen maailmansota on kuumimmillaan. Kaksi nuorta brittisotilasta saa mahdottoman tehtävän viedä vihollislinjan läpi viesti, joka estää satoja sotilaita vastaan suunnitellun kuolettavan iskun.

    • 04:40-05:10

      Viihdeohjelma On Set vie Hollywoodin tähtitehtaan kulissien taakse.

    • 05:10-05:15

      Elizabeth Moss. Viihdeohjelma, jonka jokaisessa osassa piirretään muotokuva jostakin Hollywood-tähdestä, alkutaipaleelta uran huipuille ja suvantoihin.

    • 05:15-05:45

      Viihdeohjelma On Set vie Hollywoodin tähtitehtaan kulissien taakse.

    • 05:45-07:45

      Sci-fi-draama Marsilla syntyneestä pojasta, joka matkustaa maapallolle ensimmäistä kertaa teininä ja etsii tuntematonta isäänsä.

    • 07:45-09:25

      Lämminhenkinen draama uskollisesta koirasta, joka löytää elämänsä tarkoituksen rakastamiensa ihmisten luota. Ohjauksesta vastaa Lasse Hallström.

    • 09:25-10:45

      Eräällä Tokion metroasemalla sijaitsee Jiro Onon konstailematon ravintola, jossa sushin ystävät ympäri maailmaa kerääntyvät maistamaan hänen palkittuja sushipalojaan.

    • 10:45-12:20

      25 vuotta sitten kaksi laivaa purjehti kilpaa Götan kanavan läpi. Tapaus nousi kuuluisuuteen. Nyt on uuden kilpailun aika, ja tällä kertaa laivoja seuraa tuotantoyhtiö, joka on tehnyt kilpailusta livenä lähetetyn saippuadokumentin.

    • 12:20-14:05

      Miten nykymaailmassa oikein löytää rakkauden? Tässä romanttisessa komediassa tapaamme Lontoossa lapsuudenystävät Zoen ja Kazin, joiden tapa lähestyä ihmissuhteita on erilainen.

    • 14:05-16:00

      Toimintaseikkailu ryhmästä silmänkääntäjiä, joita FBI jahtaa näennäisesti dramaattisen pankkiryöstön takia.

    • 16:00-17:45

      Lämminhenkisen draaman A Dog's Purpose jatko-osassa tapaamme jälleen Baileyn, joka on taas isäntänsä Ethanin rinnalla ja asuu tämän perheen kanssa..

    • 17:45-19:25

      Lämminhenkinen musiikkidraama juuri jätetyn laulaja-lauluntekijän (Keira Knightley) ja rappioituneen levytuottajan (Mark Ruffalo) tapaamisesta.

    • 19:25-21:00

      Brittidokumentissa kuvataan kitaristi Brian Jonesin, The Rolling Stonesin perustajan, elämää, jälkimainetta ja kuolemaa.

    • 21:00-22:55

      Kriitikoiden ylistämä trilleri toimittajasta (Jake Gyllenhaal), joka on valmis tekemään mitä tahansa saadakseen hyvän jutun.

    • 22:55-00:40

      Miljardööri Robert Miller on häikäilemätön mies, joka huijaa firmansa kirjanpidossa kaikessa hiljaisuudessa. Kun hän on ajelulla rakastajattarensa kanssa ja nainen kuolee auto-onnettomuudessa, päättää hän peittää jälkensä...

80 63 137 424
    • 23:40-01:15

      Bo Widerbergin debyytti on kiitetty realistinen draama nuorista ihmisistä, jotka etsivät paikkaansa maailmassa.

    • 01:15-02:45

      Komediasarjan 18. elokuvassa tehdään suunnitelmia, joiden avulla kauppias Sjökvistin muutetaan salaiseksi agentiksi.

    • 02:45-04:10

      Draamakomedia Simonista, jolla on Aspergerin oireyhtymä, mikä mutkistaa kaikkea hänen yrittäessään hankkia tyttöystävää masentuneelle veljelleen.

    • 04:10-05:35

      Nils Poppe esittää tunnollista sotilasta tässä menestyskomediassa, joka sai jopa viisi jatko-osaa.

    • 05:35-07:15

      Komedia, jossa Alice Babs esittää uutta opettajaa koulussa, jota käy yksi jos toinenkin vintiö.

    • 07:15-08:30

      Marikki ei haluaisi aiheuttaa hankaluuksia, mutta toisinaan asiat eivät mene niin kuin hän oli suunnitellut. Kerrankin hän järjesti retken, joka päättyi pikkusiskon aivotärähdykseen.

    • 08:30-10:35

      Ronjan elämä alkoi dramaattisesti. Kun hän syntyi, kalliolla ja metsissä salamoi, ja ryövärikuningas Mattis oli onnellinen, sillä se merkitsi sitä, että heimoon saatiin uusi ryövärijohtaja.

    • 10:35-12:00

      Rolf on elänyt koko elämänsä TV-showtaan varten. Kun ohjelma uhkaa loppua kollegan takia, sillä on odottamattomia seurauksia.

    • 12:00-13:50

      Inger palaa Tukholmasta pienelle kotipaikkakunnalleen epäonnistuneen avioliiton jälkeen. Ensimmäisenä viikonloppuna hän menee tanssimaan tyypilliseen pikkukaupunkilaisbaariin. Siellä hän tapaa muun muassa Kajn, joka rakastuu häneen.

    • 13:50-15:20

      Ruotsalaiskomediassa vuodelta 1959 asevelvolliset nro 91 ja 87 joutuvat auttamaan majuria, kun arkaluontoinen kirje on lähtenyt väärään osoitteeseen.

    • 15:20-17:15

      Tässä Colin Nutleyn komediassa Johannasta tulee koehenkilö, jolla testataan uutta lääkettä. Lääkkeellä on odottamattomia sivuvaikutuksia.

    • 17:15-19:00

      Kuolemansa jälkeen Kaarle ja Joonatan Leijona tapaavat lyhyen maallisen elämänsä jälkeen Nangijalan taianomaisessa maassa.

    • 19:00-20:35

      Eräänä päivänä Peppi saa pullopostia. Hänen isänsä, kapteeni Pitkätossu, on joutunut merirosvojen haaviin, ja nyt hän pyytää vahvaa tytärtään avuksi. Peppi ei epäröi hetkeäkään vaan kääntää kokkansa kohti Etelämerta.

    • 20:35-22:00

      Lorry-porukan hulvaton elokuva, jossa vilahtavat mm. alaosaton baarimikko, väkivaltainen lentoemäntä, viisi kirkuvaa Pelastusarmeijan sotilasta, sokea TV-kauppias, likainen tennispallo sekä tietenkin Bosse-setä - likaisempana kuin ikinä.

    • 22:00-23:30

      Ensimmäinen elokuva huippukoulutetusta tiedustelupalvelun salaisesta agentista, joka saa tehtäväkseen tutkia Ruotsissa suunniteltua operaatiota.

    • 23:30-01:10

      Bo Widerbergin klassikko on valittu parhaaksi ruotsalaiselokuvaksi kautta aikojen. Se kertoo ruotsalaisesta työväenluokasta vuonna 1936.

129 70 154 471
    • 00:00-01:42

      The Rewrite - Amerikkalainen romanttinen komedia vuodelta 2014

    • 02:00-03:35

      Camp Hideout - Amerikkalainen komedia vuodelta 2023

    • 04:00-05:16

      Player - Tanskalainen komedia vuodelta 2013

    • 06:00-07:33

      Hotel Transylvania 3: Monsterit matkalla - Amerikkalainen animaatio vuodelta 2018

    • 08:00-09:21

      Late Lammas - Elokuva - Brittiläinen animaatio vuodelta 2015

    • 10:00-11:13

      Barbie ja merenneidon tarina 2 - Amerikkalainen seikkailu vuodelta 2011

    • 12:00-13:29

      Shrek ja ikuinen onni - Amerikkalainen animaatio vuodelta 2010

    • 14:00-15:29

      Bigfoot: Isojalan perhe - Ranskalainen seikkailu vuodelta 2020

    • 16:00-17:21

      Gnoomit - Kanadalainen animaatio vuodelta 2017

    • 18:00-19:26

      Mehiläisen elokuva - Amerikkalainen perhe-elokuvat vuodelta 2007

    • 20:00-21:33

      Hotel Transylvania 3: Monsterit matkalla - Amerikkalainen animaatio vuodelta 2018

    • 22:00-23:35

      Camp Hideout - Amerikkalainen komedia vuodelta 2023

61 73 170 468
    • 00:00-01:21

      Wanted Man - Amerikkalainen toimintaelokuva vuodelta 2023

    • 02:00-03:33

      King of Algiers - Amerikkalainen draama vuodelta 2023

    • 04:00-05:51

      Red Right Hand - Amerikkalainen toimintaelokuva vuodelta 2023

    • 06:00-07:37

      Fearless Flyers - Komedia vuodelta 2023

    • 08:00-09:46

      The Electrical Life Of Louis Wain - Brittiläinen draama vuodelta 2021

    • 10:00-11:42

      Somewhere in Queens - Amerikkalainen komedia vuodelta 2023

    • 12:00-14:05

      A Journal For Jordan - Amerikkalainen draama vuodelta 2021

    • 14:10-15:48

      Living - Brittiläinen draama vuodelta 2022

    • 16:00-17:40

      Dumb Money - Amerikkalainen draama vuodelta 2023

    • 18:00-19:45

      Queenpins - Amerikkalainen komedia vuodelta 2021

    • 20:00-21:37

      Fearless Flyers - Komedia vuodelta 2023

    • 22:00-23:45

      The Bricklayer - Amerikkalainen toimintaelokuva vuodelta 2023

60 72 171 474
    • 23:00-00:30

      Poker Face - Amerikkalainen trilleri vuodelta 2022

    • 00:45-02:38

      Paluu tulevaisuuteen 3 - Amerikkalainen Sci-Fi komedia vuodelta 1990

    • 02:40-04:39

      Asphalt City - Amerikkalainen draama vuodelta 2023

    • 04:45-06:55

      Fast & Furious 8 - Amerikkalainen toiminta vuodelta 2017

    • 07:00-08:58

      Jumanji: The Next Level - Amerikkalainen seikkailu vuodelta 2019

    • 09:00-10:50

      The Bourne Ultimatum - Amerikkalainen/ saksalainen toiminta vuodelta 2007

    • 11:00-12:51

      Uncharted - Amerikkalainen toimintaseikkailu vuodelta 2021

    • 13:00-14:37

      Breaking Point - Brittiläinen draama vuodelta 2023

    • 15:00-16:43

      The Bourne Supremacy - Amerikkalainen/ saksalainen toiminta vuodelta 2004

    • 17:00-18:43

      Race for Glory: Audi vs. Lancia - Brittiläinen draama vuodelta 2024

    • 19:00-20:53

      Paluu tulevaisuuteen 3 - Amerikkalainen Sci-Fi komedia vuodelta 1990

    • 21:00-23:10

      Fast & Furious 8 - Amerikkalainen toiminta vuodelta 2017

    • 23:15-01:14

      Asphalt City - Amerikkalainen draama vuodelta 2023

130 71 173 476
    • 23:00-00:50

      War Pony - Amerikkalainen draama vuodelta 2022

    • 01:00-03:12

      American Hustle - Amerikkalainen draama vuodelta 2013

    • 03:15-04:44

      Klovni - Kyllä nolottaa - Tanskalainen komedia vuodelta 2010

    • 05:00-06:47

      Remember Me - USA romanttinen draama 2010

    • 07:00-08:44

      A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood - Amerikkalainen draama vuodelta 2019

    • 09:00-10:51

      Missä on Emily? - Amerikkalainen komedia vuodelta 2018

    • 11:00-12:43

      The Current War - Amerikkalainen draama vuodelta 2017

    • 13:00-14:31

      Anything's Possible - Amerikkalainen draama vuodelta 2022

    • 15:00-16:38

      The Truman Show - Amerikkalainen draama vuodelta 1998

    • 17:00-18:35

      Golda - Amerikkalainen draama vuodelta 2022

    • 18:45-20:57

      American Hustle - Amerikkalainen draama vuodelta 2013

    • 21:00-22:47

      Remember Me - USA romanttinen draama 2010

    • 23:00-00:29

      Klovni - Kyllä nolottaa - Tanskalainen komedia vuodelta 2010

127 75 176 491
    • 23:55-00:55

      Rubiinihimo - Yhdysvallat, dokumenttisarja, 2021

    • 00:55-01:55

      203 - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2023

    • 01:55-02:55

      708 - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2021

    • 02:55-03:45

      307 - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2020

    • 03:45-04:35

      Rubiinihimo - Yhdysvallat, dokumenttisarja, 2021

    • 04:35-05:35

      104 - Australia, 2012

    • 05:35-06:30

      201 - Italia, dokumenttisarja, 2021

    • 06:30-07:05

      Raskasta nostoa - Kanada, dokumenttisarja, 2019

    • 07:05-08:05

      204 - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2023

    • 08:05-09:00

      304 - Australia, tositelevisiosarja, 2018

    • 09:00-09:55

      Et ole koskaan turvassa - Kanada, dokumenttisarja, 2019

    • 09:55-11:05

      105 - Australia, 2012

    • 11:05-12:10

      202 - Italia, dokumenttisarja, 2021

    • 12:10-13:10

      Lahden siltasekasorto - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2021

    • 13:10-14:10

      204 - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2023

    • 14:10-15:10

      304 - Australia, tositelevisiosarja, 2018

    • 15:10-16:05

      308 - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2020

    • 16:05-17:00

      Kaikilla sankareilla ei ole viitta päällä - Kanada, dokumenttisarja, 2021

    • 17:00-18:00

      Et ole koskaan turvassa - Kanada, dokumenttisarja, 2019

    • 18:00-19:05

      105 - Australia, 2012

    • 19:05-20:10

      202 - Italia, dokumenttisarja, 2021

    • 20:10-21:10

      Jacksonvillen parkkitalon suuronnettomuus - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2021

    • 21:10-22:05

      Charnleyn vinkit - Kanada, dokumenttisarja, 2022

    • 22:05-23:00

      707 - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2021

    • 23:00-23:55

      Loppurutistus - Kanada, dokumenttisarja, 2020

    • 23:55-00:55

      201 - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2024

128 77 177 495
    • 23:55-00:50

      Hirvi - Saksa, dokumenttisarja, 2020

    • 00:50-01:35

      101 - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2021

    • 01:35-02:25

      Jättiläiset - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2019

    • 02:25-03:10

      Valkoinen salama - Kanada, 2020

    • 03:10-03:55

      1012 - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2019

    • 03:55-04:40

      1013 - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2019

    • 04:40-05:30

      Kylmäveriset eläimet - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2019

    • 05:30-06:20

      Eläinten erikoisuuksia - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2019

    • 06:20-07:30

      Villit naapurit - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2022

    • 07:30-08:15

      910 - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2019

    • 08:15-09:00

      301 - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2016

    • 09:00-09:50

      302 - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2016

    • 09:50-10:40

      Leijonan kuivin savanni - Espanja, Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2022

    • 10:40-11:35

      Leopardi, hiekka ja kuumuus - Espanja, Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2022

    • 11:35-12:30

      Yltäkylläisyyden aika - Yhdysvallat, dokumenttisarja, 2022

    • 12:30-13:20

      Katoavat kuninkaat - Namibin leijonat - Itävalta, dokumentti, 2015

    • 13:20-14:05

      102 - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2021

    • 14:05-14:50

      Kotikäyntejä - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2013

    • 14:50-15:40

      Odota odottamatonta - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2022

    • 15:40-16:45

      Fantasia Tonavalla - Britannia, dokumentti, 2021

    • 16:45-17:40

      Biisoni - Saksa, dokumenttisarja, 2020

    • 17:40-18:30

      Hirvi - Saksa, dokumenttisarja, 2020

    • 18:30-19:20

      Kolumbian viiltäjä - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2012

    • 19:20-20:05

      Biisoni - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2022

    • 20:05-21:00

      Lumileopardeja etsimässä: Varjoja jahtaamassa

    • 21:00-21:45

      Täysi ympyrä - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2022

    • 21:45-22:40

      Elämää reunalla - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2015

    • 22:40-23:25

      Causeway-rannikko - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2021

    • 23:25-00:15

      Amatsoni - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2021

126 76 178 493
    • 23:05-00:05

      Natsit huumeissa - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2015

    • 00:05-01:10

      Voittokulku - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2019

    • 01:10-02:05

      Viimeinen linnake - Kanada, dokumenttisarja, 2021

    • 02:05-03:10

      Myrsky nousee - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2015

    • 03:10-04:00

      Taistelut - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2015

    • 04:00-04:50

      Yöllä ja päivällä - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2022

    • 04:50-05:40

      Natsit huumeissa - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2015

    • 05:40-06:25

      Bermudan kolmion mysteerit - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2020

    • 06:25-07:15

      Pohattojen kirous - Kanada, dokumenttisarja, 2017

    • 07:15-07:40

      Faaraon kirous - Kanada, dokumenttisarja, 2017

    • 07:40-08:35

      Vatikaanin salainen maailma - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2020

    • 08:35-09:40

      Hagia Sofia - Ranska, dokumenttisarja, 2021

    • 09:40-10:45

      Veden voima - Britannia, Yhdysvallat, dokumenttisarja, 2020

    • 10:45-11:40

      Kilpaa maan alle - Yhdysvallat, dokumenttisarja, 2021

    • 11:40-12:40

      Myrsky nousee - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2019

    • 12:40-13:45

      Väärennetty sota - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2015

    • 13:45-14:40

      Viimeinen linnake - Kanada, dokumenttisarja, 2021

    • 14:40-15:50

      Anzio - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2020

    • 15:50-17:00

      Omaha - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2020

    • 17:00-18:00

      Veden voima - Britannia, Yhdysvallat, dokumenttisarja, 2020

    • 18:00-18:55

      Kilpaa maan alle - Yhdysvallat, dokumenttisarja, 2021

    • 18:55-20:00

      Myrsky nousee - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2019

    • 20:00-21:00

      Väärennetty sota - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2015

    • 21:00-22:00

      Guernsey: Hitlerin saarihulluus - Kanada, dokumenttisarja, 2019

    • 22:00-22:55

      Kaapeli meren yli - Yhdysvallat, dokumenttisarja, 2021

    • 22:55-00:00

      Historian mahtavimmat laivat - Britannia, Yhdysvallat, dokumenttisarja, 2020

121 295 305
    • 23:30-00:15

      Juontajat lähtevät sivistyksen kehtoon eli Ateenaan. Pankration tarkoittaa kaikkea voimaa, ja se on kreikkalainen taistelulaji. Sen tekivät kuuluisaksi spartalaiset ja muinaiset olympialaiset.

    • 00:15-01:00

      New Jerseytä riivaava Jerseyn paholainen on puoliksi siivekäs lintu ja puoliksi hevonen. Sen huudot kaikuvat pitkin Pine Barrenssia aiheuttavat paniikkia.

    • 01:00-01:45

      200-luvulla yksi mies nousi sotilaasta keisariksi. Sankarillinen Aurelius yhdisti valtakunnan viidessä vuodessa ja ansaitsi maineen maailman eheyttäjänä.

    • 01:45-02:30

      Muinaisten sotainsinöörien huikeat voitot ja kaameat tappiot ovat vaikuttaneet suoraan nykypäivän aseisiin ja taistelumenetelmiin.

    • 02:30-03:15

      Uskaliaan sukellusoperaation avulla löytyy mahdollisesti todisteita siitä, että Michigan-järven pohjalla olisi 140 miljoonan dollarin kultalasti.

    • 03:15-04:00

      Miksi monissa kulttuureissa kerrotaan samanlaisia tarinoita hirviöistä ja jättiläisistä? Onko kyse sittenkin avaruuden olennoista? Sarja perehtyy todisteisiin muukalaisten käynneistä maapallolla.

    • 04:00-04:45

      Vuonna 9 jKr. julma germaanien heimopäällikkö, Arminius, teurasti kenraali Varuksen armeijan Teutoburgin metsässä. Taistelu määritti valtakunnan rajat.

    • 04:45-05:30

      Vuonna 1565 johanniittaritarit puolustivat Maltaa hyökkääviä ottomaaneja vastaan. Terry Schappert paljastaa, millaista soturilla oli yhdessä historian suurimmista piirityksistä.

    • 05:30-06:15

      Juontajat lähtevät sivistyksen kehtoon eli Ateenaan. Pankration tarkoittaa kaikkea voimaa, ja se on kreikkalainen taistelulaji. Sen tekivät kuuluisaksi spartalaiset ja muinaiset olympialaiset.

    • 06:15-07:00

      New Jerseytä riivaava Jerseyn paholainen on puoliksi siivekäs lintu ja puoliksi hevonen. Sen huudot kaikuvat pitkin Pine Barrenssia aiheuttavat paniikkia.

    • 07:00-07:45

      200-luvulla yksi mies nousi sotilaasta keisariksi. Sankarillinen Aurelius yhdisti valtakunnan viidessä vuodessa ja ansaitsi maineen maailman eheyttäjänä.

    • 07:45-08:30

      Muinaisten sotainsinöörien huikeat voitot ja kaameat tappiot ovat vaikuttaneet suoraan nykypäivän aseisiin ja taistelumenetelmiin.

    • 08:30-09:15

      Uskaliaan sukellusoperaation avulla löytyy mahdollisesti todisteita siitä, että Michigan-järven pohjalla olisi 140 miljoonan dollarin kultalasti.

    • 09:15-10:00

      Miksi monissa kulttuureissa kerrotaan samanlaisia tarinoita hirviöistä ja jättiläisistä? Onko kyse sittenkin avaruuden olennoista? Sarja perehtyy todisteisiin muukalaisten käynneistä maapallolla.

    • 10:00-10:45

      Vuonna 9 jKr. julma germaanien heimopäällikkö, Arminius, teurasti kenraali Varuksen armeijan Teutoburgin metsässä. Taistelu määritti valtakunnan rajat.

    • 10:45-11:30

      Vuonna 1565 johanniittaritarit puolustivat Maltaa hyökkääviä ottomaaneja vastaan. Terry Schappert paljastaa, millaista soturilla oli yhdessä historian suurimmista piirityksistä.

    • 11:30-12:15

      Juontajat lähtevät sivistyksen kehtoon eli Ateenaan. Pankration tarkoittaa kaikkea voimaa, ja se on kreikkalainen taistelulaji. Sen tekivät kuuluisaksi spartalaiset ja muinaiset olympialaiset.

    • 12:15-13:00

      New Jerseytä riivaava Jerseyn paholainen on puoliksi siivekäs lintu ja puoliksi hevonen. Sen huudot kaikuvat pitkin Pine Barrenssia aiheuttavat paniikkia.

    • 13:00-13:45

      200-luvulla yksi mies nousi sotilaasta keisariksi. Sankarillinen Aurelius yhdisti valtakunnan viidessä vuodessa ja ansaitsi maineen maailman eheyttäjänä.

    • 13:45-14:30

      Muinaisten sotainsinöörien huikeat voitot ja kaameat tappiot ovat vaikuttaneet suoraan nykypäivän aseisiin ja taistelumenetelmiin.

    • 14:30-15:15

      Uskaliaan sukellusoperaation avulla löytyy mahdollisesti todisteita siitä, että Michigan-järven pohjalla olisi 140 miljoonan dollarin kultalasti.

    • 15:15-16:00

      Miksi monissa kulttuureissa kerrotaan samanlaisia tarinoita hirviöistä ja jättiläisistä? Onko kyse sittenkin avaruuden olennoista? Sarja perehtyy todisteisiin muukalaisten käynneistä maapallolla.

    • 16:00-16:45

      Vuonna 9 jKr. julma germaanien heimopäällikkö, Arminius, teurasti kenraali Varuksen armeijan Teutoburgin metsässä. Taistelu määritti valtakunnan rajat.

    • 16:45-17:30

      Vuonna 1565 johanniittaritarit puolustivat Maltaa hyökkääviä ottomaaneja vastaan. Terry Schappert paljastaa, millaista soturilla oli yhdessä historian suurimmista piirityksistä.

    • 17:30-18:15

      Juontajat lähtevät sivistyksen kehtoon eli Ateenaan. Pankration tarkoittaa kaikkea voimaa, ja se on kreikkalainen taistelulaji. Sen tekivät kuuluisaksi spartalaiset ja muinaiset olympialaiset.

    • 18:15-19:00

      Coloradon Rocky Mountainsilla kamala olento väijyy hirviä ja pelottelee asukkaita. Vuosisatoja vanhoissa tarinoissa kuvataan kohtaamisia huutavan hirviön kanssa.

    • 19:00-19:45

      Espanjan, Gallian ja Britannian keisari Konstantinus todisti olevansa todellinen johtaja ja muutti länsimaalaista sivistystä ikiajoiksi ohjatessaan valtakuntansa kristinuskon huomaan.

    • 19:45-20:30

      Meri-insinöörit ovat aina olleet teknologisen kehityksen kärjessä yhdestä hyvästä syystä: jos merellä jokin menee pieleen, ihmisiä kuolee.

    • 20:30-21:15

      Ryhmä löytää todisteita maanalaisista tunneleista, jotka yhdistävät Kevinin teoriaan kuuluvien avainhahmojen koteja, mikä mahdollisesti todistaa, että Michiganin 4.

    • 21:15-22:00

      Meksikossa on mystinen hiljainen alue, ja Perun Markawasin tasangolla on tehty lukuisia UFO-havaintoja. Onko näillä alueilla asunut muinaisuuden muukalaisia?

    • 22:00-22:45

      Onko Maa yleinen planeetta vai yksi miljardista? Tutkijat paljastavat miten etsivät planeettoja aurinkokuntamme ulkopuolelta ja elämää avaruudesta.

    • 22:45-23:30

      Sotaharjoitukset keskeyttävät Zahin ryhmän matkan entisöimään muinaista minareettia. Heidän täytyy matkata läpi Valkoisen aavikon ja leiriytyä keitaalle.

    • 23:30-00:15

      Viktoriaanisen museon varastossa Pohjois-Britannian sydämessä on perulaismiehen muumio. Ryhmä matkaa ajassa taaksepäin ja paljastaa ihossa säilyneen salaisuuden, joka haastaa historiantietomme.

49 113 262 131
44 115 251 101
117 254 129
148 307
    • 00:00-00:30

      Meet this season?s modeling stars and those who are on their way to international fashion stardom. Most in-demand girls from around the globe and their fascinating stories!

    • 00:30-01:00

      Meet this season?s modeling stars and those who are on their way to international fashion stardom. Most in-demand girls from around the globe and their fascinating stories!

    • 01:00-01:30

      Don?t miss the latest trends in the most sensual pieces of fashion, we?re talking about the latest lingerie collections presented on the world podiums! Sizzling hot looks from top lingerie designers

    • 01:30-02:00

      Don?t miss the latest trends in the most sensual pieces of fashion, we?re talking about the latest lingerie collections presented on the world podiums! Sizzling hot looks from top lingerie designers

    • 02:00-02:30

      Everyone needs a great swimsuit in their wardrobe, better to have more than one. Enjoy trendsetting collections to find a reliable, well-fitted, and stylish option for your poolside excellence

    • 02:30-03:00

      Everyone needs a great swimsuit in their wardrobe, better to have more than one. Enjoy trendsetting collections to find a reliable, well-fitted, and stylish option for your poolside excellence

    • 03:00-03:30

      Meet this season?s modeling stars and those who are on their way to international fashion stardom. Most in-demand girls from around the globe and their fascinating stories!

    • 03:30-04:00

      Meet this season?s modeling stars and those who are on their way to international fashion stardom. Most in-demand girls from around the globe and their fascinating stories!

    • 04:00-04:30

      Don?t miss the latest trends in the most sensual pieces of fashion, we?re talking about the latest lingerie collections presented on the world podiums! Sizzling hot looks from top lingerie designers

    • 04:30-05:00

      Don?t miss the latest trends in the most sensual pieces of fashion, we?re talking about the latest lingerie collections presented on the world podiums! Sizzling hot looks from top lingerie designers

    • 05:00-05:30

      Everyone needs a great swimsuit in their wardrobe, better to have more than one. Enjoy trendsetting collections to find a reliable, well-fitted, and stylish option for your poolside excellence

    • 05:30-06:00

      Everyone needs a great swimsuit in their wardrobe, better to have more than one. Enjoy trendsetting collections to find a reliable, well-fitted, and stylish option for your poolside excellence

    • 06:00-06:30

      Dive into the breathtaking world of the fashion photography to discover behind-the-scenes atmosphere and enjoy the most beautiful masterpieces of the iconic photographers and their muses

    • 06:30-07:00

      Dive into the breathtaking world of the fashion photography to discover behind-the-scenes atmosphere and enjoy the most beautiful masterpieces of the iconic photographers and their muses

    • 07:00-07:30

      Athleisure is conquering the world! Everyone looks like having just finished a work-out in the gym, while grabbing a cappuccino. If this lifestyle is yours, be first to discover the must-haves!

    • 07:30-08:00

      Athleisure is conquering the world! Everyone looks like having just finished a work-out in the gym, while grabbing a cappuccino. If this lifestyle is yours, be first to discover the must-haves!

    • 08:00-08:30

      Get inspired with the latest trends in hairstyles, enjoy the tips and tricks of the top makeup artists and get the best use of the exclusive guide in the world of skincare products!

    • 08:30-09:00

      Get inspired with the latest trends in hairstyles, enjoy the tips and tricks of the top makeup artists and get the best use of the exclusive guide in the world of skincare products!

    • 09:00-09:30

      Get ready to be amused by the contemporary Indian fashion which was born in the country with ancient clothing design traditions reinterpreted when exposed to the global fashion.

    • 09:30-10:00

      Get ready to be amused by the contemporary Indian fashion which was born in the country with ancient clothing design traditions reinterpreted when exposed to the global fashion.

    • 10:00-10:30

      Born in Canada, made in Italy, popular around the globe ? check the story of DSQUARED2, the twin brothers who created a distinctive concept of alternative luxury.

    • 10:30-11:00

      Born in Canada, made in Italy, popular around the globe ? check the story of DSQUARED2, the twin brothers who created a distinctive concept of alternative luxury.

    • 11:00-11:30

      Discover Maldives which offers spellbinding sceneries, vibrant culture, pristine beaches, and fascinating landmarks!

    • 11:30-12:00

      Discover Maldives which offers spellbinding sceneries, vibrant culture, pristine beaches, and fascinating landmarks!

    • 12:00-12:30

      Follow kids fashion trends that will be huge in the recent and coming seasons, stay tuned for the best dressed celebs? kids and runway highlights!

    • 12:30-13:00

      Follow kids fashion trends that will be huge in the recent and coming seasons, stay tuned for the best dressed celebs? kids and runway highlights!

    • 13:00-13:30

      Enjoy the news from London Fashion Week, the youngest of the ?Big 4? Fashion Weeks, which is all about fearless imagination, outrageous displays and the blurring of the lines between art and commerce

    • 13:30-14:00

      Enjoy the news from London Fashion Week, the youngest of the ?Big 4? Fashion Weeks, which is all about fearless imagination, outrageous displays and the blurring of the lines between art and commerce

    • 14:00-14:30

      Dive into the breathtaking world of the fashion photography to discover behind-the-scenes atmosphere and enjoy the most beautiful masterpieces of the iconic photographers and their muses

    • 14:30-15:00

      Dive into the breathtaking world of the fashion photography to discover behind-the-scenes atmosphere and enjoy the most beautiful masterpieces of the iconic photographers and their muses

    • 15:00-15:30

      Grab a clue on what's going on in the world of brides before you hit a salon! Enjoy a wide array of high fashion choices, undeniably romantic and decidedly feminine.

    • 15:30-16:00

      Grab a clue on what's going on in the world of brides before you hit a salon! Enjoy a wide array of high fashion choices, undeniably romantic and decidedly feminine.

    • 16:00-16:30

      Explore stories of the top fashion designers of all time! Meet the legends, like Coco Chanel or Karl Lagerfeld and don?t miss the amazingly talented young designers who shape the future of fashion now

    • 16:30-17:00

      Explore stories of the top fashion designers of all time! Meet the legends, like Coco Chanel or Karl Lagerfeld and don?t miss the amazingly talented young designers who shape the future of fashion now

    • 17:00-17:30

      Explore the latest fashion trends for teens, the cutest outfits of the A-list celebrities, mix & match insights, and style tips for all occasions.

    • 17:30-18:00

      Explore the latest fashion trends for teens, the cutest outfits of the A-list celebrities, mix & match insights, and style tips for all occasions.

    • 18:00-18:30

      Meet this season?s modeling stars and those who are on their way to international fashion stardom. Most in-demand girls from around the globe and their fascinating stories!

    • 18:30-19:00

      Meet this season?s modeling stars and those who are on their way to international fashion stardom. Most in-demand girls from around the globe and their fascinating stories!

    • 19:00-19:30

      We usually think that Australian fashion strives to be practical, informal, and casual, let us surprise you with the recent trends, ideas, and designers worthy of space on your wardrobe

    • 19:30-20:00

      We usually think that Australian fashion strives to be practical, informal, and casual, let us surprise you with the recent trends, ideas, and designers worthy of space on your wardrobe

    • 20:00-20:30

      Explore Indonesia, the country famous for a myriad of gorgeous islands and beaches, rich biodiversity, and cultural heritage! It is one of the world's most popular places for surfing and yoga retreats.

    • 20:30-21:00

      Explore Indonesia, the country famous for a myriad of gorgeous islands and beaches, rich biodiversity, and cultural heritage! It is one of the world's most popular places for surfing and yoga retreats.

    • 21:00-21:30

      Check out the inside scoop on fashion news, all the daily news you need to know, including standout fashion moments, major events, current collections and trends on and off the runway.

    • 21:30-22:00

      Check out the inside scoop on fashion news, all the daily news you need to know, including standout fashion moments, major events, current collections and trends on and off the runway.

    • 22:00-22:30

      Born in Canada, made in Italy, popular around the globe ? check the story of DSQUARED2, the twin brothers who created a distinctive concept of alternative luxury.

    • 22:30-23:00

      Born in Canada, made in Italy, popular around the globe ? check the story of DSQUARED2, the twin brothers who created a distinctive concept of alternative luxury.

    • 23:00-23:30

      Explore the current array of the top fashion magazines, the vehicles of our luxury dreams and the source of inspiration. Check in for the latest updates, cutest outlooks and fashion insights

    • 23:30-00:00

      Explore the current array of the top fashion magazines, the vehicles of our luxury dreams and the source of inspiration. Check in for the latest updates, cutest outlooks and fashion insights

    • 00:00-00:30

      FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.

    • 00:30-00:55

      FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.

    • 00:55-01:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets, hollywood glamour and launch events

    • 01:00-01:30

      FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.

    • 01:30-01:55

      FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.

    • 01:55-02:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets and Hollywood glamour.

    • 02:00-02:30

      Get to know the intimate side of FashionTV. silk, lace and everything seductive, bringing you the best in photo shoots, fashion shows and more.

    • 02:30-02:55

      Get to know the intimate side of FashionTV. silk, lace and everything seductive, bringing you the best in photo shoots, fashion shows and more.

    • 02:55-03:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets, hollywood glamour and launch events

    • 03:00-03:30

      FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.

    • 03:30-03:55

      FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.

    • 03:55-04:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets and Hollywood glamour.

    • 04:00-04:30

      FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.

    • 04:30-04:55

      FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.

    • 04:55-05:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets, hollywood glamour and launch events

    • 05:00-05:30

      Set aside all your daily stuff! Everything you wanted to know about Victoria?s Secret show - an array of looks from brand's signature wings to special collaborations and its exiting backstage

    • 05:30-05:55

      Set aside all your daily stuff! Everything you wanted to know about Victoria?s Secret show - an array of looks from brand's signature wings to special collaborations and its exiting backstage

    • 05:55-06:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets and Hollywood glamour.

    • 06:00-06:30

      FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.

    • 06:30-06:55

      FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.

    • 06:55-07:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets, hollywood glamour and launch events

    • 07:00-07:30

      FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.

    • 07:30-07:55

      FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.

    • 07:55-08:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets and Hollywood glamour.

    • 08:00-08:30

      A unique chance to get to know everything you've ever wanted to know about the world's most famous beauties. hear what they have to say about the world of fashion, modeling and what's its like to be a runway model.

    • 08:30-08:55

      A unique chance to get to know everything you've ever wanted to know about the world's most famous beauties. hear what they have to say about the world of fashion, modeling and what's its like to be a runway model.

    • 08:55-09:00

      FashionTV presents an exclusive look at fashion's most celebrated models.

    • 09:00-09:30

      Join FashionTV for an hour of the most iconic photoshoots, behind the scenes coverage, and fashion films.

    • 09:30-09:55

      Join FashionTV for an hour of the most iconic photoshoots, behind the scenes coverage, and fashion films.

    • 09:55-10:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets and Hollywood glamour.

    • 10:00-10:30

      FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.

    • 10:30-10:55

      FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.

    • 10:55-11:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets, hollywood glamour and launch events

    • 11:00-11:30

      Join FashionTV, as we take you on a complete journey with fashion?s greatest icons. Celebrate world glamor with breathtaking fashion, passion, and all the action

    • 11:30-12:00

      Join FashionTV, as we take you on a complete journey with fashion?s greatest icons. Celebrate world glamor with breathtaking fashion, passion, and all the action

    • 12:00-12:30

      FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.

    • 12:30-12:55

      FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.

    • 12:55-13:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets and Hollywood glamour.

    • 13:00-13:30

      FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.

    • 13:30-13:55

      FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.

    • 13:55-14:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets, hollywood glamour and launch events

    • 14:00-14:30

      FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.

    • 14:30-14:55

      FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.

    • 14:55-15:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets and Hollywood glamour.

    • 15:00-15:30

      FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.

    • 15:30-15:55

      FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.

    • 15:55-16:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets, hollywood glamour and launch events

    • 16:00-16:30

      FashionTV brings you the stylish world of men's fashion. top designers and the most dashing men in the modeling industry, beautiful clothing and beautiful people.

    • 16:30-16:55

      FashionTV brings you the stylish world of men's fashion. top designers and the most dashing men in the modeling industry, beautiful clothing and beautiful people.

    • 16:55-17:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets and Hollywood glamour.

    • 17:00-17:30

      Your backstage pass to the world's greatest hair & make-up gurus of fashion!

    • 17:30-17:55

      Your backstage pass to the world's greatest hair & make-up gurus of fashion!

    • 17:55-18:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets, hollywood glamour and launch events

    • 18:00-18:30

      FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.

    • 18:30-18:55

      FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.

    • 18:55-19:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets and Hollywood glamour.

    • 19:00-19:30

      FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.

    • 19:30-19:55

      FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.

    • 19:55-20:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets, hollywood glamour and launch events

    • 20:00-20:30

      Set aside all your daily stuff! Everything you wanted to know about Victoria?s Secret show - an array of looks from brand's signature wings to special collaborations and its exiting backstage

    • 20:30-20:55

      FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.

    • 20:55-21:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets and Hollywood glamour.

    • 21:00-21:30

      FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.

    • 21:30-21:55

      FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.

    • 21:55-22:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets, hollywood glamour and launch events

    • 22:00-22:30

      FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.

    • 22:30-22:55

      FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.

    • 22:55-23:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets and Hollywood glamour.

    • 23:00-23:30

      Join FashionTV, as we take you on a complete journey with fashion?s greatest icons. Celebrate world glamor with breathtaking fashion, passion, and all the action

    • 23:30-00:00

      Join FashionTV, as we take you on a complete journey with fashion?s greatest icons. Celebrate world glamor with breathtaking fashion, passion, and all the action

41 95 272 204
    • 00:00-01:30

      Sekajoukkue | Viesti

    • 01:30-03:00

    • 03:00-04:30


    • 04:30-06:00

      Naiset | Lohkovaihe

    • 06:00-07:00


    • 07:00-07:30


    • 07:30-09:30

    • 09:30-10:30


    • 10:30-13:00


    • 13:00-15:00


    • 15:00-16:30


    • 16:30-19:25


    • 19:25-20:00

      Naiset | Kultamitaliottelu

    • 20:00-21:00


    • 21:00-21:30


    • 21:30-21:45


    • 21:45-23:30

    • 23:30-00:50

45 96 273 205
    • 22:55-00:49


    • 00:49-02:42


    • 02:42-04:08

      Miehet | Kultamitaliottelu

    • 04:08-05:44


    • 05:44-06:07

      Miehet | Kultamitaliottelu

    • 06:07-07:00

      Miehet | Finaali

    • 07:00-08:57


    • 08:57-10:55


    • 10:55-11:55

      Miehet | Välierät

    • 11:55-12:55

      Miehet | Välierät

    • 12:55-13:55

      Miehet | Kultamitaliottelu

    • 13:55-14:55

      Naiset | Finaali

    • 14:55-15:55

      Miehet | Finaali

    • 15:55-16:55

      Paris 2024

    • 16:55-18:49

      Miehet | Kultamitaliottelu

    • 18:49-20:43


    • 20:43-21:43


    • 21:43-22:43


    • 22:43-23:42


    • 23:42-00:42


117 80 183 456
    • 00:00-00:30

      #16 - Yleisurheilumakasiini.

    • 00:30-01:00

      #17 - Yleisurheilumakasiini.

    • 01:00-01:56

      #30 - Urheilun makasiiniohjelma.

    • 14:00-16:00

      Review of the Season - Valioliigan kausikooste 2023/24.

    • 16:00-16:30

      #17 - Major League Baseballin viikon kohokohdat.

    • 16:30-17:00

      #18 - Major League Baseballin viikon kohokohdat.

    • 17:00-17:30

      Championship Highlights - Kohokohtia EFL Championshipin ottelukierrokselta.

    • 17:30-17:59

      #30 - Jalkapallomakasiini.

    • 18:00-18:30

      #16 - Yleisurheilumakasiini.

    • 18:30-19:00

      #17 - Yleisurheilumakasiini.

    • 19:00-19:56

      #30 - Urheilun makasiiniohjelma.

    • 20:00-20:30

      #29 - Jalkapallomakasiini.

    • 20:30-20:59

      #30 - Jalkapallomakasiini.

    • 21:00-22:00

      IMSA Sportscar Weekend - Kohokohtia kilpailusta, joka ajettiin Road Americassa, Elkhart Lakessa, Wisconsinissa. (1.-4.8.2024)

    • 22:00-23:00

      Le Castellet - Kohokohtia kilpailusta, joka ajettiin Le Castellet'ssa, Ranskassa. (25.-28.7.2024)

    • 23:00-23:56

      #30 - Urheilun makasiiniohjelma.

66 79 183 464
    • 00:00-14:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll

    • 14:00-18:00

      Australian Masters - 9.8.2024.

    • 18:00-19:00

      Formula 1 2024 kausikooste 1/2 - Kuluvan F1-kauden parhaita paloja kesätaukoon mennessä.

    • 19:00-21:00

      Dundee - Hearts - 10.8.2024.

    • 21:00-21:40

      EFL Championship: Highlights - Makasiiniohjelma.

    • 21:40-23:45

      Preston - Sunderland - 13.8.2024. 1. kierros.

    • 23:45-00:15

      Ep17 - Makasiiniohjelmassa käsitellään moottoriurheilua uudella otteella kartingista lentokoneisiin ja on oikea valinta kaikille, joita kiehtoo nopeus. Ep17.

63 85 187 480
    • 23:05-00:05

      Ison-Britannian osakilpailu - 4.8.2024.

    • 00:05-14:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll

    • 14:00-16:25

      Nashville Predators - Pittsburgh Penguins 3:7 2017 - Vuoden 2017 Stanley Cupin finaaleissa kohtasivat Pittsburgh Penguins ja Nashville Predators.

    • 16:25-19:00

      Nashville Predators - Pittsburgh Penguins 4:7 2017 - Vuoden 2017 Stanley Cupin finaaleissa kohtasivat Pittsburgh Penguins ja Nashville Predators.

    • 19:00-21:25

      Pittsburgh Penguins - Nashville Predators 5:7 2017 - Vuoden 2017 Stanley Cupin finaaleissa kohtasivat Pittsburgh Penguins ja Nashville Predators.

    • 21:25-00:15

      Nashville Predators - Pittsburgh Penguins 6:7 2017 - Vuoden 2017 Stanley Cupin finaaleissa kohtasivat Pittsburgh Penguins ja Nashville Predators.

62 83 180 452
    • 00:00-01:00

      Valioliiga: Preview to the Season

    • 01:00-14:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll

    • 14:00-16:00

      Luton - Burnley - 12.8.2024.

    • 16:00-17:00

      Loppuottelu - UEFA Europa Leaguen loppuottelun huippuhetkiä.

    • 17:00-19:00

      Chelsea - West Ham - 5.5.2024. Selostus Mikko Innanen.

    • 19:00-21:00

      Liverpool - Tottenham - 5.5.2024. Selostus Ville Kuusinen.

    • 21:00-21:55

      Loppuottelu - UEFA Europa Conference Leaguen loppuottelun huippuhetkiä.

    • 21:55-00:00

      Sheffield United - Wrexham - 13.8.2024. 1. kierros.

116 84 186 453
    • 00:00-02:00

      Luton-Burnley - Fotboll

    • 12:30-14:30

      Luton-Burnley - Fotboll

    • 14:30-15:30

    • 15:30-17:30

      Blackburn-Derby - Fotboll

    • 17:30-19:30

      Ipswich-Nice - Fotboll

    • 19:30-21:30

      Newcastle-Girona - Fotboll

    • 21:40-23:45

      Preston-Sunderland - Fotboll

    • 23:45-00:45

      Premier League: Goals of the Season 2023/2024 - Magasin

118 81 182 454
    • 00:00-02:00

      Hibernian - Celtic - 2. kierroksen ottelu pelataan Easter Road Stadiumilla, Edinburghissa. (11.8.2024)

    • 02:00-07:00


    • 13:45-14:45

      Premier League: Goals of the Season - Magasin

    • 14:45-16:45

      Brentford - Wolfsburg - Ottelu pelataan Gtech Community Stadiumilla. (9.8.2024)

    • 16:45-18:45

      Newcastle - Brest - Ottelu pelataan St. James' Parkilla. (10.8.2024)

    • 18:45-19:45

    • 19:45-21:45

      Luton - Burnley - 1. kierroksen ottelu pelataan Kenilworth Roadilla. (12.8.2024)

    • 21:55-00:00

      Sheffield United - Wrexham - 1. kierroksen ottelu pelataan Bramall Lanella. (13.8.2024)

65 86 186 459
    • 23:00-01:00

      Seattle Kraken - Tampa Bay Lightning - Ottelu pelataan Climate Pledge Arenassa. (9.12.2023)

    • 01:00-07:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll

    • 13:00-15:00

      Montreal Canadiens - Nashville Predators - Ottelu pelataan Bell Centressä. (10.12.2023)

    • 15:00-17:00

      Columbus Blue Jackets - Florida Panthers - Ottelu pelataan Nationwide Arenassa. (10.12.2023)

    • 17:00-19:00

      Edmonton Oilers - New Jersey Devils - Ottelu pelataan Rogers Placessa. (10.12.2023)

    • 19:00-21:00

      Buffalo Sabres - Arizona Coyotes - Ottelu pelataan KeyBank Centerissä. (11.12.2023)

    • 21:00-23:00

      Dallas Stars - Detroit Red Wings - Ottelu pelataan American Airlines Centerissä. (11.12.2023)

    • 23:00-01:00

      New York Islanders - Toronto Maple Leafs - Ottelu pelataan UBS Arenassa, Elmontissa. (11.12.2023)

67 82 188 462
    • 23:00-03:00

      International Series England - 4. kierros - Kilpailu pelataan Foxhills Country Clubilla, Englannissa. (8.-11.8.2024)

    • 10:00-13:00

      US Senior Womens Open - 4. kierros - Kilpailu pelataan Fox Chapel Golf Clubilla, Pittsburghissa, USA:ssa. (1.-4.8.2024)

    • 13:00-16:00

      Portland Classic - 4. kierros - Kilpailu pelataan Columbia Edgewater Macan Coursella, Oregonissa, USA:ssa. (1.-4.8.2024)

    • 16:00-19:00

      US Womens Amateur - Finaalipäivä - Kilpailu pelataan Southern Hills Country Clubilla, Tulsassa, USA:ssa. (7.-11.8.2024)

    • 19:00-23:00

      International Series England - 4. kierros - Kilpailu pelataan Foxhills Country Clubilla, Englannissa. (8.-11.8.2024)

    • 23:00-00:00

      Makasiiniohjelma, joka tarjoaa parhaat ja uusimmat uutiset golfin maailmasta ja pelaajien ja asiantuntijoiden haastatteluja.

92 455
111 87 191 481
    • 19:00-01:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll

    • 01:00-07:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll

    • 07:00-13:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll

    • 13:00-19:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll

    • 19:00-01:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll

112 88 192 482
    • 19:00-01:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 2

    • 01:00-07:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 2

    • 07:00-13:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 2

    • 13:00-19:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 2

    • 19:00-01:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 2

113 89 193 483
    • 19:00-01:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 3

    • 01:00-07:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 3

    • 07:00-13:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 3

    • 13:00-19:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 3

    • 19:00-01:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 3

114 90 194 484
    • 19:00-01:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 4

    • 01:00-07:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 4

    • 07:00-13:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 4

    • 13:00-19:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 4

    • 19:00-01:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 4

115 91 195 485
    • 19:00-01:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 5

    • 01:00-07:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 5

    • 07:00-13:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 5

    • 13:00-19:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 5

    • 19:00-01:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 5

59 211 401
93 212 402
94 213 403
95 214 404
96 215 405
97 216 405
98 217 407
89 218
102 210
103 236
140 104 211
149 323 331
150 325 332
151 311 139
152 312
156 316
154 315
157 313
155 314
158 321