TV-opas (Maksukanavat)

111 281 290
    • 10:15-11:35

    • 11:35-11:45

    • 11:45-13:45

    • 13:45-15:00

    • 15:00-20:00

    • 20:00-00:00

48 114 292 132
    • 00:15-01:00

      Afrikan sateiden perässä - Liity eläinten mukaan, kun ne jahtaavat sateita Afrikan savannien poikki.

    • 01:00-01:45

      Villi rannikko - Australian villiä rannikkoa reunustavat pitkät runsaat elinympäristöt, joissa asuu maailman maagisimpia olentoja.

    • 01:45-02:30

    • 02:30-03:15

    • 03:15-04:00

    • 04:00-04:45

      Alaskan jokikoetus - Alaskan erämaissa on yksi muita tärkeämpi muuttomatka lohien nousu kutupaikoille. Naaraslohet mittelevät virtaa ja esteitä vastaan päästäkseen kutemaan. Nuori valkopäämerikotka liitää.

    • 04:45-05:30

    • 05:30-06:15

    • 06:15-07:00

      Alaskan jokikoetus - Alaskan erämaissa on yksi muita tärkeämpi muuttomatka lohien nousu kutupaikoille. Naaraslohet mittelevät virtaa ja esteitä vastaan päästäkseen kutemaan. Nuori valkopäämerikotka liitää.

    • 07:00-07:40

      Super Reefs - Vuonna 2009 National Geographic Pristine Seas tutki eteläisiä Linesaaria ja löysi koskemattomia koralliriuttoja, kukoistavia ekosysteemejä täynnä haita ja valtavia kalaparvia.

    • 07:40-08:05

    • 08:05-08:25

    • 08:25-08:50

    • 08:50-09:35

      Brasilia - Rio Granden kosteikoilta mahtavaan Amazonin sademetsään. Brasiliassa kuhisee myrkkykäärmeitä, joita Nigel on etsimässä kärkikymmenikköään läpikäydessä.

    • 09:35-10:20

      Super Reefs - Vuonna 2009 National Geographic Pristine Seas tutki eteläisiä Linesaaria ja löysi koskemattomia koralliriuttoja, kukoistavia ekosysteemejä täynnä haita ja valtavia kalaparvia.

    • 10:20-11:05

      Sharks Gone Viral - Tartu pelastusliiveihisi, kun koomikot Helen Hong, Keon Polee ja Sklar Brothers sukeltavat syvälle Internetin hurjimpiin haivideoihin.

    • 11:05-11:50

      Brasilia - Rio Granden kosteikoilta mahtavaan Amazonin sademetsään. Brasiliassa kuhisee myrkkykäärmeitä, joita Nigel on etsimässä kärkikymmenikköään läpikäydessä.

    • 11:50-12:30

      Super Reefs - Vuonna 2009 National Geographic Pristine Seas tutki eteläisiä Linesaaria ja löysi koskemattomia koralliriuttoja, kukoistavia ekosysteemejä täynnä haita ja valtavia kalaparvia.

    • 12:30-13:10

      Muodonmuuttajat - Mustekalat ovat kuin avaruusolentoja maan päällä, mutta niillä on yksi supervoima, jota vasta nyt alamme täysin ymmärtää.

    • 13:10-13:55

      Polin uusi maailma - Eräs Polin klinikan lempieläinlääkäreistämme sanoo hyvästit, mutta sitä ennen useita mysteereitä saapuu hoidettavaksi.

    • 13:55-14:40

      Lehmä kaupungissa - Tämä Uskomaton eläinlääkäri Pol -jakso on täynnä uusia eläinlääkäreitä, vastasyntyneitä sekä yllätyksiä.

    • 14:40-15:25

      Koirakummitäti - Uudet karvaiset kamut ja ylpeät tassuttelijat tarkoittavat vain yhtä asiaa: kesä on saapunut Keski-Michiganiin!

    • 15:25-16:10

    • 16:10-16:55

      Super Reefs - Vuonna 2009 National Geographic Pristine Seas tutki eteläisiä Linesaaria ja löysi koskemattomia koralliriuttoja, kukoistavia ekosysteemejä täynnä haita ja valtavia kalaparvia.

    • 16:55-17:35

      Muodonmuuttajat - Mustekalat ovat kuin avaruusolentoja maan päällä, mutta niillä on yksi supervoima, jota vasta nyt alamme täysin ymmärtää.

    • 17:35-18:15

      Älypäät - Mustekalat rikkovat kaikkia eläinten älykkyyttä koskevia sääntöjä.

    • 18:15-19:00

      Sosiaaliset verkostoitujat - Mustekalojen on aina ajateltu olevan luonnon äärimmäisiä erakoita, jotka suosivat omaa seuraansa. Totuus on, että niillä on salainen sosiaalinen elämä.

    • 19:00-19:45

      Supersized Sharks - Asiantuntijat vierailevat pienellä saarella eteläisellä Tyynellämerellä tutkiakseen, miksi alue houkuttelee maailman suurimpia tiikerihaita.

    • 19:45-20:25

      Takapihan härkähai - Härkähait valtaavat vesiä joukolla. Niitä asuu kaikkialla maailman merissä, ja niiden härkäpäinen käytös tekee niistä kuuluisia rannikolta rannikolle.

    • 20:25-21:10

      Haiden kuningattaret - Tässä parannellussa jaksossa kokoamme yhteen tiimin johtavia tutkijoita ja aloitamme maailmanlaajuisen tehtävän, jonka tarkoituksena on löytää ja tunnistaa maailman aggressiivisimmat hait.

    • 21:10-21:55

      Supersized Sharks - Asiantuntijat vierailevat pienellä saarella eteläisellä Tyynellämerellä tutkiakseen, miksi alue houkuttelee maailman suurimpia tiikerihaita.

    • 21:55-22:40

      Polin uusi maailma - Eräs Polin klinikan lempieläinlääkäreistämme sanoo hyvästit, mutta sitä ennen useita mysteereitä saapuu hoidettavaksi.

    • 22:40-23:25

      Lehmä kaupungissa - Tämä Uskomaton eläinlääkäri Pol -jakso on täynnä uusia eläinlääkäreitä, vastasyntyneitä sekä yllätyksiä.

    • 23:25-00:10

      Koirakummitäti - Uudet karvaiset kamut ja ylpeät tassuttelijat tarkoittavat vain yhtä asiaa: kesä on saapunut Keski-Michiganiin!

52 123 71 160
    • 00:30-00:55

    • 00:55-01:15

    • 01:15-01:40

    • 01:40-02:00

    • 02:00-02:20

    • 02:20-02:40

    • 02:40-03:05

    • 03:05-03:30

    • 03:30-03:55

    • 03:55-04:15

    • 04:15-04:40

    • 04:40-05:05

    • 05:05-05:30

    • 05:30-05:55

    • 05:55-06:20

    • 06:20-06:40

    • 06:40-07:00

    • 07:00-07:20

    • 07:20-07:45

    • 07:45-08:10

    • 08:10-08:35

    • 08:35-08:40

    • 08:40-08:50

    • 08:50-08:55

    • 08:55-09:05

    • 09:05-09:10

    • 09:10-09:20

    • 09:20-09:25

    • 09:25-09:35

    • 09:35-09:40

    • 09:40-10:05

    • 10:05-10:25

    • 10:25-10:50

    • 10:50-11:00

    • 11:00-11:25

    • 11:25-11:45

    • 11:45-12:10

    • 12:10-12:25

    • 12:25-12:35

    • 12:35-12:45

    • 12:45-13:05

    • 13:05-13:25

    • 13:25-13:50

    • 13:50-14:15

    • 14:15-14:25

    • 14:25-14:45

    • 14:45-15:05

    • 15:05-15:30

    • 15:30-15:55

    • 15:55-16:20

    • 16:20-16:45

    • 16:45-17:10

    • 17:10-17:35

    • 17:35-18:00

    • 18:00-18:25

    • 18:25-18:50

    • 18:50-19:10

    • 19:10-19:35

    • 19:35-20:00

    • 20:00-20:05

    • 20:05-20:15

    • 20:15-20:20

    • 20:20-20:25

    • 20:25-20:35

    • 20:35-20:40

    • 20:40-20:45

    • 20:45-20:50

    • 20:50-21:10

    • 21:10-21:35

    • 21:35-22:00

    • 22:00-22:25

    • 22:25-22:50

    • 22:50-23:15

    • 23:15-23:35

    • 23:35-23:55

    • 23:55-00:05

50 125 73 162
58 129 70 151
    • 00:45-00:55

      The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.

    • 00:55-01:05

      The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.

    • 01:05-01:15

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 01:15-01:25

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 01:25-01:35

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 01:35-01:45

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 01:45-01:55

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 01:55-02:05

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 02:05-02:15

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 02:15-02:30

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 02:30-02:40

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 02:40-02:50

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 02:50-03:00

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 03:00-03:15

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 03:15-03:25

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 03:25-03:35

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 03:35-03:45

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 03:45-04:00

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 04:00-04:10

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 04:10-04:20

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 04:20-04:30

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 04:30-04:45

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 04:45-04:55

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 04:55-05:05

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 05:05-05:30

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 05:30-05:40

      The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.

    • 05:40-05:50

      The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.

    • 05:50-06:05

      The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.

    • 06:05-06:15

      The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.

    • 06:15-06:20

      The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.

    • 06:20-06:30

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 06:30-06:40

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 06:40-06:50

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 06:50-07:00

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 07:00-07:10

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 07:10-07:20

      The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.

    • 07:20-07:35

      The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.

    • 07:35-07:55

      After a cataclysm changes their world forever, new and old Ninja must team up to save all the realms from high-tech villains bent on domination.

    • 07:55-08:10

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 08:10-08:20

      The baby bear siblings travel to different locations around the world, on their journey to find a permanent place they can call home.

    • 08:20-08:30

      Adventures of Robin, Cyborg, Starfire, Raven and Beast Boy. They are superheroes who save the day, but what happens when they're not fighting crime?

    • 08:30-08:40

      Adventures of Robin, Cyborg, Starfire, Raven and Beast Boy. They are superheroes who save the day, but what happens when they're not fighting crime?

    • 08:40-08:55

      Grab your toilet-paper sword and follow best friends Craig, JP and Kelsey as they explore their neighbourhood creek - a boundless kid-run world!

    • 08:55-09:10

      Scott has drawn 100 Heroes in 100 comic books. When he disappears, only his books remain, and they get scattered all over San Francisco.

    • 09:10-09:20

      Welcome to the town of Jellystone - a charming place where your favorite Hanna-Barbera characters live, work and play together...

    • 09:20-09:35

      Welcome to the town of Jellystone - a charming place where your favorite Hanna-Barbera characters live, work and play together...

    • 09:35-10:00

      A group of kids joins a secret agency and enter the Dream World to combat nightmares and use the power of imagination to save dreamers in distress.

    • 10:00-10:10

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 10:10-10:20

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 10:20-10:30

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 10:30-10:40

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 10:40-10:50

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 10:50-11:00

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 11:00-11:10

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 11:10-11:20

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 11:20-11:30

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 11:30-11:40

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 11:40-12:00

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 12:00-12:10

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 12:10-12:20

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 12:20-12:30

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 12:30-12:40

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 12:40-12:50

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 12:50-13:00

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 13:00-13:10

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 13:10-13:20

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 13:20-13:30

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 13:30-13:40

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 13:40-13:55

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 13:55-14:05

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 14:05-14:15

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 14:15-14:25

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 14:25-14:35

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 14:35-14:45

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 14:45-15:00

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 15:00-15:10

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 15:10-15:20

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 15:20-15:30

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 15:30-15:40

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 15:40-16:00

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 16:00-16:20

      Fred, Daphne, Velma, Shaggy and Scooby-Doo join forces with some of the biggest names in celebrity and pop culture.

    • 16:20-16:35

      Folks, have ya heard? Your favorite Looney Tunes characters are back in action!

    • 16:35-16:45

      The baby bear siblings travel to different locations around the world, on their journey to find a permanent place they can call home.

    • 16:45-17:00

      The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.

    • 17:00-17:15

      Scott has drawn 100 Heroes in 100 comic books. When he disappears, only his books remain, and they get scattered all over San Francisco.

    • 17:15-17:30

      Scott has drawn 100 Heroes in 100 comic books. When he disappears, only his books remain, and they get scattered all over San Francisco.

    • 17:30-17:40

      Apple and Onion are two best friends who live in a big city full of other food-people.

    • 17:40-18:05

      After a cataclysm changes their world forever, new and old Ninja must team up to save all the realms from high-tech villains bent on domination.

    • 18:05-18:15

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 18:15-18:30

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 18:30-18:55

      A group of kids joins a secret agency and enter the Dream World to combat nightmares and use the power of imagination to save dreamers in distress.

    • 18:55-19:05

      Welcome to the town of Jellystone - a charming place where your favorite Hanna-Barbera characters live, work and play together...

    • 19:05-19:15

      Welcome to the town of Jellystone - a charming place where your favorite Hanna-Barbera characters live, work and play together...

    • 19:15-19:30

      Welcome to the town of Jellystone - a charming place where your favorite Hanna-Barbera characters live, work and play together...

    • 19:30-19:40

      Grab your toilet-paper sword and follow best friends Craig, JP and Kelsey as they explore their neighbourhood creek - a boundless kid-run world!

    • 19:40-19:50

      Grab your toilet-paper sword and follow best friends Craig, JP and Kelsey as they explore their neighbourhood creek - a boundless kid-run world!

    • 19:50-20:00

      Grab your toilet-paper sword and follow best friends Craig, JP and Kelsey as they explore their neighbourhood creek - a boundless kid-run world!

    • 20:00-20:10

      Adventures of Robin, Cyborg, Starfire, Raven and Beast Boy. They are superheroes who save the day, but what happens when they're not fighting crime?

    • 20:10-20:20

      Adventures of Robin, Cyborg, Starfire, Raven and Beast Boy. They are superheroes who save the day, but what happens when they're not fighting crime?

    • 20:20-20:35

      The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.

    • 20:35-20:50

      Scott has drawn 100 Heroes in 100 comic books. When he disappears, only his books remain, and they get scattered all over San Francisco.

    • 20:50-21:10

      After a cataclysm changes their world forever, new and old Ninja must team up to save all the realms from high-tech villains bent on domination.

    • 21:10-21:25

      Folks, have ya heard? Your favorite Looney Tunes characters are back in action!

    • 21:25-21:35

      Folks, have ya heard? Your favorite Looney Tunes characters are back in action!

    • 21:35-21:45

      Folks, have ya heard? Your favorite Looney Tunes characters are back in action!

    • 21:45-21:55

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 21:55-22:05

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 22:05-22:15

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 22:15-22:25

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 22:25-22:40

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 22:40-22:50

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 22:50-23:00

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 23:00-23:10

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 23:10-23:20

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 23:20-23:30

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 23:30-23:50

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 23:50-00:00

      The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.

    • 00:50-00:59

      Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.

    • 00:59-01:11

      Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.

    • 01:11-01:22

      Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.

    • 01:22-01:33

      Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.

    • 01:33-01:45

      Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.

    • 01:45-01:51

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 01:51-01:58

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 01:58-02:04

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 02:04-02:11

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 02:11-02:17

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 02:17-02:25

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 02:25-02:31

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 02:31-02:38

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 02:38-02:44

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 02:44-02:51

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 02:51-02:57

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 02:57-03:04

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 03:04-03:16

      Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.

    • 03:16-03:27

      Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.

    • 03:27-03:38

      Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.

    • 03:38-03:50

      Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.

    • 03:50-03:56

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 03:56-04:03

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 04:03-04:09

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 04:09-04:16

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 04:16-04:22

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 04:22-04:30

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 04:30-04:34

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 04:34-04:46

      Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.

    • 04:46-04:57

      Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.

    • 04:57-05:08

      Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.

    • 05:08-05:20

      Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.

    • 05:20-05:27

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 05:27-05:33

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 05:33-05:40

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 05:40-05:46

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 05:46-05:53

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 05:53-06:00

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 06:00-06:07

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 06:07-06:14

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 06:14-06:21

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 06:21-06:30

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 06:30-06:40

      Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.

    • 06:40-06:50

      Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.

    • 06:50-07:00

      Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.

    • 07:00-07:07

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 07:07-07:13

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 07:13-07:20

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 07:20-07:40

      Tom and Jerry are running wild in Manhattan! They live in a fancy hotel, but their mayhem doesnt stop at the hotel lobby.

    • 07:40-07:50

      Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.

    • 07:50-08:00

      Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.

    • 08:00-08:10

      They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.

    • 08:10-08:25

      They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.

    • 08:25-08:30

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 08:30-08:40

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 08:40-08:45

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 08:45-09:00

      Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny manage a crew of builders that, quite frankly, should not be anywhere near a construction site.

    • 09:00-09:05

      In this feel-good comedy series, full of heart, Sonia, Hugo, and Mel create memories with Mom, Dad, and Granny on days spent with family and friends.

    • 09:05-09:15

      In this feel-good comedy series, full of heart, Sonia, Hugo, and Mel create memories with Mom, Dad, and Granny on days spent with family and friends.

    • 09:15-09:25

      From wishing to be taller to memorizing a bedtime routine, Jessica wants to be an independent "big kid."

    • 09:25-09:34

      From wishing to be taller to memorizing a bedtime routine, Jessica wants to be an independent "big kid."

    • 09:34-09:40

      A little girl named Masha befriends a bear. Masha finds herself in all kinds of adventures that cause havoc in the bear's peaceful existence!

    • 09:40-09:47

      A little girl named Masha befriends a bear. Masha finds herself in all kinds of adventures that cause havoc in the bear's peaceful existence!

    • 09:47-09:55

      A little girl named Masha befriends a bear. Masha finds herself in all kinds of adventures that cause havoc in the bear's peaceful existence!

    • 09:55-10:00

      A little girl named Masha befriends a bear. Masha finds herself in all kinds of adventures that cause havoc in the bear's peaceful existence!

    • 10:00-10:10

      They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.

    • 10:10-10:20

      They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.

    • 10:20-10:30

      They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.

    • 10:30-10:40

      Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.

    • 10:40-10:50

      Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.

    • 10:50-11:05

      Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.

    • 11:05-11:11

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 11:11-11:18

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 11:18-11:25

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 11:25-11:30

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 11:30-11:40

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 11:40-11:45

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 11:45-11:50

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 11:50-11:57

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 11:57-12:05

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 12:05-12:15

      They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.

    • 12:15-12:25

      They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.

    • 12:25-12:35

      They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.

    • 12:35-12:45

      They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.

    • 12:45-12:55

      They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.

    • 12:55-13:04

      They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.

    • 13:04-13:15

      Mr. Bean is joined by his trusty sidekick Teddy his reliable MINI and his grumpy landlady Mrs Wicket not forgetting her evil one-eyed cat Scrapper.

    • 13:15-13:25

      Mr. Bean is joined by his trusty sidekick Teddy his reliable MINI and his grumpy landlady Mrs Wicket not forgetting her evil one-eyed cat Scrapper.

    • 13:25-13:35

      Mr. Bean is joined by his trusty sidekick Teddy his reliable MINI and his grumpy landlady Mrs Wicket not forgetting her evil one-eyed cat Scrapper.

    • 13:35-13:45

      Mr. Bean is joined by his trusty sidekick Teddy his reliable MINI and his grumpy landlady Mrs Wicket not forgetting her evil one-eyed cat Scrapper.

    • 13:45-13:55

      Mr. Bean is joined by his trusty sidekick Teddy his reliable MINI and his grumpy landlady Mrs Wicket not forgetting her evil one-eyed cat Scrapper.

    • 13:55-14:09

      Mr. Bean is joined by his trusty sidekick Teddy his reliable MINI and his grumpy landlady Mrs Wicket not forgetting her evil one-eyed cat Scrapper.

    • 14:09-14:16

      The cat and mouse rivals are back and up to their old antics. Follow Tom and Jerry as they explore fantastic new places.

    • 14:16-14:23

      The cat and mouse rivals are back and up to their old antics. Follow Tom and Jerry as they explore fantastic new places.

    • 14:23-14:30

      The cat and mouse rivals are back and up to their old antics. Follow Tom and Jerry as they explore fantastic new places.

    • 14:30-14:36

      The cat and mouse rivals are back and up to their old antics. Follow Tom and Jerry as they explore fantastic new places.

    • 14:36-14:43

      The cat and mouse rivals are back and up to their old antics. Follow Tom and Jerry as they explore fantastic new places.

    • 14:43-14:50

      The cat and mouse rivals are back and up to their old antics. Follow Tom and Jerry as they explore fantastic new places.

    • 14:50-15:00

      The cat and mouse rivals are back and up to their old antics. Follow Tom and Jerry as they explore fantastic new places.

    • 15:00-15:07

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 15:07-15:15

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 15:15-15:20

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 15:20-15:26

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 15:26-15:34

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 15:34-15:45

      They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.

    • 15:45-15:55

      They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.

    • 15:55-16:00

      Lu is a ladybird who has started preschool with her new friends. Together they explore their new social lives though play, music, feelings and fun!

    • 16:00-16:10

      Lu is a ladybird who has started preschool with her new friends. Together they explore their new social lives though play, music, feelings and fun!

    • 16:10-16:20

      Lu is a ladybird who has started preschool with her new friends. Together they explore their new social lives though play, music, feelings and fun!

    • 16:20-16:30

      Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.

    • 16:30-16:35

      In this feel-good comedy series, full of heart, Sonia, Hugo, and Mel create memories with Mom, Dad, and Granny on days spent with family and friends.

    • 16:35-16:45

      In this feel-good comedy series, full of heart, Sonia, Hugo, and Mel create memories with Mom, Dad, and Granny on days spent with family and friends.

    • 16:45-16:50

      In this feel-good comedy series, full of heart, Sonia, Hugo, and Mel create memories with Mom, Dad, and Granny on days spent with family and friends.

    • 16:50-17:00

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 17:00-17:05

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 17:05-17:15

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 17:15-17:20

      A little girl named Masha befriends a bear. Masha finds herself in all kinds of adventures that cause havoc in the bear's peaceful existence!

    • 17:20-17:30

      A little girl named Masha befriends a bear. Masha finds herself in all kinds of adventures that cause havoc in the bear's peaceful existence!

    • 17:30-17:35

      A little girl named Masha befriends a bear. Masha finds herself in all kinds of adventures that cause havoc in the bear's peaceful existence!

    • 17:35-17:45

      From wishing to be taller to memorizing a bedtime routine, Jessica wants to be an independent "big kid."

    • 17:45-17:55

      From wishing to be taller to memorizing a bedtime routine, Jessica wants to be an independent "big kid."

    • 17:55-18:05

      They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.

    • 18:05-18:15

      They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.

    • 18:15-18:30

      They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.

    • 18:30-18:40

      Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny manage a crew of builders that, quite frankly, should not be anywhere near a construction site.

    • 18:40-18:50

      Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny manage a crew of builders that, quite frankly, should not be anywhere near a construction site.

    • 18:50-18:59

      Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny manage a crew of builders that, quite frankly, should not be anywhere near a construction site.

    • 18:59-19:10

      Mr. Bean is joined by his trusty sidekick Teddy his reliable MINI and his grumpy landlady Mrs Wicket not forgetting her evil one-eyed cat Scrapper.

    • 19:10-19:20

      From wishing to be taller to memorizing a bedtime routine, Jessica wants to be an independent "big kid."

    • 19:20-19:29

      From wishing to be taller to memorizing a bedtime routine, Jessica wants to be an independent "big kid."

    • 19:29-19:45

      They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.

    • 19:45-19:50

      In this feel-good comedy series, full of heart, Sonia, Hugo, and Mel create memories with Mom, Dad, and Granny on days spent with family and friends.

    • 19:50-20:00

      In this feel-good comedy series, full of heart, Sonia, Hugo, and Mel create memories with Mom, Dad, and Granny on days spent with family and friends.

    • 20:00-20:05

      In this feel-good comedy series, full of heart, Sonia, Hugo, and Mel create memories with Mom, Dad, and Granny on days spent with family and friends.

    • 20:05-20:20

      Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.

    • 20:20-20:30

      They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.

    • 20:30-20:40

      They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.

    • 20:40-20:50

      They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.

    • 20:50-21:00

      Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.

    • 21:00-21:10

      Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.

    • 21:10-21:25

      Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.

    • 21:25-21:45

      Tom and Jerry are running wild in Manhattan! They live in a fancy hotel, but their mayhem doesnt stop at the hotel lobby.

    • 21:45-21:52

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 21:52-22:00

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 22:00-22:05

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 22:05-22:15

      The cat and mouse rivals are back and up to their old antics. Follow Tom and Jerry as they explore fantastic new places.

    • 22:15-22:25

      The cat and mouse rivals are back and up to their old antics. Follow Tom and Jerry as they explore fantastic new places.

    • 22:25-22:35

      The cat and mouse rivals are back and up to their old antics. Follow Tom and Jerry as they explore fantastic new places.

    • 22:35-22:45

      The cat and mouse rivals are back and up to their old antics. Follow Tom and Jerry as they explore fantastic new places.

    • 22:45-22:55

      The cat and mouse rivals are back and up to their old antics. Follow Tom and Jerry as they explore fantastic new places.

    • 22:55-23:00

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 23:00-23:08

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 23:08-23:14

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 23:14-23:21

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 23:21-23:27

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 23:27-23:35

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 23:35-23:41

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 23:41-23:55

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 23:55-00:00

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 00:45-01:00

      Join Georja Calvin-Smith for all the news from Africa and the Maghreb, together with France 24's correspondents and guests of the show.

    • 01:00-01:10

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 01:10-01:30

    • 01:30-01:40

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 01:40-02:00

      Reporters presents various reports by team of correspondents from all over the world regarding hot button issues.

    • 02:00-02:15

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 02:15-02:30

      Talking Europe guides you to the world of Europe's politics and cultures. Presented by Catherine Nicholson, the program revolves around top EU issues and events.

    • 02:30-02:45

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 02:45-03:00

      Culture news from the world's art, food and fashion capital, Paris. Join us every day for reviews and conversations on what's arguably the only daily arts programme on TV.

    • 03:00-03:15

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 03:15-03:30

      Talking Europe guides you to the world of Europe's politics and cultures. Presented by Catherine Nicholson, the program revolves around top EU issues and events.

    • 03:30-03:45

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 03:45-04:00

      Join Georja Calvin-Smith for all the news from Africa and the Maghreb, together with France 24's correspondents and guests of the show.

    • 04:00-04:15

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 04:15-04:30

      The business show that goes beyond the numbers and the corporate jargon! Stephen Carroll breaks down major business stories and looks at how they affect our lives.

    • 04:30-04:45

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 04:45-05:00

      France in Focus brings top stories and most essential reports on France, its political and social life. Be the first to know about latest events in politics, culture and economy.

    • 05:00-05:15

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 05:15-05:30

      French Connections revolves around France, its top stories and news, its experience in various spheres and cultural life, sport events, health care and education and so much more.

    • 05:30-05:45

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 05:45-06:00

      The 51 Percent is revolving around women and their role in the world and presents various stories of women with different backgrounds from all over the world.

    • 06:00-06:15

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 06:15-06:30

      Join Georja Calvin-Smith for all the news from Africa and the Maghreb, together with France 24's correspondents and guests of the show.

    • 06:30-06:45

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 06:45-07:00

      Culture news from the world's art, food and fashion capital, Paris. Join us every day for reviews and conversations on what's arguably the only daily arts programme on TV.

    • 07:00-07:15

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 07:15-07:30

      The business show that goes beyond the numbers and the corporate jargon! Stephen Carroll breaks down major business stories and looks at how they affect our lives.

    • 07:30-07:45

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 07:45-07:50

      This amazing programme brings you the latest and most important, exclusive reports from all around the globe.

    • 07:50-08:00

      The sports recap of the day with France 24 journalists and a summary of world sports news, both on and off the field.

    • 08:00-08:15

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 08:15-08:21

      The Observers is a weekly show produced with photos, videos and personal accounts from Observers around the world, covering top international current affairs.

    • 08:21-08:30

      This amazing programme brings you the latest and most important, exclusive reports from all around the globe.

    • 08:30-08:45

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 08:45-08:50

      This amazing programme brings you the latest and most important, exclusive reports from all around the globe.

    • 08:50-09:00

      The sports recap of the day with France 24 journalists and a summary of world sports news, both on and off the field.

    • 09:00-09:15

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 09:15-09:30

      Culture news from the world's art, food and fashion capital, Paris. Join us every day for reviews and conversations on what's arguably the only daily arts programme on TV.

    • 09:30-09:45

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 09:45-09:50

      This amazing programme brings you the latest and most important, exclusive reports from all around the globe.

    • 09:50-10:00

      The sports recap of the day with France 24 journalists and a summary of world sports news, both on and off the field.

    • 10:00-10:20

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 10:20-10:30

    • 10:30-11:00

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 11:00-11:15

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 11:15-11:30

      Talking Europe guides you to the world of Europe's politics and cultures. Presented by Catherine Nicholson, the program revolves around top EU issues and events.

    • 11:30-11:45

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 11:45-12:00

      Talking Europe guides you to the world of Europe's politics and cultures. Presented by Catherine Nicholson, the program revolves around top EU issues and events.

    • 12:00-12:15

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 12:15-12:30

      The business show that goes beyond the numbers and the corporate jargon! Stephen Carroll breaks down major business stories and looks at how they affect our lives.

    • 12:30-12:45

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 12:45-12:51

      The Observers is a weekly show produced with photos, videos and personal accounts from Observers around the world, covering top international current affairs.

    • 12:51-13:00

      This amazing programme brings you the latest and most important, exclusive reports from all around the globe.

    • 13:00-13:15

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 13:15-13:30

      Culture news from the world's art, food and fashion capital, Paris. Join us every day for reviews and conversations on what's arguably the only daily arts programme on TV.

    • 13:30-13:45

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 13:45-13:50

      This amazing programme brings you the latest and most important, exclusive reports from all around the globe.

    • 13:50-14:00

      The sports recap of the day with France 24 journalists and a summary of world sports news, both on and off the field.

    • 14:00-14:20

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 14:20-14:30

    • 14:30-15:00

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 15:00-15:15

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 15:15-15:30

      The 51 Percent is revolving around women and their role in the world and presents various stories of women with different backgrounds from all over the world.

    • 15:30-15:45

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 15:45-15:50

      This amazing programme brings you the latest and most important, exclusive reports from all around the globe.

    • 15:50-16:00

      You are Here presents the most beautiful villages, various regions with their unique atmosphere, unusual gardens and nature parks of France and the people who keep French traditions and heritage alive.

    • 16:00-16:09

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 16:09-16:30

    • 16:30-16:39

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 16:39-16:51

      The business show that goes beyond the numbers and the corporate jargon! Stephen Carroll breaks down major business stories and looks at how they affect our lives.

    • 16:51-17:00

      Be aware of what is in the spotlight every season and find out the latest trends. Follow haute couture news, videos, reports and analyses, and look behind the scene of Parisian catwalks.

    • 17:00-17:15

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 17:15-17:30

      Talking Europe guides you to the world of Europe's politics and cultures. Presented by Catherine Nicholson, the program revolves around top EU issues and events.

    • 17:30-17:45

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 17:45-18:00

      Talking Europe guides you to the world of Europe's politics and cultures. Presented by Catherine Nicholson, the program revolves around top EU issues and events.

    • 18:00-18:15

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 18:15-18:30

      Culture news from the world's art, food and fashion capital, Paris. Join us every day for reviews and conversations on what's arguably the only daily arts programme on TV.

    • 18:30-18:45

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 18:45-18:51

      The Observers is a weekly show produced with photos, videos and personal accounts from Observers around the world, covering top international current affairs.

    • 18:51-19:00

      This amazing programme brings you the latest and most important, exclusive reports from all around the globe.

    • 19:00-19:20

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 19:20-19:30

    • 19:30-20:00

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 20:00-20:15

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 20:15-20:30

      The business show that goes beyond the numbers and the corporate jargon! Stephen Carroll breaks down major business stories and looks at how they affect our lives.

    • 20:30-20:45

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 20:45-21:00

      France in Focus brings top stories and most essential reports on France, its political and social life. Be the first to know about latest events in politics, culture and economy.

    • 21:00-21:20

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 21:20-21:30

    • 21:30-22:00

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 22:00-22:15

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 22:15-22:30

      French Connections revolves around France, its top stories and news, its experience in various spheres and cultural life, sport events, health care and education and so much more.

    • 22:30-22:45

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 22:45-22:51

      The Observers is a weekly show produced with photos, videos and personal accounts from Observers around the world, covering top international current affairs.

    • 22:51-23:00

      This amazing programme brings you the latest and most important, exclusive reports from all around the globe.

    • 23:00-23:15

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 23:15-23:30

      Talking Europe guides you to the world of Europe's politics and cultures. Presented by Catherine Nicholson, the program revolves around top EU issues and events.

    • 23:30-23:45

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 23:45-00:00

      Talking Europe guides you to the world of Europe's politics and cultures. Presented by Catherine Nicholson, the program revolves around top EU issues and events.

    • 00:30-01:00

      Stephen Sackur speaks to Chris Ruddy, CEO of Newsmax Media. He's a key influencer on the American right and a longtime friend of Donald Trump. Is Team Trump worried?

    • 01:00-01:30

      The latest news from the BBC.

    • 01:30-02:00

      Is cash dead or just dying and what does the end of paper money mean for the 1 in 4 of people around the world who do not have a bank account?

    • 02:00-02:30

      The latest news from the BBC.

    • 02:30-03:00

      In the second part of his Caribbean adventure Reece Parkinson heads to the dazzling islands of The Bahamas. He meets a community adapting to unpredictable, and sometimes devastating weather patterns.

    • 03:00-03:30

      The latest news from the BBC.

    • 03:30-04:00

      Click revisits some of the team's favourite sustainability stories, including a stratospheric solar-powered plane.

    • 04:00-04:30

      The latest news from the BBC.

    • 04:30-05:00

      Paul Carter continues his tech journey at the Paris Games. He explores how events are being experienced by the global audience and goes behind-the-scenes at the international broadcast centre.

    • 05:00-05:30

      The latest news from the BBC.

    • 05:30-06:00

      Singer-songwriter Boy George talks to John Wilson about his formative cultural influences.

    • 06:00-06:30

      The latest news from the BBC.

    • 06:30-07:00

      Parts of England have experienced riots after the fatal stabbing of three young girls. We meet journalists who've been reporting events. Also on the show, the ongoing saga of Netflix's Baby Reindeer.

    • 07:00-07:30

      The latest news from the BBC.

    • 07:30-08:00

      In the second part of his Caribbean adventure Reece Parkinson heads to the dazzling islands of The Bahamas. He meets a community adapting to unpredictable, and sometimes devastating weather patterns.

    • 08:00-08:30

      The latest news from the BBC.

    • 08:30-09:00

      Kyle Rittenhouse was 17 when he began patrolling the streets of Kenosha in Wisconsin as racial unrest played out. In the first episode, we delve into what happened the night he shot two men dead.

    • 09:00-09:30

      The latest news from the BBC.

    • 09:30-10:00

      Click revisits some of the team's favourite sustainability stories, including a stratospheric solar-powered plane.

    • 10:00-10:30

      The latest news from the BBC.

    • 10:30-11:00

      Paul Carter continues his tech journey at the Paris Games. He explores how events are being experienced by the global audience and goes behind-the-scenes at the international broadcast centre.

    • 11:00-12:00

      The latest news from the BBC.

    • 12:00-12:30

      The latest news from the BBC.

    • 12:30-13:00

      Brutal attacks are regularly carried out against the elderly in Kenya's Kilifi coast. The stated reason, witchcraft. But, as Africa Eye investigates, there are other motives behind the violent acts.

    • 13:00-13:30

      The latest news from the BBC.

    • 13:30-14:00

      Is cash dead or just dying and what does the end of paper money mean for the 1 in 4 of people around the world who do not have a bank account?

    • 14:00-14:30

      The latest news from the BBC.

    • 14:30-15:00

      Kyle Rittenhouse was 17 when he began patrolling the streets of Kenosha in Wisconsin as racial unrest played out. In the first episode, we delve into what happened the night he shot two men dead.

    • 15:00-15:30

      The latest news from the BBC.

    • 15:30-16:00

      The Sky at Night team explores the threat of an asteroid impact on earth and meets the space scientists who are developing methods of planetary defence that sound like the stuff of science fiction.

    • 16:00-16:30

      The latest news from the BBC including sport.

    • 16:30-17:00

      The latest analysis on American politics.

    • 17:00-17:30

      The latest news from the BBC including sport.

    • 17:30-18:00

      Parts of England have experienced riots after the fatal stabbing of three young girls. We meet journalists who've been reporting events. Also on the show, the ongoing saga of Netflix's Baby Reindeer.

    • 18:00-18:30

      The latest news from the BBC including sport.

    • 18:30-19:00

      Singer-songwriter Boy George talks to John Wilson about his formative cultural influences.

    • 19:00-20:00

      The latest news from the BBC.

    • 20:00-20:30

      The latest news from the BBC.

    • 20:30-21:00

      Kyle Rittenhouse was 17 when he began patrolling the streets of Kenosha in Wisconsin as racial unrest played out. In the first episode, we delve into what happened the night he shot two men dead.

    • 21:00-21:30

      The latest news from the BBC.

    • 21:30-22:00

      Click revisits some of the team's favourite sustainability stories, including a stratospheric solar-powered plane.

    • 22:00-22:30

      The latest news from the BBC.

    • 22:30-23:00

      In the second part of his Caribbean adventure Reece Parkinson heads to the dazzling islands of The Bahamas. He meets a community adapting to unpredictable, and sometimes devastating weather patterns.

    • 23:00-00:00

      The latest news from the BBC.

187 344
    • 00:00-01:55

      Including: News Summary@01:00 Press, Sport, New Media

    • 01:55-02:00

      news (QAT 5') A look at what the weather has in store. With international forecasts, temperatures and weather warnings.

    • 02:00-02:30

      Hourly update of international news with an emphasis on the Arab world.

    • 02:30-02:55

      Presented by Al Habib Al Ghoreiby A current affairs daily program looking at a major news story of the day.

    • 02:55-03:00

      news (QAT) A look at what the weather has in store. With international forecasts, temperatures and weather warnings.

    • 03:00-03:05

      The news team at Al Jazeera Arabic bring you a round-up of the day's main stories. With headlines from around the world and the latest information on current affairs.

    • 03:05-03:55

      Presented by Mohamed Kreshan A weekly political program that examines potential scenarios of the rapid and successive regional and international changes taking place in our world, based on an in-depth analytical reading of current

    • 03:55-04:00

      news (QAT 5') A look at what the weather has in store. With international forecasts, temperatures and weather warnings.

    • 04:00-04:05

      The news team at Al Jazeera Arabic bring you a round-up of the day's main stories. With headlines from around the world and the latest information on current affairs.

    • 04:05-05:00

      Presented by Abdel Reheem Fokaraa Weekly programme concerning American affairs especially those dealing with the Arab World in the political, economic, cultural, military, religious and other fields.

    • 05:00-05:05

      The news team at Al Jazeera Arabic bring you a round-up of the day's main stories. With headlines from around the world and the latest information on current affairs.

    • 05:05-06:00

    • 06:00-06:30

      Hourly update of international news with an emphasis on the Arab world.

    • 06:30-07:00

      Presented by Nazih Al Ahdab A weekly program assessing important political, security, economic, social and general events of interest to the public.

    • 07:00-07:30

      Hourly update of international news with an emphasis on the Arab world.

    • 07:30-08:00

      Presented by Al Habib Al Ghoreiby A current affairs daily program looking at a major news story of the day.

    • 08:00-09:00

      Hourly update of international news with an emphasis on the Arab world.

    • 09:00-09:05

      Hourly update of international news with an emphasis on the Arab world.

    • 09:05-09:30

      news (QAT 61') This morning show includes a daily variety of topics that concern women and children's issues, as well as presenting several news weekly like environmental, health, educational and cinema segments.

    • 09:30-10:00

      Presented by Eyad Hemeda A Technology series, on how the latest and the very new technologies are used in our busy daily lives.

    • 10:00-10:30

      Hourly update of international news with an emphasis on the Arab world.

    • 10:30-11:00

      Presented by Eyad Hemeda A Technology series, on how the latest and the very new technologies are used in our busy daily lives.

    • 11:00-13:55

    • 13:55-14:00

      news (QAT) A look at what the weather has in store. With international forecasts, temperatures and weather warnings.

    • 14:00-14:55

      Hourly update of international news with an emphasis on the Arab world.

    • 14:55-15:00

      news (QAT 5') A look at what the weather has in store. With international forecasts, temperatures and weather warnings.

    • 15:00-18:00

      news (QAT 90') A news bulletin, with live interviews, this program presents the most important developments in the daily world news.

    • 18:00-19:00

      Hourly update of international news with an emphasis on the Arab world.

    • 19:00-19:30

      Hourly update of international news with an emphasis on the Arab world.

    • 19:30-20:00

      Weekly program dealing with travel issues, adventure journeys and touring touristic activities.

    • 20:00-20:30

      Hourly update of international news with an emphasis on the Arab world.

    • 20:30-21:00

      Presented by Al Habib Al Ghoreiby A current affairs daily program looking at a major news story of the day.

    • 21:00-23:00

      Hourly update of international news with an emphasis on the Arab world.

    • 23:00-00:00

      news (QAT 60') Presented by Hassan Gamoul An extensive round up of the day's news coverage, bringing you the headline news along with in-depth reports, analysis and interviews from around the world. Also includes world sports news.

    • 01:00-02:00

      Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world.

    • 02:30-03:00

      Documentary (/QAT, 2024) Counting the Cost provides background to the economics stories that shape our world and impact the lives of ordinary people.

    • 03:00-03:30

      Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. Live

    • 03:30-04:00

      News (QAT, 2024) Beyond the headlines to the heart of the news of the day. Al Jazeera gets the Inside Story from some of the best minds in the Middle East and beyond.

    • 05:30-06:00

      Documentary (QAT, 2024) "Kosovo - The Making of A State P1" People and Power examines Kosovo's post-war journey of nation building in the face of domestic tensions and international pressures.

    • 06:00-06:30

      Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. Live

    • 06:30-07:00

      "Iztapalapa, Mexico" Mexico City's Iztapalapa, was once the country's most dangerous municipality. Meet the local heroes trying to turn it into an urban utopia.

    • 07:00-07:30

      Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. Live

    • 07:30-08:00

      (GBR, 2024) "Forest Women/From The Cape/Dream Chasing" Presented by Rajan Datar The women protecting Nigeria's Afi forests, a historical tour of Bo-Kaap in South Africa and one woman's creative dreams in Zambia: three African short

    • 08:00-08:30

      Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. Live

    • 08:30-09:00

      "The Starry Night Toad" The starry night harlequin toad, thought extinct for 30 years, is being brought back by science and the traditions of Colombia's indigenous people.

    • 09:00-09:30

      Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. Live

    • 09:30-10:00

      News (QAT, 2024) Beyond the headlines to the heart of the news of the day. Al Jazeera gets the Inside Story from some of the best minds in the Middle East and beyond.

    • 11:30-12:00

      Documentary (/QAT, 2024) Counting the Cost provides background to the economics stories that shape our world and impact the lives of ordinary people.

    • 12:00-12:30

      Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. Live

    • 12:30-13:00

      "Sudan's War - The Human Cost" We take a look at how 16 months of brutal fighting has plunged Sudan into a one of the worst humanitarian crises in recent history.

    • 14:30-15:00

      News (QAT, 2024) Beyond the headlines to the heart of the news of the day. Al Jazeera gets the Inside Story from some of the best minds in the Middle East and beyond.

    • 16:00-17:00

      Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world.

    • 17:30-18:00

      "The Starry Night Toad" The starry night harlequin toad, thought extinct for 30 years, is being brought back by science and the traditions of Colombia's indigenous people.

    • 19:30-20:00

      Documentary (/QAT, 2022) "Land or Death" Fierce Colombian grandmother defends her Indigenous community in the world's largest cocaine producing region.

    • 20:00-20:30

      Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. Live

    • 20:30-21:00

      News (QAT, 2024) Beyond the headlines to the heart of the news of the day. Al Jazeera gets the Inside Story from some of the best minds in the Middle East and beyond.

    • 22:30-23:00

      Documentary (QAT, 2024) "Kosovo - The Making of A State P1" People and Power examines Kosovo's post-war journey of nation building in the face of domestic tensions and international pressures.

    • 23:00-23:30

      Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. Live

    • 23:30-00:00

      "05082024" One-on-one conversations with global leaders, icons, influencers and alternative voices shaping our times.

46 133 343
    • 00:30-01:00

      Daily sports show features major stories and issues making news in the world of sports.

    • 01:00-02:00

      Julia Chatterley explains the latest on global markets and the biggest stories shaping the economic landscape.

    • 02:00-03:00

      Erin Burnett stays ahead of the headlines, delivering a show that's in-depth and informative.

    • 03:00-04:00

      Anderson Cooper takes you beyond the headlines with in-depth reporting and investigations.

    • 04:00-05:00

      Kaitlan Collins goes straight to the source for the best reporting on the day's biggest stories.

    • 05:00-06:00

      Abby Phillip delivers a smart, sharp approach to the day's biggest stories.

    • 06:00-07:00

      Laura Coates goes inside the story with a relentless pursuit of the facts.

    • 07:00-07:30

      Live context and clarity to the day's top stories from around the world.

    • 07:30-08:00

      How digitization and electrification are reshaping some of Uzbekistan's biggest industries - and generating new ones.

    • 08:00-08:30

      Live context and clarity to the day's top stories from around the world.

    • 08:30-09:00

      The International Trade Centre estimates there is $1 billion in African-Caribbean trade potential. What will it take to boost trade between the South-South regions?

    • 09:00-09:30

      Live context and clarity to the day's top stories from around the world.

    • 09:30-10:00

      We accompany the Nigerian music sensations L.A.X., Majeeed, Chike, and Candy Bleakz, as well as Ghanaian star Wendy Shay as they drive through their hometowns.

    • 10:00-11:00

      Live context and clarity to the day's top stories from around the world.

    • 11:00-12:00

      Live context and clarity to the day's top stories from around the world.

    • 12:00-13:00

      Live context and clarity to the day's top stories from around the world.

    • 13:00-13:30

      We accompany the Nigerian music sensations L.A.X., Majeeed, Chike, and Candy Bleakz, as well as Ghanaian star Wendy Shay as they drive through their hometowns.

    • 13:30-14:00

      How digitization and electrification are reshaping some of Uzbekistan's biggest industries - and generating new ones.

    • 14:00-15:00

      Start your day with Victor Blackwell and Amara Walker bringing you the latest headlines and analysis.

    • 15:00-16:00

      Victor Blackwell brings a fresh perspective on the week's news with a focus on stories affecting communities of color.

    • 16:00-17:00

      Updates of the latest news from around the world.

    • 17:00-18:00

      Chris Wallace welcomes the country's best reporters and influential commentators to deliver an insightful and provocative discussion of the week's biggest stories.

    • 18:00-19:00

      Christiane Amanpour, CNN's chief international anchor, brings valuable insight to the biggest global and domestic news stories of the week.

    • 19:00-19:30

      Daily sports show features major stories and issues making news in the world of sports.

    • 19:30-20:00

      How digitization and electrification are reshaping some of Uzbekistan's biggest industries - and generating new ones.

    • 20:00-21:00

      Updates of the latest news from around the world.

    • 21:00-22:00

      Updates of the latest news from around the world.

    • 22:00-23:00

      Pamela Brown scrutinizes the shocking turn of events that led to President Biden ending his reelection bid.

    • 23:00-00:00

      Updates of the latest news from around the world.

342 352
    • 00:00-01:00

      . Bloomberg: Balance of Power focuses on the politics and policies being shaped by the agenda of President Biden s administration.

    • 01:00-02:00

      . The only daily news programme focused exclusively on technology innovation and the future of business. Hosted by Ed Ludlow from San Francisco and Caroline Hyde in New York.

    • 02:00-03:00

      . David Westin speaks with top names in finance about the week s biggest issues on Wall Street.

    • 03:00-04:00

      . Ideas are the global currency of the 21st century. But how do you come up with execute and operationalise one? The answers are what separates successful creative influences from everyone else.

    • 04:00-04:30

      . In a series of one to one interviews award-winning journalist Emma Barnett meets leaders in their fields who are advancing and reshaping the global debate.

    • 04:30-05:00

      . Tim Stenovic and Katie Greifeld make sense of the crypto world. From utility to energy to NFTs from web3 to crime this series is relaxed conversational accessible and full of insight.

    • 05:00-05:30

      . Philanthropist and financier David Rubenstein uncovers inside stories from the most influential minds in business.

    • 05:30-06:00

      . Chief Financial Officers now play a critical role in shaping corporate strategy and positioning organisations to meet future challenges - this programme profiles them.

    • 06:00-07:00

      . David Westin speaks with top names in finance about the week s biggest issues on Wall Street.

    • 07:00-07:30

      . Providing key news and information through in-depth analysis along with exclusive interviews with some of the most influential names in finance.

    • 07:30-08:00

      . Chief Financial Officers now play a critical role in shaping corporate strategy and positioning organisations to meet future challenges - this programme profiles them.

    • 08:00-08:30

      . The Earthshot Prize 2022 is a global prize designed to incentivise change and help to repair our planet by awarding five winners each year for their contributions to environmentalism.

    • 08:30-09:00

      . An in-depth exploration of the science ethos and implications of near-future transportation methods.

    • 09:00-09:30

      . Chief Financial Officers now play a critical role in shaping corporate strategy and positioning organisations to meet future challenges - this programme profiles them.

    • 09:30-10:00

      . Bloomberg s Francine Lacqua speaks to chief executives and business leaders about what motivates them the lessons they have learned and the challenges they face in their industries.

    • 10:00-10:30

      . Providing key news and information through in-depth analysis along with exclusive interviews with some of the most influential names in finance.

    • 10:30-11:00

      . Roblox CEO & Co-Founder David Baszucki. Bloomberg talks to David Baszucki about the success of the online gaming platform Roblox.

    • 11:00-12:00

      . David Westin speaks with top names in finance about the week s biggest issues on Wall Street.

    • 12:00-12:30

      . In a series of one to one interviews award-winning journalist Emma Barnett meets leaders in their fields who are advancing and reshaping the global debate.

    • 12:30-13:00

      . Francine Lacqua interviews key decisions makers across a range of industries to see how they re navigating the climate transition.

    • 13:00-13:30

      . Roblox CEO & Co-Founder David Baszucki. Bloomberg talks to David Baszucki about the success of the online gaming platform Roblox.

    • 13:30-14:00

      . Providing key news and information through in-depth analysis along with exclusive interviews with some of the most influential names in finance.

    • 14:00-15:00

      . David Westin speaks with top names in finance about the week s biggest issues on Wall Street.

    • 15:00-15:30

      . Chief Financial Officers now play a critical role in shaping corporate strategy and positioning organisations to meet future challenges - this programme profiles them.

    • 15:30-16:00

      . Chase Griffin isn t the starting quarterback for UCLA. But in the first year that college athletics have allowed students to profit he s making a bid to be the president of name image and likeness.

    • 16:00-16:30

      . Roblox CEO & Co-Founder David Baszucki. Bloomberg talks to David Baszucki about the success of the online gaming platform Roblox.

    • 16:30-17:00

      . Bloomberg s Francine Lacqua speaks to chief executives and business leaders about what motivates them the lessons they have learned and the challenges they face in their industries.

    • 17:00-17:30

      . Philanthropist and financier David Rubenstein uncovers inside stories from the most influential minds in business.

    • 17:30-18:00

      . Francine Lacqua interviews key decisions makers across a range of industries to see how they re navigating the climate transition.

    • 18:00-19:00

      . David Westin speaks with top names in finance about the week s biggest issues on Wall Street.

    • 19:00-19:30

      . Roblox CEO & Co-Founder David Baszucki. Bloomberg talks to David Baszucki about the success of the online gaming platform Roblox.

    • 19:30-20:00

      . Providing key news and information through in-depth analysis along with exclusive interviews with some of the most influential names in finance.

    • 20:00-20:30

      . In a series of one to one interviews award-winning journalist Emma Barnett meets leaders in their fields who are advancing and reshaping the global debate.

    • 20:30-21:00

      . Chase Griffin isn t the starting quarterback for UCLA. But in the first year that college athletics have allowed students to profit he s making a bid to be the president of name image and likeness.

    • 21:00-21:30

      . Philanthropist and financier David Rubenstein uncovers inside stories from the most influential minds in business.

    • 21:30-22:00

      . Tim Stenovic and Katie Greifeld make sense of the crypto world. From utility to energy to NFTs from web3 to crime this series is relaxed conversational accessible and full of insight.

    • 22:00-22:30

      . In a series of one to one interviews award-winning journalist Emma Barnett meets leaders in their fields who are advancing and reshaping the global debate.

    • 22:30-23:00

      . Chief Financial Officers now play a critical role in shaping corporate strategy and positioning organisations to meet future challenges - this programme profiles them.

    • 23:00-23:30

      . Roblox CEO & Co-Founder David Baszucki. Bloomberg talks to David Baszucki about the success of the online gaming platform Roblox.

    • 23:30-00:00

      . Roblox CEO & Co-Founder David Baszucki. Bloomberg talks to David Baszucki about the success of the online gaming platform Roblox.

193 339 340
    • 00:47-01:00

      The leading news stories of the moment.

    • 01:00-01:15

      Internationale ?

    • 01:15-01:30

      Internationale ?

    • 01:30-01:46

      Internationale ?

    • 01:46-02:00

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 02:00-02:15

      Internationale ?

    • 02:15-02:30

      Internationale ?

    • 02:30-02:46

      Internationale ?

    • 02:46-03:00

      The leading news stories of the moment.

    • 03:00-03:15

      Internationale ?

    • 03:15-03:30

      Internationale ?

    • 03:30-03:45

      Internationale ?

    • 03:45-04:00

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 04:00-04:05

      Internationale ?

    • 04:05-04:30

      Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.

    • 04:30-04:35

      Internationale ?

    • 04:35-04:45

      Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.

    • 04:45-04:50

      Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.

    • 04:50-05:00

      The leading news stories of the moment.

    • 05:00-05:05

      Internationale ?

    • 05:05-05:16

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 05:16-05:30

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 05:30-05:37

      Internationale ?

    • 05:37-05:48

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 05:48-06:00

      The leading news stories of the moment.

    • 06:00-06:05

      Internationale ?

    • 06:05-06:30

      Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.

    • 06:30-06:36

      Internationale ?

    • 06:36-06:45

      Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.

    • 06:45-07:00

      Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.

    • 07:00-07:05

      Internationale ?

    • 07:05-07:16

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 07:16-07:30

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 07:30-07:37

      Internationale ?

    • 07:37-07:47

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 07:47-08:00

      The leading news stories of the moment.

    • 08:00-08:06

      Internationale ?

    • 08:06-08:30

      Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.

    • 08:30-08:35

      Internationale ?

    • 08:35-08:44

      Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.

    • 08:44-08:49

      QATAR 365 präsentiert Katars Aktionen und Angebote auf der globalen Bühne. Programme aus den Bereichen Lifestyle, Kultur, Tourismus und Wirtschaft zeigen das Land als einen besuchenswerten Ort, der viele Investitionsmöglichkeiten bietet.

    • 08:49-09:00

      The leading news stories of the moment.

    • 09:00-09:05

      Internationale ?

    • 09:05-09:16

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 09:16-09:30

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 09:30-09:36

      Internationale ?

    • 09:36-09:47

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 09:47-10:00

      The leading news stories of the moment.

    • 10:00-10:05

      Internationale ?

    • 10:05-10:30

      Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.

    • 10:30-10:36

      Internationale ?

    • 10:36-10:45

      Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.

    • 10:45-10:50

      Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.

    • 10:50-11:00

      EXPLORE ist ein Schmelztiegel der Erfahrungen, ein unerwarteter Blick auf die Welt und eine Quelle der Inspiration für Ihre nächste Reise.

    • 11:00-11:05

      Internationale ?

    • 11:05-11:16

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 11:16-11:30

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 11:30-11:36

      Internationale ?

    • 11:36-11:47

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 11:47-12:00

      The leading news stories of the moment.

    • 12:00-12:05

      Internationale ?

    • 12:05-12:30

      Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.

    • 12:30-12:36

      Internationale ?

    • 12:36-12:44

      Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.

    • 12:44-12:50

      QATAR 365 präsentiert Katars Aktionen und Angebote auf der globalen Bühne. Programme aus den Bereichen Lifestyle, Kultur, Tourismus und Wirtschaft zeigen das Land als einen besuchenswerten Ort, der viele Investitionsmöglichkeiten bietet.

    • 12:50-13:00

      The leading news stories of the moment.

    • 13:00-13:05

      Internationale ?

    • 13:05-13:16

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 13:16-13:30

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 13:30-13:37

      Internationale ?

    • 13:37-13:47

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 13:47-14:00

      The leading news stories of the moment.

    • 14:00-14:05

      Internationale ?

    • 14:05-14:30

      Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.

    • 14:30-14:36

      Internationale ?

    • 14:36-14:45

      Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.

    • 14:45-15:00

      Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.

    • 15:00-15:05

      Internationale ?

    • 15:05-15:16

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 15:16-15:30

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 15:30-15:37

      Internationale ?

    • 15:37-15:44

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 15:44-16:00

      QATAR 365 präsentiert Katars Aktionen und Angebote auf der globalen Bühne. Programme aus den Bereichen Lifestyle, Kultur, Tourismus und Wirtschaft zeigen das Land als einen besuchenswerten Ort, der viele Investitionsmöglichkeiten bietet.

    • 16:00-16:05

      Internationale ?

    • 16:05-16:30

      Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.

    • 16:30-16:36

      Internationale ?

    • 16:36-16:45

      Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.

    • 16:45-17:00

      Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.

    • 17:00-17:05

      Internationale ?

    • 17:05-17:16

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 17:16-17:30

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 17:30-17:37

      Internationale ?

    • 17:37-17:47

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 17:47-18:00

      The leading news stories of the moment.

    • 18:00-18:05

      Internationale ?

    • 18:05-18:30

      Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.

    • 18:30-18:36

      Internationale ?

    • 18:36-18:45

      Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.

    • 18:45-19:00

      Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.

    • 19:00-19:05

      Internationale ?

    • 19:05-19:16

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 19:16-19:30

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 19:30-19:37

      Internationale ?

    • 19:37-19:47

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 19:47-20:00

      The leading news stories of the moment.

    • 20:00-20:05

      Internationale ?

    • 20:05-20:30

      Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.

    • 20:30-20:36

      Internationale ?

    • 20:36-20:44

      Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.

    • 20:44-20:50

      Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.

    • 20:50-21:00

      The leading news stories of the moment.

    • 21:00-21:05

      Internationale ?

    • 21:05-21:16

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 21:16-21:30

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 21:30-21:37

      Internationale ?

    • 21:37-21:44

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 21:44-22:00

      QATAR 365 präsentiert Katars Aktionen und Angebote auf der globalen Bühne. Programme aus den Bereichen Lifestyle, Kultur, Tourismus und Wirtschaft zeigen das Land als einen besuchenswerten Ort, der viele Investitionsmöglichkeiten bietet.

    • 22:00-22:05

      Internationale ?

    • 22:05-22:16

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 22:16-22:30

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 22:30-22:37

      Internationale ?

    • 22:37-22:47

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 22:47-23:00

      The leading news stories of the moment.

    • 23:00-23:05

      Internationale ?

    • 23:05-23:30

      Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.

    • 23:30-23:36

      Internationale ?

    • 23:36-23:44

      Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.

    • 23:44-23:49

      QATAR 365 präsentiert Katars Aktionen und Angebote auf der globalen Bühne. Programme aus den Bereichen Lifestyle, Kultur, Tourismus und Wirtschaft zeigen das Land als einen besuchenswerten Ort, der viele Investitionsmöglichkeiten bietet.

    • 23:49-00:00

      The leading news stories of the moment.

    • 00:10-00:40

      Kanagawa Selfie Ride

    • 00:40-00:50

      Rapper's Hit Song

    • 00:50-01:00

      Meeting the Target

    • 01:00-01:10

    • 01:10-01:37

      Hiroshima's A-Bomb Survivor Trees

    • 01:37-01:40

      #27 Which one is the most tasty?

    • 01:40-01:45

      Kyoto Walls: Gracefulness molded from earth

    • 01:45-02:00

      Magnificent Panorama from Mt. Rishiri in Summer

    • 02:00-02:10

    • 02:10-02:40


    • 02:40-02:55

      Mt. Fuji Long Trail / ERUPTIONS

    • 02:55-03:00

      Stone Jizo: Neighborhood guardians watch over children

    • 03:00-03:10

    • 03:10-04:00

    • 04:00-04:10

    • 04:10-05:00

      13 Years after the Disaster

    • 05:00-05:10

    • 05:10-05:40

      Kanagawa Selfie Ride

    • 05:40-05:50


    • 05:50-05:55


    • 05:55-06:00

      Kanagawa: Miura Sea Breeze

    • 06:00-06:10

    • 06:10-06:40

      Sato Yusuke: Reviving Brewing Methods, Reviving Communities

    • 06:40-06:50

      Rapper's Hit Song

    • 06:50-07:00

      Meeting the Target

    • 07:00-07:10

    • 07:10-07:40


    • 07:40-07:55

      Mt. Fuji Long Trail / ERUPTIONS

    • 07:55-08:00

      Stone Jizo: Neighborhood guardians watch over children

    • 08:00-08:10

    • 08:10-08:40

      Piano with Silent System / Plastic Food Models

    • 08:40-08:55

      #28 Tsunami Observation

    • 08:55-09:00


    • 09:00-09:10

    • 09:10-10:00

      Sunao Tsuboi: Long Journey for Peace

    • 10:00-10:10

    • 10:10-10:47

      Episode 2

    • 10:47-10:50

      AMAMI: Biodiversity

    • 10:50-11:00

      Hirosaki Neputa Matsuri: Hirosaki

    • 11:00-11:10

    • 11:10-11:40

      Piano with Silent System / Plastic Food Models

    • 11:40-11:55

      #28 Tsunami Observation

    • 11:55-12:00


    • 12:00-12:10

    • 12:10-12:55

      The Vivid Colors of Gunma and Niigata

    • 12:55-13:00

      Konamon:Flour-based Cuisine

    • 13:00-13:10

    • 13:10-13:40

      Sato Yusuke: Reviving Brewing Methods, Reviving Communities

    • 13:40-13:50

      Rapper's Hit Song

    • 13:50-14:00

      Meeting the Target

    • 14:00-14:10

    • 14:10-14:40


    • 14:40-14:55

      Mt. Fuji Long Trail / ERUPTIONS

    • 14:55-15:00

      Stone Jizo: Neighborhood guardians watch over children

    • 15:00-15:10

    • 15:10-16:00

      Sunao Tsuboi: Long Journey for Peace

    • 16:00-16:10

    • 16:10-16:47

      Episode 2

    • 16:47-16:50

      AMAMI: Biodiversity

    • 16:50-17:00

      Hirosaki Neputa Matsuri: Hirosaki

    • 17:00-17:10

    • 17:10-17:40

      Kanagawa Selfie Ride

    • 17:40-17:50

      Rapper's Hit Song

    • 17:50-18:00

      Meeting the Target

    • 18:00-18:10

    • 18:10-18:37

      Hiroshima's A-Bomb Survivor Trees

    • 18:37-18:40

      #27 Which one is the most tasty?

    • 18:40-18:45

      Kyoto Walls: Gracefulness molded from earth

    • 18:45-19:00

      Magnificent Panorama from Mt. Rishiri in Summer

    • 19:00-19:10

    • 19:10-19:40


    • 19:40-19:55

      Mt. Fuji Long Trail / ERUPTIONS

    • 19:55-20:00

      Stone Jizo: Neighborhood guardians watch over children

    • 20:00-20:10

    • 20:10-20:55

      The Vivid Colors of Gunma and Niigata

    • 20:55-21:00

      Konamon:Flour-based Cuisine

    • 21:00-21:10

    • 21:10-22:00

      Sunao Tsuboi: Long Journey for Peace

    • 22:00-22:10

    • 22:10-22:47

      Episode 2

    • 22:47-22:50

      AMAMI: Biodiversity

    • 22:50-23:00

      Hirosaki Neputa Matsuri: Hirosaki

    • 23:00-23:10

    • 23:10-23:55

      The Vivid Colors of Gunma and Niigata

    • 23:55-00:00

      Konamon:Flour-based Cuisine

139 351
174 75
159 241 51 271
160 242 52 272
161 233 56 273
162 234 54 274
163 238 57 276
164 235 53 283
58 262
134 301
175 350 364
176 350 365
172 347 367
349 361
    • 23:20-00:50

      Anders als Franz Burda es erwartete, hat seine Frau den Modeverlag mitsamt den Schulden übernommen und verhandelt mit ihm die Druckkosten für ihre Zeitschrift.

    • 00:50-02:20

      Ein rätselhafter Mord an einer transsexuellen Prostituierten beschäftigt Marco Giallini alias Rocco Schiavone im dritten Film der neuen Staffel âDer Kommissar und die Alpenâ.

    • 02:20-02:25

      Die Nachrichten der ARD

    • 02:25-03:58

      Wer hätte gedacht, dass sich das verhinderte Liebespaar Toni und Luise gemeinsam um ein Findelkind kümmern muss?

    • 03:58-04:00

      Die Nachrichten der ARD

    • 04:00-05:30

      Ein rätselhafter Mord an einer transsexuellen Prostituierten beschäftigt Marco Giallini alias Rocco Schiavone im dritten Film der neuen Staffel âDer Kommissar und die Alpenâ.

    • 05:30-05:48

      Deutsche Landschaften, Städte, Inseln

    • 05:48-05:50

      Die Nachrichten der ARD

    • 05:50-06:30

    • 06:30-06:55

      Auf der Jagd nach dem Titel "TwinTeam des Jahres" müssen die Zwillinge ihre geballte Sprungkraft mit einem guten Gedächtnis kombinieren.

    • 06:55-07:20

      Heute scheidet das letztplazierte TwinTeam aus, denn die Qualifying-Etappe geht zu Ende. Nur die besten Teams reisen weiter zur Outdoor-Etappe.

    • 07:20-07:45

      Charlie und ihre Freunde treffen auf ein geheimnisvolles Waldmädchen. Doch wer ist diese Lena, die sich so gut im alten Tal auskennt? Arman misstraut ihr und gerät darüber mit Charlie in Streit.

    • 07:45-08:10

      Nachdem Milena von Charlie enttarnt wurde, zieht sie sich auf ihre Burg zurück. Mick versucht, auf Milena einzuwirken. Doch damit weckt er die Erinnerung an Milenas gröÃte Demütigung, was diese zum ÃuÃersten treibt.

    • 08:10-08:15

      Warum kann sich Geld beim Sparen vermehren? Wer bestimmt, wieviel unser Geld wert ist? Und warum kann man nicht überall mit Euro bezahlen? Fragen wie diese beantwortet Tomomi Themann im KiKA-Format âTomomi und das Geldâ.

    • 08:15-08:40

      Wie zählt man Seehunde? Annas Seehündin, die wilde Hilde, bekommt ein neues Sommerquartier: im Aufzuchtbecken der Seehundstation verschlingt die Robbe gleich eine groÃe Portion Fischbrei.

    • 08:40-08:45

    • 08:45-18:00

      * Leichtathletik: Marathon Männer * Taekwondo: Frauen 67 kg * Moderner Fünfkampf: Frauen * Wasserspringen: 10 m Turm Männer * Handball: Frauen * Tischtennis: Team Frauen * Klettern: Bouldern und Lead Frauen *

    • 18:00-18:05

    • 18:05-21:00


    • 21:00-21:15

      ARD-Nachrichten aus dem In- und Ausland auf den Punkt gebracht.

    • 21:15-01:00

      XXXIII. Olympische Sommerspiele Paris 2024 * Bahnrad: Sprint Frauen - Viertelfinale * Leichtathletik: 5.000 m Männer - Finale / 1.

179 354 371
178 255
    • 00:30-01:00


    • 01:00-01:30


    • 01:30-02:00


    • 02:00-02:30


    • 02:30-03:00

      ERNESTO SEVILLA. CAPÍTULO Nº 279. DIRECCIÓN: Sara Nuñez de Arenas. REALIZACION: Ana Mazuecos. PRODUCCION: LUCRECIA BOFILL. Cayetana Guillén Cuervo entrevista a Ernesto Sevilla.

    • 03:00-03:30


    • 03:30-04:00


    • 04:00-04:30


    • 04:30-05:00

      CAPÍTULO Nº 664. Guadalindie, Canal Conmect y Más mujeres en IA. PARA TODOS LOS PUBLICOS. SUBTITULADO. CATCHUP: 7 DIAS

    • 05:00-05:30


    • 05:30-06:00


    • 06:00-06:30


171 370
165 396
43 58 89
    • 06:00-06:25

      Niiskuneiti ennustajana. Kausi 3, 12/24. Niiskuneiti ennustajana. Salama iskee Niiskuneitiin ja hän alkaa saada näkyjä tulevasta.

    • 06:25-06:50

      Vedenhengetär. Kausi 3, 13/24. Vedenhengetär. Muumilaakson miehet hullaantuvat salaperäisestä näystä.

    • 06:50-07:00

      Kelluva teatteritalo. Muumitalo on tulvinut täyteen vettä, eikä vesi osoita lainkaan laskeutumisen merkkejä. Muumit kapuavat turvaan Muumitalon katolle salongin kalusteiden kanssa, kun he äkkäävät heitä kohti kelluvan talon.

    • 07:00-07:15

      Teatterirotta Emma. Muumiperhe ystävineen on saanut uuden kodin kelluvasta teatterista tulvan keskellä. Teatterista löytyy paljon kummallisia esineitä, kuten kivikovaa ruokaa, ja siellä saattaa jopa kummitellakin.

    • 07:15-07:40

      Taiteilijat tulevat. Kausi 3, 2/24. Taiteilijat tulevat. Muumipappa aikoo osallistua valokuvauskilpailuun, jossa etsitään kauneinta maisemakuvaa.

    • 07:40-08:05

      Muumipeikko saa suuren kalan. Kausi 3, 3/24. Muumipeikko saa suuren kalan. Muumipeikko pyydystää valtavan kalan. Muumipeikko haluaa järjestää juhlat ja valmistaa kalasta hulppean juhla-aterian.

    • 08:05-08:30

      Maalataan talo. Kausi 3, 4/24. Maalataan talo. Pikku Myy rikkoo vahingossa Hemulin talon katon. Muumipeikko ystävineen rientää apuun ja tarjoutuu korjaamaan katon.

    • 08:30-08:40

      Klik!. Pikkuriikkinen Gus haluaa valtakunnan mahtavimmaksi ritariksi ja todistaa kaikille, että mikään ei ole mahdotonta, vaan urhoollisuus ja rohkeus menevät kaiken edelle.

    • 08:40-08:55

      Muistikatkos. Pikkuriikkinen Gus haluaa valtakunnan mahtavimmaksi ritariksi ja todistaa kaikille, että mikään ei ole mahdotonta, vaan urhoollisuus ja rohkeus menevät kaiken edelle.

    • 08:55-09:05

      Sininen kivi. Pikkuriikkinen Gus haluaa valtakunnan mahtavimmaksi ritariksi ja todistaa kaikille, että mikään ei ole mahdotonta, vaan urhoollisuus ja rohkeus menevät kaiken edelle.

    • 09:05-09:20

      Vauvaonnea. Kausi 1, 11/52. Vauvaonnea. Mikä katastrofi! Koko mehiläispesä on flunssan kourissa, eikä kukaan voi huolehtia vauvoista! Siis ei kukaan muu kuin Apollo ja¿ Ansa!

    • 09:20-09:30

      Sekasotku. Kausi 1, 12/52. Sekasotku. Kevät on viimein saapunut! Siispä kaikki kylän asukkaat päättävät, että on aika ryhtyä perusteelliseen kevätsiivoukseen. Kaikki paitsi Taavi, joka inhoaa siivoamista!

    • 09:30-09:45

      Vaapukkamehua ja kanarialintuja. Taikahatusta täytyy päästä eroon, joten Nuuskamuikkunen heittää sen jokeen virran vietäväksi. Hattu juuttuu kuitenkin hiekkasärkälle, ja Muumilaaksossa koetaan taas kummallisia asioita.

    • 09:45-10:00

      Viidakko Muumitalossa. Eräänä sateisena päivänä Muumimamma päättää tehdä Muumitalossa suursiivouksen, mutta erehtyy käyttämään taikurin hattua roskakorina.

    • 10:00-10:30

      12 Vinksin vonksin. Miksi Hansun paita on väärin päin? Koska kaikki on tänään vinksin vonksin ja nurinkurin! Nyt opetellaan soittamaan Peppi Pitkätossu ja lauletaan Magdaleena.

    • 10:30-10:40

      Saattue. Kausi 1, 46/52. Saattue.

    • 10:40-10:55

      Drontti Edvard. Uudistettu versio alkuperäisestä puolalaisesta pala-animaatiosta, joka kertoo Muumipeikon ja hänen perheensä sekä omaperäisten ystävien seikkailuista Muumilaaksossa. Sarja on puhuttu suomeksi.

    • 10:55-11:10

      Pahisten tanssit. Kausi 2, 4/52. Pahisten tanssit. Jos on hätä, kutsu viidakon veijarit apuun! Tiikeriksi itseään luuleva Mauri-pingviini, Mikke-gorilla ja muut veijarit paljastavat, mitä viidakossa todella tapahtuu.

    • 11:10-11:25

      Viidakon pikkuveijarit. Kausi 2, 5/52. Viidakon pikkuveijarit. Jos on hätä, kutsu viidakon veijarit apuun! Tiikeriksi itseään luuleva Mauri-pingviini, Mikke-gorilla ja muut veijarit paljastavat, mitä viidakossa todella tapahtuu.

    • 11:25-11:40

      Hamsteriongelma. Kausi 2, 6/52. Hamsteriongelma. Jos on hätä, kutsu viidakon veijarit apuun! Tiikeriksi itseään luuleva Mauri-pingviini, Mikke-gorilla ja muut veijarit paljastavat, mitä viidakossa todella tapahtuu.

    • 11:40-11:50

      Unihilloa. Kausi 1, 29/52. Unihilloa. Leena poimii monchhiruusuja munkkihillon mausteeksi, mutta Aikor onkin loitsinut kukat. Pian kaikki Leenan kahvilassa ovat nukahtaneet loitsun vuoksi. Kolmikkomme on estettävä Aikorin aikeet ryöstää

    • 11:50-12:00

      Koppexin uudet kuviot. Kausi 1, 30/52. Koppexin uudet kuviot. Unipuun vartija Koppex alkaa yhtäkkiä löysäillä hengitettyään oudon kukan siitepölyä. Parannuskeinoa selvitetään, ja Silmu astuu Koppexin tilalle.

    • 12:00-12:15

      Suurmonchhichi. Kausi 1, 31/52. Suurmonchhichi. Unipuun juurelle pystytetään Suurmonchhichin patsas illan juhlallisuuksien kunniaksi.

    • 12:15-12:30

      Ystäväni Aikor. Kausi 1, 32/52. Ystäväni Aikor. Aikoria ärsyttää Silmun kekseliäisyys. Aikor langettaa pikku keksijächhichin ylle "ystävystymisloitsun", jonka vuoksi tämä alkaa rakentaa hänelle laitetta hehkuhedelmien varastamiseksi.

    • 12:30-12:55

      Hirmuinen Pikku Myy. Kausi 3, 17/24. Hirmuinen Pikku Myy. Pikku Myy on kurittomalla päällä ja hän aiheuttaa harmia yhdelle jos toisellekin Muumilaakson asukkaalle.

    • 12:55-13:20

      Muumipeikko povaa tulevaisuutta. Kausi 3, 18/24. Muumipeikko povaa tulevaisuutta. Nipsu houkuttelee Muumipeikkoa yhteisiin liiketoimiin. Ystävykset etsivät myyntityötä, josta saisi rutkasti rahaa.

    • 13:20-13:45

      Iso pamaus. Kausi 3, 19/24. Iso pamaus. Niiskun lentoalus alkaa olla kohta valmis. Huolta aiheuttaa enää polttoaine-onglemat. Muumilaaksoon saapuu keksijä, nimeltään Muhveli.

    • 13:45-13:55

      Tucsonkaupunki. Kausi 1, 45/52. Dinokamut etsivät hienoa kasvia koulutehtävää varten ja törmäävät kukkaan, jonka tuoksu hypnotisoi nuuhkijansa.

    • 13:55-14:05

      Fossiilit. Kausi 1, 46/52. Rakkaus saa ihmisen tekemään hölmöjä asioita ja voi johtaa odottamattomiin tilanteisiin.

    • 14:05-14:20

      Patsastelua. Kausi 1, 47/52. Harryn uusi keksintö jähmettää vahingossa liikkumattomiksi kaikki muut paitsi Denverin ja Spookyn.

    • 14:20-14:30

      Taiteilijaelämää. Kausi 1, 48/52. Denver osoittautuu lahjakkaaksi taidemaalariksi, ja pormestari haluaa koota Denverin teoksista näyttelyn kaupunginmuseoon,

    • 14:30-14:45

      Rauhankoru. Uudessa animaatiosarjassa tutustutaan nuoreen Robin Hoodiin ja hänen ystäviinsä, joilta ei puutu hauskanpitoa, energiaa, rohkeutta eikä huumorintajua.

    • 14:45-15:10

      Kaikenkarvaiset tunteet. Kausi 1, 5/20. Musapattipelissä hypätään tunteiden karuselliin. Saadaanko yksinäiset liitettyä yhteen Mimmien laboratoriossa?

    • 15:10-15:25

      Halitaan yhdessä. Kun Ti-Ti Nalle saapuu ruutuun yhdessä Riitan ja koko perheensä kanssa, luvassa on musisointia ja iloista laulua, ja siinä sivussa opimme myös musiikin peruskäsitteitä.

    • 15:25-15:35

      Tassuja tanssittaa. Kun Ti-Ti Nalle saapuu ruutuun yhdessä Riitan ja koko perheensä kanssa, luvassa on musisointia ja iloista laulua, ja siinä sivussa opimme myös musiikin peruskäsitteitä.

    • 15:35-15:50

      Aurinkoretki. Kun Ti-Ti Nalle saapuu ruutuun yhdessä Riitan ja koko perheensä kanssa, luvassa on musisointia ja iloista laulua, ja siinä sivussa opimme myös musiikin peruskäsitteitä.

    • 15:50-16:00

      Kausi 1, 3/8. Vivian tapaa metsäneuvoja Henrin, joka tutkii ja kirjaa metsäkarttoja. Hänelle myös selviää että metsiä voi olla eri ikäisiä ja jopa sata vuotta vanhoja.

    • 16:00-17:05

      Riitta ja nalleperhe kutsutaan salaperäiseen seikkailuun Hirsimetsään selvittämään jännittävää arvoitusta.

    • 17:05-17:10

      Kausi 1, 4/8. Elmo pääsee tutkimaan metsän kiertokulkua ja pohtii samalla, miksi puita välillä kaadetaan ja mikä vaikutus sillä on luontoon.

    • 17:10-17:15

      Kausi 1, 5/8. Akseli näkee ison metsätyökoneen ja pääsee kädestä pitäen kokeilemaan, miten isolla työkoneella kaadetaan puita. Samalla myös muistellaan miten puuhun voi turvallisesti kiivetä.

    • 17:15-17:25

      Aika helteessä. Klassikkoanimaatio kertoo lempeästä ja nokkelasta professori Balthazarista, joka keksii ihmekoneensa avulla ratkaisun kaikkiin pulmiin.

    • 17:25-17:40

      Kevätkoreilu. Kausi 1, 10/52. Kevätkoreilu. On vuotuisen kevätkoreilun aika. Sauhusen on löydettävä tyttölohikäärme ja saatava siltä pusu, jotta se voi jatkaa tulen hönkäilyä.

    • 17:40-17:55

      Lotan penkki. Kausi 1, 11/52. Lotan penkki. Lola, Mira ja Tuuli ovat menossa lempipenkilleen, mutta käy ilmi, että rouva Penkka aikoo panna sen paikalle vaunuvaraston. Epäreilua!

    • 17:55-18:10

      Sininen kissanpentu. Kausi 2, 2/3. Sininen kissanpentu. Kolmella veikeällä kissakaveruksella riittää ihmeteltävää pihalle pöllähtävässä laatikossa.

    • 18:10-18:35

      Maalarit / Koulutusvideo. Kausi 3, 10/20. Maalarit / Koulutusvideo. Palkittu animaatiosarja kertoo merenpohjassa sijaitsevasta Tangalan kaupungista, jossa Paavon lisäksi asustaa joukko muitakin persoonallisia hahmoja.

    • 18:35-19:00

      Myrskytuulia. Kausi 1, 7/26. Myrskytuulia. Ystävyys ja huumori joutuvat välillä koetukselle, kun eliittikoulua käyvät kolme kaverusta rakentavat ainutlaatuisen droonin.

    • 19:00-19:20

      Karkulainen. Kausi 1, 16/26. Karkulainen. Suomeksi puhuttu animaatio.

    • 19:20-19:35

      Piirretty lastensarja keskinkertaisesta lauluntekijästä David Sevillestä, joka hoitaa kolmea aivan tavallista maaoravaa. Tai no, melkein tavallista... 1. tuotantokausi.

    • 19:35-19:45

      Piirretty lastensarja keskinkertaisesta lauluntekijästä David Sevillestä, joka hoitaa kolmea aivan tavallista maaoravaa. Tai no, melkein tavallista... 1. tuotantokausi.

    • 19:45-19:56

      Taistelu tanssiaisista. Kausi 2, 33/52. Taistelu tanssiaisista. Kun uusi bändi Tikkuoravat yrittää viedä kaikki keikat, joutuvat pikkuoravat osallistumaan bändien taistoon.

40 52 101
    • 00:45-01:00

    • 01:00-01:30

      Tärkeimmät uutiset ja kiinnostavimmat puheenaiheet - aina!

    • 06:00-11:30

      Tärkeimmät uutiset ja kiinnostavimmat puheenaiheet - aina!

    • 11:30-13:05

      Dokumentissa seurataan amerikanruotsalaisen Armand Mondo Duplantisin nousua ja kasvua isänsä valmentamasta lapsitähdestä maailman parhaaksi seiväshyppääjäksi seuraten hänen harjoitteluaan ja kilpailujaan.

    • 13:05-13:35

      Jakso 7/20. Electric Odyssey sarjassa tutustutaan kilpailutapahtumien lisäksi lajin taustoihin ja ajankohtaisiin aiheisiin. Englanninkielinen ohjelma.

    • 13:35-14:00

      Viikoittainen moottoriurheiluohjelma, joka tarjoaa tuoreimmat uutiset, kisakuvaukset ja analyysit vesiurheilusta kaksi- ja nelipyöräisiin saakka. Englanninkielinen ohjelma.

    • 14:00-20:00

      Teivo ja Åby. Suora lähetys Teivon ja Åbyn raviradalta.

    • 20:00-21:05

      Indonesia. Motocrossin MM-sarja, MXGP-luokan osakilpailu ( 30.6.2024 ). Englanninkielinen selostus.

    • 21:05-22:10

      Lombok. Motocrossin MM-sarja, MXGP-luokan osakilpailu ( 7.7.2024 ). Englanninkielinen selostus.

    • 22:10-23:15

      Tshekki. Motocrossin MM-sarja, MXGP-luokan osakilpailu ( 21.7.2024 ). Englanninkielinen selostus.

    • 23:15-01:00

      Belgia. Motocrossin MM-sarja, MXGP-luokan osakilpailu ( 28.7.2024 ). Englanninkielinen selostus.

55 50 105
    • 19:00-05:45

      Montreal. ATP 1000 -turnaus Montreal, 2. kierros ( 9.8.2024 ). Englanninkielinen selostus.

    • 05:45-06:00

      Tärkeimmät uutiset ja kiinnostavimmat puheenaiheet - aina!

    • 06:00-08:25

      Tärkeimmät uutiset ja kiinnostavimmat puheenaiheet - aina!

    • 08:25-12:30

      Pohjoismaiden suurin maastopyöräilykilpailu ( 10.8.2024 ). Ruotsinkielinen selostus.

    • 12:30-13:30

      Washington 500. Kooste ATP-turnausten parhaista paloista. Mukana turnauksen huippuhetket, henkilökuvaukset sekä kurkistuksia turnauksen kulisseihin.

    • 13:30-14:00

      Track & Field Weekly. Jakso 17/24. Englanninkielinen ohjelma.

    • 14:00-15:44

      Saksalaisessa dokumentissa seurataan Wurzburgin suuren pojan Dirk Nowitzkin matkaa NBA:n supertähdeksi. Dokumentissa kuullaan Nowitzkin ja hänen läheistensä lisäksi NBA-tähtiä Kobe Bryantista Steve Nashiin.

    • 15:44-16:35

      Jalasjärvi. Jalasjärvellä 27.-28.7.2024 ajetun Rallicrossin SM-sarjan osakilpailukooste.

    • 16:35-17:25

      Assen. Porsche Carrera Cup Benelux. Kauden neljäs kisaviikonloppu Hollannin Assenista. Race 1 (3.8.2024) Englanninkielinen selostus.

    • 17:25-18:20

      Assen. Porsche Carrera Cup Benelux. Kauden neljäs kisaviikonloppu Hollannin Assenista. Race 2 (4.8.2024) Englanninkielinen selostus.

    • 18:20-18:50

      Italia. Kooste EM-rallin tärkeimmistä tapahtumista ja huippuhetkistä. Englanninkielinen ohjelma.

    • 18:50-19:05

    • 19:05-19:30

      VIP-passi moottoriurheilumaailman kulissien taakse. Kattava tarjonta eri kilpasarjojen kovimmista kilpailuista, tiimeistä sekä kuljettajista.

    • 19:30-23:30

      Montreal. ATP 1000 -turnaus Montreal, puolivälierät ( 10.8.2024 ). Englanninkielinen selostus.

    • 23:30-00:30

      La Liga Champion - Real Madridin tarina mestariksi. La Ligan erikoisohjelmistoa kauden käännekohtien yhteydessä. Englanninkielinen ohjelma.

56 51 106
    • 23:35-00:40

      Belgia. Motocrossin MM-sarja, MXGP-luokan osakilpailu ( 28.7.2024 ). Englanninkielinen selostus.

    • 00:40-01:05

      Viikoittainen moottoriurheiluohjelma, joka tarjoaa tuoreimmat uutiset, kisakuvaukset ja analyysit vesiurheilusta kaksi- ja nelipyöräisiin saakka. Englanninkielinen ohjelma.

    • 01:05-06:00

      Tärkeimmät uutiset ja kiinnostavimmat puheenaiheet - aina!

    • 06:00-11:30

      Tärkeimmät uutiset ja kiinnostavimmat puheenaiheet - aina!

    • 11:30-12:55

      Lahti. Kooste Drifting SM kauden 2024 kolmannen kilpailuviikonlopun Pro-luokan TOP 16 kaaviosta Lahdesta.

    • 12:55-14:55

      Oslo. Timanttiliiga: Oslo ( 30.5.2024 ). Selostajana Antero Mertaranta, asiantuntijana Tommi Evilä.

    • 14:55-16:55

      Tukholma. Timanttiliiga: Tukholma ( 2.6.2024 ). Selostajana Antero Mertaranta, asiantuntijana Tommi Evilä.

    • 16:55-19:00

      Pariisi. Timanttiliiga: Pariisi ( 7.7.2024 ). Selostajana Antero Mertaranta, asiantuntijana Tommi Evilä.

    • 19:00-21:10

      Monaco. Timanttiliiga: Monaco ( 12.7.2024 ). Selostajana Antero Mertaranta, asiantuntijana Tommi Evilä.

    • 21:10-23:10

      Lontoo. Timanttiliiga: Lontoo ( 20.7.2024 ). Selostajana Mika Saukkonen, asiantuntijana Tommi Evilä.

    • 23:10-23:35

      Track & Field Weekly. Jakso 17/24. Englanninkielinen ohjelma.

    • 23:35-00:05

      Viikoittainen moottoriurheiluohjelma, joka tarjoaa tuoreimmat uutiset, kisakuvaukset ja analyysit vesiurheilusta kaksi- ja nelipyöräisiin saakka. Englanninkielinen ohjelma.

53 59 140
    • 00:30-02:05

      The Murder Room. Maailmankuulussa sotamuseossa tapahtuu murha. Museossa on useita epäiltyjä, ja alkaa mutkikas tutkinta. Dalgliesh pääsee yllättäville jäljille...

    • 02:05-03:05

      Elliot haluaa antaa takaisin pettureille, mutta kun suunnitelma paljastuu, on tehtävä raju päätös. Billy alkaa epäillä äitinsä olleen epärehellinen.

    • 03:05-04:05

      Kausi päättyy. Elliotin konflikti saa dramaattisen ratkaisun. Marian uhkaa menettää kaiken. Kuka voittaa valtataistelun viimeisessä jengikokouksessa?

    • 04:05-04:50

      Ruotsalaisessa trillerisarjassa tapaamme Jan Guilloun menestyskirjojen suositun hahmon, nuoren agentin Carl Hamiltonin. Hän palaa Ruotsiin USA:sta monivuotisen Navy SEAL -koulutuksen jälkeen.

    • 04:50-05:00

      Hugh Jackman. Viihdeohjelma, jonka jokaisessa osassa piirretään muotokuva jostakin Hollywood-tähdestä, alkutaipaleelta uran huipuille ja suvantoihin.

    • 05:00-05:30

      Viihdeohjelma On Set vie Hollywoodin tähtitehtaan kulissien taakse.

    • 05:30-06:00

      Viihdeohjelma On Set vie Hollywoodin tähtitehtaan kulissien taakse.

    • 06:00-06:30

      Viihdeohjelma On Set vie Hollywoodin tähtitehtaan kulissien taakse.

    • 06:30-08:45

      Uusi, mullistava kesä alkaa, kun Fanny ja Zac palaavat Enkelten taloon. Paljastuu että Gottfridillä ja Ivarilla on veli Sven, joka muutti Amerikkaan lapsena.

    • 08:45-10:25

      Ystävykset ja äidit Amy, Carla ja Kiki pelkäävät stressaavia joulunpyhiä. He päättävät tehdä kaikesta pienempää, joulusta yksinkertaisemman ja hauskemman, mutta eivät odottaneet omien äitiensä tulevan yllätysvierailulle.

    • 10:25-12:00

      Romanttinen komedia eri maailmoista tulevasta epäsopivasta parista, joka rakastuu kaikkien odotusten vastaisesti. Pääosassa David Hellenius.

    • 12:00-13:50

      Kiitetty rikosdraama strippareista Ramona (Jennifer Lopez) ja Destiny (Constance Wu), joiden on vaikeaa pitää elämänsä kasassa.

    • 13:50-15:40

      Ranskalainen elämäkertadraama muodinluoja Coco Chanelin elämästä ennen läpimurtoa. Nimiroolissa Audrey Tatou (Amelie).

    • 15:40-17:50

      Tunnettu rikoskirjailija löydetään kuolleena kartanostaan syntymäpäiväjuhliensa jälkeen. Murhaa selvittämään saapuu etsivä Benoit Blanc.

    • 17:50-19:30

      Tosipohjainen draama siitä, miten Lance Armstrong muuttui seitsenkertaisesta Tour de France -mestarista pyöräilyurheilun suurimmaksi huijariksi.

    • 19:30-20:15

      Pahuuden kasvot, osa 1. Kausi 2, 5/10. Naisvankilan joukkopako pitää yksikön kiireisenä ja vaarallinen sarjamyrkyttäjä on vapaalla jalalla. Karita ei halua enää yhtään ruumista vahtivuoronsa aikana. Eelin syyllisyys kasvaa.

    • 20:15-21:00

      Täydellinen meidän jengiin. Kausi 1, 3/8. Täydellinen meidän jengiin. Lähentyminen vuokranantajan kanssa johtaa sukunimen vaihdokseen. Lauran vuoteen vierellä riittää rakkauden lähettiläitä.

    • 21:00-22:00

      Pussyland. Kausi alkaa. Pynkin perhe kärsii vieläkin klubin Murda-illan traagisista seurauksista, kun he saavat uuden vihollisen, Ronan.

    • 22:00-23:00

      Seven Pounds of Pressure. Clifford-setä saavuttaa henkilökohtaisen virstanpylvään, samalla kun The Pynkin henkilökunta valmistautuu tähän asti suurimpaan iltaansa.

    • 23:00-01:10

      Suositun elokuvasarjan kolmannessa osassa Keaunu Reevesin esittämällä supersalamurhaaja John Wickillä on joukko palkkionmetsästäjiä perässään, kun hänen hengestään on luvassa 14 miljoonaa dollaria.

54 60 141
    • 23:00-04:00

      Call yourself a Dance fan? Well, you've come to the right place as we bring you 50 of the most genre defining hits MTV has to offer!

    • 04:00-07:00

      We've got a playlist filled with the hottest hits that have taken over the world!

    • 07:00-08:58

      We got hits... We got hits from the 80s. And guess what? They don't stop! You're welcome!

    • 09:00-12:00

      We've got a playlist filled with the hottest hits that have taken over the world!

    • 12:00-14:00

      Let's take a look at some of the biggest hits that are circulating the globe right now in this top 20 countdown!

    • 14:00-17:00

      The weekend starts right here! We've selected the hottest hits that will keep you in the party mood!

    • 17:00-17:44

      Fresh Out delivers the most important music and pop culture news of the week and beyond with artist interviews, in-studio performances, album drops and tour announcements.

    • 18:00-23:00

      Call yourself a Dance fan? Well, you've come to the right place as we bring you 50 of the most genre defining hits MTV has to offer!

    • 23:00-04:00

      You're invited to the biggest pop party around, so grab your dancing shoes and turn the telly up!

81 62 142
84 61 143
    • 00:35-02:30

      Räjähtävä toimintaseikkailu, jossa terroristit iskevät Valkoiseen taloon Washington D.C.:ssä.

    • 02:30-04:15

      Tositapahtumiin perustuva elokuva katastrofaalisesta räjähdyksestä öljynporauslautta Deepwater Horizonilla vuonna 2010.

    • 04:15-04:45

      Viihdeohjelma On Set vie Hollywoodin tähtitehtaan kulissien taakse.

    • 04:45-05:00

      Kate Winslet. Viihdeohjelma, jonka jokaisessa osassa piirretään muotokuva jostakin Hollywood-tähdestä, alkutaipaleelta uran huipuille ja suvantoihin.

    • 05:00-07:05

      Tosipohjainen draamatrilleri asianajajasta, jonka vastustaja on suuri kemiantehdas. Firman vaaralliset päästöt ovat aiheuttaneet suuria vahinkoja.

    • 07:05-08:55

      Dokumentissa kuvataan oopperalegenda Luciano Pavarottia, niin hänen uskomatonta uraansa kuin miestä lavan ulkopuolellakin.

    • 08:55-10:40

      Miten nykymaailmassa oikein löytää rakkauden? Tässä romanttisessa komediassa tapaamme Lontoossa lapsuudenystävät Zoen ja Kazin, joiden tapa lähestyä ihmissuhteita on erilainen.

    • 10:40-11:45

      Ystävykset Mimmi Lehmä ja Varis tutustuvat Haikaraan, joka tekee pesän maatilalle. Haikara kertoo matkoistaan, ja nyt Mimmikin haluaa nähdä maailmaa.

    • 11:45-13:25

      Eräänä päivänä Peppi saa pullopostia. Hänen isänsä, kapteeni Pitkätossu, on joutunut merirosvojen haaviin, ja nyt hän pyytää vahvaa tytärtään avuksi. Peppi ei epäröi hetkeäkään vaan kääntää kokkansa kohti Etelämerta.

    • 13:25-15:30

      Taikurijengi palaa seikkailemaan vuosi sen jälkeen, kun he huijasivat FBI:ta ja saavuttivat yleisön suosion Robin Hood -tyyppisellä ryöstöllään.

    • 15:30-17:10

      Ihmeellisten tapahtumien jälkeen 37-vuotias Mike herää yhtäkkiä 17-vuotiaana ja saa näin uuden tilaisuuden nuoruuteen.

    • 17:10-19:00

      Ylistetty draama 10-vuotiaasta Auggiesta, jolla on erilaiset kasvot ja joka aloittaa ensimmäistä kertaa tavallisessa koulussa.

    • 19:00-21:00

      Sci-fi-draama Marsilla syntyneestä pojasta, joka matkustaa maapallolle ensimmäistä kertaa teininä ja etsii tuntematonta isäänsä.

    • 21:00-23:15

      Kaksi veljestä tappelee toisiaan vastaan kamppailulajissa, jossa sekä fyysiset että tunnetason panokset ovat korkealla. Tom Hardy.

    • 23:15-00:55

      Räjähtävä toimintatrilleri Rileysta (Jennifer Garner), joka lähtee eeppiselle koston tielle, kun huumekartelli murhaa hänen miehensä ja tyttärensä.

80 63 137 424
    • 23:40-01:10

      Kolmas osa äärettömän suositussa ruotsalaisessa komediasarjassa venejupakoista ja huijauksista Göta-kanavalla ja sen rannoilla.

    • 01:10-02:40

      14-vuotias Erik viettää 60-luvun alun kesän Genesaretilla. Siellä on myös kaunis Kim Novak, jonka nimi on oikeastaan Ewa ja joka on Erikin koulun opettaja.

    • 02:40-04:15

      Koko illan elokuva, joka päätti suositun TV-sarjan maalari Hoffasta (Ola Rapace), josta tulee pankkiryöstäjä.

    • 04:15-05:50

      Lisa palaa Lontoosta myymään ruotsalaista lapsuudenkotiaan, kun hänen isänsä oudon tapahtumasarjan seurauksena julistetaan kuolleeksi. Hänen luullaan tehneen itsemurha tai pudonneen kuiluun. Lisa ei kuitenkaan suostu uskomaan selityksiä.

    • 05:50-07:30

      Kömpelön jokapaikanhöylän Claes-Henrikin on huijattava äitinsä ulos asunnosta pariksi päiväksi. Rahaa on luvassa, mutta tehtävä ei ole helppo.

    • 07:30-08:00

      Perustuu Astrid Lindgrenin tarinaan. Lapset olivat yksin kotona. Äidin viimeinen ohje oli, että ovi oli suljettava jottei yksikään kulkuri pääsisi sisään.

    • 08:00-09:45

      Kuolemansa jälkeen Kaarle ja Joonatan Leijona tapaavat lyhyen maallisen elämänsä jälkeen Nangijalan taianomaisessa maassa.

    • 09:45-11:15

      Eva ja Adam ovat olleet yhdessä pian 3 vuotta. He ovat melkein aina yhdessä, mutta Eva on alkanut miettiä onko Adam sittenkään se oikea. Missaako hän liudan hauskuuksia?

    • 11:15-13:00

      Toisessa elokuvassaan kameran takana Helena Bergström tutkii rakkauden kiemuroita tarinassa kahdesta siskoksesta.

    • 13:00-14:40

      Huithapeli Alex johtaa ryhmää musiikista uneksivia kehitysvammaisia tässä draamakomediassa, jossa on mukana menestystarina Glada Hudik - teatteri.

    • 14:40-16:10

      Kolmas osa äärettömän suositussa ruotsalaisessa komediasarjassa venejupakoista ja huijauksista Göta-kanavalla ja sen rannoilla.

    • 16:10-17:45

      Simon ja Ingrid elävät täydellistä elämää: heillä on hyvät työpaikat, ihanat puolisot ja melkein aikuiset lapset. He eivät koskaan ole tavanneet, mutta eräänä kesäiltana heidän tiensä kohtaavat.

    • 17:45-19:00

      Kuvittele että seilaisit yhdessä isäsi kanssa ja muuttaisit sitten vanhaan röttelöön, jossa vain sinä saisit määrätä! Kuvittele että sinulla olisi apina ja hevonen! Kuvittele että olisit supervahva!

    • 19:00-20:20

      Lillköpingin kesäidyllissä on rauhallista. Moni kakku päältä kaunis: käynnissä on sota Punaisen ja Valkoisen Ruusun välillä. Yhtäkkiä ukko Gren löydetään kuolleena. Nyt tarvitaan Kalle mestarietsivää!

    • 20:20-22:00

      Tällä kertaa Jönssonliigan on määrä varastaa datasiru, joka sisältää maanpuolustussalaisuuksia. Harmi vain että he eivät ole ainoita asialla vaan joutuvat kilpasille vanhan vihollisen Wall-Ekbergin kanssa.

    • 22:00-23:45

      Perhe on juuri muuttanut unelmataloonsa maalle. Pian alkaa tapahtua outoja. Seinistä kuuluu raapivia ääniä, ovet avautuvat ja sulkeutuvat itsekseen. Ovatko he talossa yksin, vai onko siellä muitakin?

    • 23:45-01:30

      Reza Bagherin filmatisointi Mikael Niemen kirjasta, joka on villi kasvukertomus, jossa Niila ja Matti oppivat tuntemaan rock'n'rollia ja omaa seksuaalisuuttaan juominkien ja saunomisen välissä 1960-luvun

129 70 154 471
    • 00:00-01:49

      White Chicks - Amerikkalaine komedia vuodelta 2004

    • 02:00-03:18

      Fun Mom Dinner - Amerikkalainen komedia vuodelta 2017

    • 04:00-05:54

      Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again - Brittiläinen komedia vuodelta 2018

    • 06:00-07:32

      Angry Birds -elokuva 2 - Suomalainen animaatio vuodelta 2019

    • 08:00-09:27

      Ozzy - Espanjalainen animaatio vuodelta 2016

    • 10:00-11:32

      Lemmikkiliiga - Brittiläinen seikkailu vuodelta 2019

    • 12:00-13:12

      Barbie ja siskot: suuri pentuseikkailu - Amerikkalainen seikkailu vuodelta 2015

    • 14:00-15:17

      Unten mailla - Tanskalainen lastenelokuva vuodelta 2020

    • 16:00-17:38

      Monsteriperhe: Kukaan ei ole täydellinen - Brittiläinen seikkailu vuodelta 2021

    • 18:00-19:15

      Barbie ja merenneidon tarina - Amerikkalainen animaatio vuodelta 2010

    • 20:00-21:32

      Angry Birds -elokuva 2 - Suomalainen animaatio vuodelta 2019

    • 22:00-23:18

      Fun Mom Dinner - Amerikkalainen komedia vuodelta 2017

61 73 170 468
    • 00:00-01:47

      Force Of Nature: The Dry 2 - Amerikkalainen rikoselokuva vuodelta 2024

    • 02:00-03:41

      Thanksgiving - Amerikkalainen kauhuelokuva vuodelta 2023

    • 04:00-05:33

      Miller's Girl - Amerikkalainen draama vuodelta 2024

    • 06:00-07:30

      Long Story Short - Australialainen romanttinen komedia vuodelta 2021

    • 08:00-09:38

      Tesla - Amerikkalainen draama vuodelta 2020

    • 10:00-11:28

      65 - Amerikkalainen toiminta vuodelta 2023

    • 12:00-13:39

      No Hard Feelings - Amerikkalainen komedia vuodelta 2023

    • 14:00-15:28

      Charlie ja kultainen naamio - Animaatio vuodelta 2023

    • 16:00-18:03

      Big George Foreman - Amerikkalainen draama vuodelta 2023

    • 18:10-19:31

      Moving On - Amerikkalainen komedia vuodelta 2022

    • 20:00-21:30

      Long Story Short - Australialainen romanttinen komedia vuodelta 2021

    • 22:00-23:52

      Desperation Road - Amerikkalainen rikoselokuva vuodelta 2023

60 72 171 474
    • 22:50-00:23

      Venom: Let There Be Carnage - Amerikkalainen toiminta vuodelta 2021

    • 00:30-03:08

      Transformers: Age Of Extinction - Amerikkalainen toiminta vuodelta 2014

    • 03:15-04:50

      21 Bridges - Amerikkalainen toiminta vuodelta 2019

    • 04:55-06:51

      Sicario - Amerikkalainen toiminta vuodelta 2015

    • 07:00-08:54

      I, Tonya - Amerikkalainen draamakomedia vuodelta 2017

    • 09:00-10:45

      Kolme muskettisoturia - Ranskalainen/ amerikkalainen toiminta vuodelta 2011

    • 11:00-13:23

      Transformers - Kaatuneiden Kosto - Amerikkalainen toiminta vuodelta 2009

    • 13:45-15:36

      Paluu tulevaisuuteen - Amerikkalainen Sci-Fi komedia vuodelta 1985

    • 15:50-17:57

      Spider-Man: Homecoming - Amerikkalainen supersankariseikkailu vuodelta 2017

    • 18:15-20:53

      Transformers: Age Of Extinction - Amerikkalainen toiminta vuodelta 2014

    • 21:00-22:56

      Sicario - Amerikkalainen toiminta vuodelta 2015

    • 23:00-00:35

      21 Bridges - Amerikkalainen toiminta vuodelta 2019

130 71 173 476
    • 23:25-01:11

      Submergence - Amerikkalainen draama vuodelta 2017

    • 01:15-03:00

      Letters to Juliet - Amerikkalainen draama vuodelta 2010

    • 03:05-05:00

      Ironclad - Brittiläinen toiminta vuodelta 2011

    • 05:05-07:01

      Rocketman - Amerikkalainen musikaali vuodelta 2019

    • 07:05-08:58

      Instant Family - Amerikkalainen komedia vuodelta 2018

    • 09:00-10:54

      Oikeuden puolesta - Amerikkalainen draama vuodelta 2018

    • 11:00-12:46

      Dreamin' Wild - Amerikkalainen draama vuodelta 2022

    • 13:00-14:43

      Paluu tulevaisuuteen 2 - Amerikkalainen Sci-Fi komedia vuodelta 1989

    • 15:00-16:27

      Ideal Home - Amerikkalainen komedia vuodelta 2018

    • 16:50-18:56

      Call Me By Your Name - Romanttinen draama vuodelta 2017

    • 19:00-20:45

      Letters to Juliet - Amerikkalainen draama vuodelta 2010

    • 21:00-22:56

      Rocketman - Amerikkalainen musikaali vuodelta 2019

    • 23:00-00:55

      Ironclad - Brittiläinen toiminta vuodelta 2011

127 75 176 491
    • 23:55-00:55

      Kehätie - Kanada, dokumenttisarja, 2021

    • 00:55-01:55

      202 - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2023

    • 01:55-02:55

      707 - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2021

    • 02:55-03:40

      306 - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2020

    • 03:40-04:30

      106 - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2019

    • 04:30-05:20

      103 - Australia, 2012

    • 05:20-06:10

      Päätösten päivä - Italia, dokumenttisarja, 2020

    • 06:10-07:20

      201 - Italia, dokumenttisarja, 2021

    • 07:20-07:50

      Nenämme alla - Kanada, dokumenttisarja, 2019

    • 07:50-08:45

      611 - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2020

    • 08:45-09:40

      612 - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2020

    • 09:40-10:35

      613 - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2020

    • 10:35-11:35

      614 - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2020

    • 11:35-12:30

      Aina ei saa mitä haluaa - Kanada, dokumenttisarja, 2021

    • 12:30-13:30

      Alppileiri - Italia, dokumenttisarja, 2023

    • 13:30-14:25

      Jumissa - Kanada, dokumenttisarja, 2022

    • 14:25-15:20

      Tuli & jaa - Kanada, dokumenttisarja, 2022

    • 15:20-16:15

      Lähti kuin leijona - Kanada, dokumenttisarja, 2022

    • 16:15-17:25

      Syvä leikkaus - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2022

    • 17:25-18:30

      Myrsky - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2022

    • 18:30-19:35

      Kivi ja vesi - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2022

    • 19:35-20:35

      201 - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2023

    • 20:35-21:40

      202 - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2023

    • 21:40-22:40

      Kroatia - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2023

    • 22:40-23:40

      106 - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2019

    • 23:40-00:35

      Teksasin lannoituskatastrofi - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2021

128 77 177 495
    • 00:30-01:20

      103 - Kanada, dokumenttisarja, 2020

    • 01:20-02:10

      Kylmäveriset eläimet - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2019

    • 02:10-02:50

      Kukkulan kuningas - Kanada, 2020

    • 02:50-03:35

      1006 - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2019

    • 03:35-04:20

      1007 - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2019

    • 04:20-05:10

      103 - Kanada, dokumenttisarja, 2020

    • 05:10-06:00

      Ulkona yöllä - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2019

    • 06:00-07:00

      Jäiset maailmat - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2019

    • 07:00-07:45

      903 - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2019

    • 07:45-08:30

      904 - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2019

    • 08:30-09:10

      905 - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2019

    • 09:10-10:00

      Syvyyksien tappajat: Osa 2 - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2017

    • 10:00-10:45

      Piraija - Yhdysvallat, dokumenttisarja, 2009

    • 10:45-11:35

      Alligaattorikala - Yhdysvallat, dokumenttisarja, 2009

    • 11:35-12:25

      Anakondat - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2023

    • 12:25-13:20

      Supervahvan tappajahain salaisuudet - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2022

    • 13:20-14:10

      Tasmanian tiikerin salaisuudet - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2022

    • 14:10-15:00

      Tie huipulle - Saksa, dokumenttisarja, 2023

    • 15:00-15:50

      Äkkikuolema - Saksa, dokumenttisarja, 2021

    • 15:50-16:45

      Aavemainen pyydystäjä - Saksa, dokumenttisarja, 2021

    • 16:45-17:10

      Kadotettu poika - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2022

    • 17:10-17:35

      Täältä tulee sade - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2022

    • 17:35-18:20

      Syksy - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2022

    • 18:20-19:15

      Karhut Transilvanian takapihoilla - Saksa, dokumentti, 2023

    • 19:15-20:05

      Partakorppikotka - Saksa, dokumenttisarja, 2020

    • 20:05-21:00

      Harmaahylje - Saksa, dokumenttisarja, 2020

    • 21:00-21:45

      102 - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2020

    • 21:45-22:35

      101 - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2023

    • 22:35-23:20

      Lohi - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2022

    • 23:20-00:15

      Palauta - Singapore, dokumenttisarja, 2021

126 76 178 493
    • 00:00-01:00

      Suunta kääntyy - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2019

    • 01:00-02:00

      Natsikultaa - Kanada, dokumenttisarja, 2021

    • 02:00-03:05

      Rotat pakenevat länteen, idästä tulee uusi paholainen - Yhdysvallat, dokumenttisarja, 2021

    • 03:05-03:55

      Lentokoneisto - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2015

    • 03:55-04:40

      Kuningatar kuninkaana: Hatshepsut - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2023

    • 04:40-05:30

      Pyhä maa - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2012

    • 05:30-06:15

      Natsien okkultismiusko - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2020

    • 06:15-07:15

      Haukkojen kirous - Kanada, dokumenttisarja, 2017

    • 07:15-07:40

      Riikinkukkovaltaistuimen kirous - Kanada, dokumenttisarja, 2017

    • 07:40-08:40

      Vatikaanin salainen maailma - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2020

    • 08:40-09:45

      Suomuumion arvoitus - Ranska, dokumentti, 2023

    • 09:45-10:50

      Ristinnaulitut luut - Britannia, dokumentti, 2024

    • 10:50-11:55

      Euroopasta tullut - Saksa, dokumentti, 2019

    • 11:55-13:00

      Myrsky nousee - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2019

    • 13:00-14:05

      Salamasota - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2019

    • 14:05-15:05

      Kaikki pelurit - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2019

    • 15:05-16:10

      Uuvutussota - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2019

    • 16:10-17:20

      Suunta kääntyy - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2019

    • 17:20-18:15

      Suden pesään - Kanada, dokumenttisarja, 2021

    • 18:15-19:10

      Mene hiljaa ja syvälle - Kanada, dokumenttisarja, 2021

    • 19:10-20:05

      Kauhu poissa katseilta - Kanada, dokumenttisarja, 2021

    • 20:05-21:00

      Maanalaista kauhua - Kanada, dokumenttisarja, 2021

    • 21:00-22:00

      Natsikultaa - Kanada, dokumenttisarja, 2021

    • 22:00-00:00

      Vastarinta: He taistelivat vastaan - Britannia, dokumentti, 2023

121 295 305
    • 00:15-01:00

      Texarkanan soilla tunnettu peto uhkaa pientä arkansasilaista kaupunkia. Siitä kerrotaan Boggy Creekin legendassa. Sen öiset ja väkivaltaiset hyökkäykset sekä oudot jäljet jättävät jälkeensä pelkoa ja paniikkia.

    • 01:00-01:45

      Kun keisari Decius ottaa vallan valtakunnassa, hän pyrkii palauttamaan pakanajumaluudet. Hänen aikanaan kristittyjä vainottiin ennen kuin rutto ja gootit iskivät.

    • 01:45-02:30

      Iilimatoa käytettiin muinaismaailmassa hoitokeinona. Nyt kokeillaan elävällä potilaalla, kuinka paljon otus imee verta.

    • 02:30-03:15

      Aarteenmetsästäjiä, Rick ja Marty Laginaa, etsivät aarteita kaipaavat pitkin maailman. He lyöttäytyvät yhteen myös Michiganista olevan Kevin Dykstran kanssa jäljittääkseen kansallissodan aikaisen aarteen.

    • 03:15-04:00

      Sarja perehtyy 75 miljoonan vuoden aikaskaalalla uskottavimpiin todisteisiin avaruusolentojen vierailuista maapallolla. Mitä salaisuuksia Maahan on jäänyt, ja mikä muukalaisten vaikutus on ollut?

    • 04:00-04:45

      Napoli on kuin aikakapseli menneisyydestä. Sen katujen alla ja Vesuviuksen luolissa on kätkössä pankkeja, leipomoita ja jopa Neron kuuluisa teatteri.

    • 04:45-05:30

      Muinaismaailman mahtavat imperiumit luotiin sodalla. Ratkaisevat taistelut olivat piiritystilanteita. Troijan legendaarisesta taistelusta Rooman valtakunnan tuhoonnyt rankataan murskaavimmat piiritystaistelut.

    • 05:30-06:15

      Entinen USA:n merivoimien tutkasta vastannut sotilas saapuu kertomaan pelottavasta päivästä, jona satoi ufoja.

    • 06:15-07:00

      Texarkanan soilla tunnettu peto uhkaa pientä arkansasilaista kaupunkia. Siitä kerrotaan Boggy Creekin legendassa. Sen öiset ja väkivaltaiset hyökkäykset sekä oudot jäljet jättävät jälkeensä pelkoa ja paniikkia.

    • 07:00-07:45

      Kun keisari Decius ottaa vallan valtakunnassa, hän pyrkii palauttamaan pakanajumaluudet. Hänen aikanaan kristittyjä vainottiin ennen kuin rutto ja gootit iskivät.

    • 07:45-08:30

      Iilimatoa käytettiin muinaismaailmassa hoitokeinona. Nyt kokeillaan elävällä potilaalla, kuinka paljon otus imee verta.

    • 08:30-09:15

      Aarteenmetsästäjiä, Rick ja Marty Laginaa, etsivät aarteita kaipaavat pitkin maailman. He lyöttäytyvät yhteen myös Michiganista olevan Kevin Dykstran kanssa jäljittääkseen kansallissodan aikaisen aarteen.

    • 09:15-10:00

      Sarja perehtyy 75 miljoonan vuoden aikaskaalalla uskottavimpiin todisteisiin avaruusolentojen vierailuista maapallolla. Mitä salaisuuksia Maahan on jäänyt, ja mikä muukalaisten vaikutus on ollut?

    • 10:00-10:45

      Napoli on kuin aikakapseli menneisyydestä. Sen katujen alla ja Vesuviuksen luolissa on kätkössä pankkeja, leipomoita ja jopa Neron kuuluisa teatteri.

    • 10:45-11:30

      Muinaismaailman mahtavat imperiumit luotiin sodalla. Ratkaisevat taistelut olivat piiritystilanteita. Troijan legendaarisesta taistelusta Rooman valtakunnan tuhoonnyt rankataan murskaavimmat piiritystaistelut.

    • 11:30-12:15

      Entinen USA:n merivoimien tutkasta vastannut sotilas saapuu kertomaan pelottavasta päivästä, jona satoi ufoja.

    • 12:15-13:00

      Texarkanan soilla tunnettu peto uhkaa pientä arkansasilaista kaupunkia. Siitä kerrotaan Boggy Creekin legendassa. Sen öiset ja väkivaltaiset hyökkäykset sekä oudot jäljet jättävät jälkeensä pelkoa ja paniikkia.

    • 13:00-13:45

      Kun keisari Decius ottaa vallan valtakunnassa, hän pyrkii palauttamaan pakanajumaluudet. Hänen aikanaan kristittyjä vainottiin ennen kuin rutto ja gootit iskivät.

    • 13:45-14:30

      Iilimatoa käytettiin muinaismaailmassa hoitokeinona. Nyt kokeillaan elävällä potilaalla, kuinka paljon otus imee verta.

    • 14:30-15:15

      Aarteenmetsästäjiä, Rick ja Marty Laginaa, etsivät aarteita kaipaavat pitkin maailman. He lyöttäytyvät yhteen myös Michiganista olevan Kevin Dykstran kanssa jäljittääkseen kansallissodan aikaisen aarteen.

    • 15:15-16:00

      Sarja perehtyy 75 miljoonan vuoden aikaskaalalla uskottavimpiin todisteisiin avaruusolentojen vierailuista maapallolla. Mitä salaisuuksia Maahan on jäänyt, ja mikä muukalaisten vaikutus on ollut?

    • 16:00-16:45

      Napoli on kuin aikakapseli menneisyydestä. Sen katujen alla ja Vesuviuksen luolissa on kätkössä pankkeja, leipomoita ja jopa Neron kuuluisa teatteri.

    • 16:45-17:30

      Muinaismaailman mahtavat imperiumit luotiin sodalla. Ratkaisevat taistelut olivat piiritystilanteita. Troijan legendaarisesta taistelusta Rooman valtakunnan tuhoonnyt rankataan murskaavimmat piiritystaistelut.

    • 17:30-18:15

      Entinen USA:n merivoimien tutkasta vastannut sotilas saapuu kertomaan pelottavasta päivästä, jona satoi ufoja.

    • 18:15-19:00

      Amerikassa on aina toteutettu mahdottomalta tuntuvia rakennusprojekteja.

    • 19:00-19:45

      Koe mullistavat tapahtumat, jotka muovasivat planeettaamme. Asiantuntijat paljastavat, kuinka Suuret järvet syntyivät.

    • 19:45-20:30

      Amerikkalaiset rakastavat eväitä lounasrasioissa aina leikkikentiltä toimistokoppeihin. Oletko koskaan miettinyt, miksi pähkinävoileipä tarttuu suulakeen? Tiesitkö, että miniporkkanat voisivat olla violetteja ilman hollantilaisia?

    • 20:30-21:15

      Myrkky on eläinkunnan tappavin ase. Kyky käyttää sitä on kehittynyt itsenäisesti niin meduusoille, hyönteisille, käärmeille kuin nisäkkäillekin.

    • 21:15-22:00

      Se muuttaa epäjalon metallin kullaksi ja on pääaines eliksiirissä joka antaa ikuisen elämän. Viisasten kiveä on etsitty jo 800-luvulla eea., mutta onko se oikeasti olemassa?

    • 22:00-22:45

      Utahilainen kotiäiti Peggy Layton on varastoinut maanalaiseen suojaan ruokaa vuosiksi.

    • 22:45-23:30

      Jumalat mittelivät keskenään, kun olymposlaiset haastoivat titaanit muinaismytologian huikeimmassa taistossa. Ratkaiseva taistelu saattoi asiantuntijoiden mukaan kertoa aidosta tapahtumasta koodikielellä.

    • 23:30-00:15

      Kadonnutta Hollantilaisen kultakaivosta etsitään yleensä yksin, mutta Wayne Tuttle lähtee asiantuntijoiden tiimin kanssa ottamaan selvää uudesta johtolangasta, joka saattaa paljastaa USA:n

49 113 262 131
44 115 251 101
117 254 129
148 307
    • 00:30-01:00

      Meet this season?s modeling stars and those who are on their way to international fashion stardom. Most in-demand girls from around the globe and their fascinating stories!

    • 01:00-01:30

      Don?t miss the latest trends in the most sensual pieces of fashion, we?re talking about the latest lingerie collections presented on the world podiums! Sizzling hot looks from top lingerie designers

    • 01:30-02:00

      Don?t miss the latest trends in the most sensual pieces of fashion, we?re talking about the latest lingerie collections presented on the world podiums! Sizzling hot looks from top lingerie designers

    • 02:00-02:30

      Everyone needs a great swimsuit in their wardrobe, better to have more than one. Enjoy trendsetting collections to find a reliable, well-fitted, and stylish option for your poolside excellence

    • 02:30-03:00

      Everyone needs a great swimsuit in their wardrobe, better to have more than one. Enjoy trendsetting collections to find a reliable, well-fitted, and stylish option for your poolside excellence

    • 03:00-03:30

      Meet this season?s modeling stars and those who are on their way to international fashion stardom. Most in-demand girls from around the globe and their fascinating stories!

    • 03:30-04:00

      Meet this season?s modeling stars and those who are on their way to international fashion stardom. Most in-demand girls from around the globe and their fascinating stories!

    • 04:00-04:30

      Don?t miss the latest trends in the most sensual pieces of fashion, we?re talking about the latest lingerie collections presented on the world podiums! Sizzling hot looks from top lingerie designers

    • 04:30-05:00

      Don?t miss the latest trends in the most sensual pieces of fashion, we?re talking about the latest lingerie collections presented on the world podiums! Sizzling hot looks from top lingerie designers

    • 05:00-05:30

      Everyone needs a great swimsuit in their wardrobe, better to have more than one. Enjoy trendsetting collections to find a reliable, well-fitted, and stylish option for your poolside excellence

    • 05:30-06:00

      Everyone needs a great swimsuit in their wardrobe, better to have more than one. Enjoy trendsetting collections to find a reliable, well-fitted, and stylish option for your poolside excellence

    • 06:00-06:30

      Dive into the breathtaking world of the fashion photography to discover behind-the-scenes atmosphere and enjoy the most beautiful masterpieces of the iconic photographers and their muses

    • 06:30-07:00

      Dive into the breathtaking world of the fashion photography to discover behind-the-scenes atmosphere and enjoy the most beautiful masterpieces of the iconic photographers and their muses

    • 07:00-07:30

      Athleisure is conquering the world! Everyone looks like having just finished a work-out in the gym, while grabbing a cappuccino. If this lifestyle is yours, be first to discover the must-haves!

    • 07:30-08:00

      Athleisure is conquering the world! Everyone looks like having just finished a work-out in the gym, while grabbing a cappuccino. If this lifestyle is yours, be first to discover the must-haves!

    • 08:00-08:30

      Get inspired with the latest trends in hairstyles, enjoy the tips and tricks of the top makeup artists and get the best use of the exclusive guide in the world of skincare products!

    • 08:30-09:00

      Get inspired with the latest trends in hairstyles, enjoy the tips and tricks of the top makeup artists and get the best use of the exclusive guide in the world of skincare products!

    • 09:00-09:30

      What does real patriotism mean? Made In USA showcases heirloom quality pieces produced in America and handpicks the assortment of timeless classics and reinvented styles.

    • 09:30-10:00

      What does real patriotism mean? Made In USA showcases heirloom quality pieces produced in America and handpicks the assortment of timeless classics and reinvented styles.

    • 10:00-10:30

      Don?t miss the story of Adriana Lima, one of the most breathtaking models in the fashion industry. Get an exclusive look into her most iconic campaigns and interviews throughout her career

    • 10:30-11:00

      Don?t miss the story of Adriana Lima, one of the most breathtaking models in the fashion industry. Get an exclusive look into her most iconic campaigns and interviews throughout her career

    • 11:00-11:30

      Discover USA, the land of epic mix of seasons, landscapes and cultures. Enjoy the USA from coastlines to big cities, through the mighty depths of the Grand Canyon, and glittering lights of Las Vegas

    • 11:30-12:00

      Welcome to Costa Rica which has lush rainforests, beautiful beaches, cloud forests, active volcanoes, mountain ranges, and varied wildlife!

    • 12:00-12:30

      Follow kids fashion trends that will be huge in the recent and coming seasons, stay tuned for the best dressed celebs? kids and runway highlights!

    • 12:30-13:00

      Follow kids fashion trends that will be huge in the recent and coming seasons, stay tuned for the best dressed celebs? kids and runway highlights!

    • 13:00-13:30

      Don?t miss the news from New York Fashion Week, the one that opens the season of global fashion weeks and has a major influence on trends of current and upcoming seasons!

    • 13:30-14:00

      Don?t miss the news from New York Fashion Week, the one that opens the season of global fashion weeks and has a major influence on trends of current and upcoming seasons!

    • 14:00-14:30

      Dive into the breathtaking world of the fashion photography to discover behind-the-scenes atmosphere and enjoy the most beautiful masterpieces of the iconic photographers and their muses

    • 14:30-15:00

      Dive into the breathtaking world of the fashion photography to discover behind-the-scenes atmosphere and enjoy the most beautiful masterpieces of the iconic photographers and their muses

    • 15:00-15:30

      Grab a clue on what's going on in the world of brides before you hit a salon! Enjoy a wide array of high fashion choices, undeniably romantic and decidedly feminine.

    • 15:30-16:00

      Grab a clue on what's going on in the world of brides before you hit a salon! Enjoy a wide array of high fashion choices, undeniably romantic and decidedly feminine.

    • 16:00-16:30

      Explore stories of the top fashion designers of all time! Meet the legends, like Coco Chanel or Karl Lagerfeld and don?t miss the amazingly talented young designers who shape the future of fashion now

    • 16:30-17:00

      Explore stories of the top fashion designers of all time! Meet the legends, like Coco Chanel or Karl Lagerfeld and don?t miss the amazingly talented young designers who shape the future of fashion now

    • 17:00-17:30

      Explore the latest fashion trends for teens, the cutest outfits of the A-list celebrities, mix & match insights, and style tips for all occasions.

    • 17:30-18:00

      Explore the latest fashion trends for teens, the cutest outfits of the A-list celebrities, mix & match insights, and style tips for all occasions.

    • 18:00-18:30

      Meet this season?s modeling stars and those who are on their way to international fashion stardom. Most in-demand girls from around the globe and their fascinating stories!

    • 18:30-19:00

      Meet this season?s modeling stars and those who are on their way to international fashion stardom. Most in-demand girls from around the globe and their fascinating stories!

    • 19:00-19:30

      Get a clue about the worldwide success of Korean fashion, its unique expressive style reflecting the sense of individuality. It is focused on utmost comfort but offers us a cute and effortless look.

    • 19:30-20:00

      Get a clue about the worldwide success of Korean fashion, its unique expressive style reflecting the sense of individuality. It is focused on utmost comfort but offers us a cute and effortless look.

    • 20:00-20:30

      Discover Thailand, the Land of Smiles, tropical beaches, ancient ruins and modern buzzing cities! Enjoy its picture-postcard landscapes, mouth-watering delicacies and a genuinely warm Thai welcome

    • 20:30-21:00

      Discover Thailand, the Land of Smiles, tropical beaches, ancient ruins and modern buzzing cities! Enjoy its picture-postcard landscapes, mouth-watering delicacies and a genuinely warm Thai welcome

    • 21:00-21:30

      Check out the inside scoop on fashion news, all the daily news you need to know, including standout fashion moments, major events, current collections and trends on and off the runway.

    • 21:30-22:00

      Check out the inside scoop on fashion news, all the daily news you need to know, including standout fashion moments, major events, current collections and trends on and off the runway.

    • 22:00-22:30

      Don?t miss the story of Adriana Lima, one of the most breathtaking models in the fashion industry. Get an exclusive look into her most iconic campaigns and interviews throughout her career

    • 22:30-23:00

      Don?t miss the story of Adriana Lima, one of the most breathtaking models in the fashion industry. Get an exclusive look into her most iconic campaigns and interviews throughout her career

    • 23:00-23:30

      Explore the current array of the top fashion magazines, the vehicles of our luxury dreams and the source of inspiration. Check in for the latest updates, cutest outlooks and fashion insights

    • 23:30-00:00

      Explore the current array of the top fashion magazines, the vehicles of our luxury dreams and the source of inspiration. Check in for the latest updates, cutest outlooks and fashion insights

    • 00:30-00:55

      FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.

    • 00:55-01:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets and Hollywood glamour.

    • 01:00-01:30

      FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.

    • 01:30-01:55

      FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.

    • 01:55-02:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets, hollywood glamour and launch events

    • 02:00-02:30

      Get to know the intimate side of FashionTV. silk, lace and everything seductive, bringing you the best in photo shoots, fashion shows and more.

    • 02:30-02:55

      Get to know the intimate side of FashionTV. silk, lace and everything seductive, bringing you the best in photo shoots, fashion shows and more.

    • 02:55-03:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets and Hollywood glamour.

    • 03:00-03:30

      FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.

    • 03:30-03:55

      FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.

    • 03:55-04:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets, hollywood glamour and launch events

    • 04:00-04:30

      FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.

    • 04:30-04:55

      FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.

    • 04:55-05:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets and Hollywood glamour.

    • 05:00-05:30

      FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.

    • 05:30-05:55

      FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.

    • 05:55-06:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets, hollywood glamour and launch events

    • 06:00-06:30

      Set aside all your daily stuff! Everything you wanted to know about Victoria?s Secret show - an array of looks from brand's signature wings to special collaborations and its exiting backstage

    • 06:30-06:55

      Set aside all your daily stuff! Everything you wanted to know about Victoria?s Secret show - an array of looks from brand's signature wings to special collaborations and its exiting backstage

    • 06:55-07:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets and Hollywood glamour.

    • 07:00-07:30

      FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.

    • 07:30-07:55

      FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.

    • 07:55-08:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets, hollywood glamour and launch events

    • 08:00-08:30

      FashionTV brings you the stylish world of men's fashion. top designers and the most dashing men in the modeling industry, beautiful clothing and beautiful people.

    • 08:30-08:55

      FashionTV brings you the stylish world of men's fashion. top designers and the most dashing men in the modeling industry, beautiful clothing and beautiful people.

    • 08:55-09:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets and Hollywood glamour.

    • 09:00-09:30

      Your backstage pass to the world's greatest hair & make-up gurus of fashion!

    • 09:30-09:55

      Your backstage pass to the world's greatest hair & make-up gurus of fashion!

    • 09:55-10:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets, hollywood glamour and launch events

    • 10:00-10:30

      FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.

    • 10:30-10:55

      FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.

    • 10:55-11:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets and Hollywood glamour.

    • 11:00-11:30

      Join FashionTV, as we take you on a complete journey with fashion?s greatest icons. Celebrate world glamor with breathtaking fashion, passion, and all the action

    • 11:30-12:00

      Join FashionTV, as we take you on a complete journey with fashion?s greatest icons. Celebrate world glamor with breathtaking fashion, passion, and all the action

    • 12:00-12:30

      FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.

    • 12:30-12:55

      FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.

    • 12:55-13:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets, hollywood glamour and launch events

    • 13:00-13:30

      FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.

    • 13:30-13:55

      FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.

    • 13:55-14:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets and Hollywood glamour.

    • 14:00-14:30

      FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.

    • 14:30-14:55

      FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.

    • 14:55-15:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets, hollywood glamour and launch events

    • 15:00-15:30

      FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.

    • 15:30-15:55

      FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.

    • 15:55-16:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets and Hollywood glamour.

    • 16:00-16:30

      A unique chance to get to know everything you've ever wanted to know about the world's most famous beauties. hear what they have to say about the world of fashion, modeling and what's its like to be a runway model.

    • 16:30-16:55

      A unique chance to get to know everything you've ever wanted to know about the world's most famous beauties. hear what they have to say about the world of fashion, modeling and what's its like to be a runway model.

    • 16:55-17:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets, hollywood glamour and launch events

    • 17:00-17:30

      Join FashionTV for an hour of the most iconic photoshoots, behind the scenes coverage, and fashion films.

    • 17:30-17:55

      Join FashionTV for an hour of the most iconic photoshoots, behind the scenes coverage, and fashion films.

    • 17:55-18:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets and Hollywood glamour.

    • 18:00-18:30

      FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.

    • 18:30-18:55

      FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.

    • 18:55-19:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets, hollywood glamour and launch events

    • 19:00-19:30

      Set aside all your daily stuff! Everything you wanted to know about Victoria?s Secret show - an array of looks from brand's signature wings to special collaborations and its exiting backstage

    • 19:30-19:55

      FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.

    • 19:55-20:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets and Hollywood glamour.

    • 20:00-20:30

      FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.

    • 20:30-20:55

      FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.

    • 20:55-21:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets, hollywood glamour and launch events

    • 21:00-21:30

      FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.

    • 21:30-21:55

      FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.

    • 21:55-22:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets and Hollywood glamour.

    • 22:00-22:30

      FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.

    • 22:30-22:55

      FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.

    • 22:55-23:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets, hollywood glamour and launch events

    • 23:00-23:30

      Join FashionTV, as we take you on a complete journey with fashion?s greatest icons. Celebrate world glamor with breathtaking fashion, passion, and all the action

    • 23:30-00:00

      Join FashionTV, as we take you on a complete journey with fashion?s greatest icons. Celebrate world glamor with breathtaking fashion, passion, and all the action

41 95 272 204
    • 22:50-01:30


    • 01:30-03:00

      Naiset | Pronssiottelu

    • 03:00-04:00

      Miehet | Finaali

    • 04:00-05:30

      Naiset | Puolivälierät

    • 05:30-05:55

      Naiset | Puolivälierät

    • 05:55-07:00


    • 07:00-08:00

      Miehet | Finaali

    • 08:00-08:26

      Suora lähetys

    • 08:26-08:55

      , ,

    • 08:55-11:45

      Maraton | Miehet

    • 11:45-14:00

      Miehet | Pronssiottelu

    • 14:00-16:30

      Miehet | Kultamitaliottelu

    • 16:30-17:20

      Miehet | Finaali

    • 17:20-19:00

      Naiset | Kultamitaliottelu

    • 19:00-20:10


    • 20:10-22:20


    • 22:20-01:00

      Miehet | Kultamitaliottelu

45 96 273 205
    • 00:13-02:12


    • 02:12-03:12

      Miehet | Finaali

    • 03:12-04:13

      Naiset | Karsinta

    • 04:13-05:43

      Naiset | Välierät

    • 05:43-07:00

      Maratonkävelyn sekaviesti

    • 07:00-08:27

      Miehet | Välierät

    • 08:27-09:55

      Miehet | Välierät

    • 09:55-11:15

      Suora lähetys.

    • 11:15-12:50

      Naiset | Finaali

    • 12:50-13:25

      Suora lähetys.

    • 13:25-14:20

      Naiset | Finaali

    • 14:20-15:00

      5.päivä. Suora lähetys.

    • 15:00-15:45


    • 15:45-17:45

      Naiset | Kultamitaliottelu

    • 17:45-20:00

      Naiset | Kultamitaliottelu

    • 20:00-20:50


    • 20:50-22:30


    • 22:30-00:28


117 80 183 456
    • 00:30-01:00

      #18 - Major League Baseballin viikon kohokohdat.

    • 01:00-01:56

      #30 - Urheilun makasiiniohjelma.

    • 14:00-14:56

      #30 - Urheilun makasiiniohjelma.

    • 15:00-15:30

      #16 - Yleisurheilumakasiini.

    • 15:30-16:00

      #17 - Yleisurheilumakasiini.

    • 16:00-17:00

      Preview to the Season 2024/2025 - Ennakko-ohjelma Valioliigakaudesta 2024/25.

    • 17:00-18:00

      Goals of the Season - Valioliigan parhaat maalit kaudelta 2023/24.

    • 18:00-18:30

      #17 - Major League Baseballin viikon kohokohdat.

    • 18:30-18:55

      #18 - Major League Baseballin viikon kohokohdat.

    • 19:00-19:56

      #30 - Urheilun makasiiniohjelma.

    • 20:00-20:30

      #16 - Yleisurheilumakasiini.

    • 20:30-21:00

      #17 - Yleisurheilumakasiini.

    • 21:00-21:56

      #30 - Urheilun makasiiniohjelma.

    • 22:00-22:56

      Le Castellet - Kohokohtia kilpailusta, joka ajettiin Le Castellet'ssa, Ranskassa. (25.-28.7.2024)

    • 23:00-23:30

      #17 - Major League Baseballin viikon kohokohdat.

    • 23:30-23:55

      #18 - Major League Baseballin viikon kohokohdat.

66 79 183 464
    • 00:00-12:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll

    • 12:00-16:00

      Australian Masters - 10.8.2024.

    • 16:00-18:15

      Ison-Britannian osakilpailu - 7.7.2024. Selostus Niki Juusela, asiantuntija Toni Vilander.

    • 18:15-19:25

      Trans World Sport - Makasiiniohjelma.

    • 19:25-21:30

      Dundee - Hearts - 10.8.2024.

    • 21:30-23:00

      2016 Stanley Cup Championship: Pittsburgh Penguins - Dokumentissa käydään läpi Pittsburgh Penguinsin matka vuoden 2016 Stanley Cupin mestariksi.

    • 23:00-00:15

      2017 Stanley Cup Championship: Pittsburgh Penguins - Dokumentissa käydään läpi Pittsburgh Penguinsin matka toiseen perättäiseen Stanley Cupin mestaruuteen.

63 85 187 480
    • 00:00-10:20

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll

    • 10:20-13:50

      Los Angeles Kings - New York Rangers 5:7 2014 - Vuoden 2014 Stanley Cupin finaaleissa kohtasivat Los Angeles Kings ja New York Rangers.

    • 13:50-16:00

      Nürnberg - Schalke - 10.8.2024.

    • 16:00-17:20

      2013 Stanley Cup Championship: Chicago Blackhawks - Dokumentissa käydään läpi Chicago Blackhawksin matka Stanley Cupin mestariksi vuonna 2013.

    • 17:20-17:55

      Ep17 - Makasiiniohjelmassa käsitellään moottoriurheilua uudella otteella kartingista lentokoneisiin ja on oikea valinta kaikille, joita kiehtoo nopeus. Ep17.

    • 17:55-20:00

      Newcastle - Stade Brestois - 10.8.2024. St. James' Park, Newcastle.

    • 20:00-22:35

      Tampa Bay Lightning - Chicago Blackhawks 1:7 2015 - Vuoden 2015 Stanley Cupin finaaleissa kohtasivat Tampa Bay Lightnin, sekä Chicago Blackhawks, jonka riveissä kannua metsästivät Antti

    • 22:35-00:05

      2014 Stanley Cup Championship: Los Angeles Kings - Dokumentissa käydään läpi Los Angeles Kingsin matka vuoden 2014 Stanley Cupin mestariksi.

62 83 180 452
    • 00:00-08:30

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll

    • 08:30-09:30

      The FA Community Shield: Preview Show - 10.8.2024 pelattavan Community Shield-ottelun ennakko.

    • 09:30-11:30

      Blackburn - Derby - 9.8.2024.

    • 11:30-12:25

      Valioliiga: Preview to the Season

    • 12:25-14:25

      Kolumbia - Panama - 6.7.2024. Puolivälierä.

    • 14:25-16:30

      Ipswich - OGC Nice - 10.8.2024.

    • 16:50-19:30

      The FA Community Shield: Manchester City - Manchester United - 10.8.2024. Selostus Ville Kuusinen.

    • 19:30-21:20

      Argentiina - Kanada - 9.7.2024. Selostus Mikko Innanen.

    • 21:20-23:30

      HSV - Hertha Berlin - 10.8.2024.

    • 23:30-23:50

      Antti Niemi - Jakso 1/6.

    • 23:50-00:10

      Teemu Tainio - Jakso 2/6.

116 84 186 453
    • 00:45-02:45

      Blackburn-Derby - Fotboll

    • 12:15-14:15

      Newcastle-Girona - Fotboll

    • 14:25-16:30

      Leeds-Portsmouth - Fotboll

    • 16:30-17:30

      Premier League: Goals of the Season 2023/2024 - Magasin

    • 17:30-19:25

      Brentford-Wolfsburg - Fotboll

    • 19:25-21:30

      Dundee-Hearts - Fotboll

    • 21:30-23:30

      Ipswich-Nice - Fotboll

    • 23:30-01:30

      Newcastle-Brest - Fotboll

118 81 182 454
    • 00:00-02:00

      Brentford - Wolfsburg - Ottelu pelataan Gtech Community Stadiumilla. (9.8.2024)

    • 02:00-07:00


    • 12:15-14:15

      Blackburn - Derby - 1. kierroksen ottelu pelataan Ewood Parkilla. (9.8.2024)

    • 14:25-16:30

      Ipswich - Nice - Ottelu pelataan Portman Roadilla. (10.8.2024)

    • 16:30-16:50


    • 16:50-19:00

      Manchester United - Manchester City - Ottelu pelataan Wembley Stadiumilla, Lontoossa. (10.8.2024)

    • 19:00-20:00

      Premier League: Goals of the Season - Magasin

    • 20:00-21:55

      Leeds - Portsmouth - 1. kierroksen ottelu pelataan Elland Roadilla. (10.8.2024)

    • 21:55-00:00

      PSV - Waalwijk - 1. kierroksen ottelu pelataan Philips Stadionilla, Eindhovenissa. (10.8.2024)

65 86 186 459
    • 23:00-01:00

      Montreal Canadiens - Seattle Kraken - Ottelu pelataan Bell Centressä. (4.12.2023)

    • 01:00-07:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll

    • 13:00-15:00

      Vegas Golden Knights - St. Louis Blues - Ottelu pelataan T-Mobile Arenassa, Las Vegasissa. (4.12.2023)

    • 15:00-17:00

      Columbus Blue Jackets - Los Angeles Kings - Ottelu pelataan Nationwide Arenassa. (5.12.2023)

    • 17:00-19:00

      Ottawa Senators - New York Rangers - Ottelu pelataan Canadian Tire Centressä. (5.12.2023)

    • 19:00-21:00

      Vancouver Canucks - New Jersey Devils - Ottelu pelataan Rogers Arenassa. (5.12.2023)

    • 21:00-23:00

      Florida Panthers - Dallas Stars - Ottelu pelataan Amerant Bank Arenassa, Sunrisessa. (6.12.2023)

    • 23:00-01:00

      Tampa Bay Lightning - Pittsburgh Penguins - Ottelu pelataan Amalie Arenassa. (6.12.2023)

67 82 188 462
    • 22:00-01:00

      US Womens Amateur - 3. päivä - Kilpailu pelataan Southern Hills Country Clubilla, Tulsassa, USA:ssa. (7.-11.8.2024)

    • 01:00-03:00

      International Series England - 2. kierros - Kilpailu pelataan Foxhills Country Clubilla, Englannissa. (8.-11.8.2024)

    • 10:00-13:00

      US Womens Amateur - 3. päivä - Kilpailu pelataan Southern Hills Country Clubilla, Tulsassa, USA:ssa. (7.-11.8.2024)

    • 13:00-15:00

      International Series England - 2. kierros - Kilpailu pelataan Foxhills Country Clubilla, Englannissa. (8.-11.8.2024)

    • 15:00-19:00

      International Series England - 3. kierros - Kilpailu pelataan Foxhills Country Clubilla, Englannissa. (8.-11.8.2024)

    • 19:00-22:00

      US Womens Amateur - 3. päivä - Kilpailu pelataan Southern Hills Country Clubilla, Tulsassa, USA:ssa. (7.-11.8.2024)

    • 22:00-01:00

      US Womens Amateur - 4. päivä - Kilpailu pelataan Southern Hills Country Clubilla, Tulsassa, USA:ssa. (7.-11.8.2024)

92 455
111 87 191 481
    • 19:00-01:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll

    • 01:00-07:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll

    • 07:00-13:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll

    • 13:00-19:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll

    • 19:00-01:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll

112 88 192 482
    • 19:00-01:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 2

    • 01:00-07:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 2

    • 07:00-13:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 2

    • 13:00-19:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 2

    • 19:00-01:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 2

113 89 193 483
    • 19:00-01:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 3

    • 01:00-07:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 3

    • 07:00-13:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 3

    • 13:00-19:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 3

    • 19:00-01:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 3

114 90 194 484
    • 19:00-01:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 4

    • 01:00-07:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 4

    • 07:00-13:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 4

    • 13:00-19:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 4

    • 19:00-01:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 4

115 91 195 485
    • 19:00-01:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 5

    • 01:00-07:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 5

    • 07:00-13:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 5

    • 13:00-19:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 5

    • 19:00-01:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 5

59 211 401
93 212 402
94 213 403
95 214 404
96 215 405
97 216 405
98 217 407
89 218
102 210
103 236
140 104 211
149 323 331
150 325 332
151 311 139
152 312
156 316
154 315
157 313
155 314
158 321