TV-opas (Maksukanavat)

111 281 290
    • 10:00-12:35

    • 12:35-12:45

    • 13:00-20:00

    • 20:00-00:00

48 114 292 132
    • 00:55-01:40

    • 01:40-02:20

      Älypäät - Mustekalat rikkovat kaikkia eläinten älykkyyttä koskevia sääntöjä.

    • 02:20-03:05

      Sosiaaliset verkostoitujat - Mustekalojen on aina ajateltu olevan luonnon äärimmäisiä erakoita, jotka suosivat omaa seuraansa. Totuus on, että niillä on salainen sosiaalinen elämä.

    • 03:05-03:50

      Villi Costa Rica - Elämä ja kuolema kietoutuvat toisiinsa Costa Ricassa. Keski-Amerikan trooppisilla seuduilla sijaitseva valtio kutsuu itseään "Pura Vidan", puhtaan elämän, alueeksi.

    • 03:50-04:35

      Sitten pimeni... - Zimbabwelainen asiantunteva jokiopas kohtaa lähes vertaisensa petollisilla vesillä. Huolimatta hurjista raateluista, joista hän saa 38 suurta puremahaavaa, hän selviää kertomaan tarinansa.

    • 04:35-05:15

      Älypäät - Mustekalat rikkovat kaikkia eläinten älykkyyttä koskevia sääntöjä.

    • 05:15-05:55

      Sosiaaliset verkostoitujat - Mustekalojen on aina ajateltu olevan luonnon äärimmäisiä erakoita, jotka suosivat omaa seuraansa. Totuus on, että niillä on salainen sosiaalinen elämä.

    • 05:55-06:35

      Sitten pimeni... - Zimbabwelainen asiantunteva jokiopas kohtaa lähes vertaisensa petollisilla vesillä. Huolimatta hurjista raateluista, joista hän saa 38 suurta puremahaavaa, hän selviää kertomaan tarinansa.

    • 06:35-07:00

    • 07:00-07:20

    • 07:20-07:40

    • 07:40-08:05

      Lampaita laskemassa - Polien uudet eläimet eivät ole sisäsiistejä: lampolan kuivatusjärjestelmä ei toimi kunnolla, ja nyt siitä on tullut pissapalatsi.

    • 08:05-08:25

      On Pol-Den Pond - Polin klaani alkaa rakentaa Bethin unelmapuutarhaa. Rankkasade lähestyy, ja uupunut Ben tekee sitä ennen töitä kellon ympäri rakentaakseen puutarhaan lammikon ja vesiputouksen.

    • 08:25-09:10

      Kun krokotiilit söivät dinosaurukset - Tiedämme dinosauruksista ja niiden muinaisesta valtakaudesta, mutta entäpä muinaisista krokotiilijättiläisistä, jotka elivät niiden rinnalla ja napsivat niitä välipalaksi?

    • 09:10-09:55

      Apinoiden valtakunta: rintamat - Simpanssit ja gorillat käyvät syvällä Afrikan viidakoissa läpi kaikenlaista draamaa: soturit taistelevat, kuninkaat kaatuvat ja rintamarajoja vedetään.

    • 09:55-10:40

    • 10:40-11:30

      Kun krokotiilit söivät dinosaurukset - Tiedämme dinosauruksista ja niiden muinaisesta valtakaudesta, mutta entäpä muinaisista krokotiilijättiläisistä, jotka elivät niiden rinnalla ja napsivat niitä välipalaksi?

    • 11:30-12:15

      Apinoiden valtakunta: rintamat - Simpanssit ja gorillat käyvät syvällä Afrikan viidakoissa läpi kaikenlaista draamaa: soturit taistelevat, kuninkaat kaatuvat ja rintamarajoja vedetään.

    • 12:15-13:05

    • 13:05-13:50

      Rakkautta ensipakkasella - Tällä viikolla Keski-Michigania koettelee lumimyrsky, mutta lumi tai jää ei hidasta tiimiä, kun eläimet ovat pulassa.

    • 13:50-14:30

      Totta puhuen, peuraseni - Tällä viikolla klinikalla on todella ongelmaisia tapauksia, jotka ovat joutuneet isoon pulaan. Boer Goat -vuohi takertuu lanka-aitaan ja saa hengenvaarallisen jalkavamman.

    • 14:30-15:15

      Tri Polin Super Bowl - Tri Pol näkee tuhansia potilaita joka vuosi ja silti vain yksi piskuinen miniponi, Charlie, on saanut hänet todella ihastumaan.

    • 15:15-16:00

      Hai vs. valas - Etelä-Afrikassa mebiologi Ryan Johnsonin tavanomainen dronella tehtävä tutkimus muuttuu, kun hän kuvaa valkohain hyökkäävän ryhävalaan kimppuun ja hukuttuavan tämän.

    • 16:00-16:45

      Naamioituvat hait - Haibiologit, tohtori Ryan Johnson ja Gibbs Kuguru, yhdistävät valkohain menestyksen saalistajien ja saaliiden välillä käytävässä taistelussa hämmästyttävään taitoon, jonka olemassaoloa on epäilty jo kauan,

    • 16:45-17:30

      Haikohtaamiset Kalifornian rannikolla vaikuttavat lisääntyvän rakettimaisesti. Tutkimusryhmä on nyt selvittämässä vastahavaittua valkohaiden uutta lempipaikkaa lähellä suosittuja rantoja.

    • 17:30-18:15

      Chris Hemsworth: Hairanta - Hollywood-tähti Chris Hemsworthilla on ainutlaatuinen suhde mertemme saalistajien kuninkaaseen. Hait ovat aina kiehtoneet häntä, koska mies on asunut niiden lähellä vuosia.

    • 18:15-19:00

      Maailman suurin vasarahai - Lukuisat raportit jättimäisistä vasarapäistä, joiden pituus on jopa kuusi metriä, ovat kyseenalaistaneet sen, mikä tämän lajin kokopotentiaali on.

    • 19:00-19:35

      Muodonmuuttajat - Mustekalat ovat yksi maapallon merkittävimmistä eläimistä, mutta niillä on yksi supervoima, joka nostaa ne muiden yläpuolelle.

    • 19:35-20:15

      Älypäät - Mustekalat rikkovat kaikkia eläinten älykkyyttä koskevia sääntöjä.

    • 20:15-21:00

      Sosiaaliset verkostoitujat - Mustekalojen on aina ajateltu olevan luonnon äärimmäisiä erakoita, jotka suosivat omaa seuraansa. Totuus on, että niillä on salainen sosiaalinen elämä.

    • 21:00-21:40

      Muodonmuuttajat - Mustekalat ovat kuin avaruusolentoja maan päällä, mutta niillä on yksi supervoima, jota vasta nyt alamme täysin ymmärtää.

    • 21:40-22:00

      On Pol-Den Pond - Polin klaani alkaa rakentaa Bethin unelmapuutarhaa. Rankkasade lähestyy, ja uupunut Ben tekee sitä ennen töitä kellon ympäri rakentaakseen puutarhaan lammikon ja vesiputouksen.

    • 22:00-22:45

      Rakkautta ensipakkasella - Tällä viikolla Keski-Michigania koettelee lumimyrsky, mutta lumi tai jää ei hidasta tiimiä, kun eläimet ovat pulassa.

    • 22:45-23:30

      Totta puhuen, peuraseni - Tällä viikolla klinikalla on todella ongelmaisia tapauksia, jotka ovat joutuneet isoon pulaan. Boer Goat -vuohi takertuu lanka-aitaan ja saa hengenvaarallisen jalkavamman.

    • 23:30-00:15

      Tri Polin Super Bowl - Tri Pol näkee tuhansia potilaita joka vuosi ja silti vain yksi piskuinen miniponi, Charlie, on saanut hänet todella ihastumaan.

52 123 71 160
    • 00:30-00:52

    • 00:52-01:15

    • 01:15-01:36

    • 01:36-01:59

    • 01:59-02:21

    • 02:21-02:44

    • 02:44-03:06

    • 03:06-03:30

    • 03:30-03:53

    • 03:53-04:17

    • 04:17-04:40

    • 04:40-05:04

    • 05:04-05:27

    • 05:27-05:50

    • 05:50-05:55

    • 06:13-06:36

    • 06:36-07:00

    • 07:00-07:22

    • 07:22-07:46

    • 07:46-08:08

    • 08:08-08:32

    • 08:32-08:39

    • 08:39-08:46

    • 08:46-08:53

    • 08:53-09:00

    • 09:00-09:07

    • 09:07-09:14

    • 09:14-09:21

    • 09:21-09:28

    • 09:28-09:36

    • 09:36-09:59

    • 09:59-10:23

    • 10:23-10:46

    • 10:46-10:58

    • 10:58-11:22

    • 11:22-11:45

    • 11:45-12:09

    • 12:09-12:32

    • 12:32-12:44

    • 12:44-13:08

    • 13:08-13:30

    • 13:30-13:53

    • 13:53-14:14

    • 14:14-14:25

    • 14:25-14:47

    • 14:47-15:09

    • 15:09-15:31

    • 15:31-15:53

    • 15:53-16:15

    • 16:15-16:43

    • 16:43-17:05

    • 17:05-17:36

    • 17:36-18:02

    • 18:02-18:24

    • 18:24-18:45

    • 18:45-19:08

    • 19:08-19:32

    • 19:32-19:55

    • 19:55-20:02

    • 20:02-20:09

    • 20:09-20:16

    • 20:16-20:23

    • 20:23-20:30

    • 20:30-20:37

    • 20:37-20:44

    • 20:44-20:52

    • 20:52-21:15

    • 21:15-21:37

    • 21:37-22:00

    • 22:00-22:24

    • 22:24-22:48

    • 22:48-23:10

    • 23:10-23:33

    • 23:33-23:54

    • 23:54-00:05

50 125 73 162
58 129 70 151
    • 00:45-00:55

      The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.

    • 00:55-01:05

      The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.

    • 01:05-01:15

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 01:15-01:25

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 01:25-01:35

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 01:35-01:45

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 01:45-01:55

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 01:55-02:05

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 02:05-02:15

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 02:15-02:30

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 02:30-02:40

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 02:40-02:50

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 02:50-03:00

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 03:00-03:15

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 03:15-03:25

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 03:25-03:35

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 03:35-03:45

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 03:45-04:00

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 04:00-04:10

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 04:10-04:20

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 04:20-04:30

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 04:30-04:45

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 04:45-04:55

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 04:55-05:05

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 05:05-05:30

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 05:30-05:40

      The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.

    • 05:40-05:50

      The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.

    • 05:50-06:05

      The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.

    • 06:05-06:15

      The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.

    • 06:15-06:20

      The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.

    • 06:20-06:30

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 06:30-06:40

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 06:40-06:50

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 06:50-07:00

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 07:00-07:10

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 07:10-07:20

      The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.

    • 07:20-07:35

      The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.

    • 07:35-07:55

      After a cataclysm changes their world forever, new and old Ninja must team up to save all the realms from high-tech villains bent on domination.

    • 07:55-08:10

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 08:10-08:20

      The baby bear siblings travel to different locations around the world, on their journey to find a permanent place they can call home.

    • 08:20-08:30

      Adventures of Robin, Cyborg, Starfire, Raven and Beast Boy. They are superheroes who save the day, but what happens when they're not fighting crime?

    • 08:30-08:40

      Adventures of Robin, Cyborg, Starfire, Raven and Beast Boy. They are superheroes who save the day, but what happens when they're not fighting crime?

    • 08:40-08:55

      Grab your toilet-paper sword and follow best friends Craig, JP and Kelsey as they explore their neighbourhood creek - a boundless kid-run world!

    • 08:55-09:10

      Scott has drawn 100 Heroes in 100 comic books. When he disappears, only his books remain, and they get scattered all over San Francisco.

    • 09:10-09:20

      Welcome to the town of Jellystone - a charming place where your favorite Hanna-Barbera characters live, work and play together...

    • 09:20-09:35

      Welcome to the town of Jellystone - a charming place where your favorite Hanna-Barbera characters live, work and play together...

    • 09:35-10:00

      Follow Babs and Buster Bunny, Sweetie Bird, Hamton J. Pig, and Plucky Duck as they learn what it takes to be a professional toon.

    • 10:00-10:10

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 10:10-10:20

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 10:20-10:30

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 10:30-10:40

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 10:40-10:50

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 10:50-11:00

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 11:00-11:10

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 11:10-11:20

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 11:20-11:30

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 11:30-11:40

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 11:40-12:00

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 12:00-12:10

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 12:10-12:20

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 12:20-12:30

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 12:30-12:40

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 12:40-12:50

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 12:50-13:00

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 13:00-13:10

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 13:10-13:20

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 13:20-13:30

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 13:30-13:40

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 13:40-13:55

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 13:55-14:05

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 14:05-14:15

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 14:15-14:25

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 14:25-14:35

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 14:35-15:00

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 15:00-15:10

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 15:10-15:20

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 15:20-15:30

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 15:30-15:40

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 15:40-15:50

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 15:50-16:00

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 16:00-16:20

      Fred, Daphne, Velma, Shaggy and Scooby-Doo join forces with some of the biggest names in celebrity and pop culture.

    • 16:20-16:35

      Folks, have ya heard? Your favorite Looney Tunes characters are back in action!

    • 16:35-16:45

      The baby bear siblings travel to different locations around the world, on their journey to find a permanent place they can call home.

    • 16:45-17:00

      The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.

    • 17:00-17:15

      Scott has drawn 100 Heroes in 100 comic books. When he disappears, only his books remain, and they get scattered all over San Francisco.

    • 17:15-17:30

      Scott has drawn 100 Heroes in 100 comic books. When he disappears, only his books remain, and they get scattered all over San Francisco.

    • 17:30-17:40

      Apple and Onion are two best friends who live in a big city full of other food-people.

    • 17:40-18:05

      After a cataclysm changes their world forever, new and old Ninja must team up to save all the realms from high-tech villains bent on domination.

    • 18:05-18:15

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 18:15-18:30

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 18:30-18:55

      Follow Babs and Buster Bunny, Sweetie Bird, Hamton J. Pig, and Plucky Duck as they learn what it takes to be a professional toon.

    • 18:55-19:05

      Welcome to the town of Jellystone - a charming place where your favorite Hanna-Barbera characters live, work and play together...

    • 19:05-19:15

      Welcome to the town of Jellystone - a charming place where your favorite Hanna-Barbera characters live, work and play together...

    • 19:15-19:30

      Welcome to the town of Jellystone - a charming place where your favorite Hanna-Barbera characters live, work and play together...

    • 19:30-19:40

      Grab your toilet-paper sword and follow best friends Craig, JP and Kelsey as they explore their neighbourhood creek - a boundless kid-run world!

    • 19:40-19:50

      Grab your toilet-paper sword and follow best friends Craig, JP and Kelsey as they explore their neighbourhood creek - a boundless kid-run world!

    • 19:50-20:00

      Grab your toilet-paper sword and follow best friends Craig, JP and Kelsey as they explore their neighbourhood creek - a boundless kid-run world!

    • 20:00-20:10

      Adventures of Robin, Cyborg, Starfire, Raven and Beast Boy. They are superheroes who save the day, but what happens when they're not fighting crime?

    • 20:10-20:20

      Adventures of Robin, Cyborg, Starfire, Raven and Beast Boy. They are superheroes who save the day, but what happens when they're not fighting crime?

    • 20:20-20:35

      The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.

    • 20:35-20:50

      Scott has drawn 100 Heroes in 100 comic books. When he disappears, only his books remain, and they get scattered all over San Francisco.

    • 20:50-21:10

      After a cataclysm changes their world forever, new and old Ninja must team up to save all the realms from high-tech villains bent on domination.

    • 21:10-21:25

      Folks, have ya heard? Your favorite Looney Tunes characters are back in action!

    • 21:25-21:35

      Folks, have ya heard? Your favorite Looney Tunes characters are back in action!

    • 21:35-21:45

      Folks, have ya heard? Your favorite Looney Tunes characters are back in action!

    • 21:45-21:55

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 21:55-22:05

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 22:05-22:15

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 22:15-22:25

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 22:25-22:40

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 22:40-22:50

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 22:50-23:00

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 23:00-23:10

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 23:10-23:20

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 23:20-23:30

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 23:30-23:50

      Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!

    • 23:50-00:00

      The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.

    • 00:50-00:59

      Mr. Bean is joined by his trusty sidekick Teddy his reliable MINI and his grumpy landlady Mrs Wicket not forgetting her evil one-eyed cat Scrapper.

    • 00:59-01:11

      Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.

    • 01:11-01:22

      Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.

    • 01:22-01:33

      Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.

    • 01:33-01:45

      Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.

    • 01:45-01:51

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 01:51-01:58

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 01:58-02:04

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 02:04-02:11

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 02:11-02:17

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 02:17-02:25

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 02:25-02:31

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 02:31-02:38

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 02:38-02:44

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 02:44-02:51

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 02:51-02:57

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 02:57-03:04

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 03:04-03:16

      Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.

    • 03:16-03:27

      Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.

    • 03:27-03:38

      Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.

    • 03:38-03:50

      Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.

    • 03:50-03:56

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 03:56-04:03

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 04:03-04:09

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 04:09-04:16

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 04:16-04:22

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 04:22-04:30

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 04:30-04:34

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 04:34-04:46

      Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.

    • 04:46-04:57

      Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.

    • 04:57-05:08

      Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.

    • 05:08-05:20

      Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.

    • 05:20-05:27

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 05:27-05:33

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 05:33-05:40

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 05:40-05:46

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 05:46-05:53

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 05:53-06:00

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 06:00-06:07

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 06:07-06:14

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 06:14-06:21

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 06:21-06:30

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 06:30-06:40

      Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.

    • 06:40-06:50

      Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.

    • 06:50-07:00

      Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.

    • 07:00-07:07

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 07:07-07:13

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 07:13-07:20

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 07:20-07:40

      Tom and Jerry are running wild in Manhattan! They live in a fancy hotel, but their mayhem doesnt stop at the hotel lobby.

    • 07:40-07:50

      Mr. Bean is joined by his trusty sidekick Teddy his reliable MINI and his grumpy landlady Mrs Wicket not forgetting her evil one-eyed cat Scrapper.

    • 07:50-08:00

      Mr. Bean is joined by his trusty sidekick Teddy his reliable MINI and his grumpy landlady Mrs Wicket not forgetting her evil one-eyed cat Scrapper.

    • 08:00-08:10

      They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.

    • 08:10-08:25

      They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.

    • 08:25-08:35

      In the year 3021, on a space station between Mars and Jupiter, eight-year-old Ella Ryder sets out on exciting adventures of discovery.

    • 08:35-08:45

      In the year 3021, on a space station between Mars and Jupiter, eight-year-old Ella Ryder sets out on exciting adventures of discovery.

    • 08:45-09:00

      Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny manage a crew of builders that, quite frankly, should not be anywhere near a construction site.

    • 09:00-09:05

      In this feel-good comedy series, full of heart, Sonia, Hugo, and Mel create memories with Mom, Dad, and Granny on days spent with family and friends.

    • 09:05-09:15

      In this feel-good comedy series, full of heart, Sonia, Hugo, and Mel create memories with Mom, Dad, and Granny on days spent with family and friends.

    • 09:15-09:25

      From wishing to be taller to memorizing a bedtime routine, Jessica wants to be an independent "big kid."

    • 09:25-09:34

      From wishing to be taller to memorizing a bedtime routine, Jessica wants to be an independent "big kid."

    • 09:34-09:40

      A little girl named Masha befriends a bear. Masha finds herself in all kinds of adventures that cause havoc in the bear's peaceful existence!

    • 09:40-09:47

      A little girl named Masha befriends a bear. Masha finds herself in all kinds of adventures that cause havoc in the bear's peaceful existence!

    • 09:47-09:55

      A little girl named Masha befriends a bear. Masha finds herself in all kinds of adventures that cause havoc in the bear's peaceful existence!

    • 09:55-10:00

      A little girl named Masha befriends a bear. Masha finds herself in all kinds of adventures that cause havoc in the bear's peaceful existence!

    • 10:00-10:10

      They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.

    • 10:10-10:20

      They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.

    • 10:20-10:30

      They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.

    • 10:30-10:40

      Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.

    • 10:40-10:50

      Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.

    • 10:50-11:05

      Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.

    • 11:05-11:11

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 11:11-11:18

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 11:18-11:25

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 11:25-11:30

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 11:30-11:40

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 11:40-11:45

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 11:45-11:50

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 11:50-11:57

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 11:57-12:05

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 12:05-12:15

      They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.

    • 12:15-12:25

      They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.

    • 12:25-12:35

      They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.

    • 12:35-12:45

      They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.

    • 12:45-12:55

      They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.

    • 12:55-13:04

      They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.

    • 13:04-13:15

      Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.

    • 13:15-13:25

      Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.

    • 13:25-13:35

      Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.

    • 13:35-13:45

      Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.

    • 13:45-13:55

      Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.

    • 13:55-14:09

      Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.

    • 14:09-14:16

      The cat and mouse rivals are back and up to their old antics. Follow Tom and Jerry as they explore fantastic new places.

    • 14:16-14:23

      The cat and mouse rivals are back and up to their old antics. Follow Tom and Jerry as they explore fantastic new places.

    • 14:23-14:30

      The cat and mouse rivals are back and up to their old antics. Follow Tom and Jerry as they explore fantastic new places.

    • 14:30-14:36

      The cat and mouse rivals are back and up to their old antics. Follow Tom and Jerry as they explore fantastic new places.

    • 14:36-14:43

      The cat and mouse rivals are back and up to their old antics. Follow Tom and Jerry as they explore fantastic new places.

    • 14:43-14:50

      The cat and mouse rivals are back and up to their old antics. Follow Tom and Jerry as they explore fantastic new places.

    • 14:50-15:00

      The cat and mouse rivals are back and up to their old antics. Follow Tom and Jerry as they explore fantastic new places.

    • 15:00-15:07

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 15:07-15:15

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 15:15-15:20

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 15:20-15:26

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 15:26-15:34

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 15:34-15:45

      They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.

    • 15:45-15:55

      They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.

    • 15:55-16:02

      Lu is a ladybird who has started preschool with her new friends. Together they explore their new social lives though play, music, feelings and fun!

    • 16:02-16:10

      Lu is a ladybird who has started preschool with her new friends. Together they explore their new social lives though play, music, feelings and fun!

    • 16:10-16:20

      Lu is a ladybird who has started preschool with her new friends. Together they explore their new social lives though play, music, feelings and fun!

    • 16:20-16:30

      Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.

    • 16:30-16:35

      In this feel-good comedy series, full of heart, Sonia, Hugo, and Mel create memories with Mom, Dad, and Granny on days spent with family and friends.

    • 16:35-16:45

      In this feel-good comedy series, full of heart, Sonia, Hugo, and Mel create memories with Mom, Dad, and Granny on days spent with family and friends.

    • 16:45-16:50

      In this feel-good comedy series, full of heart, Sonia, Hugo, and Mel create memories with Mom, Dad, and Granny on days spent with family and friends.

    • 16:50-16:55

      A little girl named Masha befriends a bear. Masha finds herself in all kinds of adventures that cause havoc in the bear's peaceful existence!

    • 16:55-17:00

      A little girl named Masha befriends a bear. Masha finds herself in all kinds of adventures that cause havoc in the bear's peaceful existence!

    • 17:00-17:07

      A little girl named Masha befriends a bear. Masha finds herself in all kinds of adventures that cause havoc in the bear's peaceful existence!

    • 17:07-17:21

      A little girl named Masha befriends a bear. Masha finds herself in all kinds of adventures that cause havoc in the bear's peaceful existence!

    • 17:21-17:30

      A little girl named Masha befriends a bear. Masha finds herself in all kinds of adventures that cause havoc in the bear's peaceful existence!

    • 17:30-17:35

      A little girl named Masha befriends a bear. Masha finds herself in all kinds of adventures that cause havoc in the bear's peaceful existence!

    • 17:35-17:45

      From wishing to be taller to memorizing a bedtime routine, Jessica wants to be an independent "big kid."

    • 17:45-17:55

      From wishing to be taller to memorizing a bedtime routine, Jessica wants to be an independent "big kid."

    • 17:55-18:05

      They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.

    • 18:05-18:15

      They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.

    • 18:15-18:30

      They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.

    • 18:30-18:40

      Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny manage a crew of builders that, quite frankly, should not be anywhere near a construction site.

    • 18:40-18:50

      Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny manage a crew of builders that, quite frankly, should not be anywhere near a construction site.

    • 18:50-18:59

      Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny manage a crew of builders that, quite frankly, should not be anywhere near a construction site.

    • 18:59-19:10

      Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.

    • 19:10-19:20

      From wishing to be taller to memorizing a bedtime routine, Jessica wants to be an independent "big kid."

    • 19:20-19:29

      From wishing to be taller to memorizing a bedtime routine, Jessica wants to be an independent "big kid."

    • 19:29-19:45

      They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.

    • 19:45-19:50

      In this feel-good comedy series, full of heart, Sonia, Hugo, and Mel create memories with Mom, Dad, and Granny on days spent with family and friends.

    • 19:50-20:00

      In this feel-good comedy series, full of heart, Sonia, Hugo, and Mel create memories with Mom, Dad, and Granny on days spent with family and friends.

    • 20:00-20:05

      In this feel-good comedy series, full of heart, Sonia, Hugo, and Mel create memories with Mom, Dad, and Granny on days spent with family and friends.

    • 20:05-20:20

      Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.

    • 20:20-20:30

      They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.

    • 20:30-20:40

      They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.

    • 20:40-20:50

      They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.

    • 20:50-21:00

      Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.

    • 21:00-21:10

      Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.

    • 21:10-21:25

      Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.

    • 21:25-21:45

      Tom and Jerry are running wild in Manhattan! They live in a fancy hotel, but their mayhem doesnt stop at the hotel lobby.

    • 21:45-21:52

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 21:52-22:00

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 22:00-22:05

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 22:05-22:15

      The cat and mouse rivals are back and up to their old antics. Follow Tom and Jerry as they explore fantastic new places.

    • 22:15-22:25

      The cat and mouse rivals are back and up to their old antics. Follow Tom and Jerry as they explore fantastic new places.

    • 22:25-22:35

      The cat and mouse rivals are back and up to their old antics. Follow Tom and Jerry as they explore fantastic new places.

    • 22:35-22:45

      The cat and mouse rivals are back and up to their old antics. Follow Tom and Jerry as they explore fantastic new places.

    • 22:45-22:55

      The cat and mouse rivals are back and up to their old antics. Follow Tom and Jerry as they explore fantastic new places.

    • 22:55-23:00

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 23:00-23:08

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 23:08-23:14

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 23:14-23:21

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 23:21-23:27

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 23:27-23:35

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 23:35-23:41

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 23:41-23:48

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 23:48-23:55

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 23:55-00:00

      He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings

    • 00:50-01:00

      The sports recap of the day with France 24 journalists and a summary of world sports news, both on and off the field.

    • 01:00-01:10

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 01:10-01:53

      Our panel of Paris-based journalists review the week's international news: the stories that made the headlines and also those you may have missed!

    • 01:53-02:00

    • 02:00-02:15

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 02:15-02:21

      French Connections revolves around France, its top stories and news, its experience in various spheres and cultural life, sport events, health care and education and so much more.

    • 02:21-02:30

      This amazing programme brings you the latest and most important, exclusive reports from all around the globe.

    • 02:30-02:45

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 02:45-03:00

      Culture news from the world's art, food and fashion capital, Paris. Join us every day for reviews and conversations on what's arguably the only daily arts programme on TV.

    • 03:00-03:15

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 03:15-03:30

      Access Asia opens the diverse continent and presents the latest updates on the social events and political stories, thorough analysis of the cutting-edge current affairs.

    • 03:30-03:45

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 03:45-04:00

      Join Georja Calvin-Smith for all the news from Africa and the Maghreb, together with France 24's correspondents and guests of the show.

    • 04:00-04:10

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 04:10-04:53

      Our panel of Paris-based journalists review the week's international news: the stories that made the headlines and also those you may have missed!

    • 04:53-05:00

    • 05:00-05:15

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 05:15-05:30

      Across Africa is a weekly news program presenting latest news and stories, up-to-date full coverage of politics, social events from the African continent to the world.

    • 05:30-05:45

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 05:45-06:00

      A weekly talk show about the world's media. Guests discuss current events as well as issues like press freedom, media bias and the evolving industry, from budget and job cuts to the arrival of artificial intelligence.

    • 06:00-06:15

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 06:15-06:30

      Join Georja Calvin-Smith for all the news from Africa and the Maghreb, together with France 24's correspondents and guests of the show.

    • 06:30-06:45

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 06:45-07:00

      Culture news from the world's art, food and fashion capital, Paris. Join us every day for reviews and conversations on what's arguably the only daily arts programme on TV.

    • 07:00-07:20

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 07:20-07:30

      Sports Sunday presents top scores and covers top sports news from all over the world and latest sports events. In ten minutes Elliot Richardson provides sports round-up for you not to miss a thing.

    • 07:30-08:00

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 08:00-08:15

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 08:15-08:16

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 08:16-09:00

      Our panel of Paris-based journalists review the week's international news: the stories that made the headlines and also those you may have missed!

    • 09:00-09:30

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 09:30-10:00

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 10:00-10:15

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 10:15-10:30

    • 10:30-11:00

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 11:00-11:15

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 11:15-11:16

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 11:16-11:30

      Access Asia opens the diverse continent and presents the latest updates on the social events and political stories, thorough analysis of the cutting-edge current affairs.

    • 11:30-11:45

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 11:45-11:46

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 11:46-11:52

      The Observers is a weekly show produced with photos, videos and personal accounts from Observers around the world, covering top international current affairs.

    • 11:52-12:00

      This amazing programme brings you the latest and most important, exclusive reports from all around the globe.

    • 12:00-12:09

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 12:09-12:10

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 12:10-12:30

      Revisited presents certain places in different parts of the world several years after some significant events or accidents. Are there any changes?

    • 12:30-12:39

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 12:39-12:40

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 12:40-12:52

      Uncompromising interviews with leaders, icons and alternative voices. Meet fascinating people with revolutionary ideas. Artists, politicians, activists, CEOs - these are the people shaping our world.

    • 12:52-13:00

      This amazing programme brings you the latest and most important, exclusive reports from all around the globe.

    • 13:00-13:15

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 13:15-13:16

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 13:16-13:30

      Culture news from the world's art, food and fashion capital, Paris. Join us every day for reviews and conversations on what's arguably the only daily arts programme on TV.

    • 13:30-13:45

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 13:45-13:46

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 13:46-13:51

      This amazing programme brings you the latest and most important, exclusive reports from all around the globe.

    • 13:51-14:00

      The sports recap of the day with France 24 journalists and a summary of world sports news, both on and off the field.

    • 14:00-14:15

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 14:15-14:30

    • 14:30-14:45

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 14:45-15:00

      The 51 Percent is revolving around women and their role in the world and presents various stories of women with different backgrounds from all over the world.

    • 15:00-15:14

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 15:14-15:15

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 15:15-15:30

      Follow coverage of events in Paris and across France, Corsica and the French overseas territories. An insider look at French politics and culture.

    • 15:30-15:45

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 15:45-16:00

      An in-depth report by our senior reporters and team of correspondents from around the world.

    • 16:00-16:09

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 16:09-16:10

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 16:10-16:15

      This amazing programme brings you the latest and most important, exclusive reports from all around the globe.

    • 16:15-16:30

      Access Asia opens the diverse continent and presents the latest updates on the social events and political stories, thorough analysis of the cutting-edge current affairs.

    • 16:30-16:39

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 16:39-16:40

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 16:40-17:00

      Revisited presents certain places in different parts of the world several years after some significant events or accidents. Are there any changes?

    • 17:00-17:14

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 17:14-17:15

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 17:15-17:21

      French Connections revolves around France, its top stories and news, its experience in various spheres and cultural life, sport events, health care and education and so much more.

    • 17:21-17:30

      Be aware of what is in the spotlight every season and find out the latest trends. Follow haute couture news, videos, reports and analyses, and look behind the scene of Parisian catwalks.

    • 17:30-17:44

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 17:44-17:45

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 17:45-18:00

      Culture news from the world's art, food and fashion capital, Paris. Join us every day for reviews and conversations on what's arguably the only daily arts programme on TV.

    • 18:00-18:14

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 18:14-18:15

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 18:15-18:30

      Across Africa is a weekly news program presenting latest news and stories, up-to-date full coverage of politics, social events from the African continent to the world.

    • 18:30-18:44

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 18:44-18:45

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 18:45-19:00

      Uncompromising interviews with leaders, icons and alternative voices. Meet fascinating people with revolutionary ideas. Artists, politicians, activists, CEOs - these are the people shaping our world.

    • 19:00-19:15

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 19:15-19:30

      Take a look at the latest and most important top stories that are happening in France and around the globe.

    • 19:30-19:45

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 19:45-20:00

      Follow France 24's International Affairs editors as they share their take on various world events and news.

    • 20:00-20:13

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 20:13-20:15

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 20:15-20:30

      Talking Europe guides you to the world of Europe's politics and cultures. Presented by Catherine Nicholson, the program revolves around top EU issues and events.

    • 20:30-20:43

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 20:43-20:45

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 20:45-21:00

      Talking Europe guides you to the world of Europe's politics and cultures. Presented by Catherine Nicholson, the program revolves around top EU issues and events.

    • 21:00-21:15

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 21:15-21:16

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 21:16-21:22

      French Connections revolves around France, its top stories and news, its experience in various spheres and cultural life, sport events, health care and education and so much more.

    • 21:22-21:30

      This amazing programme brings you the latest and most important, exclusive reports from all around the globe.

    • 21:30-21:45

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 21:45-21:46

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 21:46-22:00

      France in Focus brings top stories and most essential reports on France, its political and social life. Be the first to know about latest events in politics, culture and economy.

    • 22:00-22:15

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 22:15-22:21

      Follow France 24's International Affairs editors as they share their take on various world events and news.

    • 22:21-22:30

      Sports Sunday presents top scores and covers top sports news from all over the world and latest sports events. In ten minutes Elliot Richardson provides sports round-up for you not to miss a thing.

    • 22:30-22:45

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 22:45-23:00

      Follow coverage of events in Paris and across France, Corsica and the French overseas territories. An insider look at French politics and culture.

    • 23:00-23:15

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 23:15-23:30

      Reporters presents various reports by team of correspondents from all over the world regarding hot button issues.

    • 23:30-23:45

      The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.

    • 23:45-00:00

      An in-depth report by our senior reporters and team of correspondents from around the world.

    • 00:30-01:00

      Stephen Sackur is on the road in Guyana, home to significant ecosystems and now one of the world's biggest offshore oil and gas reserves. As Guyana experiences record growth, will its people benefit?

    • 01:00-01:30

      The latest news from the BBC.

    • 01:30-02:00

      It's the latest trend sweeping the world of retail. Live stream shopping is a fusion of ecommerce and live video entertainment that lets you shop while you watch.

    • 02:00-02:30

      The latest news from the BBC.

    • 02:30-03:00

      Marc Cieslak continues his cruise through Antarctica - culminating in a night on ice, camping under the stars where he contemplates the balance between tourism and conservation.

    • 03:00-03:30

      The latest news from the BBC.

    • 03:30-04:00

      Spencer Kelly meets a team of teenage engineers building a robot of their own design, as they compete in the First Tech Challenge - a project aimed at addressing a shortage in STEM skills.

    • 04:00-04:30

      The latest news from the BBC.

    • 04:30-05:00

      Nikki Bedi travels to Mardin in the South-East of Turkey to immerse herself in the arts and culture of the region.

    • 05:00-05:30

      The latest news from the BBC.

    • 05:30-06:00

      Katty visits Miami to sit down with Lindsey Vonn, one of the most decorated skiers in history, for a conversation about skiing, success, and life after the Olympics.

    • 06:00-06:30

      The latest news from the BBC.

    • 06:30-07:00

      A global, topical weekly show that lifts the hood on the entertainment and news business. The Media Show explores the companies and personalities who command our attention.

    • 07:00-07:30

      The latest news from the BBC.

    • 07:30-08:00

      Marc Cieslak continues his cruise through Antarctica - culminating in a night on ice, camping under the stars where he contemplates the balance between tourism and conservation.

    • 08:00-08:30

      The latest news from the BBC.

    • 08:30-09:00

      The BBC's Katie Razzall uncovers the story behind the thefts from the British Museum and the hunt to recover what was taken.

    • 09:00-09:30

      The latest news from the BBC.

    • 09:30-10:00

      Spencer Kelly meets a team of teenage engineers building a robot of their own design, as they compete in the First Tech Challenge - a project aimed at addressing a shortage in STEM skills.

    • 10:00-10:30

      The latest news from the BBC.

    • 10:30-11:00

      Nikki Bedi travels to Mardin in the South-East of Turkey to immerse herself in the arts and culture of the region.

    • 11:00-12:00

      The latest news from the BBC.

    • 12:00-12:30

      The latest news from the BBC.

    • 12:30-13:00

      In this episode, we look at how opportunities were missed to stop certain K-pop stars from continuing to film Molka, the Korean term for secretly taking explicit photos or videos without consent.

    • 13:00-13:30

      The latest news from the BBC.

    • 13:30-14:00

      It's the latest trend sweeping the world of retail. Live stream shopping is a fusion of ecommerce and live video entertainment that lets you shop while you watch.

    • 14:00-14:30

      The latest news from the BBC.

    • 14:30-15:00

      The BBC's Katie Razzall uncovers the story behind the thefts from the British Museum and the hunt to recover what was taken.

    • 15:00-15:30

      The latest news from the BBC.

    • 15:30-16:00

      As France moves to centre stage this July, with Paris hosting the Summer Olympics and Paralympics, Talking Movies takes a look at some classic French cinema.

    • 16:00-16:30

      The latest news from the BBC including sport.

    • 16:30-17:00

      Marc Cieslak continues his cruise through Antarctica - culminating in a night on ice, camping under the stars where he contemplates the balance between tourism and conservation.

    • 17:00-17:30

      The latest news from the BBC including sport.

    • 17:30-18:00

      A global, topical weekly show that lifts the hood on the entertainment and news business. The Media Show explores the companies and personalities who command our attention.

    • 18:00-18:30

      The latest news from the BBC including sport.

    • 18:30-19:00

      Katty visits Miami to sit down with Lindsey Vonn, one of the most decorated skiers in history, for a conversation about skiing, success, and life after the Olympics.

    • 19:00-20:00

      The latest news from the BBC.

    • 20:00-20:30

      The latest news from the BBC.

    • 20:30-21:00

      The BBC's Katie Razzall uncovers the story behind the thefts from the British Museum and the hunt to recover what was taken.

    • 21:00-21:30

      The latest news from the BBC.

    • 21:30-22:00

      Spencer Kelly meets a team of teenage engineers building a robot of their own design, as they compete in the First Tech Challenge - a project aimed at addressing a shortage in STEM skills.

    • 22:00-22:30

      The latest news from the BBC.

    • 22:30-23:00

      Marc Cieslak continues his cruise through Antarctica - culminating in a night on ice, camping under the stars where he contemplates the balance between tourism and conservation.

    • 23:00-00:00

      The latest news from the BBC.

187 344
    • 00:00-01:55

      Including: News Summary@01:00 Press, Sport, New Media

    • 01:55-02:00

      news (QAT 5') A look at what the weather has in store. With international forecasts, temperatures and weather warnings.

    • 02:00-02:30

      Hourly update of international news with an emphasis on the Arab world.

    • 02:30-02:55

      Presented by Al Habib Al Ghoreiby A current affairs daily program looking at a major news story of the day.

    • 02:55-03:00

      news (QAT) A look at what the weather has in store. With international forecasts, temperatures and weather warnings.

    • 03:00-03:05

      The news team at Al Jazeera Arabic bring you a round-up of the day's main stories. With headlines from around the world and the latest information on current affairs.

    • 03:05-03:55

      Presented by Mohamed Kreshan A weekly political program that examines potential scenarios of the rapid and successive regional and international changes taking place in our world, based on an in-depth analytical reading of current

    • 03:55-04:00

      news (QAT 5') A look at what the weather has in store. With international forecasts, temperatures and weather warnings.

    • 04:00-04:05

      The news team at Al Jazeera Arabic bring you a round-up of the day's main stories. With headlines from around the world and the latest information on current affairs.

    • 04:05-05:00

      Presented by Abdel Reheem Fokaraa Weekly programme concerning American affairs especially those dealing with the Arab World in the political, economic, cultural, military, religious and other fields.

    • 05:00-05:05

      The news team at Al Jazeera Arabic bring you a round-up of the day's main stories. With headlines from around the world and the latest information on current affairs.

    • 05:05-06:00

    • 06:00-06:30

      Hourly update of international news with an emphasis on the Arab world.

    • 06:30-07:00

      Presented by Nazih Al Ahdab A weekly program assessing important political, security, economic, social and general events of interest to the public.

    • 07:00-07:30

      Hourly update of international news with an emphasis on the Arab world.

    • 07:30-08:00

      Presented by Al Habib Al Ghoreiby A current affairs daily program looking at a major news story of the day.

    • 08:00-09:00

      Hourly update of international news with an emphasis on the Arab world.

    • 09:00-09:05

      Hourly update of international news with an emphasis on the Arab world.

    • 09:05-09:30

      news (QAT 61') This morning show includes a daily variety of topics that concern women and children's issues, as well as presenting several news weekly like environmental, health, educational and cinema segments.

    • 09:30-10:00

      Presented by Eyad Hemeda A Technology series, on how the latest and the very new technologies are used in our busy daily lives.

    • 10:00-10:30

      Hourly update of international news with an emphasis on the Arab world.

    • 10:30-11:00

      Presented by Eyad Hemeda A Technology series, on how the latest and the very new technologies are used in our busy daily lives.

    • 11:00-13:55

    • 13:55-14:00

      news (QAT) A look at what the weather has in store. With international forecasts, temperatures and weather warnings.

    • 14:00-14:55

      Hourly update of international news with an emphasis on the Arab world.

    • 14:55-15:00

      news (QAT 5') A look at what the weather has in store. With international forecasts, temperatures and weather warnings.

    • 15:00-18:00

      news (QAT 90') A news bulletin, with live interviews, this program presents the most important developments in the daily world news.

    • 18:00-19:00

      Hourly update of international news with an emphasis on the Arab world.

    • 19:00-19:30

      Hourly update of international news with an emphasis on the Arab world.

    • 19:30-20:00

      Weekly program dealing with travel issues, adventure journeys and touring touristic activities.

    • 20:00-20:30

      Hourly update of international news with an emphasis on the Arab world.

    • 20:30-21:00

      Presented by Al Habib Al Ghoreiby A current affairs daily program looking at a major news story of the day.

    • 21:00-23:00

      Hourly update of international news with an emphasis on the Arab world.

    • 23:00-00:00

      news (QAT 60') Presented by Hassan Gamoul An extensive round up of the day's news coverage, bringing you the headline news along with in-depth reports, analysis and interviews from around the world. Also includes world sports news.

    • 01:00-02:00

      Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world.

    • 02:30-03:00

      Documentary (/QAT, 2024) Counting the Cost provides background to the economics stories that shape our world and impact the lives of ordinary people.

    • 03:00-03:30

      Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. Live

    • 03:30-04:00

      News (QAT, 2024) Beyond the headlines to the heart of the news of the day. Al Jazeera gets the Inside Story from some of the best minds in the Middle East and beyond.

    • 05:30-06:00

      Documentary (QAT, 2024) "The International Criminal Court: Fit for Purpose?" People and Power asks whether the ICC, established to investigate and try those accused of the world's worst crimes, is fit for purpose.

    • 06:00-06:30

      Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. Live

    • 06:30-07:00

      Current Affairs (MYS, 2024) "India's Killer Dust" Asbestos is known to be deadly but India continues to be the world's largest importer of the toxic mineral, potentially endangering millions of lives.

    • 07:00-07:30

      Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. Live

    • 07:30-08:00

      (GBR, 2024) "Go Telem/Friend of Bee/Mechanic Sea" Presented by Rajan Datar Music making in Sierre Leone, bees in Democratic Republic of Congo and scrap metal diving off Cape Verde Islands - three short films from African filmmakers.

    • 08:00-08:30

      Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. Live

    • 08:30-09:00

      We speak to renowned anti-war activist, Pentagon Papers whistleblower, Daniel Ellsberg about the business of war and the biggest players behind the war machine.

    • 09:00-09:30

      Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. Live

    • 09:30-10:00

      News (QAT, 2024) Beyond the headlines to the heart of the news of the day. Al Jazeera gets the Inside Story from some of the best minds in the Middle East and beyond.

    • 11:30-12:00

      Documentary (/QAT, 2024) Counting the Cost provides background to the economics stories that shape our world and impact the lives of ordinary people.

    • 12:00-12:30

      Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. Live

    • 12:30-13:00

      Powered by social media, The Stream brings fresh perspectives and new voices, beyond the headlines.

    • 14:30-15:00

      News (QAT, 2024) Beyond the headlines to the heart of the news of the day. Al Jazeera gets the Inside Story from some of the best minds in the Middle East and beyond.

    • 16:00-17:00

      Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world.

    • 17:01-17:30

      Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. Live

    • 17:30-18:00

      We speak to renowned anti-war activist, Pentagon Papers whistleblower, Daniel Ellsberg about the business of war and the biggest players behind the war machine.

    • 18:00-18:30

      Live (16:9, vt) (QAT, 2024 30') Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world.

    • 19:30-20:00

      Documentary (/QAT, 2022) "Defending French Justice" Inspirational and provocative stories providing a fresh and informative insight into the world's key events as they impact on the lives of ordinary people.

    • 20:00-20:30

      Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. Live

    • 20:30-21:00

      News (QAT, 2024) Beyond the headlines to the heart of the news of the day. Al Jazeera gets the Inside Story from some of the best minds in the Middle East and beyond.

    • 21:00-21:30

      Live (16:9, vt) (QAT, 2024 30') Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world.

    • 21:30-22:00

      News (QAT, 2024 30') Beyond the headlines to the heart of the news of the day. Al Jazeera gets the Inside Story from some of the best minds in the Middle East and beyond.

    • 22:30-23:00

      Documentary (QAT, 2024) "The International Criminal Court: Fit for Purpose?" People and Power asks whether the ICC, established to investigate and try those accused of the world's worst crimes, is fit for purpose.

    • 23:00-00:00

      Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. Live

46 133 343
    • 00:30-01:00

      Daily sports show features major stories and issues making news in the world of sports.

    • 01:00-02:00

      Julia Chatterley explains the latest on global markets and the biggest stories shaping the economic landscape.

    • 02:00-03:00

      Erin Burnett stays ahead of the headlines, delivering a show that's in-depth and informative.

    • 03:00-04:00

      Sharks and fishermen are engaged in a heightened conflict over prey.

    • 04:00-05:00

      80 years after D-Day laid the foundation for Germany's defeat in World War II, Jake Tapper reflects on the sacrifices made to save democracy then and how the fight continues to halt the erosion of democratic

    • 05:00-06:00

      CNN's Kristin Fisher interviews astronomers involved in the Webb Telescope's exploration of deep space and dark matter, examining its potential to answer fundamental questions about the universe: Where do we

    • 06:00-07:00

      Ivan Watson surveys Australia's coast, witnessing the toll of human activity from apocalyptic forest fires to unprecedented heat waves.

    • 07:00-07:30

      Live context and clarity to the day's top stories from around the world.

    • 07:30-08:00

      There is immense potential for expanding air transportation networks across Africa, but not without challenges.

    • 08:00-08:30

      Live context and clarity to the day's top stories from around the world.

    • 08:30-09:00

      Rediscover the inviting blue waters of Turkey's Aegean coast. Understand our impact and how our visit can be both fulfilling and friendly for everyone involved.

    • 09:00-09:30

      Live context and clarity to the day's top stories from around the world.

    • 09:30-10:00

      Larry Madowo sat down in Accra with former nurse and midwife-turned Ghanian singer and songwriter Wendy Shay to discuss her achievements and nonprofit work.

    • 10:00-11:00

      Live context and clarity to the day's top stories from around the world.

    • 11:00-12:00

      Live context and clarity to the day's top stories from around the world.

    • 12:00-13:00

      Live context and clarity to the day's top stories from around the world.

    • 13:00-13:30

      Larry Madowo sat down in Accra with former nurse and midwife-turned Ghanian singer and songwriter Wendy Shay to discuss her achievements and nonprofit work.

    • 13:30-14:00

      Rediscover the inviting blue waters of Turkey's Aegean coast. Understand our impact and how our visit can be both fulfilling and friendly for everyone involved.

    • 14:00-15:00

      Start your day with Victor Blackwell and Amara Walker bringing you the latest headlines and analysis.

    • 15:00-16:00

      Victor Blackwell brings a fresh perspective on the week's news with a focus on stories affecting communities of color.

    • 16:00-17:00

      Michael Smerconish tackles the American political and news stories of the week, offering only one kind of talking points: his own.

    • 17:00-18:00

      Join Chris Wallace, one of the most highly-respected journalists of our time, in conversations across the spectrum of news, sports, entertainment and culture.

    • 18:00-19:00

      Christiane Amanpour, CNN's chief international anchor, brings valuable insight to the biggest global and domestic news stories of the week.

    • 19:00-19:30

      Daily sports show features major stories and issues making news in the world of sports.

    • 19:30-19:45

      Regional cooperation and strategic investments could help drive sustainable economic growth; Egypt charts its own path towards economic recovery by revamping its tourism sector.

    • 19:45-20:00

      As jackfruit continues to be popular as a protein-packed meat alternative, Uganda looks to capitalize; the African Development Bank elevates economic prospects across Africa.

    • 20:00-21:00

      Updates of the latest news from around the world.

    • 21:00-22:00

      Updates of the latest news from around the world.

    • 22:00-23:00

      Sharks and fishermen are engaged in a heightened conflict over prey.

    • 23:00-00:00

      Updates of the latest news from around the world.

342 352
    • 00:30-01:00

      . This special Bloomberg programme brings together some of the world s most influential thinkers policy makers and business leaders to tackle the major issues facing the world.

    • 01:00-02:00

      . David Westin speaks with top names in finance about the week s biggest issues on Wall Street.

    • 02:00-03:00

      Gerry Cardinale. Gerry Cardinale. RedBird Capital Founder and Managing Partner Gerry Cardinale discusses the creation of YES Network the purchase of AC Milan and what s next for the XFL.

    • 03:00-03:30

      Emma Grede Good American CEO and Co-Founder. Emma Grede Good American CEO and Co-Founder.

    • 03:30-04:00

      Chanel CEO Leena Nair. In a rare interview Chanel CEO Leena Nair speaks about her professional and personal journey how it defines her leadership style and her unique approach at the top of luxury.

    • 04:00-04:30

      Dr. Jane Goodall The Jane Goodall Institute Founder. Jane Goodall ethologist and conservationist shares details from over 60 years of studying chimpanzees and explains why she isn t slowing down at 89 years old.

    • 04:30-05:00

      . Exploring every angle of climate change technology finance sports and beyond Bloomberg Originals is business as you ve never seen it.

    • 05:00-06:00

      . David Westin speaks with top names in finance about the week s biggest issues on Wall Street.

    • 06:00-06:30

      How AI Helped Microsoft Get its Groove Back. Emily sits down with Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella to hear about how AI is shaking up the competition for search.

    • 06:30-07:00

      Can the D Amelios Make It Beyond TikTok?. Emily heads to LA to meet the TikTok famous D Amelio family. They discuss their expansion into television investing and building their own brand.

    • 07:00-07:30

      Second Acts. Reporter Max Abelson takes the audience into the themes and motivations behind Bloomberg Businessweek s stories.

    • 07:30-08:00

      Survival. Max Abelson sits down with Avenue Capital Group Chief Executive Officer Marc Lasry Nobel Peace Prize laureate Nadia Murad to discuss why survival is so important in business and life.

    • 08:00-10:00

      . A feature documentary about Sam Bankman-Fried and the stunning collapse of FTX his cryptocurrency exchange.

    • 10:00-11:00

      . David Westin speaks with top names in finance about the week s biggest issues on Wall Street.

    • 11:00-11:30

      . Exploring every angle of climate change technology finance sports and beyond Bloomberg Originals is business as you ve never seen it.

    • 11:30-12:00

      How Charlotte Jones Made America s Team into the World s Most Valuable Franchise. The Dallas Cowboys stand as the world s most valuable franchise - despite having not won a Super Bowl in nearly 30 years.

    • 12:00-13:00

      . Ideas are the global currency of the 21st century. But how do you come up with execute and operationalise one? The answers are what separates successful creative influences from everyone else.

    • 13:00-14:00

      . David Westin speaks with top names in finance about the week s biggest issues on Wall Street.

    • 14:00-14:30

      Bushfire Babies. Bushfire Babies. The unprecedented devastation of Australia s 2019-2020 "Black Summer" bushfires. Three years later the lasting health effects of the catastrophe are still manifesting themselves.

    • 14:30-15:00

      Catastrophe in East Palestine. Catastrophe in East Palestine. While the work continues divergent opinions from government agencies independent experts and contractors are adding to the anxiety residents.

    • 15:00-15:30

      Josh Friedman Canyon Partners. Josh Friedman Canyon Partners.

    • 15:30-16:00

      . Exploring every angle of climate change technology finance sports and beyond Bloomberg Originals is business as you ve never seen it.

    • 16:00-16:30

      Dr. Jane Goodall The Jane Goodall Institute Founder. Jane Goodall ethologist and conservationist shares details from over 60 years of studying chimpanzees and explains why she isn t slowing down at 89 years old.

    • 16:30-17:00

      Novo Nordisk CEO Lars Fruergaard J rgensen. Novo Nordisk CEO Lars Fruergaard J rgensen talks about how he s navigating the company s meteoric rise and the sweeping changes its products could bring across a range of industries.

    • 17:00-18:00

      . David Westin speaks with top names in finance about the week s biggest issues on Wall Street.

    • 18:00-18:30

      Josh Friedman Canyon Partners. Josh Friedman Canyon Partners.

    • 18:30-19:00

      Chanel CEO Leena Nair. In a rare interview Chanel CEO Leena Nair speaks about her professional and personal journey how it defines her leadership style and her unique approach at the top of luxury.

    • 19:00-19:30

      . Exploring every angle of climate change technology finance sports and beyond Bloomberg Originals is business as you ve never seen it.

    • 19:30-20:00

      How AI Helped Microsoft Get its Groove Back. Emily sits down with Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella to hear about how AI is shaking up the competition for search.

    • 20:00-20:30

      Dr. Jane Goodall The Jane Goodall Institute Founder. Jane Goodall ethologist and conservationist shares details from over 60 years of studying chimpanzees and explains why she isn t slowing down at 89 years old.

    • 20:30-21:00

      . Power Money Culture. Haslinda Amin tells the story of Asia s rise through the people helping to shape it.

    • 21:00-22:00

      . Ideas are the global currency of the 21st century. But how do you come up with execute and operationalise one? The answers are what separates successful creative influences from everyone else.

    • 22:00-22:30

      Second Acts. Reporter Max Abelson takes the audience into the themes and motivations behind Bloomberg Businessweek s stories.

    • 22:30-23:00

      Survival. Max Abelson sits down with Avenue Capital Group Chief Executive Officer Marc Lasry Nobel Peace Prize laureate Nadia Murad to discuss why survival is so important in business and life.

    • 23:00-23:30

      Emma Grede Good American CEO and Co-Founder. Emma Grede Good American CEO and Co-Founder.

    • 23:30-00:00

      How Charlotte Jones Made America s Team into the World s Most Valuable Franchise. The Dallas Cowboys stand as the world s most valuable franchise - despite having not won a Super Bowl in nearly 30 years.

193 339 340
    • 00:47-01:00

      The leading news stories of the moment.

    • 01:00-01:15

      Internationale ?

    • 01:15-01:30

      Internationale ?

    • 01:30-01:46

      Internationale ?

    • 01:46-02:00

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 02:00-02:15

      Internationale ?

    • 02:15-02:30

      Internationale ?

    • 02:30-02:46

      Internationale ?

    • 02:46-03:00

      The leading news stories of the moment.

    • 03:00-03:15

      Internationale ?

    • 03:15-03:30

      Internationale ?

    • 03:30-03:45

      Internationale ?

    • 03:45-04:00

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 04:00-04:05

      Internationale ?

    • 04:05-04:30

      Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.

    • 04:30-04:35

      Internationale ?

    • 04:35-04:45

      Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.

    • 04:45-04:50

      Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.

    • 04:50-05:00

      The leading news stories of the moment.

    • 05:00-05:05

      Internationale ?

    • 05:05-05:16

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 05:16-05:30

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 05:30-05:37

      Internationale ?

    • 05:37-05:48

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 05:48-06:00

      The leading news stories of the moment.

    • 06:00-06:05

      Internationale ?

    • 06:05-06:30

      Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.

    • 06:30-06:36

      Internationale ?

    • 06:36-06:45

      Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.

    • 06:45-07:00

      Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.

    • 07:00-07:05

      Internationale ?

    • 07:05-07:16

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 07:16-07:30

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 07:30-07:37

      Internationale ?

    • 07:37-07:47

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 07:47-08:00

      The leading news stories of the moment.

    • 08:00-08:06

      Internationale ?

    • 08:06-08:30

      Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.

    • 08:30-08:35

      Internationale ?

    • 08:35-08:44

      Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.

    • 08:44-08:49

      Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.

    • 08:49-09:00

      The leading news stories of the moment.

    • 09:00-09:05

      Internationale ?

    • 09:05-09:16

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 09:16-09:30

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 09:30-09:36

      Internationale ?

    • 09:36-09:47

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 09:47-10:00

      The leading news stories of the moment.

    • 10:00-10:05

      Internationale ?

    • 10:05-10:30

      Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.

    • 10:30-10:36

      Internationale ?

    • 10:36-10:45

      Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.

    • 10:45-11:00

      Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.

    • 11:00-11:05

      Internationale ?

    • 11:05-11:16

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 11:16-11:30

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 11:30-11:36

      Internationale ?

    • 11:36-11:47

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 11:47-12:00

      The leading news stories of the moment.

    • 12:00-12:05

      Internationale ?

    • 12:05-12:30

      Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.

    • 12:30-12:36

      Internationale ?

    • 12:36-12:45

      Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.

    • 12:45-13:00

      Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.

    • 13:00-13:05

      Internationale ?

    • 13:05-13:16

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 13:16-13:30

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 13:30-13:37

      Internationale ?

    • 13:37-13:47

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 13:47-14:00

      The leading news stories of the moment.

    • 14:00-14:05

      Internationale ?

    • 14:05-14:30

      Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.

    • 14:30-14:36

      Internationale ?

    • 14:36-14:45

      Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.

    • 14:45-15:00

      Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.

    • 15:00-15:05

      Internationale ?

    • 15:05-15:16

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 15:16-15:30

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 15:30-15:37

      Internationale ?

    • 15:37-15:47

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 15:47-16:00

      The leading news stories of the moment.

    • 16:00-16:05

      Internationale ?

    • 16:05-16:30

      Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.

    • 16:30-16:36

      Internationale ?

    • 16:36-16:45

      Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.

    • 16:45-17:00

      Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.

    • 17:00-17:05

      Internationale ?

    • 17:05-17:16

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 17:16-17:30

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 17:30-17:37

      Internationale ?

    • 17:37-17:45

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 17:45-18:00

      The leading news stories of the moment.

    • 18:00-18:05

      Internationale ?

    • 18:05-18:30

      Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.

    • 18:30-18:36

      Internationale ?

    • 18:36-18:45

      Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.

    • 18:45-19:00

      Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.

    • 19:00-19:05

      Internationale ?

    • 19:05-19:16

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 19:16-19:30

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 19:30-19:37

      Internationale ?

    • 19:37-19:47

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 19:47-20:00

      The leading news stories of the moment.

    • 20:00-20:05

      Internationale ?

    • 20:05-20:30

      Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.

    • 20:30-20:36

      Internationale ?

    • 20:36-20:44

      Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.

    • 20:44-20:50

      Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.

    • 20:50-21:00

      The leading news stories of the moment.

    • 21:00-21:05

      Internationale ?

    • 21:05-21:16

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 21:16-21:30

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 21:30-21:37

      Internationale ?

    • 21:37-21:47

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 21:47-22:00

      The leading news stories of the moment.

    • 22:00-22:05

      Internationale ?

    • 22:05-22:16

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 22:16-22:30

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 22:30-22:37

      Internationale ?

    • 22:37-22:47

      "Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.

    • 22:47-23:00

      The leading news stories of the moment.

    • 23:00-23:05

      Internationale ?

    • 23:05-23:30

      Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.

    • 23:30-23:36

      Internationale ?

    • 23:36-23:45

      Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.

    • 23:45-00:00

      Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.

    • 00:10-00:40

    • 00:40-00:50

      Is It Fair? Is It Unfair?

    • 00:50-01:00

      Amplify the Signal

    • 01:00-01:10

    • 01:10-01:37

      Mending Hearts with Mandarin Oranges

    • 01:37-01:40

      #25 My throat hurts.

    • 01:40-01:45

      Furniture Restoration: Giving life to treasured heirlooms

    • 01:45-02:00

      Canoeing Down the Shisorapuchi River

    • 02:00-02:10

    • 02:10-02:40

      Kanazawa Castle

    • 02:40-02:55

      Mt. Fuji Long Trail / CULTURE

    • 02:55-03:00

      Hinoki Bark Thatching: The age-old skills for roofing

    • 03:00-03:10

    • 03:10-04:00

    • 04:00-04:10

    • 04:10-05:00

      Me and Another Me -Living with Tourette Syndrome-

    • 05:00-05:10

    • 05:10-05:40

    • 05:40-05:50


    • 05:50-05:55


    • 05:55-06:00

      Okayama: A View of the Seto Inland Sea

    • 06:00-06:10

    • 06:10-06:40

      PFAS Chemicals: Tracking Sources and Health Risks

    • 06:40-06:50

      Is It Fair? Is It Unfair?

    • 06:50-07:00

      Amplify the Signal

    • 07:00-07:10

    • 07:10-07:40

      Kanazawa Castle

    • 07:40-07:55

      Mt. Fuji Long Trail / CULTURE

    • 07:55-08:00

      Hinoki Bark Thatching: The age-old skills for roofing

    • 08:00-08:10

    • 08:10-08:40

      Correction Tape / Water Filter Media

    • 08:40-08:55

      #27 Quake-resistant Skyscrapers

    • 08:55-09:00


    • 09:00-09:10

    • 09:10-10:00

      Two In-depth Interviews

    • 10:00-10:10

    • 10:10-11:00

      A Ride Through Taipei

    • 11:00-11:10

    • 11:10-11:40

      Correction Tape / Water Filter Media

    • 11:40-11:55

      #27 Quake-resistant Skyscrapers

    • 11:55-12:00


    • 12:00-12:10

    • 12:10-12:55

      The Summer Breezes of Southern Hokkaido

    • 12:55-13:00

      Japanese Dog Breeds

    • 13:00-13:10

    • 13:10-13:40

      PFAS Chemicals: Tracking Sources and Health Risks

    • 13:40-13:50

      Is It Fair? Is It Unfair?

    • 13:50-14:00

      Amplify the Signal

    • 14:00-14:10

    • 14:10-14:40

      Kanazawa Castle

    • 14:40-14:55

      Mt. Fuji Long Trail / CULTURE

    • 14:55-15:00

      Hinoki Bark Thatching: The age-old skills for roofing

    • 15:00-15:10

    • 15:10-16:00

      Two In-depth Interviews

    • 16:00-16:10

    • 16:10-17:00

      A Ride Through Taipei

    • 17:00-17:10

    • 17:10-17:40

    • 17:40-17:50

      Is It Fair? Is It Unfair?

    • 17:50-18:00

      Amplify the Signal

    • 18:00-18:10

    • 18:10-18:37

      Mending Hearts with Mandarin Oranges

    • 18:37-18:40

      #25 My throat hurts.

    • 18:40-18:45

      Furniture Restoration: Giving life to treasured heirlooms

    • 18:45-19:00

      Canoeing Down the Shisorapuchi River

    • 19:00-19:10

    • 19:10-19:40

      Kanazawa Castle

    • 19:40-19:55

      Mt. Fuji Long Trail / CULTURE

    • 19:55-20:00

      Hinoki Bark Thatching: The age-old skills for roofing

    • 20:00-20:10

    • 20:10-20:55

      The Summer Breezes of Southern Hokkaido

    • 20:55-21:00

      Japanese Dog Breeds

    • 21:00-21:10

    • 21:10-22:00

      Two In-depth Interviews

    • 22:00-22:10

    • 22:10-23:00

      A Ride Through Taipei

    • 23:00-23:10

    • 23:10-23:55

      The Summer Breezes of Southern Hokkaido

    • 23:55-00:00

      Japanese Dog Breeds

139 351
174 75
159 241 51 271
160 242 52 272
161 233 56 273
162 234 54 274
163 238 57 276
164 235 53 283
58 262
134 301
175 350 364
176 350 365
172 347 367
349 361
    • 23:30-01:00

      In einer Münchner Villa werden die Eltern eines kleinen Mädchens auf besonders brutale Weise ermordet. Die kleine Lena hat das Massaker überlebt. Sie wurde betäubt.

    • 01:00-01:20

    • 01:20-02:50

      Per Internet-Video droht ein Maskenmann, der sich Liverpool nennt, mit einem Massaker an seinem Gymnasium.

    • 02:50-02:55

      Die Nachrichten der ARD

    • 02:55-04:28

      Die Ermordung eines Veterinärmediziners gibt Brunetti Rätsel auf. Der Tote war ein renommierter Universitätsprofessor, arbeitete aber seltsamerweise in einer groÃen Fleischfabrik.

    • 04:28-04:30

      Die Nachrichten der ARD

    • 04:30-06:03

      Per Internet-Video droht ein Maskenmann, der sich Liverpool nennt, mit einem Massaker an seinem Gymnasium.

    • 06:03-06:05

      Die Nachrichten der ARD

    • 06:05-06:30

      Deutsche Landschaften, Städte, Inseln

    • 06:30-06:55

      Ein Schock für die MY MOVE DANCECREW! Sarah entscheidet im Training, dass die acht ab jetzt die Choreografie ohne die Stöcke tanzen müssen.

    • 06:55-07:20

      Der Auftritt mit MYLE steht kurz bevor. Alle wissen, dass jetzt keiner mehr aus der Reihe tanzen kann. Sie müssen als Team glänzen und MYLE auf der Bühne zu Hundertprozent unterstützen.

    • 07:20-07:45

      Bei einem Kundenbesuch lernt Pumuckl zum ersten Mal in seinem Koboldleben eine Kegelbahn kennen und ist sofort begeistert.

    • 07:45-08:05

      Pumuckl ist ganz begeistert vom Feuer. Meister Eder erklärt dem Kobold, dass Zündeleien gefährlich sind â die ganze Werkstatt könnte abbrennen.

    • 08:05-08:15

      Es ist heià und die Schafe wollen im Teich schwimmen gehen. Aber dreiste Umweltsünder haben ihren Müll ins Wasser geworfen und alles verschmutzt. Mühsam reinigen Shaun und seine Freunde das Gelände.

    • 08:15-08:40

      Tierreporterin Nina macht sich in den Schweizer Alpen auf die Suche nach einem gefiederten Förster: es ist der Tannenhäher.

    • 08:40-08:55

      Pia trifft Lotta und ihren Esel Jonny. Die beiden haben schon viele Abenteuer erlebt und nehmen Pia mit auf eine Wanderung.

    • 08:55-09:20

      Es ist Sommer! Klar, dass Tobi da nichts mehr in seiner Checker-Bude hält. Badehose an und ab ins Wasser! Allein in Deutschland gibt es weit mehr als 10.000 Badeseen. Und da gibt es für Tobi viel zu erleben.

    • 09:20-09:45

      Clarissa und Ralph senden heute direkt aus dem Schlafzimmer, wo grade der Mond aufgegangen ist. Ralph kann nicht einschlafen und deshalb gibt es jede Menge Infos zu(m) Träumen.

    • 09:45-09:55

      Der Bus in die nächste Stadt fährt nur fünf Mal am Tag und deine Freunde wohnen nicht in der Nähe. Das Gefühl, im eigenen Dorf festzustecken, kennen viele Jugendliche auf dem Land.

    • 09:55-10:20

      Emma will die verschlossene Nina endlich als Pfefferkorn gewinnen und wählt sie in ihre Fotogruppe.

    • 10:20-10:50

      Emma und Max finden auf dem Sperrmüll einen alten Koffer mit einem Feuerwehranzug und ein paar Sneakern. Begeistert von ihrer neuen Errungenschaft, zieht Emma die Schuhe gleich an.

    • 10:50-10:55

      Die Nachrichten der ARD

    • 10:55-11:40

      Volle Düse - wie Lorenz und Thomas Elefanten verwöhnen: GroÃe Wäsche bei den Dickhäutern, da darf die Dusche schon mal etwas kräftiger sein. Für Mangala ist der Hochdruckreiniger ein Genuss.

    • 11:40-12:30

      Für welchen Duft entscheiden sich die Tiger, wenn ihnen Kamel und Ziege gleichzeitig in die Nase steigen? Thomas und Nicki haben diesen Test vorbereitet, und der ist eine haarige Sache. Den Ponychef juckt das Fell.

    • 12:30-13:00

      In den ersten Lebensjahren werden die Weichen für das gesamte Leben gestellt. Urvertrauen entsteht, Glaubenssätze prägen sich ein und erste Charakterzüge werden sichtbar.

    • 13:00-13:15

      Die Nachrichten der ARD

    • 13:15-14:00

      Ein assistierender Vater im OP, ein Erziehungsratgeber für vier süÃe Welpen auf Sylt und ein rätselhafter Fall für die Kleintierspezialistinnen in Starnberg: Die Tierärzte bekommen heute auch

    • 14:00-14:45

      Ein stacheliger wilder Patient, eine feierliche Fohlenshow auf Sylt und ein besonders mitfühlender Hundebesitzer: In den Tierarztpraxen an der Mosel, der Nordsee und der Elbe ist kein Tag wie der andere.

    • 14:45-15:00

      Die Nachrichten der ARD

    • 15:00-18:30

      * Flachetappe (183,5 km) * Reporter: Florian Naà * Moderation: Michael Antwerpes * Experte: Fabian Wegmann * Ãbertragung aus Colombey-les-Deux-Ãglises

    • 18:30-19:20

      Während Arda und WaPo-Chefin Kruppka auf einen Polizeikongress fahren, soll Jäger sich eigentlich in aller Ruhe auf seine Prüfung in maritimem Englisch vorbereiten.

    • 19:20-20:10

      Ein Angler wird von seiner Frau vermisst und kurz darauf von der WaPo tot im Rhein gefunden. Das Ehepaar war mit einer Freundin zusammen in dem einsamen Naturschutzgebiet zelten.

    • 20:10-20:57

      Als Arda Turan wieder einmal bei ihrem alten Verein trainiert, kollabiert eine junge Schwimmerin. Arda rettet sie, doch die Nachwuchsschwimmerin fällt ins Koma!

    • 20:57-21:00

      Moderatorin Franziska Reichenbacher präsentiert jeden Samstag um 19.57 Uhr die kurz zuvor gezogenen Gewinnzahlen.

    • 21:00-21:15

      Die Nachrichten der ARD

    • 21:15-22:45

      Kaum in den kühlen Alpen angekommen, muss Brunetti seinen Familienurlaub abbrechen, um im heiÃen Venedig den Mord an einem Gerichtsdiener aufzuklären.

    • 22:45-00:15

      Die Studentin Claudia Leonardo bittet Commissario Brunetti wegen eines Wiederaufnahmeverfahrens um Rat.

179 354 371
178 255
    • 00:30-01:30


    • 01:30-02:00

      "Fundación Princesa de Girona (director general y embajador internacional)". CAPÍTULO Nº 486. PRODUCCION: ANTONIO MORENO. PRESENTACION: JULIO SOMOANO.

    • 02:00-02:30


    • 02:30-03:00

      PEDRO CASABLANC. CAPÍTULO Nº 278. DIRECCIÓN: Sara Nuñez de Arenas. REALIZACION: Ana Mazuecos. PRODUCCION: LUCRECIA BOFILL. Magazine cultural sobre las más diversas manifestaciones artísticas conducido por Cayetana Guillén Cuervo..

    • 03:00-03:30


    • 03:30-04:00


    • 04:00-04:30


    • 04:30-05:00

      CAPÍTULO Nº 670. Sónar+D, Informe Tech, ULT Power Sound y Pokémon GO Fest. PARA TODOS LOS PUBLICOS. SUBTITULADO. CATCHUP: 7 DIAS

    • 05:00-05:30


    • 05:30-06:00


    • 06:00-06:30


    • 06:30-07:00


    • 07:00-07:30


    • 07:30-08:00


    • 08:00-08:30


    • 08:30-09:00

      CAPÍTULO Nº 671. Programa de actualidad dedicado a los video juegos y las novedades en tecnologia en general. PARA TODOS LOS PUBLICOS. CATCHUP: 7 DIAS

    • 09:00-09:30


    • 09:30-10:00


    • 10:00-10:30


    • 10:30-11:00


    • 11:00-11:30


    • 11:30-12:00


    • 12:00-12:30


    • 12:30-13:00


    • 13:00-13:30


    • 13:30-14:00


    • 14:00-14:30


    • 14:30-15:00


    • 15:00-15:30


    • 15:30-16:00


    • 16:00-17:00


    • 17:00-17:30


    • 17:30-18:00


    • 18:00-18:30


    • 18:30-18:45


    • 18:45-19:00


    • 19:00-19:30


    • 19:30-19:45


    • 19:45-20:00


    • 20:00-20:30


    • 20:30-20:45


    • 20:45-21:00


    • 21:00-21:30


    • 21:30-22:00


    • 22:00-22:30


    • 22:30-23:00


    • 23:00-23:30


    • 23:30-00:00


171 370
165 396
43 58 89
    • 06:00-06:25

      Pikku Myy riutuu rakkaudesta. Kausi 4, 19/25. Pikku Myy riutuu rakkaudesta. Niiskuneiti on varma, että Pikku Myy on rakastunut. Yhdessä päätetään ottaa selville, kuka on hänen rakkautensa kohde.

    • 06:25-06:50

      Merenneito ja lohikäärmeen kyynel. Kausi 4, 20/25. Merenneito ja lohikäärmeen kyynel. Rannalle on ajautunut haavoittunut merenneito. Hänet voi parantaa lohikäärmeen kyyneleellä.

    • 06:50-07:00

      Ensi-ilta. Muumipappa viimeistelee yhä käsikirjoitusta näytelmänsä ensi-iltaa varten, ja kenraaliharjoituksissa jännitys on huipussaan. Kuusilahti on täynnä veneitä, kun kaikkialta saapuu väkeä seuraamaan näytelmää.

    • 07:00-07:15

      Poliisit kintereillä. Muumipeikko ja Nuuskamuikkunen lähtevät veneellä Puistovahtia pakoon kesken ensi-illan.

    • 07:15-07:40

      Muumipeikko rakentaa oman talon. Kausi 2, 24/26. Muumipeikko rakentaa oman talon.

    • 07:40-08:05

      Krillen kartanon aave. Kausi 2, 25/26. Krillen kartanon aave. Muumipappa on perinyt kaukaisen sukulaisensa kartanon.

    • 08:05-08:30

      Leijan lennätystä. Kausi 2, 26/26. Leijan lennätystä. Nipsu löytää puusta leijan. Yhdessä leija korjataan lentokuntoon. Pikku Myy saa vastustamattoman ajatuksen hypätä leijan kyytiin liitelemään taivaalle.

    • 08:30-08:40

      Tylerin salaisuus. Pikkuriikkinen Gus haluaa valtakunnan mahtavimmaksi ritariksi ja todistaa kaikille, että mikään ei ole mahdotonta, vaan urhoollisuus ja rohkeus menevät kaiken edelle.

    • 08:40-08:55

      Klik!. Pikkuriikkinen Gus haluaa valtakunnan mahtavimmaksi ritariksi ja todistaa kaikille, että mikään ei ole mahdotonta, vaan urhoollisuus ja rohkeus menevät kaiken edelle.

    • 08:55-09:05

      Muistikatkos. Pikkuriikkinen Gus haluaa valtakunnan mahtavimmaksi ritariksi ja todistaa kaikille, että mikään ei ole mahdotonta, vaan urhoollisuus ja rohkeus menevät kaiken edelle.

    • 09:05-09:20

      Tyhjä taulu. Kausi 1, 13/52. Tyhjä taulu. Kalle tahtoo antaa serkulleen hienon syntymäpäivälahjan. Mikä olisi upeampaa kuin Penan maalaama kaunis taulu?

    • 09:20-09:30

      Kaksoiselämää. Kausi 1, 14/52. Kaksoiselämää. Taikapuutarhan asukkaille on järjestetty suuri esteratakilpailu. Lilli haluaa osallistua ystävänsä Marin kanssa, mutta Mari ei ehdi.

    • 09:30-09:45

      Elokuujuhla. Muumilaakson Elokuunjuhlissa ilo on ylimmillään. Tiuhti ja Viuhti keksivät tavan ilahduttaa toivomuksellaan myös Taikuria.

    • 09:45-10:00

      Viimeinen lohikäärme. Muumipeikko löytää seikkailullaan pienen mutta kiukkuisen lohikäärmeen. Hän haluaa pitää lohikäärmeen ensin vain omana salaisuutenaan, mutta eihän Muumiperheessä sellaisesta tule mitään.

    • 10:00-10:30

      Dinosalsan pyörteissä. Kausi 1, 20/20. Miten ihmeessä mittanauha liittyy dinosauruksiin? Onnistuvatko Mimmit ystävineen liikkumaan kuten ylväät dinot? Kokeile sinäkin.

    • 10:30-10:40

      Yölaulaja. Kausi 1, 41/52. Yölaulaja.

    • 10:40-10:55

      Reippailija-Hemuli. Uudistettu versio alkuperäisestä puolalaisesta pala-animaatiosta, joka kertoo Muumipeikon ja hänen perheensä sekä omaperäisten ystävien seikkailuista Muumilaaksossa. Sarja on puhuttu suomeksi.

    • 10:55-11:10

      Mahdoton tehtävä. Jos on hätä, kutsu viidakon veijarit apuun! Tiikeriksi itseään luuleva Mauri-pingviini, Mikke-gorilla ja muut veijarit paljastavat, mitä viidakossa todella tapahtuu. Suomeksi puhuttu animaatiosarja.

    • 11:10-11:25

      Öinen hirviö. Jos on hätä, kutsu viidakon veijarit apuun! Tiikeriksi itseään luuleva Mauri-pingviini, Mikke-gorilla ja muut veijarit paljastavat, mitä viidakossa todella tapahtuu. Suomeksi puhuttu animaatiosarja.

    • 11:25-11:40

      Muistinmenetys. Jos on hätä, kutsu viidakon veijarit apuun! Tiikeriksi itseään luuleva Mauri-pingviini, Mikke-gorilla ja muut veijarit paljastavat, mitä viidakossa todella tapahtuu. Suomeksi puhuttu animaatiosarja.

    • 11:40-11:50

      Huijarin hoppu ja loppu. Kausi 2, 45/52. Huijarin hoppu ja loppu. Tule mukaan Monchhichin ja ystävien taianomaisiin uniseikkailuihin!

    • 11:50-12:00

      Sinin kiireet. Kausi 2, 46/52. Sinin kiireet. Tule mukaan Monchhichin ja ystävien taianomaisiin uniseikkailuihin!

    • 12:00-12:15

      Pahoja unia. Kausi 2, 47/52. Pahoja unia. Tule mukaan Monchhichin ja ystävien taianomaisiin uniseikkailuihin!

    • 12:15-12:30

      Leena ja tähtivarkaat. Kausi 2, 48/52. Leena ja tähtivarkaat. Tule mukaan Monchhichin ja ystävien taianomaisiin uniseikkailuihin!

    • 12:30-12:55

      Vedenhengetär. Kausi 3, 13/24. Vedenhengetär. Muumilaakson miehet hullaantuvat salaperäisestä näystä.

    • 12:55-13:20

      Äidillinen rakkaus. Kausi 3, 14/24. Äidillinen rakkaus. Muumitalolle ilmestyy kaksi eksynyttä lasta, ja Niiskuneidin äidinvaistot heräävät. Lasten kaitseminen osoittautuu kuitenkin työlääksi tehtäväksi.

    • 13:20-13:45

      Hienot naamiaiset. Kausi 3, 15/24. Hienot naamiaiset. Koko Muumilaakson väki kutsutaan hienoihin naamiaisiin, ja juhliin valmistaudutaan kuumeisesti. Muumipeikolla on kuitenkin oma salainen projekti.

    • 13:45-13:55

      Kolmen kopla. Kausi 1, 25/52. Harry on rakentanut kloonauslaitteen. Denver yrittää kloonata ruokaa, mutta yhtäkkiä kaupungilla käyskenteleekin monta dinosaurusta...

    • 13:55-14:05

      Rullaluistelumestari. Kausi 1, 26/52. Charlotte ja Denver osallistuvat rullaluistelukilpailuun. Jones tarjoutuu valmentamaan heitä, ja Harryn epäilykset nousevat heti.

    • 14:05-14:20

      Tervetuloa Bones Towniin. Kausi 1, 27/52. Harry ja kumppanit kuvaavat kaupungille mainosvideota. Kuvauksissa tulee vastoinkäymisiä toisensa perään, ja heitä alkaa jo epäilyttää.

    • 14:20-14:30

      Tartuntavaara. Kausi 1, 28/52. Denver sotkeutuu leikin tuoksinassa maaliin, ja neiti Tucson väittää maaliroiskeiden olevan tarttuvaa tautia. Pelastuuko Denver karanteenilta?

    • 14:30-14:45

      Ärtymystä ilmassa. Uudessa animaatiosarjassa tutustutaan nuoreen Robin Hoodiin ja hänen ystäviinsä, joilta ei puutu hauskanpitoa, energiaa, rohkeutta eikä huumorintajua.

    • 14:45-15:00

      Rytmitassut rytmittää. Kun Ti-Ti Nalle saapuu ruutuun yhdessä Riitan ja koko perheensä kanssa, luvassa on musisointia ja iloista laulua, ja siinä sivussa opimme myös musiikin peruskäsitteitä.

    • 15:00-15:15

      Myrskytuuli Taun ja Ti-Tin huoneessa. Kun Ti-Ti Nalle saapuu ruutuun yhdessä Riitan ja koko perheensä kanssa, luvassa on musisointia ja iloista laulua, ja siinä sivussa opimme myös musiikin peruskäsitteitä.

    • 15:15-15:30

      Kaiku-Ukon salaisuus. Kun Ti-Ti Nalle saapuu ruutuun yhdessä Riitan ja koko perheensä kanssa, luvassa on musisointia ja iloista laulua, ja siinä sivussa opimme myös musiikin peruskäsitteitä.

    • 15:30-15:35

      Kausi 1, 1/8. Metsäpäiväkotilainen Mimmi tutustuu metsätyötekijän arkeen. Hän pääsee istuttamaan puita ja oppii samalla miten joulukuuset oikeasti kasvavat.

    • 15:35-15:45

      Kausi 1, 2/8 Miten metsää voi mitata ilman mittanauhaa? Julius pääsee esittämään kiperiä kysymyksiä Tiinalle joka kertoo metsän eri mittasuhteista ja niiden merkityksestä hänen työhönsä.

    • 15:45-15:50

      Kausi 1, 3/8. Vivian tapaa metsäneuvoja Henrin, joka tutkii ja kirjaa metsäkarttoja. Hänelle myös selviää että metsiä voi olla eri ikäisiä ja jopa sata vuotta vanhoja.

    • 15:50-16:00

      Kausi 1, 4/8. Elmo pääsee tutkimaan metsän kiertokulkua ja pohtii samalla, miksi puita välillä kaadetaan ja mikä vaikutus sillä on luontoon.

    • 16:00-17:15

      Suomeksi puhuttu nukkeanimaatio Muumilaaksoa uhkaavasta pyrstötähdestä ja muumien jännittävästä seikkailusta Yksinäisten Vuorten tähtitorniin ja takaisin Muumilaaksoon ennenkuin pyrstötähti iskeyy muumien

    • 17:15-17:20

      Kausi 1, 5/8. Akseli näkee ison metsätyökoneen ja pääsee kädestä pitäen kokeilemaan, miten isolla työkoneella kaadetaan puita. Samalla myös muistellaan miten puuhun voi turvallisesti kiivetä.

    • 17:20-17:25

      Kausi 1, 6/8. Miksi metsää pitää suojella? Saana ja Minne kohtaavat ison tukkikasan vierellä ja pääsevät tutkimaan metsän ihmeellistä maailmaa.

    • 17:25-17:30

      Kausi 1, 7/8. Kuka omistaa meidän metsät? Armi pohtii yhdessä Santun kanssa kenelle metsät kuuluu ja mitä siellä voi tehdä? Samalla rakennetaan metsään maja ja käydään kauppaa luonnon antimista.

    • 17:30-17:40

      Kausi 2, 8/8. Mitä puusta voidaan valmistaa? Eljas yhdessä Eveliinan kanssa miettivät, mitä kaikkea mahdollista puulla voi suomessa oikein tehdä.

    • 17:40-17:50

      Kauhea kakkukalabaliikki. Klassikkoanimaatio kertoo lempeästä ja nokkelasta professori Balthazarista, joka keksii ihmekoneensa avulla ratkaisun kaikkiin pulmiin.

    • 17:50-18:00

      Missä on isä?. Kausi 1, 7/52. Missä on isä? Pauli on saanut tarpeekseen! Paronitar piinaa häntä jatkuvasti koiriensa allergioilla. Turhautuneena hän sanoo toivovansa, että voisi vain kadota. Kaisu ottaa toivomuksen kirjaimellisesti.

    • 18:00-18:10

      Sauhunen vilustuu. Kausi 1, 8/52. Sauhunen vilustuu. Pakastimen vangiksi jäänyt Sauhunen vilustuu ja alkaa hönkiä jäätä tulen sijaan! Kaisu Kuu on kauhuissaan, ja kaiken kukkuraksi hänen taikasauvansa jää jumiin jääseinämään.

    • 18:10-18:35

      Keskiaikaista. Kausi 4, 6/20. Keskiaikaista. Palkittu animaatiosarja kertoo merenpohjassa sijaitsevasta Tangalan kaupungista, jossa Paavon lisäksi asustaa joukko muitakin persoonallisia hahmoja. Puhuttu suomeksi.

    • 18:35-19:00

      Lämpöshokki. Kausi 1, 21/39. Lämpöshokki. Sarja nuoresta surffaripojasta Zakista, joka joutuu Bermudan kolmion nielaisemaksi ja ajautuu uskomattomaan ja hurjapäiseen seikkailuun.

    • 19:00-19:25

      Näkymätön hyökkäys. Kausi 1, 17/26. Näkymätön hyökkäys. Suomeksi puhuttu animaatio.

    • 19:25-19:35

      Oma huone. Kausi 1, 34/52. Oma huone.

    • 19:35-19:45

      Piirretty lastensarja keskinkertaisesta lauluntekijästä David Sevillestä, joka hoitaa kolmea aivan tavallista maaoravaa. Tai no, melkein tavallista... 1. tuotantokausi.

    • 19:45-19:56

      Piirretty lastensarja keskinkertaisesta lauluntekijästä David Sevillestä, joka hoitaa kolmea aivan tavallista maaoravaa. Tai no, melkein tavallista... 1. tuotantokausi.

40 52 101
    • 19:30-01:00

    • 01:00-01:30

      Tärkeimmät uutiset ja kiinnostavimmat puheenaiheet - aina!

    • 06:00-07:45

      Tärkeimmät uutiset ja kiinnostavimmat puheenaiheet - aina!

    • 07:45-10:30

    • 10:30-13:20

    • 13:20-13:45

      Viikoittainen moottoriurheiluohjelma, joka tarjoaa tuoreimmat uutiset, kisakuvaukset ja analyysit vesiurheilusta kaksi- ja nelipyöräisiin saakka. Englanninkielinen ohjelma.

    • 13:45-15:45

    • 15:45-18:45

    • 18:45-20:15

    • 20:15-01:00

55 50 105
    • 18:30-01:00

      Kaustinen ja Hagmyren. Suora lähetys Kaustisen ja Hagmyrenin raviradalta.

    • 01:00-01:30

      Tärkeimmät uutiset ja kiinnostavimmat puheenaiheet - aina!

    • 06:00-16:30

      Tärkeimmät uutiset ja kiinnostavimmat puheenaiheet - aina!

    • 16:30-17:00

      Track & Field Weekly. Jakso 12/24. Englanninkielinen ohjelma.

    • 17:00-01:00

      Ruotsi. Rallicrossin MM-sarjan Ruotsin osakilpailu. ( 6.7.2024 ). Englanninkielinen selostus.

56 51 106
    • 23:30-01:10

      Nowitzki: The Perfect Shot. Saksalaisessa dokumentissa seurataan Wurzburgin suuren pojan Dirk Nowitzkin matkaa NBA:n supertähdeksi.

    • 01:10-05:59

      Tärkeimmät uutiset ja kiinnostavimmat puheenaiheet - aina!

    • 06:00-11:30

      Tärkeimmät uutiset ja kiinnostavimmat puheenaiheet - aina!

    • 11:30-12:20

      Kauden kooste. Koosteessa käydään läpi koko Mestarien liigan kausi aina lohkoarvonnoista lähtien. Lohko-ottelujen ja pudotuspelien jälkeen Wembleyn finaalissa kohtasivat Borussia Dortmund ja Real Madrid.

    • 12:20-13:15

      La Ligan erikoisohjelmistoa kauden käännekohtien yhteydessä. Englanninkielinen ohjelma.

    • 13:15-15:15

      Praha, Tshekki. Yleisurheilua: Praha, Tshekki ( 3.6.2024 ). Selostajana Mika Saukkonen, asiantuntijana Tommi Evilä.

    • 15:15-17:30

      New York, USA. Yleisurheilua: New York, USA ( 9.6.2024 ). Englanninkielinen selostus.

    • 17:30-18:25

      Imola. Kauden kolmas osakilpailu Imola, Italia. Race 1 ( 6.7.2024 ). Englanninkielinen selostus. Mukana rallin maailmanmestari Kalle Rovanperä. Suora lähetys.

    • 18:25-19:10

      The 1989 San Francisco 49ers. Ennätystä rikkovassa ryöpytyksessä, 49ers voitti Denverin 55-10 Super Bowl XXIV:ssä.

    • 19:10-19:40

      Transvulcania. Koostelähetys urheilun upeimmista massatapahtumista eri puolilta maailmaa. Englanninkielinen ohjelma.

    • 19:40-21:45

      Bydgoszcz, Puola. Yleisurheilua: Bydgoszcz, Puola ( 20.6.2024 ). Selostajana Jari Porttila, asiantuntijana Tommi Evilä.

    • 21:45-01:00

      Madrid, Espanja. Yleisurheilua: Madrid, Espanja ( 21.6.2024 ). Selostajana Timo Haapaniemi, asiantuntijana Mika Järvinen.

53 59 140
    • 00:00-02:15

      Artisti Tupac Shakur syntyi New Yorkissa Black Panther -liikkeen jäsenen poikana ja kasvoi Baltimoressa, missä hän otti ensimmäiset askeleet uskomattomalla uralla, jolla hän lopulta myi 75 miljoonaa levyä.

    • 02:15-03:45

      Alex Beijerin on tarkoitus osallistua aamu-TV-lähetykseen, jossa on mukana myös yrittäjä Tomas Tormalm. Kesken suoran lähetyksen studioon ilmestyy aseistettu mies, ja kaikki ovat mukana panttivankidraamassa.

    • 03:45-04:30

      44-vuotias ruotsalainen selviää auto-onnettomuudesta 350 km/h:n vauhdissa Malibussa. Jälkipuinnissa oikeudessa esiin nousee mafiapomo Stefan Eriksson.

    • 04:30-05:00

      Viihdeohjelma On Set vie Hollywoodin tähtitehtaan kulissien taakse.

    • 05:00-05:30

      Viihdeohjelma On Set vie Hollywoodin tähtitehtaan kulissien taakse.

    • 05:30-05:55

      Viihdeohjelma On Set vie Hollywoodin tähtitehtaan kulissien taakse.

    • 05:55-07:45

      Ylistetty draama 10-vuotiaasta Auggiesta, jolla on erilaiset kasvot ja joka aloittaa ensimmäistä kertaa tavallisessa koulussa.

    • 07:45-09:40

      Tähdillä roolitettu amerikkalainen draamakomedia, jossa kuvataan äitiyden ilmiötä erilaisten naisten näkökulmasta äitienpäivän yhteydessä.

    • 09:40-11:25

      Ruotsi vuonna 1970. Lisa varttuu terästehtaalla työskentelevän Hasse-isänsä kanssa. Äiti jättää perheen, ja Hasse vajoaa syvemmälle murheisiin ja alkoholismiin. Isän ja tyttären välinen rakkaus ei silti haalistu.

    • 11:25-13:10

      Jännittävä kuvaus viimeisestä vuorokaudesta ennen kansainvälisen finanssikriisin alkua syksyllä 2008. Pääosissa Kevin Spacey ("American Beauty"), Jeremy Irons ("The Borgias") ja Demi Moore (Charlien enkelit: Kurvit suoriksi") .

    • 13:10-14:50

      Ystävykset ja äidit Amy, Carla ja Kiki pelkäävät stressaavia joulunpyhiä. He päättävät tehdä kaikesta pienempää, joulusta yksinkertaisemman ja hauskemman, mutta eivät odottaneet omien äitiensä tulevan yllätysvierailulle.

    • 14:50-16:15

      Brad ja Kate inhoavat hankalia perhetapaamisia, ja tänä jouluna he ovat päättäneet matkustaa Fidjille.

    • 16:15-18:05

      Vuoden 1988 elokuvaan ja 2002 Broadway-musikaaliin perustuva musikaalielokuva tanssihullusta nuoresta naisesta, joka taistelee rasismia vastaan 1960-luvun Baltimoressa.

    • 18:05-18:50

      Neutraali lounas. Kausi 1, 2/12. Neutraali lounas. Antin auvoista avioeroelämää hankaloittaa tunkeileva ex-vaimo sekä odottamattomat uutiset. Laura yrittää lämmittää välit Markon kanssa uudelleen.

    • 18:50-19:35

      Rotusota. Kausi 1, 10/10. Rotusota. Karkuriryhmä keskittyy etsimään tiimin jäsenen kidnapattua poikaa. Kiire kasvaa, kun tilanne eskaloituu kansalliseksi vaaratilanteeksi. Kaiken lisäksi Karitan vanha tuttu aiheuttaa yllätyksen.

    • 19:35-20:15

      Verijäljet portaissa. Kausi 1, 2/4. Verijäljet portaissa. Omakotitalon portaista löytyy verijäljet ja siviilitutkijat perehtyvät poliisin tutkintamateriaaliin löytäen käsittelytavassa aukkoja.

    • 20:15-21:00

      Piru parka. Kausi 1, 9/9. Piru parka. Häkkinen on lepositeissä. Leena haluaa pelastaa Paavon läksiäiset, mutta Kaius kostaa julmasti. Kaius ja Leena vievät Häkkisen muistojen lähteille. Kuka pelastaa hukkuvan? Paavo lähtee metsälle.

    • 21:00-21:45

      Brittikomediasarja Intelligencen itsenäinen jatko-osa. Tässä 60-minuuttisessa erikoisjaksossa CySecin harmina on korruptoitunut energiaministeri.

    • 21:45-22:30

      He is Risen Indeed. Lexy ja Devon tekevät järkyttävän löydön metsässä, ja isä Bryce tajuaa heidän jättäneen koulun alueen luvatta. Kaikkia käsketään pysymään huoneissaan.

    • 22:30-00:35

      Suositun elokuvasarjan kolmannessa osassa Keaunu Reevesin esittämällä supersalamurhaaja John Wickillä on joukko palkkionmetsästäjiä perässään, kun hänen hengestään on luvassa 14 miljoonaa dollaria.

54 60 141
    • 00:00-03:00

      We're counting down the biggest hit-collaborations that have got us dancing, since 2001!

    • 03:00-04:00

      Check out today's biggest tracks and hottest hits!

    • 04:00-09:00

      We're bringing you nothing but the biggest tracks and chart anthems, the hits never stop!

    • 09:00-12:00

      We're bringing you nothing but the biggest tracks and chart anthems, the hits never stop!

    • 12:00-13:00

      Let's take a look at some of the biggest hits that are circulating the globe right now in this top 20 countdown!

    • 13:00-17:00

      We're bringing you nothing but the biggest tracks and chart anthems, the hits never stop!

    • 17:00-18:00

      Which decade has given us the best dance hits? The 2010s or the 2020s? Our playlist is here to help you decide!

    • 18:00-22:00

      The weekend starts right here! We've selected the hottest hits that will keep you in the party mood!

    • 22:00-23:00

      We're going big, big, big - on dancefloor smash hits from around the world!

    • 23:00-05:00

      The party don't stop on MTV, and we're going big right now with this collection of party hits!

81 62 142
84 61 143
    • 00:50-02:45

      Amerikan kieltolain ja laman aikaan Bonduranin veljekset alkavat salakuljettaa viinaa ja pistävät pystyyn viinanpolttimon. Kun korruptoituneet viranomaiset vaativat heiltä rahaa, veljesten on otettava laki omiin käsiinsä.

    • 02:45-04:45

      Menestyselokuvan jatko-osassa legendaarinen palkkamurhaaja Jon Wick (Keanu Reeves) on vetäytynyt syrjään. Mutta kun ex-kollega suunnittelee kansainvälisen kartellin haltuunottoa, hänen on lähdettävä Roomaan maksaakseen velan.

    • 04:45-05:00

      M Night Shyamalan. Viihdeohjelma, jonka jokaisessa osassa piirretään muotokuva jostakin Hollywood-tähdestä, alkutaipaleelta uran huipuille ja suvantoihin.

    • 05:00-05:30

      Viihdeohjelma On Set vie Hollywoodin tähtitehtaan kulissien taakse.

    • 05:30-05:55

      Viihdeohjelma On Set vie Hollywoodin tähtitehtaan kulissien taakse.

    • 05:55-07:50

      Dawson ja Amanda seurustelivat teineinä, kunnes dramaattinen tapaus muutti heidän elämänsä. He tapaavat uudelleen kotikaupungissa 20 vuoden jälkeen.

    • 07:50-09:40

      Toimintaseikkailu ryhmästä silmänkääntäjiä, joita FBI jahtaa näennäisesti dramaattisen pankkiryöstön takia.

    • 09:40-11:45

      Miksi niin monet tytöt lankeavat miehiin, jotka eivät ole kiinnostuneita heistä? Siksikö, että miehet ja naiset kommunikoivat niin eri tavoin? "Jätä se!" on hauska komedia ihmisiä, jotka rakkaus on sokaissut.

    • 11:45-13:20

      Eemeli haluaa vain hyvää, mutta silti kaikki hänen puuhansa päättyvät kaaokseen. Kun hänen isänsä huutaa "EEMELIIII", huuto raikaa kaikkialla Kissankulmassa.

    • 13:20-15:25

      Ronjan elämä alkoi dramaattisesti. Kun hän syntyi, kalliolla ja metsissä salamoi, ja ryövärikuningas Mattis oli onnellinen, sillä se merkitsi sitä, että heimoon saatiin uusi ryövärijohtaja.

    • 15:25-16:50

      Kun Lasse aloittaa nelosella, hän järkyttyy. Hänen paikallaan istuu uusi poika, joka on kaikkea mitä Lasse haluaa olla. Ja hänenkin nimensä on Lasse!

    • 16:50-18:45

      Tosipohjaiseen kirjaan perustuva ruotsalaisdraama 1930-luvulla eletystä intohimoisesta kolmiodraamasta, jonka jälkikaiut ulottuvat nykypäivään saakka.

    • 18:45-21:00

      Taistelulentäjä Tom Hudner siirretään eskadroonaan, jossa hän tapaa Jesse Brpwnin, ryhmän ainoan mustan jäsenen, joka joutuu kestämään syrjintää ja rasismia joka taholla.

    • 21:00-22:30

      Idealistinen opettaja, senaattori ja tv-kuuluttaja edustavat erilaisia näkemyksiä siitä, kuinka USA:n tulisi toimia kansainvälisellä areenalla.

    • 22:30-00:25

      Ensimmäinen maailmansota on kuumimmillaan. Kaksi nuorta brittisotilasta saa mahdottoman tehtävän viedä vihollislinjan läpi viesti, joka estää satoja sotilaita vastaan suunnitellun kuolettavan iskun.

80 63 137 424
    • 00:00-02:05

      Tässä trillerissä Carl Hamilton (Peter Stromare) saa tehtäväkseen pysäyttää yrityksen salakuljettaa ydinohjus Venäjältä Ruotsin kautta.

    • 02:05-04:10

      Jens Lapiduksen kirjoihin perustuvan Tukholma-trilogian päätösosa. Pääosassa Joel Kinnaman ("The Killing" - "Jälkiä jättämättä") JW (Kinnaman) päättää selvittää siskonsa kohtalon.

    • 04:10-05:45

      Tobias on tuore pappi, joka saa työn Tukholman köyhimpiin kuuluvasta lähiöstä. Hän tapaa Carolan, joka on sosiaalituella elävä rullatuolipotilas joka asuu alkoholisoituneen äitinsä kanssa. Tobias rakastuu, mutta kohtaavatko eri maailmat?

    • 05:45-06:15

      Perustuu Astrid Lindgrenin tarinaan. Lapset olivat yksin kotona. Äidin viimeinen ohje oli, että ovi oli suljettava jottei yksikään kulkuri pääsisi sisään.

    • 06:15-07:55

      Pikku Ninni haaksirikkoutuu autiolle saarelle yhdessä Pampulan, Pellen ja Stinan kanssa. Saarella majailee myös kaksi salakuljettajaa, joiden veneen Ninni myöskin sitoi lujasti kiinni...

    • 07:55-09:35

      Marikki on seitsenvuotias tyttö, jolla on hyvin suuri sydän. Hän ei voi sietää epäoikeudenmukaisuutta esimerkiksi silloin, kun hänen rakas Alvansa alkaa itkeä suurissa tanssiaisissa.

    • 09:35-11:15

      Elisabeth on yläluokkainen tyttö, John-John kundi betonilähiöstä. Maantieteellisesti heidän välillään on vain lahti, mutta muuten olosuhteet heidän rakkaudelleen eivät voisi olla huonommat.

    • 11:15-13:00

      Nicke rakastaa käytännön piloja. Kun hän menee naimisiin, hänen ystävänsä Nicke järjestää polttarit joiden on määrä alkaa kidnappauksella. Kaikki kuitenkin menee pieleen, ja Pelle joutuu oikean terroristiryhmän kidnappaamaksi...

    • 13:00-14:30

      Koko perheen elokuva kiusatusta 11-vuotiaasta Marcellosta, joka haluaa olla paras jossakin. Ystävyydestä luokan uuden tytön kanssa tulee käännekohta.

    • 14:30-16:45

      Jatko-osassa yhdelle ruotsalaisen elokuvan suurimmista menestystarinoista tapaamme uudelleen norlantilaisen Ljusåkerin kuoron ja sen lähipiirin.

    • 16:45-18:40

      Tosipohjainen draama sijoittuu Skagenin taitelijoiden pariin 1800-luvulle.

    • 18:40-20:20

      Suosikkikomediassa Björn Skifs ja Suzanne Reuter. Kun Göranin perhe on purjehtimassa, hän ostaa puuhuvilan pakkohuutokaupasta ja alkaa tarmokkaasti remontoida sitä. Unelmahökkelissä piilee kuitenkin hengenvaarallinen salaisuus...

    • 20:20-22:00

      Ingemar asuu veljensä ja sairaan äitinsä kanssa. Hänellä on vaikeaa, mutta ei niin vaikeaa kuin Laika-koiralla avaruudessa. Ingemar lähetetään kesäksi maalle isoäitinsä luokse.

    • 22:00-00:10

      Menestynyt kuoronjohtaja lopettaa uransa ja vetäytyy lapsuudenmaisemiinsa Norlantiin. Siellä harjoittelee joka torstai pieni kirkkokuoro, jonka jäsenten pyyntöihin hänen on vaikeaa vastata kieltävästi.

129 70 154 471
    • 00:00-01:40

      Love Again - Amerikkalainen romanttinen komedia vuodelta 2023

    • 02:00-03:39

      Ticket to Paradise - Amerikkalainen komedia vuodelta 2022

    • 04:00-05:39

      No Hard Feelings - Amerikkalainen komedia vuodelta 2023

    • 06:00-07:33

      Kauhuagentti Nelli Rapp - Ruotsalainen seikkailu vuodelta 2020

    • 08:00-09:13

      Karvakamut 2 - Amerikkalainen animaatio vuodelta 2008

    • 10:00-11:25

      Madagascar 2 - Amerikkalainen animaatio vuodelta 2008

    • 12:00-13:27

      Jääkarhu New Yorkissa - Intia, lasten komedia, 2016

    • 14:00-15:38

      Monsteriperhe: Kukaan ei ole täydellinen - Brittiläinen seikkailu vuodelta 2021

    • 16:00-17:21

      Late Lammas - Elokuva - Brittiläinen animaatio vuodelta 2015

    • 18:00-19:38

      Itse ilkimys 2 - Amerikkalainen animaatio vuodelta 2013

    • 20:00-21:33

      Kauhuagentti Nelli Rapp - Ruotsalainen seikkailu vuodelta 2020

    • 22:00-23:39

      Ticket to Paradise - Amerikkalainen komedia vuodelta 2022

61 73 170 468
    • 00:00-01:28

      Beast - Amerikkalainen trilleri vuodelta 2022

    • 02:00-03:30

      Poker Face - Amerikkalainen trilleri vuodelta 2022

    • 04:00-05:36

      Watcher - Amerikkalainen draama vuodelta 2022

    • 05:45-07:53

      Gran Turismo - Amerikkalainen toiminta vuodelta 2023

    • 08:00-09:37

      Aftersun - päivämme auringossa - Brittiläinen draama vuodelta 2022

    • 10:00-11:35

      Hurja jengi - Amerikkalainen animaatio vuodelta 2022

    • 11:50-13:52

      Operation Mincemeat - Amerikkalainen/Brittiläinen trilleri vuodelta 2021

    • 13:55-15:47

      Mr Malcolm's List - Amerikkalainen draama vuodelta 2022

    • 15:50-18:08

      Whitney Houston: I Wanna Dance with Somebody - Amerikkalainen draama vuodelta 2022

    • 18:10-19:39

      Robots - Amerikkalainen komedia vuodelta 2023

    • 19:45-21:53

      Gran Turismo - Amerikkalainen toiminta vuodelta 2023

    • 22:00-23:40

      Golda - Amerikkalainen draama vuodelta 2022

60 72 171 474
    • 22:45-01:06

      Mission: Impossible - Fallout - Amerikkalainen toiminta vuodelta 2018

    • 01:10-03:15

      Fast & Furious 5 - Amerikkalainen toiminta vuodelta 2011

    • 03:20-04:58

      Expendables 4 - Amerikkalainen toiminta vuodelta 2023

    • 05:05-06:57

      Gemini Man - Amerikkalainen toiminta vuodelta 2019

    • 07:00-09:03

      Big George Foreman - Amerikkalainen draama vuodelta 2023

    • 09:10-11:05

      The Iron mask - Venäläinen toiminta vuodelta 2019

    • 11:10-12:52

      Hurjapäät - Amerikkalainen toiminta vuodelta 2001

    • 13:00-14:50

      Men in Black: International - Amerikkalainen toiminta vuodelta 2019

    • 14:55-16:46

      Ghostbusters - Amerikkalainen toiminta vuodelta 2016

    • 16:50-18:48

      Ghostbusters: Afterlife - Amerikkalainen toiminta vuodelta 2021

    • 18:50-20:55

      Fast & Furious 5 - Amerikkalainen toiminta vuodelta 2011

    • 21:00-22:52

      Gemini Man - Amerikkalainen toiminta vuodelta 2019

    • 23:00-00:38

      Expendables 4 - Amerikkalainen toiminta vuodelta 2023

130 71 173 476
    • 23:05-00:47

      The Exception - Brittiläinen draama vuodelta 2017

    • 01:00-02:31

      Tully - Amerikkalainen draama vuodelta 2018

    • 03:00-04:18

      All I See Is You - Amerikkalainen draama vuodelta 2016

    • 05:00-06:54

      BlackBerry - Kanadalainen draama vuodelta 2023

    • 07:00-08:40

      Mies joka antoi - Amerikkalainen komedia vuodelta 2013

    • 09:00-10:40

      Kuka sanoo tahdon - Amerikkalainen komedia vuodelta 1997

    • 11:00-12:32

      Then Came You - Amerikkalainen komedia vuodelta 2018

    • 13:00-14:55

      Jane Austenin jalanjäljillä - Brittiläinen draama vuodelta 2007

    • 15:00-16:42

      Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret. - Amerikkalainen draama vuodelta 2023

    • 17:00-18:42

      Rakkaudesta, unelmista ja kaloista - Brittiläinen romanttinen komedia vuodelta 2011

    • 19:00-20:31

      Tully - Amerikkalainen draama vuodelta 2018

    • 21:00-22:54

      BlackBerry - Kanadalainen draama vuodelta 2023

    • 23:00-00:18

      All I See Is You - Amerikkalainen draama vuodelta 2016

127 75 176 491
    • 00:50-01:50

      Jarrod Crosbie - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2022

    • 01:50-02:45

      602 - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2020

    • 02:45-03:35

      Lähti kuin leijona - Kanada, dokumenttisarja, 2022

    • 03:35-04:30

      101 - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2019

    • 04:30-05:20

      404 - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2015

    • 05:20-06:10

      Uusi haaste - Italia, dokumenttisarja, 2022

    • 06:10-07:20

      Pistä juoksuksi - Italia, dokumenttisarja, 2022

    • 07:20-08:15

      505 - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2020

    • 08:15-09:15

      506 - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2020

    • 09:15-10:10

      507 - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2020

    • 10:10-11:10

      508 - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2020

    • 11:10-12:05

      509 - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2020

    • 12:05-13:10

      104 - Singapore, Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2023

    • 13:10-14:10

      204 - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2024

    • 14:10-15:05

      Loppurutistus - Kanada, dokumenttisarja, 2020

    • 15:05-16:00

      Kilpaa pois jäätiköltä - Kanada, dokumenttisarja, 2020

    • 16:00-17:00

      201 - Kanada, dokumenttisarja, 2020

    • 17:00-17:55

      Batesit - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2022

    • 17:55-18:50

      Gibsonit - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2022

    • 18:50-19:50

      Chris ja Vince - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2022

    • 19:50-20:45

      Veteraanit - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2022

    • 20:45-21:45

      Jarrod Crosbie - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2022

    • 21:45-22:40

      204 - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2024

    • 22:40-23:35

      101 - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2019

    • 23:35-00:35

      301 - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2021

128 77 177 495
    • 00:35-01:20

      102 - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2021

    • 01:20-02:10

      Elämää puussa - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2019

    • 02:10-02:55

      Nuoret tykit - Kanada, 2020

    • 02:55-03:40

      411 - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2013

    • 03:40-04:25

      801 - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2019

    • 04:25-05:10

      102 - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2021

    • 05:10-06:00

      Eläinten erikoisuuksia - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2019

    • 06:00-07:10

      Elämää pienoiskoossa - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2019

    • 07:10-08:00

      Syvänmeren paha henki - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2016

    • 08:00-08:50

      Kuolononnettomuus Australiassa - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2016

    • 08:50-09:40

      Partakoneenteräpää - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2016

    • 09:40-10:30

      Atomitappaja - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2012

    • 10:30-11:20

      Kolumbian viiltäjä - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2012

    • 11:20-12:10

      Nopeat ja raivokkaat - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2022

    • 12:10-13:00

      Väijyvät metsästäjät - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2022

    • 13:00-13:55

      Korkealentoiset - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2022

    • 13:55-14:45

      Saalistajat - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2022

    • 14:45-15:40

      Afrikan yömetsästäjät - Saksa, dokumentti, 2021

    • 15:40-16:30

      Äkkikuolema - Saksa, dokumenttisarja, 2021

    • 16:30-17:25

      Aavemainen pyydystäjä - Saksa, dokumenttisarja, 2021

    • 17:25-18:15

      Karhut Transilvanian takapihoilla - Saksa, dokumentti, 2023

    • 18:15-19:20

      Trooppinen etelä - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2017

    • 19:20-20:10

      Tiibet: Maailman katto - Australia, dokumentti, 2019

    • 20:10-21:00

      Maapallon mahtavat vuodenajat - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2016

    • 21:00-21:50

      Villi länsi - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2023

    • 21:50-22:45

      Viimeinen paratiisi: Guyana - Britannia, dokumentti, 2021

    • 22:45-23:30

      Biisoni - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2022

    • 23:30-00:25

      Tutki - Singapore, dokumenttisarja, 2021

126 76 178 493
    • 00:00-00:55

      Bismarck: Vuorokausi tuhoon - Britannia, dokumentti, 2021

    • 00:55-01:55

      Dag Bromberg: Kaupunki metsässä - Kanada, dokumenttisarja, 2019

    • 01:55-02:55

      Natsien sotakoneisto - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2020

    • 02:55-03:40

      104 - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2019

    • 03:40-04:30

      Bulgaria - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2023

    • 04:30-05:15

      Koloniat kasvavat - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2023

    • 05:15-06:10

      Kleopatra, Egyptin valtaistuimen valloitus - Ranska, dokumenttisarja, 2023

    • 06:10-06:30

      Lohikäärmeen kirous - Kanada, dokumenttisarja, 2017

    • 06:30-07:00

      Haukkojen kirous - Kanada, dokumenttisarja, 2017

    • 07:00-07:30

      Riikinkukkovaltaistuimen kirous - Kanada, dokumenttisarja, 2017

    • 07:30-08:25

      Kristus ja ristiinnaulitseminen, todelliset todisteet - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2021

    • 08:25-09:30

      101 - Yhdysvallat, dokumenttisarja, 2023

    • 09:30-10:35

      102 - Yhdysvallat, dokumenttisarja, 2023

    • 10:35-11:40

      Pyhän keihään arvoitus - Ranska, dokumentti, 2018

    • 11:40-12:35

      Ardennien taistelu - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2020

    • 12:35-13:30

      Monte Cassino - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2020

    • 13:30-14:25

      Maltan kaappaus - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2020

    • 14:25-15:25

      Normandian maihinnousu - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2020

    • 15:25-16:20

      Taivaiden taistelu - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2020

    • 16:20-17:15

      Natsien sotakoneisto - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2020

    • 17:15-18:10

      Guernsey: Hitlerin saarihulluus - Kanada, dokumenttisarja, 2019

    • 18:10-19:05

      Maisyn patteri: Normandian maihinnousun peiteoperaatioko? - Kanada, dokumenttisarja, 2019

    • 19:05-20:05

      Villa Winter: Salainen sukellusvenetukikohtako? - Kanada, dokumenttisarja, 2019

    • 20:05-21:00

      Kraftwerk Nord West - Kanada, dokumenttisarja, 2019

    • 21:00-22:00

      Dag Bromberg: Kaupunki metsässä - Kanada, dokumenttisarja, 2019

    • 22:00-23:00

      Churchillin unohdettu sota - Britannia, dokumentti, 2023

    • 23:00-00:10

      Natsien tappokentät - Britannia, dokumentti, 2023

121 295 305
    • 00:15-01:00

      Sisällissota oli koitua Yhdysvaltain tuhoksi, mutta vaikuttivatko ulkoavaruuden muukalaiset sodan kulkuun ja lopputulokseen?

    • 01:00-01:45

      Isot kissat vaanivat Amerikassa ja ovat ihastuneet lihaan. New Yorkissa ihmiset kertovat isoista mustista kissoista.

    • 01:45-02:30

      Barry ja Scott selvittävät arvokkaan, mahdollisesti kapteeni Kiddille kuuluneen metalliharkon symbolin merkityksen.

    • 02:30-03:15

      80-luvun lopusta 90-luvun alkuun Floridassa tehtiin paljon ufohavaintoja. 140 kilometrin päässä Guantanamo Bayssa vedestä nousee tunnistamattomia vedenalaisia esineitä.

    • 03:15-04:00

      Maasta ammuttavista lasereista avaruuden halki kiitäviin puhelinpylvään kokoisiin tankoihin ja kaukaisen tulevaisuuden huikaiseviin aseisiinnyt otetaan selvää avaruuden sodankäynnistä.

    • 04:00-04:45

      Ryhmä laukaisee luolassa mahdollisen vesiansan, joten kaivaminen on lopetettava. Martin Flagg uskoo, että Story Rock on merkki vesiputouksen takana olevasta tunnelista.

    • 04:45-05:30

      Rooman valtakunta vaikutti suuresti nykyiseenkin maailmanjärjestykseen. Rooman mahti perustui suurelta osin aikakautensa kehittyneimpään teknologiaan. Mikä muinaisen Rooman top 10 -tekniikoista olikaan kaikkein suurin läpimurto?

    • 05:30-06:15

      Puma Punkun muinaisrauniot ovat hämmentäneet arkeologeja jo satojen vuosien ajan. Voiko Puma Punkun raunioissa olla todisteita kehittyneestä teknologiasta, jota käytettiin kaukaisessa menneisyydessä?

    • 06:15-07:00

      Sisällissota oli koitua Yhdysvaltain tuhoksi, mutta vaikuttivatko ulkoavaruuden muukalaiset sodan kulkuun ja lopputulokseen?

    • 07:00-07:45

      Isot kissat vaanivat Amerikassa ja ovat ihastuneet lihaan. New Yorkissa ihmiset kertovat isoista mustista kissoista.

    • 07:45-08:30

      Barry ja Scott selvittävät arvokkaan, mahdollisesti kapteeni Kiddille kuuluneen metalliharkon symbolin merkityksen.

    • 08:30-09:15

      80-luvun lopusta 90-luvun alkuun Floridassa tehtiin paljon ufohavaintoja. 140 kilometrin päässä Guantanamo Bayssa vedestä nousee tunnistamattomia vedenalaisia esineitä.

    • 09:15-10:00

      Maasta ammuttavista lasereista avaruuden halki kiitäviin puhelinpylvään kokoisiin tankoihin ja kaukaisen tulevaisuuden huikaiseviin aseisiinnyt otetaan selvää avaruuden sodankäynnistä.

    • 10:00-10:45

      Ryhmä laukaisee luolassa mahdollisen vesiansan, joten kaivaminen on lopetettava. Martin Flagg uskoo, että Story Rock on merkki vesiputouksen takana olevasta tunnelista.

    • 10:45-11:30

      Rooman valtakunta vaikutti suuresti nykyiseenkin maailmanjärjestykseen. Rooman mahti perustui suurelta osin aikakautensa kehittyneimpään teknologiaan. Mikä muinaisen Rooman top 10 -tekniikoista olikaan kaikkein suurin läpimurto?

    • 11:30-12:15

      Puma Punkun muinaisrauniot ovat hämmentäneet arkeologeja jo satojen vuosien ajan. Voiko Puma Punkun raunioissa olla todisteita kehittyneestä teknologiasta, jota käytettiin kaukaisessa menneisyydessä?

    • 12:15-13:00

      Sisällissota oli koitua Yhdysvaltain tuhoksi, mutta vaikuttivatko ulkoavaruuden muukalaiset sodan kulkuun ja lopputulokseen?

    • 13:00-13:45

      Isot kissat vaanivat Amerikassa ja ovat ihastuneet lihaan. New Yorkissa ihmiset kertovat isoista mustista kissoista.

    • 13:45-14:30

      Barry ja Scott selvittävät arvokkaan, mahdollisesti kapteeni Kiddille kuuluneen metalliharkon symbolin merkityksen.

    • 14:30-15:15

      80-luvun lopusta 90-luvun alkuun Floridassa tehtiin paljon ufohavaintoja. 140 kilometrin päässä Guantanamo Bayssa vedestä nousee tunnistamattomia vedenalaisia esineitä.

    • 15:15-16:00

      Maasta ammuttavista lasereista avaruuden halki kiitäviin puhelinpylvään kokoisiin tankoihin ja kaukaisen tulevaisuuden huikaiseviin aseisiinnyt otetaan selvää avaruuden sodankäynnistä.

    • 16:00-16:45

      Ryhmä laukaisee luolassa mahdollisen vesiansan, joten kaivaminen on lopetettava. Martin Flagg uskoo, että Story Rock on merkki vesiputouksen takana olevasta tunnelista.

    • 16:45-17:30

      Rooman valtakunta vaikutti suuresti nykyiseenkin maailmanjärjestykseen. Rooman mahti perustui suurelta osin aikakautensa kehittyneimpään teknologiaan. Mikä muinaisen Rooman top 10 -tekniikoista olikaan kaikkein suurin läpimurto?

    • 17:30-18:15

      Puma Punkun muinaisrauniot ovat hämmentäneet arkeologeja jo satojen vuosien ajan. Voiko Puma Punkun raunioissa olla todisteita kehittyneestä teknologiasta, jota käytettiin kaukaisessa menneisyydessä?

    • 18:15-19:00

      Aivan uudenlainen superrakenteiden luokka mahdollistaa mahdottoman: historian suurimman siirrettävän rakennuksen, maanjäristyksiä kestävän superkorkean pilvenpiirtäjän ja sillan, jota voidaan nostaa autojen ajaessa sillä.

    • 19:00-19:45

      Katso, miten saarretut egyptiläiset sotilaat pääsevät kuin ihmeen kaupalla pakoon heettiläisiltä yhdessä historian hurjimmista aseellisista yhteenotoista.

    • 19:45-20:30

      Simpansseja pidetään huvittavina sirkuksen vetonauloina ja ne ovat jopa suosittuja lemmikkejä, mutta kun ne hyökkäävät, on tulos usein hirvittävä.

    • 20:30-21:15

      Isot kissat vaanivat Amerikassa ja ovat ihastuneet lihaan. New Yorkissa ihmiset kertovat isoista mustista kissoista.

    • 21:15-22:00

      Jaksossa tutustutaan mafian kehityskulkuun.

    • 22:00-22:45

      Terry Schappert paljastaa oman yhdysvaltalaisen soturikulttuurinsa Alamo Scouts -nimellä tunnettujen erikoisjoukkojen alkuperän. Alamo Scouts oli tiedusteluryhmä, joka toimi vihollislinjojen takana toisessa maailmansodassa.

    • 22:45-23:30

      Puoliksi sonni ja puoliksi mies, Minotauros on muinaismytologian karmivimpia hirviöitä. Minotauruksen myytti on omituinen tarina eläimiinsekaantumista, ihmisuhreja ja sotaa.

    • 23:30-00:15

      British Petroleum löysi öljyä Pohjanmeren alta vuonna 1970.

49 113 262 131
44 115 251 101
117 254 129
148 307
    • 00:30-01:00

      Meet this season?s modeling stars and those who are on their way to international fashion stardom. Most in-demand girls from around the globe and their fascinating stories!

    • 01:00-01:30

      Don?t miss the latest trends in the most sensual pieces of fashion, we?re talking about the latest lingerie collections presented on the world podiums! Sizzling hot looks from top lingerie designers

    • 01:30-02:00

      Don?t miss the latest trends in the most sensual pieces of fashion, we?re talking about the latest lingerie collections presented on the world podiums! Sizzling hot looks from top lingerie designers

    • 02:00-02:30

      Everyone needs a great swimsuit in their wardrobe, better to have more than one. Enjoy trendsetting collections to find a reliable, well-fitted, and stylish option for your poolside excellence

    • 02:30-03:00

      Everyone needs a great swimsuit in their wardrobe, better to have more than one. Enjoy trendsetting collections to find a reliable, well-fitted, and stylish option for your poolside excellence

    • 03:00-03:30

      Meet this season?s modeling stars and those who are on their way to international fashion stardom. Most in-demand girls from around the globe and their fascinating stories!

    • 03:30-04:00

      Meet this season?s modeling stars and those who are on their way to international fashion stardom. Most in-demand girls from around the globe and their fascinating stories!

    • 04:00-04:30

      Don?t miss the latest trends in the most sensual pieces of fashion, we?re talking about the latest lingerie collections presented on the world podiums! Sizzling hot looks from top lingerie designers

    • 04:30-05:00

      Don?t miss the latest trends in the most sensual pieces of fashion, we?re talking about the latest lingerie collections presented on the world podiums! Sizzling hot looks from top lingerie designers

    • 05:00-05:30

      Everyone needs a great swimsuit in their wardrobe, better to have more than one. Enjoy trendsetting collections to find a reliable, well-fitted, and stylish option for your poolside excellence

    • 05:30-06:00

      Everyone needs a great swimsuit in their wardrobe, better to have more than one. Enjoy trendsetting collections to find a reliable, well-fitted, and stylish option for your poolside excellence

    • 06:00-06:30

      Dive into the breathtaking world of the fashion photography to discover behind-the-scenes atmosphere and enjoy the most beautiful masterpieces of the iconic photographers and their muses

    • 06:30-07:00

      Dive into the breathtaking world of the fashion photography to discover behind-the-scenes atmosphere and enjoy the most beautiful masterpieces of the iconic photographers and their muses

    • 07:00-07:30

      Athleisure is conquering the world! Everyone looks like having just finished a work-out in the gym, while grabbing a cappuccino. If this lifestyle is yours, be first to discover the must-haves!

    • 07:30-08:00

      Athleisure is conquering the world! Everyone looks like having just finished a work-out in the gym, while grabbing a cappuccino. If this lifestyle is yours, be first to discover the must-haves!

    • 08:00-08:30

      Get inspired with the latest trends in hairstyles, enjoy the tips and tricks of the top makeup artists and get the best use of the exclusive guide in the world of skincare products!

    • 08:30-09:00

      Get inspired with the latest trends in hairstyles, enjoy the tips and tricks of the top makeup artists and get the best use of the exclusive guide in the world of skincare products!

    • 09:00-09:30

      What does real patriotism mean? Made In USA showcases heirloom quality pieces produced in America and handpicks the assortment of timeless classics and reinvented styles.

    • 09:30-10:00

      What does real patriotism mean? Made In USA showcases heirloom quality pieces produced in America and handpicks the assortment of timeless classics and reinvented styles.

    • 10:00-10:30

      Set aside all your daily stuff! Everything you wanted to know about Victoria?s Secret show - an array of looks from brand's signature wings to special collaborations and its exiting backstage

    • 10:30-11:00

      Set aside all your daily stuff! Everything you wanted to know about Victoria?s Secret show - an array of looks from brand's signature wings to special collaborations and its exiting backstage

    • 11:00-11:30

      Discover USA, the land of epic mix of seasons, landscapes and cultures. Enjoy the USA from coastlines to big cities, through the mighty depths of the Grand Canyon, and glittering lights of Las Vegas

    • 11:30-12:00

      Welcome to Costa Rica which has lush rainforests, beautiful beaches, cloud forests, active volcanoes, mountain ranges, and varied wildlife!

    • 12:00-12:30

      Follow kids fashion trends that will be huge in the recent and coming seasons, stay tuned for the best dressed celebs? kids and runway highlights!

    • 12:30-13:00

      Follow kids fashion trends that will be huge in the recent and coming seasons, stay tuned for the best dressed celebs? kids and runway highlights!

    • 13:00-13:30

      Don?t miss the news from New York Fashion Week, the one that opens the season of global fashion weeks and has a major influence on trends of current and upcoming seasons!

    • 13:30-14:00

      Don?t miss the news from New York Fashion Week, the one that opens the season of global fashion weeks and has a major influence on trends of current and upcoming seasons!

    • 14:00-14:30

      Dive into the breathtaking world of the fashion photography to discover behind-the-scenes atmosphere and enjoy the most beautiful masterpieces of the iconic photographers and their muses

    • 14:30-15:00

      Dive into the breathtaking world of the fashion photography to discover behind-the-scenes atmosphere and enjoy the most beautiful masterpieces of the iconic photographers and their muses

    • 15:00-15:30

      Grab a clue on what's going on in the world of brides before you hit a salon! Enjoy a wide array of high fashion choices, undeniably romantic and decidedly feminine.

    • 15:30-16:00

      Grab a clue on what's going on in the world of brides before you hit a salon! Enjoy a wide array of high fashion choices, undeniably romantic and decidedly feminine.

    • 16:00-16:30

      Explore stories of the top fashion designers of all time! Meet the legends, like Coco Chanel or Karl Lagerfeld and don?t miss the amazingly talented young designers who shape the future of fashion now

    • 16:30-17:00

      Explore stories of the top fashion designers of all time! Meet the legends, like Coco Chanel or Karl Lagerfeld and don?t miss the amazingly talented young designers who shape the future of fashion now

    • 17:00-17:30

      Explore the latest fashion trends for teens, the cutest outfits of the A-list celebrities, mix & match insights, and style tips for all occasions.

    • 17:30-18:00

      Explore the latest fashion trends for teens, the cutest outfits of the A-list celebrities, mix & match insights, and style tips for all occasions.

    • 18:00-18:30

      Meet this season?s modeling stars and those who are on their way to international fashion stardom. Most in-demand girls from around the globe and their fascinating stories!

    • 18:30-19:00

      Meet this season?s modeling stars and those who are on their way to international fashion stardom. Most in-demand girls from around the globe and their fascinating stories!

    • 19:00-19:30

      Get a clue about the worldwide success of Korean fashion, its unique expressive style reflecting the sense of individuality. It is focused on utmost comfort but offers us a cute and effortless look.

    • 19:30-20:00

      Get a clue about the worldwide success of Korean fashion, its unique expressive style reflecting the sense of individuality. It is focused on utmost comfort but offers us a cute and effortless look.

    • 20:00-20:30

      Discover Thailand, the Land of Smiles, tropical beaches, ancient ruins and modern buzzing cities! Enjoy its picture-postcard landscapes, mouth-watering delicacies and a genuinely warm Thai welcome

    • 20:30-21:00

      Discover Thailand, the Land of Smiles, tropical beaches, ancient ruins and modern buzzing cities! Enjoy its picture-postcard landscapes, mouth-watering delicacies and a genuinely warm Thai welcome

    • 21:00-21:30

      Check out the inside scoop on fashion news, all the daily news you need to know, including standout fashion moments, major events, current collections and trends on and off the runway.

    • 21:30-22:00

      Check out the inside scoop on fashion news, all the daily news you need to know, including standout fashion moments, major events, current collections and trends on and off the runway.

    • 22:00-22:30

      Set aside all your daily stuff! Everything you wanted to know about Victoria?s Secret show - an array of looks from brand's signature wings to special collaborations and its exiting backstage

    • 22:30-23:00

      Set aside all your daily stuff! Everything you wanted to know about Victoria?s Secret show - an array of looks from brand's signature wings to special collaborations and its exiting backstage

    • 23:00-23:30

      Explore the current array of the top fashion magazines, the vehicles of our luxury dreams and the source of inspiration. Check in for the latest updates, cutest outlooks and fashion insights

    • 23:30-00:00

      Explore the current array of the top fashion magazines, the vehicles of our luxury dreams and the source of inspiration. Check in for the latest updates, cutest outlooks and fashion insights

    • 00:30-00:55

      FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.

    • 00:55-01:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets, hollywood glamour and launch events

    • 01:00-01:30

      FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.

    • 01:30-01:55

      FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.

    • 01:55-02:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets and Hollywood glamour.

    • 02:00-02:30

      Get to know the intimate side of FashionTV. silk, lace and everything seductive, bringing you the best in photo shoots, fashion shows and more.

    • 02:30-02:55

      Get to know the intimate side of FashionTV. silk, lace and everything seductive, bringing you the best in photo shoots, fashion shows and more.

    • 02:55-03:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets, hollywood glamour and launch events

    • 03:00-03:30

      FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.

    • 03:30-03:55

      FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.

    • 03:55-04:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets and Hollywood glamour.

    • 04:00-04:30

      FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.

    • 04:30-04:55

      FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.

    • 04:55-05:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets, hollywood glamour and launch events

    • 05:00-05:30

      Set aside all your daily stuff! Everything you wanted to know about Victoria?s Secret show - an array of looks from brand's signature wings to special collaborations and its exiting backstage

    • 05:30-05:55

      Set aside all your daily stuff! Everything you wanted to know about Victoria?s Secret show - an array of looks from brand's signature wings to special collaborations and its exiting backstage

    • 05:55-06:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets and Hollywood glamour.

    • 06:00-06:30

      FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.

    • 06:30-06:55

      FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.

    • 06:55-07:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets, hollywood glamour and launch events

    • 07:00-07:30

      FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.

    • 07:30-07:55

      FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.

    • 07:55-08:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets and Hollywood glamour.

    • 08:00-08:30

      A unique chance to get to know everything you've ever wanted to know about the world's most famous beauties. hear what they have to say about the world of fashion, modeling and what's its like to be a runway model.

    • 08:30-08:55

      A unique chance to get to know everything you've ever wanted to know about the world's most famous beauties. hear what they have to say about the world of fashion, modeling and what's its like to be a runway model.

    • 08:55-09:00

      FashionTV presents an exclusive look at fashion's most celebrated models.

    • 09:00-09:30

      Join FashionTV for an hour of the most iconic photoshoots, behind the scenes coverage, and fashion films.

    • 09:30-09:55

      Join FashionTV for an hour of the most iconic photoshoots, behind the scenes coverage, and fashion films.

    • 09:55-10:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets and Hollywood glamour.

    • 10:00-10:30

      FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.

    • 10:30-10:55

      FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.

    • 10:55-11:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets, hollywood glamour and launch events

    • 11:00-11:30

      Join FashionTV, as we take you on a complete journey with fashion?s greatest icons. Celebrate world glamor with breathtaking fashion, passion, and all the action

    • 11:30-12:00

      Join FashionTV, as we take you on a complete journey with fashion?s greatest icons. Celebrate world glamor with breathtaking fashion, passion, and all the action

    • 12:00-12:30

      FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.

    • 12:30-12:55

      FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.

    • 12:55-13:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets and Hollywood glamour.

    • 13:00-13:30

      FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.

    • 13:30-13:55

      FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.

    • 13:55-14:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets, hollywood glamour and launch events

    • 14:00-14:30

      FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.

    • 14:30-14:55

      FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.

    • 14:55-15:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets and Hollywood glamour.

    • 15:00-15:30

      FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.

    • 15:30-15:55

      FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.

    • 15:55-16:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets, hollywood glamour and launch events

    • 16:00-16:30

      FashionTV brings you the stylish world of men's fashion. top designers and the most dashing men in the modeling industry, beautiful clothing and beautiful people.

    • 16:30-16:55

      FashionTV brings you the stylish world of men's fashion. top designers and the most dashing men in the modeling industry, beautiful clothing and beautiful people.

    • 16:55-17:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets and Hollywood glamour.

    • 17:00-17:30

      Your backstage pass to the world's greatest hair & make-up gurus of fashion!

    • 17:30-17:55

      Your backstage pass to the world's greatest hair & make-up gurus of fashion!

    • 17:55-18:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets, hollywood glamour and launch events

    • 18:00-18:30

      FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.

    • 18:30-18:55

      FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.

    • 18:55-19:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets and Hollywood glamour.

    • 19:00-19:30

      FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.

    • 19:30-19:55

      FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.

    • 19:55-20:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets, hollywood glamour and launch events

    • 20:00-20:30

      Set aside all your daily stuff! Everything you wanted to know about Victoria?s Secret show - an array of looks from brand's signature wings to special collaborations and its exiting backstage

    • 20:30-20:55

      FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.

    • 20:55-21:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets and Hollywood glamour.

    • 21:00-21:30

      FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.

    • 21:30-21:55

      FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.

    • 21:55-22:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets, hollywood glamour and launch events

    • 22:00-22:30

      FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.

    • 22:30-22:55

      FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.

    • 22:55-23:00

      FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets and Hollywood glamour.

    • 23:00-23:30

      Join FashionTV, as we take you on a complete journey with fashion?s greatest icons. Celebrate world glamor with breathtaking fashion, passion, and all the action

    • 23:30-00:00

      Join FashionTV, as we take you on a complete journey with fashion?s greatest icons. Celebrate world glamor with breathtaking fashion, passion, and all the action

41 95 272 204
    • 00:35-00:59


    • 00:59-01:49

      UCI Mountain Bike World Series

    • 01:49-01:51


    • 01:51-02:41


    • 02:41-02:43


    • 02:43-03:32


    • 03:32-04:29


    • 04:29-05:23


    • 05:23-07:00

      EM-kisat | Basel

    • 07:00-07:25


    • 07:25-07:51


    • 07:51-09:31

      Maailmancup | Innsbruck

    • 09:31-10:04


    • 10:04-10:15


    • 10:15-10:42


    • 10:42-11:43


    • 11:43-12:07

      UCI Mountain Bike World Series

    • 12:07-13:45


    • 13:45-19:00


    • 19:00-19:30

      Grand Slam -turnaus

    • 19:30-22:33

    • 22:33-00:09


45 96 273 205
    • 23:00-02:00

      PGA Tour

    • 02:00-04:05

      Maailmancup | Innsbruck

    • 04:05-04:40


    • 04:40-05:10


    • 05:10-05:40


    • 05:40-06:00


    • 06:00-07:00


    • 07:00-08:00


    • 08:00-08:30


    • 08:30-09:00


    • 09:00-09:30


    • 09:30-10:00


    • 10:00-11:00


    • 11:00-13:00

      Grand Slam -turnaus

    • 13:00-15:30

      Grand Slam -turnaus

    • 15:30-18:00

      Grand Slam -turnaus

    • 18:00-19:00


    • 19:00-20:00

      PGA Tour

    • 20:00-01:00

      PGA Tour

117 80 183 456
    • 00:30-00:55

      #13 - Major League Baseballin viikon kohokohdat.

    • 01:00-01:30

      Zandvoort - Kohokohtia kilpailusta, joka ajettiin Circuit Zandvoortilla, Hollannissa. (7.-10.6.2024)

    • 01:30-02:00

      Budapest - Kohokohtia kilpailusta, joka ajettiin Hungaroringilla, Budapestissa, Unkarissa. (21-23/6-24)

    • 02:00-07:00

      Ohjelma ilmoitetaan myöhemmin.

    • 11:00-11:45

      Saksan MotoGP - 2. vapaat harjoitukset - Kilpailu ajetaan Sachsenringillä, Sachsenissa. (6.7.2024)

    • 11:45-12:40

      Saksan MotoGP - Aika-ajot - Kilpailu ajetaan Sachsenringillä, Sachsenissa. (6.7.2024)

    • 12:40-13:45


    • 13:45-14:40

      Saksan Moto3 - Aika-ajot - Kilpailu ajetaan Sachsenringillä, Sachsenissa. (6.7.2024)

    • 14:40-15:35

      Saksan Moto2 - Aika-ajot - Kilpailu ajetaan Sachsenringillä, Sachsenissa. (6.7.2024)

    • 15:35-17:00

      Saksan MotoGP - Sprinttikilpailu - Kilpailu ajetaan Sachsenringillä, Sachsenissa. (6.7.2024)

    • 17:00-17:30

      #12 - Major League Baseballin viikon kohokohdat.

    • 17:30-17:55

      #13 - Major League Baseballin viikon kohokohdat.

    • 18:00-19:00

      Jerez - Kohokohtia kilpailusta, joka ajettiin Circuito de Jerezissä, Jerez de la Fronterassa, Espanjassa. (20.-23.6.2024)

    • 19:00-20:00

      Sahlen's Six hours of the Glen - Kohokohtia kilpailusta, joka ajettiin Watkins Glen Internationalissa, Watkinsissa, USA:ssa. (20.-23.6.2024)

    • 20:00-20:30

      #11 - Yleisurheilumakasiini.

    • 20:30-20:59

      #12 - Yleisurheilumakasiini.

    • 21:00-21:57

      #25 - Urheilun makasiiniohjelma.

    • 22:00-22:30

      Zandvoort - Kohokohtia kilpailusta, joka ajettiin Circuit Zandvoortilla, Hollannissa. (7.-10.6.2024)

    • 22:30-23:00

      Budapest - Kohokohtia kilpailusta, joka ajettiin Hungaroringilla, Budapestissa, Unkarissa. (21-23/6-24)

    • 23:00-23:30

      #12 - Major League Baseballin viikon kohokohdat.

    • 23:30-23:55

      #13 - Major League Baseballin viikon kohokohdat.

66 79 183 464
    • 21:15-01:15

      Ally 400 - 30.6.2024.

    • 01:15-07:35

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll

    • 07:35-09:50

      Townsville 500 1. osakilpailu - 6.7.2024.

    • 09:50-10:20

      Budapest Highlights - Budapestissa ajettujen Porsche Carrera Cup Deutschland osakilpailuiden kooste.

    • 10:20-10:50

      Ep12 - Makasiiniohjelmassa syvennytään F1-tekniikan salaisuuksiin. Ohjelma täydentää F1-maailmaa ennennäkemättömällä tavalla ja on täydellinen F1-faneille. Ep12.

    • 10:50-11:15

      Ep5 - Makasiiniohjelma.

    • 11:15-12:10

      Ison-Britannian sprinttikilpailu - 6.7.2024. Selostus Veli-Matti Markkanen.

    • 12:10-15:10

      Firestone Grand Prix of Monterey - 23.6.2024.

    • 15:10-16:10

      Ison-Britannian sprinttikilpailu - 6.7.2024. Selostus Veli-Matti Markkanen.

    • 16:10-17:05

      Trans World Sport - Makasiiniohjelma.

    • 17:05-18:05

      Trofeo Pirelli 1. osakilpailu - 6.7.2024. Portimao.

    • 18:20-19:20

      Coppa Shell 488 1. osakilpailu - 6.7.2024. Portimao.

    • 19:20-20:00

      Ep12 - Makasiiniohjelmassa käsitellään moottoriurheilua uudella otteella kartingista lentokoneisiin ja on oikea valinta kaikille, joita kiehtoo nopeus. Ep12.

    • 20:00-00:00

      Välierät ja Finaali - 30.6.2024. Selostus Ville Kuusinen, asiantuntija Veijo Viinikka.

63 85 187 480
    • 23:55-11:45

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll

    • 11:45-12:35

      Saksan aika-ajot - 6.7.2024. Selostus Julius Vauhkonen, asiantuntija Matti Kiiveri.

    • 12:35-12:50

      1. finaali - 9.6.2024. Stanley Cupin ensimmäisen finaalin kooste.

    • 12:50-13:10

      2. finaali - 11.6.2024. Stanley Cupin toisen finaalin kooste.

    • 13:10-13:25

      3. finaali - 14.6.2024. Stanley Cupin kolmannen finaalin kooste.

    • 13:25-14:40

      Ison-Britannian 3. vapaat harjoitukset - 6.7.2024. Selostus Niki Juusela, asiantuntija Toni Vilander.

    • 14:40-15:30

      Saksan aika-ajot - 6.7.2024. Selostus Julius Vauhkonen, asiantuntija Matti Kiiveri.

    • 15:30-16:30

      Trans World Sport - Makasiiniohjelma.

    • 16:30-16:55

      Ison-Britannian aika-ajot - Suora lähetys.

    • 16:55-18:45

      Ison-Britannian aika-ajot - 6.7.2024. Selostus Niki Juusela, asiantuntija Toni Vilander.

    • 18:45-21:15

      Dallas Stars - Edmonton Oilers 1:7 - 23.5.2024. Läntisen konferenssin ensimmäinen finaali. Selostus Nuutti Vihtilä.

    • 21:15-21:45

      Ison-Britannian aika-ajot, kooste - Kooste Ison-Britannian aika-ajoista 6.7.2024.

    • 21:45-00:00

      New York Rangers - Florida Panthers 2:7 - 24.5.2024. Itäisen konferenssin toinen finaali. Selostus Nuutti Vihtilä.

62 83 180 452
    • 03:50-06:00

      Venezuela - Kanada - 5.7.2024. Puolivälierä.

    • 06:00-11:45

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll

    • 11:45-13:45

      Venezuela - Kanada - 5.7.2024. Puolivälierä.

    • 13:45-14:55

      Saksan aika-ajot - 6.7.2024. Selostus Julius Vauhkonen, asiantuntija Matti Kiiveri.

    • 14:55-15:25

      Valioliiga: Premier League Stories

    • 15:25-15:55

      Valioliiga: Premier League Stories

    • 15:55-17:00

      Saksan sprinttikilpailu - 6.7.2024. Selostus Julius Vauhkonen, asiantuntija Matti Kiiveri.

    • 17:00-19:00

      Aston Villa - Arsenal - 9.12.2023. Selostus Velja Engström.

    • 19:00-19:55

      30. kierros - Huippuhetkiä 30. kierrokselta.

    • 19:55-22:00

      Chicago Red Stars - Houston Dash - 6.7.2024.

    • 22:00-00:00

      Venezuela - Kanada - 5.7.2024. Puolivälierä.

116 84 186 453
    • 23:00-01:00

      Burnley-Luton - Fotboll

    • 13:00-15:00

      Chelsea-Fulham - Fotboll

    • 15:00-17:00

      Sheffield United-West Ham - Fotboll

    • 17:00-19:30

      Venezuela-Kanada - Fotboll

    • 19:30-21:30

      Newcastle-Manchester City - Fotboll

    • 21:30-23:30

      Wolverhampton-Manchester United - Fotboll

    • 23:30-01:30

      Nottingham-Arsenal - Fotboll

118 81 182 454
    • 23:45-01:45

      Liverpool - Newcastle - 20. kierroksen ottelu pelataan Anfieldillä. (1.1.2024)

    • 01:45-03:50

      Arsenal - Crystal Palace - 21. kierroksen ottelu pelataan Emirates Stadiumilla, Lontoossa. (20.1.2024)

    • 03:50-06:00

      Venezuela - Kanada - Puolivälierä 2 pelataan AT&T Stadiumilla, Arlingtonissa, Texasissa. (5.7.2024)

    • 06:00-07:00


    • 12:45-14:45

      Brentford - Nottingham - 21. kierroksen ottelu pelataan Gtech Community Stadiumilla. Selostus Mikko Innanen. (20.1.2024)

    • 14:45-16:45

      Bournemouth - Liverpool - 21. kierroksen ottelu pelataan Vitality Stadiumilla. (21.1.2024)

    • 16:45-19:15

      Argentiina - Ecuador - Puolivälierä 1 pelataan NRG Stadiumilla, Houstonissa, Texasissa. (4.7.2024)

    • 19:15-21:15

      Aston Villa - Newcastle United - 22. kierroksen ottelu pelataan Villa Parkilla, Birminghamissa. (30.1.2024)

    • 21:15-23:45

      Venezuela - Kanada - Puolivälierä 2 pelataan AT&T Stadiumilla, Arlingtonissa, Texasissa. (5.7.2024)

    • 23:45-00:50

      Premier League: Goals of the Season - Magasin

65 86 186 459
    • 23:00-01:00

      Dallas Stars - Colorado Avalanche 2:7 - Pudotuspeliottelu 2:7 pelataan American Airlines Centerissä. (9.5.2024)

    • 01:00-07:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll

    • 13:00-15:00

      Carolina Hurricanes - New York Rangers 3:7 - Pudotuspeliottelu 3:7 pelataan PNC Arenassa, Raleigh'ssa. (9.5.2024)

    • 15:00-17:00

      Carolina Hurricanes - New York Rangers 3:7 - Pudotuspeliottelu 3:7 pelataan PNC Arenassa, Raleigh'ssa. (9.5.2024)

    • 17:00-19:00

      Vancouver Canucks - Edmonton Oilers 2:7 - Pudotuspeliottelu 2:7 pelataan Rogers Arenassa. (10.5.2024)

    • 19:00-21:00

      Boston Bruins - Florida Panthers 3:7 - Pudotuspeliottelu 3:7 pelataan TD Gardenissa. (10.5.2024)

    • 21:00-23:00

      Carolina Hurricanes - New York Rangers 4:7 - Pudotuspeliottelu 4:7 pelataan PNC Arenassa, Raleigh'ssa. (11.5.2024)

    • 23:00-01:00

      Colorado Avalanche - Dallas Stars 3:7 - Pudotuspeliottelu 3:7 pelataan Ball Arenassa, Denverissä. (11.5.2024)

67 82 188 462
    • 00:00-03:00

      International Series Marocco - 2. kierros - Kilpailu pelataan Royal Golf Dar Es Salamissa, Rabatissa, Marokossa. (4.-7.7.2024)

    • 10:00-14:30

      BMW International Open - 2. kierros - Kilpailu pelataan Golfclub München Eichenriedissä, Münchenissä, Saksassa. (4.-7.7.2024)

    • 14:30-19:00

      BMW International Open - 3. kierros - Kilpailu pelataan Golfclub München Eichenriedissä, Münchenissä, Saksassa. (4.-7.7.2024)

    • 19:00-23:00

      International Series Marocco - 3. kierros - Kilpailu pelataan Royal Golf Dar Es Salamissa, Rabatissa, Marokossa. (4.-7.7.2024)

    • 23:00-01:00

      BMW International Open - 3. kierros - Kilpailu pelataan Golfclub München Eichenriedissä, Münchenissä, Saksassa. (4.-7.7.2024)

92 455
111 87 191 481
    • 19:00-01:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll

    • 01:00-07:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll

    • 07:00-13:25

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll

    • 13:25-14:30

      Britannian GP: 3. harjoitukset - Pitlane Channel - Kilpailu ajetaan Silverstone Circuitilla, Isossa-Britanniassa. (6.7.2024)

    • 14:30-16:55

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll

    • 16:55-18:15

      Britannian GP: Aika-ajot - Pitlane Channel - Kilpailu ajetaan Silverstone Circuitilla, Isossa-Britanniassa. (6.7.2024)

    • 18:15-01:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll

112 88 192 482
    • 19:00-01:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll

    • 01:00-07:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll

    • 07:00-13:25

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll

    • 13:25-14:30

      Britannian GP: 3. harjoitukset - Onboard Mix - Kilpailu ajetaan Silverstone Circuitilla, Isossa-Britanniassa. (6.7.2024)

    • 14:30-16:55

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll

    • 16:55-18:15

      Britannian GP: Aika-ajot - Onboard Mix - Kilpailu ajetaan Silverstone Circuitilla, Isossa-Britanniassa. (6.7.2024)

    • 18:15-01:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll

113 89 193 483
    • 19:00-01:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll

    • 01:00-07:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll

    • 07:00-13:25

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll

    • 13:25-14:30

      Britannian GP: 3. harjoitukset - Timing - Kilpailu ajetaan Silverstone Circuitilla, Isossa-Britanniassa. (6.7.2024)

    • 14:30-16:55

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll

    • 16:55-18:15

      Britannian GP: Aika-ajot - Timing - Kilpailu ajetaan Silverstone Circuitilla, Isossa-Britanniassa. (6.7.2024)

    • 18:15-01:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll

114 90 194 484
    • 19:00-01:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll

    • 01:00-07:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll

    • 07:00-13:25

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll

    • 13:25-14:30

      Britannian GP: 3. harjoitukset - Drivers Tracker - Kilpailu ajetaan Silverstone Circuitilla, Isossa-Britanniassa. (6.7.2024)

    • 14:30-16:55

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll

    • 16:55-18:15

      Britannian GP: Aika-ajot - Drivers Tracker - Kilpailu ajetaan Silverstone Circuitilla, Isossa-Britanniassa. (6.7.2024)

    • 18:15-01:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll

115 91 195 485
    • 19:00-01:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 5

    • 01:00-07:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 5

    • 07:00-13:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 5

    • 13:00-19:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 5

    • 19:00-01:00

      Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 5

59 211 401
93 212 402
94 213 403
95 214 404
96 215 405
97 216 405
98 217 407
89 218
102 210
103 236
140 104 211
149 323 331
150 325 332
151 311 139
152 312
156 316
154 315
157 313
155 314
158 321