TV-opas (Maksukanavat)
00:55-01:40Puuma vs. susi
Puuma vs. susi - Puuma-asiantuntija Boone Smith vaeltaa kauas Montanan Bitterrootvuorille etsimään todisteita näiden talvisten maisemien suurimpien petojen välisestä kilpailuista.
01:40-02:25Haihyökkäysten taustat
Maahai - Meritutkimuksen edistysaskeleet auttavat meitä ymmärtämään paremmin merten huippupetoa ja sen tapaa saalistaa.
02:25-03:05Haihyökkäysten taustat
Vaarallisin purema - Valkohait, tiikerihait ja härkähait ovat pitkään olleet maailman vaarallisimpia ja hurjimpia puremaan. Yli 400 miljoonaa vuotta sitten jokaiselle lajeista kehittyi erilaisia hyökkäystapoja.
03:05-03:50Haihyökkäysten taustat
Mies vastaan hai - Elämän ja kuoleman voi erottaa vain muutama sekuntia haihyökkäyksessä. Jokaisen aina rannalla kävijöistä kokeneisiin sukeltajiin on käytettävä kaikki keinot välttyä näiden petojen kidoilta.
03:50-04:30FOX Wild: Krokotiilien invaasio
FOX Wild: Krokotiilien invaasio - Floridassa ihmisten ja krokotiilien yhteiselo ei enää suju ongelmitta ja älykkäät matelijat ovat tulleet yhä lähemmäksi ihmisasutuksia.
04:30-05:15Haihyökkäysten taustat
Maahai - Meritutkimuksen edistysaskeleet auttavat meitä ymmärtämään paremmin merten huippupetoa ja sen tapaa saalistaa.
05:15-05:55Haihyökkäysten taustat
Vaarallisin purema - Valkohait, tiikerihait ja härkähait ovat pitkään olleet maailman vaarallisimpia ja hurjimpia puremaan. Yli 400 miljoonaa vuotta sitten jokaiselle lajeista kehittyi erilaisia hyökkäystapoja.
05:55-06:15The Incredible Pol Farm
Uuhen uudet kujeet - Markkinakausi on alkanut! Polit haluavat hankkia ainakin kaksi lehmää ja kuusi lammasta huutokaupasta, mutta heillä on paljon tekemistä ennen kuin se toteutuu.
06:15-06:35The Incredible Pol Farm
Ovatko uuhet tiineinä? - Polit valmistautuvat lampaiden karitsoimiseen, eli heidän täytyy selvittää, kuinka ottaa kiinni ja keritä neljä merinouuhtaan.
06:35-07:00The Incredible Pol Farm
Koko Pol-hoito - Polin perhe on viljellyt maata vuoden ajan. Vaikka Charles toipuu vielä loukkaantumisestaan, farmin toiminnassa ei näy hidastumisen merkkejä!
07:00-07:20The Incredible Pol Farm
Uusi lauma - Polien täytyy alkaa rakentaa uutta ulkorakennusta, jonne he aikovat sijoittaa tulevan karjan.
07:20-07:45The Incredible Pol Farm
Paimentelua - Huutaminen on käynnissä suurten eläinten huutokaupassa! Polit yrittävät viedä mukaansa farmille lampaita ja lehmiä.
07:45-08:10Amerikan villit maat
08:10-08:30Amerikan villit maat
08:30-09:15Savannien valtiaat
09:15-10:05NG Wild: Eläinmaailman kuningattaret
Rannikon kuningattaret - Maata ja merta yhdistävällä rannikolla asuu kaksi luonnon ikonisinta naarasta - miekkavalas ja harmaakarhu.
10:05-10:45Ainutlaatuiset mustekalat
Muodonmuuttajat - Mustekalat ovat kuin avaruusolentoja maan päällä, mutta niillä on yksi supervoima, jota vasta nyt alamme täysin ymmärtää.
10:45-11:30Savannien valtiaat
11:30-12:15NG Wild: Eläinmaailman kuningattaret
Rannikon kuningattaret - Maata ja merta yhdistävällä rannikolla asuu kaksi luonnon ikonisinta naarasta - miekkavalas ja harmaakarhu.
12:15-13:00NG Wild: Eläinmaailman kuningattaret
Sademetsän kuningattaret - Kongon rehevässä sademetsässä elävät bonobot elävät naarasvaltaisessa yhteiskunnassa.
13:00-13:40Uskomaton eläinlääkäri Pol
Vuohipeli - Tällä kertaa Uskomaton eläinlääkäri Pol -ohjelmassa Keski-Michiganiin on saapunut kevät, mikä tarkoittaa, että synnytyskausi on alkanut. Pol eläinklinikalla on valtava määrä eläinvauvoja.
13:40-14:25Uskomaton eläinlääkäri Pol
Hieman Polia ja jotain uutta - Talvi on hiljalleen lähdössä, mutta eläimiä tulee nopeasti vastaanotolle. Kaikki kolme lääkäriä ovat päivystämässä, koska naudoilla on paljon ongelmia.
14:25-15:10Uskomaton eläinlääkäri Pol
15:10-15:55Lintujen planeetta
15:55-16:45Hostile Planet: Pakkasen herrat
Hostile Planet: Pakkasen herrat - Kaikkein lempeimmissäkin ilmastoissa elämä on taistelua, mutta maailman kylmimmillä alueilla asuvilla eläimillä on selviytymiseen muokatut kehot ja tavat, jotta ne säilyvät
16:45-17:25Hostile Planet: Parhaat palat
17:25-18:15Eläinkunnan ääriviholliset
Eläinkunnan ääriviholliset - National Geographicin filmintekijät Dereck ja Beverly Joubert tutkivat, miten jotkin eläimet joutuvat yhteen luonnonvoimien vuoksi, joskus tuhannen vuoden evoluution takia ja joskus
18:15-19:00Villi Chile
19:00-19:40Ainutlaatuiset mustekalat
Älypäät - Mustekalat rikkovat kaikkia eläinten älykkyyttä koskevia sääntöjä.
19:40-20:30Hostile Planet
20:30-21:15Uuden aallon soturit
Uuden aallon soturit - On vaikea olla masentumatta, kun kuulee niin monia huonoja uutisia ilmastonmuutoksesta, saasteista ja ylikalastuksesta, jotka tuhoavat meriä. Löytyykö kaiken synkkyyden keskeltä kuitenkin toivonkipinä?
21:15-21:55Ainutlaatuiset mustekalat
Älypäät - Mustekalat rikkovat kaikkia eläinten älykkyyttä koskevia sääntöjä.
21:55-22:40Uskomaton eläinlääkäri Pol
Mitä pidät miausta? - Polin eläinklinikalle jokainen kissa on tervetullut, oli kyse sitten suloisista, ummetuksesta kärsivistä pennuista tai raivokkaista kissoista, jotka ovat valmiita taistelemaan vastaan.
22:40-23:25Uskomaton eläinlääkäri Pol
Hieman Polia ja jotain uutta - Talvi on hiljalleen lähdössä, mutta eläimiä tulee nopeasti vastaanotolle. Kaikki kolme lääkäriä ovat päivystämässä, koska naudoilla on paljon ongelmia.
23:25-00:10Uskomaton eläinlääkäri Pol
01:15-01:40Hamsteri & Kerttu
01:40-02:00Hamsteri & Kerttu
02:00-02:20Miraculous: Ladybug ja Cat Noir seikkailut
02:20-02:40Miraculous: Ladybug ja Cat Noir seikkailut
03:30-03:55Star Wars: Pikkujedien seikkailut
03:55-04:15Star Wars: Pikkujedien seikkailut
04:15-04:40Spidey ja hänen mahtavat ystävänsä
04:40-05:05Spidey ja hänen mahtavat ystävänsä
05:55-06:20Mikki Hiiri Hupitalo
06:20-06:40Mikki Hiiri Hupitalo
06:40-07:00Mikki Hiiri Hupitalo
09:40-10:05Spidey ja hänen mahtavat ystävänsä
10:05-10:25Spidey ja hänen mahtavat ystävänsä
11:25-11:45Star Wars: Pikkujedien seikkailut
11:45-12:10Star Wars: Pikkujedien seikkailut
12:10-12:25Mikki Hiiri Hupitalo
12:25-12:35Mikki Hiiri Hupitalo
12:35-12:45Mikki Hiiri Hupitalo
12:45-13:05Mikki Hiiri Hupitalo
13:05-13:25Miraculous: Ladybug ja Cat Noir seikkailut
13:25-13:50Miraculous: Ladybug ja Cat Noir seikkailut
13:50-14:15Big City Greens
14:15-14:25Big City Greens
14:25-14:45Big City Greens
14:45-15:05Hamsteri & Kerttu
15:05-15:30Hamsteri & Kerttu
15:30-15:55Moon girl ja Devil Dinosaur
15:55-16:20Moon girl ja Devil Dinosaur
16:20-16:45Monsterit työn touhussa
16:45-17:10The Villains of Valley View
17:10-17:35The Villains of Valley View
18:00-19:15Night at the Museum: Kahmunrahn paluu
19:15-19:35Monsterit työn touhussa
19:35-19:55Mikki Hiiri Hupitalo
20:50-21:10Big City Greens
21:10-21:35Big City Greens
21:35-22:00Moon girl ja Devil Dinosaur
22:00-22:25Valley View'n pahikset
22:50-23:15Miraculous: Ladybug ja Cat Noir seikkailut
23:15-23:35Miraculous: Ladybug ja Cat Noir seikkailut
23:35-23:55Big City Greens
23:55-00:05Big City Greens
23:55-00:20Piku Kokki
Pikku kokki varmistaa sadepäivän juustomakaronia, mutta vuotava katto aiheuttaa kaaoksen hänen keittiössään.
00:20-00:40BARBAPAPA ja perhe
Keinolannoitteet tekevät maaseudusta vaaleanpunaisen! Barbapapat rakentavat lintutalon sairastuneiden lintujen turvaksi.
00:40-01:05BARBAPAPA ja perhe
Barbapörrö ei voi maalata loppumattoman hikkansa takia ja juuri kun hän on luovuttamassa, hän luokin uuden taidesuunnan.
01:05-01:25Blaze ja monsterikoneet
Dinosaurus Blaze lyöttäytyy yhteen esihistoriallisen ystävänsä Zegin kanssa kisatakseen... Dinoderbyssä.
01:25-01:45Blaze ja monsterikoneet
Sir Blaze ja sit AJ ajautuvat uskomattomaan seikkailuun pelastaessaan maagista yksisarvea poksahtamattomasta kuplasta.
01:45-02:10PAW Patrol
Reissumies Travis joutuu suureen seikkailuun, kun hän laskeutuu Etelänavalle. Tosin hän vain uskoo olevansa Marsissa.
02:10-02:30PAW Patrol
Herra Porterin robotti auttelee kahvilassa, mutta se vain siivoaa vimmatusti. Pentujen tehtävänä on siivota kaupungin sotkut.
02:30-02:50Vauvahain suuri show
Reipas vauvahai testaa äidiltä ja isältä oppimiaan taitoja kotinsa takapihalla, joka sattuukin olemaan meri.
02:50-03:00Vauvahain suuri show
Reipas vauvahai testaa äidiltä ja isältä oppimiaan taitoja kotinsa takapihalla, joka sattuukin olemaan meri.
03:00-03:25BARBAPAPA ja perhe
Barbapapat rakentavat hiihtoreissulla ison iglun. Barbapaavo ja Barbatipu kisaavat siitä kumpi on urheampi.
03:25-03:45Karhuherra Paddingtonin seikkailut
Karhuherra Paddingtonin seikkailut on uusi ohjelma vanhasta tutusta karhusta.
03:45-04:10Rubble & kaverit
Mehiläiset häiritsevät Pulttipoukaman ensimmäisen kirjaston rakentamista! Tilanne vaatii makeaa rakennusratkaisua.
Dora näyttää kaksosille soittorasian, jonka pieni Dancer-tanssija herää eloon! Tanssijan saappaat karkaavat.
04:30-04:55Blaze ja monsterikoneet
Taivasvuoren kisan lähtöviivalla Crusherin huijaustemppu meinaa suistaa Blazen pysyvästi pois kisasta.
Muffin yrittää järjestää ongelmia Dinobotille, mutta joutuukin vahingossa avaruuteen robotin ja Lolan kanssa.
05:15-05:40Vauvahain suuri show
Reipas vauvahai testaa äidiltä ja isältä oppimiaan taitoja kotinsa takapihalla, joka sattuukin olemaan meri.
05:40-06:00Vauvahain suuri show
Reipas vauvahai testaa äidiltä ja isältä oppimiaan taitoja kotinsa takapihalla, joka sattuukin olemaan meri.
06:00-06:20PAW Patrol
Kun Myrna-pyhämainalintu johdattaa siivekkäät ystävänsä eksyksiin, Paw Patrolin pitää pelastaa kuriton lintulauma.
06:20-06:35PAW Patrol
Katien kissat riehuvat ympäriinsä mutaisina. Jos niitä ei saada kiinni, kissanäyttely on vaarassa mennä pieleen.
06:35-06:55Rubble & kaverit
Ryhmä rakentaa Lucasille ja Lilylle limonadikojun, mutta hapan Nopsa Nikkari lähettää sen vierimään pitkin Pulttipoukamaa.
06:55-07:00Pipsa Possu
Pappapossu järjestää suklaamunajahdin Pipsalle ja ystäville. Löytävätkö ystävykset piilotetut herkut?
07:00-07:05Pipsa Possu
Isäpossu on vähän huonolla tuulella hukatessaan silmälasinsa. Pipsalla ja Jyrillä on hauskaa kun he etsivät laseja
07:05-07:10Pipsa Possu
Jyri saa hikan juotuaan mehunsa liian nopeasti. Pipsa yrittää parantaa hikan.
07:10-07:15Pipsa Possu
Isäpossu opettaa Pipsaa ajamaan polkupyörällä ilman apurenkaita.
07:15-07:25Anna ja ystävät
Anna ja ystävät kertoo iloisesta ja kekseliäästä kaveriporukasta, jossa Anna-tyttö, Seela-sammakko, Peku-koira.
07:25-07:30Anna ja ystävät
Kaverukset ihailevat Pekun uutta pyörää ja kokeilevat sitä vuoron perään. Ainoa, joka ei tahdo pyörällä ajaa, on Peku itse.
07:30-07:55Piku Kokki
Pikku kokki leipoo keksejä toivottaakseen uuden naapurin tervetulleeksi.
07:55-08:15Karhuherra Paddingtonin seikkailut
Karhuherra Paddingtonin seikkailut on uusi ohjelma vanhasta tutusta karhusta.
08:15-08:25Karhuherra Paddingtonin seikkailut
Paddington, Simi ja Jonathan ovat dinojahdissa puiston saarella, mutta eihän dinoja ole enää olemassa. Vai onko?
08:25-08:45Blaze ja monsterikoneet
Pieni pupu jää kiipeliin sulavalle jäätikölle, ja Blazen täytyy laittaa uudet robottivoimansa testiin.
08:45-09:10PAW Patrol
Hauska yöreissu museossa keskeytyy, kun Alex ja minipatrol katoaa ja pormestari Goodway jää kiipeliin T-Rexiin!
09:10-09:30PAW Patrol
Ryder ja pennut vierailevat viidakossa Trackerin ja Carlosin luona ja löytävät apinat tahmaisessa pulassa.
09:30-09:45PAW Patrol
Karhut nukkuvat joka puolella kaupunkia. Nyt Paw Patrolin pitää hiljaisesti siirtää karhut takaisin niiden kotiluolaan.
09:45-10:05Rubble & kaverit
Pulttipoukamassa on koittanut ensimmäinen koulupäivä... jos Rubblen ryhmä saa rakennettua koulun ajoissa valmiiksi.
10:05-10:30Rubble & kaverit
Pennut rakentavat observatorion auttaakseen heidän ystäväänsä Riveriä, joka haluaa ottaa kuvan tähdenlennosta.
Dora ja Nuuti löytävät suloisen pikku aksolotlin ja lähtevät viemään sitä kotiin.
10:50-11:15Vauvahain suuri show
Haiperhe auttaa Laine Virtasta järjestämään syvänmeren diskon. // Hans suunnittelee salaista tehtävää.
11:15-11:35Vauvahain suuri show
Reipas vauvahai testaa äidiltä ja isältä oppimiaan taitoja kotinsa takapihalla, joka sattuukin olemaan meri.
11:35-11:40Pipsa Possu
Pipsa Possu on rakastettava, rohkea pikku possu, joka asuu yhdessä nuoremman veljensä Jyrin, äitipossun ja isäpossun kanssa.
11:40-11:45Pipsa Possu
Pipsa ja hänen perheensä ovat päättäneet lähteä puistoon lennättämään leijaa, mutta leija juuttuu puuhun.
11:45-11:50Pipsa Possu
On hieno päivä retkelle. Pipsa ja Jyri syöttävät ankoille leipää. Ampiainen jahtaa isäpossua.
11:50-11:55Pipsa Possu
Pipsa ja Jyri leikkivät olevansa kauniita perhosia, kiemurtelevia matoja ja mutaisia sammakoita.
11:55-12:20Piku Kokki
Pikku kokki varmistaa sadepäivän juustomakaronia, mutta vuotava katto aiheuttaa kaaoksen hänen keittiössään.
12:20-12:40BARBAPAPA ja perhe
Keinolannoitteet tekevät maaseudusta vaaleanpunaisen! Barbapapat rakentavat lintutalon sairastuneiden lintujen turvaksi.
12:40-13:05BARBAPAPA ja perhe
Barbapörrö ei voi maalata loppumattoman hikkansa takia ja juuri kun hän on luovuttamassa, hän luokin uuden taidesuunnan.
13:05-13:25Blaze ja monsterikoneet
Dinosaurus Blaze lyöttäytyy yhteen esihistoriallisen ystävänsä Zegin kanssa kisatakseen... Dinoderbyssä.
13:25-13:45Blaze ja monsterikoneet
Sir Blaze ja sit AJ ajautuvat uskomattomaan seikkailuun pelastaessaan maagista yksisarvea poksahtamattomasta kuplasta.
13:45-14:05PAW Patrol
Reissumies Travis joutuu suureen seikkailuun, kun hän laskeutuu Etelänavalle. Tosin hän vain uskoo olevansa Marsissa.
14:05-14:30PAW Patrol
Herra Porterin robotti auttelee kahvilassa, mutta se vain siivoaa vimmatusti. Pentujen tehtävänä on siivota kaupungin sotkut.
14:30-14:50Vauvahain suuri show
Reipas vauvahai testaa äidiltä ja isältä oppimiaan taitoja kotinsa takapihalla, joka sattuukin olemaan meri.
14:50-15:00Vauvahain suuri show
Reipas vauvahai testaa äidiltä ja isältä oppimiaan taitoja kotinsa takapihalla, joka sattuukin olemaan meri.
15:00-15:25BARBAPAPA ja perhe
Barbapapat rakentavat hiihtoreissulla ison iglun. Barbapaavo ja Barbatipu kisaavat siitä kumpi on urheampi.
15:25-15:45Karhuherra Paddingtonin seikkailut
Karhuherra Paddingtonin seikkailut on uusi ohjelma vanhasta tutusta karhusta.
15:45-16:10Rubble & kaverit
Mehiläiset häiritsevät Pulttipoukaman ensimmäisen kirjaston rakentamista! Tilanne vaatii makeaa rakennusratkaisua.
Dora näyttää kaksosille soittorasian, jonka pieni Dancer-tanssija herää eloon! Tanssijan saappaat karkaavat.
16:30-16:50Blaze ja monsterikoneet
Taivasvuoren kisan lähtöviivalla Crusherin huijaustemppu meinaa suistaa Blazen pysyvästi pois kisasta.
Muffin yrittää järjestää ongelmia Dinobotille, mutta joutuukin vahingossa avaruuteen robotin ja Lolan kanssa.
17:15-17:40Vauvahain suuri show
Reipas vauvahai testaa äidiltä ja isältä oppimiaan taitoja kotinsa takapihalla, joka sattuukin olemaan meri.
17:40-18:00Vauvahain suuri show
Reipas vauvahai testaa äidiltä ja isältä oppimiaan taitoja kotinsa takapihalla, joka sattuukin olemaan meri.
18:00-18:20PAW Patrol
Kun Myrna-pyhämainalintu johdattaa siivekkäät ystävänsä eksyksiin, Paw Patrolin pitää pelastaa kuriton lintulauma.
18:20-18:35PAW Patrol
Katien kissat riehuvat ympäriinsä mutaisina. Jos niitä ei saada kiinni, kissanäyttely on vaarassa mennä pieleen.
18:35-18:55Rubble & kaverit
Ryhmä rakentaa Lucasille ja Lilylle limonadikojun, mutta hapan Nopsa Nikkari lähettää sen vierimään pitkin Pulttipoukamaa.
18:55-19:05Rubble & kaverit
Kahvi-Carlin jäätelökone houkuttelee paljon autoja Pulttipoukamaan, ja Rubblen ryhmän pitää ratkaista parkkipaikkaongelma.
Grandma näyttää Doralle ottamiaan kuvia linnuista - mutta pikadun kuva puuttuu. Dora päättää etsiä pikadun.
19:30-19:45BARBAPAPA ja perhe
Barbapapat rakentavat hiihtoreissulla ison iglun. Barbapaavo ja Barbatipu kisaavat siitä kumpi on urheampi.
19:45-20:05Piku Kokki
Pikku kokki leipoo omenapiirakan kilpailua varten, ja joutuu keksimään uuden ratkaisun pienen vahingon jälkeen.
20:05-20:30Karhuherra Paddingtonin seikkailut
Karhuherra Paddingtonin seikkailut on uusi ohjelma vanhasta tutusta karhusta.
20:30-20:50Blaze ja monsterikoneet
Kun kolme hätätilannetta on liikaa yhdelle monsterikoneelle, Blaze ja hänen ystävänsä muuttuvat supervahvoiksi roboteiksi.
20:50-21:15PAW Patrol
Pormestari Goodway ja farmari Al hyppäävät laskuvarjolla ja he ajautuvat vaaraan. Paw Patrolin pitää sännätä apuun!
21:15-21:35PAW Patrol
Otis-sedän mökkiin asennetaan Älymökki 3000, joka onnistuu vangitsemaan Otis-sedän ja herra Wingnutin mökin sisälle.
21:35-21:45PAW Patrol
Yllättävän lumimyräkän jälkeen Everest huolehtii sudenpennusta. Kaksikko tekee kaikkensa, jotta Paw Patrol löytäisi heidät.
21:45-22:10Rubble & kaverit
Pulttipoukamassa tapahtuu jotain kummallista! Kun kaupungista katoaa veistos.
22:10-22:30Rubble & kaverit
Kun Nopsa Nikkari sabotoi kykykilpailut, pennut käyttävät Motorin taitoja tilanteen pelastamiseksi.
Alebrije-taikaolento Ale pyytää Doran apua. On etsittävä sateenkaarivettä, jolla taikapuun saisi elpymään.
22:55-23:15Vauvahain suuri show
Reipas vauvahai testaa äidiltä ja isältä oppimiaan taitoja kotinsa takapihalla, joka sattuukin olemaan meri.
23:15-23:35Vauvahain suuri show
Reipas vauvahai testaa äidiltä ja isältä oppimiaan taitoja kotinsa takapihalla, joka sattuukin olemaan meri.
23:35-23:40Pipsa Possu
Pipsan ja perheen pitää pestä auto, koska se on likainen.
23:40-23:45Pipsa Possu
Pipsan ja perheen pitää pestä auto, koska se on likainen.
23:45-23:50Pipsa Possu
Jyri ei tykkää tomaateista, lehtisalaatista tai kurkusta vaikka ne olisivatkin poimittu raikkaina isoäitipossun puutarhasta.
23:50-23:55Pipsa Possu
Pipsa lähtee perheineen telttaretkelle. Isäpossu ei mahdu telttaan. Taivasalla on mukava nukkua, kunnes alkaa sataa.
23:55-00:00Pipsa Possu
Pipsa ja Jyri pääsevät mummipossun ja pappapossun luo. Pappapossu rakentaa lapsille majan puuhun.
00:45-00:55The Heroic Quest of the Valiant Prince Ivandoe
The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.
00:55-01:05The Heroic Quest of the Valiant Prince Ivandoe
The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.
01:05-01:15The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
01:15-01:25The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
01:25-01:35The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
01:35-01:45The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
01:45-01:55The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
01:55-02:05The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
02:05-02:15The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
02:15-02:30The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
02:30-02:40The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
02:40-02:50The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
02:50-03:00The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
03:00-03:15The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
03:15-03:25The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
03:25-03:35The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
03:35-03:45The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
03:45-04:00The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
04:00-04:10The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
04:10-04:20The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
04:20-04:30The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
04:30-04:45The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
04:45-04:55The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
04:55-05:05The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
05:05-05:30The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
05:30-05:40The Heroic Quest of the Valiant Prince Ivandoe
The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.
05:40-05:50The Heroic Quest of the Valiant Prince Ivandoe
The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.
05:50-06:00The Heroic Quest of the Valiant Prince Ivandoe
The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.
06:00-06:10The Heroic Quest of the Valiant Prince Ivandoe
The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.
06:10-06:20The Heroic Quest of the Valiant Prince Ivandoe
The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.
06:20-06:30The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
06:30-06:40The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
06:40-06:50The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
06:50-07:00The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
07:00-07:10The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
07:10-07:20The Heroic Quest of the Valiant Prince Ivandoe
The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.
07:20-07:35The Heroic Quest of the Valiant Prince Ivandoe
The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.
07:35-07:55Ninjago: Dragons Rising
After a cataclysm changes their world forever, new and old Ninja must team up to save all the realms from high-tech villains bent on domination.
07:55-08:10The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
08:10-08:20We Baby Bears
The baby bear siblings travel to different locations around the world, on their journey to find a permanent place they can call home.
08:20-08:40Teen Titans Go!
Adventures of Robin, Cyborg, Starfire, Raven and Beast Boy. They are superheroes who save the day, but what happens when they're not fighting crime?
08:40-08:55Craig of The Creek
Grab your toilet-paper sword and follow best friends Craig, JP and Kelsey as they explore their neighbourhood creek - a boundless kid-run world!
08:55-09:10Hero Inside
Scott has drawn 100 Heroes in 100 comic books. When he disappears, only his books remain, and they get scattered all over San Francisco.
Welcome to the town of Jellystone - a charming place where your favorite Hanna-Barbera characters live, work and play together...
Welcome to the town of Jellystone - a charming place where your favorite Hanna-Barbera characters live, work and play together...
09:35-10:00Tiny Toons Looniversity
Follow Babs and Buster Bunny, Sweetie Bird, Hamton J. Pig, and Plucky Duck as they learn what it takes to be a professional toon.
10:00-11:30Craig Before the Creek
Craig, a new kid in town, sets off on a journey into the Creek to find a lost treasure.
11:30-11:40Craig of The Creek
Grab your toilet-paper sword and follow best friends Craig, JP and Kelsey as they explore their neighbourhood creek - a boundless kid-run world!
11:40-11:55Craig of The Creek
Grab your toilet-paper sword and follow best friends Craig, JP and Kelsey as they explore their neighbourhood creek - a boundless kid-run world!
11:55-12:05Craig of The Creek
Grab your toilet-paper sword and follow best friends Craig, JP and Kelsey as they explore their neighbourhood creek - a boundless kid-run world!
12:05-12:15Craig of The Creek
Grab your toilet-paper sword and follow best friends Craig, JP and Kelsey as they explore their neighbourhood creek - a boundless kid-run world!
12:15-12:25Craig of The Creek
Grab your toilet-paper sword and follow best friends Craig, JP and Kelsey as they explore their neighbourhood creek - a boundless kid-run world!
12:25-12:40Craig of The Creek
Grab your toilet-paper sword and follow best friends Craig, JP and Kelsey as they explore their neighbourhood creek - a boundless kid-run world!
12:40-12:50Craig of The Creek
Grab your toilet-paper sword and follow best friends Craig, JP and Kelsey as they explore their neighbourhood creek - a boundless kid-run world!
12:50-13:00Craig of The Creek
Grab your toilet-paper sword and follow best friends Craig, JP and Kelsey as they explore their neighbourhood creek - a boundless kid-run world!
13:00-13:10Craig of The Creek
Grab your toilet-paper sword and follow best friends Craig, JP and Kelsey as they explore their neighbourhood creek - a boundless kid-run world!
13:10-13:20Craig of The Creek
Grab your toilet-paper sword and follow best friends Craig, JP and Kelsey as they explore their neighbourhood creek - a boundless kid-run world!
13:20-13:35Craig of The Creek
Grab your toilet-paper sword and follow best friends Craig, JP and Kelsey as they explore their neighbourhood creek - a boundless kid-run world!
13:35-13:45Craig of The Creek
Grab your toilet-paper sword and follow best friends Craig, JP and Kelsey as they explore their neighbourhood creek - a boundless kid-run world!
13:45-13:55Craig of The Creek
Grab your toilet-paper sword and follow best friends Craig, JP and Kelsey as they explore their neighbourhood creek - a boundless kid-run world!
13:55-14:05Craig of The Creek
Grab your toilet-paper sword and follow best friends Craig, JP and Kelsey as they explore their neighbourhood creek - a boundless kid-run world!
14:05-14:20Craig of The Creek
Grab your toilet-paper sword and follow best friends Craig, JP and Kelsey as they explore their neighbourhood creek - a boundless kid-run world!
14:20-14:30Craig of The Creek
Grab your toilet-paper sword and follow best friends Craig, JP and Kelsey as they explore their neighbourhood creek - a boundless kid-run world!
14:30-14:40Craig of The Creek
Grab your toilet-paper sword and follow best friends Craig, JP and Kelsey as they explore their neighbourhood creek - a boundless kid-run world!
14:40-14:50Craig of The Creek
Grab your toilet-paper sword and follow best friends Craig, JP and Kelsey as they explore their neighbourhood creek - a boundless kid-run world!
14:50-15:05Craig of The Creek
Grab your toilet-paper sword and follow best friends Craig, JP and Kelsey as they explore their neighbourhood creek - a boundless kid-run world!
15:05-15:15Craig of The Creek
Grab your toilet-paper sword and follow best friends Craig, JP and Kelsey as they explore their neighbourhood creek - a boundless kid-run world!
15:15-15:25Craig of The Creek
Grab your toilet-paper sword and follow best friends Craig, JP and Kelsey as they explore their neighbourhood creek - a boundless kid-run world!
15:25-15:35Craig of The Creek
Grab your toilet-paper sword and follow best friends Craig, JP and Kelsey as they explore their neighbourhood creek - a boundless kid-run world!
15:35-15:45Craig of The Creek
Grab your toilet-paper sword and follow best friends Craig, JP and Kelsey as they explore their neighbourhood creek - a boundless kid-run world!
15:45-15:46Craig of The Creek
Grab your toilet-paper sword and follow best friends Craig, JP and Kelsey as they explore their neighbourhood creek - a boundless kid-run world!
15:46-15:47Craig of The Creek
Grab your toilet-paper sword and follow best friends Craig, JP and Kelsey as they explore their neighbourhood creek - a boundless kid-run world!
15:47-15:52Craig of The Creek
Grab your toilet-paper sword and follow best friends Craig, JP and Kelsey as they explore their neighbourhood creek - a boundless kid-run world!
15:52-16:00Craig of The Creek
Grab your toilet-paper sword and follow best friends Craig, JP and Kelsey as they explore their neighbourhood creek - a boundless kid-run world!
16:00-16:20Scooby-Doo And Guess Who?
Fred, Daphne, Velma, Shaggy and Scooby-Doo join forces with some of the biggest names in celebrity and pop culture.
16:20-16:35Looney Tunes Cartoons
Folks, have ya heard? Your favorite Looney Tunes characters are back in action!
16:35-16:45We Baby Bears
The baby bear siblings travel to different locations around the world, on their journey to find a permanent place they can call home.
16:45-17:00The Heroic Quest of the Valiant Prince Ivandoe
The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.
17:00-17:15Hero Inside
Scott has drawn 100 Heroes in 100 comic books. When he disappears, only his books remain, and they get scattered all over San Francisco.
17:15-17:30Hero Inside
Scott has drawn 100 Heroes in 100 comic books. When he disappears, only his books remain, and they get scattered all over San Francisco.
17:30-17:40Apple & Onion
Apple and Onion are two best friends who live in a big city full of other food-people.
17:40-18:05Ninjago: Dragons Rising
After a cataclysm changes their world forever, new and old Ninja must team up to save all the realms from high-tech villains bent on domination.
18:05-18:15Teen Titans Go!
Adventures of Robin, Cyborg, Starfire, Raven and Beast Boy. They are superheroes who save the day, but what happens when they're not fighting crime?
18:15-18:20Teen Titans Go!
Adventures of Robin, Cyborg, Starfire, Raven and Beast Boy. They are superheroes who save the day, but what happens when they're not fighting crime?
18:20-18:30Teen Titans Go!
Adventures of Robin, Cyborg, Starfire, Raven and Beast Boy. They are superheroes who save the day, but what happens when they're not fighting crime?
18:30-18:55Tiny Toons Looniversity
Follow Babs and Buster Bunny, Sweetie Bird, Hamton J. Pig, and Plucky Duck as they learn what it takes to be a professional toon.
Welcome to the town of Jellystone - a charming place where your favorite Hanna-Barbera characters live, work and play together...
Welcome to the town of Jellystone - a charming place where your favorite Hanna-Barbera characters live, work and play together...
Welcome to the town of Jellystone - a charming place where your favorite Hanna-Barbera characters live, work and play together...
19:30-19:40Craig of The Creek
Grab your toilet-paper sword and follow best friends Craig, JP and Kelsey as they explore their neighbourhood creek - a boundless kid-run world!
19:40-19:50Craig of The Creek
Grab your toilet-paper sword and follow best friends Craig, JP and Kelsey as they explore their neighbourhood creek - a boundless kid-run world!
19:50-20:00Craig of The Creek
Grab your toilet-paper sword and follow best friends Craig, JP and Kelsey as they explore their neighbourhood creek - a boundless kid-run world!
20:00-20:10Teen Titans Go!
Adventures of Robin, Cyborg, Starfire, Raven and Beast Boy. They are superheroes who save the day, but what happens when they're not fighting crime?
20:10-20:20Teen Titans Go!
Adventures of Robin, Cyborg, Starfire, Raven and Beast Boy. They are superheroes who save the day, but what happens when they're not fighting crime?
20:20-20:35The Heroic Quest of the Valiant Prince Ivandoe
The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.
20:35-20:50Hero Inside
Scott has drawn 100 Heroes in 100 comic books. When he disappears, only his books remain, and they get scattered all over San Francisco.
20:50-21:10Ninjago: Dragons Rising
After a cataclysm changes their world forever, new and old Ninja must team up to save all the realms from high-tech villains bent on domination.
21:10-21:25Looney Tunes Cartoons
Folks, have ya heard? Your favorite Looney Tunes characters are back in action!
21:25-21:35Looney Tunes Cartoons
Folks, have ya heard? Your favorite Looney Tunes characters are back in action!
21:35-21:45Looney Tunes Cartoons
Folks, have ya heard? Your favorite Looney Tunes characters are back in action!
21:45-21:55The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
21:55-22:05The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
22:05-22:15The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
22:15-22:25The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
22:25-22:40The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
22:40-22:50The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
22:50-23:00The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
23:00-23:10The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
23:10-23:20The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
23:20-23:30The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
23:30-23:50The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
23:50-00:00The Heroic Quest of the Valiant Prince Ivandoe
The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.
00:59-01:11Mush-Mush And The Mushables
Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.
01:11-01:22Mush-Mush And The Mushables
Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.
01:22-01:33Mush-Mush And The Mushables
Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.
01:33-01:45Mush-Mush And The Mushables
Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.
01:45-01:51Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
01:51-01:58Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
01:58-02:04Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
02:04-02:11Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
02:11-02:17Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
02:17-02:25Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
02:25-02:31Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
02:31-02:38Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
02:38-02:44Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
02:44-02:51Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
02:51-02:57Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
02:57-03:04Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
03:04-03:16Mush-Mush And The Mushables
Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.
03:16-03:27Mush-Mush And The Mushables
Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.
03:27-03:38Mush-Mush And The Mushables
Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.
03:38-03:50Mush-Mush And The Mushables
Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.
03:50-03:56Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
03:56-04:03Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
04:03-04:09Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
04:09-04:16Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
04:16-04:22Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
04:22-04:30Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
04:30-04:34Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
04:34-04:46Mush-Mush And The Mushables
Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.
04:46-04:57Mush-Mush And The Mushables
Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.
04:57-05:08Mush-Mush And The Mushables
Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.
05:08-05:20Mush-Mush And The Mushables
Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.
05:20-05:27Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
05:27-05:33Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
05:33-05:40Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
05:40-05:46Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
05:46-05:53Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
05:53-06:00Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
06:00-06:07Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
06:07-06:14Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
06:14-06:21Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
06:21-06:30Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
06:30-06:40Mr Bean: The Animated Series
Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.
06:40-06:50Mr Bean: The Animated Series
Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.
06:50-07:00Mr Bean: The Animated Series
Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.
07:00-07:07Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
07:07-07:13Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
07:13-07:20Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
07:20-07:40Tom and Jerry in New York
Tom and Jerry are running wild in Manhattan! They live in a fancy hotel, but their mayhem doesnt stop at the hotel lobby.
07:40-07:50Mr Bean: The Animated Series
Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.
07:50-08:00Mr Bean: The Animated Series
Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.
They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.
They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.
08:25-08:35Interstellar Ella
In the year 3021, on a space station between Mars and Jupiter, eight-year-old Ella Ryder sets out on exciting adventures of discovery.
08:35-08:45Interstellar Ella
In the year 3021, on a space station between Mars and Jupiter, eight-year-old Ella Ryder sets out on exciting adventures of discovery.
08:45-09:00Bugs Bunny Builders
Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny manage a crew of builders that, quite frankly, should not be anywhere near a construction site.
09:00-09:07Lu & The Bally Bunch
Lu is a ladybird who has started preschool with her new friends. Together they explore their new social lives though play, music, feelings and fun!
09:07-09:15Lu & The Bally Bunch
Lu is a ladybird who has started preschool with her new friends. Together they explore their new social lives though play, music, feelings and fun!
09:15-09:25Jessica's Big Little World
From wishing to be taller to memorizing a bedtime routine, Jessica wants to be an independent "big kid."
09:25-09:34Jessica's Big Little World
From wishing to be taller to memorizing a bedtime routine, Jessica wants to be an independent "big kid."
09:34-09:40Masha and the Bear
A little girl named Masha befriends a bear. Masha finds herself in all kinds of adventures that cause havoc in the bear's peaceful existence!
09:40-09:47Masha and the Bear
A little girl named Masha befriends a bear. Masha finds herself in all kinds of adventures that cause havoc in the bear's peaceful existence!
09:47-09:55Masha and the Bear
A little girl named Masha befriends a bear. Masha finds herself in all kinds of adventures that cause havoc in the bear's peaceful existence!
09:55-10:00Masha and the Bear
A little girl named Masha befriends a bear. Masha finds herself in all kinds of adventures that cause havoc in the bear's peaceful existence!
They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.
They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.
They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.
10:30-10:40Mr Bean: The Animated Series
Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.
10:40-10:50Mr Bean: The Animated Series
Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.
10:50-11:05Mr Bean: The Animated Series
Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.
11:05-11:11Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
11:11-11:18Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
11:18-11:25Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
11:25-11:30Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
11:30-11:40Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
11:40-11:45Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
11:45-11:50Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
11:50-11:57Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
11:57-12:05Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.
They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.
They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.
They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.
They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.
They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.
13:04-13:15Mr Bean: The Animated Series
Mr. Bean is joined by his trusty sidekick Teddy his reliable MINI and his grumpy landlady Mrs Wicket not forgetting her evil one-eyed cat Scrapper.
13:15-13:25Mr Bean: The Animated Series
Mr. Bean is joined by his trusty sidekick Teddy his reliable MINI and his grumpy landlady Mrs Wicket not forgetting her evil one-eyed cat Scrapper.
13:25-13:35Mr Bean: The Animated Series
Mr. Bean is joined by his trusty sidekick Teddy his reliable MINI and his grumpy landlady Mrs Wicket not forgetting her evil one-eyed cat Scrapper.
13:35-13:45Mr Bean: The Animated Series
Mr. Bean is joined by his trusty sidekick Teddy his reliable MINI and his grumpy landlady Mrs Wicket not forgetting her evil one-eyed cat Scrapper.
13:45-13:55Mr Bean: The Animated Series
Mr. Bean is joined by his trusty sidekick Teddy his reliable MINI and his grumpy landlady Mrs Wicket not forgetting her evil one-eyed cat Scrapper.
13:55-14:09Mr Bean: The Animated Series
Mr. Bean is joined by his trusty sidekick Teddy his reliable MINI and his grumpy landlady Mrs Wicket not forgetting her evil one-eyed cat Scrapper.
14:09-14:16The Tom and Jerry Show
The cat and mouse rivals are back and up to their old antics. Follow Tom and Jerry as they explore fantastic new places.
14:16-14:23The Tom and Jerry Show
The cat and mouse rivals are back and up to their old antics. Follow Tom and Jerry as they explore fantastic new places.
14:23-14:30The Tom and Jerry Show
The cat and mouse rivals are back and up to their old antics. Follow Tom and Jerry as they explore fantastic new places.
14:30-14:36The Tom and Jerry Show
The cat and mouse rivals are back and up to their old antics. Follow Tom and Jerry as they explore fantastic new places.
14:36-14:43The Tom and Jerry Show
The cat and mouse rivals are back and up to their old antics. Follow Tom and Jerry as they explore fantastic new places.
14:43-14:50The Tom and Jerry Show
The cat and mouse rivals are back and up to their old antics. Follow Tom and Jerry as they explore fantastic new places.
14:50-15:00The Tom and Jerry Show
The cat and mouse rivals are back and up to their old antics. Follow Tom and Jerry as they explore fantastic new places.
15:00-15:07Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
15:07-15:15Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
15:15-15:20Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
15:20-15:26Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
15:26-15:30Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
15:30-15:34Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.
They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.
15:55-16:02Lu & The Bally Bunch
Lu is a ladybird who has started preschool with her new friends. Together they explore their new social lives though play, music, feelings and fun!
16:02-16:10Lu & The Bally Bunch
Lu is a ladybird who has started preschool with her new friends. Together they explore their new social lives though play, music, feelings and fun!
16:10-16:20Lu & The Bally Bunch
Lu is a ladybird who has started preschool with her new friends. Together they explore their new social lives though play, music, feelings and fun!
16:20-16:30Mush-Mush And The Mushables
Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.
16:30-16:40Mr Bean: The Animated Series
Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.
16:40-16:50Mr Bean: The Animated Series
Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.
16:50-16:55Masha and the Bear
A little girl named Masha befriends a bear. Masha finds herself in all kinds of adventures that cause havoc in the bear's peaceful existence!
16:55-17:00Masha and the Bear
A little girl named Masha befriends a bear. Masha finds herself in all kinds of adventures that cause havoc in the bear's peaceful existence!
17:00-17:07Masha and the Bear
A little girl named Masha befriends a bear. Masha finds herself in all kinds of adventures that cause havoc in the bear's peaceful existence!
17:07-17:15Masha and the Bear
A little girl named Masha befriends a bear. Masha finds herself in all kinds of adventures that cause havoc in the bear's peaceful existence!
17:15-17:21Masha and the Bear
A little girl named Masha befriends a bear. Masha finds herself in all kinds of adventures that cause havoc in the bear's peaceful existence!
17:21-17:35Masha and the Bear
A little girl named Masha befriends a bear. Masha finds herself in all kinds of adventures that cause havoc in the bear's peaceful existence!
17:35-17:45Jessica's Big Little World
From wishing to be taller to memorizing a bedtime routine, Jessica wants to be an independent "big kid."
17:45-17:55Jessica's Big Little World
From wishing to be taller to memorizing a bedtime routine, Jessica wants to be an independent "big kid."
They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.
They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.
They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.
18:30-18:40Bugs Bunny Builders
Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny manage a crew of builders that, quite frankly, should not be anywhere near a construction site.
18:40-18:50Bugs Bunny Builders
Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny manage a crew of builders that, quite frankly, should not be anywhere near a construction site.
18:50-18:59Bugs Bunny Builders
Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny manage a crew of builders that, quite frankly, should not be anywhere near a construction site.
18:59-19:10Mr Bean: The Animated Series
Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.
19:10-19:20Jessica's Big Little World
From wishing to be taller to memorizing a bedtime routine, Jessica wants to be an independent "big kid."
19:20-19:29Jessica's Big Little World
From wishing to be taller to memorizing a bedtime routine, Jessica wants to be an independent "big kid."
They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.
19:45-20:05Tom and Jerry in New York
Tom and Jerry are running wild in Manhattan! They live in a fancy hotel, but their mayhem doesnt stop at the hotel lobby.
20:05-20:20Mush-Mush And The Mushables
Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.
They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.
They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.
They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.
20:50-21:00Mr Bean: The Animated Series
Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.
21:00-21:10Mr Bean: The Animated Series
Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.
21:10-21:25Mr Bean: The Animated Series
Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.
21:25-21:45Tom and Jerry in New York
Tom and Jerry are running wild in Manhattan! They live in a fancy hotel, but their mayhem doesnt stop at the hotel lobby.
21:45-21:50Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
21:50-22:00Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
22:00-22:05Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
22:05-22:15The Tom and Jerry Show
The cat and mouse rivals are back and up to their old antics. Follow Tom and Jerry as they explore fantastic new places.
22:15-22:25The Tom and Jerry Show
The cat and mouse rivals are back and up to their old antics. Follow Tom and Jerry as they explore fantastic new places.
22:25-22:35The Tom and Jerry Show
The cat and mouse rivals are back and up to their old antics. Follow Tom and Jerry as they explore fantastic new places.
22:35-22:45The Tom and Jerry Show
The cat and mouse rivals are back and up to their old antics. Follow Tom and Jerry as they explore fantastic new places.
22:45-22:55The Tom and Jerry Show
The cat and mouse rivals are back and up to their old antics. Follow Tom and Jerry as they explore fantastic new places.
22:55-23:00Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
23:00-23:08Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
23:08-23:14Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
23:14-23:21Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
23:21-23:27Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
23:27-23:35Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
23:35-23:41Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
23:41-23:48Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
23:48-23:55Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
23:55-00:00Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
The sports recap of the day with France 24 journalists and a summary of world sports news, both on and off the field.
01:00-01:10The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
01:10-01:53The World This Week
Our panel of Paris-based journalists review the week's international news: the stories that made the headlines and also those you may have missed!
01:53-02:00Short Cuts
02:00-02:15The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
This amazing programme brings you the latest and most important, exclusive reports from all around the globe.
The sports recap of the day with France 24 journalists and a summary of world sports news, both on and off the field.
02:30-02:45The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
Culture news from the world's art, food and fashion capital, Paris. Join us every day for reviews and conversations on what's arguably the only daily arts programme on TV.
03:00-03:15The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
03:15-03:30Power Politics
03:30-03:45The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
03:45-04:00Eye on Africa
Join Georja Calvin-Smith for all the news from Africa and the Maghreb, together with France 24's correspondents and guests of the show.
04:00-04:10The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
04:10-04:53The World This Week
Our panel of Paris-based journalists review the week's international news: the stories that made the headlines and also those you may have missed!
04:53-05:00Short Cuts
05:00-05:15The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
05:15-05:30Across Africa
Across Africa is a weekly news program presenting latest news and stories, up-to-date full coverage of politics, social events from the African continent to the world.
05:30-05:45The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
A weekly talk show about the world's media. Guests discuss current events as well as issues like press freedom, media bias and the evolving industry, from budget and job cuts to the arrival of artificial intelligence.
06:00-06:15The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
06:15-06:30Eye on Africa
Join Georja Calvin-Smith for all the news from Africa and the Maghreb, together with France 24's correspondents and guests of the show.
06:30-06:45The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
Culture news from the world's art, food and fashion capital, Paris. Join us every day for reviews and conversations on what's arguably the only daily arts programme on TV.
07:00-07:20The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
07:20-07:30Sports Sunday
Sports Sunday presents top scores and covers top sports news from all over the world and latest sports events. In ten minutes Elliot Richardson provides sports round-up for you not to miss a thing.
07:30-08:00The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
08:00-08:14The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
08:14-08:15The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
08:15-09:00The World This Week
Our panel of Paris-based journalists review the week's international news: the stories that made the headlines and also those you may have missed!
09:00-09:30The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
09:30-10:00The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
10:00-10:15The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
10:15-10:30Guest of the day
10:30-10:45The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
10:45-11:00Guest of the day
11:00-11:15The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
11:15-11:16The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
11:16-11:30Access Asia
Access Asia opens the diverse continent and presents the latest updates on the social events and political stories, thorough analysis of the cutting-edge current affairs.
11:30-11:44The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
11:44-11:45The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
11:45-11:51The Observers
The Observers is a weekly show produced with photos, videos and personal accounts from Observers around the world, covering top international current affairs.
This amazing programme brings you the latest and most important, exclusive reports from all around the globe.
12:00-12:09The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
12:09-12:10The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
Revisited presents certain places in different parts of the world several years after some significant events or accidents. Are there any changes?
12:30-12:39The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
12:39-12:40The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
12:40-12:52En tete a tete
Uncompromising interviews with leaders, icons and alternative voices. Meet fascinating people with revolutionary ideas. Artists, politicians, activists, CEOs - these are the people shaping our world.
This amazing programme brings you the latest and most important, exclusive reports from all around the globe.
13:00-13:15The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
13:15-13:16The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
Culture news from the world's art, food and fashion capital, Paris. Join us every day for reviews and conversations on what's arguably the only daily arts programme on TV.
13:30-13:45The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
13:45-13:46The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
This amazing programme brings you the latest and most important, exclusive reports from all around the globe.
The sports recap of the day with France 24 journalists and a summary of world sports news, both on and off the field.
14:00-14:15The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
14:15-14:30Guest of the day
14:30-14:45The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
14:45-15:00The 51 Percent
The 51 Percent is revolving around women and their role in the world and presents various stories of women with different backgrounds from all over the world.
15:00-15:14The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
15:14-15:15The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
15:15-15:30A Week in France
Follow coverage of events in Paris and across France, Corsica and the French overseas territories. An insider look at French politics and culture.
15:30-15:45The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
15:45-16:00The Reporter's Week
An in-depth report by our senior reporters and team of correspondents from around the world.
16:00-16:09The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
16:09-16:10The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
16:10-16:22Access Asia
Access Asia opens the diverse continent and presents the latest updates on the social events and political stories, thorough analysis of the cutting-edge current affairs.
This amazing programme brings you the latest and most important, exclusive reports from all around the globe.
16:30-16:39The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
16:39-16:40The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
Revisited presents certain places in different parts of the world several years after some significant events or accidents. Are there any changes?
17:00-17:14The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
17:14-17:15The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
17:15-17:21French Connections
French Connections revolves around France, its top stories and news, its experience in various spheres and cultural life, sport events, health care and education and so much more.
Be aware of what is in the spotlight every season and find out the latest trends. Follow haute couture news, videos, reports and analyses, and look behind the scene of Parisian catwalks.
17:30-17:44The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
17:44-17:45The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
Culture news from the world's art, food and fashion capital, Paris. Join us every day for reviews and conversations on what's arguably the only daily arts programme on TV.
18:00-18:14The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
18:14-18:15The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
18:15-18:30Across Africa
Across Africa is a weekly news program presenting latest news and stories, up-to-date full coverage of politics, social events from the African continent to the world.
18:30-18:44The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
18:44-18:45The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
18:45-19:00En tete a tete
Uncompromising interviews with leaders, icons and alternative voices. Meet fascinating people with revolutionary ideas. Artists, politicians, activists, CEOs - these are the people shaping our world.
19:00-19:15The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
19:15-19:30Top Story
Take a look at the latest and most important top stories that are happening in France and around the globe.
19:30-19:45The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
19:45-20:00Global Grid
Follow France 24's International Affairs editors as they share their take on various world events and news.
20:00-20:15The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
20:15-20:16The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
20:16-20:30Talking Europe
Talking Europe guides you to the world of Europe's politics and cultures. Presented by Catherine Nicholson, the program revolves around top EU issues and events.
20:30-20:45The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
20:45-20:46The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
20:46-21:00Talking Europe
Talking Europe guides you to the world of Europe's politics and cultures. Presented by Catherine Nicholson, the program revolves around top EU issues and events.
21:00-21:15The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
21:15-21:16The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
21:16-21:22French Connections
French Connections revolves around France, its top stories and news, its experience in various spheres and cultural life, sport events, health care and education and so much more.
This amazing programme brings you the latest and most important, exclusive reports from all around the globe.
21:30-21:45The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
21:45-21:46The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
21:46-22:00France In Focus
France in Focus brings top stories and most essential reports on France, its political and social life. Be the first to know about latest events in politics, culture and economy.
22:00-22:15The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
22:15-22:21Global Grid
Follow France 24's International Affairs editors as they share their take on various world events and news.
22:21-22:30Sports Sunday
Sports Sunday presents top scores and covers top sports news from all over the world and latest sports events. In ten minutes Elliot Richardson provides sports round-up for you not to miss a thing.
22:30-22:45The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
22:45-23:00A Week in France
Follow coverage of events in Paris and across France, Corsica and the French overseas territories. An insider look at French politics and culture.
23:00-23:15The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
Reporters presents various reports by team of correspondents from all over the world regarding hot button issues.
23:30-23:45The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
23:45-00:00The Reporter's Week
An in-depth report by our senior reporters and team of correspondents from around the world.
00:30-01:00HARDtalk (r)
Sarah Montague speaks to the Tunisian singer-songwriter Emel Mathlouthi whose song Kelmti Horra was an anthem of the Arab Spring. Can music be experimental, socially engaged and entertaining?
01:00-01:30BBC News
The latest news from the BBC.
01:30-02:00Talking Business
Examining the business stories and economic trends that are re-shaping our world.
02:00-02:30BBC News
The latest news from the BBC.
02:30-03:00The Travel Show
Former Paralympian, Steve Brown, explores the rich culture of Normandy in Northern France. Steve unravels the legacy left behind nearly one thousand years ago by William the Conqueror,
03:00-03:30BBC News
The latest news from the BBC.
The Click team visits the Kennedy Space Centre in Florida, to find out about NASA's latest developments in Moon exploration.
04:00-04:30BBC News
The latest news from the BBC.
04:30-05:00Arabian Adventures
Explorer and adventurer Alice Morrison continues her journey through Jordan and Saudi Arabia on the trail of a forgotten ancient civilisation, the Nabataeans.
05:00-05:30BBC News
The latest news from the BBC.
05:30-06:00This is India
Hundreds of millions have cast their vote in India - but what kind of a government will they be getting? How will it overcome the divisions of the campaign, and deal with growing unemployment?
06:00-06:30BBC News
The latest news from the BBC.
06:30-07:00The Media Show
We look at the changing business model for journalism, and the challenge editors face when covering Trump and the upcoming US election.
07:00-07:30BBC News
The latest news from the BBC.
07:30-08:00The Travel Show (r)
Former Paralympian, Steve Brown, explores the rich culture of Normandy in Northern France. Steve unravels the legacy left behind nearly one thousand years ago by William the Conqueror,
08:00-08:30BBC News
The latest news from the BBC.
08:30-09:00Unspun World with John Simpson
John Simpson, in discussion with the BBC's experts across the world, examines the new threats to peace and security on the 80th anniversary of the Allies' D-Day campaign to liberate Western Europe.
09:00-09:30BBC News
The latest news from the BBC.
09:30-10:00Click (r)
The Click team visits the Kennedy Space Centre in Florida, to find out about NASA's latest developments in Moon exploration.
10:00-10:30BBC News
The latest news from the BBC.
10:30-11:00Arabian Adventures (r)
Explorer and adventurer Alice Morrison continues her journey through Jordan and Saudi Arabia on the trail of a forgotten ancient civilisation, the Nabataeans.
11:00-12:00BBC News
The latest news from the BBC.
12:00-12:30BBC News
The latest news from the BBC.
12:30-13:00Searching for Kosovo's Missing
Thousands of people disappeared during the Kosovo war. Twenty-five years later, women who were once on opposite sides of the conflict are joining forces as they search for their loved ones.
13:00-13:30BBC News
The latest news from the BBC.
13:30-14:00Talking Business (r)
Examining the business stories and economic trends that are re-shaping our world.
14:00-14:30BBC News
The latest news from the BBC.
14:30-15:00Unspun World with John Simpson (r)
John Simpson, in discussion with the BBC's experts across the world, examines the new threats to peace and security on the 80th anniversary of the Allies' D-Day campaign to liberate Western Europe.
15:00-15:30BBC News
The latest news from the BBC.
15:30-16:00Europe Votes 2024
BBC correspondents in the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Germany, France and Poland report on the key issues facing Europeans - from migration to economic crisis, Ukraine to climate change.
16:00-16:30BBC News
The latest news from the BBCÂ including sport.
16:30-17:00The Travel Show (r)
Former Paralympian, Steve Brown, explores the rich culture of Normandy in Northern France. Steve unravels the legacy left behind nearly one thousand years ago by William the Conqueror,
17:00-17:30BBC News
The latest news from the BBCÂ including sport.
17:30-18:00The Media Show (r)
We look at the changing business model for journalism, and the challenge editors face when covering Trump and the upcoming US election.
18:00-18:30BBC News
The latest news from the BBCÂ including sport.
18:30-19:00This is India (r)
Hundreds of millions have cast their vote in India - but what kind of a government will they be getting? How will it overcome the divisions of the campaign, and deal with growing unemployment?
19:00-20:00BBC News
The latest news from the BBC.
20:00-20:30BBC News
The latest news from the BBC.
20:30-21:00Unspun World with John Simpson (r)
John Simpson, in discussion with the BBC's experts across the world, examines the new threats to peace and security on the 80th anniversary of the Allies' D-Day campaign to liberate Western Europe.
21:00-21:30BBC News
The latest news from the BBC.
21:30-22:00Click (r)
The Click team visits the Kennedy Space Centre in Florida, to find out about NASA's latest developments in Moon exploration.
22:00-22:30BBC News
The latest news from the BBC.
22:30-23:00The Travel Show (r)
Former Paralympian, Steve Brown, explores the rich culture of Normandy in Northern France. Steve unravels the legacy left behind nearly one thousand years ago by William the Conqueror,
23:00-00:00BBC News
The latest news from the BBC.
00:00-00:30News at 10 with Gillian Joseph
A round-up of the stories that have hit the headlines today at home and abroad. Plus, sports news and weather summaries.
00:30-01:00Press Preview
A review of the morning newspapers and passionate debate about the stories they cover.
01:00-01:30News & Press Preview
The key stories of the day plus debate and discussion with our panel of reviewers on the stories making the morning newspapers in the extended press preview.
01:30-02:00Press Preview
A review of the morning newspapers and passionate debate about the stories they cover.
02:00-03:00Sky News
News reports on the big stories from the UK and around the world.
03:00-04:00Sky News
The main news of the day with reports and analysis from Sky News correspondents in the UK and around the world.
04:00-05:00Sky News
The main news of the day with reports and analysis from Sky News correspondents in the UK and around the world.
05:00-06:00Sky News
The main news of the day with reports and analysis from Sky News correspondents in the UK and around the world.
06:00-07:00Sky News
The main news of the day with reports and analysis from Sky News correspondents in the UK and around the world.
07:00-08:00Sky News
The main news of the day with reports and analysis from Sky News correspondents in the UK and around the world.
08:00-08:30Breakfast with Anna Jones
All the big stories of the morning plus news making interviews, analysis and eyewitness reports from around the world.
08:30-09:00Breakfast with Anna Jones
All the big stories of the morning plus news making interviews, analysis and eyewitness reports from around the world.
09:00-09:30Breakfast with Anna Jones
All the big stories of the morning plus news making interviews, analysis and eyewitness reports from around the world.
09:30-10:00Breakfast with Anna Jones
All the big stories of the morning plus news making interviews, analysis and eyewitness reports from around the world.
10:00-10:30Breakfast with Anna Jones
All the big stories of the morning plus news making interviews, analysis and eyewitness reports from around the world.
10:30-11:00Breakfast with Anna Jones
All the big stories of the morning plus news making interviews, analysis and eyewitness reports from around the world.
11:00-11:30Breakfast with Anna Jones
All the big stories of the morning plus news making interviews, analysis and eyewitness reports from around the world.
11:30-12:00Breakfast with Anna Jones
All the big stories of the morning plus news making interviews, analysis and eyewitness reports from around the world.
12:00-12:30Sky News Today with Sam Washington
The latest breaking news stories with reports and analysis from Sky News correspondents in the UK and around the world.
12:30-13:00Sky News Today with Sam Washington
The latest breaking news stories with reports and analysis from Sky News correspondents in the UK and around the world.
13:00-13:30Sky News Today with Sam Washington
The latest breaking news stories with reports and analysis from Sky News correspondents in the UK and around the world.
13:30-14:00Sky News Today with Sam Washington
The latest breaking news stories with reports and analysis from Sky News correspondents in the UK and around the world.
14:00-14:30Sky News Today with Sam Washington
The latest breaking news stories with reports and analysis from Sky News correspondents in the UK and around the world.
14:30-15:00Sky News Today with Sam Washington
The latest breaking news stories with reports and analysis from Sky News correspondents in the UK and around the world.
15:00-15:30Sky News Today with Sam Washington
The latest breaking news stories with reports and analysis from Sky News correspondents in the UK and around the world.
15:30-16:00Sky News Today
Breaking news, developing stories and live events from Sky News correspondents in the UK and around the world.
16:00-16:30Sky News Today with Saima Mohsin
Breaking news, developing stories and live events from Sky News correspondents in the UK and around the world.
16:30-17:00Sky News Including FYI
The latest news stories from the UK and around the world, including FYI the news programme for younger viewers.
17:00-17:30Sky News Today with Saima Mohsin
Breaking news, developing stories and live events from Sky News correspondents in the UK and around the world.
17:30-18:00UK Tonight Highlights
Another chance to see the big interviews this week on UK Tonight with Sarah-Jane Mee.
18:00-18:30Sky News Today with Saima Mohsin
Breaking news, developing stories and live events from Sky News correspondents in the UK and around the world.
18:30-19:00Sky News Today
Breaking news, developing stories and live events from Sky News correspondents in the UK and around the world.
19:00-19:30News Hour with Jonathan Samuels
A comprehensive round-up of the days biggest news stories, including analysis and insight from Sky News correspondents.
19:30-20:00News Hour with Jonathan Samuels
A comprehensive round-up of the days biggest news stories, including analysis and insight from Sky News correspondents.
20:00-20:30News Hour with Jonathan Samuels
A comprehensive round-up of the days biggest news stories, including analysis and insight from Sky News correspondents.
20:30-21:00News Hour with Jonathan Samuels
A comprehensive round-up of the days biggest news stories, including analysis and insight from Sky News correspondents.
21:00-21:30Politics Hub
Interviews, insight and analysis on the big political stories of the day with Sophy Ridge.
21:30-22:00Politics Hub
Interviews, insight and analysis on the big political stories of the day with Sophy Ridge.
22:00-22:30Sky News
The main news of the day with reports and analysis from Sky News correspondents in the UK and around the world.
22:30-23:00UK Tonight Highlights
Another chance to see the big interviews this week on UK Tonight with Sarah-Jane Mee.
23:00-23:30Sky News
The main news of the day with reports and analysis from Sky News correspondents in the UK and around the world.
23:30-00:00The World with Yalda Hakim
Eyewitness reports, interviews and analysis on the big stories around the world with Yalda Hakim.
00:00-01:55Mid Night
Including: News Summary@01:00 Press, Sport, New Media
01:55-02:00Weather Forecast
news (QAT 5') A look at what the weather has in store. With international forecasts, temperatures and weather warnings.
02:00-02:30News Bulletin
Hourly update of international news with an emphasis on the Arab world.
02:30-02:55Behind the News
Presented by Al Habib Al Ghoreiby A current affairs daily program looking at a major news story of the day.
02:55-03:00Weather Forecast
news (QAT) A look at what the weather has in store. With international forecasts, temperatures and weather warnings.
03:00-03:05News Summary
The news team at Al Jazeera Arabic bring you a round-up of the day's main stories. With headlines from around the world and the latest information on current affairs.
Presented by Mohamed Kreshan A weekly political program that examines potential scenarios of the rapid and successive regional and international changes taking place in our world, based on an in-depth analytical reading of current
03:55-04:00Weather Forecast
news (QAT 5') A look at what the weather has in store. With international forecasts, temperatures and weather warnings.
04:00-04:05News Summary
The news team at Al Jazeera Arabic bring you a round-up of the day's main stories. With headlines from around the world and the latest information on current affairs.
04:05-05:00From Washington
Presented by Abdel Reheem Fokaraa Weekly programme concerning American affairs especially those dealing with the Arab World in the political, economic, cultural, military, religious and other fields.
05:00-05:05News Summary
The news team at Al Jazeera Arabic bring you a round-up of the day's main stories. With headlines from around the world and the latest information on current affairs.
05:05-06:00On the scale
06:00-06:30News Bulletin
Hourly update of international news with an emphasis on the Arab world.
06:30-07:00Beyond Authority
Presented by Nazih Al Ahdab A weekly program assessing important political, security, economic, social and general events of interest to the public.
07:00-07:30News Bulletin
Hourly update of international news with an emphasis on the Arab world.
07:30-08:00Behind the News
Presented by Al Habib Al Ghoreiby A current affairs daily program looking at a major news story of the day.
08:00-09:00News Bulletin
Hourly update of international news with an emphasis on the Arab world.
09:00-09:05News Bulletin
Hourly update of international news with an emphasis on the Arab world.
09:05-09:30Al Jazeera This Morning
news (QAT 61') This morning show includes a daily variety of topics that concern women and children's issues, as well as presenting several news weekly like environmental, health, educational and cinema segments.
09:30-10:00Smart Life
Presented by Eyad Hemeda A Technology series, on how the latest and the very new technologies are used in our busy daily lives.
10:00-10:30News Bulletin
Hourly update of international news with an emphasis on the Arab world.
10:30-11:00Smart Life
Presented by Eyad Hemeda A Technology series, on how the latest and the very new technologies are used in our busy daily lives.
11:00-13:55This Day
13:55-14:00Weather Forecast
news (QAT) A look at what the weather has in store. With international forecasts, temperatures and weather warnings.
14:00-14:55News Bulletin
Hourly update of international news with an emphasis on the Arab world.
14:55-15:00Weather Forecast
news (QAT 5') A look at what the weather has in store. With international forecasts, temperatures and weather warnings.
15:00-18:00Al Jazeera Mid Day
news (QAT 90') A news bulletin, with live interviews, this program presents the most important developments in the daily world news.
18:00-19:00News Bulletin
Hourly update of international news with an emphasis on the Arab world.
19:00-19:30News Bulletin
Hourly update of international news with an emphasis on the Arab world.
19:30-20:00The Traveler
Weekly program dealing with travel issues, adventure journeys and touring touristic activities.
20:00-20:30News Bulletin
Hourly update of international news with an emphasis on the Arab world.
20:30-21:00Behind the News
Presented by Al Habib Al Ghoreiby A current affairs daily program looking at a major news story of the day.
21:00-23:00News Bulletin
Hourly update of international news with an emphasis on the Arab world.
23:00-00:00Today's Harvest
news (QAT 60') Presented by Hassan Gamoul An extensive round up of the day's news coverage, bringing you the headline news along with in-depth reports, analysis and interviews from around the world. Also includes world sports news.
Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world.
02:30-03:00Counting the Cost
Documentary (/QAT, 2024) Counting the Cost provides background to the economics stories that shape our world and impact the lives of ordinary people.
03:00-03:30News Live
Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. Live
03:30-04:00Inside Story
News (QAT, 2024) Beyond the headlines to the heart of the news of the day. Al Jazeera gets the Inside Story from some of the best minds in the Middle East and beyond.
05:30-06:00Fault Lines
"India's Assassination Plot" Fault Lines investigates India's alleged campaign to assassinate critics in the United States and Canada.
06:00-06:30News Live
Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. Live
06:30-07:00101 East
Current Affairs (MYS, 2024) "India's Disappearing Mountains" 101 East investigates the environmental cost of illegally mining the world's oldest mountains as desperate residents in India take on powerful miners.
07:00-07:30News Live
Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. Live
07:30-08:00Stateless in Syria
"Innocent Until Proven Guilty" Caught between UK anti-terror laws and an advancing conflict, a foreign aid worker finds himself stranded in Syria.
08:00-08:30News Live
Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. Live
Marc Lamont Hill hosts a discussion on the future of Haiti as the country faces spiraling security and humanitarian crises.
09:00-09:30News Live
Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. Live
09:30-10:00Inside Story
News (QAT, 2024) Beyond the headlines to the heart of the news of the day. Al Jazeera gets the Inside Story from some of the best minds in the Middle East and beyond.
11:30-12:00Counting the Cost
Documentary (/QAT, 2024) Counting the Cost provides background to the economics stories that shape our world and impact the lives of ordinary people.
12:00-12:30News Live
Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. Live
12:30-13:00The Stream
"From Gaza with Love - Only Sea Remains" Powered by social media, The Stream brings fresh perspectives and new voices, beyond the headlines.
14:30-15:00Inside Story
News (QAT, 2024) Beyond the headlines to the heart of the news of the day. Al Jazeera gets the Inside Story from some of the best minds in the Middle East and beyond.
17:01-17:30News Live
Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. Live
17:30-18:00South 2 North - President William Ruto
In a special episode of South 2 North, Redi Tlhabi challenges Kenyan President William Ruto on his country's role on the global stage.
Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world.
Documentary (QAT, 2021) "Blood On Our Side" Under inspection, a forensics investigator leads her unit to crime scenes in one of Mexico's most violent cities.
20:00-20:30News Live
Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. Live
20:30-21:00Inside Story
News (QAT, 2024) Beyond the headlines to the heart of the news of the day. Al Jazeera gets the Inside Story from some of the best minds in the Middle East and beyond.
22:30-23:00Fault Lines
"India's Assassination Plot" Fault Lines investigates India's alleged campaign to assassinate critics in the United States and Canada.
23:00-00:00News Live
Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. Live
00:30-01:00World Sport
Daily sports show features major stories and issues making news in the world of sports.
01:00-02:00First Move
Julia Chatterley explains the latest on global markets and the biggest stories shaping the economic landscape.
02:00-03:00Erin Burnett OutFront
Erin Burnett stays ahead of the headlines, delivering a show that's in-depth and informative.
03:00-04:00Anderson Cooper 360
Anderson Cooper takes you beyond the headlines with in-depth reporting and investigations.
04:00-05:00The Source with Kaitlan Collins
Kaitlan Collins goes straight to the source for the best reporting on the day's biggest stories.
05:00-06:00CNN NewsNight
Abby Phillip delivers a smart, sharp approach to the day's biggest stories.
06:00-07:00Laura Coates Live
Laura Coates goes inside the story with a relentless pursuit of the facts.
07:00-08:00CNN Newsroom (CNNI)
Live context and clarity to the day's top stories from around the world.
08:00-08:30CNN Newsroom (CNNI)
Live context and clarity to the day's top stories from around the world.
08:30-09:00Connecting Africa
A look at the towering structures and cutting-edge technology that make the new Dangote Oil Refinery one of the largest and most advanced refineries in the world.
09:00-09:30CNN Newsroom (CNNI)
Live context and clarity to the day's top stories from around the world.
09:30-10:00African Voices Changemakers
Two Nigerian designers are redefining global fashion. Andrea Iyamah's bold swimwear blends African heritage with contemporary design; Veekee James revolutionizes bespoke couture with her exquisite gowns.
10:00-10:30CNN Newsroom (CNNI)
Live context and clarity to the day's top stories from around the world.
A journey through Doha's evolving cityscape: the architects, designers and engineers tasked with creating Doha's monolith; a glimpse of the next epoch of architectural icons.
11:00-12:00CNN Newsroom (CNNI)
Live context and clarity to the day's top stories from around the world.
12:00-13:00CNN Newsroom (CNNI)
Live context and clarity to the day's top stories from around the world.
13:00-13:30African Voices Changemakers
Two Nigerian designers are redefining global fashion. Andrea Iyamah's bold swimwear blends African heritage with contemporary design; Veekee James revolutionizes bespoke couture with her exquisite gowns.
A journey through Doha's evolving cityscape: the architects, designers and engineers tasked with creating Doha's monolith; a glimpse of the next epoch of architectural icons.
14:00-15:00CNN This Morning Weekend
Start your day with Victor Blackwell and Amara Walker bringing you the latest headlines and analysis.
15:00-16:00First Of All With Victor Blackwell
Victor Blackwell brings a fresh perspective on the week's news with a focus on stories affecting communities of color.
Michael Smerconish tackles the American political and news stories of the week, offering only one kind of talking points: his own.
17:00-18:00The Chris Wallace Show
Chris Wallace welcomes the country's best reporters and influential commentators to deliver an insightful and provocative discussion of the week's biggest stories.
18:00-19:00The Amanpour Hour
Christiane Amanpour marks the 80th anniversary of D-Day with a veteran who stormed the beaches 80 years ago.
19:00-19:30World Sport
Daily sports show features major stories and issues making news in the world of sports.
A journey through Doha's evolving cityscape: the architects, designers and engineers tasked with creating Doha's monolith; a glimpse of the next epoch of architectural icons.
20:00-21:00CNN Newsroom Saturday
Updates of the latest news from around the world.
21:00-22:00CNN Newsroom Saturday
Updates of the latest news from around the world.
22:00-23:00The Whole Story with Anderson Cooper
80 years after D-Day laid the foundation for Germany's defeat in World War II, Jake Tapper reflects on the sacrifices made to save democracy then and how the fight continues to halt the erosion of democratic
23:00-00:00CNN Newsroom Saturday
Updates of the latest news from around the world.
00:00-01:00Bloomberg: Balance of Power
. Bloomberg: Balance of Power focuses on the politics and policies being shaped by the agenda of President Biden s administration.
01:00-02:00Bloomberg Wall Street Week
. David Westin speaks with top names in finance about the week s biggest issues on Wall Street.
02:00-03:00The Deal with Alex Rodriguez and Jason Kelly
Michael Strahan. The hosts talk with Michael Strahan about his transformation from football star to business. They discuss imposter syndrome investing and the New York of it all.
03:00-03:30Best Of the Qatar Economic Forum Powered by Bloomberg
. This special Bloomberg programme brings together some of the world s most influential thinkers policy makers and business leaders to tackle the major issues facing the world.
03:30-04:00Leaders with Lacqua
Novo Nordisk CEO Lars Fruergaard J rgensen. Novo Nordisk CEO Lars Fruergaard J rgensen talks about how he s navigating the company s meteoric rise and the sweeping changes its products could bring across a range of industries.
04:00-04:30The David Rubenstein Show
Sheila Johnson Salamander Collection CEO. Sheila Johnson discusses her hospitality brand and becoming the first African American woman to have ownership in three professional sports teams.
04:30-05:00Bloomberg Originals
. Exploring every angle of climate change technology finance sports and beyond Bloomberg Originals is business as you ve never seen it.
05:00-06:00Bloomberg Wall Street Week
. David Westin speaks with top names in finance about the week s biggest issues on Wall Street.
06:00-06:30The Circuit
Inside OpenAI the Architect of ChatGPT. Emily Chang visits OpenAI s futuristic offices to meet with Mira Murati the company s Chief Technology Officer.
06:30-07:00The Circuit
Inside Brian Chesky s Ultimate Airbnb. Emily Chang visits Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky at his San Francisco home to discuss the highs and lows of Airbnb s success and his hopes for a more connected future.
07:00-07:30The Businessweek Show
The Genius Episode. Max Abelson sits down with author Burt Malkiel space scientist and MacArthur Fellow winner Moriba K. Jah and Scripps National Spelling Bee champion Zalia Avant-garde.
07:30-08:00The Businessweek Show
The Risk Episode. Max Abelson sits down with Jaime Rogozinski Maeve DuVally and Sophia Chang to learn about their relationships to personal professional and financial risk.
08:00-10:00RUIN: Money Ego and Deception at FTX
. A feature documentary about Sam Bankman-Fried and the stunning collapse of FTX his cryptocurrency exchange.
10:00-11:00Bloomberg Wall Street Week
. David Westin speaks with top names in finance about the week s biggest issues on Wall Street.
11:00-11:30Bloomberg Originals
. Exploring every angle of climate change technology finance sports and beyond Bloomberg Originals is business as you ve never seen it.
11:30-12:00Power Players
How Allyson Felix Turned a Snub Into Success. The most decorated track athlete in US history always thought her running would speak for her.
12:00-13:00Idea Generation
. Ideas are the global currency of the 21st century. But how do you come up with execute and operationalise one? The answers are what separates successful creative influences from everyone else.
13:00-14:00Bloomberg Wall Street Week
. David Westin speaks with top names in finance about the week s biggest issues on Wall Street.
14:00-14:30Leaders with Lacqua
Novo Nordisk CEO Lars Fruergaard J rgensen. Novo Nordisk CEO Lars Fruergaard J rgensen talks about how he s navigating the company s meteoric rise and the sweeping changes its products could bring across a range of industries.
14:30-15:00Bloomberg Screentime: Culture. Business. Technology. Converged
. Experts debate the future of cinema the boom in streaming the latest sports and gaming experiences and the potential impact of AI on the entertainment industry.
15:00-15:30Bloomberg Wealth with David Rubenstein
Divesh Makan Iconiq Capital. Divesh Makan Iconiq Capital.
15:30-16:00Bloomberg Originals
. Exploring every angle of climate change technology finance sports and beyond Bloomberg Originals is business as you ve never seen it.
16:00-16:30The David Rubenstein Show
Sheila Johnson Salamander Collection CEO. Sheila Johnson discusses her hospitality brand and becoming the first African American woman to have ownership in three professional sports teams.
16:30-17:00Best Of the Qatar Economic Forum Powered by Bloomberg
. This special Bloomberg programme brings together some of the world s most influential thinkers policy makers and business leaders to tackle the major issues facing the world.
17:00-18:00Bloomberg Wall Street Week
. David Westin speaks with top names in finance about the week s biggest issues on Wall Street.
18:00-18:30Bloomberg Wealth with David Rubenstein
Divesh Makan Iconiq Capital. Divesh Makan Iconiq Capital.
18:30-19:00Destination Dubai
. How did Dubai the vibrant metropolis transform from a small trading port to a top destination and hyper-modern metropolis within just a few decades? (Paid programming)
19:00-19:30Bloomberg Originals
. Exploring every angle of climate change technology finance sports and beyond Bloomberg Originals is business as you ve never seen it.
19:30-20:00The Circuit
Inside Brian Chesky s Ultimate Airbnb. Emily Chang visits Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky at his San Francisco home to discuss the highs and lows of Airbnb s success and his hopes for a more connected future.
20:00-20:30The David Rubenstein Show
Sheila Johnson Salamander Collection CEO. Sheila Johnson discusses her hospitality brand and becoming the first African American woman to have ownership in three professional sports teams.
20:30-21:00Leaders with Lacqua
Novo Nordisk CEO Lars Fruergaard J rgensen. Novo Nordisk CEO Lars Fruergaard J rgensen talks about how he s navigating the company s meteoric rise and the sweeping changes its products could bring across a range of industries.
21:00-22:00Idea Generation
. Ideas are the global currency of the 21st century. But how do you come up with execute and operationalise one? The answers are what separates successful creative influences from everyone else.
22:00-22:30The Businessweek Show
The Risk Episode. Max Abelson sits down with Jaime Rogozinski Maeve DuVally and Sophia Chang to learn about their relationships to personal professional and financial risk.
22:30-23:00The Businessweek Show
The Genius Episode. Max Abelson sits down with author Burt Malkiel space scientist and MacArthur Fellow winner Moriba K. Jah and Scripps National Spelling Bee champion Zalia Avant-garde.
23:00-23:30Bloomberg Screentime: Culture. Business. Technology. Converged
. Experts debate the future of cinema the boom in streaming the latest sports and gaming experiences and the potential impact of AI on the entertainment industry.
23:30-00:00Power Players
How Allyson Felix Turned a Snub Into Success. The most decorated track athlete in US history always thought her running would speak for her.
The leading news stories of the moment.
01:00-01:15Global Week-End
Internationale ?
01:15-01:30Global Week-End
Internationale ?
01:30-01:46Global Week-End
Internationale ?
"Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.
02:00-02:15Global Week-End
Internationale ?
02:15-02:30Global Week-End
Internationale ?
02:30-02:46Global Week-End
Internationale ?
The leading news stories of the moment.
03:00-03:155 minutes
Internationale ?
03:15-03:305 minutes
Internationale ?
03:30-03:455 minutes
Internationale ?
"Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.
04:00-04:055 minutes
Internationale ?
04:05-04:30Brussels, My Love ?
Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.
04:30-04:355 minutes
Internationale ?
04:35-04:45Brussels, My Love ?
Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.
04:45-04:50Brussels, My Love ?
Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.
The leading news stories of the moment.
05:00-05:055 minutes
Internationale ?
"Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.
"Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.
05:30-05:375 minutes
Internationale ?
"Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.
The leading news stories of the moment.
06:00-06:055 minutes
Internationale ?
06:05-06:30Brussels, My Love ?
Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.
06:30-06:365 minutes
Internationale ?
06:36-06:45Brussels, My Love ?
Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.
06:45-07:00Brussels, My Love ?
Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.
07:00-07:055 minutes
Internationale ?
"Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.
"Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.
07:30-07:375 minutes
Internationale ?
"Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.
The leading news stories of the moment.
08:00-08:065 minutes
Internationale ?
08:06-08:30Brussels, My Love ?
Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.
08:30-08:355 minutes
Internationale ?
08:35-08:44Brussels, My Love ?
Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.
08:44-08:49Brussels, My Love ?
Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.
The leading news stories of the moment.
09:00-09:055 minutes
Internationale ?
"Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.
"Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.
09:30-09:365 minutes
Internationale ?
"Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.
The leading news stories of the moment.
10:00-10:055 minutes
Internationale ?
10:05-10:30Brussels, My Love ?
Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.
10:30-10:365 minutes
Internationale ?
10:36-10:45Brussels, My Love ?
Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.
10:45-11:00Brussels, My Love ?
Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.
11:00-11:055 minutes
Internationale ?
"Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.
"Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.
11:30-11:365 minutes
Internationale ?
"Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.
The leading news stories of the moment.
12:00-12:055 minutes
Internationale ?
12:05-12:30Brussels, My Love ?
Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.
12:30-12:365 minutes
Internationale ?
12:36-12:45Brussels, My Love ?
Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.
12:45-13:00Brussels, My Love ?
Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.
13:00-13:055 minutes
Internationale ?
"Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.
"Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.
13:30-13:375 minutes
Internationale ?
"Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.
The leading news stories of the moment.
14:00-14:055 minutes
Internationale ?
14:05-14:30Brussels, My Love ?
Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.
14:30-14:365 minutes
Internationale ?
14:36-14:45Brussels, My Love ?
Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.
14:45-15:00Brussels, My Love ?
Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.
15:00-15:055 minutes
Internationale ?
"Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.
"Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.
15:30-15:375 minutes
Internationale ?
"Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.
The leading news stories of the moment.
16:00-16:055 minutes
Internationale ?
16:05-16:30Brussels, My Love ?
Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.
16:30-16:365 minutes
Internationale ?
16:36-16:45Brussels, My Love ?
Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.
16:45-17:00Brussels, My Love ?
Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.
17:00-17:055 minutes
Internationale ?
"Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.
"Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.
17:30-17:375 minutes
Internationale ?
"Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.
The leading news stories of the moment.
18:00-18:055 minutes
Internationale ?
18:05-18:30Brussels, My Love ?
Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.
18:30-18:365 minutes
Internationale ?
18:36-18:45Brussels, My Love ?
Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.
18:45-19:00Brussels, My Love ?
Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.
19:00-19:055 minutes
Internationale ?
"Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.
"Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.
19:30-19:375 minutes
Internationale ?
"Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.
The leading news stories of the moment.
20:00-20:055 minutes
Internationale ?
20:05-20:30Brussels, My Love ?
Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.
20:30-20:365 minutes
Internationale ?
20:36-20:44Brussels, My Love ?
Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.
20:44-20:50Brussels, My Love ?
Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.
The leading news stories of the moment.
21:00-21:055 minutes
Internationale ?
"Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.
"Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.
21:30-21:375 minutes
Internationale ?
"Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.
The leading news stories of the moment.
22:00-22:05Global Week-End
Internationale ?
"Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.
"Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.
22:30-22:37Global Week-End
Internationale ?
"Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.
The leading news stories of the moment.
23:00-23:05Global Week-End
Internationale ?
23:05-23:30Brussels, My Love ?
Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.
23:30-23:36Global Week-End
Internationale ?
23:36-23:45Brussels, My Love ?
Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.
23:45-00:00Brussels, My Love ?
Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.
00:10-00:40BIZ STREAM
00:40-00:50The New Adventures of Rockie and Her Friends
A Trip Under the Full Moon
00:50-01:00Viewpoint Science
#10 Line Them Up
01:00-01:10NHK NEWSLINE
01:10-01:37Hometown Stories
From Seed to Shop: Grandma's Pickles
01:37-01:40Easy Japanese
#23 I like this cat.
01:40-01:45Core Kyoto mini
An Artistic Lineage: Nurturing a painting tradition
01:45-02:00Wild Hokkaido!
Enjoying Matsumae Cherry Blossoms in Full Bloom by Bicycle
02:00-02:10NHK NEWSLINE
02:10-02:40History Uncovered
Chushingura: Tears of 47 Ronin
Mt. Fuji Long Trail / BEAUTY
02:55-03:00Core Kyoto mini
Fushimi Inari Taisha: A manifestation of prayers to the deities
03:00-03:10NHK NEWSLINE
North Korea's Black Box: Secret Missile Development
04:00-04:10NHK NEWSLINE
04:10-05:00DOSUKOI Sumo Salon
05:00-05:10NHK NEWSLINE
05:10-05:40BIZ STREAM
05:40-05:50Little Charo
05:50-05:55Japanology Plus mini
Kotatsu: Heated Tables
05:55-06:00A Cat's-Eye View of Japan
Nara's Todaiji Temple: Deer and Cats
06:00-06:10NHK NEWSLINE
06:10-06:40Today's Close-Up
Emerging Threats: Super-Resistant Mosquitoes and Dengue Fever
06:40-06:50The New Adventures of Rockie and Her Friends
A Trip Under the Full Moon
06:50-07:00Viewpoint Science
#10 Line Them Up
07:00-07:10NHK NEWSLINE
07:10-07:40History Uncovered
Chushingura: Tears of 47 Ronin
Mt. Fuji Long Trail / BEAUTY
07:55-08:00Core Kyoto mini
Fushimi Inari Taisha: A manifestation of prayers to the deities
08:00-08:10NHK NEWSLINE
08:10-08:40Japan's Top Inventions (28 min.)
Low-Pain Needles / Sports Wheelchairs
08:40-08:55BOSAI:Science that Can Save Your Life
Drone Disaster Manegement
08:55-09:00PythagoraSwitch mini
09:00-09:10NHK NEWSLINE
09:10-10:00Carbon Farming
A Climate Solution Under Our Feet
10:00-10:10NHK NEWSLINE
10:10-11:00Barakan Discovers
AMAMI OSHIMA: Isson's Treasure Island
11:00-11:10NHK NEWSLINE
11:10-11:40Japan's Top Inventions (28 min.)
Low-Pain Needles / Sports Wheelchairs
11:40-11:55BOSAI:Science that Can Save Your Life
Drone Disaster Manegement
11:55-12:00PythagoraSwitch mini
12:00-12:10NHK NEWSLINE
Sunshine and Smiles
13:00-13:10NHK NEWSLINE
13:10-13:40Today's Close-Up
Emerging Threats: Super-Resistant Mosquitoes and Dengue Fever
13:40-13:50The New Adventures of Rockie and Her Friends
A Trip Under the Full Moon
13:50-14:00Viewpoint Science
#10 Line Them Up
14:00-14:10NHK NEWSLINE
14:10-14:40History Uncovered
Chushingura: Tears of 47 Ronin
Mt. Fuji Long Trail / BEAUTY
14:55-15:00Core Kyoto mini
Fushimi Inari Taisha: A manifestation of prayers to the deities
15:00-15:10NHK NEWSLINE
15:10-16:00Carbon Farming
A Climate Solution Under Our Feet
16:00-16:10NHK NEWSLINE
16:10-17:00Barakan Discovers
AMAMI OSHIMA: Isson's Treasure Island
17:00-17:10NHK NEWSLINE
17:10-17:40BIZ STREAM
17:40-17:50The New Adventures of Rockie and Her Friends
A Trip Under the Full Moon
17:50-18:00Viewpoint Science
#10 Line Them Up
18:00-18:10NHK NEWSLINE
18:10-18:37Hometown Stories
From Seed to Shop: Grandma's Pickles
18:37-18:40Easy Japanese
#23 I like this cat.
18:40-18:45Core Kyoto mini
An Artistic Lineage: Nurturing a painting tradition
18:45-19:00Wild Hokkaido!
Enjoying Matsumae Cherry Blossoms in Full Bloom by Bicycle
19:00-19:10NHK NEWSLINE
19:10-19:40History Uncovered
Chushingura: Tears of 47 Ronin
Mt. Fuji Long Trail / BEAUTY
19:55-20:00Core Kyoto mini
Fushimi Inari Taisha: A manifestation of prayers to the deities
20:00-20:10NHK NEWSLINE
Sunshine and Smiles
21:00-21:10NHK NEWSLINE
21:10-22:00Carbon Farming
A Climate Solution Under Our Feet
22:00-22:10NHK NEWSLINE
22:10-23:00Barakan Discovers
AMAMI OSHIMA: Isson's Treasure Island
23:00-23:10NHK NEWSLINE
Sunshine and Smiles
00:00-00:30Closing Bell
Anything can happen between the bells of the trading day. But what happens during the last hour could be what matters most.
00:30-01:00Closing Bell
Anything can happen between the bells of the trading day. But what happens during the last hour could be what matters most.
01:00-01:30Closing Bell
When the bell rings, the action does not end.
01:30-02:00Closing Bell
When the bell rings, the action does not end.
02:00-02:30Fast Money
"Fast Money" is America's post-market show. Hosted by Melissa Lee and a roundtable of top traders.
02:30-03:00The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Jimmy Fallon brings A-list guests, signature comedy bits and chart-topping music to late night.
03:00-03:30Closing Bell
When the bell rings, the action does not end.
03:30-04:00NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt
NBC Nightly News is the most-watched evening newscast in America.
04:00-04:30Last Call : Last Call
?Last Call? is a fast-paced, entertaining business show that explores the intersection of money, culture and policy.
04:30-05:00Last Call : Last Call
?Last Call? is a fast-paced, entertaining business show that explores the intersection of money, culture and policy.
05:00-05:30Closing Bell
When the bell rings, the action does not end.
05:30-06:00The Leadership League
Son Heung-min
06:00-07:00American Greed
Operation Crook, Line and Stinker
07:00-07:30Equity And Opportunity
Equity and Opportunity brings diverse perspectives and issues to CNBC?s news coverage.
07:30-08:00The Leadership League
Son Heung-min
08:00-08:30US Last Call (Recorded)
?Last Call? is a fast-paced, entertaining business show that explores the intersection of money, culture and policy.
08:30-09:00The Leadership League
Son Heung-min
CNBC's Unlocked takes an inside look at how much people spend on housing.
10:00-10:30Equity And Opportunity
Equity and Opportunity brings diverse perspectives and issues to CNBC?s news coverage.
10:30-11:00The Leadership League
Son Heung-min
CNBC's Unlocked takes an inside look at how much people spend on housing.
11:30-12:00The Leadership League
Son Heung-min
12:00-12:30Answers With Bayless Conley
The Answers with Bayless Conley broadcast is impacting lives around the world in numerous languages
12:30-13:00Secret Lives Of The Super Rich
A Gilded Florida Palace & Million Dollar Race Cars
13:00-13:30Equity And Opportunity
Equity and Opportunity brings diverse perspectives and issues to CNBC?s news coverage.
13:30-14:00The Leadership League
Son Heung-min
14:00-15:00American Greed
Operation Crook, Line and Stinker
15:00-15:30CNBC Sports
Golfing highlights from last weekend's PGA TOUR tournament.
15:30-16:00CNBC Sports
"CNBC Sports" offers every sports fan a front row ticket to some of the biggest sporting events around the world.
16:00-17:00CNBC Sports
"CNBC Sports" offers every sports fan a front row ticket to some of the biggest sporting events around the world.
17:00-17:30Le Marathon Des Sables
17:30-18:00CNBC Sports
"CNBC Sports" offers every sports fan a front row ticket to some of the biggest sporting events around the world.
18:00-19:00CNBC Sports
"CNBC Sports" offers every sports fan a front row ticket to some of the biggest sporting events around the world.
CNBC's Unlocked takes an inside look at how much people spend on housing.
19:30-20:00The Leadership League
Son Heung-min
20:00-21:00American Greed
Operation Crook, Line and Stinker
21:00-21:30Equity And Opportunity
Equity and Opportunity brings diverse perspectives and issues to CNBC?s news coverage.
21:30-22:00The Leadership League
Son Heung-min
CNBC's Unlocked takes an inside look at how much people spend on housing.
23:00-00:00American Greed
Operation Crook, Line and Stinker
00:00-00:15DW News News
DW News goes deep beneath the surface, providing the key stories from Europe and around the world.
00:15-01:00D-Day and the Tremendous Cost of Victory - The Story of Operation Overlord
"Operation Overlord? is recorded for posterity as a success story. But due to inconsistencies.
01:00-01:02DW News News
DW News goes deep beneath the surface, providing the key stories from Europe and around the world.
01:02-01:30The Day News in Review
The Day News in Review
01:30-02:00Special Program
Young people across Europe are taking to the streets: For the last few years.
02:00-02:15DW News News
DW News goes deep beneath the surface, providing the key stories from Europe and around the world.
The EU's law to ban deforestation from the supply chains of its companies is frustrating trade partners abroad.
02:30-03:00DW News Africa
DW News goes deep beneath the surface, providing the key stories from Africa and around the world.
03:00-03:02DW News News
DW News goes deep beneath the surface, providing the key stories from Europe and around the world.
03:02-03:30The Day News in Review
The Day News in Review
03:30-04:00REV The Global Auto and Mobility Show
The Mini has fans the world over, especially women. A British pop culture icon, it?s starred in films and won rallies.
04:00-04:15DW News News
DW News goes deep beneath the surface, providing the key stories from Europe and around the world.
04:15-04:30Planet A
Planet A
04:30-05:00Tomorrow Today The Science Magazine
Our cities are growing, becoming more crowded and hotter. Mini-forests and green facades can help to cool them down.
05:00-05:02DW News News
DW News goes deep beneath the surface, providing the key stories from Europe and around the world.
05:02-05:15Shift What is the future of smart mobility?
Flying cars.
05:15-06:00The Indian Age - It?s Youth and the Future
India, a nation on the verge of becoming a superpower.
06:00-06:15DW News News
DW News goes deep beneath the surface, providing the key stories from Europe and around the world.
The EU's law to ban deforestation from the supply chains of its companies is frustrating trade partners abroad.
06:30-07:00To the Point
Israel?s war against the terror organization Hamas is souring relations with its key ally.
07:00-07:15DW News News
DW News goes deep beneath the surface, providing the key stories from Europe and around the world.
07:15-07:30Shift What is the future of smart mobility?
Flying cars.
07:30-08:00Euromaxx Lifestyle Europe
Costume frenzy at the Moulin Rouge: behind the scenes with dancer Nora Mogalle.
08:00-08:02DW News News
DW News goes deep beneath the surface, providing the key stories from Europe and around the world.
08:02-08:30Arts Unveiled Experiencing and understanding the art world
Berlin - THE hotspot for spies.
08:30-09:00The 77 Percent Street Debate: What is driving young Nigerian professionals to "japa"?
Nigeria is losing a significant number of its most talented professionals.
09:00-09:15DW News News
DW News goes deep beneath the surface, providing the key stories from Europe and around the world.
The EU's law to ban deforestation from the supply chains of its companies is frustrating trade partners abroad.
09:30-10:00REV The Global Auto and Mobility Show
The Mini has fans the world over, especially women. A British pop culture icon, it?s starred in films and won rallies.
10:00-10:15DW News News
DW News goes deep beneath the surface, providing the key stories from Europe and around the world.
10:15-10:30Sports Life Deutsche Welle: From Addiction and Homelessness to the Stage
This week on Sports Life we meet Jacobus Claassen. In his teenage years the South African hit rock bottom.
10:30-11:00Tomorrow Today The Science Magazine
Our cities are growing, becoming more crowded and hotter. Mini-forests and green facades can help to cool them down.
11:00-11:15DW News News
DW News goes deep beneath the surface, providing the key stories from Europe and around the world.
11:15-12:00Endgame for Europe - The European Union at a Crossroads
Is Europe facing a shift to the right.
12:00-12:15DW News News
DW News goes deep beneath the surface, providing the key stories from Europe and around the world.
12:15-12:30Sports Life Deutsche Welle: From Addiction and Homelessness to the Stage
This week on Sports Life we meet Jacobus Claassen. In his teenage years the South African hit rock bottom.
12:30-13:00In Good Shape
Excessive skincare and hair styling is ineffective and potentially counterproductive - leaving lackluster hair and pimples.
13:00-13:15DW News News
DW News goes deep beneath the surface, providing the key stories from Europe and around the world.
13:15-13:30Shift What is the future of smart mobility?
Flying cars.
13:30-14:00Arts Unveiled Experiencing and understanding the art world
Berlin - THE hotspot for spies.
14:00-14:03DW News News
DW News goes deep beneath the surface, providing the key stories from Europe and around the world.
14:03-15:00Under Poisoned Skies - Iraq?s Toxic Oil Fields
International oil giants are responsible for causing severe health problems in Iraq.
15:00-15:15DW News News
DW News goes deep beneath the surface, providing the key stories from Europe and around the world.
15:15-15:30Shift What is the future of smart mobility?
Flying cars.
15:30-16:00Euromaxx Lifestyle Europe
Costume frenzy at the Moulin Rouge: behind the scenes with dancer Nora Mogalle.
16:00-16:15DW News News
DW News goes deep beneath the surface, providing the key stories from Europe and around the world.
16:15-17:00Deep Sea Greed - Exploiting the Ocean Floor - Part 1
What would be the consequences of industrial exploitation of the ocean floor.
17:00-17:15DW News News
DW News goes deep beneath the surface, providing the key stories from Europe and around the world.
On Location
17:30-18:00The 77 Percent Street Debate: What is driving young Nigerian professionals to "japa"?
Nigeria is losing a significant number of its most talented professionals.
18:00-18:15DW News News
DW News goes deep beneath the surface, providing the key stories from Europe and around the world.
18:15-18:30The other Berlin
The other Berlin! The special Berlin, the cosmopolitan city of hidden qualities, the magical metropolis of mysterious places.
18:30-19:00Euromaxx Lifestyle Europe
Costume frenzy at the Moulin Rouge: behind the scenes with dancer Nora Mogalle.
19:00-19:15DW News News
DW News goes deep beneath the surface, providing the key stories from Europe and around the world.
19:15-19:30Sports Life Deutsche Welle: From Addiction and Homelessness to the Stage
This week on Sports Life we meet Jacobus Claassen. In his teenage years the South African hit rock bottom.
19:30-20:00DW News Africa
DW News goes deep beneath the surface, providing the key stories from Africa and around the world.
20:00-20:15DW News News
DW News goes deep beneath the surface, providing the key stories from Europe and around the world.
20:15-20:30Shift What is the future of smart mobility?
Flying cars.
20:30-21:00The 77 Percent Street Debate: What is driving young Nigerian professionals to "japa"?
Nigeria is losing a significant number of its most talented professionals.
21:00-21:15DW News News
DW News goes deep beneath the surface, providing the key stories from Europe and around the world.
On Location
21:30-22:00DW News Africa
DW News goes deep beneath the surface, providing the key stories from Africa and around the world.
22:00-22:15DW News News
DW News goes deep beneath the surface, providing the key stories from Europe and around the world.
22:15-23:00D-Day and the Tremendous Cost of Victory - The Story of Operation Overlord
"Operation Overlord? is recorded for posterity as a success story. But due to inconsistencies.
23:00-23:15DW News News
DW News goes deep beneath the surface, providing the key stories from Europe and around the world.
On Location
23:30-00:00Afrimaxx Modern African Lifestyle
In this episode, host Itumeleng KgosiGadi ya ga Banda is at the Sikelela Festival. Plus, depicting life's struggles.
23:35-02:05De förbannade åren 2
Dansk långfilm från 2022.
02:05-02:45This is not Sweden
Spansk dramakomediserie från 2024.
06:00-07:00Engelska Antikrundan
Antikexperter reser tillsammans med antikhandlare och värderingsmän runt i landet för att värdera antikviteter.
Dick sätter igång arbetet med en parkourbana samtidigt som Angel har storslagna planer för slottets högst belägna rum.
Följ med Dick och Angel när de byter sin trerummare i Essex mot ett övergivet chateau i Frankrike. Med liten budget.
En byrå tillskriven 1700-talets främste möbelkonstnär Georg Haupt djupgranskas av två experter.
09:10-11:00Nationaldagen 6 juni
Nationaldagen 6 juni firas högtidligt på Sollidenscenen på Skansen. Anne Lundberg och Micke Leijnegard är kvällens värdpar.
Direktsändningar från EM i friidrott 2024 som avgörs i Rom, Italien 6-12 juni.
14:05-15:05Bäst när det gäller
Det svenska skidlandslaget återsamlas efter sommaren - och redan från dag ett börjar kapplöpningen mot VM i Oberstdorf.
15:05-15:10Hårds historier
Vid VM i Tokyo 1991 möttes längdhopparna Carl Lewis och Mike Powell i en av friidrottshistoriens mäktigaste dueller.
15:10-15:50Där ingen skulle tro att någon kunde bo
Norsk programserie från 2022. Säsong 19.
15:50-16:05Herr Talman
Svensk humorserie. Säsong 3.
16:05-18:05EU-val 2024: Slutdebatten
Partiernas toppkandidater till EU-parlamentet möts i direktsänd debatt inför EU-valet. Medverkande: Heléne Fritzon (S).
18:05-18:50Livet i Fagervik
Svensk dramaserie från 2008.
Helgmålsringning från Almby kyrka, Örebro. Komminister Anna Maria Armö talar om kallelsen till Guds rike.
Senaste nytt i sportvärlden.
Nyheter från Sverige och världen.
19:15-20:00Cowboyen, kungen och fjället
Norsk dokumentärserie från 2022.
20:00-20:30Drömmen om ett småbruk
Norsk serie från 2022.
Nyheter från Sverige och världen.
De senaste sportnyheterna, analyserna och fördjupningarna.
Direktsändningar från EM i friidrott 2024 som avgörs i Rom, Italien 6-12 juni.
Direktsändningar från EM i friidrott 2024 som avgörs i Rom, Italien 6-12 juni.
00:10-01:50Calm with horses
Ett våldsamt drama om boxaren Arm som livnär sig som indrivare åt den irländska maffiaklanen Devers.
Dansk dokumentärserie från 2023.
De senaste sportnyheterna, analyserna och fördjupningarna.
Nyheter på teckenspråk.
Samhällsprogram som tar ett steg närmare och utforskar aktuella ämnen och fenomen.
09:30-11:00Rosornas by
Svensk dokumentär från 2023.
11:00-11:30Möte med (romani)
Intervjuprogram med aktuella gäster.
11:30-12:00Möte med ? meänkieli
Intervjuprogram med Rolf Digervall och Paulina Martikainen och aktuella gäster.
12:00-12:30Restyle på finska
Emma Ojanne vill se äldre ut, så även hennes moster Linda Vestman. Men lyckas stylisten Erlend Elias.
Fördjupande program om det mest spännande inom politiken just nu.
14:00-17:00Världens historia: Dagen D
Det är nästintill ofattbart att Dagen D kan genomföras. Förberedelserna är monumentala och anspänningen enorm.
Rapport är Sveriges största nyhetsprogram.
17:05-17:30Bakom varje man
Säsong 1, 1/8. Kökschefen Michael blir utmanad när den kvinnliga souschefen Naja börjar jobba på hans restaurang.
17:30-17:55Bakom varje man
Naja inför medarbetarsamtal på restaurangen. Kockarna Anders och Lise utmanar varandra i en duell.
Norskt program från 2015.
18:00-18:55Flickan som blev Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn Monroes sista tid i livet har ofta skildrats. Men det här är berättelsen om hur allting startade.
Direktsändningar från EM i friidrott 2024 som avgörs i Rom, Italien 6-12 juni.
Se föreställningar, konserter och dokumentärer från Sverige och hela världen med introduktion och kommentarer i studion.
21:01-21:10Ada Berger möter Olof Wretling
Mellan repetitioner på scen och radio-inspelningar träffar Ada Berger komikern och estradören Olof Wretling.
Se föreställningar, konserter och dokumentärer från Sverige och hela världen med introduktion och kommentarer i studion.
21:20-22:10Dirigenten Klaus Mäkelä
Fransk dokumentär från 2023
Se föreställningar, konserter och dokumentärer från Sverige och hela världen med introduktion och kommentarer i studion.
22:15-00:00Mäkelä, Wang och Oslofilharmonikerna
Brittisk konsert från 2022.
00:00-01:50Like a Boss
Bästa vännerna Mia och Mel driver ett kosmetikaföretag som den skurkaktiga skönhetsmogulen planerar att stjäla.
Ross och Rachel får äntligen till det. Monica blir förälskad i en av hennes föräldrars vänner.
Efter ett gräl med Chandler flyttar Joey ut. Monicas pappa får reda på att hans bästa vän och Monica dejtar.
02:50-05:00Lying and Stealing
Amerikansk thriller från 2019
05:00-06:00Pacific Blue
Poliserna hos Santa Monica Bike Patrol arbetar tillsammans för att hålla detta idylliska paradis fritt från brott.
06:00-07:00Junior Masterchef USA
Det är dags för ett gäng amerikanska barn att ta köket i besittning.
07:00-07:55Svenska Truckers
Max är i Stockholms innerstad och det dröjer inte länge förrän arga bilister vill tränga sig förbi honom.
Amerikansk komediserie Amerikansk komediserie
Fran och Val planerar ett singelparty för att få chans att möta spännande män...
Amerikansk komediserie Amerikansk komediserie
09:25-10:20Pamelas Paradis
När Pamela och teamet skyndar sig att renovera gäststugan i tid för hennes brors besök från LA.
10:20-11:15The Real Housewives of Orange County
Heather chartrar en privatjet till Cabo San Lucas åt damerna.
11:15-12:20Making it Home with Kortney and Kenny
Kortney Wilson har lång erfarenhet av att renovera och sälja hus.
Vänner är en smart och sofistikerad humorserie som utforskar ett kompisgäng i New Yorks hjärtan och sinnen.
Joey och Chandler försöker hjälpa Ross med sitt svåra beslut genom att göra en lista över för-och nackdelar hos tjejerna.
Phoebe försöker att hitta sin biologiske far.
Rachel går på dejt med en kille som heter Russ och kan inte undvika att se hur otäckt lik Ross han är.
Monica caterar Ross ex-frus bröllop. Rachel får reda på att hennes mamma och pappa ska skiljas.
15:10-16:20Svenska Truckers
Maja har precis lastat en ny leverans när hon får problem med att vända i skogen.
16:20-18:3013 snart 30
Jenna blir totalt förödmjukad på sin 13-årsdag, och önskar att hon var vuxen.
18:30-19:45Boligkjøp i blinde
Karianne Amlie och hennes team måste ta itu med ett mycket stort renoveringsjobb i Bekkestua. Det innebär flera utmaningar.
19:45-22:00Chaos Walking
Två osannolika följeslagare ger sig ut på ett farligt äventyr genom en outforskad planets ödemark när de försöker fly från en farlig verklighet där alla tankar kan ses och höras av alla.
Jim Street tillhör Los Angeles poliskår och drömmer om att bli befordrad till enhetens insatsstyrka.
23:15-00:30Lyrro - ut & invandrarna
Lorry-gänget är tillbaka med komedin "Lyrro - Ut & invandrarna".
00:30-02:30Rambo - First Blood II
Stallones sargade Vietnamveteran släpps ut ur fängelset och skickas till Vietnam för att leta efter amerikanska krigsfångar.
02:30-03:55Married at First Sight Australien
Det är hustrurnas tur att ta med sina män hem.
03:55-05:00Married at First Sight UK VII
Brittisk realityserie
05:00-06:00En plats i solen
Brittisk livsstilsserie från 2021.
Phil och Kirstie återser personer från tidigare husjakter.
07:00-07:55En plats i solen
Britter med stora bostadsdrömmar får hjälp av erfarna mäklare att hitta guldklimparna i solen.
07:55-08:55Grand Designs Nya Zeeland
Aaron och Christine har en dröm om att bygga sitt drömhem från grunden
Direktsänt morgonprogram. Nyheter varvas med fördjupande diskussioner, bevakning av de senaste trenderna.
13:00-14:25Johan Glans sommarturné - en standupshow
För första gången på fem år har Johan Glans åkt ut på en stor Sverigeturné och besökt landets somrigaste scener!
14:25-15:30Bonde söker fru - Jorden runt
Svensk reality från 2024.
Alex och Anna ska äntligen gifta sig.
16:00-18:00Räkhäst - I huvudet på Per Andersson
I Per Anderssons revyshow kastas vi rakt in i hans tankevärld och slängs mellan galna sketcher och vilda infall genom en förstklassig humorkavalkad!
18:00-19:00Niklas och verkligheten
Svensk dokumentärserie från 2024
19:00-20:00V75 Direkt
Direktsänd V75-omgång från Östersundstravet.
20:00-20:20TV4 Nyheterna
TV4 Nyheterna och Sporten med senaste nytt, analyser, debatter och fördjupning.
20:20-20:30TV4 Vädret
Meteorologerna på TV4 presenterar väderprognosen.
Svenskt underhållningsprogram från 2024.
21:00-23:00Vilket liv!
Från turné med Ulf Lundell tidigt i karriären.
23:00-23:05TV4 Nyheterna
TV4 Nyheterna och Sporten med senaste nytt, analyser, debatter och fördjupning.
23:05-23:15TV4 Vädret
Meteorologerna på TV4 presenterar väderprognosen.
23:15-01:15Changing lanes
Amerikansk dramathriller från 2002.
22:00-00:15American Assassin
USA, action/thriller, 2017
När en ny, skrämmande fiende hotar tvingas Hercules och hans orädda legosoldater leda en armé in i en kamp mot alla odds.
02:20-04:30Death Wish
Läkaren Pauls (Bruce Willis) värld vänds upp och ned efter en attack mot hans familj under ett inbrott.
04:30-05:30Surviving a Serial Killer
När Emma Percival satte sig i Terrys taxi blev det en taxiresa från helvetet. Derrick Bird hade just inlett en skottlossning.
05:30-06:30Svenska Truckers
Magnus ska slamsuga Salems kommuns badhus, Zaid gör sin första leverans efter tiden som pappaledig och är lite nervös.
Jerry och hans vänner Elaine, George och Kramer är alla runt trettio, egensinniga och självupptagna.
07:00-08:00Ink Master
Amerikan parhaat tatuointiliikkeet ottavat mittaa toisistaan.
08:00-09:00Ink Master
Sju coacher tävlar i Clash of the Coaches Face-Off.
09:00-09:35Just Shoot Me!
En trettonårig pojke använder sin Bar Mitzvah för att försöka förföra Nina.
09:35-10:05Just Shoot Me!
Maya blir förtjust i sonen till en gammal familjevän och Jack blir orolig över att sonen skulle kunna vara Mayas bror.
10:05-10:40Just Shoot Me!
När hennes syster kommer till stan slutar det med att Nina blir ignorerad.
10:40-11:10Just Shoot Me!
Finch försöker skapa romans mellan sin mamma och Jack.
11:10-12:10Running Wild With Bear Grylls
Selviytyjä Bear Grylls palaa luontoon joidenkin Hollywoodin rakastetuimpien julkkisten kanssa.
12:10-13:05Running Wild with Bear Grylls
Överlevnadsexperten Bear Grylls är tillbaka. Varje vecka ger han sig ut på strapats i vildmarken med en ny kändisgäst.
13:05-14:25Top Gear
Auto-ohjelmaklassikkoa juontavat Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond ja James May.
14:25-15:45Top Gear
Skotrar som ska klara den brittiska landsbygden. Michael Fassbender är stjärnan i Bil Till Rimligt Pris.
15:45-15:55OBOS Damallsvenskan Studio: Förstudio
Omgång 9. Från Stockholms Olympiastadion, Stockholm. Kommentatorer: Gustav Karlsson & Pär Lagerström. (8/6-24)
17:50-18:00OBOS Damallsvenskan Studio: Efterstudio
18:00-18:55Studio fotboll: Förstudio
Landskamp-studio med Jennifer Kücükaslan, Fredrik Ljungberg & Erik Niva.
Från Friends Arena, Solna. Kommentatorer: Niklas Holmgren & Bojan Djordjic. (8/6-24)
21:00-21:45Studio fotboll: Efterstudio
Landskamp-studio med Jennifer Kücükaslan, Fredrik Ljungberg & Erik Niva.
21:45-00:30Änglar och demoner
23:30-00:30Lerins sommarö
Svensk serie från 2020.
Svenskt underhållningsprogram från 2024.
01:30-02:0030 dagar i fängelse
Svensk dokumentärserie från 2024.
Svensk dokumentärserie från 2024.
02:30-03:00Fotbollens historia
Dokumentärserie om fotbollens historia av Jens Lind och Albert Svanberg
03:00-03:30Hall of fame
Svensk sportdokumentärserie från 2024.
07:00-07:05Greta Gris
Piratskatten. Greta är en glatt grymtande liten gris som bor med mamma Gris, pappa Gris och lillebror Georg.
07:05-07:15Regnbågsstadens hjälte
En sann juvel. När Kokos hjärta börjar glöda rycker Regnbågsstadens hjälte ut för att hjälpa stora som små.
07:15-07:30Charlie och Lola
Charlie är sju år och hänger ofta ute med sin kompis Marv. Han gillar fotboll, raketer och att hitta på historier.
07:30-07:35Max och Maja
Max och Maja vill gärna att du leker med dem!
07:35-07:40Heja! Heja! Billy Bilsson: Chrissy bakom ratten
Billy Bilssons lilla syster Chrissy ger sig iväg på egna äventyr.
Animerat undervattensäventyr.
07:55-08:05Karl, den pyttelilla riddaren
Även den som är väldigt liten kan utföra stordåd!
08:05-08:15Lilla prinsessan
Tecknad brittisk serie om en nyfiken och vetgirig prinsessa. Om den lilla prinsessan inte får som hon vill blir hon arg.
08:15-08:20Greta Gris
Det nya huset. Tecknad serie från England. Greta är en glatt grymtande liten gris som bor med mamma Gris.
08:20-08:30Thomas och vännerna
Här får vi följa det lilla blå tankloket Thomas som med sina vänner ger sig ut på äventyr på den fiktiva ön Rälsön.
08:30-08:40Safirdrakens krafter
Templet. Ko Ni står på tur att bli byns beskyddare och måste lära sig behärska Safirdrakens krafter.
08:40-08:50Fåret Shaun
Fåret Shaun är tillbaka med nya galna upptåg på den helt ovetande bondens gård.
08:50-09:00Daniel Tigers kvarter
Möt fyraåriga Daniel Tiger och hans vänner.
09:00-09:10Edmond et Lucy
Edmond l?écureuil et Lucy l?oursonne sont élevés comme frère et s?ur dans un majestueux châtaignier.
På natten förvandlas Oscar, Amanda och Jens till de tre pyjamashjältarna Kattpojken, Ugglis och Gecko.
09:25-09:30Hajar med Doreen
Barn:Hajar med Doreen.
09:30-09:35Tre vänner
Norskt barndrama från 2016.
Kokettsmurfen och Sprattsmurfen åker på Smurfboards runt i byn, men Glasögonsmurfen anser att det är farligt.
09:50-10:00PAW Patrol
Inget jobb är för stort, ingen valp är för liten!
Partio auttaa ystävää.
Säsong 4. Ett tävlingsprogram i Daidalos fantastiska värld av slajm och labyrinter.
Säsong 1. Monsterjägaren. Familjen Nekton bor på ubåten Aronnax och älskar äventyr.
Kraxus hämnd.
11:50-12:15Zorro - legenden föds
Det var en gång en maskerad hjälte som kämpade för fred och rättvisa - och ristade sitt märke på de som stod i vägen!
12:15-12:40Space Nova
Det är år 2162 och rymdäventyren för tvillingarna Adelaide och Sid Nova är precis på väg att börja, på riktigt!
Lena, Anais, Angelo och Hugo delar alla samma intresse - hästar.
Spöket. Föräldralösa Heidi skickas till bergen att bo hos sin farfar - en allvarlig, sorgtyngd man.
Animerat undervattensäventyr.
13:35-13:45Biet Maya
Maya är inte som alla andra bin - hon bor nämligen inte i en kupa.
Berättelse om en mus som letar efter en nöt och går genom en farlig skog.
14:20-14:30Djur som förändrar världen
Förr var mårdhunden jagad för sin päls. Nu vill man helst bli av med den helt och hållet, och den kallas invasiv.
14:30-14:40Alicia testar
Barnprogram på teckenspråk.
14:40-14:50Alicia testar
Barnprogram på teckenspråk.
14:50-14:55Lilla ridskolan - samiska
Varje år ska hästen träffa veterinären för att få sina tänder raspade och sin vaccination.
14:55-15:00Lilla ridskolan - samiska
Löshoppning är en bra och rolig övning som omväxling för hästarna. Men det är många saker att tänka på.
Amina skapar spännande historier av teckenspråkets handformer!
15:15-15:20Muy i trafiken
Vännerna Megahertz och LeWow tittar på alla skyltar i trafiken. Vad många det finns! Hur ska man hålla reda på alla.
15:20-15:30Vara vänner
Nora får en skinnjacka som hon länge velat ha, men tappar glädjen när hon hör en elak kommentar i skolan.
15:30-15:35Grejen med demokrati
Varför är fakta så viktigt i en demokrati? Mina vill veta vad grejen med fakta och sanning är.
15:35-15:45Sommaren före sexan
Det krävs mycket mod, men nu står de på Foliemannens trappa och ringer på - och blir insläppta.
15:45-16:10Malory Towers
Livet på internatskolan Malory Towers går vidare för Darrell och henns klasskamrater.
16:10-16:30100 saker att göra före high school
CJ och hennes två bästa vänner känner pressen av att high school börjar närma sig.
16:30-16:55Blue water high
Australiskt ungdomsdrama.
16:55-17:20En andra chans
Systrarna Rebecca, Sophie och Hedvig Ainsworth är döda.
17:20-17:40Den ostoppbara gula yetin
En gul yeti som bästis? Kan det bli bättre!?
17:40-17:50Andys akvatiska äventyr
Andy och Teja är tillbaka för att ge er nya episka äventyr, den här gången med kopplingar till vatten.
17:50-18:05Ett fall för KLURO
Händerna på stolen. Har din bil någon gång börjat dansa.
18:05-18:15Charlie och Lola
Charlie är sju år och hänger ofta ute med sin kompis Marv. Han gillar fotboll, raketer och att hitta på historier.
18:15-18:20Greta Gris
Träffa den oemotståndliga Greta Gris och hennes fnissande, grymtande fantastiska familj på deras vilda lek genom livet.
18:20-18:30Regnbågsstadens hjälte
Färgglad svalka. När Kokos hjärta börjar glöda rycker Regnbågsstadens hjälte ut för att hjälpa stora som små.
Listig spelplan.
18:45-18:50Fåret Shaun
Nya upptåg med Shaun och hans vänner! Del 2: Ombyte förvånar.
Elefanten Mumfie bor på en liten ö där det alltid är nära till vänner och äventyr.
19:00-19:05Drakens kompis
Janis och Malte ska åka buss och medan de väntar kollar dom på moln, men vad ser molnen egentligen ut som?
19:05-19:10Heja! Heja! Billy Bilsson
Häng med Billy och lillasyster Chrissy på äventyr i Stötfångarstad.
19:10-19:20Pii ja Poju
Pii on kahdeksanvuotias isosisko, joka tekee rakennelmia kaikenlaisista löytämistään tavaroista. Poju on energinen pikkuveli.
Stripe-setä, isä, Bluey ja Bingo pelaavat squashia!
De små, blå smurfarna drar ut på äventyr och tillsammans försöker de lura den elake Gargamel.
19:45-20:00Lilla brandstyrkan
Idag är det lektion i att släcka när det brinner i en byggnad.
20:00-20:10Sommarskuggan nr 9
Kapten Doris har hittat en ny skuggdräkt i Skuggornas dal, Guldskuggan, och hoppas på att hon är den utvalda.
Tre Agenter är försvunna och Agent V misstänker det fasansfulla.
20:35-20:45Den ostoppbara gula yetin
Kan det bli knasigare än att flytta till en helt ny stad där det alltid är vinter och det dessutom finns en gul yeti.
20:45-20:55Livet på botten
Hur ter sig livet för en guldfisk? Går det att rymma, få coolare föräldrar eller kanske bara en gnutta uppmärksamhet?
20:55-21:00Bernies äventyr
Att vara en eremitkrabba på havets botten är inget kul, särskilt inte när ens bästis bor uppe på land!
21:00-22:30Den bästa sommaren
En varm komedi om den ensamstående begravningsentreprenören Yngve Johansson som bor i den lilla orten Molkom i Värmland.
22:30-23:25Somliga går med trasiga skor
Efter 1960-talets succéer och stormiga livsstil försöker Cornelis Vreeswijk slå sig till ro på den skånska landsbygden.
23:25-23:55Fotbollens historia
Dokumentärserie om fotbollens historia av Jens Lind och Albert Svanberg
23:55-00:25Hall of fame
Svensk sportdokumentärserie från 2024.
23:30-00:15Övergivna byggnader
Vi besöker Vindolanda, ett fort vid det romerska rikets norra front och ett viktigt skydd mot "vildarna" från norr.
00:15-01:05Resor längs vackra floder
Resan tar oss genom sydvästra Frankrikes gröna hjärta.
01:05-01:50Världens historia: Sfinxens hemligheter
Fransk historiedokumentär från 2021.
Raul provar på terränglöpning på steniga öar i Grekland.
16:00-16:05Bensinstation i trädgården
Norskt faktaprogram.
Raul provar på terränglöpning på steniga öar i Grekland.
17:00-17:45Övergivna byggnader
Vi besöker Vindolanda, ett fort vid det romerska rikets norra front och ett viktigt skydd mot "vildarna" från norr.
17:45-18:30Skottlands vilda årstider
Bara en halvtimme från Glasgow ligger milsvid vildmark, oländiga berg och dolda dalar bland forsande floder.
18:30-19:30Pilgrimsvandring mot Skottland
Vandringen i det irländska landskapet fortsätter. Gänget samtalar om religion, etnicitet och uppväxt.
19:30-20:15Maailman kauneimmat rautatiematkat
Sarjassa matkataan junan kyydissä maailman upeimpien maisemien halki. Reissun varrelle mahtuu monia kiinnostavia henkilöitä.
20:15-21:05Känslornas värld
Länge har det ansetts fint att undertrycka och dölja sina känslor.
21:05-22:00Midsommar i Norge
Runt midsommar går solen aldrig ner i Norge. Följ med på en resa i svindlande vacker natur.
22:00-22:45Alaska: Vuosi luonnossa
Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2017
22:45-23:40Muhammad Ali
Amerikansk dokumentärserie från 2021.
23:40-00:30Hud mot hud
Under pandemin har många av oss fått känna på hur det är att leva utan kroppskontakt. Hur viktig är egentligen beröring.
23:20-00:15Michael McIntyren iso näyttely
Koomikko Michael McIntyren juontamassa viihdeohjelmassa nähdään sketsejä, musiikkia ja julkkisvieraita.
00:15-01:00Livenä Apollossa
Emmanuel Sonubi esittelee estradille Troy Hawken ja Olga Kochin.
Stephen Fry esittää kysymyksiä aiheesta "sairaus", ja vieraina nähdään Jo Brand, Ben Goldacre.
Stephen Fry esittää kysymyksiä aiheesta "verovirasto", ja vieraina nähdään Sandi Toksvig, Al Murray.
02:00-02:45Heikoin lenkki
Koomikko Romesh Ranganathan astuu ohjaksiin vetämään peliohjelmaa, jossa puukotetaan selkään ja iso raha liikkuu.
Tietokilpailu, jossa osallistujat yrittävät saada mahdollisimman vähän pisteitä keksimällä vastauksia.
03:30-04:20The Graham Norton Show
Graham Norton juontaa hauskan keskusteluohjelman vierainaan Stanley Tucci, Jamie Oliver, Romesh Ranganathan ja Lil Nas X.
Sandi Toksvig vajoaa suohon vierainaan Alan Davies, Sindhu Vee, Aisling Bea ja Sally Philips.
04:50-05:40Michael McIntyren iso näyttely
Koomikko Michael McIntyren juontamassa viihdeohjelmassa nähdään sketsejä, musiikkia ja julkkisvieraita.
05:40-06:05Travel Man: 48 tuntia ...
Richard Ayoade vie näyttelijä Jessica Hynesin kahden vuorokauden kierrokselle ympäri Islantia.
06:05-07:00Antiikki Roadshow
Howardin linnaan Pohjois-Yorkshireen asiantuntijoiden arvioitaviksi tuotujen esineiden valikoima on monipuolinen.
07:00-07:30QI E14
Jakso 14
Sarja -
Sandi Toksvig kyselee englanniksi Q-kirjaimella alkavia eläimiä, vierainaan Alan Davies, Daliso Chaponda.
Sandi Toksvig henkeen sopivan visailun vierainaan Alan Davies, Jimmy Carr, Andrew Maxwell and Sara Pascoe.
Sandi Toksvig nauttii juomingeista ja syömingeistä vierainaan Alan Davies, Jo Brand, Phill Jupitus ja Prue Leith.
Sandi Toksvig vajoaa suohon vierainaan Alan Davies, Sindhu Vee, Aisling Bea ja Sally Philips.
Sandi Toksvig tarkastelee kisoja Alan Daviesin, Tom Allenin, Jimmy Carrin ja Lou Sandersin kanssa.
Tietokilpailu, jossa osallistujat yrittävät saada mahdollisimman vähän pisteitä keksimällä vastauksia.
Tietokilpailu, jossa osallistujat yrittävät saada mahdollisimman vähän pisteitä keksimällä vastauksia.
Tietokilpailu, jossa osallistujat yrittävät saada mahdollisimman vähän pisteitä keksimällä vastauksia.
12:15-13:10The Great British Sewing Bee S07E04
Kausi 7, 4/10. Tämän viikon haasteissa nähdään vaikutteita ympäri maailmaa.
Sarja -
13:10-14:00The Great British Sewing Bee
Lasten viikolla ompelijoiden taitoja testataan potkupuvuilla, merenalaisilla naamiaisasuilla ja pikku sadetakeilla.
14:00-14:50George Clarke's National Trust Unlocked
George käy Britannian hienoimmassa italialaisarkkitehtuurin kohteessa Kingston Lacyssä.
Tietokilpailu, jossa osallistujat yrittävät saada mahdollisimman vähän pisteitä keksimällä vastauksia.
Tietokilpailu, jossa osallistujat yrittävät saada mahdollisimman vähän pisteitä keksimällä vastauksia.
Tietokilpailu, jossa osallistujat yrittävät saada mahdollisimman vähän pisteitä keksimällä vastauksia.
17:00-18:10The Great British Bake Off
Leipurit ahertavat Battenberg-leivoksen, teknisen haasteen ja sankarillisen showstopper-näytösnumeron parissa.
18:10-18:55Where the Wild Men Are with Ben Fogle
Ben käy "vihreällä saarella" Georgin ja Bettinan luona.
Myrskyn jälkeen laaja maisema on tulvinut. Kaikki ovat liikkeellä.
19:55-20:40Maailman kauneimmat rautatiematkat
Andalusian ympäri kiertävä Al Andalus -luksusjuna vie mukanaan Espanjan kauneimpiin kaupunkeihin.
20:40-21:10QI E14
Jakso 14
Sarja -
Sandi Toksvig sekä Bridget Christie, Rosie Jones.
21:40-22:308 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown
Jimmy Carr juontaa. Jonathan Rossin ja Joe Wilkinsonin vastaparina ovat Roisin Conaty ja Ahir Shah.
22:30-23:15Heikoin lenkki
Romesh Ranganathan isännöi tietokilpailua Gareth Malonen, Brian McFaddenin, Sam Thompsonin, Sindhu Veen, Desiree Burchin.
23:15-00:05Michael McIntyren iso näyttely
Michael McIntyre muistelee omia suosikkiyllätyksiään ja -kepposiaan Big Show -ohjelmansa neljältä tuotantokaudelta.
00:00-00:10This Day In History
THIS DAY in history: find out more about the most important events that happened on this day, including politics, science.
00:10-00:20Keep Fit
Want to stay fit and healthy? Join qualified personal trainers from London for awesome workouts.
00:20-00:30Keep Fit
Want to stay fit and healthy? Join qualified personal trainers from London for awesome workouts.
00:30-00:35What Did They Say
In this episode: feel at home in Paris with Nicolas Tranchant, the founder of WideTrip.
00:35-00:40What Did They Say
In this episode: get the taste of France with the Parisian candy maker, Mr. Georges.
00:40-00:45What Did They Say
In this episode: discover the real value of art with Michael Andrew Wilson, an art expert from Paris.
00:45-01:00What Did They Say
In this episode: get on a romantic Paris picnic with Gregory Glycococalos.
01:00-02:25Little Men
A new pair of best friends have their bond tested by their parents' battle over a dress shop lease.
02:25-02:50Grammar Wise
English is easy! Watch entertaining stories and learn the English grammar! The topic of today?s episode: Be Going To.
02:50-03:00City Grammar
In this episode: visit the famous Millennium Bridge and learn how to use the words ?just?, ?already?.
03:00-05:00I, Tonya
Seeking figure-skating success, Tonya Harding (Margot Robbie) instead finds notoriety.
05:00-05:10English United
Figures of Speech is a programme for those who wants to learn English idioms.
05:10-05:20English United
Figures of Speech is a programme for those who wants to learn English idioms.
05:20-05:303 Ways2
The aim of educational program 3 Ways 2 is to improve your communication skills by mastering different language styles.
05:30-05:40English In Focus
In this episode, you will learn several useful set expressions with the noun ?Tree?.
05:40-05:45English 911
In this episode: 1) HOLE versus WHOLE; 2) ADD versus AD; 3) an idiom ABOVE BOARD.
05:45-05:50English 911
In this episode: 1) TO REMAIN versus TO STAY; 2) TO HOLD ON versus TO KEEP ON; 3) an idiom TO TELL A WHITE LIE.
05:50-06:00English 911
The rescue service, which helps you to avoid mistakes in the English language.
06:00-06:05Art Land
Did you know that you can create pictures not only with paints? Plasticine, sand, flour.
06:05-06:10Art Land
Did you know that you can create pictures not only with paints? Plasticine, sand, flour.
06:10-06:20Crafty Hands
Take care of the environment ? find out how to make different handicrafts from materials that you would normally throw away.
In this episode, the little aliens are celebrating Christmas. In today's episode, 'Christmas.'
06:30-06:40Once Upon A Time
A collection of animated stories and fairy tales for children and their parents.
06:40-06:45Word Party
?Word Party? ? a video dictionary for your kids.
06:45-06:50Word Party
?Word Party? ? a video dictionary for your kids.
06:50-07:00English Playtime
Main characters of the show - sweet Melanie, determined Grace, focused Sam and naughty Tommy - will help you to do it.
07:00-07:15Magic Science
This episode is about fire safety.
07:15-07:25Yummy For Mummy
In this episode our little chefs will cook Californian Hot Dog.
07:25-07:35Yummy For Mummy
In this episode our little chefs will cook Pumpkin Salad.
07:35-07:40Kids In Action
This episode is about making paper clothes.
07:40-07:45Kids In Action
This episode is about making banoffee pie.
07:45-07:50Alfred & Wilfred
Go on an adventure with Alfred and Wilfred! In this episode - ?HOLLY JOLLY STORY ?.
07:50-08:00Alfred & Wilfred
Go on an adventure with Alfred and Wilfred!
08:00-08:10Simple Phrases
Simple Phrases ? a series of animated episodes aimed at improving spoken English skills based on situational dialogues.
08:10-08:15Life Around
In this episode.
08:15-08:20Life Around
Life Around ? a series of animated films that will help you learn and memorize basic collocations and phrases for communicating on everyday topics and describing everyday situations.
08:20-08:25Life Around
Life Around ? a series of animated films that will help you learn and memorize basic collocations and phrases for communicating on everyday topics and describing everyday situations.
08:25-08:35City Grammar
In this episode, you'll learn about the benefits of travelling by motorbike, how much a computer makes office work easier.
08:35-08:40Basic Lexis
In this episode: visiting the London Underground.
08:40-08:45Basic Lexis
In this episode: learning colours.
08:45-08:50Step By Step
Let?s learn the basic vocabulary for everyday situations.
08:50-08:55Step By Step
Let?s learn the basic vocabulary for everyday situations.
08:55-09:00Step By Step
Let?s learn the basic vocabulary for everyday situations.
09:00-09:15Mojo Morning
Wake up with our anchormen and get supply of energy for the whole day.
09:15-09:25Here And There
Here and There is an educational programme that reveals interesting facts and tells about different events.
09:25-09:35Here And There
Here and There is an educational programme that reveals interesting facts and tells about different events.
09:35-09:45Study Choice
For those who want to master their English abroad and now are in the process of finding a language school.
09:45-09:50Euronews. Smart Regions
Smart Regions tours Europe to show how Cohesion Policy projects are helping people live better lives across the EU
09:50-09:55Euronews. Smart Regions
Smart Regions tours Europe to show how Cohesion Policy projects are helping people live better lives across the EU
09:55-10:00Euronews. Futuris
Latest news about the leading scientific and technological research projects in Europe.
10:00-10:10This Day In History
THIS DAY in history: find out more about the most important events that happened on this day, including politics, science.
10:10-10:20Easy Talk
In this episode, you'll see how you can use existing knowledge to make the knowledge itself popular with people.
10:20-10:35Let's Talk
Let?s Talk Project will allow you to acquire colloquial skills.
10:35-10:45English In Focus
In this episode, you will learn several useful collocations with the verb ?to come?.
10:45-10:50English 911
In this episode: 1) CLOSET versus WARDROBE; 2) TO DRIVE versus TO RIDE; 3) TABLE versus DESK.
10:50-10:55English 911
In this episode: 1) EXPLAIN versus DESCRIBE; 2) BUY versus PICK UP; 3) CHAIR versus STOOL.
10:55-11:00English 911
In this episode: 1) TO UNDERSTAND versus TO REALISE; 2) BELOW versus UNDER; 3) JUMPER versus SWEATER.
11:00-11:05Perfect English
In this episode: learn the pronunciation of the sound [f].
11:05-11:10Perfect English
In this episode: learn the pronunciation of the sound [?].
11:10-11:20English In Focus
In this episode, you will learn basic difference between British and American pronunciation.
11:20-11:25Let's Read Right
In this episode, you will learn a quote of Audrey Hepburn and study several tricky rules of English phonetics.
11:25-11:35Basic Lexis
In this episode: cleaning up the house.
11:35-11:45Basic Lexis
In this episode: playing bowling.
11:45-11:55Basic Lexis
In this episode: going camping.
11:55-12:00Step By Step
Let?s learn the basic vocabulary for everyday situations.
12:00-12:05Art Land
Did you know that you can create pictures not only with paints? Plasticine, sand, flour.
12:05-12:10Art Land
Did you know that you can create pictures not only with paints? Plasticine, sand, flour.
12:10-12:20Crafty Hands
Take care of the environment ? find out how to make different handicrafts from materials that you would normally throw away.
In this episode, the little aliens are celebrating Christmas. In today's episode, 'Christmas.'
12:30-12:40Once Upon A Time
A collection of animated stories and fairy tales for children and their parents.
12:40-12:45Word Party
?Word Party? ? a video dictionary for your kids.
12:45-12:50Word Party
?Word Party? ? a video dictionary for your kids.
12:50-13:00English Playtime
Main characters of the show - sweet Melanie, determined Grace, focused Sam and naughty Tommy - will help you to do it.
13:00-13:15Magic Science
This episode is about fire safety.
13:15-13:25Yummy For Mummy
In this episode our little chefs will cook Californian Hot Dog.
13:25-13:35Yummy For Mummy
In this episode our little chefs will cook Pumpkin Salad.
13:35-13:40Kids In Action
This episode is about making paper clothes.
13:40-13:45Kids In Action
This episode is about making banoffee pie.
13:45-13:50Alfred & Wilfred
Go on an adventure with Alfred and Wilfred! In this episode - ?HOLLY JOLLY STORY ?.
13:50-14:00Alfred & Wilfred
Go on an adventure with Alfred and Wilfred!
14:00-14:15Film Set
Combine education with leisure, and learn English with the help of movies.
14:15-14:30Film Set
Combine education with leisure, and learn English with the help of movies.
14:30-14:40Film Set
Combine education with leisure, and learn English with the help of movies.
14:40-14:45Easy Talk
Easy Talk - a series of animated films organized into several thematic blocks.
14:45-14:50Euronews. Futuris
Latest news about the leading scientific and technological research projects in Europe.
14:50-14:55Euronews. Futuris
Latest news about the leading scientific and technological research projects in Europe.
14:55-15:00Euronews. Futuris
Latest news about the leading scientific and technological research projects in Europe.
15:00-15:15English United
Figures of Speech is a programme for those who wants to learn English idioms.
15:15-15:253 Ways2
The aim of educational program 3 Ways 2 is to improve your communication skills by mastering different language styles.
15:25-15:35English In Focus
In this episode, you will learn several useful set expressions with the noun ?Leaf?.
15:35-15:40English 911
In this episode: 1) WISH versus DESIRE; 2) FILL IN versus FILL ON; 3) RED-LETTER DAY versus BLACK DAY.
15:40-15:45English 911
In this episode: 1) TO PAINT versus TO DRAW; 2) TO BE IN THE SUN versus UNDER THE SUN; 3) an idiom TO CRY OVER SPILT MILK.
15:45-16:00English 911
In this episode: 1) REDHEAD versus GINGER; 2) PAIN versus ACHE; 3) MONEY FOR JAM versus A PLUM JOB.
16:00-16:10This Day In History
THIS DAY in history: find out more about the most important events that happened on this day, including politics, science.
In this episode: wide, wider, the widest.
16:25-16:30English 911
In this episode: 1) the difference between: PLAN / SCHEME/ SCHEDULE; 2) NEAR versus NEARLY; 3) GADGET versus DEVICE.
16:30-16:35English 911
In this episode: 1) PRAY versus PREY; 2) BLOND versus BLONDE; 3) an abbreviation LOL.
16:35-16:40English 911
In this episode: 1) MEANWHILE versus MEANTIME; 2) PROCEED versus PRECEDE; 3) PERSONAL versus PERSONNEL.
Unusual facts about usual things.
17:00-17:25Grammar Wise
English is easy! Watch entertaining stories and learn the English grammar.
17:25-17:35English Up
In this episode: visit one of London?s railway stations, and learn about the prepositions of place in English.
17:35-17:45English Up
In this episode: discover interesting places to go in London and learn about the prepositions of time in English.
17:45-18:00English Up
In this episode: interesting facts about human body and appearance; words to describe good-looking people.
18:00-19:40Still Alice
A linguistics professor and her family find their bonds tested when she is diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease.
19:40-19:50Basic Lexis
In this episode: playing bowling.
19:50-20:00Basic Lexis
In this episode: going camping.
20:00-20:10Simple Phrases
Simple Phrases ? a series of animated episodes aimed at improving spoken English skills based on situational dialogues.
20:10-20:15Life Around
In this episode.
20:15-20:20Life Around
Life Around ? a series of animated films that will help you learn and memorize basic collocations and phrases for communicating on everyday topics and describing everyday situations.
20:20-20:25Life Around
Life Around ? a series of animated films that will help you learn and memorize basic collocations and phrases for communicating on everyday topics and describing everyday situations.
20:25-20:35City Grammar
In this episode, you'll learn about the benefits of travelling by motorbike, how much a computer makes office work easier.
20:35-20:40Basic Lexis
In this episode: visiting the London Underground.
20:40-20:45Basic Lexis
In this episode: learning colours.
20:45-20:50Step By Step
Let?s learn the basic vocabulary for everyday situations.
20:50-20:55Step By Step
Let?s learn the basic vocabulary for everyday situations.
20:55-21:00Step By Step
Let?s learn the basic vocabulary for everyday situations.
21:00-21:10This Day In History
THIS DAY in history: find out more about the most important events that happened on this day, including politics, science.
21:10-21:20Easy Talk
In this episode, you'll see how you can use existing knowledge to make the knowledge itself popular with people.
21:20-21:35Let's Talk
Let?s Talk Project will allow you to acquire colloquial skills.
21:35-21:45English In Focus
In this episode, you will learn several useful collocations with the verb ?to come?.
21:45-21:50English 911
In this episode: 1) CLOSET versus WARDROBE; 2) TO DRIVE versus TO RIDE; 3) TABLE versus DESK.
21:50-21:55English 911
In this episode: 1) EXPLAIN versus DESCRIBE; 2) BUY versus PICK UP; 3) CHAIR versus STOOL.
21:55-22:00English 911
In this episode: 1) TO UNDERSTAND versus TO REALISE; 2) BELOW versus UNDER; 3) JUMPER versus SWEATER.
22:00-00:10Phantom Thread
1950s London. A dressmaker meets his match in new muse Alma, who resists being discarded.
21:15-01:00RTL Fußball - Länderspiel: Deutschland - Griechenland
Die Mannschaft von Julian Nagelsmann trifft im letzten Testspiel vor der EM auf Griechenland.
01:00-01:25RTL Nachtjournal
Im Mittelpunkt des "RTL Nachtjournal" steht die vertiefende aktuelle Berichterstattung.
01:25-01:43RTL Nachtjournal Spezial: Hannes Jaenicke zum World Ocean Day
RTL Nachtjournal Spezial: Hannes Jaenicke zum World Ocean Day
01:43-01:45RTL Nachtjournal - Das Wetter
Die aktuellen Wetteraussichten aus der RTL-Wetterredaktion
01:45-02:35CSI: Miami
Horatio versucht, die Unschuld eines Bootsjungen zu beweisen, der eine Frau erschossen haben soll.
02:35-03:25CSI: Miami
Ein Hotelangestellter wurde ermordet. Der attraktive junge Mann hatte Beziehungen mit drei Frauen.
03:25-04:10CSI: Miami
Eine Frau, mit der Horatio verabredet war, wurde tot aufgefunden. Für ihn beginnt nun ein Alptraum.
04:10-04:55CSI: New York
Während einer Cocktailparty zur Markteinführung eines neuen Wodkas wird eine Frau erstochen.
04:55-05:40CSI: New York
Auf einer Studentenparty wird eine Tote gefunden. Die kopflose Leiche hängt an einem Ventilator.
05:40-06:20CSI: New York
Technischer Hinweis: Bitte beachten Sie, dass in Österreich stattdessen eine Dauerwerbesendung ausgestrahlt wird.
06:20-06:45Der Blaulicht Report
"Der Blaulicht Report" beleuchtet die Arbeit von Polizisten und Notärzten.
06:45-07:30Der Blaulicht Report
Ein mitgewaschener Lotto-Schein sorgt erst für Randale und dann für ein waschechtes Beziehungsdrama.
07:30-08:35Der Blaulicht Report
Eine Mutter findet im Zimmer ihres kleinen Sohnes ein ihr gänzlich unbekanntes Kind vor.
08:35-09:35Der Blaulicht Report
Als eine Frau verschwindet, geraten die Beamten in einen Strudel aus familiärer Gewalt und Hass.
09:35-10:40Der Blaulicht Report
Mordversuch aus Eifersucht im Hallenbad - eine gefesselte Frau wurde im Becken versenkt.
10:40-11:40Der Blaulicht Report
Im Vorgarten eines aufgebrachten Lehrers hängt eine ziemlich ungewöhnliche Morddrohung.
11:40-12:40Der Blaulicht Report
Die Cops finden in einem Vorgarten eine halbnackte Frau. Wenig später finden sie ihre Klamotten.
12:40-13:15Verklag mich doch!
Hat Svens Tochter Kira (17) tatsächlich ein Auto geklaut und einen Unfall verursacht?
13:15-13:45Verklag mich doch!
Was ist los mit Eheberater Christian Hoffmann, den Bianca und Sascha konsultieren.
13:45-14:45Barbara Salesch - Das Strafgericht
Feuerwehrmann Toni Wenzel ist immer als erster zur Stelle, als es drei Fälle von Brandstiftung gibt.
14:45-15:45Barbara Salesch - Das Strafgericht
Jessica wird auf dem Nachhauseweg von Max' Drohne attackiert. Der Fall scheint klar...
15:45-16:45Ulrich Wetzel - Das Strafgericht
Sophie wird Opfer eines Gewaltverbrechens für das sich ihr Ehemann vor Gericht verantworten muss.
16:45-17:45Ulrich Wetzel - Das Strafgericht
Supermarktbesitzer Steffen Ohlmer wird mit einer Flasche niedergeschlagen. Wasm ist passiert?
17:45-18:45Ulrich Wetzel - Das Strafgericht
Yasmin wird nach einer Kosmetikbehandlung ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert. Was ist passiert?
Annika Lau begrüßt einen prominenten Gast und blickt in das Leben der Schönen und Reichen.
19:45-20:03RTL Aktuell
Nachrichten und Sport bei RTL
20:03-20:04RTL Aktuell - Das Wetter
Die aktuellen Wetteraussichten aus der RTL-Wetterredaktion
20:04-20:05Klima Update
Im "Klima Update" werden verschiedene Klimaphänomene erklärt und tagesaktuelle Informationen für die Zuschauer eingeordnet.
20:05-21:15Life - Menschen, Momente, Geschichten
"Life" - das Magazin bei RTL - berichtet über Menschen und Momente, die bewegen und begeistern.
21:15-22:15Alarm für Cobra 11 - Die Autobahnpolizei
Vicky und Max, die Neuen bei der Autobahnpolizei müssen einen den Entführer finden...
22:15-23:15Alarm für Cobra 11 - Die Autobahnpolizei
Semir konfrontiert Vicky mit ihrer Vergangenheit, dabei platzt ein Fall rein...
23:15-00:15Alarm für Cobra 11 - Die Autobahnpolizei
Semir und Vicky tauchen in die Welt des Menschenschleusers Youssef Allawi ein.
00:00-00:30ZDF Magazin Royale
Das "ZDF Magazin Royale" hebt seinen Vorhang. Jan Böhmermann begrüßt die Zuschauer zu seiner Late-Night-Satire.
"aspekte" beleuchtet Aktuelles aus der Welt der Kultur: Literatur, Musik, Kunst, Kino und wichtige gesellschaftliche Debatten.
01:15-01:30heute journal update
Die wichtigsten Nachrichten des Augenblicks.
Film von Britta Marks und Maurice Philip Remy
02:15-03:00D-Day 1944 - Die Schlacht um Europas Freiheit
Zeitgeschichte hautnah - im Dokuformat. Politik, Kultur und persönliche Geschichten machen historische Ereignisse erlebbar.
03:00-03:45Im Netz der Camorra
Vierteilige Thrillerserie
03:45-04:30Im Netz der Camorra
Matteo DeCanin muss mit allen Mitteln kämpfen, um das Leben seiner Frau Stefania und seiner Tochter Laura zu retten.
Fernsehfilm, Deutschland 2021
06:00-06:35hallo deutschland
"hallo deutschland" - das News- und Boulevardmagazin präsentiert emotionale Geschichten über Menschen in Deutschland und Deutsche in aller Welt.
06:35-07:00First Day ? Alles ist möglich
Das 12-jährige Transgender-Mädchen Hannah muss sich zu Beginn eines neuen Jahres an die Highschool gewöhnen.
07:00-07:25First Day ? Alles ist möglich
Das 12-jährige Transgender-Mädchen Hannah muss sich zu Beginn eines neuen Jahres an die Highschool gewöhnen.
07:25-07:40Meine Freundin Conni
Animationsserie frei nach den Büchern von Wieland Freund
08:05-08:30Bibi Blocksberg
08:30-08:40Das Dschungelbuch
08:40-08:50Robin Hood - Schlitzohr von Sherwood
Scarlett erzählt den Kindern in Sherwood, wie Robin Hood seinen Ruhm begründete: Alles begann mit Robins.
08:50-09:05Robin Hood - Schlitzohr von Sherwood
In der Fortsetzung erzählt Scarlett den Kindern, wie sich Robin, Tuck und Little John das erste Mal begegnet sind.
09:50-09:55heute Xpress
Der schnelle Nachrichtenüberblick: heute Xpress.
09:55-10:20Bibi und Tina
54-teilige deutsch-dänische-chinesische Zeichentrickserie 2002-2017
das Entdeckermagazin, Deutschland 2006-2023
10:45-11:00einfach Mensch
Film von Iris Toussaint
11:00-13:10sportstudio live Leichtathletik-EM
Live-Übertragungen von Sportveranstaltungen.
13:10-13:15heute Xpress
Der schnelle Nachrichtenüberblick: heute Xpress.
13:15-14:15sportstudio live Leichtathletik-EM
Live-Übertragungen von Sportveranstaltungen.
14:15-15:45Zu schön um wahr zu sein
Barbara Köster ist plötzlich allein. Dass Nesthäkchen Leonie mit achtzehn Jahren ausziehen könnte.
15:45-15:50heute Xpress
Der schnelle Nachrichtenüberblick: heute Xpress.
15:50-17:10Bares für Rares - Lieblingsstücke
Horst Lichter, seine Experten und Händler präsentieren und kommentieren ihre "Lieblingsstücke" aus den vergangenen Sendungen.
17:10-18:00Die Rosenheim-Cops
Kaum ist Kommissar Hofer aus Bamberg zurück, erwartet ihn schon ein neuer Fall. Georg Ritter.
18:00-18:05heute Xpress
Der schnelle Nachrichtenüberblick: heute Xpress.
Das aktuelle Wochenmagazin mit Geschichten aus Bundesländern, Regionen und Kommunen, bürgernah und zupackend.
18:35-19:05plan b
Film von Cordula Stadter
19:05-20:00SOKO München
Hector Minz, renommierter Krimiautor, wird an einem Münchener See tot aufgefunden. Die SOKO beginnt mit den Ermittlungen.
heute ist eine Nachrichtensendung des Zweiten Deutschen Fernsehens mit aktuellen Meldungen des Tages aus den Bereichen Politik, Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft, Kultur, Gesellschaft, Sport und Wetter.
Aktuelle Wetterinformationen und Vorhersagen aus der ZDF-Wetterredaktion.
20:25-21:15sportstudio live Leichtathletik-EM
Live-Übertragungen von Sportveranstaltungen.
21:15-22:45Ein starkes Team
Seit 1994 begeistert der ZDF-Samstagskrimi seine Fans.
22:45-23:00heute journal
23:00-00:00sportstudio live Leichtathletik-EM
Live-Übertragungen von Sportveranstaltungen.
23:45-01:25Der Geist und die Dunkelheit
Spielfilm Deutschland/USA 1996 (The Ghost and the Darkness)
01:25-01:5410 vor 10
Das News-Magazin «10 vor 10» berichtet von Montag bis Freitag über die Hintergründe zu den Schlagzeilen des Tages aus dem In- und Ausland.
01:54-02:25extra 3 Spezial: Best-of Verkehr
Satiremagazin mit Christian Ehring
Conférencier Hosea Ratschiller begrüßt Gery Seidl. Wer es dieses Jahr auf keine Skipiste geschafft hat.
Eine neue Sternennacht im "Fluc", eine neue Schar illustrer Gäste, die Hosea Ratschiller präsentieren kann: Manuel Rubey.
03:16-03:59Kabarett aus Franken
Für reichlich politischen Zündstoff.
03:59-05:30Stuttgarter Besen 2024
Der Wettbewerb
05:30-06:00Die Mathias Richling Show
In der "Mathias Richling Show" wollen alle irgendetwas: Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann will mit viel PS nach Europa.
06:00-06:32Comedy Clash
Pre Finale 4: Hendrik Brehmer vs. Sezer Oglu vs. Maria Clara Groppler
Talk und Tumult mit Eva Karl Faltermeier
Das 3sat-Kulturmagazin von ZDF, ORF, SRF und ARD
Die Welt von morgen
"Alpenpanorama" zeigt über zahlreiche Web- und Panoramakameras täglich Livebilder aus ausgewählten Urlaubsorten.
Das tägliche Nachrichtenmagazin des ORF-Fernsehens.
Das Kulturmagazin von Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen
10:35-11:00Bilder aus Südtirol
Die Dokumentationen stellen die Kultur und das gesellschaftspolitische Geschehen in Südtirol vor.
11:00-11:45Der Wanderer im Waldviertel
Als Napoleon gerade sein Waterloo erlebt und in Wien der Kongress tagt, macht sich ? fernab der Weltpolitik ? K.-u.-k.
11:45-12:30Waldviertel - Vom Zauber des rauen Landes
Der Film von Kurt Mündl zeigt die Wälder, Hügel, Hochmoore und Täler des nördlichen Waldviertels.
12:30-13:15Weinviertel - Weites Land
Es ist die Weite, die den Besucher des Weinviertels in seinen Bann schlägt. "Das Viertel unter dem Manhartsberg".
Tod nach "Wunderheilung".
Das tägliche Nachrichtenmagazin des ORF-Fernsehens.
14:15-14:20Notizen aus dem Ausland
"Notizen aus dem Ausland" ist das Auslandsmagazin von 3sat.
durch die Woche mit Christoph Süß
Das 3sat-Ländermagazin berichtet in dreißig Minuten wöchentlich über interessante.
15:35-16:05Kunst + Krempel
Familienschätze unter der Lupe
16:05-16:30Natur im Garten
Wohl kaum ein Gehölz hat so viele Namen und Bedeutungen wie der Holunder, landläufig bei uns als "Holler" bezeichnet.
16:30-18:00Die schönsten Berliner Inselparadiese
Film von Dagmar Wittmers
18:00-18:30Mit dem Hausboot zur Müritz
Freude am Reisen
18:30-20:00Schön, dass es dich gibt
In memoriam Reinhard Schwabenitzky
heute ist eine Nachrichtensendung des Zweiten Deutschen Fernsehens mit aktuellen Meldungen des Tages aus den Bereichen Politik, Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft, Kultur, Gesellschaft, Sport und Wetter.
3sat zeigt das Wetter aus den 3sat-Ländern Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz.
20:20-21:00Fußballhymnen. Schalalalala?
Zur EM 2024 werden wieder Fußballhymnen aus dem Radio und in den Stadien erklingen.
ARD-Nachrichten aus dem In- und Ausland auf den Punkt gebracht.
21:15-22:50Sommernachtskonzert Schönbrunn 2024
Der Schwerpunkt des Programms liegt diesmal auf Werken aus dem 19. und 20. Jahrhundert, von Richard Wagner, über Bed.
22:50-00:20Goldene Note 2024
By Leona König
00:00-00:38Tod für Olympia - Der Fall Birgit Dressel (1/3)
April 1987: Eine 26-jährige Weltklasse-Sportlerin stirbt im Mainzer Uniklinikum an einem Multi-Organversagen.
00:38-00:40Die Parteien zur Europawahl
01:00-01:30Tod für Olympia - Der Fall Birgit Dressel (2/3)
Birgit Dressel bereitet sich in einem Trainingslager in Portugal auf die WM 1987 in Rom vor. Sie experimentiert dort mit einem neuen Anabolika-Medikament. Für Birgit Dressel der Erfolgsfaktor.
01:30-02:00Tod für Olympia - Der Fall Birgit Dressel (3/3)
Birgit Dressel nimmt ihre letzten Atemzüge und verstirbt an Multi-Organversagen. Eine 26-jährige Spitzensportlerin kann von einem ganzen Ãrzte-Team nicht gerettet werden.
02:00-03:33Mankells Wallander - Tod in den Sternen
Ein harmloser Dorftrottel, der wegen seiner Vorliebe für Sternzeichen den Spitznamen "Astro-Göran" trägt, betritt die Sparkasse von Ystad mit einer scharfen Bombe und erzwingt die Ãberweisung eines
Die Nachrichten der ARD
03:35-05:05Stunde der Entscheidung
Karen Bender ist eine Expertin für plastische Chirurgie, die demnächst zur Oberärztin befördert wird. Ihr Familienleben mit ihrem Mann Christoph und der kleinen Tochter Kim könnte kaum harmonischer sein.
05:05-05:53Deutschland am Limit? Abschiebung, Abschottung, Asyl
Flucht, Migration, Abschiebung - für viele Bürgerinnen und Bürger sind das Reizwörter. Und die Politik steht unter Druck.
Die Nachrichten der ARD
06:30-06:55My Move 3 - Tanz deines Lebens (7/20)
Auf den ersten Trainingstag folgt heftiger Muskelkater. Der macht die Tanzrichtungen am zweiten Trainingstag noch anstrengender, denn Sarah überrascht die MY MOVE DANCECREW mit Contemporary und Jazz.
06:55-07:20My Move 3 - Tanz deines Lebens (8/20)
Sarah beginnt mit dem anspruchsvollsten Teil der Choreografie. Schnelle Moves, die präzise und in der richtigen Dynamik ausgeführt werden müssen. Sie schickt die acht auf geheime Mission.
07:20-07:45Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl (37/52)
Es regnet, und Pumuckl kann es nicht lassen, in den Pfützen herumzuspringen. Er bekommt nasse FüÃe und erkältet sich. Meister Eder fragt Dr. Schredelbach um ärztlichen Rat.
07:45-08:10Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl (39/52)
Meister Eder soll seiner Schwester in kürzester Zeit einen Kleiderschrank schreinern. Da geht ein Werkzeug nach dem anderen kaputt.
08:10-08:15Unerschrocken! Echte Heldinnen
Annette Kellerman erfindet Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts nicht nur den Badeanzug, sondern trägt eine Menge zur Befreiung der Frauen bei. Selbst Hollywood entdeckt die unglaublich gute Schwimmerin aus Australien.
08:15-08:40Nina und die wilden Tiere
Heute macht sich Nina auf die Suche nach der geheimnisvollsten Raubkatze Afrikas. Es ist der scheue Serval.
08:40-08:55Pia und die Haustiere
Pia steht auf Wassersport, besonders auf Stand-Up-Paddling. Das geht auch mit Hund â vorausgesetzt, er kann schwimmen. Und wie man Hunden das Schwimmen beibringt, will Pia herausfinden.
08:55-09:20Checkerin Marina
Pfadfinderinnen und Pfadfinder, kurz "Pfadis" genannt, sind die gröÃte Jugendbewegung der Welt! Marina hat die groÃe Ehre, Pfadfinderin auf Probe zu werden. Dafür ist die Checkerin auf dem Bundeslager in Königsdorf unterwegs.
09:20-09:45Wissen macht Ah!
Clarissa und Ralph widmen die heutige Sendung: dem Kreis. Eine tolle Sache so ein Kreis.
09:45-09:55neuneinhalb - für dich mittendrin
Die Idee klingt einfach nur verrückt: Man nehme Gesteinsmehl, kippe es in die Weltmeere und schon schluckt es gewaltige Mengen CO2! Kann das funktionieren? Und wenn ja: Welche Risiken gibt es?
09:55-10:20Die Pfefferkörner (255)
Als Jasina für ein Fotoprojekt der Schule eine Hafenrundfahrt mit ihrer Lieblingskapitänin Anja macht, hat ihre Barkasse plötzlich einen Motorschaden und droht, gegen ein Containerschiff zu prallen.
10:20-10:50Die Pfefferkörner (256)
Leos Mutter Kim will nach der Rückkehr aus der Therapie alles richtig machen und sucht nach einer gröÃeren Wohnung für sich und Leo.
Die Nachrichten der ARD
10:55-11:40Nashorn, Zebra & Co. (317)
Dufte, was Tigerin Ahimsa alles zum Geburtstag bekommt. Hoffentlich rümpft hier keiner die Nase, denn das ganze Revier liegt unter einer Duftwolke.
11:40-12:30Nashorn, Zebra & Co. (318)
Frank weiÃ, warum Mähnenrobben lange Barthaare haben - mit Mähnenrobben-Bulle Haui verbindet ihn eine tiefe Männerfreundschaft. Einstweilen wird Panda Ying genau unter die Lupe genommen.
12:30-13:00Quarks im Ersten
Schon der Kinderserienheld Bob der Baumeister wusste, wie es geht: reduzieren, wiederverwerten, recyceln. Aber immer noch zählen Bauen und Wohnen zu den Bereichen mit dem gröÃten CO2-AusstoÃ.
Die Nachrichten der ARD
13:15-14:00Die Tierärzte - Retter mit Herz (17)
Ein Notfallpatient mit mehreren Knochenbrüchen, ein Sohn, der in die FuÃstapfen seiner Mutter treten möchte, und bunte Sorgenvögel im Vogelpark Waldbrücke: Auf die Tierärzte warten spannende Fälle - in
14:00-14:45Die Tierärzte - Retter mit Herz
Eine junge Assistenzärztin bekommt am Sylter Strand ein spontanes Zwischenzeugnis von ihrer Chefin, ein Landtierarzt behandelt auf einem Filmtierhof jeder Menge âStarsâ und ein Chirurg schreitet zur
Die Nachrichten der ARD
Die 17-jährige Carolin fällt aus allen Wolken, als sie herausfindet, dass sie nicht das leibliche Kind ihrer Eltern ist.
16:30-18:00Mensch Mama!
Die Bremers sind eine ganz normale Familie. Mutter Anja regelt das Leben ihrer beiden heranwachsenden Kinder, und ihr Mann Ulli sitzt nach getaner Arbeit vor dem Fernseher.
Die Nachrichten der ARD
BRISANT ist das Infotainment-Magazin der ARD und erzählt die Geschichten des Lebens aus aller Welt: Nachrichten, Hintergründe, Reportagen über den Klimawandel, Service, Trends, Lifestyle und Neuigkeiten von Prominenten.
20:00-20:50Gefragt - Gejagt
Moderator Alexander Bommes begrüÃt heute die Kandidat:innen Anna Spengler, Dominik Sauter, Teresa Bauer und Sven Schaffer. Schlägt das Team die Jägerin oder den Jäger?
20:50-20:57Wetter vor acht
Wie wird das Wetter? Sonne in Stuttgart, Nebel in Nürnberg, Bremen bewölkt? Hier gibt's die aktuellen Wetterprognosen.
20:57-21:00Lotto am Samstag
Moderatorin Franziska Reichenbacher präsentiert jeden Samstag um 19.57 Uhr die kurz zuvor gezogenen Gewinnzahlen.
Die Nachrichten der ARD
21:15-00:30Schlagerbooom Open Air - Die Stadionshow in Ãsterreich
Gäste: * Andrea Berg * Rainhard Fendrich * Howard Carpendale * Anna Ermakova * Andy Borg * Ben Zucker * voXXclub * Kerstin Ott * DJ Ãtzi * Marianne Rosenberg * Melissa Naschenweng * Mickie
Fernsehfilm, Deutschland 2018
00:15-01:55Der Russe ist einer, der Birken liebt
Mascha ist eine junge jüdische Frau.
01:55-02:45El Hierro - Mord auf den Kanarischen Inseln
Ungeduldig wartet Lucía vor Gericht auf die Übergabe ihrer Kinder. Als sie erfährt, dass Dácil verschwunden ist.
02:45-03:35Red Light
Evi und Sam lassen Ingmars und Sylvias Wohnung durchsuchen ? in der Hoffnung, die Tatwaffe zu finden.
03:35-04:30Brasilien - Blickpunkt Rio
Der brasilianische Fotograf, Regisseur und Journalist Rafael Duarte bietet einen frischen Blick auf die Megastadt.
04:30-05:1528 Minuten
Das täglich frische und freche Politmagazin, moderiert von Kulturjournalistin Elisabeth Quin.
05:15-06:40Bilder allein zuhaus
Zwei Tänzerinnen an der Stange entdecken im Gespräch eine überraschende Gemeinsamkeit: beide hassen Ballett ...
06:40-07:35Al Pacino - Vom Underdog zur Filmlegende
Al Pacino ? der Underdog, der Kinogeschichte schreibt.
07:35-08:30Eddie Murphy, Hollywoods schwarzer König
Eddie Murphy ist Stand-up-Superstar und einer der ersten afroamerikanischen Filmhelden.
08:30-09:25GEO Reportage
Farbenfreudige Geschichten, die das Leben schreibt. Reisen, Rituale und Feste mit Menschen aus aller Welt.
09:25-10:15GEO Reportage
Farbenfreudige Geschichten, die das Leben schreibt. Reisen, Rituale und Feste mit Menschen aus aller Welt.
10:15-10:55Stadt Land Kunst Spezial
(1): Peru: Irving Penns Liebe auf den ersten Blick (2): Der Titicacasee.
10:55-11:35Stadt Land Kunst Spezial
"Stadt Land Kunst Spezial" am Wochenende ? das sind drei spannende Entdeckungen an einem Ort.
11:35-12:05Zu Tisch
Das Dorf liegt mitten auf der deutsch-französischen Grenze und heißt auf der elsässisch-französischen Seite Scheibenhard.
12:05-12:50Mein Mittelmeer - Tauchgänge ins Unterwasserreich
Dort, wo das Mittelmeer unter Schutz steht, kehren Artenreichtum und Vielfalt zurück. Naturfilmer Didier Noirot gelang es.
12:50-13:35Mein Mittelmeer - Tauchgänge ins Unterwasserreich
Dort, wo das Mittelmeer unter Schutz steht, kehren Artenreichtum und Vielfalt zurück. Naturfilmer Didier Noirot gelang es.
13:35-14:20Wasser - Stürmische Nordsee
Die Nordsee ? stürmische Wildnis vor unserer Haustür. Sie hat viele Gesichter: sei es das Wattenmeer, die Hochsee.
14:20-15:05Wasser - Geheimnisvolle Ostsee
Die Ostsee ? geheimnisvolles Meer im Herzen Europas.
15:05-16:00Maritimes Erbe
Von Wismar bis zur Insel Usedom erstreckt sich eine Landschaft voller Schönheit und reichem maritimem Erbe.
16:00-16:50Maritimes Erbe
Die Bretagne ganz im Westen Frankreichs ist ein Sehnsuchtsort. Die riesige Halbinsel, die sich weit in den Atlantik dehnt.
16:50-17:45Maritimes Erbe
Die Südküste von Wales ist seit Jahrhunderten mit der Seefahrt verbunden, aber auch geprägt von Kriegen und Industrie.
17:45-18:40Maritimes Erbe
Die Westküste Norwegens ist reich an maritimer Geschichte und Tradition.
18:40-19:35ARTE Reportage
(1): Ukraine: Die Rechte der Witwen Zehntausende Frauen in der Ukraine verloren ihre Ehemänner im Kampf gegen Russland.
19:35-20:20Rodolfos Traum - Eine Schule in den Anden
Rodolfo Dugarte Sanchez hat einen Traum. Der junge Lehrer aus den venezolanischen Anden möchte.
20:20-20:40ARTE Journal
Das europäische Nachrichtenmagazin wirft einen weltoffenen und europäischen Blick auf Politik und Kultur.
20:40-21:15360° Reportage
Farbenfreudige Geschichten, die das Leben schreibt. Reisen, Rituale und Feste mit Menschen aus aller Welt.
21:15-22:45Afrika von oben
Afrika von oben.
22:45-00:10Das letzte Weiße Nashorn
"Kifaru" begleitet zwei junge Kenianer während ihrer ersten Arbeitsjahre als Nashornpfleger im Reservat Ol Pejeta.
23:57-00:01100 000 ans de beauté
Depuis la préhistoire, les humains transforment leurs corps pour se conformer à leurs idéaux. A travers 35 histoires.
00:01-01:21Drag Race France : une seule sera la reine
Cette semaine.
01:21-02:09Planète Rap
Née le 7 mars 1997 à Kinshasa, Davinhor a fui le Congo avec toute sa famille quand elle n'avait que trois ans. En 2019.
02:09-04:16Taratata 100% live
Durant près de 90 minutes, les plus grands noms de la scène musicale française et internationale se succèdent.
04:16-05:28Drag Race France : une seule sera la reine
Qui, de Afrodite Amour, Edeha Noire, Le Filip, Leona Winter, Lula Strega, Magnetica, Misty Phoenix, Norma Bell.
05:28-05:30Météo Outre-mer
Le point sur l'évolution de la météo dans les Outre-mers, grâce à des cartes et des explications.
05:30-05:57De Toronto à Vancouver, à bord du Transcanadien
Quatre jours en train pour découvrir la région des lacs et des forêts de l'Ontario, le Manitoba et le Saskatchewan.
05:57-06:06Pays et marchés du monde
Programme de voyage où diverses villes et leurs marchés locaux sont visités.
06:06-06:57Tout le monde veut prendre sa place
Le jeu où tout le monde peut devenir champion. Un quiz, des candidats, et un champion que tous rêvent de déloger !
06:57-07:29Le 6h info
Le journal de 6h00 (heure de Paris) proposé par la rédaction de France Télévisions.
Du lundi au jeudi, rendez-vous, dès 6h30 avec Thomas Sotto et Marie Portolano. Et du vendredi au dimanche.
09:00-09:10Journal 08h00
Pour bien démarrer la journée, la rédaction de France 2 propose un point sur l'actualité.
Du lundi au jeudi, rendez-vous, dès 6h30 avec Thomas Sotto et Marie Portolano. Et du vendredi au dimanche.
10:25-11:35Bel & bien
Les questions liées au bien-être, au développement personnel, au mieux-vivre.
Le magazine de l'Institut national de la consommation donne à chacun des conseils pratiques pour mieux consommer.
11:46-12:20Chacun son tour
Des participants tirés au sort parmi le public doivent répondre à des questions de culture générale dans l'espoir de se qualifier pour la deuxième épreuve?: le billard japonais, un jeu d'adresse qui peut rapporter cadeaux et argent.
12:20-12:55Chacun son tour
Des participants tirés au sort parmi le public doivent répondre à des questions de culture générale dans l'espoir de se qualifier pour la deuxième épreuve?: le billard japonais, un jeu d'adresse qui peut rapporter cadeaux et argent.
12:55-13:52Tout le monde veut prendre sa place
Le jeu où tout le monde peut devenir champion. Un quiz, des candidats, et un champion que tous rêvent de déloger !
13:52-13:54Paroles d'athlètes: Coline Devillard
A l'approche des Jeux olympiques de Paris 2024, des athlètes témoignent.
13:54-13:59Journal Météo climat
Le point quotidien sur l'actualité météo et climatique, avec des reportages et des interviews d'experts.
13:59-14:20Journal 13h00
Tous les jours, à 13h, la rédaction de France 2 propose un point sur l'actualité.
14:20-15:2013h15, le samedi...
Sur un ton dynamique et décalé, un regard sur l'actualité, l'air du temps et la politique.
15:20-15:23Journal Météo climat
Le point quotidien sur l'actualité météo et climatique, avec des reportages et des interviews d'experts.
15:23-15:28C'est bon à savoir
"C'est bon à savoir" décrypte les bénéfices pour la santé de la consommation des fruits et légumes et analyse leur mode de culture, sans oublier de parler d'environnement.
15:28-15:30Destination 2024: Émission du samedi 8 juin 2024
Paris accueillera en 2024 les XXXIIIe Jeux olympiques d'été. Zoom sur un champion en préparation.
15:30-19:00Tennis: Roland Garros
Suivez les matchs de Roland-Garros, un des plus prestigieux tournois de tennis.
19:00-20:58Championnats d'Europe
Au programme de cette deuxième soirée de compétition, vivez la fin de l'heptathlon.
20:58-21:32Journal 20h00
Les principales informations nationales et internationales sont passées à la loupe et mises en perspective.
21:32-21:5320h30, le samedi
Une suite de reportages qui dévoilent "la petite histoire dans la grande".
21:53-21:58Journal Météo climat
Le point quotidien sur l'actualité météo et climatique, avec des reportages et des interviews d'experts.
21:58-21:59Les Etoiles du sport et de la santé: Émission du samedi 8 juin 2024
De grands champions du sport français partagent leur expérience et des conseils pour améliorer notre santé physique et mentale grâce au sport.
21:59-22:001, 2, 3, bougez
Magazine d'information.
Romy et Orson, deux nageurs handicapés, se retrouvent chaque semaine pour leur entraînement. Ils côtoient d'autres nageurs.
22:05-00:18Championnats d'Europe
Au programme de cette deuxième soirée de compétition.
Le journal de TVMONACO.
00:06-01:17Complément d'enquête
L'an dernier, le Puy du Fou a dépassé les deux millions de visiteurs, devançant le Parc Astérix.
01:17-01:43Tv5monde, le journal afrique
Toute l'actualité africaine proposée par la rédaction de TV5MONDE.
Le bulletin météorologique international.
01:48-02:42Nous, les européens
Quelles solutions les différents pays ont-ils inventées pour répondre aux enjeux communs de 500 millions d'Européens .
02:42-03:22Face aux territoires
Une personnalité de premier plan du monde politique, économique, syndical...
03:22-03:35Le dessous des cartes
Depuis plus de quarante ans, le Liban semble être la caisse de résonance de tous les conflits du Moyen-Orient.
03:35-05:00Et dehors la vie continue
Les petits hôpitaux régionaux de Vevey, Montreux.
05:00-05:28Population d'afrique
L'Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre connaît une croissance démographique importante (+ 2,7 % par an).
05:28-06:35C dans l'air
Pas un événement important qui ne soit évoqué, expliqué et analysé ! En plateau.
06:35-07:05À bon entendeur
Notre deuxième émission en extérieur s'intéresse aux mites alimentaires.
Émission de décryptage clair, précis et concis de situations internationales souvent complexes.
Fini le temps où les casiers étaient cantonnés aux vestiaires, musées et bureaux.
08:04-09:00Vaincre l'impossible
La forêt brésilienne est le poumon vert de la planète. Mais chaque année, des millions d'hectares sont décimés.
09:00-09:26Le journal de radio-canada
Le journal télévisé proposé par la rédaction de Radio-Canada.
09:26-09:38Tv5monde, le journal
Toute l'actualité nationale et internationale proposée par la rédaction de TV5MONDE.
09:38-09:45Anna ja ystävät
Anna ja ystävät kertoo iloisesta ja kekseliäästä kaveriporukasta, jossa Anna-tyttö, Seela-sammakko, Peku-koira.
09:45-09:52Toc toc !
Dès qu'un animal est stressé ou contrarié, il va voir Claude le taureau.
09:52-09:59Les quiquoi
Il y a un concours de déguisement à l'école, mais Pétole n'a pas eu son costume de princesse.
09:59-10:04L'imagier animé de koumi
Koumi, 6 ans, gaie et espiègle, rêve de connaître tous les animaux du monde. Grâce à son imagier, elle part à leur rencontre.
La richissime Madame Millesous vit dans un manoir avec son chien adoré, Bentley.
10:11-10:23Les souvenirs de mamette
Avant d'être une gentille grand-mère de 80 ans, Mamette a été une petite fille au sacré caractère. À 9 ans.
10:23-10:36Les souvenirs de mamette
Avant d'être une gentille grand-mère de 80 ans, Mamette a été une petite fille au sacré caractère. À 9 ans.
10:36-10:39Les super-pouvoirs du vivant
Oui les canards flottent.
10:39-10:42Les super-pouvoirs du vivant
Lorsque le pangolin se recroqueville sur lui-même.
10:42-10:55La petite pokou
Pokou et Yiblo unissent leur force pour combattre un monstre de feu. Elles s'épuisent, et le monstre reprend ses forces.
10:55-11:21Les grandes grandes vacances
Juillet 1940. Le village est occupé.
11:21-11:35Les p'tits diables
Cousin Francis vient passer l'après-midi chez Tom et Nina, et ces derniers ont peur qu'il se moque d'eux.
11:35-12:047 jours sur la planète
Magazine hebdomadaire d'actualité qui revient sur les événements phares de la semaine.
12:04-12:30Le grand jt des territoires
L'actualité des régions françaises présentée par Cyril Viguier. Présentation : Cyril Viguier.
12:30-12:33Femmes humoristes
Vent nouveau dans le milieu du one-woman-show ! La preuve en sketches...
12:33-13:00Objectif monde l'hebdo
C'est un peu le monde à l'envers .
Le grand entretien sur l'actualité mondiale proposé par TV5MONDE, en partenariat avec le quotidien français ''Le Monde''.
13:54-14:00Voyages vert vous
Au coeur de la jungle costaricienne, le long de la rivière Sarapiqui, on observe la faune et la flore au fil de l'eau.
14:00-14:27Maghreb-orient express
Quoi de neuf dans les mondes arabes .
14:27-14:30Sans faute(s) ?
Comment commencer correctement une lettre de motivation? Avec l'intitulé " à l'intention de..." ou " à l'attention de ... ".
14:30-15:01Le journal de la rtbf
Toute l'actualité internationale proposée et présentée par la rédaction de la RTBF.
15:01-17:05Des racines & des ailes
Des Racines & Des Ailes est une émission consacrée au patrimoine, à l?histoire et à la connaissance.
Grands entretiens éco-politiques.
17:31-17:58Tendance xxi
Le dynamisme de la création française dans les domaines de la mode, de l'artisanat, du design, de la beauté, de la cuisine...
Pour décoder la Belgique et le monde, analyser, débattre pour mieux comprendre l'actualité.
18:53-19:00Nature = futur !
Préserver la biodiversité : une priorité ! Car la nature est un immense réservoir d'intelligence, de sobriété.
19:00-19:2264' le monde en français - 1re partie
L'actualité internationale décryptée par le monde francophone.
La chronique « Terriennes », le site francophone pour la condition des femmes dans le monde.
Le bulletin météorologique international.
7 jours sur 7 Patrick Simonin rencontre les artistes, les écrivains, les acteurs et tous ceux qui font vibrer notre époque.
19:42-21:18Échappées belles
Aix-en-Provence, la ville où il fait bon vivre par excellence. Non loin de Marseille, sa grande soeur, parfois rivale.
21:18-21:26L'instant roland-garros
Résumé quotidien avec tous les résultats, les plus beaux échanges et toutes les séquences à ne pas manquer.
21:26-21:30L'instant roland-garros - joueurs de légende: Jim Courier
Au début des années 1990.
21:30-21:57Le journal de france 2
Le journal télévisé proposé par la rédaction de France 2 (édition de 20h, heure de Paris).
Le bulletin météorologique international.
22:00-23:03Rugby - top 14
Match du championnat de France de rugby (Top 14).
23:03-00:02Rugby - top 14
Match du championnat de France de rugby (Top 14).
01:00-01:30LA NOCHE EN 24H
02:00-02:30NOTICIAS 24 H
MALENA ALTERIO. CAPÍTULO Nº 274. DIRECCIÓN: Sara Nuñez de Arenas. REALIZACION: Ana Mazuecos. PRODUCCION: LUCRECIA BOFILL. Magazine cultural sobre las más diversas manifestaciones artísticas conducido por Cayetana Guillén Cuervo..
04:30-05:00ZOOM NET
08:00-08:30NOTICIAS 24 H
08:30-09:00ZOOM NET
CAPÍTULO Nº 667. Programa de actualidad dedicado a los video juegos y las novedades en tecnologia en general. PARA TODOS LOS PUBLICOS. SUBTITULADO. CATCHUP: 7 DIAS
09:00-09:30NOTICIAS 24 H
09:30-10:00NOTICIAS 24 H
10:00-10:30NOTICIAS 24 H
10:30-11:00NOTICIAS 24 H
11:00-11:30NOTICIAS 24 H
11:30-12:00NOTICIAS 24 H
12:00-12:30NOTICIAS 24 H
12:30-13:00NOTICIAS 24 H
13:00-13:30NOTICIAS 24 H
13:30-14:00NOTICIAS 24 H
14:00-14:30NOTICIAS 24 H
14:30-15:00NOTICIAS 24 H
15:00-15:30NOTICIAS 24 H
16:00-17:00TELEDIARIO 1
18:00-18:30NOTICIAS 24 H
18:30-19:00NOTICIAS 24 H
19:00-19:30NOTICIAS 24 H
19:30-20:00NOTICIAS 24 H
20:00-20:30NOTICIAS 24 H
20:30-21:00NOTICIAS 24 H
21:00-21:30NOTICIAS 24 H
21:30-22:00NOTICIAS 24 H
22:00-22:25TELEDIARIO 2
22:30-23:00NOTICIAS 24 H
23:00-23:30NOTICIAS 24 H
23:05-00:35Version Española
Q es un periodista reconvertido en escritor de novela negra. Su obra está ambientada siempre en su Valencia natal.
00:35-00:55Version Española
"El silencio del pantano", dirigida por Marc Vigil en 2019 y el cortometraje a concurso "Alegrías riojanas" de Velasco Broca.
00:55-02:30Historia De Nuestro Cine
Tomás pasa por españa con su gira internacional y quiere reunirse con sus dos amigos de juventud, diego y alberto.
Si Dalí viviera hoy, seguro que sería uno de los mayores influencers de las redes sociales.
03:30-07:00Noticias 24H
Información continua 24 horas, nacional e internacional, 365 días al año.Subt.
07:00-08:00Noticias 24H
Información continua 24 horas, nacional e internacional, 365 días al año.Subt.
08:00-09:00Noticias 24H
Información continua 24 horas, nacional e internacional, 365 días al año.Subt.
09:00-09:30Para todos La 2
Magacine semanal centrado en temas sociales y de participación ciudadana y presentado por Montse Elias.
Programa dedicado al emprendimiento y nuevos empresarios en españa.
09:45-10:15En Lengua De Signos
Programa que acerca la actualidad del mundo a las personas sordas.
Parlamento es la crónica semanal de la actividad del congreso y del senado.
10:45-11:00Objetivo Igualdad
11:00-11:30Página 2
Magacín sobre el mundo de los libros
11:30-12:00Programa A Determinar
Programación que será anunciada.
12:00-12:30Seguridad Vital 5.0
Hoy en seguridad vital 5.0 los siniestros con animales en la carretera.
12:30-13:30Comando Actualidad
Programa de reportajes de actualidad, donde se analizan los temas sociales desde miradas distintas.
13:30-14:25Comando Actualidad
Facturan miles de euros contando su vida.
14:25-14:55Audiencia Abierta
Es un programa de periodicidad semanal que tiene, como prioridad.
Magazine en directo, en donde hacemos un repaso a toda la actualidad social de nuestro país.
16:00-17:00Telediario 1
Telediario es el programa informativo de referencia de Televisión Española.
17:00-17:45Saber Y Ganar Fin De Semana
Programa concurso
17:45-20:35Baila como puedas
6 profesionales del baile deben demostrar que son el bailarín y coreógrafo más completo de España.
20:35-21:25Viaje Al Centro De La Tele
Viaje all centro de la tele te ofrece los mejores momentos que hemos podido vivir a través de la pequeña pantalla con humor
21:25-22:00Viaje Al Centro De La Tele
Te ofrece los mejores momentos que hemos podido vivir a través de la pequeña pantalla con grandes dosis de humor
22:00-22:30Telediario 2
El informativo de las 21 horas en La 1 de Televisión Española.
22:30-23:05Informe Semanal
Informe semanal emite varios reportajes, de una duración aproximada entre 10' y 15'.
23:05-00:00Españoles en el Mundo
Los españoles que están viviendo en diversos lugares del mundo nos enseñan su entorno y como se desarrolla su día a día.
06:00-06:25Muumilaakson tarinoita
Primadonna ja voimamies. Kausi 2, 13/26. Primadonna ja voimamies. Puolentoista viikon sateen jälkeen Muumilaakso peittyy tulvaveden alle. Tulvaveden varaan on joutunut myös kiertävän sirkuksen tähti, Primadonna.
06:25-06:50Muumilaakson tarinoita
Palaa kotiin Nuuskamuikkunen!. Kausi 2, 14/26. Palaa kotiin Nuuskamuikkunen!. Kevään ensimmäinen päivä on tullut, mutta Nuuskamuikkusta ei näy missään. Muumipeikko on kipeä ja odottaa kovasti näkevänsä taas ystävänsä.
06:50-07:00Muumien maailma
Kirosanalaatikko. Lapset löytävät meren pohjasta aarrearkun, joka paljastuu kirosanalaatikoksi. He päättävät vitsinä viedä sen Hemulin tädille.
07:00-07:15Muumien maailma
Tahmatassulapsi. Tahmatassun äiti lähettää kurittoman lapsensa Muumien luo, opetettavaksi tavoille. Muumien talviuniaika on kuitenkin alkamassa, joten lapselle pitää yrittää löytää joku toinen paikka.
07:15-07:40Muumilaakson tarinoita
Hienot naamiaiset. Kausi 3, 15/24. Hienot naamiaiset. Koko Muumilaakson väki kutsutaan hienoihin naamiaisiin, ja juhliin valmistaudutaan kuumeisesti. Muumipeikolla on kuitenkin oma salainen projekti.
07:40-08:05Muumilaakson tarinoita
Vampyyri hukassa. Kausi 3, 16/24. Vampyyri hukassa. Eläintarhasta on karannut vampyyri, ja Muumilaakson väki on kauhuissaan. Aivan kaikki eivät kuitenkaan antaudu pelolle, ja vampyyri löytää suojelua yllättävästä paikasta.
08:05-08:30Muumilaakson tarinoita
Hirmuinen Pikku Myy. Kausi 3, 17/24. Hirmuinen Pikku Myy. Pikku Myy on kurittomalla päällä ja hän aiheuttaa harmia yhdelle jos toisellekin Muumilaakson asukkaalle.
08:30-08:40Ikku-Pikku Ritari
Floppy. Pikkuriikkinen Gus haluaa valtakunnan mahtavimmaksi ritariksi ja todistaa kaikille, että mikään ei ole mahdotonta, vaan urhoollisuus ja rohkeus menevät kaiken edelle.
08:40-08:55Ikku-Pikku Ritari
Monen Gusin sotku. Pikkuriikkinen Gus haluaa valtakunnan mahtavimmaksi ritariksi ja todistaa kaikille, että mikään ei ole mahdotonta, vaan urhoollisuus ja rohkeus menevät kaiken edelle.
08:55-09:05Ikku-Pikku Ritari
Rosan aarre. Pikkuriikkinen Gus haluaa valtakunnan mahtavimmaksi ritariksi ja todistaa kaikille, että mikään ei ole mahdotonta, vaan urhoollisuus ja rohkeus menevät kaiken edelle.
09:05-09:20Taikapuutarhan pikkuötökät
Pesän haamu. Kausi 1, 9/52. EPesän haamu. sikko on jätetty vastuuseen pesästä Taavin loman ajaksi. Pian hän kuitenkin huomaa kauhistuksekseen, että pesässä kummittelee!
09:20-09:30Taikapuutarhan pikkuötökät
Kallen onnenkalu. Kausi 1, 10/52. Kallen onnenkalu. Kalle on onnensa kukkuloilla, mutta äkkiä hän huomaa hukanneensa onnea tuovan neliapilansa. Mikä katastrofi! Ilman rakasta kaulakoruaan kimalaisemme on täysin voimaton.
09:30-09:45Muumien maailma
Lähtö lauttaretkellä. Uudistettu versio alkuperäisestä puolalaisesta pala-animaatiosta, joka kertoo Muumipeikon ja hänen perheensä sekä omaperäisten ystävien seikkailuista Muumilaaksossa. Sarja on puhuttu suomeksi.
09:45-10:05Muumien maailma
Villiintyvä joki. Uudistettu versio alkuperäisestä puolalaisesta pala-animaatiosta, joka kertoo Muumipeikon ja hänen perheensä sekä omaperäisten ystävien seikkailuista Muumilaaksossa. Sarja on puhuttu suomeksi.
10:05-10:30Mimmit musapatti
Yhteinen pallomme. Kausi 1, 12/20. Pelastetaan maapallo kierrättämällä ja uusiutuvalla energialla, Saavatko Mimmit ja lapset lampun syttymään auringonvalon avulla? Liity sinäkin jammailemaan roskaorkesterin tahdissa!
10:30-10:40Taikapuutarhan pikkuötökät
Reilua peliä. Kausi 1, 37/52. Reilua peliä.
10:40-10:55Muumien maailma
Pikku Myyn mäenlasku. Uudistettu versio alkuperäisestä puolalaisesta pala-animaatiosta, joka kertoo Muumipeikon ja hänen perheensä sekä omaperäisten ystävien seikkailuista Muumilaaksossa. Sarja on puhuttu suomeksi.
10:55-11:10Viidakon veijarit
Kauhun kallio. 2/13. Kauhun kallio. Jos on hätä, kutsu viidakon veijarit apuun! Tiikeriksi itseään luuleva Mauri-pingviini, Mikke-gorilla ja muut veijarit paljastavat, mitä viidakossa todella tapahtuu.
11:10-11:25Viidakon veijarit
Rubiinit ovat ikuisia. 3/13. Rubiinit ovat ikuisia. Jos on hätä, kutsu viidakon veijarit apuun! Tiikeriksi itseään luuleva Mauri-pingviini, Mikke-gorilla ja muut veijarit paljastavat, mitä viidakossa tapahtuu.
11:25-11:40Viidakon veijarit
Punakoiso. 4/13. Punakoiso. Jos on hätä, kutsu viidakon veijarit apuun! Tiikeriksi itseään luuleva Mauri-pingviini, Mikke-gorilla ja muut veijarit paljastavat, mitä viidakossa todella tapahtuu. Suomeksi puhuttu animaatiosarja.
Kaurin kova nälkä. Kausi 2, 37/52. Kaurin kova nälkä. Tule mukaan Monchhichin ja ystävien taianomaisiin uniseikkailuihin!
Kujeita kerrakseen. Kausi 2, 38/52. Kujeita kerrakseen. Tule mukaan Monchhichin ja ystävien taianomaisiin uniseikkailuihin!
Lehvyn korkeuskammo. Kausi 2, 39/52. Lehvyn korkeuskammo. Tule mukaan Monchhichin ja ystävien taianomaisiin uniseikkailuihin!
Leppoisaa menoa. Kausi 2, 40/52.Leppoisaa menoa. Tule mukaan Monchhichin ja ystävien taianomaisiin uniseikkailuihin!
12:30-12:55Muumilaakson tarinoita
Taidenäyttely hiekkarannalla. Kausi 4, 6/25. Taidenäyttely hiekkarannalla. Uimarannalle päätetään järjestää taidenäyttely hiekkaveistoksista.
12:55-13:20Muumilaakson tarinoita
Vieraita rannalla. Kausi 4, 7/25. Vieraita rannalla. Muumilaakson rantautuu vene, jossa on mahdollisesti merirosvoja. Lapset miettivät keinoa, jolla voisivat ajaa heidät tiehensä.
13:20-13:45Muumilaakson tarinoita
Poliisimestarin innokas veljenpoika. Kausi 4, 8/25. Poliisimestarin innokas veljenpoika. Muumilaakson poliisimestari saa innokasta virka-apua juuri valmistuneesta veljenpojastaan.
Denver lapsenvahtina. Kausi 1, 9/52. Dan on lupautunut lapsenvahdiksi Carolinen veljelle, mutta vauva tykästyy enemmän Denveriin. Iltapäivästä tuleekin varsin vauhdikas.
Kultalippua etsimässä. Kausi 1, 10/52. Ystävykset ovat innoissaan tulevista supersankarimessuista. Harry kilpailee Spookyn kanssa kultaisesta pääsylipusta.
Dan sankarina. Kausi 1, 11/52. Denver osaa muuttua näkymättömäksi, mutta kukaan ulkopuolinen ei saa tietää siitä.Dan joutuu itse huomion keskipisteeksi pitääkseen salaisuuden.
Kuin raivo saurus. Kausi 1, 12/52. Neiti Tucson on tehnyt hurjan dinosauruselokuvan, joka saa kaupunkilaiset kavahtamaan Denveriä. Miksi Denver raivoaa kuin elokuvan dinosaurus?
14:30-14:45Nuori Robin Hood
Derke hypnoosissa. Uudessa animaatiosarjassa tutustutaan nuoreen Robin Hoodiin ja hänen ystäviinsä, joilta ei puutu hauskanpitoa, energiaa, rohkeutta eikä huumorintajua.
14:45-14:55Alvin ja pikkuoravat
Isi hoitaa. Kausi 1, 10/52. Isi hoitaa. Alvin tuuraa sairastunutta Davea isän tehtävissä.
14:55-15:10Alvin ja pikkuoravat
Pelleilyä. Kausi 1, 11/52. Pelleilyä. Tero lamaantuu kauhusta.
15:10-15:25Alvin ja pikkuoravat
Uusi appi. Kausi 1, 12/52. Uusi appi. Uusi mobiilisovellus tekee Alvinin elämästä vaikeaa.
15:25-15:40Alvin ja pikkuoravat
Onnea vaan, herra Viiksi. Kausi 1, 13/52. Onnea vaan, herra Viiksi. Neiti Cronerin rakas kissa on kadonnut.
15:40-16:55Muumipapan urotyöt - Erään nuoren Muumin seikkailut
Muumi tarvitsee lohtua ja Muumipappa kertoo nuoruutensa seikkailuista parantaakseen Muumin mieltä. Seikkailuissa on mukana useampikin Muumille tuttu hahmo, jotka nykyään asuvat Muumilaaksossa.
16:55-17:05Professori Balthazar
Vesi vanhin voitehista. Klassikkoanimaatio kertoo lempeästä ja nokkelasta professori Balthazarista, joka keksii ihmekoneensa avulla ratkaisun kaikkiin pulmiin.
17:05-17:15Professori Balthazar
Ystävämme mehiläiset. Klassikkoanimaatio kertoo lempeästä ja nokkelasta professori Balthazarista, joka keksii ihmekoneensa avulla ratkaisun kaikkiin pulmiin.
Salametsästäjät. Kausi 1, 23/26. Salametsästäjät. Suomeksi puhuttu animaatio.
17:35-17:45Professori Balthazar
Vihtorin munamaatti. Klassikkoanimaatio kertoo lempeästä ja nokkelasta professori Balthazarista, joka keksii ihmekoneensa avulla ratkaisun kaikkiin pulmiin.
17:45-18:00Kaisu Kuu
Lotan penkki. Kausi 1, 11/52. Lotan penkki. Lola, Mira ja Tuuli ovat menossa lempipenkilleen, mutta käy ilmi, että rouva Penkka aikoo panna sen paikalle vaunuvaraston. Epäreilua!
18:00-18:10Kaisu Kuu
Mestari Muskulus. Kausi 1, 12/52. Mestari Muskulus. Erikoinen kissa tupsahtaa Lotan kotiin. Se onkin mestari Muskulus, suuri velho, joka tarvitsee Kaisu Kuun apua voidakseen muuttua taas omaksi itsekseen.
18:10-18:35Paavo Pesusieni
Valassynttärit / Karatesaari. Kausi 4, 11/20. Valassynttärit / Karatesaari. Palkittu animaatiosarja kertoo merenpohjassa sijaitsevasta Tangalan kaupungista, jossa Paavon lisäksi asustaa joukko muitakin persoonallisia hahmoja.
18:35-19:00Zak Storm
Viikinkien yhteys. Sarja nuoresta surffaripojasta Zakista, joka joutuu Bermudan kolmion nielaisemaksi ja ajautuu uskomattomaan ja hurjapäiseen seikkailuun.
Alkuvoimatähti. Kausi 1, 19/26. Alkuvoimatähti. Suomeksi puhuttu animaatio.
19:25-19:35Alvin ja pikkuoravat
Isivitsejä. Kausi 4, 38/51. Isivitsejä. Piirretty lastensarja keskinkertaisesta lauluntekijästä David Sevillestä, joka hoitaa kolmea aivan tavallista maaoravaa. Tai no, melkein tavallista... 4. tuotantokausi.
19:35-19:45Alvin ja pikkuoravat
Valittu pikkuorava. Kausi 4, 39/51. Valittu pikkuorava. Piirretty lastensarja keskinkertaisesta lauluntekijästä David Sevillestä, joka hoitaa kolmea aivan tavallista maaoravaa. Tai no, melkein tavallista... 4. tuotantokausi.
19:45-19:56Alvin ja pikkuoravat
Tupla-Dangus. Kausi 4, 40/51. Tupla-Dangus. Piirretty lastensarja keskinkertaisesta lauluntekijästä David Sevillestä, joka hoitaa kolmea aivan tavallista maaoravaa. Tai no, melkein tavallista... 4. tuotantokausi.
00:30-01:10No Pucks Given
06:00-10:30MTV Uutiset Live
Tärkeimmät uutiset ja kiinnostavimmat puheenaiheet - aina!
Ostrava, Tshekki. Yleisurheilua: Ostrava, Tshekki ( 28.5.2024 ). Selostajana Mika Saukkonen, asiantuntijana Tommi Evilä.
12:35-13:35La Liga Special
Post Season - La Ligan kausikooste. La Ligan erikoisohjelmistoa kauden käännekohtien yhteydessä. Englanninkielinen ohjelma.
13:35-14:00Motorsport Mundial
Viikoittainen moottoriurheiluohjelma, joka tarjoaa tuoreimmat uutiset, kisakuvaukset ja analyysit vesiurheilusta kaksi- ja nelipyöräisiin saakka. Englanninkielinen ohjelma.
Oulu ja Östersund. Suora lähetys Oulun ja Östersundin raviradalta.
Oslo. Timanttiliiga: Oslo ( 30.5.2024 ). Selostajana Antero Mertaranta, asiantuntijana Tommi Evilä.
Tukholma. Timanttiliiga: Tukholma ( 2.6.2024 ). Selostajana Antero Mertaranta, asiantuntijana Tommi Evilä.
00:10-00:50Kartingin SM
Oulu. Kooste Kartingin viisiosaisen suomenmestaruusarjan avauskilpailusta Ouluzonen radalta. Mukana parhaat palat kaksipäiväisestä kilpailusta.
00:50-05:49MTV Uutiset Live
Tärkeimmät uutiset ja kiinnostavimmat puheenaiheet - aina!
06:00-11:20MTV Uutiset Live
Tärkeimmät uutiset ja kiinnostavimmat puheenaiheet - aina!
11:20-13:10Jääkiekon MM
Suomi - Itävalta. Suomi - Itävalta ( 16.5.2024 ). Selostajana Antero Mertaranta. Studiossa juontaja Teemu Niikko, asiantuntijoina Kari Jalonen ja Lasse Kukkonen. Paikan päällä Prahassa Sami Kapanen.
13:10-13:30Alpeilla: Hiking and Biking Behind the Scenes
13:30-14:00Track and Field Weekly
Track & Field Weekly. Jakso 8/24. Englanninkielinen ohjelma.
14:00-15:55Jääkiekon MM
Kanada - Suomi. Kanada - Suomi ( 18.5.2024 ). Selostajana Antero Mertaranta. Studiossa juontajana Teemu Niikko, asiantuntijoina Olli Jokinen ja Karri Kivi. Paikan päällä Prahassa Sami Kapanen.
15:55-17:40Riding Balls of Fire - The Wildest Years of Rallying
Dokumentissa seurataan 30 vuotta sitten lakkautetun rallin B-ryhmän lyhyttä mutta kiihkeää valtakautta vuosina 1983?1986.
17:40-18:30Porsche Carrera Cup Benelux
Zandvoort. Kauden toinen osakilpailu Hollannin Zandvoortista. Race 1 ( 8.6.2024 ). Englanninkielinen selostus. Kilpailussa mukana rallin kaksikertainen maailmanmestari Kalle Rovanperä.
18:30-19:25La Liga 2 Highlights
Espanjan toiseksi korkeimman sarjatason MD 42 kooste. Kaikki maalit ja tärkeimmät tapahtumat. Englanninkielinen ohjelma.
19:25-21:30La Liga nousukarsinnat
Oviedo - Eibar. Oviedo - Eibar ( 8.6.2024 ). Englanninkielinen selostus.
Kuopio. Kausi 3, 2/6. Vesillä-ohjelma seilaa edelleeen Savon ytimessä. Kuopion Kallavedellä matkaan tarttuu näyttelijä Ismo Apell ja maailma nopein vene. Ketonen pääsee lisäksi harvinaiselle keikalle Kuopioon.
23:45-00:50MXGP Motocross
Saksa. Motocrossin MM-sarja, MXGP-luokan osakilpailu ( 2.6.2024 ). Englanninkielinen selostus.
00:50-05:48MTV Uutiset Live
Tärkeimmät uutiset ja kiinnostavimmat puheenaiheet - aina!
06:00-10:30MTV Uutiset Live
Tärkeimmät uutiset ja kiinnostavimmat puheenaiheet - aina!
10:30-18:00Armand Duplantis - Born to Fly
Dokumentissa seurataan amerikanruotsalaisen Armand Mondo Duplantisin nousua ja kasvua isänsä valmentamasta lapsitähdestä maailman parhaaksi seiväshyppääjäksi seuraten hänen harjoitteluaan ja kilpailujaan.
18:00-21:00Kartingin SM
Oulu. Kooste Kartingin viisiosaisen suomenmestaruusarjan avauskilpailusta Ouluzonen radalta. Mukana parhaat palat kaksipäiväisestä kilpailusta.
21:00-21:5524H Series
Hankook 24H Series. Moottoriurheilun makasiiniohjelma 24H series kilpa- ja touring-autojen sarjasta. Englanninkielinen ohjelma.
21:55-22:20Mass Participation Series
Trans Sahara Marathon. Koostelähetys urheilun upeimmista massatapahtumista eri puolilta maailmaa. Englanninkielinen ohjelma.
Halifax. SailGP purjehduksen osakilpailu (2.6.2024). Englanninkielinen selostus.
23:50-00:40World Endurance Championship Highlights
FIA World Endurance Championship Highlights. Kooste FIA World Endurance Championship -sarjan TotalEnergies 6 Hours of Spa-francorchamps osakilpailusta. Englanninkielinen ohjelma.
00:25-02:20Taistelulähetit ? 1917
Ensimmäinen maailmansota on kuumimmillaan. Kaksi nuorta brittisotilasta saa mahdottoman tehtävän viedä vihollislinjan läpi viesti, joka estää satoja sotilaita vastaan suunnitellun kuolettavan iskun.
Nuori sairaanhoitaja Quinn lataa puhelimeensa sovelluksen, joka väittää voivansa ennustaa käyttäjän tarkan kuolinajan. Quinn saa tietää, että hänellä on vain kolme päivää elinaikaa.
Animaatioseikkailu 1930-luvun New Yorkissa, missä nuori Georgia unelmoi palokuntalaisen työstä isänsä jalanjäljissä.
05:15-05:25Star File
Keanu Reeves. Viihdeohjelma, jonka jokaisessa osassa piirretään muotokuva jostakin Hollywood-tähdestä, alkutaipaleelta uran huipuille ja suvantoihin.
Perustuu Astrid Lindgrenin tarinaan. Peter on ollut metsässä leikkimässä ryöväriä. Mummo on pyytänyt häntä syömään kauan sitten, mutta kun hän tulee sisään, mummoa ei näy. Salongissa istuu Mimmi-nukke.
05:50-07:00Peter & Petra
Peter ja Petra ovat kaksi pientä lasta. Kaksi pienen pientä lasta! Ei isompia kuin kaksi pientä nukkea.
Katto-Kassinen on kaunis, ihmeen viisas ja sopivan lihava mies parhaassa iässä. Eräänä päivänä hän lentää Pikkuveljen luokse ja heistä tulee ystäviä.
08:40-10:40Ronja Ryövärintytär
Ronjan elämä alkoi dramaattisesti. Kun hän syntyi, kalliolla ja metsissä salamoi, ja ryövärikuningas Mattis oli onnellinen, sillä se merkitsi sitä, että heimoon saatiin uusi ryövärijohtaja.
10:40-12:05Neljä joulua yhdessä päivässä
Brad ja Kate inhoavat hankalia perhetapaamisia, ja tänä jouluna he ovat päättäneet matkustaa Fidjille.
12:05-13:45Second Act
Komedia Mayasta (Jennifer Lopez), joka kyllästyy siihen, ettei saa ylennystä supermarketissa, ja hankkii itselleen pomon paikan tekaistun CV:n avulla.
13:45-15:25The Wrecking Crew
Dokumentti ryhmästä taitavia studiomuusikoita, jotka 60-luvun LA:ssa nauhoittivat lukuisia hittejä mutta olivat alan ulkopuolella tuntemattomia.
15:25-17:05Book Club
Romanttinen komedia neljästä kypsään ikään ehtineestä ystävyksestä, jotka navigoivat elämän ja rakkauden ristiaallokossa.
17:05-18:45Tills Frank skiljer oss åt
Ruotsalaiskomedia sinkku-Verasta, joka on kuolettavan rakastunut kollegaansa Frankiin, mutta jonka valmentajansa mielestä pitäisi laskea rimaansa.
Raimo is mine. Kausi 1, 5/10. Raimo is mine. Kämppisten romanttiset suhteet ottavat osumaa yhden vaateskandaalin, yhden yksityisyyttä loukkaavan kuvalöydöksen ja yhden epäonnistuneen kosinnan myötä.
Tytöt. Kausi 1, 6/10. Tytöt. Koulukodista karkaa teini-ikäinen tyttö, jota epäillään henkirikoksesta. Etsintää hankaloittaa se, että tyttö on liivijengin pomon tytär. Keissi koskettaa omien tyttäriensä kanssa kipuilevaa Tommia.
20:15-21:00Pahan väri
Karvas jogurtti. Kausi 1, 5/9. Karvas jogurtti. Hannes on sairaalassa, Leena yrittää parhaansa. Kaius ottaa myrkkyhoitaja-Ailin keissin, mutta Leena ei suostu astumaan syrjään. Aili haluaa pitää kasvonsa millä hinnalla tahansa.
Faroukin ja Maysan talous on kireällä ja avioliiton jännitteet kasvavat. Heillä on uusi salainen sivutyö, mutta pian he törmäävät vanhoihin tuttuihin.
Tavatessaan Salimin Ramy saa tietää kuuluvansa jengiin. Hän kiirehtii Steven ja tämän uuden tyttöystävän luo - ikionnellinen Steve harkitsee kosimista.
The Sinners Are Much More Fun. Chucky saapuu Jaken uuteen kouluun murhanhimoisen suunnitelman kanssa, ja poliisi kuulustelee Tiffanya ja Nicaa.
22:50-00:15Willy's Wonderland
Toiminnantäyteinen kauhukomedia, jossa Nicolas Cagen esittämä mies huijataan ottamaan yövuoro Willy's Wonderland -huvipuistossa. Puistoa vaivaa kahdeksan mekaanista ja verenhimoista eläinmaskottia.
00:00-03:00Born This Way: MTV Pride
Celebrate Pride with these iconic anthems that will have you partying loud and proud!
03:00-04:00Today's Top Hits
Check out today's biggest tracks and hottest hits!
09:00-12:00Non-Stop Hits
We're bringing you nothing but the biggest tracks and chart anthems, the hits never stop!
12:00-13:00MTV Top 20
Let's take a look at some of the biggest hits that are circulating the globe right now in this top 20 countdown!
13:00-17:00Non-Stop Hits
We're bringing you nothing but the biggest tracks and chart anthems, the hits never stop!
17:00-19:00Kim Petras' Wooh-Ah! Top 20
Kim Petras hosts MTV Pride with this handpicked countdown of her Woo-Ah Top 20! Including great music from Paris Hilton, Lady Gaga, and Kim herself of course! Woo-ah!
19:00-22:00Weekend Hitlist
The weekend starts right here! We've selected the hottest hits that will keep you in the party mood!
22:00-23:00Fresh Out
Fresh Out delivers the most important music and pop culture news of the week and beyond with artist interviews, in-studio performances, album drops and tour announcements.
23:00-05:00Party Hits!
The party don't stop on MTV, and we're going big right now with this collection of party hits!
Kauhuelokuva nuorista, jotka kutsutaan luksusleirintäalueelle erämaahan, missä vaanii jokin paha. Guldbaggenin yleisöpalkinnon voittaja.
01:35-03:20Deepwater Horizon
Tositapahtumiin perustuva elokuva katastrofaalisesta räjähdyksestä öljynporauslautta Deepwater Horizonilla vuonna 2010.
03:20-04:55A Long Way Down
Brittiläinen draamakomedia neljästä itsemurhaa suunnittelevasta ihmisestä, jotka sattumalta tapaavat lontoolaishotellin katolla uuden vuoden aattona.
04:55-05:25On Set
Viihdeohjelma On Set vie Hollywoodin tähtitehtaan kulissien taakse.
05:25-05:35Star File
Seth Rogen. Viihdeohjelma, jonka jokaisessa osassa piirretään muotokuva jostakin Hollywood-tähdestä, alkutaipaleelta uran huipuille ja suvantoihin.
05:35-06:00On Set
Viihdeohjelma On Set vie Hollywoodin tähtitehtaan kulissien taakse.
06:00-07:50Viimeinen startti
Toimintakomedia street racing -legenda Dennisistä, joka yhdessä ex-vaimonsa kanssa yrittää estää teini-ikäistä tytärtään osallistumasta kisoihin.
07:50-09:45The Space Between Us
Sci-fi-draama Marsilla syntyneestä pojasta, joka matkustaa maapallolle ensimmäistä kertaa teininä ja etsii tuntematonta isäänsä.
09:45-11:10Lasse vs Lasse
Kun Lasse aloittaa nelosella, hän järkyttyy. Hänen paikallaan istuu uusi poika, joka on kaikkea mitä Lasse haluaa olla. Ja hänenkin nimensä on Lasse!
Vanhojen kaverusten kertausharjoitukset menevät aivan läskiksi, kun osanottajat ovat kiinnostuneempia naisten jahtaamisesta, hotellilla tanssimisesta sekä ruoasta ja juomasta.
12:30-14:05Göta Kanal 2
25 vuotta sitten kaksi laivaa purjehti kilpaa Götan kanavan läpi. Tapaus nousi kuuluisuuteen. Nyt on uuden kilpailun aika, ja tällä kertaa laivoja seuraa tuotantoyhtiö, joka on tehnyt kilpailusta livenä lähetetyn saippuadokumentin.
14:05-15:50Veijarikopla ja Dynamiitti-Harry
Sickan, Vanheden ja Rocky murtautuvat gangsteripomo Wall-Enbergille ja turvautuvat räjäytysekspertti Dynamiitti-Harryyn. Harmi vain että hänen tietonsa dynamiitista ovat aikansa eläneitä...
15:50-17:25Bad Moms
Komedia kahden lapsen äidistä (Mila Kunis), joka saa tarpeekseen kodin, työn ja koulun vaatimuksista ja kapinoi äiti-ihannetta vastaan.
17:25-19:10Hustlers - Korkojen kera
Kiitetty rikosdraama strippareista Ramona (Jennifer Lopez) ja Destiny (Constance Wu), joiden on vaikeaa pitää elämänsä kasassa.
19:10-21:00Monica Z
Neljä Guldbagge-palkintoa saanut draama jazzikoni Monica Zetterlundista, pääosassa debytantti Edda Magnason.
21:00-23:1012 Years a Slave
Solomon Northup on vapaa mustaihoinen mies, joka työskentelee muusikkona 1840-luvun Washingtonissa. Hän joutuu orjakauppiaiden kidnappaamaksi ja päätyy plantaasille Louisianaan.
Räjähtävä toimintatrilleri Rileysta (Jennifer Garner), joka lähtee eeppiselle koston tielle, kun huumekartelli murhaa hänen miehensä ja tyttärensä.
23:35-01:35Rahalla saa
Kolme hyvin erilaista ihmistä kohtaa Tukholman alamaailmassa, ja seuraukset ovat väkivaltaiset. Jorge on karannut vankilasta. Mrado on jugoslavialaismafian velanperijä. JN on töissä kaupungin kuumimmissa mestoissa.
01:35-03:1591:an och generalernas fnatt
Puolustusvoimien tietokeskuksen virheen takia asevelvollinen nro 91:n tietokortti joutuu samaan nippuun kenraalien ja esimiesten kanssa.
03:15-04:35Livet är stenkul
Ruotsalaisdraama, jossa eronneen pariskunnan elämä kääntyy ylösalaisin teinijengin vastuuttoman ja rikollisen elämäntavan myötä toukokuussa 1968.
04:35-06:25Vägen ut
Kun Reine pakotetaan töihin vapaa-ajanpedagogiksi vankilaan, hän saa hullun idean - hän tekee näytelmän vankien kanssa! Kukaan ei ole aluksi kiinnostunut, mutta lopulta viisi vankia suostuu teatteripuuhiin - yrityksenään paeta!
06:25-07:50Tusen gånger starkare
Joka koulussa on omat jenginsä, eikä ujo Signe kuulu ainakaan koulun suosituimpiin. Kaikki kuitenkin muuttuu, kun kouluun saapuu uusi oppilas. Signestäkin kuoriutuu päivä päivältä vahvempi ja rohkeampi.
07:50-08:20Kuka uskaltaa
Albin ja Stig ovat tasaveroisia. Eivät ainoastaan mitä tulee kastematojen syömiseen, vaan myös korkealle hyppäämisessä.
08:20-09:55Eemeli ja possuressu
Eemeli tekee enemmän metkuja kuin mitä vuodessa on päiviä, hänen äidillään on tapana sanoa. Mutta tekee hän muutakin! Tällä kertaa Eemeli muun muassa pelastaa vastasyntyneen possun hengen.
09:55-13:00Fanny ja Alexander
Ingmar Bergmanin Oscar-palkittu mestariteos. 1900-luvun alun Uppsalassa saamme seurata Ekdahlin perhettä suruissa ja iloissa, valossa ja pimessä.
Kansan rakastamasta musiikkilegendasta Cornelis Vreeswijkistä kertovassa elämäkertaelokuvassa kuvataan hänen elämäänsä ja uraansa.
14:40-16:15Ett öga rött
Oletko tarkastanut kuinka kaikki liittyy yhteen? Osaatko murtaa kaikki koodit? Oletko mahtavin Casanova päällä maan? Oletko ajatussulttaani?
16:15-18:00Populäärimusiikkia Vittulajänkältä
Reza Bagherin filmatisointi Mikael Niemen kirjasta, joka on villi kasvukertomus, jossa Niila ja Matti oppivat tuntemaan rock'n'rollia ja omaa seksuaalisuuttaan juominkien ja saunomisen välissä 1960-luvun
18:00-20:20Enkelten talo - toinen kesä
Uusi, mullistava kesä alkaa, kun Fanny ja Zac palaavat Enkelten taloon. Paljastuu että Gottfridillä ja Ivarilla on veli Sven, joka muutti Amerikkaan lapsena.
20:20-22:00Winnerbäck - ett slags liv
Tämä dokumenttielokuva Lars Winnerbäckistä vie meidät lähemmäs muusikkoa kuin koskaan ja tiivistää musikaalisesti epätodennäköisen uran.
22:00-00:10Myös maan päällä
Jatko-osassa yhdelle ruotsalaisen elokuvan suurimmista menestystarinoista tapaamme uudelleen norlantilaisen Ljusåkerin kuoron ja sen lähipiirin.
00:00-01:30Maybe I Do
Maybe I Do - Amerikkalainen komedia vuodelta 2023
02:00-03:32Then Came You
Then Came You - Amerikkalainen komedia vuodelta 2018
04:00-05:49White Chicks
White Chicks - Amerikkalaine komedia vuodelta 2004
06:00-07:21Megamind vs. Tuomiosyndikaatti
Megamind vs. Tuomiosyndikaatti - Amerikkalainen animaatio vuodelta 2023
08:00-09:24Alfa ja Omega
Alfa ja Omega - Amerikkalainen perhe-elokuva vuodelta 2010
10:00-11:30Möröt vastaan muukalaiset
Möröt vastaan muukalaiset - Amerikkalainen perhe-elokuvat vuodelta 2009
Turbo - Amerikkalainen animaatio vuodelta 2013
14:00-15:40Smurffit 2
Smurffit 2 - Amerikkalainen perhe-elokuva vuodelta 2013
16:00-17:29Mahtava Morris
Mahtava Morris - Brittiläinen animaatio vuodelta 2022
18:00-19:39Paddington 2
Paddington 2 - Brittiläinen perhe-elokuva vuodelta 2017
20:00-21:21Megamind vs. Tuomiosyndikaatti
Megamind vs. Tuomiosyndikaatti - Amerikkalainen animaatio vuodelta 2023
22:00-23:32Then Came You
Then Came You - Amerikkalainen komedia vuodelta 2018
00:00-01:46Master Gardener
Master Gardener - Amerikkalainen trilleri vuodelta 2022
02:00-03:38Expendables 4
Expendables 4 - Amerikkalainen toiminta vuodelta 2023
Beast - Amerikkalainen trilleri vuodelta 2022
BlackBerry - Kanadalainen draama vuodelta 2023
08:00-09:39How to Blow Up a Pipeline
How to Blow Up a Pipeline - Amerikkalainen trilleri vuodelta 2022
10:00-11:42Bank of Dave
Bank of Dave - Brittiläinen komedia vuodelta 2023
11:50-13:58Gran Turismo
Gran Turismo - Amerikkalainen toiminta vuodelta 2023
14:00-15:34Plus One
Plus One - Amerikkalainen romanttinen komedia vuodelta 2019
Robots - Amerikkalainen komedia vuodelta 2023
18:00-19:30Long Story Short
Long Story Short - Australialainen romanttinen komedia vuodelta 2021
BlackBerry - Kanadalainen draama vuodelta 2023
22:00-23:32Paradise City
Paradise City - Amerikkalainen toiminta vuodelta 2022
01:00-02:50The Bourne Ultimatum
The Bourne Ultimatum - Amerikkalainen/ saksalainen toiminta vuodelta 2007
Grimsby - Amerikkalainen komedia vuodelta 2016
05:00-06:44The Equalizer 3
The Equalizer 3 - Amerikkalainen toiminta vuodelta 2023
07:00-08:54I, Tonya
I, Tonya - Amerikkalainen draamakomedia vuodelta 2017
09:00-10:45Mission impossible: Vaarallinen tehtävä
Mission impossible: Vaarallinen tehtävä - Amerikkalainen toiminta vuodelta 1996
Mortdecai - Amerikkalainen toiminta vuodelta 2015
Ghostbusters - Amerikkalainen toiminta vuodelta 2016
14:55-16:48Charlie's Angels
Charlie's Angels - Amerikkalianen toiminta vuodelta 2019
16:55-18:59Fast & Furious 6
Fast & Furious 6 - Amerikkalainen toimintatrilleri vuodelta 2013
19:05-20:55The Bourne Ultimatum
The Bourne Ultimatum - Amerikkalainen/ saksalainen toiminta vuodelta 2007
21:00-22:44The Equalizer 3
The Equalizer 3 - Amerikkalainen toiminta vuodelta 2023
Grimsby - Amerikkalainen komedia vuodelta 2016
00:55-02:54Long Shot mahdoton yhtälö
Long Shot mahdoton yhtälö - Amerikkalainen komedia vuodelta 2019
Jahti - Tanskalainen draama vuodelta 2012
04:55-06:56The Hill
The Hill - Amerikkalainen draama vuodelta 2023
Kon-Tiki - Iso-Britannia/Norja/Tanska, seikkailu, 2012
09:00-11:00A Man Called Otto
A Man Called Otto - Amerikkalainen draamakomedia vuodelta 2022
11:05-12:36A Dog's Way Home
A Dog's Way Home - Amerikkalainen seikkailu vuodelta 2019
13:00-14:38The Truman Show
The Truman Show - Amerikkalainen draama vuodelta 1998
15:00-16:43Paluu tulevaisuuteen 2
Paluu tulevaisuuteen 2 - Amerikkalainen Sci-Fi komedia vuodelta 1989
17:00-18:44A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood
A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood - Amerikkalainen draama vuodelta 2019
18:55-20:54Long Shot mahdoton yhtälö
Long Shot mahdoton yhtälö - Amerikkalainen komedia vuodelta 2019
21:00-23:01The Hill
The Hill - Amerikkalainen draama vuodelta 2023
Jahti - Tanskalainen draama vuodelta 2012
00:50-01:50Jalokiven kaivajat Australiassa Puristinmurheita
Puristinmurheita - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2023
01:50-02:50Australian kullankaivajat 502
502 - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2020
02:50-03:40Jääviikingit Rikkoja
Rikkoja - Kanada, dokumenttisarja, 2020
03:40-04:30Australian rannikon pelastusjoukot 307
307 - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2021
04:30-05:20Takamaiden rekankuljettajat 210
210 - Australia, 2014
05:20-06:20Talonrakentajat korkeuksissa Korkean paikan retkimaja
Korkean paikan retkimaja - Italia, dokumenttisarja, 2022
06:20-07:15Australian häränmetsästäjät 201
201 - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2021
07:15-08:10Australian kullankaivajat 311
311 - Australia, tositelevisiosarja, 2018
08:10-09:05Australian kullankaivajat 312
312 - Australia, tositelevisiosarja, 2018
09:05-10:00Australian kullankaivajat 313
313 - Australia, tositelevisiosarja, 2018
10:00-10:55Australian kullankaivajat 401
401 - Australia, tositelevisiosarja, 2018
10:55-11:55Australian kullankaivajat 402
402 - Australia, tositelevisiosarja, 2018
11:55-12:55Ash Dykes Kiinan muurilla 106
106 - Singapore, Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2023
12:55-13:55Rannikkovartiosto: Etsintä ja pelastus SOS 105
105 - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2023
13:55-14:50Australian hummerinpyytäjät 307
307 - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2020
14:50-15:50Australian hummerinpyytäjät 308
308 - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2020
15:50-16:45Australian hummerinpyytäjät Hummerinpyytäjät vastaan koneet
Hummerinpyytäjät vastaan koneet - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2020
16:45-17:50Jalokiven kaivajat Australiassa 205
205 - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2023
17:50-18:55Jalokiven kaivajat Australiassa 206
206 - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2023
18:55-19:55Jalokiven kaivajat Australiassa Kiven takana
Kiven takana - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2023
19:55-21:00Jalokiven kaivajat Australiassa Operaatio pesulaitos
Operaatio pesulaitos - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2023
21:00-22:00Jalokiven kaivajat Australiassa Puristinmurheita
Puristinmurheita - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2023
22:00-23:00Jättikarpin jäljillä Lac du Der-Chantecoq -järvi, Ranska
Lac du Der-Chantecoq -järvi, Ranska - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2023
23:00-23:55Ratkaiseva rakennusvirhe 401
401 - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2021
23:55-00:55Ratkaiseva rakennusvirhe 402
402 - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2021
00:20-01:10Malawin eläinpelastus Kävelyllä muurahaiskävyn kanssa
Kävelyllä muurahaiskävyn kanssa - Kanada, dokumenttisarja, 2020
01:10-02:00Villit selviytymistaidot Kylmäveriset eläimet
Kylmäveriset eläimet - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2019
02:00-02:45Yorkshiren eläinlääkäri 208
208 - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2016
02:45-03:30Yorkshiren eläinlääkäri 409
409 - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2013
03:30-04:15Yorkshiren eläinlääkäri Kotikäyntejä
Kotikäyntejä - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2013
04:15-05:05Malawin eläinpelastus Miten lisko otetaan kiinni
Miten lisko otetaan kiinni - Kanada, dokumenttisarja, 2020
05:05-05:55Villit selviytymistaidot Elämää puussa
Elämää puussa - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2019
05:55-06:25Ray Mears Kiinan luonnossa Kiinan pandat
Kiinan pandat - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2020
06:25-07:00Ray Mears Kiinan luonnossa Kissalaakso
Kissalaakso - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2020
07:00-07:50Yorkshiren eläinlääkäri 1013
1013 - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2019
07:50-08:35Yorkshiren eläinlääkäri 1101
1101 - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2020
08:35-09:20Yorkshiren eläinlääkäri 1102
1102 - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2020
09:20-10:05Yorkshiren eläinlääkäri 1103
1103 - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2020
10:05-10:55Jokihirviöt Tappava käärmeenpää
Tappava käärmeenpää - Yhdysvallat, dokumenttisarja, 2010
10:55-11:45Jokihirviöt Kongon tappaja
Kongon tappaja - Yhdysvallat, dokumenttisarja, 2010
11:45-12:30Sopeudu selviytymään Muuttoliikkeet
Muuttoliikkeet - Etelä-Afrikka, dokumenttisarja, 2020
12:30-13:15Tappavat saalistajat Tappavat leuat
Tappavat leuat - Etelä-Afrikka, dokumenttisarja, 2020
13:15-14:10Villit taistelijat Taistelu vallasta
Taistelu vallasta - Espanja, dokumenttisarja, 2021
14:10-15:00Nerokkaat meripyytäjät Alaska / Norja
Alaska / Norja - Ranska, dokumenttisarja, 2020
15:00-15:55Luonnon nopeat hyökkäykset Nopeat ja raivokkaat
Nopeat ja raivokkaat - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2022
15:55-16:45Luonnon nopeat hyökkäykset Väijyvät metsästäjät
Väijyvät metsästäjät - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2022
16:45-17:35Meksikon ihmeet Mayan metsät
Mayan metsät - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2017
17:35-18:25Irlannin kesyttömät saaret ja Eoin Warner Kuilun reunalla
Kuilun reunalla - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2022
18:25-19:20Avaruus Uusi näkökulma
Uusi näkökulma - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2019
19:20-20:05Linnut Alkuperä ja lento
Alkuperä ja lento - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2022
20:05-21:00Skotlanti: Uusi villi Saaret
Saaret - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2023
21:00-21:50Irlannin kesyttömät saaret ja Eoin Warner Kuilun reunalla
Kuilun reunalla - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2022
21:50-22:45Jättiläiset Leijonat
Leijonat - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2023
22:45-23:35Syväsukellus Australiaan Villi länsi
Villi länsi - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2023
23:35-00:25Patrick Aryeen villi maailma Biisoni
Biisoni - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2022
00:00-01:05Vesuviuksen kadonneet kääröt
Vesuviuksen kadonneet kääröt - Britannia, dokumentti, 2023
01:05-02:10Nousu ja tuho: Toisen maailmansodan käännekohdat Kaikki pelurit
Kaikki pelurit - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2019
02:10-03:10Bismarck: Vuorokausi tuhoon
Bismarck: Vuorokausi tuhoon - Britannia, dokumentti, 2021
03:10-04:05Toinen maailmansota - taistelut Euroopasta Normandian maihinnousu
Normandian maihinnousu - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2019
04:05-04:50Bettany Hughes ja maailman aarteet Oman
Oman - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2023
04:50-05:40Konkistadorit: Nousu ja tuho Uusi maailma
Uusi maailma - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2023
05:40-06:35Vesuviuksen kadonneet kääröt
Vesuviuksen kadonneet kääröt - Britannia, dokumentti, 2023
06:35-07:00Kirotut sukujuuret Riikinkukkovaltaistuimen kirous
Riikinkukkovaltaistuimen kirous - Kanada, dokumenttisarja, 2017
07:00-08:00Toisen maailmansodan tärkeimmät tapahtumat väreissä Normandian maihinnousu
Normandian maihinnousu - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2019
08:00-09:00Toisen maailmansodan tärkeimmät tapahtumat väreissä Taistelu Ardenneista
Taistelu Ardenneista - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2019
09:00-10:05Toisen maailmansodan tärkeimmät tapahtumat väreissä Dresdenin tulimyrsky
Dresdenin tulimyrsky - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2019
10:05-11:10Toisen maailmansodan tärkeimmät tapahtumat väreissä Buchenwaldin vapautus
Buchenwaldin vapautus - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2019
11:10-12:15Toisen maailmansodan tärkeimmät tapahtumat väreissä Hiroshima
Hiroshima - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2019
12:15-13:20Salaiset aseet: Toinen maailmansota Aseet
Aseet - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2022
13:20-14:20Salaiset aseet: Toinen maailmansota Panssarivaunut
Panssarivaunut - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2022
14:20-15:25Salaiset aseet: Toinen maailmansota Lentokoneet
Lentokoneet - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2022
15:25-16:35Salaiset aseet: Toinen maailmansota Laivat
Laivat - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2022
16:35-17:35Salaiset aseet: Toinen maailmansota Pommit
Pommit - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2022
17:35-18:40Salaiset aseet: Toinen maailmansota Piilo-operaatio
Piilo-operaatio - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2022
18:40-19:50Pariisi: Kadonneen palatsin mysteeri
Pariisi: Kadonneen palatsin mysteeri - Ranska, dokumentti, 2023
19:50-20:55Vatikaani - paavien ajaton kaupunki
Vatikaani - paavien ajaton kaupunki - Ranska, dokumentti, 2020
20:55-22:00Abu Simbel: Niilin jättiläiset
Abu Simbel: Niilin jättiläiset - Ranska, dokumentti, 2023
22:00-23:05Normandian maihinnousu: 80-vuotismuistopäivä
Normandian maihinnousu: 80-vuotismuistopäivä - Britannia, dokumentti, 2024
23:05-00:05Normandian maihinnousu: Sotilaan tarina 101
101 - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2023
23:30-00:15Beyond Skinwalker Ranch
Andy ja Paul tutkivat Massachusettsissa yhtä Amerikan vanhinta todella outojen tapahtumien paikkaa. Heille selviää.
00:15-00:55Forged in Fire
Neljän asesepän täytyy tehdä oma bravuuriteränsä koristeupotuksin vanhoista merenkulkuvälineistä haalitusta teräksestä.
00:55-01:40Forged in Fire
Neljän sepän on luotava veitsi ajoneuvon romusta. Kun teriä on koeteltu kaikin tavoin testikierroksella.
01:40-02:25Curse of Skinwalker Ranch
Tiimi keskittyy uudestaan ylätasankoon ja löytää lähes heti lisätodisteita siitä.
02:25-02:45Storage Wars
Yhdysvaltalainen tosi-tv-sarja, jossa ammattilaiset ostavat huutokaupoista hylättyjen pienvarastojen sisältöjä.
02:45-03:10Storage Wars
Yhdysvaltalainen tosi-tv-sarja, jossa ammattilaiset ostavat huutokaupoista hylättyjen pienvarastojen sisältöjä.
03:10-03:35Storage Wars
Yhdysvaltalainen tosi-tv-sarja, jossa ammattilaiset ostavat huutokaupoista hylättyjen pienvarastojen sisältöjä.
03:35-04:00Auction Hunters
CJ koettaa häiritä Allenia, kun mies etsii mielenrauhaa varastohuutokaupassa.
04:00-04:20Auction Hunters
Kun Ton parantelee uutta kuorma-autoansa, Allen suuntaa huutokauppaan yksin ja kohtaa Carolynin ja CJ:n.
04:20-04:45Pawn Stars
Yhdysvaltalainen tosi-tv-sarja, jossa seurataan panttilainaamon arkea ja sen omalaatuisia työntekijöitä. 16. tuotantokausi.
04:45-05:30Ancient Aliens
Giorgio Tsoukalos muistelee ihmeellisimpiä kohtaamisia, jotka hänen mielestään antavat tarpeeksi todisteita siitä.
05:30-06:15Beyond Skinwalker Ranch
Andy ja Paul tutkivat Massachusettsissa yhtä Amerikan vanhinta todella outojen tapahtumien paikkaa. Heille selviää.
06:15-07:00Pawn Stars
Yhdysvaltalainen tosi-tv-sarja, jossa seurataan panttilainaamon arkea ja sen omalaatuisia työntekijöitä. 16. tuotantokausi.
07:00-07:20Auction Hunters
Ton ja Allen suuntaavat rannikkoa pitkin Kalifornian Oxnardiin.
07:20-07:40Auction Hunters
Huutokauppaostaja koettelee Tonin ja Allenin hermoja, kun kyse on isosta varastosta Venturassa.
07:40-08:25Forged in Fire
Neljän asesepän täytyy tehdä oma bravuuriteränsä koristeupotuksin vanhoista merenkulkuvälineistä haalitusta teräksestä.
08:25-09:05Pawn Stars
Yhdysvaltalainen tosi-tv-sarja, jossa seurataan panttilainaamon arkea ja sen omalaatuisia työntekijöitä. 16. tuotantokausi.
09:05-09:25Shipping Wars
Natasha vaarantaa voittonsa ja ajan, kun signaalit menevät sekaisin massiivisen radiotornin aalloilla.
09:25-09:45Pawn Stars
Yhdysvaltalainen tosi-tv-sarja, jossa seurataan panttilainaamon arkea ja sen omalaatuisia työntekijöitä. 16. tuotantokausi.
09:45-10:10Pawn Stars
Yhdysvaltalainen tosi-tv-sarja, jossa seurataan panttilainaamon arkea ja sen omalaatuisia työntekijöitä. 16. tuotantokausi.
10:10-10:50Forged in Fire
Neljän asesepän täytyy tehdä oma bravuuriteränsä koristeupotuksin vanhoista merenkulkuvälineistä haalitusta teräksestä.
10:50-11:35Forged in Fire
Tänä iltana kolme aseseppää kokoontuu Marvel-kisaan.
11:35-11:55Storage Wars
Yhdysvaltalainen tosi-tv-sarja, jossa ammattilaiset ostavat huutokaupoista hylättyjen pienvarastojen sisältöjä.
11:55-12:15Storage Wars
Yhdysvaltalainen tosi-tv-sarja, jossa ammattilaiset ostavat huutokaupoista hylättyjen pienvarastojen sisältöjä.
12:15-12:35Storage Wars
Yhdysvaltalainen tosi-tv-sarja, jossa ammattilaiset ostavat huutokaupoista hylättyjen pienvarastojen sisältöjä.
12:35-13:00Auction Hunters
Ton ja Allen opettavat huutokauppamaailman tulokkaalle läksyn. He huomaavat 1940-pöydän ja varhaisen hot rod - auton.
13:00-13:20Auction Hunters
Ton ja Allen suuntaavat huutokauppaan Tonin kotikaupungissa ja päätyvät taistelemaan suurisuisen ostajan kanssa.
13:20-13:40Auction Hunters
Ton ja Allen lentävät Havaijille, ja heidän seuraansa liittyy uusi naispuolinen avustaja.
13:40-14:25Ancient Aliens
Giorgio Tsoukalos muistelee joitain uskomattomimpia maailmassa olevia rakenteita, joilla olemme vierailleet.
14:25-15:10Ancient Aliens
Alaskan erämaat tunnetaan salaperäisistä katoamisista, sähkömagneettisista poikkeamista ja tarinoista oudoista olennoista.
15:10-15:55The UnXplained With William Shatner
Uponneet alukset täynnä korvaamatonta lastia. Kadonneita kultaisia kaupunkeja.
15:55-16:15Pawn Stars
Yhdysvaltalainen tosi-tv-sarja, jossa seurataan panttilainaamon arkea ja sen omalaatuisia työntekijöitä. 16. tuotantokausi.
16:15-16:55The UnXplained With William Shatner
Tarinat oudoista katoamisista ovat yhtä kiehtovia kuin hämmentäviä.
16:55-17:40World's Greatest Treasure Mysteries
Marty ja Rick Lagina tapaavat sotahuoneessa Matty Blaken ja Gary Draytonin tarkastellakseen tähän mennessä tutkittujen kiehtovimpien aarrejahtien tulevaisuudesta ja keskustellakseen siitä.
17:40-18:20Pawn Stars
Yhdysvaltalainen tosi-tv-sarja, jossa seurataan panttilainaamon arkea ja sen omalaatuisia työntekijöitä. 16. tuotantokausi.
18:20-19:05Beyond Skinwalker Ranch
Andy ja Paul tutkivat Massachusettsissa yhtä Amerikan vanhinta todella outojen tapahtumien paikkaa. Heille selviää.
19:05-20:30Ancient Aliens
Ovatko älykkäät robotit uhka ihmiskunnalle, vai ovatko ne seuraava askel ihmisten kehityksessä.
20:30-21:15The Proof Is Out There
Onko tunnetussa isojalkojen havaintopaikassa kuvattu video uusi todiste isojalan olemassaolosta.
21:15-22:00Ancient Aliens
Pohjois-Amerikan alkuperäiskansojen taruissa kerrotaan tähtiesi-isistä eli voimakkaista olennoista.
22:00-23:30Cola Wars
Ohjelma käy läpi Coca-Colan ja Pepsin pitkään kestänyttä ja hurjaa kilpailua aina vuoden 1985 riidasta alkaen.
23:30-00:15The UnXplained With William Shatner
Yli 80 % maapallon valtameristä on edelleen tutkimatta, ja vedenalainen maailma on monin tavoin viimeinen tuntematon alue.
00:15-01:00Ancient Aliens
Tutkijat selittävät, ettei muukalaisten kohtaaminen ole moderni ilmiö. Ehkä myös ihmissieppausten takana on avaruuden muukalaisten juoni?
Texarkanan soilla tunnettu peto uhkaa pientä arkansasilaista kaupunkia. Siitä kerrotaan Boggy Creekin legendassa. Sen öiset ja väkivaltaiset hyökkäykset sekä oudot jäljet jättävät jälkeensä pelkoa ja paniikkia.
01:45-02:30WW2 Treasure Hunters
Suggs ja toisen maailmansodan asiantuntija Stephen Taylor nostavat etualalle unohdettuja toisen maailmansodan tarinoita etsimällä esineitä kautta Yhdistyneen kuningaskunnan.
02:30-03:15Unidentified: Inside America's UFO Investigation
Lue Elizondo analysoi uudella teknologialla ufovideoiden sarjaa, joka kuvattiin vuonna 2019, jolloin nähtiin piikki ufohavainnoissa.
03:15-04:00The Universe
Matalalla kiertoradalla tarkoitetaan rataa, joka on vain 190 kilometriä Maasta. Siellä kuitenkin tapahtuu suurin osa avaruustutkimuksesta.
04:00-04:45Chasing Mummies
Zahi kaivaa Egyptin aavikon uumenista esiin viisi poikkeuksellisen ehyttä hautauspaikkaa - ja kuvittelee, ettei onni voi potkia paremmin, mutta löytääkin vielä raa'asti surmatun muumion.
04:45-05:30Ancient Top 10
Muinaisesta napalmista eli niin sanotusta kreikkalaisesta tulesta mongolien valtavan muinaisvallan salaiseen aseeseen eli komposiittijouseenmikä muinaisen maailman asekeksinnöistä olikaan mullistavin?
05:30-06:15In Search of Aliens
Natsien huippusalaista Die Glocke -projektia epäiltiin aikakoneeksi, joka liitäisi taivaan halki valonnopeudellaja sitäkin nopeammin. Oliko Die Glocke totta, ja olisiko siinä voitu käyttää avaruusolentojen teknologiaa?
06:15-07:00Ancient Aliens
Tutkijat selittävät, ettei muukalaisten kohtaaminen ole moderni ilmiö. Ehkä myös ihmissieppausten takana on avaruuden muukalaisten juoni?
Texarkanan soilla tunnettu peto uhkaa pientä arkansasilaista kaupunkia. Siitä kerrotaan Boggy Creekin legendassa. Sen öiset ja väkivaltaiset hyökkäykset sekä oudot jäljet jättävät jälkeensä pelkoa ja paniikkia.
07:45-08:30WW2 Treasure Hunters
Suggs ja toisen maailmansodan asiantuntija Stephen Taylor nostavat etualalle unohdettuja toisen maailmansodan tarinoita etsimällä esineitä kautta Yhdistyneen kuningaskunnan.
08:30-09:15Unidentified: Inside America's UFO Investigation
Lue Elizondo analysoi uudella teknologialla ufovideoiden sarjaa, joka kuvattiin vuonna 2019, jolloin nähtiin piikki ufohavainnoissa.
09:15-10:00The Universe
Matalalla kiertoradalla tarkoitetaan rataa, joka on vain 190 kilometriä Maasta. Siellä kuitenkin tapahtuu suurin osa avaruustutkimuksesta.
10:00-10:45Chasing Mummies
Zahi kaivaa Egyptin aavikon uumenista esiin viisi poikkeuksellisen ehyttä hautauspaikkaa - ja kuvittelee, ettei onni voi potkia paremmin, mutta löytääkin vielä raa'asti surmatun muumion.
10:45-11:30Ancient Top 10
Muinaisesta napalmista eli niin sanotusta kreikkalaisesta tulesta mongolien valtavan muinaisvallan salaiseen aseeseen eli komposiittijouseenmikä muinaisen maailman asekeksinnöistä olikaan mullistavin?
11:30-12:15In Search of Aliens
Natsien huippusalaista Die Glocke -projektia epäiltiin aikakoneeksi, joka liitäisi taivaan halki valonnopeudellaja sitäkin nopeammin. Oliko Die Glocke totta, ja olisiko siinä voitu käyttää avaruusolentojen teknologiaa?
12:15-13:00Ancient Aliens
Tutkijat selittävät, ettei muukalaisten kohtaaminen ole moderni ilmiö. Ehkä myös ihmissieppausten takana on avaruuden muukalaisten juoni?
Texarkanan soilla tunnettu peto uhkaa pientä arkansasilaista kaupunkia. Siitä kerrotaan Boggy Creekin legendassa. Sen öiset ja väkivaltaiset hyökkäykset sekä oudot jäljet jättävät jälkeensä pelkoa ja paniikkia.
13:45-14:30WW2 Treasure Hunters
Suggs ja toisen maailmansodan asiantuntija Stephen Taylor nostavat etualalle unohdettuja toisen maailmansodan tarinoita etsimällä esineitä kautta Yhdistyneen kuningaskunnan.
14:30-15:15Unidentified: Inside America's UFO Investigation
Lue Elizondo analysoi uudella teknologialla ufovideoiden sarjaa, joka kuvattiin vuonna 2019, jolloin nähtiin piikki ufohavainnoissa.
15:15-16:00The Universe
Matalalla kiertoradalla tarkoitetaan rataa, joka on vain 190 kilometriä Maasta. Siellä kuitenkin tapahtuu suurin osa avaruustutkimuksesta.
16:00-16:45Chasing Mummies
Zahi kaivaa Egyptin aavikon uumenista esiin viisi poikkeuksellisen ehyttä hautauspaikkaa - ja kuvittelee, ettei onni voi potkia paremmin, mutta löytääkin vielä raa'asti surmatun muumion.
16:45-17:30Ancient Top 10
Muinaisesta napalmista eli niin sanotusta kreikkalaisesta tulesta mongolien valtavan muinaisvallan salaiseen aseeseen eli komposiittijouseenmikä muinaisen maailman asekeksinnöistä olikaan mullistavin?
17:30-18:15In Search of Aliens
Natsien huippusalaista Die Glocke -projektia epäiltiin aikakoneeksi, joka liitäisi taivaan halki valonnopeudellaja sitäkin nopeammin. Oliko Die Glocke totta, ja olisiko siinä voitu käyttää avaruusolentojen teknologiaa?
18:15-19:00Ross Kemp: Shipwreck Treasure Hunter
Ross suuntaa Scapa Flow'hun uponneen Saksan ensimmäisen maailmansodan laivaston luo. Ross yrittää ymmärtää, miksi ylpeyden aiheena ollut saksalainen laivasto päätyi pohjalle.
19:00-19:45Battles BC
Koe eeppinen taistelu, jossa Caesarin roomalaiset sotajoukot hyödynsivät röyhkeitä taktiikoita gallialaisen armeijan voittamiseen, kun roomalaisia oli vain yksi viittä gallialaista kohden.
Meren kaikkein myrkyllisin olento on liikkeellä ja leviää merissä jättäen jälkeensä myrkytysuhreja. Nämä pedot ovat olleet osa ekosysteemiä jo yli 500 miljoonaa vuotta ja tappavat kolmessa minuutissa.
Maailmanlaajuisesti on tehty satoja salaperäisiä havaintoja useiden vuosisatojen aikana. Nämä havainnot ovat synnyttäneet lukemattomia tarinoita kautta historian.
21:15-22:00Brad Meltzer's Decoded
Sheriffi Pat Garrettin uskotaan ampuneen Billy the Kidin vuonna 1881, mutta itse asiassa mies selviytyi ja eli vielä pitkään.
Vuonna 1565 johanniittaritarit puolustivat Maltaa hyökkääviä ottomaaneja vastaan. Terry Schappert paljastaa, millaista soturilla oli yhdessä historian suurimmista piirityksistä.
22:45-23:30Gold Hunters: Legend of the Superstition Mountains
200 miljoonan dollarin aarre häämöttää jo, kun Wayne tiimeineen suuntaa pimeyden sydämeen. Kryptisestä löydöstä muotoutuu kuitenkin vielä suurempi mysteeri.
23:30-00:15Clash of the Gods
Norjalaisen mytologian suojelijajumala taisteli hirviöitä ja jättimäistä käärmettä vastaan. Mutta oliko Thor oikeasti olemassa? Uudet löydökset paljastavat ukkosenjumalan salaisuudet.
00:00-01:00Houstonin eläinpoliisit
Dokumentaarisessa sarjassa seurataan Houstonin eläinsuojeluyhdistyksen työtä kaltoinkohdeltujen eläinten hyväksi.
01:00-01:45Houstonin eläinpoliisit
Dokumentaarisessa sarjassa seurataan Houstonin eläinsuojeluyhdistyksen työtä kaltoinkohdeltujen eläinten hyväksi.
01:45-02:30Mysteerien metsästäjä
Valtava krokotiilinomainen Gbahali tappaa ihmisiä Liberiassa. Mungo pohtii lajin sukulaisuutta dinosauruksiin.
Tosielämän tarinoita asuntoihin tunkeutuvista tuholaisista. Asuntoon pesiytymään pääsevät torakat.
Teksasissa tappava saalistaja uhkaa perheen lemmikkejä.
04:00-04:45Zoltan The Wolfman
Uusi tositelevisiosarja villieläinasiantuntija Zoltan Horkaista, joka kouluttaa eläimiä elokuviin sekä tv-ohjelmiin.
04:45-05:30Homestead Rescue: Home Sweet Homestead
Kausi 2 osa 6/13. Osa kaupunkilaisista on kyllästynyt hetkisen maailman sykkeeseen ja haluaa muttaa maalle.
05:30-06:15Houstonin eläinpoliisit
Dokumentaarisessa sarjassa seurataan Houstonin eläinsuojeluyhdistyksen työtä kaltoinkohdeltujen eläinten hyväksi.
06:15-07:00Houstonin eläinpoliisit
Dokumentaarisessa sarjassa seurataan Houstonin eläinsuojeluyhdistyksen työtä kaltoinkohdeltujen eläinten hyväksi.
07:00-07:50Philadelphian eläinpoliisit
Riutunut koira, joka painaa vain kolmanneksen normaalista painostaan, tuodaan eläinsuojaan, ja tiimi auttaa kissaa.
07:50-08:40Dogs: The Untold Story
Susista poispilattuihin hauvoihin, tämä sarja paljastaa kuinka ihmisen parhaasta ystävästä tuli niin jalostettu.
08:40-09:30Homestead Rescue: Home Sweet Homestead
Kausi 2 osa 6/13. Osa kaupunkilaisista on kyllästynyt hetkisen maailman sykkeeseen ja haluaa muttaa maalle.
09:30-10:25Philadelphian eläinpoliisit
PSPCA haluaa oikeutta auttamilleen eläimille. Sillä on eri puolilla osavaltiota yhdeksän agenttia.
10:25-11:20Dogs: The Untold Story
Susista poispilattuihin hauvoihin, tämä sarja paljastaa kuinka ihmisen parhaasta ystävästä tuli niin jalostettu.
11:20-12:15Zoltan The Wolfman
Uusi tositelevisiosarja villieläinasiantuntija Zoltan Horkaista, joka kouluttaa eläimiä elokuviin sekä tv-ohjelmiin.
12:15-13:10Homestead Rescue: Home Sweet Homestead
Raneyn perhe rakentaa ensimmäisen automatisoitua omavaraistilaansa Alaskan erämaahan.
13:10-14:05Philadelphian eläinpoliisit
PSPCA haluaa oikeutta auttamilleen eläimille. Sillä on eri puolilla osavaltiota yhdeksän agenttia.
14:05-15:00Dogs: The Untold Story
Susista poispilattuihin hauvoihin, tämä sarja paljastaa kuinka ihmisen parhaasta ystävästä tuli niin jalostettu.
15:00-16:00Great White Invasion
Luonnontieteilijöiden ryhmä selvittää.
16:00-17:00Houstonin eläinpoliisit
Dokumentaarisessa sarjassa seurataan Houstonin eläinsuojeluyhdistyksen työtä kaltoinkohdeltujen eläinten hyväksi.
17:00-18:00Dogs: The Untold Story
Susista poispilattuihin hauvoihin, tämä sarja paljastaa kuinka ihmisen parhaasta ystävästä tuli niin jalostettu.
18:00-19:00Homestead Rescue: Home Sweet Homestead
Lähestyvä metsäpalo pakottaa Stuart ja Toni Rinkerin pohtimaan ratkaisua huonosti menestyvälle omavaraistilalleen.
19:00-20:00Kalliovuorten eläinlääkäri
Tiimi tekee avustustyötä Lakota-reservaatissa South Dakotan osavaltiossa. Amy harkitsee hätäleikkausta ranskanbulldoggille.
20:00-20:30Ihmeelliset eläimet
Uusi tiede ja mahtavat esitykset paljastavat, miten lisko pystyy kävelemään veden päällä. Voiko meduusa elää ikuisesti?
20:30-21:00Ihmeelliset eläimet
Lintutuntija kertoo, miten tornipöllöt pyydystävät ilman näkökykyä. Mikä tekee mustekaloista piiloutumisen mestareita?
21:00-22:00Eläinten pelastajat
Eläinten oikeuksiin ja hyvinvointiin erikoistunut järjestö tekee väsymättä työtä kaltoinkohdeltujen eläinten hyväksi.
22:00-23:00Growing Up...
Kolme tasmanialaista joutuu ympärivuorokautisiksi pussieläinten sijaisäideiksi.
23:00-00:00Kalliovuorten eläinlääkäri S05E05
Kausi 5, osa 5.
22:05-00:15Alastomat selviytyjät XL
Kaksitoista selviytyjää taittaa 40 päivässä 64 kilometriä Kolumbian Badlandsissä. Kuumuus, sade.
00:15-01:25Alastomat selviytyjät
Meribiologi ja erikoisjoukkojen veteraani lähtevät Kanadaan ilman vaatteita. Kylmän.
01:25-02:35Ed Stafford: First Man Out
Ed kilpailee entistä muukalaislegioonan aavikkoasiantuntija Xinlei Wuta vastaan Luoteis-Kiinan Aksain aavikolla.
02:35-04:50Alastomat selviytyjät XL
Kaksitoista selviytyjää taittaa 40 päivässä 64 kilometriä Kolumbian Badlandsissä. Kuumuus, sade.
04:50-06:00Bitchin' Rides
Kindig-It Design -liikkeen omistaja Dave Kindig kustomoi ainutlaatuisia menopelejä vaativille asiakkailleen.
06:00-06:25Baggage Battles
Matkatavarakauppiaat matkustavat kiinteistöhuutokauppaan Tennesseen Nashvilleen. Billyä kiinnostaa mystinen laatikko.
06:25-07:15Arvokaman etsijät: Klassikkoautot
Drew ja Paul katsastavat Keski-Englannissa ruotsalaisklassikko Volvo Amazonin. Paul ihastuu aikaiseen Toyota MR2-malliin.
07:15-08:05Arvokaman etsijät
Kausi 11 osa 7/12.
08:05-09:00Arvokaman etsijät
Kausi 11 osa 8/12.
09:00-10:05Diesel Brothers
DieselSellerzin Heavy D ja Diesel Dave työntekijöineen tarttuvat legendaariseen tyyliin suurimpiinkin haasteisiin ja jakavat avolava-autoja tarvitseville.
10:05-11:10Diesel Brothers
DieselSellerzin Heavy D ja Diesel Dave työntekijöineen tarttuvat legendaariseen tyyliin suurimpiinkin haasteisiin ja jakavat avolava-autoja tarvitseville.
11:10-12:15America's Backyard Gold
Dave Turin ratkoo Amerikan kultakentillä kaivosten satoja vuosia vanhoja arvoituksia.
12:15-13:20America's Backyard Gold
Dave Turin ratkoo Amerikan kultakentillä kaivosten satoja vuosia vanhoja arvoituksia.
13:20-14:25America's Backyard Gold
America's Backyard Gold
14:25-15:30America's Backyard Gold
Dave Turin ratkaisee vuosisatoja vanhoja arvoituksia Amerikoiden tutkimattomilla kultakentillä ja auttaa kaivajia kohti kultaisia palkkapäiviä.
15:30-17:15X Trillion
Naisista koottu työryhmä taittaa viiden tuhannen kilometrin matkan pohjoisella Tyynellä valtamerellä kartoittaessaan muovijätteen aiheuttamaa kriisiä.
17:15-17:50Romuaittojen aarteet
Henry ja Fuzz käyvät Suffolkissa läpi Andyn ja Timin kokoelmaa, johon kuuluu vintage-autoja.
17:50-18:55Wheeler Dealers
Mike ja Edd kaivavat esiin autoja Wheeler Dealer -arkistoista, mm. vanhoja autoja.
18:55-20:00Wheeler Dealers
Alkaa uusintana. Pontiac GTO - Chicago. Tiimi tietää.
20:00-21:00Kullan sukeltajat
Kultaa löytyy myös Beringinmeren pohjasta. Pieni joukko sukeltajia nostaa kultaa pintaan vaikka henkensä kaupalla.
21:00-22:05Kultakuume: White Water
Pintaliitäjän onnettomuus saattaa pysäyttää ennätysmäisen kauden ja huono sää hankaloittaa asioita entisestään.
22:05-23:10America's Backyard Gold
Idahon ja Montanan entisellä Idaho-territoriolla on edelleen kultaa. Dave näyttää.
23:10-00:15Wheeler Dealers World Tour
Mike ja Elvis valloittavat maailmaa! Nyt ovat panokset korkeammalla.
23:40-00:30Hirviö sisälläni
A man falls comatose. A student's sore throat turns deadly, and the monster destroying him is shockingly common.
00:30-01:20Hirviö sisälläni
An infant suffers terrifying seizures. A biology professor in a strange experiment becomes an unexpected host.
01:20-02:10Uljas universumi
Spacetime is the secret structure that controls our universe, and this strange four-dimensional subs
02:10-03:00Uljas universumi
New discoveries reveal that neutron stars have the power to destroy planets and even other stars.
03:00-03:48Uljas universumi
Supernovas are the violent death of giant stars.
03:48-04:36Maanalaiset salaisuudet
Beneath the densely populated city of Naples lies a looming threat.
04:36-05:24Maanalaiset salaisuudet
New theories claim the sunken city of Atlantis may have been in the Americas.
05:24-05:48Valmistuksen salat
How are vibrating mining screens, whoopie pies, wood utility poles, and roller conveyors made?
05:48-06:12Valmistuksen salat
How are exercise bikes, Cornish pasties, pasta makers, and slate products made?
06:12-06:36Valmistuksen salat
How are channel signs are created, wetsuits are manufactured, and aluminium aircrafts made?
06:36-07:00Valmistuksen salat
Find out how CNC assembly machines, lemon tarts, and miniature war figures are made.
07:00-07:24Miten kaikki tehdään?
History's greatest moments are preserved for all time on skin; the fastest moving object in the world of sports takes flight.
07:24-08:12Killers Of The Cosmos
More than 100 million pieces of small space debris are floating around the Earth.
08:12-09:00Killers Of The Cosmos
Aliens could be lethal killers who want to invade and plunder our world.
09:00-09:48Löytöretki tuntemattomaan
Josh Gates heads to the Scottish Highlands.
09:48-10:36Löytöretki tuntemattomaan
Josh searches a precious statuette that has been lost for 25 years, the Golden Owl.
10:36-11:00Valmistuksen salat: Unelma-autot
A look at the Bentley Continental GT Speed and how it is built.
11:00-11:24Valmistuksen salat: Unelma-autot
The How It's Made crew visit the birthplace of the Alpha Romeo 4C, revealing its inner workings and gorgeous exterior.
11:24-11:48Valmistuksen salat: Unelma-autot
The crew visits the birthplace of the Pagani Huayra, revealing its inner workings and impressive exterior.
11:48-12:12Valmistuksen salat: Unelma-autot
Join the How It's Made crew as they visit the birthplace of the Caterham Seven.
12:12-12:36Valmistuksen salat: Unelma-autot
The team visits the birthplace of the Bugatti Veyron, and examines the car's inner workings.
12:36-13:00Valmistuksen salat: Unelma-autot
The crew heads to the birthplace of the Morgan 3-Wheeler in England to examine the classic car's inner workings and exterior.
13:00-13:24Miten kaikki tehdään?
How does a Dutch company make the world's fastest superyachts? And.
13:24-13:50Miten kaikki tehdään?
How do planes take off and land on a beach at one of the world's oldest airports? And.
13:50-14:14Miten kaikki tehdään?
How do they catch the world's largest lobsters? How do they build the iconic chesterfield sofa?
14:14-14:38Miten kaikki tehdään?
How do they take a car from Siberia to the Sahara without leaving Germany? Plus.
14:38-15:02Miten kaikki tehdään?
A manufacturer reveals how the world's biggest newspaper delivers over 80-million copies a day.
15:02-15:26Miten kaikki tehdään?
How do they produce 99% of America's raisins in California's San Joaquin Valley? Plus.
15:26-16:14NASAn salaiset kansiot
The documentary looks into so-called space fireflies, which reportedly attack astronauts' brains.
16:14-17:02NASAn salaiset kansiot
An astronaut on a spacewalk begins to drown. How could this alarming event happen? Plus.
17:02-17:50Killers Of The Cosmos
Exploring the secrets of black holes, and the potential some of them have to be lethal to life on planet Earth.
17:50-18:40Killers Of The Cosmos
How will the universe end.
18:40-19:05Valmistuksen salat
The manufacturing processes behind the creation of Montreal smoked meats and motorised scooters are detailed.
19:05-19:30Valmistuksen salat
More everyday items go under the microscope. How are common objects including cactus pear puree and lab reactors made?
19:30-19:55Valmistuksen salat
Ever wondered how everyday items are made? More common items are put under the microscope to find out.
19:55-20:20Valmistuksen salat: Unelma-autot
The development of car manufacturing processes, beginning with how a Morgan Aero Coupe is made.
20:20-20:45Valmistuksen salat: Unelma-autot
A look at the Porsche 911, and how its manufacturing processes have developed over the years.
20:45-21:10Valmistuksen salat: Unelma-autot
The crew explores the inner workings of a Ferrari FF to find out how it is made.
21:10-22:00Alien Highway
Chuck and the team investigate the recent sighting of a possible shape-shifter near Utah's Skinwalker Ranch.
22:00-22:50Alien Highway
Former Colorado law enforcement officer Chuck Zukowski and his son, Daniel.
22:50-23:40Cooperin aarre
Darrell focuses on a multi-million-dollar wreck tied to Sir Francis Drake.
23:40-00:30Cooperin aarre
Treasure hunter Darrell Miklos attempts to decode and follow the 'treasure map' created by his boyhood idol.
00:00-01:00Kiss Of Death
Seasoned EMT, Mario, meets Gina at the hospital they work at. Sparks fly and they marry, living a life of luxury.
01:00-02:00Kiss Of Death
When shy single mum Amy Theriault falls for handsome Jesse Marquis, it seems a good match. But.
When Star Stowe becomes Playmate of the Month, she takes the world by storm. But everything the maga
03:00-04:00No One Can Hear You Scream
When a mother met three strangers at a bar, she ended up fighting for her life. They kidnapped and tortured her.
04:00-05:00Valheiden hinta
In 2006, Angela Ferguson told police her husband left during an argument and hadn't been seen since.
05:00-06:00Poliisien matkassa
A K9 unit tracks an armed murder suspect through an Oklahoma residential area. In Texas.
06:00-07:00Poliisien matkassa
Following a high-speed pursuit, officers dive for cover as a car races through their crime scene. Plus.
07:00-08:00Poliisien matkassa
In Texas police set a trap for a would-be killer. In Florida, a high-speed chase leads police into a dangerous swamp.
08:00-09:00Poliisien matkassa
A local deputy attempts to save a woman trapped in her burning home. Plus.
09:00-10:00Poliisien matkassa
An SUV crashes into a house and causes a devastating explosion. Plus.
10:00-11:00Poliisien matkassa
Police hunt for two bank robbers who will do anything to avoid capture. And.
11:00-12:00Kuolema paratiisissa
When the body of a Royal Navy sailor was found in a park in the Seychelles.
12:00-13:00Kuolema paratiisissa
In 2005, a couple's holiday in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, is shattered when a series of bombs are detonated.
13:00-14:00Hengenvaaralliset vanhemmat
When a father gets into financial difficulty and is charged with fraud, he can't see a way forward. Facing jail time.
14:00-15:00Hengenvaaralliset vanhemmat
The shocking story of a double murder carried out in revenge after Chrissie Chambers leaves her partner - and the brave young girl who escaped.
15:00-16:00Tavallinen murhaaja
Joy and Fred are typical high-school sweethearts until a tragic work accident changes their lives.
16:00-17:00Tavallinen murhaaja
In Michigan a mother is murdered by her jealous ex-boyfriend.
17:00-18:00Murhan vaikutus
Billy Frietag works on the family fruit and vegetable farm and travels in the winter. Tragically.
18:00-19:00Murhan vaikutus
An ordinary day at Chardon High School in Ohio is shattered forever when one young man shows up with horrific violence on his mind.
19:00-20:00The Wives Did It
When a fundamentalist Mormon polygamist is found dead, the heat is on to find the killer. With seven wives.
20:00-21:00The Wives Did It
When Dustin's two women cut him out of their bedroom fun, there is bad blood. And when one of the ladies goes back to him.
21:00-22:00Spooked Scotland
Gail Porter and Chris Fleming investigate a 16th-century castle, which by day is a scene of romantic beauty.
22:00-23:00The Dead Files
Steve and Amy travel to Ohio to help a man who believes something on his property is attacking his mother.
23:00-00:00The Dead Files
Steve and Amy travel to Ohio to help a terrified couple save their business.
00:00-01:00Paranormal Lockdown
Nick Groff and Katrina Weidman return to further uncover the haunted mysteries of the Monroe House.
01:00-02:00These Woods Are Haunted
Colton is fishing on a lake when something in the woods catches his eye. Is he being stalked by a pale humanoid creature?
02:00-03:00The Alaska Triangle
An underwater alien base may be located off the coast of a quiet Alaskan town. Plus.
03:00-04:00The Dead Files
Steve and Amy visit a home in Murrieta, CA.
04:00-05:00These Woods Are Haunted
Colton is fishing on a lake when something in the woods catches his eye. Is he being stalked by a pale humanoid creature?
05:00-06:00The Alaska Triangle
Ominous sounds from the skies could be a sign of the impending apocalypse. Plus.
06:00-07:00Kindred Spirits
Amy and Adam investigate a haunted mirror in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, one of the most paranormal places in America.
07:00-08:00Mysteries of the Missing
New technology reveals lost cities in inhospitable jungle, and researchers wonder if the mythical ci
08:00-09:00Mysteries of the Missing
After five planes vanish in the Bermuda Triangle, new science suggests a strange geological force is
09:00-10:00Mysteries of the Missing
The Roanoke colony vanished without a trace, and centuries later, it remains one of history's greate
10:00-11:00Mysteries of the Missing
In 1962, three convicts attempt the impossible and escape from Alcatraz prison. Officials believe th
11:00-12:00Mysteries of the Missing
In 2009, an Air France flight going missing and investigators discover this tragedy could happen aga
12:00-13:00Mysteries At The Museum
Don examines a canoe which unlocked the origins of a lost civilization.
13:00-14:00Mysteries At The Museum
Don Wildman examines a war-time surgery that was truly life or death.
14:00-15:00Mysteries At The Museum
Don Wildman unveils the story behind a novel that was supposedly written by the ghost of a legendary author. And.
15:00-16:00Mysteries At The Museum
Don Wildman uncovers a culinary mystery about a popular salad dressing. Plus.
16:00-17:00Mysteries At The Museum
Don Wildman examines a ceramic jar used to hold a creepy medical cure. And.
17:00-18:00The Alaska Triangle
Experts investigate reports of a secret alien base deep inside Alaska's highest mountain.
18:00-19:00The Alaska Triangle
Two hours after a Douglas C-54D airplane took off from Elmendorf Air Force Base on January 26, 1950.
19:00-20:00The Alaska Triangle
A cryptozoologist investigates reports of a sea monster in Alaska.
20:00-21:00The Alaska Triangle
In 1918 the SS Princess Sophia mysteriously sank near Juneau, Alaska.
21:00-22:00Building Alaska
Josh and his team fight the rain and wind to install the wood stove and Chris Maynard and his wife rush to install the kitchen counters and furniture.
22:00-23:00Portals To Hell
Jack Osbourne and Katrina Weidman travel to Wilder, Kentucky, to visit a honky-tonk.
23:00-00:00These Woods Are Haunted
Two security guards are sent deep into the woods to protect a church. What paranormal occurrences will they witness?
Don?t miss the latest trends in the most sensual pieces of fashion.
Don?t miss the latest trends in the most sensual pieces of fashion.
Everyone needs a great swimsuit in their wardrobe, better to have more than one.
Everyone needs a great swimsuit in their wardrobe, better to have more than one.
02:00-02:30Top Models
Top Models
02:30-03:00Top Models
Top Models
Don?t miss the latest trends in the most sensual pieces of fashion.
Don?t miss the latest trends in the most sensual pieces of fashion.
Everyone needs a great swimsuit in their wardrobe, better to have more than one.
Everyone needs a great swimsuit in their wardrobe, better to have more than one.
05:00-05:30Top Photoshoots
Dive into the breathtaking world of the fashion photography to discover behind-the-scenes atmosphere and enjoy the most beautiful masterpieces of the iconic photographers and their muses
05:30-06:00Top Photoshoots
Dive into the breathtaking world of the fashion photography to discover behind-the-scenes atmosphere and enjoy the most beautiful masterpieces of the iconic photographers and their muses
06:00-06:30Fashion & Sports
Athleisure is conquering the world! Everyone looks like having just finished a work-out in the gym.
06:30-07:00Fashion & Sports
Athleisure is conquering the world! Everyone looks like having just finished a work-out in the gym.
Get inspired with the latest trends in hairstyles.
Get inspired with the latest trends in hairstyles.
08:00-08:30Fashion From America
What does real patriotism mean.
08:30-09:00Fashion From America
What does real patriotism mean.
09:00-09:30Doutzen Kroes
Focus on Doutzen Kroes - an in-depth look at the world's top models. FashionTV follows our favorite models along the years.
09:30-10:00Doutzen Kroes
Focus on Doutzen Kroes - an in-depth look at the world's top models. FashionTV follows our favorite models along the years.
10:00-10:30Fashion Destination
Discover USA, the land of epic mix of seasons, landscapes and cultures. Enjoy the USA from coastlines to big cities.
10:30-11:00Fashion Destination
Welcome to Costa Rica which has lush rainforests, beautiful beaches, cloud forests, active volcanoes, mountain ranges.
11:00-11:30Fashion Junior
Follow kids fashion trends that will be huge in the recent and coming seasons.
11:30-12:00Fashion Junior
Follow kids fashion trends that will be huge in the recent and coming seasons.
12:00-12:30New York Fashion Week
FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows.
12:30-13:00New York Fashion Week
FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows.
13:00-13:30Top Photoshoots
Dive into the breathtaking world of the fashion photography to discover behind-the-scenes atmosphere and enjoy the most beautiful masterpieces of the iconic photographers and their muses
13:30-14:00Top Photoshoots
Dive into the breathtaking world of the fashion photography to discover behind-the-scenes atmosphere and enjoy the most beautiful masterpieces of the iconic photographers and their muses
Grab a clue on what's going on in the world of brides before you hit a salon! Enjoy a wide array of high fashion choices.
Grab a clue on what's going on in the world of brides before you hit a salon! Enjoy a wide array of high fashion choices.
Explore stories of the top fashion designers of all time! Meet the legends.
Explore stories of the top fashion designers of all time! Meet the legends.
16:00-16:30Fashion Teens
Explore the latest fashion trends for teens, the cutest outfits of the A-list celebrities, mix & match insights.
16:30-17:00Fashion Teens
Explore the latest fashion trends for teens, the cutest outfits of the A-list celebrities, mix & match insights.
17:00-17:30Top Models
Top Models
17:30-18:00Top Models
Top Models
18:00-18:30Fashion From South Korea
Get a clue about the worldwide success of Korean fashion, its unique expressive style reflecting the sense of individuality.
18:30-19:00Fashion From South Korea
Get a clue about the worldwide success of Korean fashion, its unique expressive style reflecting the sense of individuality.
19:00-19:30Fashion Destination
Discover Thailand, the Land of Smiles, tropical beaches, ancient ruins and modern buzzing cities.
19:30-20:00Fashion Destination
Discover Thailand, the Land of Smiles, tropical beaches, ancient ruins and modern buzzing cities.
20:00-20:30Fashion News
Check out the inside scoop on fashion news, all the daily news you need to know, including standout fashion moments.
20:30-21:00Fashion News
Check out the inside scoop on fashion news, all the daily news you need to know, including standout fashion moments.
21:00-21:30Doutzen Kroes
Focus on Doutzen Kroes - an in-depth look at the world's top models. FashionTV follows our favorite models along the years.
21:30-22:00Doutzen Kroes
Focus on Doutzen Kroes - an in-depth look at the world's top models. FashionTV follows our favorite models along the years.
22:00-22:30Fashion Magazines
FashionTV gives you an exclusive look at the photoshoots of magazine editorials from all over the world.
22:30-23:00Fashion Magazines
FashionTV gives you an exclusive look at the photoshoots of magazine editorials from all over the world.
23:00-23:30Fashion Films
Sit back, relax and enjoy a handful of experimental narrative fashion films with top models starring.
23:30-00:00Fashion Films
Sit back, relax and enjoy a handful of experimental narrative fashion films with top models starring.
00:30-01:00TOP MODELS
Meet this season?s modeling stars and those who are on their way to international fashion stardom. Most in-demand girls from around the globe and their fascinating stories!
Don?t miss the latest trends in the most sensual pieces of fashion, we?re talking about the latest lingerie collections presented on the world podiums! Sizzling hot looks from top lingerie designers
Don?t miss the latest trends in the most sensual pieces of fashion, we?re talking about the latest lingerie collections presented on the world podiums! Sizzling hot looks from top lingerie designers
Everyone needs a great swimsuit in their wardrobe, better to have more than one. Enjoy trendsetting collections to find a reliable, well-fitted, and stylish option for your poolside excellence
Everyone needs a great swimsuit in their wardrobe, better to have more than one. Enjoy trendsetting collections to find a reliable, well-fitted, and stylish option for your poolside excellence
03:00-03:30TOP MODELS
Meet this season?s modeling stars and those who are on their way to international fashion stardom. Most in-demand girls from around the globe and their fascinating stories!
03:30-04:00TOP MODELS
Meet this season?s modeling stars and those who are on their way to international fashion stardom. Most in-demand girls from around the globe and their fascinating stories!
Don?t miss the latest trends in the most sensual pieces of fashion, we?re talking about the latest lingerie collections presented on the world podiums! Sizzling hot looks from top lingerie designers
Don?t miss the latest trends in the most sensual pieces of fashion, we?re talking about the latest lingerie collections presented on the world podiums! Sizzling hot looks from top lingerie designers
Everyone needs a great swimsuit in their wardrobe, better to have more than one. Enjoy trendsetting collections to find a reliable, well-fitted, and stylish option for your poolside excellence
Everyone needs a great swimsuit in their wardrobe, better to have more than one. Enjoy trendsetting collections to find a reliable, well-fitted, and stylish option for your poolside excellence
Dive into the breathtaking world of the fashion photography to discover behind-the-scenes atmosphere and enjoy the most beautiful masterpieces of the iconic photographers and their muses
Dive into the breathtaking world of the fashion photography to discover behind-the-scenes atmosphere and enjoy the most beautiful masterpieces of the iconic photographers and their muses
07:00-07:30FASHION & SPORTS
Athleisure is conquering the world! Everyone looks like having just finished a work-out in the gym, while grabbing a cappuccino. If this lifestyle is yours, be first to discover the must-haves!
07:30-08:00FASHION & SPORTS
Athleisure is conquering the world! Everyone looks like having just finished a work-out in the gym, while grabbing a cappuccino. If this lifestyle is yours, be first to discover the must-haves!
Get inspired with the latest trends in hairstyles, enjoy the tips and tricks of the top makeup artists and get the best use of the exclusive guide in the world of skincare products!
Get inspired with the latest trends in hairstyles, enjoy the tips and tricks of the top makeup artists and get the best use of the exclusive guide in the world of skincare products!
What does real patriotism mean? Made In USA showcases heirloom quality pieces produced in America and handpicks the assortment of timeless classics and reinvented styles.
What does real patriotism mean? Made In USA showcases heirloom quality pieces produced in America and handpicks the assortment of timeless classics and reinvented styles.
10:00-10:30DOUTZEN KROES
A true story on a tomboy from rural Netherlands province who turned into the most featured person of Vogue ? meet Doutzen Kroes from the top five of best-paid models
10:30-11:00DOUTZEN KROES
A true story on a tomboy from rural Netherlands province who turned into the most featured person of Vogue ? meet Doutzen Kroes from the top five of best-paid models
Discover USA, the land of epic mix of seasons, landscapes and cultures. Enjoy the USA from coastlines to big cities, through the mighty depths of the Grand Canyon, and glittering lights of Las Vegas
Welcome to Costa Rica which has lush rainforests, beautiful beaches, cloud forests, active volcanoes, mountain ranges, and varied wildlife!
Follow kids fashion trends that will be huge in the recent and coming seasons, stay tuned for the best dressed celebs? kids and runway highlights!
Follow kids fashion trends that will be huge in the recent and coming seasons, stay tuned for the best dressed celebs? kids and runway highlights!
Don?t miss the news from New York Fashion Week, the one that opens the season of global fashion weeks and has a major influence on trends of current and upcoming seasons!
Don?t miss the news from New York Fashion Week, the one that opens the season of global fashion weeks and has a major influence on trends of current and upcoming seasons!
Dive into the breathtaking world of the fashion photography to discover behind-the-scenes atmosphere and enjoy the most beautiful masterpieces of the iconic photographers and their muses
Dive into the breathtaking world of the fashion photography to discover behind-the-scenes atmosphere and enjoy the most beautiful masterpieces of the iconic photographers and their muses
Grab a clue on what's going on in the world of brides before you hit a salon! Enjoy a wide array of high fashion choices, undeniably romantic and decidedly feminine.
Grab a clue on what's going on in the world of brides before you hit a salon! Enjoy a wide array of high fashion choices, undeniably romantic and decidedly feminine.
Explore stories of the top fashion designers of all time! Meet the legends, like Coco Chanel or Karl Lagerfeld and don?t miss the amazingly talented young designers who shape the future of fashion now
Explore stories of the top fashion designers of all time! Meet the legends, like Coco Chanel or Karl Lagerfeld and don?t miss the amazingly talented young designers who shape the future of fashion now
17:00-17:30FASHION TEENS
Explore the latest fashion trends for teens, the cutest outfits of the A-list celebrities, mix & match insights, and style tips for all occasions.
17:30-18:00FASHION TEENS
Explore the latest fashion trends for teens, the cutest outfits of the A-list celebrities, mix & match insights, and style tips for all occasions.
18:00-18:30TOP MODELS
Meet this season?s modeling stars and those who are on their way to international fashion stardom. Most in-demand girls from around the globe and their fascinating stories!
18:30-19:00TOP MODELS
Meet this season?s modeling stars and those who are on their way to international fashion stardom. Most in-demand girls from around the globe and their fascinating stories!
Get a clue about the worldwide success of Korean fashion, its unique expressive style reflecting the sense of individuality. It is focused on utmost comfort but offers us a cute and effortless look.
Get a clue about the worldwide success of Korean fashion, its unique expressive style reflecting the sense of individuality. It is focused on utmost comfort but offers us a cute and effortless look.
Discover Thailand, the Land of Smiles, tropical beaches, ancient ruins and modern buzzing cities! Enjoy its picture-postcard landscapes, mouth-watering delicacies and a genuinely warm Thai welcome
Discover Thailand, the Land of Smiles, tropical beaches, ancient ruins and modern buzzing cities! Enjoy its picture-postcard landscapes, mouth-watering delicacies and a genuinely warm Thai welcome
21:00-21:30FASHION NEWS
Check out the inside scoop on fashion news, all the daily news you need to know, including standout fashion moments, major events, current collections and trends on and off the runway.
21:30-22:00FASHION NEWS
Check out the inside scoop on fashion news, all the daily news you need to know, including standout fashion moments, major events, current collections and trends on and off the runway.
22:00-22:30DOUTZEN KROES
A true story on a tomboy from rural Netherlands province who turned into the most featured person of Vogue ? meet Doutzen Kroes from the top five of best-paid models
22:30-23:00DOUTZEN KROES
A true story on a tomboy from rural Netherlands province who turned into the most featured person of Vogue ? meet Doutzen Kroes from the top five of best-paid models
Explore the current array of the top fashion magazines, the vehicles of our luxury dreams and the source of inspiration. Check in for the latest updates, cutest outlooks and fashion insights
Explore the current array of the top fashion magazines, the vehicles of our luxury dreams and the source of inspiration. Check in for the latest updates, cutest outlooks and fashion insights
FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.
FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets, hollywood glamour and launch events
FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.
FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.
01:55-02:00RED CARPET
FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets and Hollywood glamour.
Get to know the intimate side of FashionTV. silk, lace and everything seductive, bringing you the best in photo shoots, fashion shows and more.
Get to know the intimate side of FashionTV. silk, lace and everything seductive, bringing you the best in photo shoots, fashion shows and more.
FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets, hollywood glamour and launch events
FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.
FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.
03:55-04:00RED CARPET
FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets and Hollywood glamour.
FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.
FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.
FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets, hollywood glamour and launch events
Set aside all your daily stuff! Everything you wanted to know about Victoria?s Secret show - an array of looks from brand's signature wings to special collaborations and its exiting backstage
Set aside all your daily stuff! Everything you wanted to know about Victoria?s Secret show - an array of looks from brand's signature wings to special collaborations and its exiting backstage
05:55-06:00RED CARPET
FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets and Hollywood glamour.
FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.
FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.
FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets, hollywood glamour and launch events
FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.
FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.
07:55-08:00RED CARPET
FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets and Hollywood glamour.
08:00-08:30MODEL TALKS
A unique chance to get to know everything you've ever wanted to know about the world's most famous beauties. hear what they have to say about the world of fashion, modeling and what's its like to be a runway model.
08:30-08:55MODEL TALKS
A unique chance to get to know everything you've ever wanted to know about the world's most famous beauties. hear what they have to say about the world of fashion, modeling and what's its like to be a runway model.
08:55-09:00TOP NAMES
FashionTV presents an exclusive look at fashion's most celebrated models.
Join FashionTV for an hour of the most iconic photoshoots, behind the scenes coverage, and fashion films.
Join FashionTV for an hour of the most iconic photoshoots, behind the scenes coverage, and fashion films.
09:55-10:00RED CARPET
FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets and Hollywood glamour.
FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.
FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.
FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets, hollywood glamour and launch events
11:00-11:30THE STORY OF
Join FashionTV, as we take you on a complete journey with fashion?s greatest icons. Celebrate world glamor with breathtaking fashion, passion, and all the action
11:30-12:00THE STORY OF
Join FashionTV, as we take you on a complete journey with fashion?s greatest icons. Celebrate world glamor with breathtaking fashion, passion, and all the action
FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.
FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.
12:55-13:00RED CARPET
FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets and Hollywood glamour.
FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.
FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.
FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets, hollywood glamour and launch events
FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.
FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.
14:55-15:00RED CARPET
FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets and Hollywood glamour.
FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.
FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.
FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets, hollywood glamour and launch events
FashionTV brings you the stylish world of men's fashion. top designers and the most dashing men in the modeling industry, beautiful clothing and beautiful people.
FashionTV brings you the stylish world of men's fashion. top designers and the most dashing men in the modeling industry, beautiful clothing and beautiful people.
16:55-17:00RED CARPET
FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets and Hollywood glamour.
17:00-17:30HAIR & MAKE UP
Your backstage pass to the world's greatest hair & make-up gurus of fashion!
17:30-17:55HAIR & MAKE UP
Your backstage pass to the world's greatest hair & make-up gurus of fashion!
FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets, hollywood glamour and launch events
FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.
FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.
18:55-19:00RED CARPET
FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets and Hollywood glamour.
FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.
FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.
FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets, hollywood glamour and launch events
Set aside all your daily stuff! Everything you wanted to know about Victoria?s Secret show - an array of looks from brand's signature wings to special collaborations and its exiting backstage
FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.
20:55-21:00RED CARPET
FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets and Hollywood glamour.
FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.
FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.
FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets, hollywood glamour and launch events
FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.
FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.
22:55-23:00RED CARPET
FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets and Hollywood glamour.
23:00-23:30THE STORY OF
Join FashionTV, as we take you on a complete journey with fashion?s greatest icons. Celebrate world glamor with breathtaking fashion, passion, and all the action
23:30-00:00THE STORY OF
Join FashionTV, as we take you on a complete journey with fashion?s greatest icons. Celebrate world glamor with breathtaking fashion, passion, and all the action
00:00-01:00Karate, Täyskontakti
01:00-02:00Roland Garros
Miehet | Kaksinpeli | Välierät
02:00-02:35Roland Garros
Miehet | Kaksinpeli | Välierät
02:35-02:40The Minute
02:40-03:00Roland Garros
Miehet | Kaksinpeli | Välierät
03:00-04:00Italian ympäriajo | Kooste
04:00-04:30Good Trouble
04:30-05:30Roland Garros
Miehet | Kaksinpeli | Välierät
05:30-07:00Shanghai | 2.lähtö
07:00-07:17Roland Garros
Naiset | Kaksinpeli | Välierät
07:17-07:49Eset V4 Cup
07:49-08:00Jousiammunta: Maailmancup Yecheon
08:00-09:30Padel: Hexacon Cup, Madrid
09:30-12:30Roland Garros
Miehet | Kaksinpeli | Välierät
12:30-13:30Roland Garros
Miehet | Kaksinpeli | Välierät
13:30-15:308 tuntia Spa | Osakilpailu
15:30-16:00Roland Garros Courtside
Suora lähetys
16:00-18:30Roland Garros
Naiset | Kaksinpeli | Finaali
18:30-19:00Roland Garros Courtside
Suora lähetys
19:00-21:30Roland Garros
Miehet | Nelinpeli | Finaali
21:30-22:00Good Trouble
22:00-23:00Critérium du Dauphiné | 7.etappi
23:00-01:00PTO Tour | San Francisco
21:00-01:00The Memorial Tournament | 2.päivä
PGA Tour
01:00-03:00Critérium du Dauphiné | 6.etappi
03:00-03:51Roland Garros
Miehet | Kaksinpeli | Välierät
03:51-05:05Charles Schwab Challenge | 4.päivä
PGA Tour
05:05-06:00Roland Garros
Naiset | Kaksinpeli | Välierät
06:00-06:30The Minute
06:30-07:00PTO Tour | San Francisco
07:00-08:00Saksa | MX2 | 1.lähtö
08:00-09:00Saksa | MX2 | 2.lähtö
09:00-10:00Saksa | MXGP | 1.lähtö
10:00-11:00Saksa | MXGP | 2.lähtö
11:00-11:30Jousiammunta: Maailmancup Yecheon
11:30-12:35FIM Speedway GP | Praha
12:35-14:05Critérium du Dauphiné | 6.etappi
14:05-16:00Critérium du Dauphiné | 7.etappi
16:00-22:308 tuntia Spa | Osakilpailu
22:30-01:00The Memorial Tournament | 3.päivä
PGA Tour
00:00-02:00(Ei lähetystä / Sändningsuppehåll)
02:00-07:00Ohjelma ilmoitetaan myöhemmin
Ohjelma ilmoitetaan myöhemmin.
14:00-15:00Trans World Sports
Trans World Sports - Magasin
15:00-15:30DP World Tour Highlights European Open
European Open - Kohokohtia kilpailusta, joka pelattiin Green Eagle Golf Coursella, Hampurissa, Saksassa. (30.5.-2.6.24)
15:30-16:00Track & Field Weekly
Track & Field Weekly - Friidrott
16:00-18:00(Ei lähetystä / Sändningsuppehåll)
18:00-20:00(Ei lähetystä / Sändningsuppehåll)
20:00-20:30Track & Field Weekly
Track & Field Weekly - Friidrott
20:30-21:00Track & Field Weekly
Track & Field Weekly - Friidrott
21:00-22:00Trans World Sports
Trans World Sports - Magasin
22:25-23:55IndyCar Series Xpel Grand Prix of Road America - Aika-ajot LIVE
Xpel Grand Prix of Road America - Aika-ajot - Kilpailu ajetaan Road Americassa, Elkhart Lakessa, Wisconsinissa. (8.6.2024)
Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll
12:20-13:20Porsche Sixt Carrera Cup Deutschland Zandvoort 1.osakilpailu LIVE
Zandvoort 1.osakilpailu - 8.6.2024.
13:20-14:10GP Confidential Ep9
Ep9 - Makasiiniohjelmassa syvennytään F1-tekniikan salaisuuksiin. Ohjelma täydentää F1-maailmaa ennennäkemättömällä tavalla ja on täydellinen F1-faneille. Ep9.
14:10-16:00DTM Zandvoort 1. osakilpailu LIVE
Zandvoort 1. osakilpailu - 8.6.2024.
16:00-16:30Formula Regional Spa Highlights
Spa Highlights - Osakilpailukooste.
16:30-17:30Ferrari Challenge Europe Balaton Highlights
Balaton Highlights - Kooste Balatonissa ajetuista osakilpailuista.
17:30-18:35NASCAR Highlights Enjoy Illinois 300
Enjoy Illinois 300 - Ajetun kisan kohokohtia 2.6.2024.
18:35-19:40Formula Regional Zandvoortin 1.osakilpailu LIVE
Zandvoortin 1.osakilpailu - 8.6.2024.
20:00-00:00World Series of Darts Nordic Masters LIVE
Nordic Masters - 8.6.2024. Puolivälierät, välierät ja finaali.
23:55-01:05F1 Kanadan 2. vapaat harjoitukset LIVE
Kanadan 2. vapaat harjoitukset - 7.6.2024. Selostus Niki Juusela, asiantuntija Heikki Kovalainen.
Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll
10:00-12:00NHL Edmonton Oilers - Dallas Stars 4:7
Edmonton Oilers - Dallas Stars 4:7 - 29.5.2024. Läntisen konferenssin neljäs finaali. Selostus Nuutti Vihtilä.
12:00-14:00NHL Dallas Stars - Edmonton Oilers 5:7
Dallas Stars - Edmonton Oilers 5:7 - 31.5.2024. Läntisen konferenssin viides finaali. Selostus Nuutti Vihtilä.
14:00-15:00NHL: Tonight
NHL: Tonight - Huippuhetket NHL-kierroksen otteluista, haastattelut ja analyysit sekä tärkeimmät uutiset.
15:00-17:00Jääkiekon MM Suomi - Sveitsi
Suomi - Sveitsi - 21.5.2024. Alkulohkon ottelu. Selostus Antti Mäkinen, asiantuntija Jussi Jokinen.
17:00-19:00Jääkiekon MM Kanada - Slovakia
Kanada - Slovakia - 23.5.2023. Puolivälieräottelu. Selostus Jussi Eskola.
19:25-20:35F1 Kanadan 3. vapaat harjoitukset LIVE
Kanadan 3. vapaat harjoitukset - 8.6.2024. Selostus Niki Juusela, asiantuntija Heikki Kovalainen.
20:35-22:30NHL Edmonton Oilers - Dallas Stars 6:7
Edmonton Oilers - Dallas Stars 6:7 - 2.6.2024. Läntisen konferenssin kuudes finaali. Selostus Nuutti Vihtilä.
22:30-22:55F1-Studio Kanadan aika-ajot LIVE
Kanadan aika-ajot - Suora lähetys.
22:55-01:00F1 Kanadan aika-ajot LIVE
Kanadan aika-ajot - 8.6.2024. Selostus Niki Juusela, asiantuntija Heikki Kovalainen.
Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll
12:00-12:20UECL: The Final - Official Film
UECL: The Final - Official Film - UEFA Europa Conference League.
12:20-12:50Valioliiga: Premier League Stories
Valioliiga: Premier League Stories
12:50-14:50Premiership Rugby Northampton Saints - Saracens
Northampton Saints - Saracens - 31.5.2024. Välierä.
14:50-16:50Premiership Rugby Bath Rugby - Sale Sharks
Bath Rugby - Sale Sharks - 1.6.2024. Välierä.
16:50-19:15Premiership Rugby Northampton Saints - Bath Rugby LIVE
Northampton Saints - Bath Rugby - 8.6.2024. Loppuottelu.
19:25-21:30NWSL NJ/NY Gotham - Angel City LIVE
NJ/NY Gotham - Angel City - 8.6.2024.
21:30-22:00UECL: The Final - Official Film
UECL: The Final - Official Film - UEFA Europa Conference League.
22:00-22:30Bundesliiga Relegation Rollercoaster VI
Relegation Rollercoaster VI
22:30-23:00Bundesliiga: Bundesliga Analysis
Bundesliiga: Bundesliga Analysis
23:00-00:00Bundesliiga: Bundesliga Highlights 6. kierros
6. kierros - Huippuhetkiä 6. kierrokselta.
23:45-01:45(Ei lähetystä / Sändningsuppehåll)
13:30-15:30(Ei lähetystä / Sändningsuppehåll)
15:30-17:30(Ei lähetystä / Sändningsuppehåll)
17:30-19:30(Ei lähetystä / Sändningsuppehåll)
19:40-21:45(Ei lähetystä / Sändningsuppehåll)
21:45-23:45OBOS Damallsvenskan Djurgården-AIK
Djurgården-AIK - Fotboll
23:45-01:45(Ei lähetystä / Sändningsuppehåll)
23:45-01:45(Ei lähetystä / Sändningsuppehåll)
13:15-14:15Premier League: Goals of the Season
Premier League: Goals of the Season - Magasin
14:15-16:15(Ei lähetystä / Sändningsuppehåll)
16:15-18:15(Ei lähetystä / Sändningsuppehåll)
18:15-20:15(Ei lähetystä / Sändningsuppehåll)
20:25-22:30(Ei lähetystä / Sändningsuppehåll)
22:30-00:30(Ei lähetystä / Sändningsuppehåll)
00:00-02:00NHL Florida Panthers - New York Rangers 4:7
Florida Panthers - New York Rangers 4:7 - Pudotuspeliottelu 4:7 pelataan Amerant Bank Arenassa, Sunrisessa. (28.5.2024)
Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll
13:00-14:00NHL Tonight
NHL Tonight - Magasin
14:00-16:00NHL Edmonton Oilers - Dallas Stars 4:7
Edmonton Oilers - Dallas Stars 4:7 - Pudotuspeliottelu 4:7 pelataan Rogers Placessa. (29.5.2024)
16:00-18:00NHL New York Rangers - Florida Panthers 5:7
New York Rangers - Florida Panthers 5:7 - Pudotuspeliottelu 5:7 pelataan Amerant Bank Arenassa, Sunrisessa. (30.5.2024)
18:00-19:00NHL Tonight
NHL Tonight - Magasin
19:00-21:00NHL Dallas Stars - Edmonton Oilers 5:7
Dallas Stars - Edmonton Oilers 5:7 - Pudotuspeliottelu 5:7 pelataan American Airlines Centerissä. (31.5.2024)
21:00-23:00NHL Florida Panthers - New York Rangers 6:7
Florida Panthers - New York Rangers 6:7 - Pudotuspeliottelu 6:7 pelataan Amerant Bank Arenassa, Sunrisessa. (1.6.2024)
23:00-00:00NHL Tonight
NHL Tonight - Magasin
22:00-03:00DP World Tour Scandinavian Mixed - 2. kierros
Scandinavian Mixed - 2. kierros - Kilpailu pelataan Vasatorps Golfklubbilla, Helsingborgissa, Ruotsissa. (6.-9.6.2024)
09:00-14:00DP World Tour Scandinavian Mixed - 2. kierros
Scandinavian Mixed - 2. kierros - Kilpailu pelataan Vasatorps Golfklubbilla, Helsingborgissa, Ruotsissa. (6.-9.6.2024)
14:00-18:30DP World Tour Scandinavian Mixed - 3. kierros LIVE
Scandinavian Mixed - 3. kierros - Kilpailu pelataan Vasatorps Golfklubbilla, Helsingborgissa, Ruotsissa. (6.-9.6.2024)
18:30-18:45Golf Cards
Golf Cards - Kenttäopas Golf Cardin haltijoille etelän Trelleborgista pohjoisen Skellefteåhon.
18:45-19:00Golf Cards
Golf Cards - Kenttäopas Golf Cardin haltijoille etelän Trelleborgista pohjoisen Skellefteåhon.
19:00-20:00Golf Central
Makasiiniohjelma, joka tarjoaa parhaat ja uusimmat uutiset golfin maailmasta ja pelaajien ja asiantuntijoiden haastatteluja.
20:00-23:00LPGA Tour Shoprite LPGA - 1. kierros
Shoprite LPGA - 1. kierros - Kilpailu pelataan Seaview Hotel and Golf Clubin Bay Coursella, Gallowayssa, New Jerseyssä. (7.-9.6.2024)
23:00-02:00LPGA Tour Shoprite LPGA - 2. kierros LIVE
Shoprite LPGA - 2. kierros - Kilpailu pelataan Seaview Hotel and Golf Clubin Bay Coursella, Gallowayssa, New Jerseyssä. (7.-9.6.2024)
22:00-00:30Bundesliiga: Leverkusen - Augsburg
34. kierroksen ottelu pelataan BayArenalla. (18.5.2024)
11:00-19:30RedBull TV
19:30-22:55UEFA Europa League: Atalanta - Leverkusen
Finaali pelataan Aviva Stadiumilla, Dublinissa. (22.5.2024)
22:55-00:30Formula 1: Kanadan GP - Aika-ajot
Kilpailu ajetaan Circuit Gilles-Villeneuvella, Montrealissa. (8.6.2024)
23:55-01:05Formula 1 Canadian GP: Practice 2 - Pitlane Channel LIVE
Canadian GP: Practice 2 - Pitlane Channel
Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll
Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll
Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll
19:25-20:35Formula 1 Canadian GP: Practice 3 - Pitlane Channel LIVE
Canadian GP: Practice 3 - Pitlane Channel
Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll
22:55-00:15Formula 1 Canadian GP: Qualifying - Pitlane Channel LIVE
Canadian GP: Qualifying - Pitlane Channel
23:55-01:05Formula 1 Canadian GP: Practice 2 - Onboard Mix LIVE
Canadian GP: Practice 2 - Onboard Mix
Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll
Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll
Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll
19:25-20:35Formula 1 Canadian GP: Practice 3 - Onboard Mix LIVE
Canadian GP: Practice 3 - Onboard Mix
Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll
22:55-00:15Formula 1 Canadian GP: Qualifying - Onboard Mix LIVE
Canadian GP: Qualifying - Onboard Mix
23:55-01:05Formula 1 Canadian GP: Practice 2 - Timing LIVE
Canadian GP: Practice 2 - Timing
Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll
Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll
Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll
19:25-20:35Formula 1 Canadian GP: Practice 3 - Timing LIVE
Canadian GP: Practice 3 - Timing
Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll
22:55-00:15Formula 1 Canadian GP: Qualifying - Timing LIVE
Canadian GP: Qualifying - Timing
23:55-01:05Formula 1 Canadian GP: Practice 2 - Drivers Tracker LIVE
Canadian GP: Practice 2 - Drivers Tracker
Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll
Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll
Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll
19:25-20:35Formula 1 Canadian GP: Practice 3 - Drivers Tracker LIVE
Canadian GP: Practice 3 - Drivers Tracker
Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll
22:55-00:15Formula 1 Canadian GP: Qualifying - Drivers Tracker LIVE
Canadian GP: Qualifying - Drivers Tracker
Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 5
Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 5
Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 5
Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 5
Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 5
23:00-03:00Liiga: No Broadcasting
Liiga: No Broadcasting
03:00-07:00Liiga: No Broadcasting
Liiga: No Broadcasting
07:00-11:00Liiga: No Broadcasting
Liiga: No Broadcasting
11:00-15:00Liiga: No Broadcasting
Liiga: No Broadcasting
15:00-19:00Liiga: No Broadcasting
Liiga: No Broadcasting
19:00-23:00Liiga: No Broadcasting
Liiga: No Broadcasting
23:00-03:00Liiga: No Broadcasting
Liiga: No Broadcasting
23:30-01:00YETI Natural Selection 2024 - Men Day 2
Highlights from the 2024 NST finals second day of men?s competition at Revelstoke's Montana Bowl.
01:00-01:30Drive Thru Europe
The guys go exploring for surf on some of the more private beaches of France.
01:30-02:00Drive Thru Caribbean
The crew arrives in Barbados to be greeted by some fun waves.
02:00-03:00The Making of "Ultimate Wave Tahiti" 3D
The first ever IMAX 3D surf film features Kelly Slater in a quest to find the perfect wave-riding experience.
03:00-03:20Catch Up with Kevin Nikulski & Dustyn Alt
Flatland BMX riders Kevin Nikulski and Dustyn Alt explore Lisbon?s streets and share their personal story.
03:20-04:00FireRide Festival: The Beginning
The FireRide Festival, in Mexico, is a 2-day bike extravaganza with prizes for jumps, tricks, and more.
04:00-05:00Surfing Favela
Focused on a slum in Brazil, young surfers defy their environment?s limitations through surfing.
05:00-05:30Standard Snowboard Show
Two-time Snowboarder of the Year John Jackson and his award-winning video parts compiled into this episode.
05:30-06:00M80: France
Featuring riders from France, Drake McElroy, "90 Seconds" with Matt Buyten, and young gun Jack Simpson.
06:00-06:30On Surfari
Shayne & Shannon find perfect waves at Panama?s Bocas Del Toro, dive into the culture and run into friends.
Refus, Pops, and the gang practice for the big Hoe Dow on Segways.
07:00-07:30Firsthand: Tom Wallisch
At the height of winter, pro skier Tom Wallisch travels to Finland to get shots for his video part.
07:30-08:10Fresh Lines
Author, health enthusiast and super mom, Earthy Andy joins Matty Rainor in the shaping bay.
08:10-08:30Catch Up with Leo Rodrigues
Meet street skater and activist, Leo Rodrigues, member of influential creative group Coletivo XV.
08:30-09:00On Surfari
The duo visits the Kuril Islands of Siberia, sips camel milk tea in Oman, and dodges lava bombs in Vanuatu.
09:00-09:10Portugal Back to Back: Azores
Nic Von Rupp rides perfect waves in São Miguel and enjoys everything the main Azorean island has to offer.
09:10-09:30Portugal Back to Back: Nazaré
Nic Von Rupp pays a tribute to Nazaré?s Praia do Norte, the most challenging surf spot on the planet.
09:30-10:30YETI Natural Selection 2024 - Women Day 2
Highlights from the 2024 NST finals second day of women?s competition at Revelstoke's Montana Bowl.
10:30-12:00YETI Natural Selection 2024 - Men Day 2
Highlights from the 2024 NST finals second day of men?s competition at Revelstoke's Montana Bowl.
12:00-13:00Camp Woodward 10
John Christon and the graphics shoot photos with Ethan, Zion and Cyprus for the Season 10 intro.
Skateboarding filmer Kevin Perez made a video with as many of his skate-celebrity friends as possible.
A Kevin Perez video with non-stop thrills and boundary-pushing tricks that redefine street skating.
13:40-14:00Snowchef USA: Mortuary to Mixology
In Snowchef 4 opening episode, Chef John and Foodie JD, venture into the heart of Denver's winter wonderland.
14:00-15:00Surfing Favela
Focused on a slum in Brazil, young surfers defy their environment?s limitations through surfing.
15:00-15:30Drive Thru Europe
The guys go exploring for surf on some of the more private beaches of France.
15:30-16:00Drive Thru Caribbean
The crew arrives in Barbados to be greeted by some fun waves.
16:00-16:202024 Duels
Torgeir Bergrem and Raibu Katayama dueled in Japan's debut Natural Selection Tour.
16:20-16:402024 Duels
Kevin Backstrom and Sebbe De Buck duel at the Natural Selection Tour in Gemmsstock, Switzerland.
16:40-17:052024 Duels
At an iconic resort, Jamie Anderson faced Emma Crosby for another Natural Selection DUEL.
17:05-17:302024 Duels
In Irwin, Colorado, Sweetin and Gerard clashed in their Natural Selection Tour DUEL.
17:30-17:502024 Duels
In Durango, Colorado, teammates Nils Mindnich and Victor Daviet dueled in NST's third event.
17:50-18:152024 Duels
Spencer O?Brien and Mary Rand showcased styles at Mount Kirkup durng their Natural Selection DUEL.
18:15-18:30The Sun Came Out
A Burton snowboarding movie with Mark McMorris, Danny Davis, Red Gerard, Kimmy Fasani and more.
Minions meet the squad for the first time and set their home for the next few days in Santa Cruz, California.
19:00-20:00Issue #7 by iDabbleVM
iDABBLE VM issue #7 mixes painting, skate mags collecting, music playing, girls? events and much more.
20:00-21:00Camp Woodward 10
John Christon and the graphics shoot photos with Ethan, Zion and Cyprus for the Season 10 intro.
21:00-21:15Custom 8: SLS Paris
Custom visits the Street League Skateboarding 2024 opening event in Paris, with the top skaters in the world.
21:15-21:30Custom 8: Ultimate X
The world's top skate and BMX riders gathered in Cape Town, South Africa, for the thrilling Ultimate X event.
21:30-22:30YETI Natural Selection 2024 - Women Day 1
Highlights from the 2024 NST finals first day of women?s competition at Revelstoke's Montana Bowl.
22:30-00:00YETI Natural Selection 2024 - Men Day 1
Highlights from the 2024 NST finals first day of men?s competition at Revelstoke's Montana Bowl.
00:00-01:00Clipper: The Race Of Their Lives
Take part in a round the world yacht race. No sailing experience required, this is the Race of Your Life.
01:00-01:30Inside Sailing
Welcome to Inside Sailing.
01:30-02:00Sail For Surf
Collin Martins is a chef with only one goal in mind: surfing.
02:30-03:00Baltic Sea Goes Sup
What SUP Baltic Sea?Considered a hidden gem for many years, the Baltic Sea is now a retreat for water sports practitioners.
03:00-03:30The Ocean Race: Preview
Lisa Beasley?s journey begins after a horrific BASE jumping accident encourages her to return to the ocean.
04:00-05:00Iballa - Corazón de Escamas
After more than two decades in the world class of sports and overcoming different personal and sporting challenges of great significance, Iballa Ruano Moreno achieved in 2018 an historical landmark unprecedented in profes
05:00-05:30The Boat Show
Today we're introducing you to a very fast, state-of-the-art and technology-rich yacht, the Pershing 8X.
05:30-06:00The Boat Show
Today in The Boat Show we are at the Marina di Varazze to introduce you to the Sacs Strider 11 ABT Sport Master.
06:00-06:30Rolex Spirit Of Yachting: TP52 World Championship
For year now, Rolex sailing competitions across the globe have united the top sailors in different boat classes.
06:30-07:00Rolex Spirit Of Yachting: Maxi Yatch Rolex Cup
For year now, Rolex sailing competitions across the globe have united the top sailors in different boat classes.
07:00-07:30Screen Heroes
Welcome to this year's final episode of Screen Heroes. Initially we set out to find the best surf films of the year. Today.
07:30-08:00Bermuda Gold Cup
It's time for the celebratory 70th edition of the Bermuda Gold Cup and the 2020 Open Match Racing World Championship.
08:00-08:30H2O Racing: F1H2O World Championship: Preview Season 2023
After over 85 championships in over 12 countries, the P1 world is fast, and growing.
08:30-09:00H2O Racing: Aquabike World Championship
Welcome to the 25th season of the UIM ABP Aquabike World Championship.
09:30-10:00Baltic Sea Goes Sup
What SUP Baltic Sea?Considered a hidden gem for many years, the Baltic Sea is now a retreat for water sports practitioners.
10:00-11:00Clipper: The Race Of Their Lives
Take part in a round the world yacht race. No sailing experience required, this is the Race of Your Life.
11:00-12:00Iballa - Corazón de Escamas
After more than two decades in the world class of sports and overcoming different personal and sporting challenges of great significance, Iballa Ruano Moreno achieved in 2018 an historical landmark unprecedented in profes
12:00-12:30The Boat Show
Today we're introducing you to a very fast, state-of-the-art and technology-rich yacht, the Pershing 8X.
12:30-13:00The Boat Show
Today in The Boat Show we are at the Marina di Varazze to introduce you to the Sacs Strider 11 ABT Sport Master.
13:00-13:30Inside Sailing
Welcome to Inside Sailing.
13:30-14:00Sail For Surf
Collin Martins is a chef with only one goal in mind: surfing.
14:00-14:30Rolex Spirit Of Yachting: TP52 World Championship
For year now, Rolex sailing competitions across the globe have united the top sailors in different boat classes.
14:30-15:00Rolex Spirit Of Yachting: Maxi Yatch Rolex Cup
For year now, Rolex sailing competitions across the globe have united the top sailors in different boat classes.
15:00-15:30The Ocean Race: Preview
Lisa Beasley?s journey begins after a horrific BASE jumping accident encourages her to return to the ocean.
16:00-16:30Screen Heroes
Welcome to this year's final episode of Screen Heroes. Initially we set out to find the best surf films of the year. Today.
16:30-17:00Bermuda Gold Cup
It's time for the celebratory 70th edition of the Bermuda Gold Cup and the 2020 Open Match Racing World Championship.
17:00-17:30H2O Racing: F1H2O World Championship: Preview Season 2023
After over 85 championships in over 12 countries, the P1 world is fast, and growing.
17:30-18:00H2O Racing: Aquabike World Championship
Welcome to the 25th season of the UIM ABP Aquabike World Championship.
18:00-19:00Clipper: The Race Of Their Lives
Take part in a round the world yacht race. No sailing experience required, this is the Race of Your Life.
19:00-20:00Iballa - Corazón de Escamas
After more than two decades in the world class of sports and overcoming different personal and sporting challenges of great significance, Iballa Ruano Moreno achieved in 2018 an historical landmark unprecedented in profes
20:00-20:30RORC Caribbean 600
A major 11-island 600 mile race around the Caribbean islands from Antigua.
20:30-21:00Semaine Du Golfe Du Morbihan
The Semaine du Golfe Du Morbihan is an essential event for all classic sailing lovers.
21:00-21:30Les Voiles de Saint Tropez
Les Voiles de Saint Tropez
21:30-22:00The World Sailing Show
The World Sailing Show is a close up monthly view of the racing world.
22:00-22:30Rolex Spirit Of Yachting: Sail GP Part II
For year now, Rolex sailing competitions across the globe have united the top sailors in different boat classes.
22:30-23:00The World Sailing Show
The World Sailing Show is a close up monthly view of the racing world.
23:00-00:00Nice Ultimed
From April 24th to May 6th, four elite skippers will respectively compete on the biggest racing boats in the world.
From the ONE vault, recapping the amazing MMA, Muay Thai, and kickboxing action from ONE Championship.
01:00-03:00MEGA Fights
This episode features a USBA super middleweight title bout that sees Edwin Rodriguez defend against the undefeated Jason Escalera.
03:00-03:30Wide World of Fights
This episode features Canelo Alvarez making his first defense of the WBC light middleweight title, facing Ryan Rhodes.
03:30-04:00Judo for the World
Judo for the World features the best competitors in the sport as they compete in a global tour for an opportunity to vie for the gold in the World Judo Championship.
04:30-05:00FS Grand Sumo
For the first time the top ranked sumo competitors in the world are featured in an action packed series.
05:00-06:00Fight Quest: In Seoul, South Korea
Episode 4: Seoul.
From the ONE vault, recapping the amazing MMA, Muay Thai, and kickboxing action from ONE Championship.
07:00-09:00MEGA Fights
This episode features a USBA super middleweight title bout that sees Edwin Rodriguez defend against the undefeated Jason Escalera.
09:00-09:30Wide World of Fights
This episode features Canelo Alvarez making his first defense of the WBC light middleweight title, facing Ryan Rhodes.
09:30-10:00Judo for the World
Judo for the World features the best competitors in the sport as they compete in a global tour for an opportunity to vie for the gold in the World Judo Championship.
10:30-11:00FS Grand Sumo
For the first time the top ranked sumo competitors in the world are featured in an action packed series.
11:00-12:00Fight Quest: In Seoul, South Korea
Episode 4: Seoul.
12:00-12:30Wide World of Fights
This episode features a Super Lightweight title bout that goes the full 12 rounds.
In this episode we follow one of our martial artists as he goes through a grueling tournament and how he uses technology to help him prepare for it.
13:00-15:00MEGA Fights
This episode features a USBA super middleweight title bout that sees Edwin Rodriguez defend against the undefeated Jason Escalera.
15:00-15:30Wide World of Fights
This episode features Canelo Alvarez making his first defense of the WBC light middleweight title, facing Ryan Rhodes.
15:30-16:00Judo for the World
Judo for the World features the best competitors in the sport as they compete in a global tour for an opportunity to vie for the gold in the World Judo Championship.
16:30-17:00FS Grand Sumo
For the first time the top ranked sumo competitors in the world are featured in an action packed series.
17:00-18:00Fight Quest: In Seoul, South Korea
Episode 4: Seoul.
18:00-18:30Wide World of Fights
This episode features a Super Lightweight title bout that goes the full 12 rounds.
In this episode we follow one of our martial artists as he goes through a grueling tournament and how he uses technology to help him prepare for it.
19:00-21:30WCCB: Savannah Marshall vs. Franchon Crews-Dezurn
From the AO Arena in Manchester.
21:30-22:00Karate 1 Premier League
Fukuoka, Japan welcomes the top talent in the world of martial arts when Karate 1 Premier League returns.
22:30-23:00FS Grand Sumo
For the first time the top ranked sumo competitors in the world are featured in an action packed series.
WCK features intense, nonstop battles in both freestyle kickboxing and Muay Thai from around the world.
Watch the best of your favourite esports talk-shows including Esports Talk, Codcast and Bananaslamjaron.
01:00-02:30Shut Up & Play : Fortnite
Ash and Alex jump into chapter 5, season 3 of Fortnite
02:30-03:00THE ARCHIVE: 1985
In the very first episode of The Archive, Stumpy is going back, way back, to before he was born.
03:00-04:29Shut Up & Play : Galacticare
Matt plays through the hospital management game, Galacticare
04:29-05:00THE ARCHIVE: 2005
2005 was supposed to be Microsoft's year.
05:00-06:30Shut Up & Play : Diablo IV
Ash and Alex check out the new season of Diablo IV
06:30-07:00THE ARCHIVE: 1996
The mid-90s was an interesting time in the gaming world.
07:00-07:31ORIGINS : Overwatch
John Allen guides us through the Origins of Overwatch in this new episode of this Ginx TV Esports series.
07:31-07:45FIRST IMPRESSIONS: Nightingale
Grab your top hat and your umbrella - we're checking out the gaslamp-punk survival game, Nightingale.
07:45-08:00GINX NEWS
It's no secret.
08:00-09:30SHUT UP & PLAY : Minecraft
Ash tries a solo run at Minecraft Parkour
09:30-09:45GINX Docs: Dead by Daylight - The first ever killer, and 6 killers we'd like to see
Dead by Daylight - The first ever killer, and 6 killers we'd like to see
09:45-10:00GINX Docs: Diablo 4 and KFC - an early access nightmare
Diablo 4 and KFC - an early access nightmare
10:00-11:30Shut Up & Play : Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy
Louka and Rob continue playing through the Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy
11:30-12:00LET'S GO VIRAL: Luke Rollason
Extraordinary's Luke Rollason is used to playing an onscreen cat.
12:00-13:30Shut Up & Play : Fortnite
Ash and Alex jump into chapter 5, season 3 of Fortnite
13:30-13:46GINX Docs: The Most Exciting AAA Games in 2024
The Most Exciting AAA Games in 2024
13:46-14:00FIRST IMPRESSIONS: Age of Wonders 4: Primal Fury
Age of Wonders 4 is letting us live out even more bizarre fantasy tropes. This time with 100% more goats.
14:00-15:00THE GAMES THAT MADE ME: Perri Karyal
On today's episode we are joined by Perri Karyal. Perri is a Twitch Streamer who has a Master's in Pyschology.
15:00-16:30Shut Up & Play : Ultimate Chicken Horse
Join Louka, George & Rob as they play the most frustrating platform game, Ultimate Chicken Horse
16:30-17:00ORIGINS : Fortnite
Fortnite. Everyone knows about it, but do you really know about it.
17:00-18:29Shut Up & Play : Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy
Louka and Rob continue playing through the Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy
19:00-20:30SHUT UP & PLAY : Rumble Club
Ash and Alex check the various game modes in Rumble Club
20:30-21:00LET'S GO VIRAL: Kit Sullivan
Kit Sullivan
21:00-22:30SHUT UP & PLAY : Little Kitty, Big City
Ash checks out the adventure game, Little Kitty, Big City
22:30-23:00ORIGINS: Rayman
Bursting out of France in the 1990s.
23:00-00:30Shut Up & Play : Starstruck Vagabond
Join Matt as he takes on the work/life simulator Starstruck Vagabond
23:50-00:20Go Green!
The automotive industry is changing completely. Cars evolve into autonomously driving, fully networked digital devices.
00:20-00:45FIM Enduro World Championship 2023: Grand Prix of Spain, Lalin
Grand Prix of Spain, Lalin
00:45-01:35400 Thunder Australian Drag Racing Series 2019: Top Bike and Pro BikeNew Years Thunder, Wilowbank Raceway
The 400 Thunder is the top racing series for professional drag racing from Australia and is a superlative spectacle.
01:35-02:05Gearing Up 2024: Episode 3
Episode 3
02:05-02:30FIM World Motocross Championship 2024
FIM World Motocross Championship 2024
02:30-02:54Perfect Ride: Minivans
Buses offer an ideal blend of functionality.
02:54-03:30Put your Car on TV
Once more.
03:30-03:55Special: VW Bulli Summer Festival
The Bulli Summer Festival is one of the world's biggest gatherings for anyone who loves the Volkswagen Bus.
03:55-04:15On Tour: 125 Years Mercedes
Berlin-Tempelhof Airport. But no longer used as an airport. A historical monument. Not without reason.
04:15-05:00Made in...
The Volkswagen Transporter, affectionally called VW Bulli, has been built in Hannover-Stöcken since 1956. Currently.
70 years old and younger than ever before: The Land Rover Defender is one of the oldest off-road vehicles.
05:25-05:50Dream Cars
Italy is the land of fashion, design and the most exciting cars of the world.
05:50-06:20FIM Enduro World Championship 2023: Grand Prix of Slovakia, Gelnica
The EnduroGP Series is the oldest off-road series with tradition and a long history.
06:20-07:15400 Thunder Australian Drag Racing Series 2019: Top Bike, Summer Thunder, Sydney Dragway
The 400 Thunder is the top racing series for professional drag racing from Australia and is a superlative spectacle.
07:15-08:00E-Andros Trophy 2024
Lans en Vercors, France
08:00-08:25US Pro Pulling 2023: Hillsboro, Wisconsin, PST class
Hillsboro, Wisconsin, PST class
08:25-08:50US Pro Pulling 2023: Hillsboro, Wisconsin, SMT class
Hillsboro, Wisconsin, SMT class
08:50-09:20Monster Jam Championship 2022 : Salt Lake City Round 24
Monster Jam is an American monster truck series where drivers have to perform stunts and race against each other
09:20-09:45All Wheel Drive Safari Challenge 2023: Round 8, Walters Arena
The "AWDC" is a british offorad event where drivers have to tackle tight and twisty roads filled with mud und gravel
09:45-10:35Australian Drag Racing Championship 2023 : Top Fuel Championship, Perth Motorplex
The "Australian Drag Racing Championship" is a regional motorsport series for top fuel dragsters that exceed speeds of roughly 300 mp/h in under 5 seconds
10:35-11:00Monster Jam Championship 2022 : Anaheim Round 12
Monster Jam is an American monster truck series where drivers have to perform stunts and race against each other
City SUVs are the latest trend in the automobile industry. They are as short as a Golf.
11:30-12:00Dream Cars
DreamCars presents the most expensive, most luxurious and fastest dream cars from Germany.
12:00-12:25Go Green!
Ever-increasing volumes of traffic.
12:25-12:50FIM Enduro World Championship 2023: Grand Prix of Sweden, Skovde
Grand Prix of Sweden, Skovde
12:50-13:40400 Thunder Australian Drag Racing Series 2019: Pro Slammer, Summer Thunder, Sydney Dragway
The 400 Thunder is the top racing series for professional drag racing from Australia and is a superlative spectacle.
13:40-14:10Racing Files
Two-time Formula 1 World Champion.
14:10-14:35Rally 2023
Rallye des Princesses Richard Mille
14:35-15:20Silverstone Festival 2023
F1 Classic Day 2
15:20-15:45Classic Races: Quattro The New Dimension 1985
With the introduction of the Group D-Monsters in the World Rally Championships, the fight for the title got harder and harder.
15:45-16:10Classic Ride: DeLorean
It is one of the most spectacular cars of the last 30 years: the Delorean DMC-12. But after 9000 built cars.
16:10-16:40Morocco Desert Challenge
The "Morocco Desert Challenge" is a regional rally event for cars and bikes with a length of roughly 2.600 kilometres
Portrait of Sabine Schmitz, a very successful race driver from Germany and the so-called ""Queen of the Nordschleife"".
It doesn't have to be an all-terrain vehicle all the time. All-wheel drive makes sense in other models, too.
Probably the fastest four-seater in the world is being built.
17:49-18:15Go Green!
Motorvision dares to break the world record and drives more than 2000 kilometers from Stockholm to Paris with a hydrogen car: the Hyundai Nexo.
18:15-18:45FIM Enduro World Championship 2023: Grand Prix of Portugal, Valpacos
Highlights from the second round in Valpaços.
18:45-19:35400 Thunder Australian Drag Racing Series 2019: Pro Stock, Top Bike and Pro Alcohol, Santo's Super Thunder, Willobank Raceway
The 400 Thunder is the top racing series for professional drag racing from Australia and is a superlative spectacle.
19:35-20:00NZ Rally Championship 2023: Round 3, South Canterbury
Round 3, South Canterbury
20:00-20:30Belgian Rally Championship 2024
Motorsport: Belgian Rally Championship.
20:30-20:55Belgian Rallycross Championship 2023
Belgian Rallycross Championship 2023
20:55-21:20Rally 2023
Killarney Historic
21:20-21:45Tour European Rally 2024: Rallye Sierra Morena, Spain
Rallye Sierra Morena, Spain
21:45-22:10Tour European Rally Historic 2024: Rallye Sierra Morena, Spain
Rallye Sierra Morena, Spain
22:10-22:35UK Rally Show 2023
The "UK Rally Show" is a british offroad series with up to six events per season
22:35-23:00Dubai International Baja Rally: Highlight 2019
The Dubai International Baja, formerly known as the Dubai International Rally.
The Dakar is the hardest rallye of the world. In 2010 BMW and the German racing team X-Raid decide to turn the Mini.
23:30-23:55Dream Cars
Whether it's Jaguar, Rolls Royce or Bentley.
23:55-00:25Go Green!
People want to be connected to the internet - at all times.
00:00-01:00Action Sports World
Action Sports World takes you to the most exciting locations, adventures and events including freeskiing, mountain biking.
01:00-01:30Nitro World Games: All Access
Created by Nitro Circus and action sports icon Travis Pastrana.
01:30-02:00Nitro World Games: All Access
Created by Nitro Circus and action sports icon Travis Pastrana.
02:00-03:00Pro Bull Riders
Join the world's best bull-riding talent as they saddle up for another season of dangerous, adrenaline-fuelled action!
03:00-04:00X Games - Aspen
The biggest action sports event in the world, X Games, returns to Aspen.
04:00-05:00Action Sports World
Action Sports World takes you to the most exciting locations, adventures and events including freeskiing, mountain biking.
05:00-05:30Drift Style
Drift Style embeds the viewer inside the world of the Formula Drift Pro Championship Series.
05:30-06:00Drift Style
Drift Style embeds the viewer inside the world of the Formula Drift Pro Championship Series.
06:00-07:00Pro Bull Riders
Join the world's best bull-riding talent as they saddle up for another season of dangerous, adrenaline-fuelled action!
This programme sees two teams racing head-to-head to complete a series of athletic events including weightlifting.
This programme sees two teams racing head-to-head to complete a series of athletic events including weightlifting.
This programme sees two teams racing head-to-head to complete a series of athletic events including weightlifting.
This programme sees two teams racing head-to-head to complete a series of athletic events including weightlifting.
This programme sees two teams racing head-to-head to complete a series of athletic events including weightlifting.
17:00-17:30Sports Adventure
Some of the world's wildest, most exotic and spectacular locations feature in this action-packed programme.
17:30-18:00Sports Adventure
Some of the world's wildest, most exotic and spectacular locations feature in this action-packed programme.
18:00-18:30Sports Adventure
Some of the world's wildest, most exotic and spectacular locations feature in this action-packed programme.
18:30-19:00Sports Adventure
Some of the world's wildest, most exotic and spectacular locations feature in this action-packed programme.
19:00-19:30Sports Adventure
Some of the world's wildest, most exotic and spectacular locations feature in this action-packed programme.
19:30-20:00Sports Adventure
Some of the world's wildest, most exotic and spectacular locations feature in this action-packed programme.
Mixed Martial Arts competition.
21:00-23:00BKK Kickboxing
BKK Kickboxing
23:00-00:00Pro Bull Riders
Join the world's best bull-riding talent as they saddle up for another season of dangerous, adrenaline-fuelled action!
23:42-01:00Billy Talent - Live At Festival Rock Am Ring
Rock Am Ring (Nürburgring).
01:00-02:39Noel Gallagher - itunes Festival 2012
ITunes Festival, is an annual music festival that takes place over a month in London. Sponsored by Apple Inc..
02:39-03:33Avril Lavigne - Live in Calgary
The Canadian Avril Lavigne enchanted the public in 2007 at her show in Calgary (Canada).
03:33-04:00Various Artists - iConcerts Hits
A selection of our best concert previews and exclusive interviews.
04:00-04:23R.E.M. - Rock Legends
R.E.M. are one of the best-selling bands of all time. The trio hailing from Georgia.
04:23-05:17R.E.M. - Live in Milan 2008
Filmed at Arena Civica, Milan, this concert film will give all fans a spectacular Live experience from start to finish.
05:17-07:13Paul McCartney - The Space Within US
Paul McCartney presents this special performance of the US Tour, made in the United States, 11 weeks and 34 shows.
07:13-07:40Bibi Bourelly - Live at Eurockéennes 2016
Watch Bibi Bourelly's live performance at Eurockéennes in 2016.
07:40-08:03Various Artists - iConcerts Hits
A selection of our best concert previews and exclusive interviews.
08:03-09:38Ozzy Osbourne - God Bless Ozzy Osbourne
Ozzy Osbourne is one of the most iconic figures in rock and one of the founding fathers of heavy metal.
09:38-10:30Coldplay - Austin City Limits
The Austin City Limits Music Festival is an annual music festival that takes place at Zilker Park in Austin, Texas.
10:30-10:46The Veronicas - In Session
Bear witness to true twin telepathy in our newest session with Aussie pop-rockers, The Veronicas.
10:46-11:03Various Artists - iConcerts Hits
A selection of our best concert previews and exclusive interviews.
11:03-13:06Rush - The Rise Of Kings
Through a stunning combination of rare footage and insider insight this film traces the complete history of Rush.
13:06-14:02The Lumineers - Live At Musilac 2017
The Lumineers bring energetic American folk-rock to the picturesque Musilac Festival.
14:02-15:35Shania Twain - Still the One: Live from Vegas
La reine originelle du mélange de country et de pop Shania Twain vous invite à danser dans vos chaussures de cowboy et à chanter en ch?ur avec tous ses plus grands succès dans son spectaculaire « Shania
15:35-16:50The Killers - Live at Rock Am Ring
Rock Am Ring (Nürburgring).
16:50-17:00Various Artists - iConcerts Hits
A selection of our best concert previews and exclusive interviews.
17:00-17:24R.E.M. - Rock Legends
R.E.M. are one of the best-selling bands of all time. The trio hailing from Georgia.
17:24-18:18R.E.M. - Live in Milan 2008
Filmed at Arena Civica, Milan, this concert film will give all fans a spectacular Live experience from start to finish.
18:18-20:14Paul McCartney - The Space Within US
Paul McCartney presents this special performance of the US Tour, made in the United States, 11 weeks and 34 shows.
20:14-20:41Bibi Bourelly - Live at Eurockéennes 2016
Watch Bibi Bourelly's live performance at Eurockéennes in 2016.
20:41-21:00Various Artists - iConcerts Hits
A selection of our best concert previews and exclusive interviews.
21:00-23:44Guns N' Roses - Appetite for Democracy
With over 100 million albums sold, the world's most dangerous band returns for this historic Sin City takeover.
23:44-00:53Fall Out Boy - Boys of Zummer: Live In Chicago
Join Multi-platinum selling artist Fall Out Boy as they travel back to their hometown of Chicago for a mind-blowing audio and visual extravaganza that will change your concept of what a rock concert sho
23:10-00:10Daniel Barenboim, Moment musical at the Boulez Saal: Beethoven, Diabelli Variations
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 - 1827) Diabelli Variations, op. 120. Recorded at the Pierre Boulez Saal, Berlin, 10 April 2020
00:10-01:00Daniel & Michael Barenboim moments musicaux at the Boulez Saal : Mozart violin sonatas K 454 & 481
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 - 1791) Violin Sonata in B-flat major, K.454 Violin Sonata in E-flat major, K.481
01:00-04:35'The Enchantress' by Tchaikovsky at the Frankfurt Opera
Opera in four acts by Piotr I.
04:35-05:25Magic Moments of Music: Sergiu Celibidache & the Berliner Philharmoniker
Magic Moments of Music: Sergiu Celibidache & the Berliner Philharmoniker
05:25-06:50Berliner Philharmoniker, Kirill Petrenko: Europakonzert 2022
Berliner Phiharmoniker, Kirill Petrenko (conductor) 1 May 2022
06:50-07:00Intermezzo 30 min
Intermezzo 30 min
07:00-08:20La Neuvième Symphonie By Maurice Béjart | Béjart Ballet Lausanne, Tokyo Ballet
Maurice Béjart.
08:20-10:45Grigory Sokolov at the Berlin Philharmonie : Schubert, Beethoven, Rameau
Piano sonata no. 29 in B flat major Op.
10:45-11:00Intermezzo 30 min
Intermezzo 30 min
11:00-14:00Mozart: Don Giovanni - Staatsoper Berlin
Mozart: Don Giovanni - Staatsoper Berlin
14:00-14:30Intermezzo 30 min
Intermezzo 30 min
14:30-15:35Michel Portal 'MP 85' - Nancy Jazz Pulsations
Michel Portal is a clarinettist and saxophonist with a dazzling technique, a tireless explorer of sounds.
15:35-16:15Astor Piazzolla | Libertango
Tv director.
16:15-17:45Michel Portal - Jazz à la Villette
To celebrate his 85th birthday.
17:45-19:00Saburo Teshigawara : Pierrot Lunaire / Lost in Dance - Ensemble intercontemporain
Saburo Teshigawara (stage direction, scenography, lights, costumes.
19:00-21:00Wiener Philharmoniker, Riccardo Muti: Beethoven 9
Ludwig van Beethoven 1770 - 1827 Symphony No. 9 in D Minor, op. 125. Vienna, Musikverein, 7 May 2024
21:00-23:00Czech Philharmonic, Jakub Hr??a: Tribute to Smetana | Smetana?s Litomy?l festival
Czech Philharmonic.
23:00-01:00The Little cunning vixen by Leo? Janá?ek at the Paris Opera
The Little Cunning Vixen.
23:45-01:00Orchestre National du Capitole de Toulouse, Tarmo Peltokoski: Wagner, Strauss
Richard Wagner (1813 ? 1833) The Mastersingers of Nuremberg, overture. Richard Strauss (1864 ? 1949) Thus spoke Zarathustra.
01:00-01:51Charpentier's Actéon at the Théâtre du Châtelet, Paris
Les Cris de Paris.
03:00-04:18Beatrice Rana, Chamber Orchestra of Europe and Yannick Nézet-Séguin: Clara Schumann, Brahms
Clara Schumann (1819 ? 1896) Piano Concerto in A minor op. 7 Johannes Brahms (1833 ? 1897) Symphony no. 1 in C minor op. 68
04:18-06:10Jonas Kaufmann & Ludovic Tézier in Baden-Baden: Verdi, Ponchielli
La forza del destino : Oberture - Solenne in quest?ora - Morir.
07:00-08:35Christoph Eschenbach, David Fray, Orchestre National du Capitole de Toulouse - Mozart
Christoph Eschenbach, David Fray, Orchestre National du Capitole de Toulouse - Mozart
08:35-10:00Renaud Capuçon, David Fray: Schubert
Renaud Capuçon, David Fray: Schubert
10:30-12:28Argerich, Pletnev, Levanon, Luzerner Sinfonieorchester, Michael Sanderling: Bach, Chopin, Liszt
Johann Sebastian Bach 1685 ? 1750 Partita No. 2 in C minor BWV 826. Franz Schubert 1797 - 1828 Piano Sonata No. 4 in A minor.
12:28-14:00Leonskaja, Fray, Luzerner Sinfonieorchester, Michael Sanderling: Liszt, Grieg, Schumann, Schubert
Edvard Grieg 1843 - 1907 Piano Concerto in A minor, Op.
14:00-15:22Nate Smith - Jazz à Vienne
Jazz à Vienne Festival, 30 June 2022
15:22-16:22Trombone Shorty - Jazz à Vienne
Trombone Shorty & Orleans Avenue Recorded on July 10th, 2022 - Jazz à Vienne
16:22-17:11Harold López-Nussa - Timba a la Americana - Jazz à Vienne
Harold López-Nussa - Timba a la Americana. Jazz à Vienne Festival, July 7, 2023
17:30-20:30Puccini's Manon Lescaut at the Opéra de Monte-Carlo
Libretto by Mario Praga, Domenico Oliva, Giulio Ricordi.
20:30-23:00Czech Philharmonic, Jakub Hr??a: Tribute to Smetana
Czech Philharmonic.
23:00-23:59Chamber Orchestra of Europe, Yannick Nézet-Séguin : Brahms, symphonies 3 & 4
Johannes Brahms (1833 ? 1897) Symphony no. 3 in F major op. 90 Symphony no. 4 in E minor op. 98
23:59-01:46Beatrice Rana, Chamber Orchestra of Europe, Yannick Nézet-Séguin: Schumann, Brahms
Clara Schumann (1819 ? 1896) Piano Concerto in A minor op. 7 Johannes Brahms (1833 ? 1897) Symphony no. 1 in C minor op. 68
00:00-03:00Epic Videos From The Boys! Top 40
We're celebrating 40 of the biggest and best videos from the boys in this top 40 count down.
03:00-05:00Get The Party Started!
Whether you're heading out or staying in.
05:00-06:00Supermassive Rock Anthems!
Here at MTV we love nothing more than a hair-raising, ground-shaking, window-breaking rock anthems... and the bigger.
06:00-11:00Non-Stop Y2Ks!
The 00s gave us some iconic tracks and we're going to play some of them for you non-stop!
11:00-16:00Hits On Shuffle!
MTV has set itself to shuffle with the hottest and most-loved hits from some of your favourite artists.
16:00-17:00Crazy In Love!
Nothing makes you crazier than falling in love. Check out this collection of some of the best loved up tunes!
17:00-21:00Non-Stop Y2Ks!
The 00s gave us some iconic tracks and we're going to play some of them for you non-stop!
21:00-00:00MTV VMAs Hall Of Fame: 40
... Champions! We're so excited about this year's VMAs that we're celebrating the very best from years gone by.
00:00-04:001982 Wrapped!
We're powering-up the MTV time machine and going back to celebrate the best years of our lives! This time we land in 1982!
04:00-06:00Non-Stop 80s Hits!
We got hits... We got hits from the 80s. And guess what? They don't stop! You're welcome!
06:00-08:00Electric 80s!
Tune in as we play all of the biggest electronic hits from the 80s!
08:00-12:00Biggest Euro Hits Of The 80s!
Get ready for the ultimate playlist as we bring you some of the biggest European hits from the 80s!
12:00-14:00Pump Up The 80s Party!
We've chosen all of the best 80s hits to go into one epic 80s party playlist.
14:00-15:00Headbangers Ball!
Your ticket to the heaviest headbanging ball is right here: Enjoy all the best in metal and rock and get your mosh on!
15:00-19:00I Want My MTV 80s!
It's non-stop nostalgia right here at MTV 80s - and that's what we want, right now!
19:00-21:00Non-Stop 80s Hits!
We got hits... We got hits from the 80s. And guess what? They don't stop! You're welcome!
21:00-23:00Electric 80s!
Tune in as we play all of the biggest electronic hits from the 80s!
23:00-00:00Rock Anthems!
Turn the volume up to 101 and get ready to rock, as we delve into the archives of the most raucous hits from the 1980s!
00:00-03:00Ultimate 90s Playlist!
Nothing but the best tracks and ultimate anthems from the 90s.
03:00-06:0090s Mixtape!
We're bringing you a no-nonsense, hand-picked selection of 90s pop, R&B and dance videos from the MTV archive!
06:00-09:00Ultimate 90s Playlist!
Nothing but the best tracks and ultimate anthems from the 90s.
09:00-10:00Girl Power Hour!
It's all about girl power! Tune in for all the biggest girl power hits from the 90s.
10:00-13:0090s Mixtape!
We're bringing you a no-nonsense, hand-picked selection of 90s pop, R&B and dance videos from the MTV archive!
13:00-16:25Top Hits Of 1997!
We're counting down 50 of the biggest hits from another great year of the 90s! These are the top hits of 1997!
16:25-20:00Saturday Night Party!
Saturday night, we feel the air is getting hot... Like you baby.
20:00-00:00Dance Megamix!
There's no better way to celebrate the 90s than to dance, dance, dance your way through the years! From house to techno.
23:50-00:35Jersey Shore Family Vacation
Porukka lähtee Nashvilleen, ja Snooki on valmis laajentamaan bisneksiään. Mike sulautuu paikallisiin... tavallaan.
00:35-01:25Geordie Shore
Geordie Shoren uusi kausi alkaa pian.
01:25-02:15Celebrity Ex on the Beach
Michael Goonanin salainen tehtävä paljastuu Salaisuuksien majassa, mutta kääntyykö hänen puheliaisuutensa häntä vastaan.
Uudessa "Ridiculousness"-jaksossa Rob, Steelo ja Rachel Wolfson laittavat käyntiin Ylivirittyneet bileet.
Uudessa "Ridiculousness"-jaksossa Rob ja Steelo saavat seurakseen Rachel Wolfsonin ja todistavat eeppistä Äijätappelua.
Ridiculousnessin upouudessa jaksossa Robin ja Steelon mukana on Lolo Wood. He pitävät NESTEPITOISUUTENSA KUNNOSSA.
Uudessa "Ridiculousness"-jaksossa Rob, Steelo ja erityisvieras Lolo Wood bongaavat virheitä.
Ridiculousnessin 31. kausi alkaa! Juontajana on Rob Dyrdek ja Sterling Brim sekä julkkisvieraita.
Rob, Steelo ja Carly Aquilino villiintyvät auringossa tavatessaan RANTAPETOJA.
04:30-07:00M is for Music
Esittelemme tämän hetken kuumimmat hitit.
07:00-10:30M is for Music
Esittelemme tämän hetken kuumimmat hitit.
10:30-11:40MTV Top 20
Let's take a look at some of the biggest hits that are circulating the globe right now in this top 20 countdown!
11:40-12:30MTV World Stage
Eeppisiä esityksiä musiikkimaailman suurimmilta artisteilta, joihin kuuluvat Foo Fighters, Ellie Goulding, Green Day.
12:30-13:15Teen Mom: The Next Chapter
Cheyenne tukee Corya, koska tämän tyttärellä on sydänvika. Bentley haluaa some-tilin.
13:15-13:55Teen Mom: The Next Chapter
Catelynn kutsuu kaikki äidit luksustelttalomalle Floridaan juhlimaan Amberin syntymäpäivää. Maci ja Catelynn yllättyvät.
13:55-14:45Teen Mom Family Reunion
Puhelu kotoa saa aikaan uuden konfliktin Kaylan ja Ryanin välillä. Mack ja Khes koordinoivat perheillallisen.
14:45-15:30Catfish: The TV Show
Yksinhuoltajaisä Felipe on valmis asettumaan aloilleen ja kasvattamaan perhettään netti-ihastuksensa Jasminen kanssa.
15:30-16:10Catfish: The TV Show
Nev ja Sam saavat sähköpostia saman nettiromanssin molemmilta osapuolilta, ja molemmat pelkäävät toisen olevan catfish.
16:10-16:55Catfish: The TV Show
Shayn ja Ceejayn nettirakkaus sai synkän käänteen.
16:55-17:45Catfish: The TV Show
Motherwolff on satanisti ja noita, ja hän on 20 vuoden jälkeen valmis todelliseen rakkauteen Davidin kanssa.
17:45-18:25Catfish: The TV Show
Angel tapasi Sharonin deittailusivustolla ja heille muodostui nopeasti syvä tunneyhteys jaetun trauman kautta.
18:25-18:30Fresh Out Live
Fresh Out Live tarjoaa viikon tärkeimmät musiikki- ja popkulttuuriuutiset artistien haastattelujen, studioesityksiä.
18:30-19:15Caught In The Act: Unfaithful
Monika pyytää Tamilta apua, koska haluaa selvittää.
19:15-20:00Caught In The Act: Unfaithful
Nia ja hänen äitinsä Aida ovat hermona Nian tulevista häistä. Mutta Nia epäilee.
20:00-20:45Help! I'm in a Secret Relationship
Leah on tapaillut kaltaistaan Las Vegasissa asuvaa fitness-ohjaajaa jo kaksi vuotta. Hän haluaa tietää.
20:45-21:30Help! I'm in a Secret Relationship
Sisarukset Marissa ja Markell ovat olleet läheisiä menetettyään äitinsä nuorena. Kun Markell aloitti muutosprosessinsa.
21:30-22:15Teen Mom Family Reunion
Cheyenne ja Mackenzie toipuvat jännittävästä hypnoosisessiosta. Porukka irrottelee juhlissa Cartagenan kattoterassilla.
22:15-23:00Teen Mom Family Reunion
Puhelu kotoa saa aikaan uuden konfliktin Kaylan ja Ryanin välillä. Mack ja Khes koordinoivat perheillallisen.
Ridiculousnessin 35. kausi alkaa! Juontajana ovat Rob Dyrdek ja Sterling Brim sekä julkkisvieraita.
Uudessa Ridiculousness-jaksossa Rob ja Sterling saavat seurakseen Karrueche Tranin, ja kuulevat.
Yhdessä Camille Kostekin kanssa Rob ja Steelo toteuttavat DONKKAUSUNELMIA.
21:00-02:00Friday Club Feels
Catch those Friday club feels right here with a 5-hour non-stop party playlist!
02:00-04:00Club Caliente!
Time to turn up the heat! We're playing the biggest and best Latino and Raggaeton beats right now!
04:00-05:00Reload! Club Classics
We're going big on dancefloor smashes from across our favourite decades - that's massive tunes from the 90s, 00s and 10s!
05:00-08:00Big Weekend Tunes!
Classic anthems or new dancefloor smashes. As long as they're big tunes, we're playing them all right now!
08:00-13:00100% Party Tunes!
Classic anthems or new dancefloor smashes. As long as they're 100% party tunes, we're playing them all!
13:00-14:00Reload! Club Classics
We're going big on dancefloor smashes from across our favourite decades - that's massive tunes from the 90s, 00s and 10s!
14:00-20:00Big Weekend Tunes!
Classic anthems or new dancefloor smashes. As long as they're big tunes, we're playing them all right now!
20:00-21:00Ultimate Rap & RnB
We're gonna party like it's your birthday with the ultimate Rap & RnB bangers!
21:00-23:00Club Caliente!
Time to turn up the heat! We're playing the biggest and best Latino and Raggaeton beats right now!
23:00-01:55Big Weekend Tunes!
Classic anthems or new dancefloor smashes. As long as they're big tunes, we're playing them all right now!
23:00-02:00Born This Way: MTV Pride
Celebrate Pride with these iconic anthems that will have you partying loud and proud!
02:00-03:00Today's Top Hits
Check out today's biggest tracks and hottest hits!
03:00-08:00Non-Stop Hits
Whether you're looking for a 00s chart smash or the freshest pop sensation you'll find more hits, more often on MTV Hits!
08:00-11:00Non-Stop Hits
Whether you're looking for a 00s chart smash or the freshest pop sensation you'll find more hits, more often on MTV Hits!
11:00-12:00MTV Top 20
Let's take a look at some of the biggest hits that are circulating the globe right now in this top 20 countdown!
12:00-16:00Non-Stop Hits
Whether you're looking for a 00s chart smash or the freshest pop sensation you'll find more hits, more often on MTV Hits!
16:00-18:00Kim Petras' Wooh-Ah! Top 20
Kim Petras hosts MTV Pride with this handpicked countdown of her Woo-Ah Top 20! Including great music from Paris Hilton.
18:00-21:00Weekend Hitlist
The weekend starts right here! We've selected the hottest hits that will keep you in the party mood!
21:00-22:00Fresh Out
Fresh Out delivers the most important music and pop culture news of the week.
22:00-04:00Party Hits!
The party don't stop on MTV, and we're going big right now with this collection of party hits!
00:00-01:00MTV Rewind: 2022
Step into the MTV Time Machine and take a short trip back to 2022!
01:00-02:30We Love Tomorrowland Festival!
We're celebrating one of the biggest dance festivals in the world and playing the biggest DJs who have graced the stage!
02:30-03:00MTV Live Vault!
We've headed down to the MTV Live Vault and discovered some amazing stuff. It's so good, we had to share it with you.
Plug in your guitar and amp up the volume because we're bringing you the best of the best from the Rock.
04:00-04:45World Stage
It's your chance to see the world's greatest artists live on stage and all from the comfort of your own living room.
04:45-05:05KSI: I Want My MTV
KSI comes in to MTV HQ to talk about the music videos that have made him into the successful artist he is today.
05:05-05:30N-Dubz: I Want My MTV
N-Dubz come in to MTV HQ to talk about the music videos that have made them into the successful artist they are today.
05:30-07:00HD Hits!
We've got big hits and they're even bigger in high def baby!
07:00-08:00Global Beats!
Tune in for a selection of the biggest Hip-Hop, R&B & Reggaeton beats that are taking over the world!
08:00-09:00MTV Rewind: 2023
Step into the MTV Time Machine and take a short trip back to 2023!
09:00-10:30MTV Top 20
Let's take a look at some of the biggest hits that are circulating the globe right now in this top 20 countdown!
10:30-11:00HD Hits!
We've got big hits and they're even bigger in high def baby!
11:00-12:00Eat, Sleep, Dance, Repeat!
Eat, sleep, dance, repeat! Eat, sleep, dance, repeat! Eat, get the idea.
Plug in your guitar and amp up the volume because we're bringing you the best of the best from the Rock.
13:00-13:45MTV World Stage
... Epic Performances. Stand by for epic performances from some of music's biggest artists, including Foo Fighters.
13:45-14:05KSI: I Want My MTV
KSI comes in to MTV HQ to talk about the music videos that have made him into the successful artist he is today.
14:05-14:30N-Dubz: I Want My MTV
N-Dubz come in to MTV HQ to talk about the music videos that have made them into the successful artist they are today.
14:30-16:00HD Hits!
We've got big hits and they're even bigger in high def baby!
16:00-17:00MTV Rewind: 2023
Step into the MTV Time Machine and take a short trip back to 2023!
17:00-18:30MTV Top 20
Let's take a look at some of the biggest hits that are circulating the globe right now in this top 20 countdown!
18:30-19:00HD Hits!
We've got big hits and they're even bigger in high def baby!
19:00-20:00Eat, Sleep, Dance, Repeat!
Eat, sleep, dance, repeat! Eat, sleep, dance, repeat! Eat, get the idea.
20:00-21:00Gonzo With Jack Saunders
Legendary alternative music show Gonzo is back on MTV! Host Jack Saunders brings all the latest hot new alternative tunes.
21:00-21:45Take That: I Want My MTV
Take That come in to MTV HQ to talk about the music videos that have made them into one of the most successful bands ever.
21:45-22:30Behind The Music: Alanis
... Morissette. Alanis Morissette chronicled her journey following her critically acclaimed album Jagged Little Pill.
22:30-02:10MTV's 50 Heartbreak Anthems
Sometimes love hurts, and music can be a great remedy to a wounded soul! Let out your anger.