TV-opas (Maksukanavat)
00:10-00:55Euroopan villit paikat: Kausi 1
Talven otteessa - Kun Eurooppa peittyy syvään lumeen, vain kaikkein kekseliäimmät eläimet voivat selvitä hengissä.
00:55-01:40NG Wild: Euroopan salaiset ihmeet
Saksa on Euroopan väkirikkain maa. Mahtavien jokin halkoma ja metsien peittämä maa. Erämaissa luonto on täynnä yllätyksiä. Yli kolmannes maasta on suojeltu aina Bavarian vuorilta Pohjanmerelle.
01:40-02:25NG Wild: Euroopan salaiset ihmeet
Iberian niemimaan kuivista maista nousevat lumihuippuiset vuoret, valtavat harvinaiset korkkipuut ja Euroopan ainut usvametsä.
02:25-03:10NG Wild: Euroopan salaiset ihmeet
Puola - Euroopan muinaiset maisemat ovat lähes kadonneet, mutta muutamia paikkoja on silti jäljellä. Puolaa kattavat vielä runsaat, mosaiikkimaiset elinympäristöt.
03:10-04:00NG Wild: Euroopan salaiset ihmeet
Kreikka - Harvat Euroopan maat voivat kehuskella niin laajalla ja ihmeellisellä eläimistöllä kuin Kreikka. Sen mannerosia kutsutaankin Euroopan Serengetiksi.
04:00-04:45Afrikan metsästäjät
Lauma ja ennakkoluulo - Milo on mahtavan Luangwa-joen läntisiä töyräitä hallitsevan Mwanba-lauman pentu. Laumassa on parisenkymmentä jäsentä ja sitä johtaa kolme pahamaista veljestä.
04:45-05:30Villi Botswana
05:30-06:15NG Wild: Euroopan salaiset ihmeet
Puola - Euroopan muinaiset maisemat ovat lähes kadonneet, mutta muutamia paikkoja on silti jäljellä. Puolaa kattavat vielä runsaat, mosaiikkimaiset elinympäristöt.
06:15-06:35Takamaiden karjapaimen
06:35-07:00Takamaiden karjapaimen
07:00-07:20Takamaiden karjapaimen
07:20-07:45Takamaiden karjapaimen
Krokotiili kolossa - Muutama tunnin päässä Darwinista etelään Australian karuissa pohjoisosissa on La Belle -karjatila. John on sen johtaja. Tilalla on ongelmia muutaman ison krokotiilin kanssa juomapaikoilla.
08:25-09:10Eläimellistä kamppailua
09:10-09:55Eläimellistä kamppailua
09:55-10:40Eläimellistä kamppailua
10:40-11:30Eläimellistä kamppailua
11:30-12:15Eläimellistä kamppailua
12:15-13:00Eläimellistä kamppailua
13:00-13:45Eläimellistä kamppailua
13:45-14:30Eläimellistä kamppailua
14:30-15:15Eläimellistä kamppailua
15:15-16:00Eläimellistä kamppailua
16:00-16:45Eläimellistä kamppailua
16:45-17:30Eläimellistä kamppailua
17:30-18:15Uskomaton eläinlääkäri Pol
Tater-kissan seikkailuja - Entinen kulkukissa Tater hurmaa eläinlääkäri Polin ja tekee klinikasta kodin. Polin virallinen lemmikki näyttää muille potilaille, kuinka pärjätä kolmella jalalla.
18:15-19:00Uskomaton eläinlääkäri Pol
19:00-19:20The Incredible Pol Farm
Ovatko uuhet tiineinä? - Polit valmistautuvat lampaiden karitsoimiseen, eli heidän täytyy selvittää, kuinka ottaa kiinni ja keritä neljä merinouuhtaan.
19:20-19:40The Incredible Pol Farm
Koko Pol-hoito - Polin perhe on viljellyt maata vuoden ajan. Vaikka Charles toipuu vielä loukkaantumisestaan, farmin toiminnassa ei näy hidastumisen merkkejä!
19:40-20:05The Incredible Pol Farm
Uusi lauma - Polien täytyy alkaa rakentaa uutta ulkorakennusta, jonne he aikovat sijoittaa tulevan karjan.
20:05-20:30The Incredible Pol Farm
Paimentelua - Huutaminen on käynnissä suurten eläinten huutokaupassa! Polit yrittävät viedä mukaansa farmille lampaita ja lehmiä.
20:30-21:15Eläimellistä kamppailua
21:15-21:35The Incredible Pol Farm
Ovatko uuhet tiineinä? - Polit valmistautuvat lampaiden karitsoimiseen, eli heidän täytyy selvittää, kuinka ottaa kiinni ja keritä neljä merinouuhtaan.
21:35-22:00The Incredible Pol Farm
Koko Pol-hoito - Polin perhe on viljellyt maata vuoden ajan. Vaikka Charles toipuu vielä loukkaantumisestaan, farmin toiminnassa ei näy hidastumisen merkkejä!
22:00-22:45Uskomaton eläinlääkäri Pol
Hauku rakkauden nimeen - Kyse ei ole koirasta kisassa, vaan kisasta koirassa! Eläinlääkärit tähtäävät voittoon eläinlääkäri Polin hoitaessa Bella-pomerania, joka on täynnä pentuja.
22:45-23:30Uskomaton eläinlääkäri Pol
23:30-00:15Eläimellistä kamppailua
01:10-01:35Hamsteri & Kerttu
01:35-01:55Hamsteri & Kerttu
01:55-02:20Miraculous: Ladybug ja Cat Noir seikkailut
02:20-02:40Miraculous: Ladybug ja Cat Noir seikkailut
04:15-04:40Spidey ja hänen mahtavat ystävänsä
04:40-05:05Spidey ja hänen mahtavat ystävänsä
05:50-06:15Mikki Hiiri Hupitalo
06:15-06:40Mikki Hiiri Hupitalo
06:40-07:00Mikki Hiiri Hupitalo
07:00-07:25Mikki Hiiri Hupitalo
09:05-09:25Miraculous: Ladybug ja Cat Noir seikkailut
09:25-09:50Miraculous: Ladybug ja Cat Noir seikkailut
09:50-10:15Miraculous: Ladybug ja Cat Noir seikkailut
10:15-10:35Miraculous: Ladybug ja Cat Noir seikkailut
10:35-11:05Spidey ja hänen mahtavat ystävänsä
11:05-11:30Spidey ja hänen mahtavat ystävänsä
12:15-12:40Mikki Hiiri Hupitalo
12:40-13:00Mikki Hiiri Hupitalo
14:00-14:25Miraculous: Ladybug ja Cat Noir seikkailut
14:25-14:45Miraculous: Ladybug ja Cat Noir seikkailut
16:10-16:35Monsterit työn touhussa
16:35-16:55Star Wars: Pikkujedien seikkailut
16:55-17:20Moon girl ja Devil Dinosaur
17:20-17:25Mikki Hiiri
17:25-17:50Miraculous: Ladybug ja Cat Noir seikkailut
17:50-18:15Miraculous: Ladybug ja Cat Noir seikkailut
18:15-18:40Miraculous: Ladybug ja Cat Noir seikkailut
18:40-19:05Miraculous: Ladybug ja Cat Noir seikkailut
19:05-19:30Mikki Hiiri Hupitalo
19:30-19:35Minä & Mikki
19:35-19:55Spidey ja hänen mahtavat ystävänsä
20:45-21:05Big City Greens
21:05-21:15Big City Greens
21:15-21:40Big City Greens
21:40-22:00Monsterit työn touhussa
22:00-22:25The Villains of Valley View
22:50-23:15Miraculous: Ladybug ja Cat Noir seikkailut
23:15-23:35Miraculous: Ladybug ja Cat Noir seikkailut
23:35-23:55Big City Greens
23:55-00:05Big City Greens
00:00-00:05Pipsa Possu
Pipsan perhe lähtee museoon katsomaan kuunäyttelyä ja mukaan tulee myös Jyrin ystävä Eemeli Elefantti.
00:05-00:10Pipsa Possu
Pipsa ja Lotta tylsistyvät, kun ei ole mitään tekemistä. Isäpossu löytää vanhoja puutarhapelejä, mutta kaikki pelit eivät olekaan erityisen helppoja pikkuveli Jyrille.
00:10-00:15Pipsa Possu
Lapset ovat lähdössä tutustumaan museoon. Kaikki ovat bussissa valmiina lähtemään, mutta missä on Pedro Poni?
00:15-00:40BARBAPAPA ja perhe
Barbapinko päällystää talon taikatuotteella, joka estää vesivahinkoja.
00:40-01:00BARBAPAPA ja perhe
Barbalapset löytävät oudon luolan.
01:00-01:20Blaze ja monsterikoneet
Kun Blaze ajautuu kisoista kauas Crusherin jäynän takia, Blazen pikkusiskon Sparklen täytyy kiitää apuun ja saada isoveikka takaisin kisan pariin, jotta he voisivat yhdessä voittaa Tiimityö-pokaalin.
01:20-01:45Blaze ja monsterikoneet
On vain yksi monsteriauto, joka pystyy toimittamaan kolme isoa lähetystä ympäri maailman, meinaan postiauto Blaze.
01:45-02:05PAW Patrol
Jäälautta kantoi kolme pingviiniä viidakkoon. Pentujen täytyy auttaa ne takaisin jäiseen kotiinsa.
02:05-02:30PAW Patrol
Farmari Alin auto jää hajonneelle sillalle jumiin, joten pentujen täytyy auttaa hänet turvaan.
02:30-02:50Vauvahain suuri show
Kalakaverukset eivät pääse kerhotaloonsa sisälle, koska ovat unohtaneet salasanan.
02:50-03:00Vauvahain suuri show
Vauvahai ja ystävät aikovat kiivetä Toivomusvuorelle esittääkseen toiveen legendaariselle Merituuli-tähdenlentokalalle.
03:00-03:25BARBAPAPA ja perhe
Barbapaavo yrittää löytää mysteeriä ratkaistavaksi ihailemansa etsivän tavoin.
03:25-03:45Karhuherra Paddingtonin seikkailut
Paddington tekee limaa, mutta pystyykö hän olemaan sotkematta, kun tilanne riistäytyy käsistä? // Paddington ja Simi matkaavat ihmiskehon sisälle selvittääkseen kasvaako sinne omenapuu, jos sattuu nielaisemaan omen
03:45-04:10Rubble & kaverit
Kaupungin uusi farmari pyytää pentuja rakentamaan hänen possulleen sikalan.
Iisan bileissä kaikki pääsevät tanssimaan viidakkoviuhua, mutta Nuutin pitää oppia tanssiliikkeet matkan varrella.
04:35-04:55Blaze ja monsterikoneet
On mummin synttärit, mutta Crusherilla ei ole tarpeeksi rahaa synttärilahjaan.
Muffin yrittää järjestää ongelmia Dinobotille, mutta joutuukin vahingossa avaruuteen robotin ja Lolan kanssa.
05:15-05:40Vauvahain suuri show
Vauvahai, Vola ja Viljami suuntaavat vesiavaruuteen ottelemaan Harmulin joukkuetta vastaan Polskispallon finaalissa.
05:40-06:00Vauvahain suuri show
Vauvahai sotkee itsensä vahingossa ennen perhekuvausta ja tekee kaikkensa saadakseen itsensä puhtaaksi ennen kuin vanhemmat saavat tietää. // Peppi ja Vallu esiintyvät yhdessä kahden kalasen kykykilpailussa.
06:00-06:20PAW Patrol
Pormestari Goodwayn käsilaukku katoaa ja sen myötä myös jotain arvokasta, meinaan Chickaletta!
06:20-06:35PAW Patrol
Pentujen ja Raimundon apinoiden kickball-ottelu on melkoista hullunmyllyä kunnes yhtäkkiä kotka varastaa pallon
06:35-06:55Rubble & kaverit
Rubblen ryhmä rakentaa kaupungin ensimmäisen paloaseman, jonka Paw Patrolin Marshall tarkastaa toimintakelpoiseksi.
06:55-07:00Pipsa Possu
Pipsa lähtee perheineen telttaretkelle. Isäpossu ei mahdu telttaan. Taivasalla on mukava nukkua, kunnes alkaa sataa.
07:00-07:05Pipsa Possu
Pipsan ranskalainen ystävä Amelie Aasi tulee kyläilemään.
07:05-07:10Pipsa Possu
Pipsa ja Yrjö menevät äitin kanssa paloasemalle.
07:10-07:15Pipsa Possu
Mummo- ja pappapossu tulevat illalliselle äiti- ja isäpossun luo.
07:15-07:25Anna ja ystävät
Sella tahtoo oppia oikeaksi supersankariksi.
07:25-07:30Anna ja ystävät
Kaverukset lukevat Ronilta lainattua kirjaa.
07:30-07:55Piku Kokki
Pikku kokki vietää leffailtaa ystäviensä kanssa ja muuttaa kantonsa popcorn-koneeksi.
07:55-08:15Karhuherra Paddingtonin seikkailut
Paddington ei osaa päättää mikä sankari kuuluisi puiston kuvaseinälle, joten hänen pitää tutkia asiaa enemmän kotona.
08:15-08:25Karhuherra Paddingtonin seikkailut
Paddington rakentaa robotin nimeltään Paddingtron, joka vaatii oikean ystävän toimiakseen.
08:25-08:45Blaze ja monsterikoneet
Pickle-maailma! Siistein, mausteisin huvipuisto KOKO Axle Cityssä. Harmi vain että Picklen perhe hukkui matkalla sinne! On Blazen ja Picklen tehtävä pelastaa perhe liemestä ja viedä heidät huvipuistoon.
Herra Teräs muuttaa vahingossa kasvatussäteellä Stun ja Safian lemmikkihamsterin jättihamsteriksi.
09:10-09:30PAW Patrol
Yumin uusi robotti-maissinkerääjä villiintyy, joten Ryderin ja Paw Patrolin pitää pysäyttää se.
09:30-09:45PAW Patrol
Jäälautta kantoi kolme pingviiniä viidakkoon. Pentujen täytyy auttaa ne takaisin jäiseen kotiinsa.
09:45-10:05Rubble & kaverit
Rubblen ryhmä käy siivoushommiin, kun uuden popcorn-kahvilan rakennustöyt poksahtavat käsistä. / Saippuaonnettomuus aiheuttaa liukastelua Pulttipoukamassa.
10:05-10:30Rubble & kaverit
Pennut rakentavat elokuvakatsomon, että Mixin ja Motorin suosikkinäyttelijän uusi elokuva nähdään Pulttipoukamassa.
Alebrije-taikaolento Ale pyytää Doran apua.
10:50-11:15Vauvahain suuri show
Kultis löytää vakavan puolensa tehdäkseen vaikutuksen ohjaajaan Purukaupungista.
11:15-11:35Vauvahain suuri show
Kalavoimat kohtaavat roiston joka vohkii kaikki Lihansyöjälahden herkut.
11:35-11:40Pipsa Possu
Pipsa tuo kotiin nallen leikkikerhosta, mutta onko nallella sittenkin tylsää kotona?
11:40-11:45Pipsa Possu
On Kerkon syntymäpäivä. Kerkon isoisä ja pappapossu auttavat lapsia osallistumaan merirosvojen aarrejahtiin.
11:45-11:50Pipsa Possu
Koko kaupungin väki on innoissaan, koska Herra Peruna saapuu avaamaan uuden urheilukeskuksen.
11:50-11:55Pipsa Possu
Gazelli vie Pipsan ystävineen junamatkalle.
11:55-12:00Pipsa Possu
Pipsan päiväkodissa on taitopäivä. Rouva Gaselli haluaa, että kaikki esittelevät jonkin erityistaitonsa.
12:00-12:05Pipsa Possu
Pipsan perhe lähtee museoon katsomaan kuunäyttelyä ja mukaan tulee myös Jyrin ystävä Eemeli Elefantti.
12:05-12:10Pipsa Possu
Pipsa ja Lotta tylsistyvät, kun ei ole mitään tekemistä. Isäpossu löytää vanhoja puutarhapelejä, mutta kaikki pelit eivät olekaan erityisen helppoja pikkuveli Jyrille.
12:10-12:15Pipsa Possu
Lapset ovat lähdössä tutustumaan museoon. Kaikki ovat bussissa valmiina lähtemään, mutta missä on Pedro Poni?
12:15-12:35BARBAPAPA ja perhe
Barbapinko päällystää talon taikatuotteella, joka estää vesivahinkoja.
12:35-13:00BARBAPAPA ja perhe
Barbalapset löytävät oudon luolan.
13:00-13:25Blaze ja monsterikoneet
Kun Blaze ajautuu kisoista kauas Crusherin jäynän takia, Blazen pikkusiskon Sparklen täytyy kiitää apuun ja saada isoveikka takaisin kisan pariin, jotta he voisivat yhdessä voittaa Tiimityö-pokaalin.
13:25-13:45Blaze ja monsterikoneet
On vain yksi monsteriauto, joka pystyy toimittamaan kolme isoa lähetystä ympäri maailman, meinaan postiauto Blaze.
13:45-14:05PAW Patrol
Jäälautta kantoi kolme pingviiniä viidakkoon. Pentujen täytyy auttaa ne takaisin jäiseen kotiinsa.
14:05-14:30PAW Patrol
Farmari Alin auto jää hajonneelle sillalle jumiin, joten pentujen täytyy auttaa hänet turvaan.
14:30-14:50Vauvahain suuri show
Kalakaverukset eivät pääse kerhotaloonsa sisälle, koska ovat unohtaneet salasanan.
14:50-15:00Vauvahain suuri show
Vauvahai ja ystävät aikovat kiivetä Toivomusvuorelle esittääkseen toiveen legendaariselle Merituuli-tähdenlentokalalle.
15:00-15:25BARBAPAPA ja perhe
Barbapaavo yrittää löytää mysteeriä ratkaistavaksi ihailemansa etsivän tavoin.
15:25-15:50Karhuherra Paddingtonin seikkailut
Paddington tekee limaa, mutta pystyykö hän olemaan sotkematta, kun tilanne riistäytyy käsistä? // Paddington ja Simi matkaavat ihmiskehon sisälle selvittääkseen kasvaako sinne omenapuu, jos sattuu nielaisemaan omen
15:50-16:10Rubble & kaverit
Kaupungin uusi farmari pyytää pentuja rakentamaan hänen possulleen sikalan.
Iisan bileissä kaikki pääsevät tanssimaan viidakkoviuhua, mutta Nuutin pitää oppia tanssiliikkeet matkan varrella.
16:35-16:55Blaze ja monsterikoneet
On mummin synttärit, mutta Crusherilla ei ole tarpeeksi rahaa synttärilahjaan.
Muffin yrittää järjestää ongelmia Dinobotille, mutta joutuukin vahingossa avaruuteen robotin ja Lolan kanssa.
17:15-17:40Vauvahain suuri show
Vauvahai, Vola ja Viljami suuntaavat vesiavaruuteen ottelemaan Harmulin joukkuetta vastaan Polskispallon finaalissa.
17:40-18:00Vauvahain suuri show
Vauvahai sotkee itsensä vahingossa ennen perhekuvausta ja tekee kaikkensa saadakseen itsensä puhtaaksi ennen kuin vanhemmat saavat tietää. // Peppi ja Vallu esiintyvät yhdessä kahden kalasen kykykilpailussa.
18:00-18:20PAW Patrol
Pormestari Goodwayn käsilaukku katoaa ja sen myötä myös jotain arvokasta, meinaan Chickaletta!
18:20-18:35PAW Patrol
Pentujen ja Raimundon apinoiden kickball-ottelu on melkoista hullunmyllyä kunnes yhtäkkiä kotka varastaa pallon
18:35-18:55Rubble & kaverit
Rubblen ryhmä rakentaa kaupungin ensimmäisen paloaseman, jonka Paw Patrolin Marshall tarkastaa toimintakelpoiseksi.
18:55-19:05Rubble & kaverit
Pennut rakentavat Lucasille ja Lilylle leikkihuonetta, mutta paikalle tupsahtanut orava aiheuttaa ongelmia.
Doran ja Nuutin on saatava Suuri punainen kana heräämään ennen kuin se ajautuu vesiputoukseen.
19:30-19:40BARBAPAPA ja perhe
Keinolannoitteet tekevät maaseudusta vaaleanpunaisen! Barbapapat rakentavat lintutalon sairastuneiden lintujen turvaksi.
19:40-20:05Piku Kokki
Pikku kokki tekee mehujäitä, mutta ei malta odottaa niiden jäätymistä. Hän oppii, että ruoanlaitossa vaaditaan kärsivällisyyttä. // Pikku kokki valmistaa pinkkiä sitruunamehua ja vakuuttaa Ruusalle, että uusien asioiden maistaminen on hau
20:05-20:25Karhuherra Paddingtonin seikkailut
Herra Curry on vakuuttunut, että puiston järvessä asuu hirviö. Paddington lähtee hänen kanssaan todistamaan asian todeksi.
20:25-20:45Blaze ja monsterikoneet
Blaze, AJ ja Sparkle ovat pelihallissa ja Sparkle haluaa uskomattoman glitter-raketin! Mutta, kun hänellä ei ole tarpeeksi lippuja rakettiin, ystävien täytyy hypätä eri videopeleihin voittaakseen tarpeeksi lippuja palkinnon s
Treenivammasta kärsivä Rammy pyrkii saamaan voimansa takaisin ja vie peurat etsimään legendaarista voimakristallia Välkesaarelta.
21:10-21:30PAW Patrol
Gustavon kitara katoaa ja pentujen pitää löytää se ennen illalla pidettävää nuotiokonserttia.
21:30-21:45PAW Patrol
Farmari Alin auto jää hajonneelle sillalle jumiin, joten pentujen täytyy auttaa hänet turvaan.
21:45-22:10Rubble & kaverit
Pennut ovat haltioissaan, kun TV:stä tuttu suosikkiremppaaja tulee kaupunkiin vierailulle.
22:10-22:30Rubble & kaverit
Pennut löytävät dinosaurusten luita ja päättävät rakentaa museon.
Dora, Nuuti ja Venni matkaavat viidakon halki mukanaan herkullinen täytekakku Vennin mummille.
22:55-23:20Vauvahain suuri show
Tanssiminen kielletään Lihansyöjälahdessa, ja Vauvahai tekee mitä vain saadakseen kaupungin taas tanssimaan.
23:20-23:35Vauvahain suuri show
Kun kaikki muut kalat lähtevät talvilomalle, Vauva ja Viljami luovat ikioman ystävyyspäivänsä. // Hirnulla on ainutlaatuinen tapa retkeillä ensimmäisellä reissullaan kalapartiolaisten kanssa.
23:35-23:40Pipsa Possu
Äitipossu antaa mummo- ja pappapossulle vanhan tietokoneensa töitä ja pelejä varten. Mutta osaavatko he käytää sitä?
23:40-23:45Pipsa Possu
Äitipossu antaa mummo- ja pappapossulle vanhan tietokoneensa töitä ja pelejä varten. Mutta osaavatko he käytää sitä?
23:45-23:50Pipsa Possu
Pipsa ja hänen ystävänsä lähtevät Madam Gasellin kanssa sairaalaan vierailemaan Pedro Ponin luona, jonka jalka on murtunut.
23:50-23:55Pipsa Possu
Neiti Jänis vie Pipsan ja tämän perheen lennolle pelastushelikopterillaan.
23:55-00:00Pipsa Possu
Aleksanteri-vauva on niin pieni, ettei hän vielä puhu, kunnes Pipsa opettaa hänelle ensimmäisen sanansa.
00:45-00:55The Heroic Quest of the Valiant Prince Ivandoe
The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.
00:55-01:05The Heroic Quest of the Valiant Prince Ivandoe
The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.
01:05-01:15The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
01:15-01:25The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
01:25-01:35The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
01:35-01:45The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
01:45-01:55The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
01:55-02:05The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
02:05-02:15The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
02:15-02:30The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
02:30-02:40The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
02:40-02:50The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
02:50-03:00The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
03:00-03:15The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
03:15-03:25The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
03:25-03:35The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
03:35-03:45The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
03:45-04:00The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
04:00-04:10The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
04:10-04:20The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
04:20-04:30The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
04:30-04:45The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
04:45-04:55The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
04:55-05:05The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
05:05-05:30The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
05:30-05:40The Heroic Quest of the Valiant Prince Ivandoe
The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.
05:40-05:50The Heroic Quest of the Valiant Prince Ivandoe
The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.
05:50-06:00The Heroic Quest of the Valiant Prince Ivandoe
The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.
06:00-06:10The Heroic Quest of the Valiant Prince Ivandoe
The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.
06:10-06:20The Heroic Quest of the Valiant Prince Ivandoe
The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.
06:20-06:30The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
06:30-06:40The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
06:40-06:50The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
06:50-07:00The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
07:00-07:10The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
07:10-07:20The Heroic Quest of the Valiant Prince Ivandoe
The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.
07:20-07:35The Heroic Quest of the Valiant Prince Ivandoe
The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.
07:35-07:55Ninjago: Dragons Rising
After a cataclysm changes their world forever, new and old Ninja must team up to save all the realms from high-tech villains bent on domination.
07:55-08:10The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
08:10-08:20We Baby Bears
The baby bear siblings travel to different locations around the world, on their journey to find a permanent place they can call home.
08:20-08:30Teen Titans Go!
Adventures of Robin, Cyborg, Starfire, Raven and Beast Boy. They are superheroes who save the day, but what happens when they're not fighting crime?
08:30-08:40Teen Titans Go!
Adventures of Robin, Cyborg, Starfire, Raven and Beast Boy. They are superheroes who save the day, but what happens when they're not fighting crime?
08:40-08:55The Heroic Quest of the Valiant Prince Ivandoe
The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.
08:55-09:10Hero Inside
Scott has drawn 100 Heroes in 100 comic books. When he disappears, only his books remain, and they get scattered all over San Francisco.
Welcome to the town of Jellystone - a charming place where your favorite Hanna-Barbera characters live, work and play together...
Welcome to the town of Jellystone - a charming place where your favorite Hanna-Barbera characters live, work and play together...
09:35-10:00Tiny Toons Looniversity
Follow Babs and Buster Bunny, Sweetie Bird, Hamton J. Pig, and Plucky Duck as they learn what it takes to be a professional toon.
10:00-10:10The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
10:10-10:20The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
10:20-10:30The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
10:30-10:40The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
10:40-10:50The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
10:50-11:00The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
11:00-11:20What's New Scooby-Doo?
Mystery solving adventures with Fred, Velma, Daphne, Shaggy and Scooby as they attempt to uncover some ghostly and ghoulish goings-on.
11:20-11:40What's New Scooby-Doo?
Mystery solving adventures with Fred, Velma, Daphne, Shaggy and Scooby as they attempt to uncover some ghostly and ghoulish goings-on.
11:40-12:00What's New Scooby-Doo?
Mystery solving adventures with Fred, Velma, Daphne, Shaggy and Scooby as they attempt to uncover some ghostly and ghoulish goings-on.
12:00-12:10The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
12:10-12:20The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
12:20-12:30The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
12:30-12:40The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
12:40-13:00The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
13:00-13:10The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
13:10-13:20The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
13:20-13:30The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
13:30-13:40The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
13:40-13:55The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
13:55-14:05The Heroic Quest of the Valiant Prince Ivandoe
The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.
14:05-14:15The Heroic Quest of the Valiant Prince Ivandoe
The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.
14:15-14:25The Heroic Quest of the Valiant Prince Ivandoe
The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.
14:25-14:35The Heroic Quest of the Valiant Prince Ivandoe
The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.
14:35-14:45The Heroic Quest of the Valiant Prince Ivandoe
The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.
14:45-15:00The Heroic Quest of the Valiant Prince Ivandoe
The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.
15:00-15:10Teen Titans Go!
Adventures of Robin, Cyborg, Starfire, Raven and Beast Boy. They are superheroes who save the day, but what happens when they're not fighting crime?
15:10-15:20Teen Titans Go!
Adventures of Robin, Cyborg, Starfire, Raven and Beast Boy. They are superheroes who save the day, but what happens when they're not fighting crime?
15:20-15:30Teen Titans Go!
Adventures of Robin, Cyborg, Starfire, Raven and Beast Boy. They are superheroes who save the day, but what happens when they're not fighting crime?
15:30-15:40Teen Titans Go!
Adventures of Robin, Cyborg, Starfire, Raven and Beast Boy. They are superheroes who save the day, but what happens when they're not fighting crime?
15:40-15:50Teen Titans Go!
Adventures of Robin, Cyborg, Starfire, Raven and Beast Boy. They are superheroes who save the day, but what happens when they're not fighting crime?
15:50-16:00Teen Titans Go!
Adventures of Robin, Cyborg, Starfire, Raven and Beast Boy. They are superheroes who save the day, but what happens when they're not fighting crime?
16:00-16:20Scooby-Doo And Guess Who?
Fred, Daphne, Velma, Shaggy and Scooby-Doo join forces with some of the biggest names in celebrity and pop culture.
16:20-16:35Looney Tunes Cartoons
Folks, have ya heard? Your favorite Looney Tunes characters are back in action!
16:35-16:45We Baby Bears
The baby bear siblings travel to different locations around the world, on their journey to find a permanent place they can call home.
16:45-17:00The Heroic Quest of the Valiant Prince Ivandoe
The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.
17:00-17:15Hero Inside
Scott has drawn 100 Heroes in 100 comic books. When he disappears, only his books remain, and they get scattered all over San Francisco.
17:15-17:30Hero Inside
Scott has drawn 100 Heroes in 100 comic books. When he disappears, only his books remain, and they get scattered all over San Francisco.
17:30-17:36Apple & Onion
Apple and Onion are two best friends who live in a big city full of other food-people.
17:36-17:45Apple & Onion
Apple and Onion are two best friends who live in a big city full of other food-people.
17:45-18:10Ninjago: Dragons Rising
After a cataclysm changes their world forever, new and old Ninja must team up to save all the realms from high-tech villains bent on domination.
18:10-18:15Teen Titans Go!
Adventures of Robin, Cyborg, Starfire, Raven and Beast Boy. They are superheroes who save the day, but what happens when they're not fighting crime?
18:15-18:30Teen Titans Go!
Adventures of Robin, Cyborg, Starfire, Raven and Beast Boy. They are superheroes who save the day, but what happens when they're not fighting crime?
18:30-18:55Tiny Toons Looniversity
Follow Babs and Buster Bunny, Sweetie Bird, Hamton J. Pig, and Plucky Duck as they learn what it takes to be a professional toon.
Welcome to the town of Jellystone - a charming place where your favorite Hanna-Barbera characters live, work and play together...
Welcome to the town of Jellystone - a charming place where your favorite Hanna-Barbera characters live, work and play together...
Welcome to the town of Jellystone - a charming place where your favorite Hanna-Barbera characters live, work and play together...
19:30-19:40Craig of The Creek
Grab your toilet-paper sword and follow best friends Craig, JP and Kelsey as they explore their neighbourhood creek - a boundless kid-run world!
19:40-19:50Craig of The Creek
Grab your toilet-paper sword and follow best friends Craig, JP and Kelsey as they explore their neighbourhood creek - a boundless kid-run world!
19:50-20:00Craig of The Creek
Grab your toilet-paper sword and follow best friends Craig, JP and Kelsey as they explore their neighbourhood creek - a boundless kid-run world!
20:00-20:10Teen Titans Go!
Adventures of Robin, Cyborg, Starfire, Raven and Beast Boy. They are superheroes who save the day, but what happens when they're not fighting crime?
20:10-20:20Teen Titans Go!
Adventures of Robin, Cyborg, Starfire, Raven and Beast Boy. They are superheroes who save the day, but what happens when they're not fighting crime?
20:20-20:35The Heroic Quest of the Valiant Prince Ivandoe
The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.
20:35-20:50Hero Inside
Scott has drawn 100 Heroes in 100 comic books. When he disappears, only his books remain, and they get scattered all over San Francisco.
20:50-21:10Ninjago: Dragons Rising
After a cataclysm changes their world forever, new and old Ninja must team up to save all the realms from high-tech villains bent on domination.
21:10-21:25Looney Tunes Cartoons
Folks, have ya heard? Your favorite Looney Tunes characters are back in action!
21:25-21:35Looney Tunes Cartoons
Folks, have ya heard? Your favorite Looney Tunes characters are back in action!
21:35-21:45Looney Tunes Cartoons
Folks, have ya heard? Your favorite Looney Tunes characters are back in action!
21:45-21:55The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
21:55-22:05The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
22:05-22:15The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
22:15-22:25The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
22:25-22:40The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
22:40-22:50The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
22:50-23:00The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
23:00-23:10The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
23:10-23:20The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
23:20-23:30The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
23:30-23:50The Amazing World of Gumball
Meet the Wattersons: Mum, Dad, Anais, Darwin and of course Gumball, the 12-year-old cat with a flair for misadventure!
23:50-00:00The Heroic Quest of the Valiant Prince Ivandoe
The valiant Prince Ivandoe and his loyal squire Bert embark on a heroic quest to Eagle Mountain to claim the legendary Golden Feather.
00:40-00:50Mr Bean: The Animated Series
Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.
00:50-00:59Mr Bean: The Animated Series
Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.
00:59-01:11Mush-Mush And The Mushables
Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.
01:11-01:22Mush-Mush And The Mushables
Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.
01:22-01:33Mush-Mush And The Mushables
Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.
01:33-01:45Mush-Mush And The Mushables
Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.
01:45-01:51Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
01:51-01:58Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
01:58-02:04Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
02:04-02:11Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
02:11-02:17Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
02:17-02:25Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
02:25-02:31Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
02:31-02:38Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
02:38-02:44Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
02:44-02:51Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
02:51-02:57Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
02:57-03:04Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
03:04-03:16Mush-Mush And The Mushables
Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.
03:16-03:27Mush-Mush And The Mushables
Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.
03:27-03:38Mush-Mush And The Mushables
Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.
03:38-03:50Mush-Mush And The Mushables
Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.
03:50-03:56Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
03:56-04:03Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
04:03-04:09Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
04:09-04:16Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
04:16-04:22Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
04:22-04:30Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
04:30-04:34Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
04:34-04:46Mush-Mush And The Mushables
Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.
04:46-04:57Mush-Mush And The Mushables
Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.
04:57-05:08Mush-Mush And The Mushables
Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.
05:08-05:20Mush-Mush And The Mushables
Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.
05:20-05:27Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
05:27-05:33Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
05:33-05:40Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
05:40-05:46Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
05:46-05:53Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
05:53-06:00Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
06:00-06:07Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
06:07-06:14Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
06:14-06:21Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
06:21-06:30Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
06:30-06:40Mr Bean: The Animated Series
Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.
06:40-06:50Mr Bean: The Animated Series
Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.
06:50-07:00Mr Bean: The Animated Series
Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.
07:00-07:07Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
07:07-07:13Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
07:13-07:20Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
07:20-07:40Tom and Jerry in New York
Tom and Jerry are running wild in Manhattan! They live in a fancy hotel, but their mayhem doesnt stop at the hotel lobby.
07:40-07:50Mr Bean: The Animated Series
Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.
07:50-08:05Mr Bean: The Animated Series
Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.
They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.
They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.
08:25-08:35Interstellar Ella
In the year 3021, on a space station between Mars and Jupiter, eight-year-old Ella Ryder sets out on exciting adventures of discovery.
08:35-08:45Interstellar Ella
In the year 3021, on a space station between Mars and Jupiter, eight-year-old Ella Ryder sets out on exciting adventures of discovery.
08:45-09:00Bugs Bunny Builders
Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny manage a crew of builders that, quite frankly, should not be anywhere near a construction site.
09:00-09:07Lu & The Bally Bunch
Lu is a ladybird who has started preschool with her new friends. Together they explore their new social lives though play, music, feelings and fun!
09:07-09:15Lu & The Bally Bunch
Lu is a ladybird who has started preschool with her new friends. Together they explore their new social lives though play, music, feelings and fun!
09:15-09:25Jessica's Big Little World
From wishing to be taller to memorizing a bedtime routine, Jessica wants to be an independent "big kid."
09:25-09:34Jessica's Big Little World
From wishing to be taller to memorizing a bedtime routine, Jessica wants to be an independent "big kid."
09:34-09:40Masha and the Bear
A little girl named Masha befriends a bear. Masha finds herself in all kinds of adventures that cause havoc in the bear's peaceful existence!
09:40-09:47Masha and the Bear
A little girl named Masha befriends a bear. Masha finds herself in all kinds of adventures that cause havoc in the bear's peaceful existence!
09:47-09:55Masha and the Bear
A little girl named Masha befriends a bear. Masha finds herself in all kinds of adventures that cause havoc in the bear's peaceful existence!
09:55-10:00Masha and the Bear
A little girl named Masha befriends a bear. Masha finds herself in all kinds of adventures that cause havoc in the bear's peaceful existence!
They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.
They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.
They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.
10:35-10:40Mr Bean: The Animated Series
Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.
10:40-10:50Mr Bean: The Animated Series
Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.
10:50-11:05Mr Bean: The Animated Series
Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.
11:05-11:11Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
11:11-11:18Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
11:18-11:25Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
11:25-11:30Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
11:30-11:40Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
11:40-11:45Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
11:45-11:50Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
11:50-11:57Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
11:57-12:05Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.
They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.
They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.
They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.
They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.
They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.
13:04-13:15Mr Bean: The Animated Series
Mr. Bean is joined by his trusty sidekick Teddy his reliable MINI and his grumpy landlady Mrs Wicket not forgetting her evil one-eyed cat Scrapper.
13:15-13:25Mr Bean: The Animated Series
Mr. Bean is joined by his trusty sidekick Teddy his reliable MINI and his grumpy landlady Mrs Wicket not forgetting her evil one-eyed cat Scrapper.
13:25-13:35Mr Bean: The Animated Series
Mr. Bean is joined by his trusty sidekick Teddy his reliable MINI and his grumpy landlady Mrs Wicket not forgetting her evil one-eyed cat Scrapper.
13:35-13:45Mr Bean: The Animated Series
Mr. Bean is joined by his trusty sidekick Teddy his reliable MINI and his grumpy landlady Mrs Wicket not forgetting her evil one-eyed cat Scrapper.
13:45-13:55Mr Bean: The Animated Series
Mr. Bean is joined by his trusty sidekick Teddy his reliable MINI and his grumpy landlady Mrs Wicket not forgetting her evil one-eyed cat Scrapper.
13:55-14:09Mr Bean: The Animated Series
Mr. Bean is joined by his trusty sidekick Teddy his reliable MINI and his grumpy landlady Mrs Wicket not forgetting her evil one-eyed cat Scrapper.
14:09-14:16The Tom and Jerry Show
The cat and mouse rivals are back and up to their old antics. Follow Tom and Jerry as they explore fantastic new places.
14:16-14:23The Tom and Jerry Show
The cat and mouse rivals are back and up to their old antics. Follow Tom and Jerry as they explore fantastic new places.
14:23-14:30The Tom and Jerry Show
The cat and mouse rivals are back and up to their old antics. Follow Tom and Jerry as they explore fantastic new places.
14:30-14:36The Tom and Jerry Show
The cat and mouse rivals are back and up to their old antics. Follow Tom and Jerry as they explore fantastic new places.
14:36-14:43The Tom and Jerry Show
The cat and mouse rivals are back and up to their old antics. Follow Tom and Jerry as they explore fantastic new places.
14:43-14:50The Tom and Jerry Show
The cat and mouse rivals are back and up to their old antics. Follow Tom and Jerry as they explore fantastic new places.
14:50-15:00The Tom and Jerry Show
The cat and mouse rivals are back and up to their old antics. Follow Tom and Jerry as they explore fantastic new places.
15:00-15:07Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
15:07-15:15Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
15:15-15:20Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
15:20-15:26Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
15:26-15:34Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.
They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.
15:55-16:02Lu & The Bally Bunch
Lu is a ladybird who has started preschool with her new friends. Together they explore their new social lives though play, music, feelings and fun!
16:02-16:10Lu & The Bally Bunch
Lu is a ladybird who has started preschool with her new friends. Together they explore their new social lives though play, music, feelings and fun!
16:10-16:20Lu & The Bally Bunch
Lu is a ladybird who has started preschool with her new friends. Together they explore their new social lives though play, music, feelings and fun!
16:20-16:30Mush-Mush And The Mushables
Mush-Mush and the Mushables follows the adventures of Mush-Mush, his best friends Lilit and Chep as they discover just how fun outdoor life can be.
16:30-16:40Mr Bean: The Animated Series
Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.
16:40-16:55Mr Bean: The Animated Series
Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.
16:55-16:57Masha and the Bear
A little girl named Masha befriends a bear. Masha finds herself in all kinds of adventures that cause havoc in the bear's peaceful existence!
16:57-17:00Masha and the Bear
A little girl named Masha befriends a bear. Masha finds herself in all kinds of adventures that cause havoc in the bear's peaceful existence!
17:00-17:07Masha and the Bear
A little girl named Masha befriends a bear. Masha finds herself in all kinds of adventures that cause havoc in the bear's peaceful existence!
17:07-17:15Masha and the Bear
A little girl named Masha befriends a bear. Masha finds herself in all kinds of adventures that cause havoc in the bear's peaceful existence!
17:15-17:21Masha and the Bear
A little girl named Masha befriends a bear. Masha finds herself in all kinds of adventures that cause havoc in the bear's peaceful existence!
17:21-17:35Masha and the Bear
A little girl named Masha befriends a bear. Masha finds herself in all kinds of adventures that cause havoc in the bear's peaceful existence!
17:35-17:45Jessica's Big Little World
From wishing to be taller to memorizing a bedtime routine, Jessica wants to be an independent "big kid."
17:45-17:55Jessica's Big Little World
From wishing to be taller to memorizing a bedtime routine, Jessica wants to be an independent "big kid."
They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.
They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.
They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.
18:30-18:40Bugs Bunny Builders
Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny manage a crew of builders that, quite frankly, should not be anywhere near a construction site.
18:40-18:50Bugs Bunny Builders
Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny manage a crew of builders that, quite frankly, should not be anywhere near a construction site.
18:50-18:59Bugs Bunny Builders
Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny manage a crew of builders that, quite frankly, should not be anywhere near a construction site.
18:59-19:10Mr Bean: The Animated Series
Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.
19:10-19:20Jessica's Big Little World
From wishing to be taller to memorizing a bedtime routine, Jessica wants to be an independent "big kid."
19:20-19:29Jessica's Big Little World
From wishing to be taller to memorizing a bedtime routine, Jessica wants to be an independent "big kid."
They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.
19:45-20:05Tom and Jerry in New York
Tom and Jerry are running wild in Manhattan! They live in a fancy hotel, but their mayhem doesnt stop at the hotel lobby.
20:05-20:12Masha and the Bear
A little girl named Masha befriends a bear. Masha finds herself in all kinds of adventures that cause havoc in the bear's peaceful existence!
20:12-20:20Masha and the Bear
A little girl named Masha befriends a bear. Masha finds herself in all kinds of adventures that cause havoc in the bear's peaceful existence!
They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.
They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.
They're the Batwheels - an awesome group of sentient super-powered crime-fighting vehicles defending Gotham City alongside a host of DC Super Heroes.
20:50-21:00Mr Bean: The Animated Series
Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.
21:00-21:10Mr Bean: The Animated Series
Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.
21:10-21:25Mr Bean: The Animated Series
Join the strange but hilariously funny Mr Bean and his stuffed teddy on adventures such as avoiding an irate landlady or an evil one-eyed cat.
21:25-21:45Tom and Jerry in New York
Tom and Jerry are running wild in Manhattan! They live in a fancy hotel, but their mayhem doesnt stop at the hotel lobby.
21:45-21:50Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
21:50-22:00Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
22:00-22:05Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
22:05-22:15The Tom and Jerry Show
The cat and mouse rivals are back and up to their old antics. Follow Tom and Jerry as they explore fantastic new places.
22:15-22:25The Tom and Jerry Show
The cat and mouse rivals are back and up to their old antics. Follow Tom and Jerry as they explore fantastic new places.
22:25-22:35The Tom and Jerry Show
The cat and mouse rivals are back and up to their old antics. Follow Tom and Jerry as they explore fantastic new places.
22:35-22:45The Tom and Jerry Show
The cat and mouse rivals are back and up to their old antics. Follow Tom and Jerry as they explore fantastic new places.
22:45-22:55The Tom and Jerry Show
The cat and mouse rivals are back and up to their old antics. Follow Tom and Jerry as they explore fantastic new places.
22:55-23:00Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
23:00-23:08Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
23:08-23:14Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
23:14-23:21Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
23:21-23:35Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
23:35-23:41Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
23:41-23:48Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
23:48-23:55Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
23:55-00:00Grizzy and The Lemmings
He is big as a bear, strong as a bear, smart... as a bear. No other animal dares to contest Grizzy. Except the lemmings
00:00-00:15The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
00:15-00:30Sports Sunday
Sports Sunday presents top scores and covers top sports news from all over the world and latest sports events. In ten minutes Elliot Richardson provides sports round-up for you not to miss a thing.
00:30-00:45The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
Culture news from the world's art, food and fashion capital, Paris. Join us every day for reviews and conversations on what's arguably the only daily arts programme on TV.
01:00-01:15The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
01:15-01:30Access Asia
Access Asia opens the diverse continent and presents the latest updates on the social events and political stories, thorough analysis of the cutting-edge current affairs.
01:30-01:45The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
01:45-02:00People And Profit
The business show that goes beyond the numbers and the corporate jargon! Stephen Carroll breaks down major business stories and looks at how they affect our lives.
02:00-02:15The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
Reporters presents various reports by team of correspondents from all over the world regarding hot button issues.
02:30-02:45The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
Culture news from the world's art, food and fashion capital, Paris. Join us every day for reviews and conversations on what's arguably the only daily arts programme on TV.
03:00-03:15The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
03:15-03:30The 51 Percent
The 51 Percent is revolving around women and their role in the world and presents various stories of women with different backgrounds from all over the world.
03:30-03:45The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
03:45-04:00France In Focus
France in Focus brings top stories and most essential reports on France, its political and social life. Be the first to know about latest events in politics, culture and economy.
04:00-04:15The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
04:15-04:30Talking Europe
Talking Europe guides you to the world of Europe's politics and cultures. Presented by Catherine Nicholson, the program revolves around top EU issues and events.
04:30-04:45The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
04:45-05:00Talking Europe
Talking Europe guides you to the world of Europe's politics and cultures. Presented by Catherine Nicholson, the program revolves around top EU issues and events.
05:00-05:10The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
Revisited presents certain places in different parts of the world several years after some significant events or accidents. Are there any changes?
05:30-05:40The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
05:40-05:46French Connections
French Connections revolves around France, its top stories and news, its experience in various spheres and cultural life, sport events, health care and education and so much more.
05:46-06:00Access Asia
Access Asia opens the diverse continent and presents the latest updates on the social events and political stories, thorough analysis of the cutting-edge current affairs.
06:00-06:15The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
06:15-06:30Across Africa
Across Africa is a weekly news program presenting latest news and stories, up-to-date full coverage of politics, social events from the African continent to the world.
06:30-06:45The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
Culture news from the world's art, food and fashion capital, Paris. Join us every day for reviews and conversations on what's arguably the only daily arts programme on TV.
07:00-07:20The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
This amazing programme brings you the latest and most important, exclusive reports from all around the globe.
07:30-07:50The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
07:50-07:51The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
The sports recap of the day with France 24 journalists and a summary of world sports news, both on and off the field.
08:00-08:20The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
08:20-08:30In the Press
Join presenters Dheepthika Laurent, Solange Mougin, and Alison Sargent, as they show viewers all the latest and most interesting stories from the newspaper headlines in France and around the world.
08:30-08:45The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
08:45-08:51Global Grid
Follow France 24's International Affairs editors as they share their take on various world events and news.
This amazing programme brings you the latest and most important, exclusive reports from all around the globe.
09:00-09:20The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
The program brings the latest daily international business updates, with all the important news on finances and economics.
09:30-09:45The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
This amazing programme brings you the latest and most important, exclusive reports from all around the globe.
The sports recap of the day with France 24 journalists and a summary of world sports news, both on and off the field.
Interesting programme that gives viewers a chance to find out more and review the latest press titles from around the world.
10:00-10:15The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
The program brings the latest daily international business updates, with all the important news on finances and economics.
10:21-10:30In the Press
Join presenters Dheepthika Laurent, Solange Mougin, and Alison Sargent, as they show viewers all the latest and most interesting stories from the newspaper headlines in France and around the world.
10:30-10:40The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
Join presenters Eve Irvine and Stuart Norval, as they talk to various notable people about important topics such as social issues, culture, sport, science, business, and much more.
This amazing programme brings you the latest and most important, exclusive reports from all around the globe.
The sports recap of the day with France 24 journalists and a summary of world sports news, both on and off the field.
11:00-11:15The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
Join presenters Eve Irvine and Stuart Norval, as they talk to various notable people about important topics such as social issues, culture, sport, science, business, and much more.
11:30-11:45The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
This amazing programme brings you the latest and most important, exclusive reports from all around the globe.
The sports recap of the day with France 24 journalists and a summary of world sports news, both on and off the field.
12:00-12:15The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
12:15-12:16The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
12:16-12:30Talking Europe
Talking Europe guides you to the world of Europe's politics and cultures. Presented by Catherine Nicholson, the program revolves around top EU issues and events.
12:30-12:45The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
12:45-12:46The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
12:46-12:58Access Asia
Access Asia opens the diverse continent and presents the latest updates on the social events and political stories, thorough analysis of the cutting-edge current affairs.
Interesting programme that gives viewers a chance to find out more and review the latest press titles from around the world.
13:00-13:15The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
13:15-13:16The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
Culture news from the world's art, food and fashion capital, Paris. Join us every day for reviews and conversations on what's arguably the only daily arts programme on TV.
13:30-13:45The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
13:45-13:46The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
This amazing programme brings you the latest and most important, exclusive reports from all around the globe.
The sports recap of the day with France 24 journalists and a summary of world sports news, both on and off the field.
14:00-14:20The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
The program brings the latest daily international business updates, with all the important news on finances and economics.
14:30-14:45The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
14:45-15:00Entre Nous
15:00-15:15The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
15:15-15:30Entre Nous
15:30-15:45The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
This amazing programme brings you the latest and most important, exclusive reports from all around the globe.
The sports recap of the day with France 24 journalists and a summary of world sports news, both on and off the field.
Interesting programme that gives viewers a chance to find out more and review the latest press titles from around the world.
16:00-16:30The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
16:30-16:42The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
16:42-16:54France In Focus
France in Focus brings top stories and most essential reports on France, its political and social life. Be the first to know about latest events in politics, culture and economy.
16:54-17:00Short Cuts
17:00-17:30The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
17:30-17:40The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
Revisited presents certain places in different parts of the world several years after some significant events or accidents. Are there any changes?
18:00-18:15The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
18:15-18:16The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
Culture news from the world's art, food and fashion capital, Paris. Join us every day for reviews and conversations on what's arguably the only daily arts programme on TV.
18:30-18:45The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
18:45-18:46The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
18:46-18:52French Connections
French Connections revolves around France, its top stories and news, its experience in various spheres and cultural life, sport events, health care and education and so much more.
Be aware of what is in the spotlight every season and find out the latest trends. Follow haute couture news, videos, reports and analyses, and look behind the scene of Parisian catwalks.
Interesting programme that gives viewers a chance to find out more and review the latest press titles from around the world.
19:00-19:15The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
19:15-19:30Top Story
Take a look at the latest and most important top stories that are happening in France and around the globe.
19:30-19:45The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
The program brings the latest daily international business updates, with all the important news on finances and economics.
The sports recap of the day with France 24 journalists and a summary of world sports news, both on and off the field.
20:00-20:10The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
20:10-20:53The Debate
Live debate show on the key topic of the day with four guests from different spots of the globe, from Monday to Thursday, well-known for its signature dynamics.
20:53-21:00Short Cuts
21:00-21:15The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
The program brings the latest daily international business updates, with all the important news on finances and economics.
The sports recap of the day with France 24 journalists and a summary of world sports news, both on and off the field.
21:30-21:45The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
21:45-21:51Truth or Fake
In our fast-moving world it is of fundamental importance to sort what's true from what's fake online. The Truth or Fake is a short program designed to alert everyone to the dangers of fake news.
This amazing programme brings you the latest and most important, exclusive reports from all around the globe.
22:00-22:20The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
The program brings the latest daily international business updates, with all the important news on finances and economics.
22:30-22:45The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
22:45-23:00Eye on Africa
Join Georja Calvin-Smith for all the news from Africa and the Maghreb, together with France 24's correspondents and guests of the show.
23:00-23:15The News
The latest news, headlines and developments from all over the world. With analysis, opinion and insight on the biggest stories. Providing all you need to know on the day's events.
The program brings the latest daily international business updates, with all the important news on finances and economics.
23:21-23:30Truth or Fake
In our fast-moving world it is of fundamental importance to sort what's true from what's fake online. The Truth or Fake is a short program designed to alert everyone to the dangers of fake news.
Interesting programme that gives viewers a chance to find out more and review the latest press titles from around the world.
23:32-23:46A PROPOS
23:46-00:00Eye on Africa
Join Georja Calvin-Smith for all the news from Africa and the Maghreb, together with France 24's correspondents and guests of the show.
00:30-01:00The Interview (r)
After eight years in power, Tsai Ing-Wen has faced up to China and pushed through painful reforms, including re-instating military service and legalising same sex marriage.
Live from Singapore, the latest international news from the BBC.
01:30-01:45Business Today
Business Today. Bringing the latest business news and up-to-date informed analysis from Singapore and around the world.
A round-up of the day's sporting action, plus talking points, analysis and original journalism.
Live from Singapore, the latest international news from the BBC.
02:30-02:45Business Today
Business Today. Bringing the latest business news and up-to-date informed analysis from Singapore and around the world.
02:45-03:00Sportsday (r)
A round-up of the day's sporting action, plus talking points, analysis and original journalism.
Live from Singapore, the latest international news from the BBC.
03:30-03:45Business Today
Business Today. Bringing the latest business news and up-to-date informed analysis from Singapore and around the world.
03:45-04:00Sportsday (r)
A round-up of the day's sporting action, plus talking points, analysis and original journalism.
04:00-04:30BBC News
The latest news from the BBC.
04:30-04:45Business Today
Business Today. Bringing the latest business news and up-to-date informed analysis from Singapore and around the world.
04:45-05:00Sportsday (r)
A round-up of the day's sporting action, plus talking points, analysis and original journalism.
05:00-05:30BBC News
The latest news from the BBC.
05:30-06:00Unspun World with John Simpson (r)
John Simpson analyses why Israel's government is deliberately flouting the wishes of its closest ally, the United States.
06:00-06:30BBC News
The latest news from the BBC.
Stephen Sackur speaks to Gillian Slovo whose acclaimed fiction, plays and memoirs reflect an extraordinary backstory. Has her writing exorcised demons?
07:00-07:30BBC News
The latest news from the BBC.
07:30-08:00Business Today
Business Today. Bringing the latest business news and up-to-date informed analysis from London and around the world.
08:00-08:30BBC News
The latest news from the BBC.
08:30-09:00Business Today
Business Today. Bringing the latest business news and up-to-date informed analysis from London and around the world.
09:00-09:30BBC News
The latest news from the BBC.
09:30-10:00Business Today
Business Today. Bringing the latest business news and up-to-date informed analysis from London and around the world.
10:00-10:30BBC News
The latest news from the BBC.
10:30-11:00Talking Business (r)
The global cosmetic giants are under attack from a battery of direct to consumer startups. These independents, often owned by a celebrity use social media to talk directly to their customers.
11:00-11:30BBC News
The latest news from the BBC.
11:30-12:00BBC News
The latest news from the BBC.
12:00-12:30BBC News
The latest news from the BBC.
12:30-13:00HARDtalk (r)
Stephen Sackur speaks to Gillian Slovo whose acclaimed fiction, plays and memoirs reflect an extraordinary backstory. Has her writing exorcised demons?
13:00-13:30BBC News
The latest news from the BBC.
13:30-13:45Business Today
Business Today. Bringing the latest business news and up-to-date informed analysis from London and around the world.
13:45-14:00BBC News
The latest news from the BBC.
14:00-14:30BBC News Now
All the big stories, live as they happen, presented by Lucy Hockings.
14:30-15:00BBC News Now
All the big stories, live as they happen, presented by Lucy Hockings.
15:00-15:30BBC News Now
All the big stories, live as they happen, presented by Lucy Hockings.
15:30-16:00BBC News Now
All the big stories, live as they happen, presented by Lucy Hockings.
16:00-16:30BBC News Now
All the big stories, live as they happen, presented by Lucy Hockings.
16:30-16:45Business Today - NYSE Opening Bell
Business Today. Bringing the latest business news and up-to-date informed analysis from New York and around the world.
16:45-17:00BBC News Now
All the big stories, live as they happen, presented by Lucy Hockings.
17:00-17:30Verified Live
Matthew Amroliwala presents all the latest global and UK news, live from London.
17:30-18:00Verified Live
Matthew Amroliwala presents all the latest global and UK news, live from London.
18:00-18:30Verified Live
Matthew Amroliwala presents all the latest global and UK news, live from London.
18:30-18:45Business Today
Business Today. Bringing the latest business news and up-to-date informed analysis from London and around the world.
18:45-19:00Verified Live
Matthew Amroliwala presents all the latest global and UK news, live from London.
19:00-19:30Verified Live
Matthew Amroliwala presents all the latest global and UK news, live from London.
19:30-20:00Focus on Africa
The biggest African and international stories from the BBC.
20:00-20:30The World Today with Maryam Moshiri
Watch the best of the BBC's journalism from around the world.
20:30-21:00The World Today with Maryam Moshiri
Watch the best of the BBC's journalism from around the world.
21:00-21:30The World Today with Maryam Moshiri
Watch the best of the BBC's journalism from around the world.
21:30-22:00The World Today with Maryam Moshiri
Watch the best of the BBC's journalism from around the world.
22:00-22:30The Context
Presented by Christian Fraser. A regular panel of guests from across the political spectrum discuss the biggest international stories of the day.
22:30-23:00The Context
Presented by Christian Fraser. A regular panel of guests from across the political spectrum discuss the biggest international stories of the day.
23:00-23:30The Context
Presented by Christian Fraser. A regular panel of guests from across the political spectrum discuss the biggest international stories of the day.
23:30-00:00The Context
Presented by Christian Fraser. A regular panel of guests from across the political spectrum discuss the biggest international stories of the day.
00:00-00:30News at 10 with Gillian Joseph
A round-up of the stories that have hit the headlines today at home and abroad. Plus, sports news and weather summaries.
00:30-01:00Press Preview
Lively debate and discussion with our panel of paper reviewers about the stories making tomorrow morning's newspapers.
01:00-01:30Sky News
The main news of the day with reports and analysis from Sky News correspondents in the UK and around the world.
01:30-02:00Press Preview
Lively debate and discussion with our panel of paper reviewers about the stories making tomorrow morning's newspapers.
02:00-03:00Sky News
News reports on the big stories from the UK and around the world.
03:00-04:00Sky News
The main news of the day with reports and analysis from Sky News correspondents in the UK and around the world.
04:00-05:00Sky News
The main news of the day with reports and analysis from Sky News correspondents in the UK and around the world.
05:00-06:00Sky News
The main news of the day with reports and analysis from Sky News correspondents in the UK and around the world.
06:00-07:00Sky News
The main news of the day with reports and analysis from Sky News correspondents in the UK and around the world.
07:00-08:00Sky News
The main news of the day with reports and analysis from Sky News correspondents in the UK and around the world.
Niall Paterson with a round-up of all the morning's news stories from home and abroad, with guests and the paper review.
Niall Paterson with a round-up of all the morning's news stories from home and abroad, with guests and the paper review.
09:00-09:30Breakfast with Kay Burley
All the big stories of the morning plus news making interviews, analysis and eyewitness reports from around the world.
09:30-10:00Breakfast with Kay Burley
All the big stories of the morning plus news making interviews, analysis and eyewitness reports from around the world.
10:00-10:30Breakfast with Kay Burley
All the big stories of the morning plus news making interviews, analysis and eyewitness reports from around the world.
10:30-11:00Breakfast with Kay Burley
All the big stories of the morning plus news making interviews, analysis and eyewitness reports from around the world.
11:00-11:30Breakfast with Kay Burley
All the big stories of the morning plus news making interviews, analysis and eyewitness reports from around the world.
11:30-12:00Breakfast with Kay Burley
All the big stories of the morning plus news making interviews, analysis and eyewitness reports from around the world.
12:00-12:30Sky News Today with Wilfred Frost
Breaking news, developing stories and live events from Sky News correspondents in the UK and around the world.
12:30-13:00Sky News Today with Wilfred Frost
Breaking news, developing stories and live events from Sky News correspondents in the UK and around the world.
13:00-13:30Sky News Today with Wilfred Frost
Breaking news, developing stories and live events from Sky News correspondents in the UK and around the world.
13:30-14:00Business Live with Ian King
The biggest business and economic stories with reports and interviews live from our studios in the heart of London.
14:00-14:30Sky News Today with Jayne Secker
The latest breaking news stories with reports and analysis from Sky News correspondents in the UK and around the world.
14:30-15:00Sky News Today with Jayne Secker
The latest breaking news stories with reports and analysis from Sky News correspondents in the UK and around the world.
15:00-15:30Sky News Today with Jayne Secker
The latest breaking news stories with reports and analysis from Sky News correspondents in the UK and around the world.
15:30-16:00Sky News Today with Jayne Secker
The latest breaking news stories with reports and analysis from Sky News correspondents in the UK and around the world.
16:00-16:30Sky News with Kamali Melbourne
Breaking news, developing stories and live events from Sky News correspondents in the UK and around the world.
16:30-17:00Sky News with Kamali Melbourne
Breaking news, developing stories and live events from Sky News correspondents in the UK and around the world.
17:00-17:30Sky News with Kamali Melbourne
Breaking news, developing stories and live events from Sky News correspondents in the UK and around the world.
17:30-18:00Sky News with Kamali Melbourne
Breaking news, developing stories and live events from Sky News correspondents in the UK and around the world.
18:00-18:30Sky News with Kamali Melbourne
Breaking news, developing stories and live events from Sky News correspondents in the UK and around the world.
18:30-19:00Business Live with Ian King
The biggest business and economic stories with reports and interviews live from our studios in the heart of London.
19:00-19:30The News Hour With Mark Austin
A comprehensive round-up of the day's biggest news stories, including analysis and insight from Sky News correspondents.
19:30-20:00The News Hour With Mark Austin
A comprehensive round-up of the day's biggest news stories, including analysis and insight from Sky News correspondents.
20:00-20:30The News Hour With Mark Austin
A comprehensive round-up of the day's biggest news stories, including analysis and insight from Sky News correspondents.
20:30-21:00The News Hour With Mark Austin
A comprehensive round-up of the day's biggest news stories, including analysis and insight from Sky News correspondents.
21:00-21:30Politics Hub With Sophy Ridge
A Politics Hub special with Sophy Ridge as the results in London, Manchester and West Midlands Mayoral elections come in.
21:30-22:00Politics Hub With Sophy Ridge
A Politics Hub special with Sophy Ridge as the results in London, Manchester and West Midlands Mayoral elections come in.
22:00-22:30UK Tonight With Sarah-Jane Mee
Sarah-Jane Mee with the stories the UK is talking about plus interviews, discussion and debate with the people at the heart of the news.
22:30-23:00UK Tonight With Sarah-Jane Mee
Sarah-Jane Mee with the stories the UK is talking about plus interviews, discussion and debate with the people at the heart of the news.
23:00-23:30The World with Yalda Hakim
Eyewitness reports, interviews and analysis on the big stories around the world with Yalda Hakim.
23:30-00:00The World with Yalda Hakim
Eyewitness reports, interviews and analysis on the big stories around the world with Yalda Hakim.
00:00-01:55Mid Night
Including: News Summary@01:00 Press, Sport, New Media
01:55-02:00Weather Forecast
news (QAT 5') A look at what the weather has in store. With international forecasts, temperatures and weather warnings.
02:00-02:30News Bulletin
Hourly update of international news with an emphasis on the Arab world.
02:30-02:55Behind the News
Presented by Al Habib Al Ghoreiby A current affairs daily program looking at a major news story of the day.
02:55-03:00Weather Forecast
news (QAT) A look at what the weather has in store. With international forecasts, temperatures and weather warnings.
03:00-03:05News Summary
The news team at Al Jazeera Arabic bring you a round-up of the day's main stories. With headlines from around the world and the latest information on current affairs.
A selected full length documentary.
03:55-04:00Weather Forecast
news (QAT 5') A look at what the weather has in store. With international forecasts, temperatures and weather warnings.
04:00-04:30News Bulletin
Hourly update of international news with an emphasis on the Arab world.
04:30-05:00The Traveler
Weekly program dealing with travel issues, adventure journeys and touring touristic activities.
05:00-05:05News Summary
The news team at Al Jazeera Arabic bring you a round-up of the day's main stories. With headlines from around the world and the latest information on current affairs.
05:05-06:00Private Investigation
The program will be linking the strands of information with available documentation and eyewitness reports to form a complete picture of the event.
06:00-07:00News Bulletin
Hourly update of international news with an emphasis on the Arab world.
07:00-07:30News Bulletin
Hourly update of international news with an emphasis on the Arab world.
07:30-08:00Behind the News
Presented by Al Habib Al Ghoreiby A current affairs daily program looking at a major news story of the day.
08:00-09:00News Bulletin
Hourly update of international news with an emphasis on the Arab world.
09:00-09:05News Bulletin
Hourly update of international news with an emphasis on the Arab world.
09:05-09:30Al Jazeera This Morning
news (QAT 61') This morning show includes a daily variety of topics that concern women and children's issues, as well as presenting several news weekly like environmental, health, educational and cinema segments.
09:30-10:00Beyond Authority
Presented by Nazih Al Ahdab A weekly program assessing important political, security, economic, social and general events of interest to the public.
10:00-10:30News Bulletin
Hourly update of international news with an emphasis on the Arab world.
10:30-11:00Beyond Authority
Presented by Nazih Al Ahdab A weekly program assessing important political, security, economic, social and general events of interest to the public.
11:00-13:55This Day
13:55-14:00Weather Forecast
news (QAT) A look at what the weather has in store. With international forecasts, temperatures and weather warnings.
14:00-14:55News Bulletin
Hourly update of international news with an emphasis on the Arab world.
14:55-15:00Weather Forecast
news (QAT 5') A look at what the weather has in store. With international forecasts, temperatures and weather warnings.
15:00-18:00Al Jazeera Mid Day
news (QAT 90') A news bulletin, with live interviews, this program presents the most important developments in the daily world news.
18:00-18:03News Bulletin
Hourly update of international news with an emphasis on the Arab world.
18:03-19:00The Network
19:00-19:30News Bulletin
Hourly update of international news with an emphasis on the Arab world.
19:30-20:00The Observatory
Presented by Mohamed Mzemaz Weekly media-oriented magazine that monitors up-to-date Arab and world media issues.
20:00-20:30News Summary
The news team at Al Jazeera Arabic bring you a round-up of the day's main stories. With headlines from around the world and the latest information on current affairs.
20:30-21:00Behind the News
Presented by Al Habib Al Ghoreiby A current affairs daily program looking at a major news story of the day.
21:00-22:05News Bulletin
Hourly update of international news with an emphasis on the Arab world.
22:05-23:00A Story and Follow Up
Presented by Fayrouz Zyany Weekly documentary in two parts of which Part I is a 30 minute film based chiefly on eyewitness reports detailing a current topic Part II a follow up discussion with specialists relevant to the
23:00-00:00Today's Harvest
news (QAT 60') Presented by Hassan Gamoul An extensive round up of the day's news coverage, bringing you the headline news along with in-depth reports, analysis and interviews from around the world. Also includes world sports news.
Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world.
02:30-03:00The Listening Post
News (QAT, 2024) Eight months into the war, disunity and disarray is making Israel's PR and messaging much tougher. Plus, deep fakes are all over India during the elections.
03:00-03:30News Live
Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. Live
03:30-04:00Inside Story
News (QAT, 2024) Beyond the headlines to the heart of the news of the day. Al Jazeera gets the Inside Story from some of the best minds in the Middle East and beyond.
04:00-04:30News Live
Live (16:9, vt) (QAT, 2024 30') Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world.
Marc Lamont Hill explores the division at the top of Israel's government and discusses the United States' Anti-Semitism Awareness Act.
06:00-06:30News Live
Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. Live
06:30-07:00The Bottom Line
Former Israeli negotiator Daniel Levy talks with host Steve Clemons about Israel's strategy in its war against the Palestinians.
07:00-07:30News Live
Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. Live
07:30-08:00101 East
Current Affairs (MYS, 2024) "Reviving India's Red Pandas" 101 East reveals how high in the Himalayas, India is fighting to conserve its population of one of the world's rarest creatures, the red panda.
08:00-08:30News Live
Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. Live
08:30-09:00Studio B: Unscripted
"Shahidul Alam & Andrew Feinstein Pt 2" Photojournalist Shahidul Alam and anti-arms trade campaigner Andrew Feinstein on challenging the global status quo and standing up to power.
09:00-09:30News Live
Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. Live
09:30-10:00Inside Story
News (QAT, 2024) Beyond the headlines to the heart of the news of the day. Al Jazeera gets the Inside Story from some of the best minds in the Middle East and beyond.
10:00-10:30News Live
Live (16:9, vt) (QAT, 2024 30') Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world.
11:30-12:00The Listening Post
News (QAT, 2024) Eight months into the war, disunity and disarray is making Israel's PR and messaging much tougher. Plus, deep fakes are all over India during the elections.
12:00-12:30News Live
Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. Live
12:30-13:00Talk to Al Jazeera
"Anwar Ibrahim" The President of Malaysia's People's Justice Party discusses corruption and his plans for Malaysia.
13:00-13:30News Live
Live (16:9, vt) (QAT, 2024 30') Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world.
13:30-14:00Talk to Al Jazeera
20052024 (QAT, 2024 300') One-on-one conversations with global leaders, icons, influencers and alternative voices shaping our times.
14:30-15:00Inside Story
News (QAT, 2024) Beyond the headlines to the heart of the news of the day. Al Jazeera gets the Inside Story from some of the best minds in the Middle East and beyond.
15:00-15:30News Live
Live (16:9, vt) (QAT, 2024 30') Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world.
15:30-16:00Inside Story
News (QAT, 2024 30') Beyond the headlines to the heart of the news of the day. Al Jazeera gets the Inside Story from some of the best minds in the Middle East and beyond.
Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world.
17:30-18:00Studio B: Unscripted
"Shahidul Alam & Andrew Feinstein Pt 2" Photojournalist Shahidul Alam and anti-arms trade campaigner Andrew Feinstein on challenging the global status quo and standing up to power.
18:00-18:30News Live
Live (16:9, vt) (QAT, 2024 30') Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world.
18:30-19:00Studio B: Unscripted
Shahidul Alam & Andrew Feinstein Pt 2 (QAT, 2024 60') Photojournalist Shahidul Alam and anti-arms trade campaigner Andrew Feinstein on challenging the global status quo and standing up to power.
19:30-20:00Fault Lines
"The Palestine Exception" Fault Lines investigates the suppression of Palestine advocacy on college campuses in the US.
20:00-20:30News Live
Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. Live
20:30-21:00Inside Story
News (QAT, 2024) Beyond the headlines to the heart of the news of the day. Al Jazeera gets the Inside Story from some of the best minds in the Middle East and beyond.
21:00-21:30News Live
Live (16:9, vt) (QAT, 2024 30') Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world.
21:30-22:00Inside Story
News (QAT, 2024 30') Beyond the headlines to the heart of the news of the day. Al Jazeera gets the Inside Story from some of the best minds in the Middle East and beyond.
22:30-23:00Counting the Cost
Documentary (/QAT, 2024) India's income inequality gap is widening, how can poor people get their fair share of its wealth?
23:00-00:00News Live
Up-to-date news and analysis from around the world. Live
00:30-01:00Living Golf
We visit five of the world's finest links golf courses near Dublin and hear from some of the people and players that make Ireland's capital a highly desirable golfing destination.
01:00-02:00CNN Newsroom Sunday
Updates of the latest news from around the world.
02:00-03:00CNN Newsroom Sunday
Updates of the latest news from around the world.
03:00-04:00The Whole Story with Anderson Cooper
Dr. Sanjay Gupta follows Alzheimer's patients' treatments over five years.
04:00-05:00Fareed Zakaria GPS
Fareed Zakaria GPS takes a comprehensive look at foreign affairs and the policies shaping our world.
05:00-05:30African Voices Changemakers
The first African artist signed to Universal Music Group, Nigerian artist Tiwa Savage ventures into acting with her debut role in "Water & Garri," a film she also executive produced.
05:30-05:45Marketplace Europe
Swedish solar startup Exeger says any item can be turned into a battery, thanks to its flexible solar panels; climate change piles the pressure on the production of olive oil in Italy.
05:45-06:00Marketplace Asia
The co-founders Skyroot Aerospace, preparing for India's first private satellite launch; the CEO of Mahindra Group on electric vehicles, AI, and why India is seen as an increasingly compelling manufacturing alternative to China.
Will generative AI save our lives or destroy our livelihoods? Meet some of the biggest players, see how it is being used today, and the various implications it holds for tomorrow.
06:30-07:00Inside Africa
Incredible characters are revolutionizing the agricultural industry in Malawi: drone technology to measure soil quality, and aquaponics programs to support refugees.
07:00-07:45CNN Newsroom (CNNI)
Live context and clarity to the day's top stories from around the world.
07:45-08:00World Sport
Daily sports show features major stories and issues making news in the world of sports.
08:00-09:00CNN Newsroom (CNNI)
Live context and clarity to the day's top stories from around the world.
09:00-09:45CNN Newsroom (CNNI)
Live context and clarity to the day's top stories from around the world.
09:45-10:00World Sport
Daily sports show features major stories and issues making news in the world of sports.
10:00-11:00CNN Newsroom (CNNI)
Live context and clarity to the day's top stories from around the world.
11:00-12:00CNN Newsroom (CNNI)
Live context and clarity to the day's top stories from around the world.
12:00-13:00CNN This Morning
Start your day with Kasie Hunt bringing you the latest headlines and analysis.
13:00-14:00CNN This Morning
Start your day with Kasie Hunt bringing you the latest headlines and analysis.
14:00-14:30CNN News Central
Stay up to date with John Berman, Kate Bolduan and Sara Sidner from CNN's immersive news hub.
14:30-15:00World Sport
Daily sports show features major stories and issues making news in the world of sports.
15:00-16:00CNN Newsroom (CNNI)
Live context and clarity to the day's top stories from around the world.
16:00-17:00Connect the World
Becky Anderson explores diverse perspectives and explains global issues of the day.
17:00-18:00Connect the World
Becky Anderson explores diverse perspectives and explains global issues of the day.
18:00-19:00CNN Newsroom (CNNI)
Live context and clarity to the day's top stories from around the world.
19:00-20:00One World
Zain Asher and Bianna Golodryga cover the top global and national issues of the day.
Christiane Amanpour provides her powerful interview skills and provocative analysis on global stories that matter to you.
21:00-22:00Isa Soares Tonight
Isa Soares deep dives into today's top stories with insightful conversations and reports from around the world.
22:00-22:45CNN Newsroom (CNNI)
Live context and clarity to the day's top stories from around the world.
22:45-23:00Living Golf
We visit five of the world's finest links golf courses near Dublin and hear from some of the people and players that make Ireland's capital a highly desirable golfing destination.
23:00-00:00Quest Means Business
Richard Quest speaks to the top names in global business to bring viewers the bottom line.
00:30-01:00Bloomberg Originals
. Exploring every angle of climate change technology finance sports and beyond Bloomberg Originals is business as you ve never seen it.
01:00-02:00Bloomberg Wall Street Week
. David Westin speaks with top names in finance about the week s biggest issues on Wall Street.
02:00-03:00Bloomberg Daybreak: Australia
. From New York and Sydney the latest news impacting markets business and finance around the world.
03:00-04:00Bloomberg Daybreak: Asia
. From New York and Hong Kong the essential stories from the close of the US markets to the open of trading across Asia.
04:00-06:00Bloomberg: The China Show
. Your definitive source for news and analysis on the world s second-biggest economy. Hosted by Yvonne Man and David Ingles.
06:00-07:00Bloomberg Markets: Asia
. From Hong Kong the most important global business and breaking markets news information as it happens.
07:00-08:00Bloomberg Horizons Middle East & Africa
. Linking the market drivers from overnight in the US and across Asia into the region s trading day with deep dive analysis of the top business energy and geopolitical stories shaping decisions.
08:00-09:00Bloomberg Daybreak: Europe
. Live from London we catch you up with overnight markets news from the US and Asia. Plus we ll tell you what matters for investors in Europe giving you insight before trading begins.
09:00-11:00Bloomberg Markets: Today
. Everything you need to know as markets open across Europe. From our London HQ Anna Edwards Kriti Gupta and Guy Johnson break down the biggest stories of the day and speak to special guests.
11:00-12:00The Pulse with Francine Lacqua
. Conversations with high profile guests in the beating heart of global business finance and politics. We go wherever the story is bringing you exclusive interviews and market-moving scoops.
12:00-13:00Bloomberg Brief
. Delivering the market news data and analysis you need to set your agenda.
13:00-16:00Bloomberg Surveillance
. Daily conversations with leaders and decision makers from Wall Street to Washington and beyond. Hosted by Jonathan Ferro Lisa Abramowicz and Annmarie Hordern.
16:00-17:00Bloomberg: The Open
. Jonathan Ferro hosts this programme showcasing the most insightful and informative Bloomberg charts to help position a global audience for the trading day.
17:00-18:00Bloomberg Markets
. Bloomberg Markets is focused on bringing you the most important global business and breaking markets news and information as it happens.
18:00-19:00Bloomberg Technology
. The only daily news programme focused exclusively on technology innovation and the future of business. Hosted by Ed Ludlow from San Francisco and Caroline Hyde in New York.
19:00-19:30Bloomberg ETF IQ
. Bloomberg ETF IQ focuses on the opportunities risks and trends tied to the trillions of dollars in the global exchange traded funds industry. Hosted by Matt Miller Katie Greifeld and Eric Balchunas.
19:30-20:00Bloomberg Markets
. Bloomberg Markets is focused on bringing you the most important global business and breaking markets news and information as it happens.
20:00-21:00Bloomberg: Balance of Power
. Bloomberg: Balance of Power focuses on the politics and policies being shaped by the agenda of President Biden s administration.
21:00-22:00Bloomberg BusinessWeek
. Carol Massar and Tim Stenovec bring together the latest news from the world of business and finance by harnessing the power of Bloomberg Businessweek reporters and editors.
22:00-00:00Bloomberg Markets: The Close
. Romaine Bostick Alix Steel and Scarlet Fu break down the day s top stories and trading action around the close.
00:45-00:50Brussels, My Love ?
Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.
The leading news stories of the moment.
00:58-01:00No Comment
Aktuelle Nachrichtenbilder, unkommentiert in euronews einzigartigem Programm No Comment.
01:00-01:05Europa im blickpunkt
Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?
"Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.
"Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.
01:28-01:30No Comment
Aktuelle Nachrichtenbilder, unkommentiert in euronews einzigartigem Programm No Comment.
01:30-01:36Europa im blickpunkt
Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?
"Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.
The leading news stories of the moment.
01:58-02:00No Comment
Aktuelle Nachrichtenbilder, unkommentiert in euronews einzigartigem Programm No Comment.
02:00-02:05Europa im blickpunkt
Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?
02:05-02:28Brussels, My Love ?
Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.
02:28-02:30No Comment
Aktuelle Nachrichtenbilder, unkommentiert in euronews einzigartigem Programm No Comment.
02:30-02:35Europa im blickpunkt
Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?
02:35-02:45Brussels, My Love ?
Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.
02:45-02:49Brussels, My Love ?
Brüssel, meine Liebe? Von der Wirtschaft über das Klima bis hin zur Rolle der EU im Weltgeschehen beleuchtet diese Talkshow europäische Angelegenheiten und die Themen, die sich auf unser tägliches Leben als Europäer auswirken.
The leading news stories of the moment.
02:58-03:00No Comment
Aktuelle Nachrichtenbilder, unkommentiert in euronews einzigartigem Programm No Comment.
03:00-03:05Europa im blickpunkt
Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?
"Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.
"Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.
03:28-03:30No Comment
Aktuelle Nachrichtenbilder, unkommentiert in euronews einzigartigem Programm No Comment.
03:30-03:35Europa im blickpunkt
Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?
"Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.
The leading news stories of the moment.
03:58-04:12No Comment
Aktuelle Nachrichtenbilder, unkommentiert in euronews einzigartigem Programm No Comment.
The leading news stories of the moment.
The leading news stories of the moment.
The leading news stories of the moment.
04:58-05:11No Comment
Aktuelle Nachrichtenbilder, unkommentiert in euronews einzigartigem Programm No Comment.
The leading news stories of the moment.
The leading news stories of the moment.
05:54-05:58Witness Short
"Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.
05:58-06:12No Comment
Aktuelle Nachrichtenbilder, unkommentiert in euronews einzigartigem Programm No Comment.
The leading news stories of the moment.
The leading news stories of the moment.
The leading news stories of the moment.
06:58-07:00No Comment
Aktuelle Nachrichtenbilder, unkommentiert in euronews einzigartigem Programm No Comment.
07:00-07:12Europa am morgen
Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?
The leading news stories of the moment.
07:15-07:30Europa am morgen
Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?
07:30-07:41Europa am morgen
Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?
The leading news stories of the moment.
07:53-07:58Witness Short
"Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.
07:58-08:00No Comment
Aktuelle Nachrichtenbilder, unkommentiert in euronews einzigartigem Programm No Comment.
08:00-08:12Euronews Aktuell
Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?
The leading news stories of the moment.
08:15-08:30Euronews Aktuell
Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?
08:30-08:42Euronews Aktuell
Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?
The leading news stories of the moment.
The leading news stories of the moment.
The leading news stories of the moment.
08:58-09:00No Comment
Aktuelle Nachrichtenbilder, unkommentiert in euronews einzigartigem Programm No Comment.
09:00-09:12Euronews Aktuell
Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?
The leading news stories of the moment.
09:15-09:30Euronews Aktuell
Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?
09:30-09:42Euronews Aktuell
Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?
The leading news stories of the moment.
09:53-09:58Witness Short
"Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.
09:58-10:00No Comment
Aktuelle Nachrichtenbilder, unkommentiert in euronews einzigartigem Programm No Comment.
10:00-10:12Euronews Aktuell
Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?
The leading news stories of the moment.
10:15-10:30Euronews Aktuell
Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?
10:30-10:42Euronews Aktuell
Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?
The leading news stories of the moment.
The leading news stories of the moment.
10:58-11:00No Comment
Aktuelle Nachrichtenbilder, unkommentiert in euronews einzigartigem Programm No Comment.
11:00-11:12Euronews Aktuell
Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?
The leading news stories of the moment.
11:15-11:30Euronews Aktuell
Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?
11:30-11:42Euronews Aktuell
Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?
The leading news stories of the moment.
11:54-11:58Witness Short
"Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.
11:58-12:00No Comment
Aktuelle Nachrichtenbilder, unkommentiert in euronews einzigartigem Programm No Comment.
12:00-12:12Euronews Aktuell
Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?
The leading news stories of the moment.
12:15-12:30Euronews Aktuell
Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?
12:30-12:42Euronews Aktuell
Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?
The leading news stories of the moment.
The leading news stories of the moment.
12:58-13:00No Comment
Aktuelle Nachrichtenbilder, unkommentiert in euronews einzigartigem Programm No Comment.
13:00-13:12Euronews Aktuell
Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?
The leading news stories of the moment.
13:15-13:30Euronews Aktuell
Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?
13:30-13:41Euronews Aktuell
Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?
The leading news stories of the moment.
13:54-13:58Witness Short
"Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.
13:58-14:00No Comment
Aktuelle Nachrichtenbilder, unkommentiert in euronews einzigartigem Programm No Comment.
14:00-14:12Europa im blickpunkt
Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?
The leading news stories of the moment.
14:15-14:30Europa im blickpunkt
Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?
14:30-14:42Europa im blickpunkt
Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?
The leading news stories of the moment.
The leading news stories of the moment.
14:58-15:00No Comment
Aktuelle Nachrichtenbilder, unkommentiert in euronews einzigartigem Programm No Comment.
15:00-15:12Europa im blickpunkt
Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?
The leading news stories of the moment.
15:15-15:30Europa im blickpunkt
Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?
15:30-15:42Europa im blickpunkt
Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?
The leading news stories of the moment.
15:54-15:58Witness Short
"Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.
15:58-16:00No Comment
Aktuelle Nachrichtenbilder, unkommentiert in euronews einzigartigem Programm No Comment.
16:00-16:12Europa im blickpunkt
Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?
The leading news stories of the moment.
16:15-16:30Europa im blickpunkt
Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?
16:30-16:42Europa im blickpunkt
Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?
The leading news stories of the moment.
The leading news stories of the moment.
16:58-17:00No Comment
Aktuelle Nachrichtenbilder, unkommentiert in euronews einzigartigem Programm No Comment.
17:00-17:12Europa im blickpunkt
Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?
The leading news stories of the moment.
17:15-17:30Europa im blickpunkt
Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?
17:30-17:42Europa im blickpunkt
Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?
The leading news stories of the moment.
17:53-17:58Witness Short
"Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.
17:58-18:00No Comment
Aktuelle Nachrichtenbilder, unkommentiert in euronews einzigartigem Programm No Comment.
18:00-18:12Europa im blickpunkt
Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?
The leading news stories of the moment.
18:15-18:30Europa im blickpunkt
Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?
18:30-18:42Europa im blickpunkt
Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?
The leading news stories of the moment.
The leading news stories of the moment.
18:58-19:00No Comment
Aktuelle Nachrichtenbilder, unkommentiert in euronews einzigartigem Programm No Comment.
19:00-19:12Europa im blickpunkt
Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?
The leading news stories of the moment.
19:15-19:30Europa im blickpunkt
Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?
19:30-19:42Europa im blickpunkt
Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?
The leading news stories of the moment.
19:53-19:58Witness Short
"Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.
19:58-20:00No Comment
Aktuelle Nachrichtenbilder, unkommentiert in euronews einzigartigem Programm No Comment.
20:00-20:12Europa im blickpunkt
Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?
The leading news stories of the moment.
20:15-20:30Europa im blickpunkt
Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?
20:30-20:42Europa im blickpunkt
Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?
The leading news stories of the moment.
The leading news stories of the moment.
20:58-21:00No Comment
Aktuelle Nachrichtenbilder, unkommentiert in euronews einzigartigem Programm No Comment.
21:00-21:12Europa im blickpunkt
Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?
The leading news stories of the moment.
21:15-21:30Europa im blickpunkt
Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?
21:30-21:42Europa im blickpunkt
Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?
The leading news stories of the moment.
21:53-21:58Witness Short
"Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.
21:58-22:00No Comment
Aktuelle Nachrichtenbilder, unkommentiert in euronews einzigartigem Programm No Comment.
22:00-22:11Europa im blickpunkt
Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?
The leading news stories of the moment.
22:15-22:30Europa im blickpunkt
Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?
22:30-22:46Europa im blickpunkt
Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?
The leading news stories of the moment.
The leading news stories of the moment.
22:54-22:58Witness Short
"Euronews Witness" stellt Themen aus aller Welt in den Fokus - durch die Augen und Erfahrungen von Frauen, Männern und Kindern, die im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte stehen.
22:58-23:00No Comment
Aktuelle Nachrichtenbilder, unkommentiert in euronews einzigartigem Programm No Comment.
23:00-23:12Europa im blickpunkt
Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?
The leading news stories of the moment.
23:15-23:30Europa im blickpunkt
Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?
23:30-23:45Europa im blickpunkt
Internationale Nachrichten alle 30 ?
The leading news stories of the moment.
The leading news stories of the moment.
The leading news stories of the moment.
23:58-00:00No Comment
Aktuelle Nachrichtenbilder, unkommentiert in euronews einzigartigem Programm No Comment.
00:30-01:00Where We Call Home
Step Into the Ring for Ukraine
01:00-01:18NHK NEWSLINE
01:18-01:30NEWSLINE BIZ
01:30-01:45Activate Your Japanese!
Creating your perfect home
01:45-01:55Culture Crossroads
Disasters and Foreign Residents
Multilingual Portal:Japan LIFE & BOSAI
02:00-02:15NHK NEWSLINE
02:15-02:20Ukiyoe EDO-LIFE
Fishing for a Summer Delicacy
02:20-02:25Japan Time-Lapse Ainu
Ainu Patterns
Free Diver in Yonagunijima
02:30-02:57GRAND SUMO Highlights
Day 9
02:57-03:00Sumopedia #24
Basic Sumo Training
03:00-03:15NHK NEWSLINE
03:30-04:00Journeys in Japan
kochi: Into the Luminous Darkness
04:00-04:15NHK NEWSLINE
04:15-04:30Direct Talk #075
Nawa Kohei Sculptor
04:30-05:00Dining with the Chef
Authentic Japanese Cooking/Chef Saito's Korokke
05:00-05:15NHK NEWSLINE
05:30-06:00Document 72 hours
Ueno: A Discount Women's Clothing Store
06:00-06:15NHK NEWSLINE
meme tokyo. and Kizuki Minami
07:00-07:15NHK NEWSLINE
07:30-07:57GRAND SUMO Highlights
Day 8
07:57-08:00Sumopedia #23
Sumo Stables
08:00-08:15NHK NEWSLINE
08:15-08:30Direct Talk #071
Miwa Kaito CEO, e-Education
08:30-09:00Where We Call Home
Step Into the Ring for Ukraine
09:00-09:30NEWSLINE ASIA 24
09:30-09:45Activate Your Japanese!
Creating your perfect home
09:45-09:55Culture Crossroads
Disasters and Foreign Residents
Multilingual Portal:Japan LIFE & BOSAI
10:00-10:30NEWSLINE ASIA 24
10:30-11:00Seasoning the Seasons
Hamamatsu: Sunny City with Positive Spirit
11:00-11:14NHK NEWSLINE
11:14-11:15NL Bridge
NL Bridge
11:15-11:23NEWSLINE BIZ
Free Diver in Yonagunijima
11:30-11:57GRAND SUMO Highlights
Day 8
11:57-12:00Sumopedia #23
Sumo Stables
12:00-12:14NHK NEWSLINE
12:14-12:15NL Bridge
NL Bridge
12:15-12:30Direct Talk #029
Masa Takumi Composer, Arranger
meme tokyo. and Kizuki Minami
13:00-13:17NHK NEWSLINE
13:17-13:18NL Bridge
NL Bridge
13:18-13:30NEWSLINE BIZ
13:30-14:00Where We Call Home
Step Into the Ring for Ukraine
14:40-14:55Direct Talk #071
Miwa Kaito CEO, e-Education
14:55-15:00Ukiyoe EDO-LIFE
Fishing for a Summer Delicacy
15:30-15:45Activate Your Japanese!
Creating your perfect home
15:45-15:55Culture Crossroads
Disasters and Foreign Residents
Multilingual Portal:Japan LIFE & BOSAI
16:00-16:18NHK NEWSLINE
16:18-16:30NEWSLINE BIZ
16:30-17:00Seasoning the Seasons
Hamamatsu: Sunny City with Positive Spirit
17:00-17:15NHK NEWSLINE
17:30-18:00Medical Frontiers
Preventing Blindness With iPS Cells
18:00-18:15NHK NEWSLINE
18:30-19:00Where We Call Home
Step Into the Ring for Ukraine
19:00-19:15NHK NEWSLINE
19:15-19:30Direct Talk #071
Miwa Kaito CEO, e-Education
19:30-19:57GRAND SUMO Highlights
Day 9
19:57-20:00Sumopedia #24
Basic Sumo Training
20:00-20:15NHK NEWSLINE
20:30-20:45Activate Your Japanese!
Creating your perfect home
20:45-20:55Culture Crossroads
Disasters and Foreign Residents
Multilingual Portal:Japan LIFE & BOSAI
21:40-21:55Direct Talk #029
Masa Takumi Composer, Arranger
21:55-22:00Ukiyoe EDO-LIFE
Fishing for a Summer Delicacy
22:00-22:27Hometown Stories
Pearls for Remembrance
22:27-22:30Easy Japanese
#21 I'm in the clock tower.
22:30-22:35Core Kyoto mini
Woodcraft: Prominent woodgrain and refinement of use
22:35-22:50Wild Hokkaido!
Cycling Around Lake Toya
22:50-22:55Japan Time-Lapse Ainu
Ainu Houses
Free Diver in Yonagunijima
23:00-23:18NHK NEWSLINE
23:18-23:30NEWSLINE BIZ
23:30-00:00Medical Frontiers
Preventing Blindness With iPS Cells
00:00-01:00The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Emmy Award- and Grammy Award-winning comedian Jimmy Fallon brings a high-tempo energy to the storied NBC franchise with his welcoming interview style, love of audience participation, spot-on impersonations and
01:00-02:00The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Emmy Award- and Grammy Award-winning comedian Jimmy Fallon brings a high-tempo energy to the storied NBC franchise with his welcoming interview style, love of audience participation, spot-on impersonations and
02:00-03:00Meet The Press
"Meet the Press" is America's most-watched and No.
03:00-04:00Asia Squawk Box
Squawk Box Asia is CNBC?s flagship show that sets the news agenda and takes viewers through the pre-game and the opening of Asia?s business trading day, covering the top market moving stories and views from the top CEOs, asset manage
04:00-05:00Asia Squawk Box
Squawk Box Asia is CNBC?s flagship show that sets the news agenda and takes viewers through the pre-game and the opening of Asia?s business trading day, covering the top market moving stories and views from the top CEOs, asset manage
05:00-06:00Asia Squawk Box
Squawk Box Asia is CNBC?s flagship show that sets the news agenda and takes viewers through the pre-game and the opening of Asia?s business trading day, covering the top market moving stories and views from the top CEOs, asset manage
06:00-07:00Asia Street Signs
Street Signs follows the day?s biggest moves to provide CNBC?s audience with actionable, real-time insights.
07:00-08:00Asia Street Signs
Street Signs follows the day?s biggest moves to provide CNBC?s audience with actionable, real-time insights.
08:00-08:30Asia Street Signs
Street Signs follows the day?s biggest moves to provide CNBC?s audience with actionable, real-time insights.
08:30-09:00Europe Squawk Box
CNBC's flagship show leads you into and delivers the open of the European markets.
09:00-09:30Capital Connection
Hosted by Dan Murphy at NASDAQ Dubai, ?Capital Connection? gives you a reading on Asia's markets mid-day and sets you up for the Middle East and European trading day.
09:30-10:00Europe Squawk Box
CNBC's flagship show leads you into and delivers the open of the European markets.
10:00-10:30Europe Squawk Box
CNBC's flagship show leads you into and delivers the open of the European markets.
10:30-11:00Europe Squawk Box
CNBC's flagship show leads you into and delivers the open of the European markets.
11:00-11:30Europe Squawk Box
CNBC's flagship show leads you into and delivers the open of the European markets.
11:30-12:00Europe Squawk Box
CNBC's flagship show leads you into and delivers the open of the European markets.
12:00-12:30Europe Squawk Box
CNBC's flagship show leads you into and delivers the open of the European markets.
12:30-13:00Europe Squawk Box
CNBC's flagship show leads you into and delivers the open of the European markets.
13:00-13:30Street Signs
One hour into Europe?s equity session, ?Street Signs? provides the street's view and a link to business stories trending online and on social.
13:30-14:00Street Signs
One hour into Europe?s equity session, ?Street Signs? provides the street's view and a link to business stories trending online and on social.
14:00-14:30Worldwide Exchange
Broadcast from CNBC Global Headquarters in Englewood Cliffs, N.
14:30-15:00Worldwide Exchange
Broadcast from CNBC Global Headquarters in Englewood Cliffs, N.
15:00-15:30US Squawk Box
?Squawk Box? is the ultimate pre-market morning news and talk program, where the biggest names in business and politics tell their most important stories.
15:30-16:00US Squawk Box
?Squawk Box? is the ultimate pre-market morning news and talk program, where the biggest names in business and politics tell their most important stories.
16:00-16:30US Squawk Box
?Squawk Box? is the ultimate pre-market morning news and talk program, where the biggest names in business and politics tell their most important stories.
16:30-17:00US Squawk Box
?Squawk Box? is the ultimate pre-market morning news and talk program, where the biggest names in business and politics tell their most important stories.
17:00-17:30US Squawk Box
?Squawk Box? is the ultimate pre-market morning news and talk program, where the biggest names in business and politics tell their most important stories.
17:30-18:00US Squawk Box
?Squawk Box? is the ultimate pre-market morning news and talk program, where the biggest names in business and politics tell their most important stories.
18:00-18:30Squawk On The Street
Headquartered live on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) where the biggest companies in the world trade, ?Squawk On The Street? tracks the action of every stock and gives you access to the treasury, currency and com
18:30-19:00Squawk On The Street
Headquartered live on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) where the biggest companies in the world trade, ?Squawk On The Street? tracks the action of every stock and gives you access to the treasury, currency and com
19:00-19:30Squawk On The Street
Headquartered live on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) where the biggest companies in the world trade, ?Squawk On The Street? tracks the action of every stock and gives you access to the treasury, currency and com
19:30-20:00Squawk On The Street
Headquartered live on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) where the biggest companies in the world trade, ?Squawk On The Street? tracks the action of every stock and gives you access to the treasury, currency and com
20:00-20:30Money Movers
?Money Movers? provides investors with real-time analysis of the stories and the people attracting the attention of the markets each day.
20:30-21:00Money Movers
?Money Movers? provides investors with real-time analysis of the stories and the people attracting the attention of the markets each day.
21:00-21:30Halftime Report
"Fast Money Halftime Report" is the place for market moving interviews and fast-paced market analysis.
21:30-22:00Halftime Report
"Fast Money Halftime Report" is the place for market moving interviews and fast-paced market analysis.
22:00-22:30The Exchange
CNBC?s ?The Exchange? is the newsroom-based program for today?s Investor.
22:30-23:00The Exchange
CNBC?s ?The Exchange? is the newsroom-based program for today?s Investor.
23:00-23:30Power Lunch
CNBC's Tyler Mathisen and Kelly Evans take you through the heart of the business day bringing you the latest developments and instant analysis on the stocks and stories driving the day?s agenda.
23:30-00:00Power Lunch
CNBC's Tyler Mathisen and Kelly Evans take you through the heart of the business day bringing you the latest developments and instant analysis on the stocks and stories driving the day?s agenda.
00:00-00:15DW News News
DW News goes deep beneath the surface, providing the key stories from Europe and around the world.
On Location
00:30-01:00Tomorrow Today The Science Magazine
Chimpanzees communicate with each other using at least some elements that resemble spoken language, but what about locusts? Also: we look deep into space at the Pillars of Creation.
01:00-01:02DW News News
DW News goes deep beneath the surface, providing the key stories from Europe and around the world.
01:02-01:30Euromaxx Lifestyle Europe
Costume frenzy at the Moulin Rouge: behind the scenes with dancer Nora Mogalle.
01:30-02:00Arts Unveiled Experiencing and understanding the art world
Berlin - THE hotspot for spies.
02:00-02:15DW News News
DW News goes deep beneath the surface, providing the key stories from Europe and around the world.
On Location
02:30-03:00REV The Global Auto and Mobility Show
REV puts the new Audi e-tron GT prototype to the test.
03:00-03:02DW News News
DW News goes deep beneath the surface, providing the key stories from Europe and around the world.
03:02-03:30Euromaxx Lifestyle Europe
Costume frenzy at the Moulin Rouge: behind the scenes with dancer Nora Mogalle.
03:30-04:00Global Us What connects us all
Global Us What connects us all
04:00-04:15DW News News
DW News goes deep beneath the surface, providing the key stories from Europe and around the world.
04:15-04:45At the Ready with NATO - Soldiers from Thuringia Secure Eastern Flank
Keeping the war in eastern Europe away from NATO borders is one of the German Bundeswehr?s jobs.
On Location
05:00-05:02DW News News
DW News goes deep beneath the surface, providing the key stories from Europe and around the world.
05:02-05:30Eco India Tech and Tradition: The future of farming
Farmers feed the world.
05:30-06:00In Good Shape
There are more than 300 types of cancer.
06:00-06:15DW News News
DW News goes deep beneath the surface, providing the key stories from Europe and around the world.
06:15-06:30Sports Life Deutsche Welle: Flow & Frustration - The Visa Saga of Kenya?s Kayak King
Sammy Muturi has been rowing the rivers of the mighty slopes of Mt.
06:30-07:00Euromaxx Lifestyle Europe
Costume frenzy at the Moulin Rouge: behind the scenes with dancer Nora Mogalle.
07:00-07:15DW News News
DW News goes deep beneath the surface, providing the key stories from Europe and around the world.
07:15-07:45Global Us What connects us all
Global Us What connects us all
On Location
08:00-08:02DW News News
DW News goes deep beneath the surface, providing the key stories from Europe and around the world.
08:02-08:30At the Ready with NATO - Soldiers from Thuringia Secure Eastern Flank
Keeping the war in eastern Europe away from NATO borders is one of the German Bundeswehr?s jobs.
08:30-09:00Tomorrow Today The Science Magazine
Chimpanzees communicate with each other using at least some elements that resemble spoken language, but what about locusts? Also: we look deep into space at the Pillars of Creation.
09:00-09:15DW News News
DW News goes deep beneath the surface, providing the key stories from Europe and around the world.
09:15-09:30Shift Living in the Digital Age
In school, online group work is replacing classes, while teachers become YouTubers and internet stars teach students about respecting each other online.
09:30-10:00Eco Africa The Environment Magazine
Cutting the climate footprint of bricks in Uganda.
10:00-10:30DW News News
DW News goes deep beneath the surface, providing the key stories from Europe and around the world.
10:30-11:00The 77 Percent Alcoholism
Alcohol - it's a social lubricant, a way to wind down, and often initiation into adulthood.
11:00-11:30DW News News
DW News goes deep beneath the surface, providing the key stories from Europe and around the world.
11:30-11:45Shift Living in the Digital Age
In school, online group work is replacing classes, while teachers become YouTubers and internet stars teach students about respecting each other online.
On Location
12:00-12:15DW News News
DW News goes deep beneath the surface, providing the key stories from Europe and around the world.
13:00-13:30DW News News
DW News goes deep beneath the surface, providing the key stories from Europe and around the world.
13:30-14:00Eco Africa The Environment Magazine
Cutting the climate footprint of bricks in Uganda.
14:00-14:30DW News News
DW News goes deep beneath the surface, providing the key stories from Europe and around the world.
14:30-15:00Global Us What connects us all
Global Us What connects us all
15:00-15:15DW News News
DW News goes deep beneath the surface, providing the key stories from Europe and around the world.
15:15-16:00Purunga - The Man of the Cliffs
There are men on this planet who challenge death every day to feed their families.
16:00-16:15DW News News
DW News goes deep beneath the surface, providing the key stories from Europe and around the world.
16:15-16:30Best of DW-online Content
Best of DW-online Content
16:30-17:00The 77 Percent Alcoholism
Alcohol - it's a social lubricant, a way to wind down, and often initiation into adulthood.
17:00-17:30DW News News
DW News goes deep beneath the surface, providing the key stories from Europe and around the world.
17:30-18:00Tomorrow Today The Science Magazine
Chimpanzees communicate with each other using at least some elements that resemble spoken language, but what about locusts? Also: we look deep into space at the Pillars of Creation.
18:00-18:15DW News News
DW News goes deep beneath the surface, providing the key stories from Europe and around the world.
19:00-19:30DW News News
DW News goes deep beneath the surface, providing the key stories from Europe and around the world.
19:30-20:00Global Us What connects us all
Global Us What connects us all
20:00-20:30DW News News
DW News goes deep beneath the surface, providing the key stories from Europe and around the world.
20:30-21:00Arts Unveiled Experiencing and understanding the art world
Berlin - THE hotspot for spies.
21:00-21:15DW News News
DW News goes deep beneath the surface, providing the key stories from Europe and around the world.
21:15-21:45Close up
The weekly half-hour program delivers in-depth reporting on topical political issues and newsworthy events.
On Location
22:00-22:15DW News News
DW News goes deep beneath the surface, providing the key stories from Europe and around the world.
22:15-22:30Best of DW-online Content
Best of DW-online Content
22:30-23:00Global Us What connects us all
Global Us What connects us all
23:00-23:30DW News News
DW News goes deep beneath the surface, providing the key stories from Europe and around the world.
23:30-00:00The Day News in Review
The Day News in Review
Nyheter från Sverige och världen.
00:05-00:20Standup sketch show
Vi får se några av Anis Don Deminas roligaste situationer som han hamnat i, allt från tv-soffan till nattklubb och flygplanskabin.
00:20-01:05Bäst i test England
Brittiskt underhållningsprogram från 2022.
01:05-02:05Seriemördaren i Wales
Brittisk kriminalserie från 2023.
06:15-07:00Landet runt
Den ständiga resan genom Sverige.
Dagens viktigaste nyheter och analyser med täta uppdateringar.
11:00-11:20Kotijumppaa Sofian kanssa
Liikunta-asiantuntija Sofia Åhman antaa vinkkejä liikuntamuodoista, joita voi harjoittaa kotona.
11:20-11:50Sportspegeln: Sveriges nya ryttarstjärna
Veckomagasin med reportage, gäster, fördjupningar och senaste nytt från sportens värld.
Ruotsalainen puutarhaohjelma.
12:50-13:35Landet runt
Den ständiga resan genom Sverige.
Farah Abadi gästas av Edward af Sillén, manusförfattare och regissör i underhållningsbranschen, nu senast för Eurovision Song Contest.
14:05-14:50Komiker utan gränser
Nu ska komikerna bland annat få hjälp med sin hicka, ramla så många gånger som möjligt, skaffa ny fotograf och prata med folk - med en Tomas Ledin-text som manus.
14:50-15:50Bäst när det gäller
Träningslägret i Albufeira avslutas och friidrottssäsongen utomhus 2023 drar igång.
Brittisk serie från 2016. Säsong 2.
16:40-17:35Hotell Portofino
Säsong 1, 3/6. Den lättsamma semesterstämningen döljer många hemligheter.
17:35-18:30Ivar Kreuger
Svensk dramaserie från 1998.
18:30-19:00Sverige idag
Nyheter från hela Sverige - direkt från Umeå.
Nyheter från Sverige och världen.
Nyhetsprogram om kultur
Senaste nytt i sportvärlden.
19:33-19:45Lokala nyheter
Nyheter från SVT:s lokala redaktioner.
19:45-20:15Kronprins Haakon 50 år
Hur är det att fylla 50 och en dag bli kung? En intervju med kronprins Haakon av Norge om livet, monarkin - och hiphop.
20:15-20:30Sveriges musikhistoria
Maskinerna ger och tar, eller behöver man en själ för att skapa musik?
Nyheter från Sverige och världen.
20:55-21:00Lokala nyheter
Nyheter från SVT:s lokala redaktioner.
21:00-21:50Gift vid första ögonkastet
?Vad som helst kan egentligen både vända och hända?. Med varsin husbil åker paren till sin gemensamma helg.
21:50-22:00Gift vid första ögonkastet ? Eftersnacket
?En jävla parhelg ni utsätter dem för?. Dags att prata parhelg! Helle har bjudit in de tidigare deltagarna Ida och Alex som ger oss ett unikt inifrånperspektiv.
22:00-23:00Barnmorskan i East End
Bostadskrisen i Poplar blir allt svårare, samtidigt som en smittsam sjukdom börjar spridas.
23:00-23:10Lokala nyheter
Nyheter från SVT:s lokala redaktioner.
23:10-23:40Fotbollsstudion: Allsvenskan 2024: Prestigekampen
Magasinsprogram om Allsvenskan i fotboll, med det bästa från veckans omgång.
Nyheter från Sverige och världen.
23:45-00:00Röster från Asien
23:20-00:20Dokument utifrån: Boris Johnsons uppgång och fall
Brittisk dokumentärserie från 2024.
Gudstjänst från Gammalkils kyrka, Östergötland.
01:05-01:35Kroppen, psyket och livet
Förändras personligheten? De identiska tvillingarna Jouni och Ilkka Räisänen har väldigt olika personligheter och funderar mycket på hur de kunde bli så olika.
01:35-02:05Skolan på Island
Undervisning och lärare.
09:00-09:16Kortfilmsklubben - engelska
Take me home.
09:16-09:30Kulturkvarten på jiddisch
Bokmässan 2023 hade judiskt tema och det fanns mycket att välja på för besökarna; allt från boksamtal och föreläsningar till en musikföreställning för barn på jiddisch.
09:30-09:50Livet runt 20
10:00-13:00SVT Forum
Politiska seminarier, debatter och föreläsningar.
Rapport är Sveriges största nyhetsprogram.
13:03-17:00SVT Forum
Politiska seminarier, debatter och föreläsningar.
Rapport är Sveriges största nyhetsprogram.
Mästerkocken Anders Samuelsson försöker lära köksnovisen Johan Lundström allt från knivvett till vispning i ett hemmakök som osar av skönt snack och grundläggande hemkunskap.
17:20-17:30Anders matresa
Kocken Anders Samuelsson reser genom Sverige för att upptäcka nya smaker och spännande råvaror.
Gudstjänst från Gammalkils kyrka, Östergötland.
18:15-18:3015 minuter från Sápmi
Aktuella och angelägna frågor som berör Sápmi. Fördjupande reportage och samtal i studion.
18:30-18:35Nyheter på lätt svenska
Nyheter på lätt svenska är ett program för alla som behöver nyheter på ett enklare språk.
Nyheter på teckenspråk.
Finskspråkiga nyheter.
18:55-19:00Ögonblick från Svalbard
Med bilder hämtade från en nio dagar lång slow tv-sändning får vi uppleva Svalbard på nära håll
Vilka av hemvändarna stannar och vem tvingas fara söderut igen? För Isak, Sanne och lilla Serafina avgör hockeyn.
19:30-20:00Möte med (romani)
Romska modet.
Det är äntligen dags för den efterlängtade förvandlingen.
Antikhandlare åker land och rike runt i jakten på gömda och glömda skatter.
21:00-22:00Vetenskapens värld: Föda hemma
Hur bra, eller dåligt, är det egentligen att föda hemma? Och kan det finnas risker som är större om man föder på sjukhus än hemma? Vi får här träffa både forskarna och mammorna, och följer rörelsen som jobbar för att g
SVT:s fördjupande nyhetsprogram.
Nyhetsprogram om kultur
De senaste sportnyheterna, analyserna och fördjupningarna.
23:30-00:00Kroppen, psyket och livet
Lek dig till kreativitet.
23:15-01:20Hitman's Apprentice
Anna blev som barn räddad av den legendariske lönnmördaren Moody och skolades i familjeyrket.
01:20-03:35Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines
Ett årtionde har gått sedan John Connor var med och slogs för att förhindra domedagen och rädda mänskligheten.
03:35-04:40Alert: Missing Persons Unit
MPU letar efter en Benjamin Franklin-fantast efter att han försvunnit på ett misstänkt sätt.
04:40-05:50Summer House
Lindsay ordnar en episk, skruvad sagolik födelsedagsfest för att fira att hon fyller 35. När Austen anländer är Ciara inte den enda prinsessan i huset som har ögonen på denna charmiga prins från södern.
05:50-07:00Svenska Truckers
Max som kör sopbil har en hektisk morgon inne i Stockholms innerstad.
07:00-07:50Hoarder House Flippers
Heather har överraskat Nathan genom att köpa ett hus utan att berätta för honom, och detta hus är ett av de mest motbjudande projekten de har gjort hittills.
07:50-08:45Pacific Blue
Ett par tvillingar dödar människor som stör dem.
08:45-09:35Svenska Truckers
Mattias ska först hämta kvigor i Enköping och sen plocka upp en tjur på Ljusterö, vilket inte visar sig vara helt lätt.
09:35-10:30Masterchef USA
Christine Ha, vinnare av säsong 3, återvänder till MasterChef-köket för att delta i en utmaning med en mystisk låda där kockarna måste tillaga en Michelin-stjärnerätt med vietnamesiska ingredienser.
10:30-11:30Stugfixarna Norge
Inredningsdesigner Halvor åker till Oppdal, med sitt fantastiska team Mikkel, Gustav och Thomas, för att renovera upp en stuga i Våttahaugen.
11:30-12:35NCIS: Hawai'i
När en japansk sjöman dödas på amerikansk mark och bevisen kopplar fallet till det tidigare mordet på offrets flickvän i Japan, måste NCIS hitta mördaren innan fallet utlöser en diplomatisk kris.
Julia och Peter lever i ett renoveringskaos.
13:45-14:50Vanderpump Rules
Lala och Katie blir arga på Raquel för att hon hånglat med Oliver.
14:50-15:55Below Deck Mediterranean
Förhållanden sätts på prov under en vild kväll.
15:55-16:55NCIS: Hawai'i
När Tennant och NCIS får i uppdrag att hitta en kidnappad influencer får de reda på att hon inte är den som hennes make eller hennes följare tror att hon är.
16:55-18:00The Mentalist
I dagens nervkittlande avsnitt misstänker Lisbon att en geologs hastiga bortgång kan hjälpa teamet att fälla Tommy Volker.
18:00-19:00Below Deck Mediterranean
Efter en tumultartad natt på Ibiza kämpar Rob och Jess för att försonas.
Johan - en kärleksfull far till två tjejer som lämnades av sin fru, tillsammans med alla deras lån med dåliga villkor.
Chandlers kärleksromansläsande mamma kommer till New York för att hälsa på, och Joey kommer på henne när hon kysser Ross.
Monica ger Paolo en av det dussin lasagner hon lagat åt sin faster som inte vill ha dem längre eftersom det är kött i dem.
21:00-22:00Svenska Truckers
21-årige Emil från Skellefteå som kör specialtransporter får problem med elektriciteten till bakhjulens styrning och när han väl kommer iväg märker han plötsligt att bilen beter sig märkligt.
Driftcentralen ringer Niclas och Simon om ett akut ärende där flera träd hamnat på en högspänningsledning.
23:00-00:00Svenska fall
I augusti 2017 knivmördas en 55-årig förskollärare brutalt vid en återvinningsstation i Surahammar.
Beck är ett svenskt kriminaldrama om polisen Beck och hans kollegor som bygger på Sjöwall-Wahlöös klassiska deckare.
01:05-02:05Vem dödade Agneta? - Mysteriet i Mistekärr
En höstdag 2008 hittas 63-åriga Agneta död vid en sjö i Småland.
02:05-03:05Kalla fakta
Svenskt granskande samhällsmagasin från 2019.
Ett par är desperata efter ett större boende.
Phil hjälper ett par från Hertford som vill ha ett lantligt hus.
05:05-06:10En plats i solen
Denise och Stephen vill köpa sitt första gemensamma hem.
06:10-06:35Hem till gården
Älskad långkörare om livet i den engelska byn Emmerdale.
06:35-06:45Kökets middagstips
Siri Barje lagar sommarens fräschaste och godaste sallad med quinoa, färsk grön sparris, krämig burrata och söta persikor som vänds runt tillsammans med en enkel citronvinägrett.
I Nyhetsmorgon måndag: Så samverkar EU mot valpåverkan ? Berättelsen om den sista mammutens öde ? Benjamin Ingrosso aktuell i ny dokumentär
13:00-13:10TV4 Nyheterna
TV4 Nyheterna och Sporten med senaste nytt, analyser, debatter och fördjupning.
13:10-13:15TV4 Vädret
Meteorologerna på TV4 presenterar väderprognosen.
13:15-13:25Kökets middagstips
Matlagningsserie där det bjuds på enkla snabblagade recept
13:25-13:55Hem till gården
Älskad långkörare om livet i den engelska byn Emmerdale.
13:55-15:00Bytt är bytt
Shirley Clamp och Daniel Paris bjuder på ett rafflande spel.
15:00-16:00En plats i solen
Brittisk livsstilsserie om britter som söker efter sitt nya hem.
16:00-16:55En plats i solen
Brittisk livsstilsserie om britter som söker efter sitt nya hem.
16:55-18:00Grand Designs Nya Zeeland
Nyzeeländskt livsstilsprogram från 2017.
18:00-20:00Efter fem
Svenskt aktualitetsprogram från 2024.
20:00-20:20TV4 Nyheterna
TV4 Nyheterna och Sporten med senaste nytt, analyser, debatter och fördjupning.
20:20-20:30TV4 Vädret
Meteorologerna på TV4 presenterar väderprognosen.
Svensk realityserie där deltagarna testas i det sociala spelet.
21:00-22:00Bonde söker fru - Jorden runt
Svensk reality från 2024.
22:00-23:00Bachelorette Sverige
Svensk realityserie från 2024.
23:00-23:40TV4 Nyheterna och Sporten
TV4 Nyheterna och Sporten med senaste nytt, analyser, debatter och fördjupning.
Ger dig dagens stora ekonominyheter och hur de påverkar din plånbok.
23:55-00:00TV4 Vädret
Meteorologerna på TV4 presenterar väderprognosen.
23:45-01:55Terminator Salvation
Efter domedagen och maskinernas övertagande måste John Connor, vars öde det är att leda människornas motståndskamp, göra motanfall mot Skynet som planerar att utrota mänskligheten.
01:55-02:55Börje - The Journey of a Legend
Börjes liv är upp-och-ned, och till råga på allt det nya upptäcker han en ordentlig språkbarriär mellan sig och de nya lagkamraterna.
02:55-04:00Börje - The Journey of a Legend
Börje kämpar att balansera karriär och familjeliv.
04:00-05:00Quantum Leap
Ben landar i kroppen på en 18-åring som arbetar i sin fars skoaffär i Koreatown i Los Angeles i början av de explosiva kravallerna 1992.
05:00-06:00Quantum Leap
På Princeton University 1955 måste Ben hitta en formel som Albert Einstein gömt och som är nyckeln till kärnkraft innan nazisterna får tag på den.
06:00-06:30Family Guy
Stewie konstruerar en "Terminator" Peter-robot för att förgöra Lois som försöker ge honom broccoli, men när saker och ting inte går enligt planerna måste Stewie och Brian ge sig ut på ett uppdrag.
06:30-07:00Family Guy
Säsong 20 av ?Family Guy? är knasigare än någonsin.
07:00-07:30Våra värsta år
När Al och Peggy går på en basketmatch byter Peggy plats med Al och då blir hennes plats vald att vara med i en straffkaststävling.
07:30-08:05Våra värsta år
Al hjälper en före detta flickvän att handskas med en ung kille och hans gäng.
08:05-08:35Fresh Prince i Bel-Air
Will försöker tala om för sin mamma att han inte vill flytta hem till Philadelphia med henne efter high school.
08:35-09:05Fresh Prince i Bel-Air
Will och Carlton övertygar Geoffrey om att han har vunnit flera miljoner dollar på ett lotteri.
Amerikansk komediserie från 2009
Gänget upptäcker att Jeff har en ny tjej trots att han gör sitt bästa för att hålla förhållandet hemligt.
10:05-11:00Mountain Men
Martys jakt på de höga altituderna för honom till de farliga topparna på Kodiak Island.
11:00-12:00Mountain Men
Tidig tö väcker björnarna flera veckor innan det egentligen är dags för dem. Jasons husjakt är äntligen över.
12:00-13:00Magnum P.I.
När Magnum vägrar att acceptera den ökände gangsterbossen Osi Shimas begäran om att hitta hans försvunna son får Magnum reda på att han har blivit förgiftad.
13:00-13:55Magnum P.I.
Mamman till en misstänkt bombman anlitar Magnum och Higgins för att hitta hennes tonårige son och överlämna honom till myndigheterna.
13:55-14:25Young Rock
Miami, 1997: När Dwayne återhämtar sig från en skada fattar han ett livsavgörande beslut ? och när han återvänder till WWF tar han en stor risk.
14:25-15:00Young Rock
Hawaii, 1985: Ata hamnar i konflikt med sin rival i Lias brottningsverksamhet.
While You Were Sleeping.
16:00-16:30The Junk Mail
Jerry skaffar sig en ny bil genom en barndomskamrat.
16:30-17:15Hockey-VM Studio: Förstudio
Ishockey-VM studio.
17:15-19:45Hockey-VM: Sverige-Frankrike
Gruppspel. Från Ostravar Arena, Ostrava. (20/5-24)
19:45-20:15Hockey-VM Studio: Efterstudio
Ishockey-VM studio.
20:15-21:00Verstappen - Lion Unleashed 2
Max Verstappen, hans far Jos, hans manager Raymond Vermeulen och David Coulthard ser tillbaka på holländarens enastående och rekordartade säsong 2022 som gav honom sitt andra världsmästerskap.
21:00-21:15Hockey-VM Studio: Förstudio
Ishockey-VM studio.
21:15-23:45Hockey-VM: Finland-Danmark
Gruppspel. Från O2 Arena, Prag. (20/5-24)
Jim Street tillhör Los Angeles poliskår och drömmer om att bli befordrad till enhetens insatsstyrka.
23:50-00:20Rostiga roadtrips
Med en av världens minsta lastbilar ska vännerna korsa Alperna på sin väg mot Italien, där bilfantasten William väntar med stora planer.
00:20-00:5030 dagar i fängelse
Svensk dokumentärserie ffrån 2024.
Svensk dokumentärserie från 2024.
01:20-02:20EU-val 2024: Toppkandidaterna
Partiernas toppkandidater inför EU-valet svarar på väljarnas frågor i en direktsändning från Umeå. Medverkande Helene Fritzon (S), Alice Bah Kuhnke (MP), Alice Teodorescu Måwe (KD) och Karin Karlsbro (L). Programledare:
07:00-07:05Greta Gris
Fru Kanins avslappningsgrupp.
07:05-07:15Regnbågsstadens hjälte
Bakom ridån. När Kokos hjärta börjar glöda rycker Regnbågsstadens hjälte ut för att hjälpa stora som små.
07:15-07:30Charlie och Lola
Tecknad småbarnsserie.
07:30-07:35Heja! Heja! Billy Bilsson
Häng med Billy och lillasyster Chrissy på äventyr i Stötfångarstad.
Långt in i framtiden åker Astronella och hennes vänner på spännande upptäcktsfärder och äventyr.
07:50-08:00Daniel Tigers kvarter
Daniel Tiger leker med vännerna i sitt kvarter och lär sig saker som är viktiga för att förstå andra människor och världen han växer upp i.
08:00-08:05Greta Gris
08:05-08:10Fåret Shaun
När bonden inte ser på blir djuren sina riktiga jag. Detta avsnitt: Ulv i fårakläder.
Följ med till forntiden, när Vegetasaurierna dominerade världen!
08:15-08:30PAW Patrol
Inget jobb är för stort, ingen valp är för liten!
På natten förvandlas Oscar, Amanda och Jens till de tre pyjamashjältarna Kattpojken, Ugglis och Gecko.
Bluey är en sexårig hund som gör vardagen till ett äventyr.
08:50-09:00Karl, den pyttelilla riddaren
Även den som är väldigt liten kan utföra stordåd!
09:00-09:10Paddingtons äventyr
Paddington upplever snön.
Animerat undervattensäventyr.
09:25-09:35Biet Maya
Vilken trevlig geting.
Elefanten Mumfie bor på en liten ö där det alltid är nära till vänner och äventyr.
Tecknad film för alla barn.
09:50-10:00Lilla prinsessan
Tecknad brittisk serie om en nyfiken och vetgirig prinsessa.
Tilde är tjejen som tillsammans med sin hund och sina vänner utforskar världen med hjälp av sina teknikprylar.
Häng med kompisarna Esme och Roy - de bästa monsterbarnvaktarna i stan - när de får monsterstora och -små problem på halsen!
En natt i skogen.
Flera ledtrådar har dykt upp under sökandet efter Ante och Fontannes farmor och farfar men de är långt ifrån säkra på var de kan befinnna sig.
11:20-11:45Vilse i Oz
Gå dädan.
11:45-12:05Zorro - legenden föds
Magi. Det var en gång en maskerad hjälte som kämpade för fred och rättvisa - och ristade sitt märke på de som stod i vägen!.
12:05-12:35Space Nova
Det är år 2162 och rymdäventyren för tvillingarna Adelaide och Sid Nova är precis på väg att börja, på riktigt!
Ön. Spännande äventyr med fyra små dinosaurier och en jättestor Gigantosaurus.
12:45-13:00Andys dinosaurie-äventyr
Cynodonten och laven.
13:00-13:05Humlan Djojj - finska
Längtan efter vatten.
13:05-13:10Tripp, Trapp, Träd-sagor på finska
Molang är en glad och energisk kanin vars bästa vän är kycklingen Piu Piu.
13:15-13:25Thomas och vännerna
Thomas är varken det största eller snabbaste tåget men han vill bli det bästa tåget han kan bli! Tillsammans med sina vänner älskar han att vara på äventyr eller bara ha kul.
13:25-13:35Urheat pupuset
Urheat pikku pupuset Popo ja Pom seikkailevat maailmalla isän, äidin ja neljän pikkusisaruksen kanssa.
13:35-14:00Pippi Långstrump
Tv-serie från 1969.
14:00-14:15Andys förhistoriska äventyr
Håll i hatten - Andy ska ut på nya äventyr! Den här omgången till olika förhistoriska åldrar och arter.
14:15-14:30Andys akvatiska äventyr
Andy och Teja är tillbaka för att ge er nya episka äventyr, den här gången med kopplingar till vatten! Häng med och utforska över hela världen för att hitta både kända och okända vattenlevande djur!
14:30-14:35Affe experimenterar - meänkieli
Experimentprogram för 5-åringar på meänkieli.
14:35-14:40Affe experimenterar - meänkieli
Professorn Affe gör roliga och spännande experiment som barn kan göra hemma tillsammans med en vuxen.
14:40-14:45Affe experimenterar - meänkieli
Experimentprogram för 5-åringar på meänkieli.
14:45-14:55Safirdrakens krafter
Fransk animerad äventyrsserie från 2012.
15:20-15:45Malory Towers
Livet på internatskolan Malory Towers går vidare för Darrell och henns klasskamrater.
Världen är i fara. Hur ska kaos kunna förhindras?
16:05-16:25100 saker att göra före high school
CJ och hennes två bästa vänner känner pressen av att high school börjar närma sig.
Australisk äventyrsserie i 26 delar.
16:50-17:15Big Top Academy
Nicholas familj är återförenad och allt fokus är tillbaka på att fila på cirkuskonsterna inför de kommande föreställningarna.
Australisk komediserie.
17:40-17:50Den ostoppbara gula yetin
En gul yeti som bästis? Kan det bli bättre!?
Se det snöar.
18:00-18:15Ett fall för KLURO
Mycket möda med mat.
18:15-18:25Charlie och Lola
Tecknad småbarnsserie.
18:25-18:30Greta Gris
Greta är en glatt grymtande liten gris som bor med mamma Gris, pappa Gris och lillebror Georg.
18:30-18:45Uppdrag framtid
Rent vatten i Floda.
18:45-18:50Grejen med demokrati
Mina vill veta vad grejen med fria medier och tryckfrihet är.
18:50-19:00Mitt liv som grej
Fanny slänger sin boll men missar papperskorgen.
Hur fungerar ett hjärta? Det dunkar och pumpar blodet runt i kroppen men hur fungerar egentligen ett hjärta? Det undrar Greta och Tamara när de ber Sylvester att hoppa ner i röret för att landa inuti kroppen på en människa.
19:05-19:30Sofia den första
Tecknad amerikansk serie från 2013.
Humoristisk dramaserie från 2014.
19:45-20:15Space Nova
Det är år 2162 och rymdäventyren för tvillingarna Adelaide och Sid Nova är precis på väg att börja, på riktigt!
20:15-20:25Lilla Aktuellt
Dagens viktigaste nyheter för unga tittare.
En osannolik slump.
Patu on Lolan koira, joka joutuu mitä erilaisimpiin selkkauksiin yrittäessään estää omistajaansa joutumasta pulaan.
21:00-21:50Gift vid första ögonkastet
?Vad som helst kan egentligen både vända och hända?. Med varsin husbil åker paren till sin gemensamma helg.
21:50-22:00Gift vid första ögonkastet - Eftersnacket
?En jävla parhelg ni utsätter dem för?. Dags att prata parhelg! Helle har bjudit in de tidigare deltagarna Ida och Alex som ger oss ett unikt inifrånperspektiv.
22:00-23:00Bäst när det gäller
Träningslägret i Albufeira avslutas och friidrottssäsongen utomhus 2023 drar igång.
23:00-23:45Komiker utan gränser
Nu ska komikerna bland annat få hjälp med sin hicka, ramla så många gånger som möjligt, skaffa ny fotograf och prata med folk - med en Tomas Ledin-text som manus.
23:45-00:00Standup sketch show
Vi får se några av Anis Don Deminas roligaste situationer som han hamnat i, allt från tv-soffan till nattklubb och flygplanskabin.
23:30-00:30Röda arméns uppgång och fall
Det stora fosterländska kriget.
00:30-01:20Resor längs vackra floder
Yukonfloden i Nordamerika.
01:20-01:55Team Bachstad
Norjalaisessa matkailusarjassa reissataan pitkin maailmaa huumorimielellä. (Team Bachstad. NRK, Norja 2012 - 2022)
16:00-17:05Föreläsningar på meänkieli
Föreningen Meänmaa arrangerade en dag om kultur och språket meänkieli tillsammans med kulturprofilen Bengt Pohjanen.
17:05-17:20Humanist- och teologdagen 2024
Lite paraffin här och en plastisk operation där.
17:20-18:00NMT-dagarna 2024
När jorden lyser upp - konsekvenserna av ljusförorening.
18:00-18:55Arkeologi och ny teknik
Det osynliga kommunicerar.
18:55-20:40Handboll: SM-finaler: IK Sävehof-Ystads IF, 1:5
Den första matchen i herrarnas SM-finalserie i handboll mellan IK Sävehof och Ystads IF, som avgörs i bäst av fem matcher.
20:40-21:25Maailman kauneimmat rautatiematkat
Sarjassa matkataan junan kyydissä maailman upeimpien maisemien halki.
21:25-22:15Resor längs vackra floder
Suwannee i USA.
22:15-23:30Skuggkaffe, rättvisa och miljö
Kaffe som odlas i skuggan från gamla träd i regnskog kan inte bara påverka det lokala samhället positivt, utan både stoppa avskogning och skydda utrotningshotade fågelarter.
23:30-00:20Joanna Lumleys storstadsäventyr
Mode och revolt i Paris.
00:00-00:458 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown
Jimmy Carr juontaa.
00:45-01:45Life in Colour with David Attenborough
David Attenborough kertoo, miten huikeilla tavoilla jotkut eläimet käyttävät värejä piiloutuakseen tai sulautuakseen ympäristöönsä.
Metsät tarjoavat kodin kahdelle kolmasosalle kaikista nisäkäslajeista, joita asuu aina aluskasvillisuudesta korkeimpiin puunlatvoihin.
02:40-03:30Järvellä Simon Reeven kanssa
Simon Reeve matkaa upean Lake District -kansallispuiston ja Cumbrian maakunnan halki ja ihastelee sen vuoria, jääkautisia laaksoja ja 16:tta järveä.
03:30-04:25Antiikki Roadshow
Birminghamin Aston Hallissa arvioitavia aarteita ovat Kaislikossa suhisee -hahmot, Aston Villan pelaajan keräilyesineet ja uraauurtavan vuoristokiipeilijän tavarat.
04:25-05:20Antiikki Roadshow
Edinburghin kuninkaallisessa kasvitieteellisessä puutarhassa arvioidaan mm.
05:20-06:10Antiikki Roadshow
Somersetin Wellsissä käydään piispanpalatsissa, missä arvioitavia aarteita ovat arvokas sormus Thaimaasta sekä pubin muistolaatta, jolla saattaa olla kansallista merkitystä.
06:10-07:008 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown
Jimmy Carr juontaa.
Sandi Toksvig katsoo kuvia vierainaan Alan Davies, Hannah Gadsby, Noel Fielding ja Joe Lycett.
07:30-08:25Antiikki Roadshow
Richmondin Ham Housessa arvioitavia aarteita ovat kompostipussista löytyneet korut, Derek Jarmanin taideteos ja Apollo-Soyuz -avaruusmatkan kunniaksi tehty Omega-kello.
08:25-09:10Elämä nollan alapuolella
Alaskalaiset rikkovat jälkensä ja metsästävät selviytymistään julman talven loppupuolella.
09:10-09:55Where the Wild Men Are with Ben Fogle
Ben Fogle tapaa Rhona Mitran, joka on vaihtanut kotinsa Hollywoodissa syrjäiseen maalaistaloon Uruguayssa.
09:55-10:40Maailman kauneimmat rautatiematkat
Jaksossa matkustetaan supernopealla junalla Bergenistä Osloon.
Tietokilpailu, jossa osallistujat yrittävät saada mahdollisimman vähän pisteitä keksimällä vastauksia, joita kukaan muu ei keksi.
Sandi Toksvig puhuttaa panelisteja aiheista julkinen ja yksityinen, vierainaan Alan Davies, Victoria Coren Mitchell, Phill Jupitus ja Bridget Christie.
Sandi Toksvig katsoo kuvia vierainaan Alan Davies, Hannah Gadsby, Noel Fielding ja Joe Lycett.
12:25-13:10Elämä nollan alapuolella
Alaskalaiset rikkovat jälkensä ja metsästävät selviytymistään julman talven loppupuolella.
13:10-13:55Where the Wild Men Are with Ben Fogle
Ben Fogle tapaa Rhona Mitran, joka on vaihtanut kotinsa Hollywoodissa syrjäiseen maalaistaloon Uruguayssa.
13:55-14:50Antiikki Roadshow
Richmondin Ham Housessa arvioitavia aarteita ovat kompostipussista löytyneet korut, Derek Jarmanin taideteos ja Apollo-Soyuz -avaruusmatkan kunniaksi tehty Omega-kello.
14:50-15:35Maailman kauneimmat rautatiematkat
Jaksossa matkustetaan supernopealla junalla Bergenistä Osloon.
Sandi Toksvig puhuttaa panelisteja aiheista julkinen ja yksityinen, vierainaan Alan Davies, Victoria Coren Mitchell, Phill Jupitus ja Bridget Christie.
Sandi Toksvig katsoo kuvia vierainaan Alan Davies, Hannah Gadsby, Noel Fielding ja Joe Lycett.
16:35-17:20Elämä nollan alapuolella
Alaskalaiset ottavat muutoksen avosylin vastaan, kun talven jäinen ote arktisesta alueesta alkaa hellittää.
17:20-18:05Ben Fogle: Kadonneet maailmat
Ben tutustuu Kalifornian aavikolla Slab Cityn vaihtoehtoyhteisön elämään.
18:05-19:00Antiikki Roadshow
Northumberlandin Woodhorn-museo on entinen hiilikaivos.
19:00-19:50The Great British Bake Off S09E09
Kausi 9, 9/10. Herkullinen semifinaali.
Sarja -
19:50-20:45The Great British Sewing Bee
Kahdeksan ompelijaa kokoontuu ateljeeseen alus- ja yöasujen viikolle.
Tietokilpailu, jossa osallistujat yrittävät saada mahdollisimman vähän pisteitä keksimällä vastauksia, joita kukaan muu ei keksi.
Paneelivisailu, jossa kuuluisat vieraat vastaavat kysymyksiin yrittäen välttää yleisiä väärinkäsityksiä ja urbaanilegendoita.
Sandi Toksvig menee piknikille vierainaan Alan Davies, Romesh Ranganathan, Rachel Parris ja Richard Osman.
22:30-23:00Would I Lie To You?
Rob Brydon ja joukkueenjohtajat Lee Mack ja David Mitchell tarjoilevat 14. tuotantokauden parhaat palat.
23:00-23:508 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown
Jimmy Carr juontaa.
23:50-00:35Livenä Apollossa
Tässä juhlavassa erikoispainoksessa upea Rosie Jones tuo lavalle Eshaan Akbarin ja Cally Beatonin.
00:00-00:10This Day In History
This Day is a daily show that takes you back in history.
In this episode: managing your weight.
00:25-00:30English 911
In this episode: 1) HAD BETTER versus WOULD RATHER; 2) the difference between: BRING UP / BRING ABOUT / BRING OUT; 3) APOLOGIZE TO versus APOLOGIZE FOR.
00:30-00:35English 911
In this episode: 1) POLITICS versus POLICY; 2) NO LONGER versus ANY LONGER; 3) TECHNIQUE versus TECHNOLOGY.
00:35-00:40English 911
In this episode: 1) BIANNUAL versus BIENNIAL; 2) SALARY versus WAGES; 3) COOKER versus COOK.
Time has changed, as well as the things that surround us.
01:00-03:00Feature Film
Feature Film
03:00-05:00Feature Film
Feature Film
05:00-05:10English United
Creative American teacher and blogger Luke Priddy introduces the intricacies of the American English and the cultural specifics of the United States.
05:10-05:203 Ways2
3Ways2 is a programme for those who are keen to master various stylistic layers of the English language to express thoughts appropriately depending on the situation.
05:20-05:30English In Focus
In this episode, you will learn several useful set expressions with the noun ?Knife?.
05:30-05:35English 911
In this episode: 1) Adverse versus Averse; 2) Along versus A long; 3) an idiom ?backseat driver.?
05:35-05:40English 911
In this episode: 1) the difference between: ALL TOGETHER/ALTOGETHER; 2) AISLE versus ISLE; 3) an idiom 'BARKING AT THE WRONG TREE.
05:40-06:00English 911
In this episode: 1) the difference between CONFIRM/CONFORM; 2) IN REGARD TO versus AS REGARDS; 3) the meaning of ?STAGE-PHONING.
06:00-06:05Art Land
Did you know that you can create pictures not only with paints? Plasticine, sand, flour, and even? shaving cream ? all of these can be used to create masterpieces of children?s art.
06:05-06:10Art Land
Did you know that you can create pictures not only with paints? Plasticine, sand, flour, and even? shaving cream ? all of these can be used to create masterpieces of children?s art.
06:10-06:20Crafty Hands
Little inventors will be able to enrich their vocabulary and make a toy for their very own collection.
In this episode, you will learn the names of some animals that live at the zoo. In today's episode, 'At the Zoo.'
06:30-06:40Once Upon A Time
A collection of animated stories and fairy tales for children and their parents.
06:40-06:45Word Party
?Word Party? ? a video dictionary for your kids.
06:45-06:50Word Party
?Word Party? ? a video dictionary for your kids.
06:50-07:00English Playtime
Main characters of the show - sweet Melanie, determined Grace, focused Sam and naughty Tommy - will help you to do it.
07:00-07:15Magic Science
This episode is about light.
07:15-07:25Yummy For Mummy
In this episode our little chefs will cook Burritos.
07:25-07:35Yummy For Mummy
In this episode our little chefs will cook Mini Trifles.
07:35-07:40Kids In Action
This episode is about playing rounders.
07:40-07:45Kids In Action
This episode is about making bracelets.
07:45-08:00Alfred & Wilfred
Go on an adventure with Alfred and Wilfred!
08:00-08:05Simple Phrases
Simple Phrases ? a series of animated episodes aimed at improving spoken English skills based on situational dialogues.
08:05-08:10Life Around
In this episode, you'll learn a number of expressions needed to describe everything that happens during a business lunch on a workday.
08:10-08:20City Grammar
In this episode: visit fabulous Queen Mary?s Gardens and learn how to use the pointing words when describing objects.
08:20-08:25Basic Lexis
Basic Lexis is the programme for those who start learning the language. Learn the most essential vocabulary.
08:25-08:30Basic Lexis
Basic Lexis is the programme for those who start learning the language. Learn the most essential vocabulary.
08:30-08:35Step By Step
Let?s learn the basic vocabulary for everyday situations.
08:35-08:40Step By Step
Let?s learn the basic vocabulary for everyday situations.
08:40-08:45Step By Step
Let?s learn the basic vocabulary for everyday situations.
08:45-08:50Step By Step
Let?s learn the basic vocabulary for everyday situations.
08:50-08:55Step By Step
Let?s learn the basic vocabulary for everyday situations.
08:55-09:00Step By Step
Let?s learn the basic vocabulary for everyday situations.
09:00-09:15Mojo Morning
Wake up with our anchormen and get supply of energy for the whole day.
09:15-09:20All About
All About is a highly-informative educational program which provides interesting facts from every topic imaginable: science, politics, history, art, sports, society and more.
09:20-09:25All About
All About is a highly-informative educational program which provides interesting facts from every topic imaginable: science, politics, history, art, sports, society and more.
09:25-09:30All About
All About is a highly-informative educational program which provides interesting facts from every topic imaginable: science, politics, history, art, sports, society and more.
09:30-09:40Here And There
Here and There is an educational programme that reveals interesting facts and tells about different events.
09:40-09:50Here And There
Here and There is an educational programme that reveals interesting facts and tells about different events.
09:50-10:00Euronews. Smart Regions
Smart Regions takes a tour of Europe, visiting the cities and towns where Cohesion Policy projects are reducing regional disparities and bringing real, tangible benefits to communities across the EU.
10:00-10:10This Day In History
This Day is a daily show that takes you back in history.
10:10-10:20Easy Talk
In this episode, you?ll get an opportunity to scrutinize the quality of food in a good restaurant and find out if it is worth the effort.
10:20-10:35Let's Talk
Let?s Talk Project will allow you to acquire colloquial skills, have dialogues with native speakers and learn necessary words and expressions.
10:35-10:45English In Focus
In this episode, you will learn several English homophones ? ?flower ? flour?, ?muscle ? mussel?, ?wine ? whine?.
10:45-10:50English 911
In this episode: 1) OVER versus ABOVE; 2) HOLIDAY versus WEEKEND; 3) an abbreviation BTW.
10:50-10:55English 911
In this episode: 1) SUBSTITUTE versus REPLACE; 2) FULL STOP versus PERIOD; 3) a short form WE?VE.
10:55-11:00English 911
In this episode: 1) HAVEN?T versus DON?T HAVE; 2) SET OFF versus SET OUT; 3) AGO versus BEFORE.
11:00-11:10Spot On The Map
Join us in exciting excursions around London! You will visit amazing sights and learn about culture, traditions and the history of England.
11:10-11:20Spot On The Map
Join us in exciting excursions around London! You will visit amazing sights and learn about culture, traditions and the history of England.
11:20-11:25Easy Talk
In this episode, we'll reflect on whether art can be judged as good or bad.
11:25-11:35Worth Seeing
Join us in exciting excursions! Learn about the world's famous sights and improve your listening skills.
11:35-11:45Worth Seeing
Join us in exciting excursions! Learn about the world's famous sights and improve your listening skills.
11:45-11:50National Parks
An exclusive outdoor trip that takes you all over the United States to visit and discover its beautiful historical landmarks.
11:50-11:55National Parks
An exclusive outdoor trip that takes you all over the United States to visit and discover its beautiful historical landmarks.
11:55-12:00National Parks
An exclusive outdoor trip that takes you all over the United States to visit and discover its beautiful historical landmarks.
12:00-12:05Art Land
Did you know that you can create pictures not only with paints? Plasticine, sand, flour, and even? shaving cream ? all of these can be used to create masterpieces of children?s art.
12:05-12:10Art Land
Did you know that you can create pictures not only with paints? Plasticine, sand, flour, and even? shaving cream ? all of these can be used to create masterpieces of children?s art.
12:10-12:20Crafty Hands
Little inventors will be able to enrich their vocabulary and make a toy for their very own collection.
In this episode, you will learn the names of some animals that live at the zoo. In today's episode, 'At the Zoo.'
12:30-12:40Once Upon A Time
A collection of animated stories and fairy tales for children and their parents.
12:40-12:45Word Party
?Word Party? ? a video dictionary for your kids.
12:45-12:50Word Party
?Word Party? ? a video dictionary for your kids.
12:50-13:00English Playtime
Main characters of the show - sweet Melanie, determined Grace, focused Sam and naughty Tommy - will help you to do it.
13:00-13:15Magic Science
This episode is about light.
13:15-13:25Yummy For Mummy
In this episode our little chefs will cook Burritos.
13:25-13:35Yummy For Mummy
In this episode our little chefs will cook Mini Trifles.
13:35-13:40Kids In Action
This episode is about playing rounders.
13:40-13:45Kids In Action
This episode is about making bracelets.
13:45-14:00Alfred & Wilfred
Go on an adventure with Alfred and Wilfred!
14:00-14:15Mojo Morning
Wake up with our anchormen and get supply of energy for the whole day.
14:15-14:20Easy Talk
Easy Talk - a series of animated films organized into several thematic blocks, for those who want to improve their spoken English and learn many useful expressions and vocabulary units.
14:20-14:25All About
In this episode: interesting facts about awesome company offices.
14:25-14:30All About
All About is a highly-informative educational program which provides interesting facts from every topic imaginable: science, politics, history, art, sports, society and more.
14:30-14:35All About
In this episode: interesting facts about most influential photos.
14:35-14:45Here And There
Here and There is an educational programme that reveals interesting facts and tells about different events.
14:45-14:55Here And There
Here and There is an educational programme that reveals interesting facts and tells about different events.
14:55-15:00Euronews. Smart Regions
Smart Regions takes a tour of Europe, visiting the cities and towns where Cohesion Policy projects are reducing regional disparities and bringing real, tangible benefits to communities across the EU.
15:00-15:10English United
Creative American teacher and blogger Luke Priddy introduces the intricacies of the American English and the cultural specifics of the United States.
15:10-15:203 Ways2
3Ways2 is a programme for those who are keen to master various stylistic layers of the English language to express thoughts appropriately depending on the situation.
15:20-15:30English In Focus
In this episode, you will learn several useful set expressions with the noun ?Water?.
15:30-15:35English 911
In this episode: 1) the difference between WHO/WHICH; 2) IT?S versus ITS; 3) an idiom ?BLESSING IN DISGUISE.?
15:35-15:40English 911
In this episode: 1) the difference between CAREFUL/CARING; 2) COLOUR versus COLOR; 3) an idiom ?FEEL A BIT UNDER THE WEATHER.
15:40-16:00English 911
In this episode: 1) the difference between TO DO/TO MAKE; 2) TO SEE versus TO WATCH; 3) an idiom ?TO COST AN ARM AND A LEG.?
16:00-16:10This Day In History
This Day is a daily show that takes you back in history.
In this episode: things to pack for a fabulous picnic.
16:25-16:30English 911
In this episode: 1) CUISINE versus KITCHEN; 2) STRANGE versus WEIRD; 3) GUIDE versus GUIDANCE.
16:30-16:35English 911
In this episode: 1) CRITIQUE versus CRITICIZE; 2) FOREIGNER versus STRANGER; 3) a contraction Y?ALL.
16:35-16:40English 911
In this episode: 1) ARC versus ARK; 2) TO TAKE OVER versus TO TAKE UP; 3) an idiom TO GET ALONG WITH SOMEBODY.
16:40-16:45English 911
In this episode: 1) AMIABLE versus AMICABLE; 2) the difference between: TO SET OFF / TO SET OUT / TO SET UP; 3) FEWER versus LESS.
Time has changed, as well as the things that surround us.
17:00-17:25Grammar Wise
English is easy! Watch entertaining stories and learn the English grammar! The topic of today?s episode: Past Continuous Tense.
17:25-17:35English Is The Key
In this episode: taking a bus.
17:35-17:45English Is The Key
In this episode: getting a taxi.
17:45-18:00English Is The Key
In this episode: ordering tea.
18:00-20:00Feature Film
Feature Film
20:00-20:05Simple Phrases
Simple Phrases ? a series of animated episodes aimed at improving spoken English skills based on situational dialogues.
20:05-20:10Life Around
In this episode, you'll learn a number of expressions needed to describe everything that happens during a business lunch on a workday.
20:10-20:20City Grammar
In this episode: visit fabulous Queen Mary?s Gardens and learn how to use the pointing words when describing objects.
20:20-20:25Basic Lexis
Basic Lexis is the programme for those who start learning the language. Learn the most essential vocabulary.
20:25-20:30Basic Lexis
Basic Lexis is the programme for those who start learning the language. Learn the most essential vocabulary.
20:30-20:35Step By Step
Let?s learn the basic vocabulary for everyday situations.
20:35-20:40Step By Step
Let?s learn the basic vocabulary for everyday situations.
20:40-20:45Step By Step
Let?s learn the basic vocabulary for everyday situations.
20:45-20:50Step By Step
Let?s learn the basic vocabulary for everyday situations.
20:50-20:55Step By Step
Let?s learn the basic vocabulary for everyday situations.
20:55-21:00Step By Step
Let?s learn the basic vocabulary for everyday situations.
21:00-21:10This Day In History
This Day is a daily show that takes you back in history.
21:10-21:20Easy Talk
In this episode, you?ll get an opportunity to scrutinize the quality of food in a good restaurant and find out if it is worth the effort.
21:20-21:35Let's Talk
Let?s Talk Project will allow you to acquire colloquial skills, have dialogues with native speakers and learn necessary words and expressions.
21:35-21:45English In Focus
In this episode, you will learn several English homophones ? ?flower ? flour?, ?muscle ? mussel?, ?wine ? whine?.
21:45-21:50English 911
In this episode: 1) OVER versus ABOVE; 2) HOLIDAY versus WEEKEND; 3) an abbreviation BTW.
21:50-21:55English 911
In this episode: 1) SUBSTITUTE versus REPLACE; 2) FULL STOP versus PERIOD; 3) a short form WE?VE.
21:55-22:00English 911
In this episode: 1) HAVEN?T versus DON?T HAVE; 2) SET OFF versus SET OUT; 3) AGO versus BEFORE.
22:00-00:00Feature Film
Feature Film
21:15-01:00Wer wird Millionär? Das Überraschungs-Special
Acht Kandidat:innen spielen in "Wer wird Millionär?" um die Chance auf eine Million.
01:00-03:15Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness
Strange öffnet ein Portal zum Multiversum und macht eine Reise durch verschiedene Dimensionen.
03:15-04:00CSI: Vegas
Mitten in der Wüste steht ein Flügel.
04:00-04:40CSI: Vegas
Gemeinsam mit dem Polizeihund Sam macht sich Nick auf die Jagd nach dem Mörder von Officer Nelson, Sams Partner.
04:40-05:25CSI: Vegas
Es gibt Hinweise, dass Russells Sohn Charlie in den Mord an einem Basketballtrainer verwickelt ist.
05:25-06:15CSI: Vegas
Reverend Rick Renken wird auf dem Grab von Warrick Brown mit einem Kopfschuss hingerichtet.
06:15-07:00CSI: Vegas
Als die Ermittler ein Massengrab entdecken, wird Julie Finlay an einen alten Fall erinnert.
07:00-07:20Der Blaulicht Report
"Der Blaulicht Report" beleuchtet die Arbeit von Polizisten und Notärzten.
07:20-07:45Der Blaulicht Report
"Der Blaulicht Report" beleuchtet die Arbeit von Polizisten und Notärzten.
07:45-08:30Der Blaulicht Report
Auf einem Friedhof wird ein neugeborenes Baby entdeckt. Und: Ein Mann verliert seinen Finger.
08:30-09:55Spy Daddy
Wer sich als Undercover-Agent seinen Lebensunterhalt verdient, für den sollte Babysitting doch das reinste Kinderspiel sein.
09:55-11:45Der Bomber
Der alte Seebär Bud Graziano - genannt der Bomber - wurde von seinem Schiff geworfen.
11:45-13:25Der Große mit seinem außerirdischen Kleinen
Die Nachricht eines gelandeten Ufos versetzt die Bewohner einer amerikanischen Kleinstadt in Hysterie versetzt.
13:25-15:20Doctor Strange
Eine Magierin verleiht dem brillanten und exzentrischen Chirurgen Stephen Strange magische Kräfte.
Der smarte Dieb Scott Lang wird dank eines Spezialanzuges eines genialen Forschers zu "Ant-Man".
17:20-19:45Marvel's The Avengers
Nick Fury versammelt die Superhelden Iron Man, Thor, Hulk und Captain America im Kampf gegen Loki.
19:45-20:03RTL Aktuell
Nachrichten und Sport bei RTL
20:03-20:05RTL Aktuell - Das Wetter
Die aktuellen Wetteraussichten aus der RTL-Wetterredaktion
20:05-21:15Bauer sucht Frau - Die neuen Bauern
Rundes Jubiläum für "Bauer sucht Frau"! Die beliebte TV-Romanze feiert ihr 20-jähriges Bestehen.
21:15-01:00Wer wird Millionär? Das Überraschungs-Special
Acht Kandidat:innen spielen in "Wer wird Millionär?" um die Chance auf eine Million.
23:00-00:30Dan Sommerdahl - Tödliche Idylle
Frei nach den Romanen von Anna Grue
Richard David Precht im Gespräch mit Manfred Nowak
01:15-01:20heute Xpress
Der schnelle Nachrichtenüberblick: heute Xpress.
01:20-02:05Geheime DDR - Verbotene Orte der Macht
Ein Villenviertel in Berlin-Pankow, die Politbüro-Siedlung in Wandlitz oder das Jagdschloss Hubertusstock: Von Anfang an schottete sich die Führungselite der DDR von der eigenen Bevölkerung ab.
02:05-03:35Helen Dorn
Ein Brandanschlag mit Todesfolge führt Helen Dorn in die linksextreme Szene.
03:35-05:00Die Känguru-Chroniken
Dany Levys unverschämt witzige, turbulente Verfilmung des kultigen Bestsellers von Marc-Uwe Kling.
05:00-05:30Brauchen wir ein neues "Normal"?
Shanna wäre fast an einem Herzinfarkt gestorben.
05:30-05:40Deutschland von oben
"Deutschland von oben 3" zeigt in drei Folgen Schönheiten unseres Landes aus der Vogelperspektive.
05:40-06:00Testfall Thüringen
Alle Umfragen sehen Björn Höcke und seine erwiesen rechtsextremistische AfD in Thüringen bei der Landtagswahl am 1. September weit vorn.
Wer selbst bauen oder ausbauen will, sieht sich oft einem Großprojekt gegenüber.
06:30-06:50Die Kinder von Bullerbü
Die Geschwister Bosse, Lasse und Lisa, ihre Freunde Anna, Britta und Olle sowie dessen kleine Schwester Kerstin erleben zu jeder Jahreszeit aufregende Ferien in ihrem kleinen Heimatdorf Bullerbü. Das besteht nur aus den drei
06:50-07:15Die Kinder von Bullerbü
Die Geschwister Bosse, Lasse und Lisa, ihre Freunde Anna, Britta und Olle sowie dessen kleine Schwester Kerstin erleben zu jeder Jahreszeit aufregende Ferien in ihrem kleinen Heimatdorf Bullerbü. Das besteht nur aus den drei
07:15-07:40Bibi Blocksberg
07:40-08:05Bibi Blocksberg
Bibi hat Schmetterlinge im Bauch.
08:05-09:20Die Biene Maja - Die Honigspiele
Heller Aufruhr im Bienenstock: Ein Gesandter der Kaiserin hat den weiten Weg von Summtropolis auf sich genommen, um den Bienen der Klatschmohnwiese eine Nachricht zu überbringen.
09:20-10:30Wickie und die starken Männer - Das magische Schwert
Spannendes Animationsabenteuer in 3D-Optik.
10:30-10:35heute Xpress
Der schnelle Nachrichtenüberblick: heute Xpress.
10:35-12:00Der süße Brei
Eine große Hungersnot bedroht das Land.
12:00-12:05heute Xpress
Der schnelle Nachrichtenüberblick: heute Xpress.
12:05-13:25Europakonzert 2024 aus Tsinandali in Georgien
mit den Berliner Philharmonikern und Lisa Batiashvili
13:25-14:55Ein Sommer in Island
Jettes Tante Rosalie ist kürzlich verstorben.
14:55-15:00heute Xpress
Der schnelle Nachrichtenüberblick: heute Xpress.
15:00-15:45Die Küchenschlacht
Robin Pietsch sucht den Spitzenkoch
15:45-16:55Bares für Rares - Lieblingsstücke
Horst Lichter, seine Experten und Händler präsentieren und kommentieren ihre "Lieblingsstücke" aus den vergangenen Sendungen.
16:55-17:00heute Xpress
Der schnelle Nachrichtenüberblick: heute Xpress.
17:00-17:45Die Rosenheim-Cops
Der berühmte Sportarzt Dr.
17:45-18:30Die Rosenheim-Cops
Der bekannte Rosenheimer Tierpräparator Steffen Schuhmann wird morgens erstochen von seiner Frau Astrid und Hilfsarbeiter Benno Dorfmeister in der Werkstatt aufgefunden.
18:30-19:15Letzte Hoffnung Kirchenasyl
Film von Christian Heynen
19:15-20:00SOKO Hamburg
Der herzkranke Fondsmanager Sven Lambrecht ist tot.
heute ist eine Nachrichtensendung des Zweiten Deutschen Fernsehens mit aktuellen Meldungen des Tages aus den Bereichen Politik, Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft, Kultur, Gesellschaft, Sport und Wetter.
Aktuelle Wetterinformationen und Vorhersagen aus der ZDF-Wetterredaktion.
20:20-21:15Am Puls mit Mitri Sirin Nicht ohne mein Auto!?
Um das Auto ist ein Kampf entbrannt: Für die einen ist es ein Symbol für Freiheit, Wohlstand und Status.
21:15-22:45Nord Nord Mord
(ZDF 19.12.2022)
22:45-23:00heute journal
23:00-00:30Honest Thief - Ein fauler Deal
Packender Actionthriller mit Liam Neeson.
22:45-00:15Torsten Sträter - Schnee, der auf Ceran fällt
Rhein-Sieg-Hallle, Siegburg, 2023
00:15-01:55Die Reifeprüfung
Mike Nichols war bereits ein erfolgreicher Theaterregisseur, als er sich 1967 an die Verfilmung des Romans «The Graduate» von Charles Webb machte.
01:55-02:40Ein perfekter Planet
Film von Huw Cordey
02:40-03:25Ein perfekter Planet
Film von Nick Shoolingin-Jordan
03:25-04:10Ein perfekter Planet
Film von Ed Charles
04:10-04:55Ein perfekter Planet
Film von Ed Charles
04:55-05:35Ein perfekter Planet
Film von Nick Shoolingin-Jordan und Daniel Rasmussen
05:35-06:20Traumorte - Die Italienische Riviera
Film von Julien Bur
06:20-07:10Traumorte - Die Oberitalienischen Seen
Romantik, Kultur und Dolce Vita
07:10-07:25ÄTNA - Höllenschlund im Mittelmeer
Film von Michael Petsch
07:25-08:20Sehnsucht nach Grado
Der Name des Urlaubsorts "Grado" weckt bei vielen Österreichern Kindheitserinnerungen und eine Sehnsucht nach früher.
08:20-09:50Das Tessin - Zwischen Lago Maggiore und Gotthard
IIm Tessin, dem südlichsten Kanton der Schweiz, trifft alpine Bodenständigkeit auf italienische Lebensart.
09:50-11:1550 Gründe, die Emilia-Romagna zu lieben
Unterwegs in einer der schönsten Regionen Italiens
11:15-12:45Ein Sommer in der Toskana
Fernsehfilm, Deutschland 2019
12:45-13:30Inseln Italiens: Sizilien
Film von Christian Gramstadt
13:30-14:10Inseln Italiens: Liparische Inseln
Film von Mechtild Lehning
14:10-14:55Inseln Italiens: Tremiti-Inseln
Film von Thomas von Bötticher
14:55-15:40Inseln Italiens: Pantelleria
Film von Katja Runge
15:40-16:25Inseln Italiens: Toskanischer Archipel
Film von Mechtild Lehning
16:25-17:05Inseln Italiens: Monte Isola
Film von Britta-Susann Lübke
17:05-17:50Inseln Italiens: Sulcis Archipel
Film von Nadine Niemann
17:50-19:20Ein Sommer auf Sizilien
Fernsehfilm, Deutschland 2016
19:20-21:15Ein Herz und eine Krone
Romantische Liebesgeschichte zwischen einer Prinzessin und einem amerikanischen Reporter im Rom der 1950er-Jahre.
21:15-22:35Mord in Genua - Ein Fall für Petra Delicato
Krimiserie, Italien 2020
22:35-23:55Mord in Genua - Ein Fall für Petra Delicato
Krimiserie, Italien 2020
23:55-01:10Mord in Genua - Ein Fall für Petra Delicato
Krimiserie, Italien 2020
22:45-00:40Mord auf Shetland - Tödlicher Sturz (2/3)
Was mit einem rätselhaften Vermisstenfall begonnen hat, entwickelt sich zu einer dramatischen Mordserie. Chefermittler Perez verliert bei der Suche nach der Wahrheit die Distanz zu den Ereignissen.
01:00-01:20Bilder meines Feindes
Wie verändert der Israel-Palästina-Konflikt unsere Sicht auf Filme, die sich mit der Situation in Israel oder den besetzten Gebieten beschäftigen? Was heiÃt das für die Unabhängigkeit der Kunst?
01:20-02:50Wajib - Hochzeit in Nazareth
Architekt Shadi ist nicht gerade begeistert, dass er nach Jahren in Deutschland wieder in seine Heimatstadt Nazareth zurückkehren muss. Die palästinensische Tradition zwingt ihn jedoch dazu.
02:50-04:23Waltz with Bashir
Ari Folman ist Israeli. In einer Bar erfährt er, dass seine ehemaligen Armeekumpanen von Albträumen geplagt werden. Nur er kann sich an diese Zeit und Geschehnisse nicht erinnern.
Die Nachrichten der ARD
04:25-06:23Mord auf Shetland - Tödlicher Sturz (2/3)
Was mit einem rätselhaften Vermisstenfall begonnen hat, entwickelt sich zu einer dramatischen Mordserie. Chefermittler Perez verliert bei der Suche nach der Wahrheit die Distanz zu den Ereignissen.
Die Nachrichten der ARD
Deutsche Landschaften, Städte, Inseln
06:30-06:45Der Helm
Ein geheimnisvoller Radfahrer mit Motorradhelm taucht in der Nachbarschaft auf. Wie ein moderner Robin Hood stellt sich die Gestalt zwischen die jugendlichen Rowdys und ihr Opfer, ein verängstigtes Hündchen.
06:45-07:10Kann es Johannes?
Auf einem kleinen Brett übers Wasser flitzen und dabei waghalsige Sprünge machen - das ist Wakeboard! Wer bei diesem Sport nicht ständig im Wasser landen will braucht vor allem eins: Körperspannung.
07:10-07:15Shaun das Schaf - Monster mit acht Beinen (110)
Bitzers Vorfreude auf ein gemütliches Bad ist dahin: Eine dicke Spinne krabbelt durch die Wanne! Shaun eilt dem Freund zu Hilfe und beseitigt das Tier.
07:15-07:40Verstehen Sie Spaà - Kids
In der letzten Folge von âVerstehen Sie Spaà - Kidsâ werden Lukas, Markus und Florian von der Musikgruppe âDeine Freundeâ reingelegt: ein falscher digitaler Fan-Day mit ganz besonderen Fans und ganz schön
07:40-08:55Checker Tobi: Abenteuer Griechenland
Checker Tobi begibt sich auf eine spannende Reise quer durch Griechenland. Er trifft Efsaia, die ihm die griechische Sprache erklärt.
08:55-10:25Der Kronprinz
König Alexander ist Vater von zwei Söhnen. Doch der jüngere Karel ist krankhaft eifersüchtig auf seinen Bruder Jan, den Kronprinzen.
10:25-10:55Die Sendung mit der Maus Spezial: Jugendgericht
Welche Folgen hat ein Ladendiebstahl für Jugendliche?
Die Nachrichten der ARD
11:00-12:00Katholischer Gottesdienst zum Pfingstmontag
An Pfingsten endet nach 50 Tagen die Osterzeit. In den christlichen Kirchen ist Pfingsten das Fest des Heiligen Geistes, der alle Gläubigen mit Kraft erfüllt und weltweit verbindet.
Aschenputtel muss die Gemeinheiten von Stiefmutter und Stiefschwester erdulden und von früh bis spät schwer arbeiten. Abends bleibt ihr nur der Schlafplatz in der Asche.
Die Nachrichten der ARD
13:10-14:40Reiterhof Wildenstein - Sprung ins Leben (6)
âPferdeflüsterinâ Rike muss als alleinige Chefin des Reiterhofs Wildenstein erkennen, dass sie eine zentrale Führungseigenschaft bisher vernachlässigt: die Fürsorge für ihre Auszubildende
14:40-16:10Urlaub mit kleinen Folgen
Als die hübsche Marketingexpertin Billie einige Wochen nach dem heiÃen Urlaubsflirt mit dem spanischen Konditor Juan feststellt, dass sie schwanger ist, entscheidet sie sich für das Kind und ein Leben in Spanien.
Die Nachrichten der ARD
* Reporterin: Christina Graf * Expertin: Almuth Schult * Ãbertragung aus dem Dietmar-Hopp-Stadion in Hoffenheim In der Halbzeitpause: * Gespräche und Analysen Claus Lufen und Almuth Schult * Interviewgast Britta Carlson
18:55-19:25Horst Hrubesch
Horst Hrubesch erlebt beim DFB gerade seinen x-ten Frühling: Im Herbst 2023 springt er als Bundestrainer des Nationalteams der Frauen ein.
Die Nachrichten der ARD
19:30-21:00Liebe verjährt nicht
Heino Ferch und Tanja Wedhorn liefern sich einen unterhaltsamen Schlagabtausch in der romantischen Komödie "Liebe verjährt nicht": Die beiden beliebten Darsteller spielen ein gescheitertes Traumpaar, das nach 20 Jahren
Die Nachrichten der ARD
21:15-22:45Tatort: Letzter Ausflug Schauinsland
Hansi Pagel sitzt schon einige Jahre im MaÃregelvollzug ein, verurteilt wegen Gewalt gegen seine Ehefrau Andrea und die Kinder.
22:45-00:35Mord auf Shetland - Preis der Freiheit (3/3)
Eine vielschichtige Mordserie führt zu einer ungewöhnlichen Form des Terrorismus und einer unvorstellbaren Bedrohung für die Shetlandinseln.
23:10-00:05Jane Fonda - Eine Rebellin in Hollywood
Jane Fonda verkörpert wie kaum eine andere Ikone die Mythen ihres Landes und offenbart gleichzeitig dessen Widersprüche.
Barbarella - Science-Fiction-Film, FRA/ITA 1967
01:40-03:15Nathalie Stutzmann dirigiert das Orchestre de Paris
Die Dirigentin Nathalie Stutzmann und der Pianist Alexandre Tharaud bringen gemeinsam mit dem Orchestre de Paris Werke von Verdi, Beethoven und Tschaikowsky zur Aufführung.
03:15-04:00Daniel Hope & Friends on Tour
Der Violinist Daniel Hope traf im Sommer 2020 zahlreiche MusikerInnen zu stimmungsvollen Livekonzerten an ungewöhnlichen Orten in Deutschland und der Schweiz.
04:00-06:10Wilder Rhein
Wohl um keinen anderen Fluss ranken sich so viele Sagen und Legenden wie um den Rhein.
06:10-06:40Mit Kompass und Köpfchen auf hoher See
Mit dem Katamaran ?Nomade des Mers? und seiner Crew macht sich der junge Ingenieur Corentin de Chatelperron zu einer Weltreise von Concarneau über Indonesien bis nach Südamerika auf, um autarke Lowtech-Lebenswe
06:40-07:2528 Minuten
Gibt es bald revolutionäre Medikamente gegen Adipositas? Gespräch mit Anne-Sophie Joly, Präsidentin und Gründerin des "Collectif national des associations d'obèses". / Debatte über das neue Agrargesetz: ein Sieg der industriellen Landwirt
07:25-07:35ARTE Journal Junior
Ihr liebt Nachrichten, seid zwischen 10 und 14, wollt immer wissen, was gerade los ist und habt Lust, die Welt zu entdecken? Dann seid ihr bei uns genau richtig! In unserer sechsminütigen Nachrichtensendung ARTE Journal Junior in
07:35-08:25Der Vierwaldstättersee - Blaues Juwel der Schweiz
Der Vierwaldstättersee ist der facettenreichste und symbolträchtigste See der Schweiz.
08:25-09:15Stadt Land Kunst
Linda Lorin lädt auf eine Reise an vier besondere Orte ein, die sich durch ihr künstlerisches, kulturelles oder landschaftliches Erbe auszeichnen.
09:15-10:00Stadt Land Kunst
Linda Lorin lädt auf eine Reise an vier besondere Orte ein, die sich durch ihr künstlerisches, kulturelles oder landschaftliches Erbe auszeichnen.
10:00-11:30Buffalo Bill - Erfinder des Wilden Westens
William Frederick Cody alias Buffalo Bill ? ein Selfmademan, der es vom Bisonjäger zum bekanntesten Amerikaner seiner Zeit brachte.
11:30-12:15Wasserfälle: Die Urgewalt der Flüsse
Geologen beschreiben sie nüchtern als "Felsknicks im Längsprofil von Flüssen". Aber natürlich sind Wasserfälle viel mehr als das: Sie sind überwältigende Naturschauspiele, bezaubernd und furchteinflößend, mal don
12:15-13:10Flussdeltas: Paradiese zwischen Land und Meer
Wo Flüsse ins Meer münden, entstehen einzigartige Lebensräume.
13:10-13:40Re ARTE
Schnell und sicher durch die Stadt: Dafür brauchen Radfahrende eigene Routen und sichere Stellplätze.
13:40-14:25Stadt Land Kunst
Linda Lorin lädt auf eine Reise an vier besondere Orte ein, die sich durch ihr künstlerisches, kulturelles oder landschaftliches Erbe auszeichnen.
14:25-15:15Stadt Land Kunst
Linda Lorin lädt auf eine Reise an vier besondere Orte ein, die sich durch ihr künstlerisches, kulturelles oder landschaftliches Erbe auszeichnen.
15:15-17:55The Big Sky - Der weite Himmel
1832: Die beiden Abenteurer Jim und Boone begleiten französische Pelzhändler den Mississippi hinauf, bis zum Land der Blackfeet Nation.
17:55-18:50Schmetterlinge!!! Superhelden der Natur
Auf der Erde gibt es 200.000 Arten von Schmetterlingen.
18:50-19:35Elefanten hautnah
Afrikas Elefanten sind die größten Säugetiere, die auf unserer Erde leben.
19:35-20:20Elefanten hautnah
In der Savanne Botsuanas gibt es Elefanten noch zu Tausenden.
20:20-20:40ARTE Journal
ARTE Journal, das europäische Nachrichtenmagazin, wirft einen aktuellen, weltoffenen und europäischen Blick auf Politik und Kultur.
20:40-21:15Zu Tisch
Im Süden Frankreichs ist sie weder von den Märkten noch aus der sommerlichen Küche wegzudenken: die Melone.
21:15-00:00Internationale Filmfestspiele Cannes 2024
Preisgekrönte Filme, exklusive Interviews und viele weitere Beiträge rund um die 77. Ausgabe des Filmfestivals von Cannes 2024 gibt es im Mai nicht nur im TV, sondern auch in der ARTE-Mediathek zu sehen.
Biographie de Baz Luhrmann avec Austin Butler, Austin Butler, Olivia DeJonge.
00:51-00:52Nos plus belles victoires
Parmi les plus belles victoires des athlètes, certaines se passent sur le terrain mais d'autres en dehors.
00:52-00:53Le pitch cinéma
Les films de cinéma vus par ceux qui ne les ont pas vus.
00:53-02:00Beau geste
En tournage, en avant-première, dans les festivals, en France comme à l'étranger, sur les films intimistes comme les comédies populaires, Pierre Lescure, ancien président du Festival de Cannes, discute avec les artistes qui font l'actuali
02:00-03:02Histoires courtes
Une sélection de courts métrages français et internationaux liés par un thème.
03:02-03:05Météo 2
Le point, plusieurs fois par jour, sur l'évolution de la météo, grâce à des cartes et des explications.
03:05-04:36Marion, 13 ans pour toujours
Marion Fraisse a 13 ans quand elle décide de se pendre, le 23 février 2013. À côté d'elle, comme un symbole, son téléphone portable, et une lettre dans laquelle elle s'adresse à ses camarades de classe qui l'ont harcelée
04:36-05:0613h15, le samedi...
Sur un ton dynamique et décalé, un regard sur l'actualité, l'air du temps et la politique.
05:06-05:22La civilisation des arbres
Coup de projecteur fascinant sur la manière dont les arbres semblent faire civilisation entre eux et avec le reste de la végétation qui les entoure.
05:22-05:31La civilisation des arbres
A Chenove, l'association "Pirouette Cacahuète" conçoit des jardins partagés dans les quartiers.
05:31-05:37Pays et marchés du monde
Programme de voyage où diverses villes et leurs marchés locaux sont visités.
05:37-05:44Pays et marchés du monde
Programme de voyage où diverses villes et leurs marchés locaux sont visités.
05:44-06:32Tout le monde veut prendre sa place
Six candidats affrontent un "champion" autour d'une série de jeux.
06:32-06:58Un si grand soleil
Marc se démène pour son article, ce qui semble plaire à Marie-Sophie.
06:58-07:29Le 6h info
Un rendez-vous réveil-matin, avec un point sur l'actualité assorti de différentes rubriques qui permettent d'en explorer certains aspects plus en profondeur.
A l'occasion du 77e festival de Cannes, "Télématin" déroule le tapis rouge.
09:00-09:10Journal 08h00
Pour bien démarrer la journée, la rédaction de France 2 propose un point sur l'actualité. Les principales informations nationales et internationales sont passées en revue.
A l'occasion du 77e festival de Cannes, "Télématin" déroule le tapis rouge.
10:26-10:57La maison des Maternelles
Entourée de chroniqueurs, Agathe Lecaron répond aux nombreuses interrogations des parents.
10:57-11:32La maison des Maternelles
Entourée de chroniqueurs, Agathe Lecaron répond aux nombreuses interrogations des parents.
Le magazine de l'Institut national de la consommation donne à chacun des conseils pratiques pour mieux consommer.
11:39-11:47Météo Outre-mer
Le point sur l'évolution de la météo dans les Outre-mers, grâce à des cartes et des explications.
11:47-12:20Chacun son tour
Des participants tirés au sort parmi le public doivent répondre à des questions de culture générale dans l'espoir de se qualifier pour la deuxième épreuve?: le billard japonais, un jeu d'adresse qui peut rapporter cadeaux et argent.
12:20-12:54Chacun son tour
Des participants tirés au sort parmi le public doivent répondre à des questions de culture générale dans l'espoir de se qualifier pour la deuxième épreuve?: le billard japonais, un jeu d'adresse qui peut rapporter cadeaux et argent.
12:54-13:51Tout le monde veut prendre sa place
Six candidats affrontent un "champion" autour d'une série de jeux.
13:51-13:57De l'ombre à la lumière
Ce programme court lève le voile sur des réalisatrices à travers leurs expériences et ce qu'elles souhaitent apporter au cinéma.
13:57-13:58Journal Météo climat
Un point quotidien sur l'actualité météo et climatique, avec des reportages et des interviews d'experts.
13:58-14:37Journal 13h00
Tous les jours, à 13h, la rédaction de France 2 propose un point sur l'actualité. Les informations nationales et internationales sont passées à la loupe et mises en perspective, illustrées par des reportages sur le terrain.
14:37-14:44Journal Météo climat
Un point quotidien sur l'actualité météo et climatique, avec des reportages et des interviews d'experts.
14:44-14:47Messi : le Festival de Cannes vu à hauteur de chien
Messi, le border collie qui joue dans "Anatomie d'une chute" de Justine Triet, sélectionné à Cannes, a séduit les festivaliers au point de recevoir un prix, certes décalé, la Palm Dog.
14:47-14:54La p'tite librairie
Une émission proposée et écrite par François Busnel Produite par Rosebud Productions avec la participation de France Télévisions François Busnel propose chaque jour de vous faire découvrir ou redécouvrir une ?uvre française ou ét
14:54-16:04Ça commence aujourd'hui
Tous les jours, Faustine Bollaert accueille sur le plateau de "Ça commence aujourd'hui" des hommes et des femmes qui évoquent des événements marquants de leur existence, pour permettre à d'autres d'avancer dans leur parcours:
16:04-17:13Ça commence aujourd'hui
Tous les jours, Faustine Bollaert accueille sur le plateau de "Ça commence aujourd'hui" des hommes et des femmes qui évoquent des événements marquants de leur existence, pour permettre à d'autres d'avancer dans leur parcours:
17:13-18:04Affaire conclue, tout le monde a quelque chose à vendre
Parce que les maisons sont remplies de babioles insolites qui ne demandent qu'à trouver acquéreurs, des spécialistes accompagnent les propriétaires d'objets tout au long des étapes susceptibles
18:04-18:53Affaire conclue, tout le monde a quelque chose à vendre
Parce que les maisons sont remplies de babioles insolites qui ne demandent qu'à trouver acquéreurs, des spécialistes accompagnent les propriétaires d'objets tout au long des étapes susceptibles
18:53-19:01Affaire conclue : la vie des objets
Table 70's, jeu de l'oie ancien, affiches de la Première Guerre mondiale : retour sur l'histoire d'un objet emblématique de l'émission, acquis par un des acheteurs.
19:01-19:37Tout le monde a son mot à dire
Une gymnastique quotidienne de l'esprit pour s'amuser avec la langue française et enrichir sa culture générale.
19:37-20:12N'oubliez pas les paroles
Accompagnés par un orchestre, les candidats chantent en karaoké. Mais les paroles affichées ne sont pas complètes.
20:12-20:55N'oubliez pas les paroles
Accompagnés par un orchestre, les candidats chantent en karaoké. Mais les paroles affichées ne sont pas complètes.
20:55-20:58Journal Météo climat
Un point quotidien sur l'actualité météo et climatique, avec des reportages et des interviews d'experts.
20:58-21:38Journal 20h00
Les principales informations nationales et internationales sont passées à la loupe et mises en perspective, illustrées par des reportages sur le terrain.
21:38-21:42Journal Météo climat
Un point quotidien sur l'actualité météo et climatique, avec des reportages et des interviews d'experts.
21:42-21:44Ma maison de A à Z
Les différentes étapes de la construction, de l'aménagement et de la décoration d'une maison.
21:44-21:47Basique, l'essentiel de la musique
Une pastille consacrée à l'actualité musicale, qui braque les projecteurs sur un ou une artiste.
21:47-21:48Objectif palme
Découverte des films en compétition au Festival de Cannes.
21:48-22:10Un si grand soleil
Tandis que la situation continue de se détériorer entre Claire et Florent, Thaïs apprend qu'elle devra subir une nouvelle épreuve.
22:10-23:09Murha paratiisissa S13E08
Kausi 13, 8/8. Tiimillä on käsissään hämmentävä palapeli, kun matkustaja katoaa lennon aikana ja löytyy kuolleena Saint Marien rannalta.
Sarja -
23:09-00:07Meurtres au paradis
Trenton Isaac, alias "Infamous T", est un artiste particulièrement prometteur de la scène reggae-rap, qui s'apprête à donner un concert devant le représentant d'un important label musical.
23:35-00:01Le journal de la rts
Le journal télévisé proposé par la rédaction de la RTS.
Le bulletin météorologique international.
Freda habite avec sa mère, son frère Moïse et sa s?ur Esther à Port-au-Prince, en Haïti.
01:34-02:00Tv5monde, le journal afrique
Toute l'actualité africaine proposée par la rédaction de TV5MONDE.
Le bulletin météorologique international.
02:03-03:33De l'autre côté
03:33-05:00Le cheval de chez nous
Unique race équine d'origine helvétique, le Franches-Montagnes joue un rôle patrimonial majeur en Suisse.
Maya, inquiète de l'absence de David, trouve du réconfort auprès de Charles.
Le grand entretien sur l'actualité mondiale proposé par TV5MONDE, en partenariat avec le quotidien français ''Le Monde''.
06:19-06:31Le dessous des cartes
Avec la guerre en Ukraine, le centre de gravité de l?Union européenne semble s?être déplacé vers l?Europe orientale.
06:31-06:58Suisse en scène
La musique d?Erika Stucky résiste à toute définition.
06:58-07:24Le 6h00 info
Le journal de 6h00 (heure de Paris) proposé par la rédaction de France Télévisions.
Le bulletin météorologique international.
De l'info et de la bonne humeur, 7 jours sur 7 ! Résolument dans l'air du temps, la première matinale de France, forte de sa richesse éditoriale et de sa dynamique d'équipe, aborde de nombreuses thématiques et traite l'actualité avec série
07:45-07:50Appelle-moi poésie
La scène poétique francophone à travers les auteurs-performeurs d'aujourd'hui.
De l'info et de la bonne humeur, 7 jours sur 7 ! Résolument dans l'air du temps, la première matinale de France, forte de sa richesse éditoriale et de sa dynamique d'équipe, aborde de nombreuses thématiques et traite l'actualité avec série
De l'info et de la bonne humeur, 7 jours sur 7 ! Résolument dans l'air du temps, la première matinale de France, forte de sa richesse éditoriale et de sa dynamique d'équipe, aborde de nombreuses thématiques et traite l'actualité avec série
Mode, design, gastronomie, art de vivre... Découvrez le chic à la française !
08:56-09:00Merci professeur !
Une chronique sur la langue française, ses curiosités, son actualité et ses accents. Présentation : Bernard Cerquiglini.
09:00-09:25Le journal de radio-canada
Le journal télévisé proposé par la rédaction de Radio-Canada.
09:25-09:37Tv5monde, le journal
Toute l'actualité nationale et internationale proposée par la rédaction de TV5MONDE.
09:37-09:48Edmond et lucy
Pour fêter la fin de la construction de la cabane de Lucy, Edmond propose d'organiser un goûter à toute la petite communauté du châtaignier.
09:48-09:59Idefix ja voittamattomat
Eletään vuotta 52 eKr.
Dans chaque épisode, la machine parlante transmet à Gabâo une question en lien avec un objet technique ou notre environnement.
Dans chaque épisode, la machine parlante transmet à Gabâo une question en lien avec un objet technique ou notre environnement.
Le soir est tombé sur le Manoir et Salsepareille lit un bestiaire d?animaux sorciers à Zouk et Nono.
Dans des mondes fantastiques où sorciers, humains et créatures étranges se côtoient, Zouk, généreuse, courageuse, et résolument positive, est une apprentie sorcière.
10:35-11:01Vachement normand !
Classé parmi les 300 plus grands événements mondiaux, le Festival international de cerf-volant de Dieppe se déroule tous les deux ans à la fin de l'été. Plus de 700 000 visiteurs assistent à des ateliers de construction, de pilot
11:01-11:27C'est du belge
Depuis la foire d'art de Bruxelles, la Brafa, Gerald présente les 100 ans du surréalisme.
11:27-11:56Épicerie fine
À Germigney, Emmanuel Ogier est agriculteur, producteur d'huiles de colza, de tournesol et de cameline.
11:56-12:00Le journal de l'économie, entreprises
Focus sur l'histoire d'une entreprise francophone qui se lance dans l'exportation ou réussit sur le marché international.
12:00-12:14Tv5monde, le journal
Toute l'actualité nationale et internationale proposée par la rédaction de TV5MONDE.
Le bulletin météorologique international.
12:17-12:45Un si grand soleil
Alors que Thierry doit rendre des comptes, Marc et Evan sont obligés de collaborer ensemble.
12:45-13:31Tout le monde veut prendre sa place
Le jeu où tout le monde peut devenir champion. Un quiz, des candidats, et un champion que tous rêvent de déloger !
13:31-14:30Claire denis, les chemins de traverse
De film en film, avec un engagement absolu, une ténacité sans répit, une indépendance rare, la cinéaste française Claire Denis trace un sillon profond et singulier dans le paysage cinématographique contemporain.
14:30-15:02Le journal de la rtbf
Toute l'actualité internationale proposée et présentée par la rédaction de la RTBF.
15:02-16:36Meurtres en guadeloupe
La pétillante lieutenant Telumée Magloire, de retour sur sa terre natale en Guadeloupe, doit enquêter sur le meurtre mystérieux d'un puissant industriel.
16:36-17:05C'est du belge
Depuis la foire d'art de Bruxelles, la Brafa, Gerald présente les 100 ans du surréalisme.
17:05-17:30Un si grand soleil
Alors qu'Elise tente de faire parler Bilal, Kira, Marc et Léonor s'inquiètent de plus en plus pour Louis. A raison ?
17:30-18:04Questions pour un champion
Jeu de culture générale.
18:04-19:00Le point
Le manège des escrocs Des réseaux criminels internationaux volent des centaines de millions de dollars aux contribuables canadiens grâce à un système de fraude sophistiqué à la taxe de vente et de produits et services.
19:00-19:2264' le monde en français - 1re partie
L'actualité internationale décryptée par le monde francophone.
19:22-19:25Le journal de l'économie
Trois minutes pour analyser, décrypter et expliquer l'actualité économique.
7 jours sur 7 Patrick Simonin rencontre les artistes, les écrivains, les acteurs et tous ceux qui font vibrer notre époque.
19:33-20:28Jeux d'influence, les combattantes
Après avoir accepté de renseigner Claire sur le lieu de dépôt des pesticides toxiques, le transporteur de Vitalia, poursuivi par l'un des lobbyistes mandatés par Saskia, échappe de peu à un grave accident.
20:28-21:30Jeux d'influence, les combattantes
Chloé et ses compagnons de Jeunesse 2050 séquestrent une suspecte pour lui extorquer des aveux.
21:30-21:57Le journal de france 2
Le journal télévisé proposé par la rédaction de France 2 (édition de 20h, heure de Paris).
Le bulletin météorologique international.
22:04-23:58Secrets d'histoire
Stéphane Bern visite le château de Christiansborg à Copenhague, au Danemark, dont les palais encore intacts témoignent de son rayonnement au XVIIIe siècle.
23:58-00:24Le journal de la rts
Le journal télévisé proposé par la rédaction de la RTS.
01:00-01:30NOTICIAS 24 H
01:30-02:00PAGINA DOS
02:00-02:30NOTICIAS 24 H
03:30-04:00PLANO GENERAL
OUCHHH. CAPÍTULO Nº 267. DIRECCIÓN: María Pallier. REALIZACION: FRANCISCO BLANCO ORTIZ. PRODUCCION: DENNIS KUHLE TER SAKARIAN. Metrópolis trata todas las tendencias artísticas de vanguardia que se producen dentro y fuera del país..
05:30-06:00SECUENCIAS EN 24
09:00-11:39LA HORA DE LA 1
11:39-15:00DIARIO 24
15:00-16:00NOTICIAS 24 H
16:00-16:49TELEDIARIO 1
17:00-17:30NOTICIAS 24 H
17:30-18:00NOTICIAS 24 H
18:00-21:00LA TARDE EN 24H
21:00-21:30NOTICIAS 24 H
21:30-22:00NOTICIAS 24 H
22:00-22:55TELEDIARIO 2
22:55-01:30LA NOCHE EN 24H
23:55-00:55Comando Actualidad
Vivir de alquiler hoy es un 8% más caro que en 2022.
?Enrique Morente: Flamenco impuro?, una producción propia de RTVE que recorre su arte a través de testimonios de amigos y artistas que dan una idea de lo que ha significado la figura de Enrique Morente para la cultura española.
01:55-02:25Plano General
"soy un cómico de amplio espectro.
Metrópolis trata todas las tendencias artísticas de vanguardia que se producen dentro y fuera del país.
03:00-07:30Noticias 24H
Información continua 24 horas nacional e internacional, 366 dias al año.
07:30-09:00Telediario Matinal
Información diaria con noticias nacionales e internacionales Subt.
09:00-11:40La Hora De La 1
"la hora de la 1" es un programa magacine, en el que se aborda la actualidad política y social.
Mañaneros es el nuevo magacine de tve, un programa matinal de entretenimiento que recoge, con rigor y en tiempo real, la actualidad de una manera ágil, amable e interactiva.
15:10-16:00Ahora o nunca
Ahora o nunca es un magazine presentado por mónica lópez.
16:00-16:50Telediario 1
16:50-17:35Saber y ganar
Programa concurso Subt.
17:35-18:35La Moderna
La última voluntad de Íñigo y Matilde es casarse antes de que ella fallezca.
18:35-19:30La Promesa - Salaisuuksien kartano
On vuosi 1898, hätääntynyt nainen pakenee naamioituneita pyssymiehiä yrittäen pelastaa kaksi lastaan.
19:30-20:30El Comodin De La 1
Concurso de cultura general que se enfrentan los concursantes a una batería de preguntas y cuenta con varios comodines que le harán acumular dinero.
20:30-21:30El Cazador
El cazador, un formato en el que cuatro concursantes anónimos unen sus conocimientos para ganar al cazador, un auténtico profesional de los concursos televisivos.
21:30-22:00Aqui La Tierra
Magacine de naturaleza e información meteorológica Subt.
22:00-22:55Telediario 2
Programa de noticias diarias nacionales e internacionales en directo Subt.
22:55-23:00La suerte en tus manos
Programa dedicado a las actividades de selae Subt.
23:00-23:504 estrellas
Ante las amenazas de Armando, Jorge se encuentra cada vez más preocupado por la seguridad de su hijo.
Es un talent show para encontrar al mejor cocinero amateur de españa Subt.
06:00-06:25Muumilaakson tarinoita S01E01
Kausi 1, 1/26. Kevät saapuu muumilaaksoon. On kevään ensimmäinen päivä ja Muumilaakson asukkaat heräävät talviuniltaan. Nuuskamuikkunen, Muumipeikko ja Nipsu löytävät vuorelta erikoisen hatun.
Sarja -
06:25-06:50Muumilaakson tarinoita S01E02
Kausi 1, 2/26. Taikahattu. Nuuskamuikkunen on löytänyt taikahatun joen rannalta. Hän kertoo tietävänsä, että hattu kuuluu taikurille.
Sarja -
06:50-07:00Muumien maailma
Uudistettu versio alkuperäisestä puolalaisesta pala-animaatiosta, joka kertoo Muumipeikon ja hänen perheensä sekä omaperäisten ystävien seikkailuista Muumilaaksossa. Sarja on puhuttu suomeksi.
07:00-07:15Muumien maailma
Uudistettu versio alkuperäisestä puolalaisesta pala-animaatiosta, joka kertoo Muumipeikon ja hänen perheensä sekä omaperäisten ystävien seikkailuista Muumilaaksossa. Sarja on puhuttu suomeksi.
07:15-07:40Muumilaakson tarinoita S01E10
Kausi 1, 10/26. Arvoituksellinen matkalaukku. Mörkö on käynyt yöllä Muumitalon pihalla. Tiuhti ja Viuhti näyttävät olevan vierailuun syypäitä. Niiskuneiti yrittää saada selville, mistä on kyse.
Sarja -
07:40-08:05Muumilaakson tarinoita S01E11
Kausi 1, 11/26. Muumipeikko löytää lohikäärmeen. Rankan sateen jälkeen Muumipeikko löytää eriskummallisen pikkuisen olion, jonka hän tuo salassa kotiin.
Sarja -
08:05-08:30Muumilaakson tarinoita S01E12
Kausi 1, 12/26. Taikuri ja kuningasrubiini. Muumimamman käsilaukku katoaa. Tiuhti ja Viuhti kertovat vihdoin ja viimein mitä heidän suuressa matkalaukussaan on. Taikuri saapuu vieraisille Muumilaaksoon.
Sarja -
08:30-08:40Ikku-Pikku Ritari
Pikkuriikkinen Gus haluaa valtakunnan mahtavimmaksi ritariksi ja todistaa kaikille, että mikään ei ole mahdotonta, vaan urhoollisuus ja rohkeus menevät kaiken edelle.
08:40-08:50Ikku-Pikku Ritari
Pikkuriikkinen Gus haluaa valtakunnan mahtavimmaksi ritariksi ja todistaa kaikille, että mikään ei ole mahdotonta, vaan urhoollisuus ja rohkeus menevät kaiken edelle.
08:50-09:05Ikku-Pikku Ritari
Pikkuriikkinen Gus haluaa valtakunnan mahtavimmaksi ritariksi ja todistaa kaikille, että mikään ei ole mahdotonta, vaan urhoollisuus ja rohkeus menevät kaiken edelle.
09:05-09:15Taikapuutarhan pikkuötökät S01E51
Kausi 1, 51/52. Laidhutuskuuri.
Sarja -
09:15-09:30Taikapuutarhan pikkuötökät S01E02
Kausi 1, 2/52. Lepakon lento. Taikapuutarhassa kiirii jymyuutinen: tuholaiset ovat käyneet marssimaan! Heidän johtajansa, Kiitäjä, ei voi enää lentää ja on pakottanut joukkonsa jalkamiehiksi.
Sarja -
09:30-09:45Muumien maailma
Muumipeikko ja Niiskuneiti päätyvät viettämään juhannusta Vilijonkan luo etsiessään kadonnutta teatteria. Seurue juhlii lämmintä juhannusyötä polttamalla kokkoa ja tekemällä juhannustaikoja.
09:45-10:00Muumien maailma
Nuuskamuikkunen joutuu orpolasten isähahmoksi vapautettuaan heidät Puistovahdin valvonnasta. Orpolapset osaavat olla melkoisia rasavillejä, mutta Pikku Myyn avustuksella lapsilauma saadaan kuriin, ja matka Muumilaaksoon voi jatkua.
10:00-10:15Muumien maailma
Uudistettu versio alkuperäisestä puolalaisesta pala-animaatiosta, joka kertoo Muumipeikon ja hänen perheensä sekä omaperäisten ystävien seikkailuista Muumilaaksossa. Sarja on puhuttu suomeksi.
10:30-10:45Denver S01E45
Kausi 1, 45/52. Dinokamut etsivät hienoa kasvia koulutehtävää varten ja törmäävät kukkaan, jonka tuoksu hypnotisoi nuuhkijansa.
Sarja -
10:45-11:00Denver S01E46
Kausi 1, 46/52. Rakkaus saa ihmisen tekemään hölmöjä asioita ja voi johtaa odottamattomiin tilanteisiin.
Sarja -
11:00-11:15Viidakon veijarit S02E29
Kausi 2, 29/52. Hyttysjahti. Jos on hätä, kutsu viidakon veijarit apuun! Tiikeriksi itseään luuleva Mauri-pingviini, Mikke-gorilla ja muut veijarit paljastavat, mitä viidakossa todella tapahtuu. Puhuttu suomeksi.
Sarja -
11:15-11:30Viidakon veijarit S02E30
Kausi 2, 30/52. Koalojen orjat. Jos on hätä, kutsu viidakon veijarit apuun! Tiikeriksi itseään luuleva Mauri-pingviini, Mikke-gorilla ja muut veijarit paljastavat, mitä viidakossa todella tapahtuu. Suomeksi puhuttu animaatio.
Sarja -
11:30-11:45Viidakon veijarit S02E31
Kausi 2, 31/52. Esi-isän paluu. Jos on hätä, kutsu viidakon veijarit apuun! Tiikeriksi itseään luuleva Mauri-pingviini, Mikke-gorilla ja muut veijarit paljastavat, mitä viidakossa todella tapahtuu. Suomeksi puhuttu animaatio.
Sarja -
11:45-11:55Monchhichi S01E13
Kausi 1, 13/52. Kevät jää. Monchhichit valmistautuvat jokavuotisiin varttamisjuhlallisuuksiin Unipuun elinvoiman takaamiseksi. Hehkuhedelmiä havittelevan Aikor-velhon taika kuitenkin jäädyttää puun.
Sarja -
11:55-12:05Monchhichi S01E14
Kausi 1, 14/52. Hyppyhikka. Erään kukan nuuhkaisu aiheuttaa Kaurille hallitsemattoman hikan ja saa hänet pongahtelemaan huippukorkealle!
Sarja -
12:05-12:20Monchhichi S01E15
Kausi 1, 15/52. Monchhiyllätysjahti. On alkamaisillaan perinteinen monchhiyllätysjahti! Silmun vuoksi yllätyslahjat kuitenkin lentävät hujan hajan. Kauri ja Hanae auttavat häntä keräämään lahjoja.
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12:20-12:35Monchhichi S01E16
Kausi 1, 16/52. Noidutut monchhiötökät. Monchhiötököihin iskee Aikorin loitsu, ja ne syöksyvät ahmimaan sanikaisten lehtiä. Miten tsurut saadaan nyt tehtyä, ja miten käy lasten kauniiden unien?
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12:35-13:00Muumilaakson tarinoita S01E25
Kausi 1, 25/26. Kelluva teatteri. Merenalainen tulivuori purkautuu ja aiheuttaa maanjäristyksen. Sen seurauksena Muumilaakso peittyy tulvaveteen ja Muumitalokin jää veden alle. Muumi-perheen on lähdettävä pakoon.
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13:00-13:25Muumilaakson tarinoita S01E26
Kausi 1, 26/26. Orpolapset. Vilijaana odottaa Emma-tätiään juhannuksen viettoon, mutta yllättäen hänen ovelleen koputtavatkin Muumipeikko ja Niiskuneiti. Pikku Myy ja Nuuskamuikkunen lähtevät vapauttamaan orpolapsia.
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13:25-13:50Muumilaakson tarinoita S02E01
Kausi 2, 1/26. Juhannus. Muumipeikko ja Niiskuneiti ovat löytäneet Vilijaanan, joka vietti yksinäistä juhannusta. Pikku Myy ja Nuuskamuikkunen ovat omilla retkillään orpolapsien kanssa. Löytävätkö kaikki toisensa?
Sarja -
13:50-14:00Kaisu Kuu S01E13
Kausi 1, 13/52. Prinssi rohkea On Lotan syntymäpäivä. Lady Pop on lähettänyt hänelle peilipallon, ja Lotta kutsuu ystävänsä, mukaan lukien Aaron, juhlimaan.
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14:00-14:15Kaisu Kuu S01E14
Kausi 1, 14/52. Maaginen kehto Kaisu loihtii Pikku-Leolle lentävän kehdon, joka kuitenkin leijailee tiehensä. Rouva Penkka luulee Sauhusta avaruusolennoksi ja saa Nellin lähtemään marsilaisjahtiin.
Sarja -
14:15-14:25Kaisu Kuu S01E15
Kausi 1, 15/52. Lentävä rullalauta: Justus rakentaa esikuvansa opeilla lentävän rullalaudan ja aikoo nolata kilpailijansa. Lentolaudan piirustukset kuitenkin varastetaan, mistä seuraa kommellusten sarja.
Sarja -
14:25-14:40Kaisu Kuu S01E16
Kausi 1, 16/52. Justus ja tiikeri Justus lähtee selättämään tiikerikammoaan eläintarhaan Kaisun avulla. Kaisu kuitenkin päästää vahingossa tiikerin vapaaksi tarhaan.
Sarja -
14:40-14:50Nuori Robin Hood
14:50-15:05Alvin ja pikkuoravat S03E38
Kausi 3, 38/52. Piritan vinkit. Piirretty lastensarja keskinkertaisesta lauluntekijästä David Sevillestä, joka hoitaa kolmea aivan tavallista maaoravaa. Tai no, melkein tavallista...
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15:05-15:15Alvin ja pikkuoravat S03E39
Kausi 3, 39/52. Moni kukka päältä kaunis. Piirretty lastensarja keskinkertaisesta lauluntekijästä David Sevillestä, joka hoitaa kolmea aivan tavallista maaoravaa. Tai no, melkein tavallista...
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15:15-15:30Alvin ja pikkuoravat S03E40
Kausi 3, 40/52. Kuningatarmehiläinen. Piirretty lastensarja keskinkertaisesta lauluntekijästä David Sevillestä, joka hoitaa kolmea aivan tavallista maaoravaa. Tai no, melkein tavallista...
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15:30-15:40Alvin ja pikkuoravat S03E41
Kausi 3, 41/52. Hamesteriorava. Piirretty lastensarja keskinkertaisesta lauluntekijästä David Sevillestä, joka hoitaa kolmea aivan tavallista maaoravaa. Tai no, melkein tavallista...
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15:40-15:55Viidakon veijarit S02E42
Kausi 2, 42/52. Konnapokka. Jos on hätä, kutsu viidakon veijarit apuun! Tiikeriksi itseään luuleva Mauri-pingviini, Mikke-gorilla ja muut veijarit paljastavat, mitä viidakossa todella tapahtuu. Suomeksi puhuttu animaatio.
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15:55-16:15Viidakon veijarit S02E43
Kausi 2, 43/52. Safiirimuna. Jos on hätä, kutsu viidakon veijarit apuun! Tiikeriksi itseään luuleva Mauri-pingviini, Mikke-gorilla ja muut veijarit paljastavat, mitä viidakossa todella tapahtuu. Suomeksi puhuttu animaatio.
Sarja -
16:15-16:35Paavo Pesusieni S06E21
Kausi 6, 21/25. Hiekkalinnat hiekassa / Kotilokauhua. Palkittu animaatiosarja kertoo merenpohjassa sijaitsevasta Tangalan kaupungista, jossa Paavon lisäksi asustaa joukko muitakin persoonallisia hahmoja. Puhuttu suomeksi.
Sarja -
16:35-16:45Professori Balthazar
Klassikkoanimaatio kertoo lempeästä ja nokkelasta professori Balthazarista, joka keksii ihmekoneensa avulla ratkaisun kaikkiin pulmiin. Balthazar opettaa esimerkillään kuinka luovuudella ratkaistaan hankalatkin tilanteet.
16:45-16:55Professori Balthazar
Klassikkoanimaatio kertoo lempeästä ja nokkelasta professori Balthazarista, joka keksii ihmekoneensa avulla ratkaisun kaikkiin pulmiin. Balthazar opettaa esimerkillään kuinka luovuudella ratkaistaan hankalatkin tilanteet.
16:55-17:10Nuori Robin Hood
17:10-17:20Nuori Robin Hood
17:20-17:35Nuori Robin Hood
17:35-17:45Nuori Robin Hood
17:45-18:00Kaisu Kuu S01E29
Kausi 1, 29/52. Dezhilba. Dezhilba-noita saapuu maahan halloweeniltana siepatakseen lapsia ihmekeitostaan varten. Lapset eivät aavista vaaraa ja pian vain Kaisu voi taikavoimillaan pelastaa lapset noidan kynsistä.
Sarja -
18:00-18:10Kaisu Kuu S01E30
Kausi 1, 30/52. Muskelimies. Justus on pettynyt menettäessään ainoan tilaisuutensa tavata sankarinsa Muskelimiehen. Kaisu yllättää Justuksen taikatempulla, mutta herättää vahingossa eloon päävastustajan Torkkumiehen.
Sarja -
18:10-18:35Paavo Pesusieni S03E12
Kausi 3, 12/20. Pähkinäsuklaata / Merenneitomies ja merirokkopoika V. Palkittu sarja kertoo merenpohjassa sijaitsevasta Tangalasta, jossa Paavon lisäksi asustaa joukko muitakin persoonallisia hahmoja. Puhuttu suomeksi.
Sarja -
18:35-19:00Zak Storm S01E17
Kausi 1, 17/39. Karmea Crogar. Sarja nuoresta surffaripojasta Zakista, joka joutuu Bermudan kolmion nielaisemaksi ja ajautuu uskomattomaan ja hurjapäiseen seikkailuun.
Sarja -
19:00-19:20Legendat S01E02
Kausi 1, 2/26. Lootuskirja. Suomeksi puhuttu animaatio.
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19:20-19:35Alvin ja pikkuoravat S03E45
Kausi 3, 45/52. Avaruusoravat. Piirretty lastensarja keskinkertaisesta lauluntekijästä David Sevillestä, joka hoitaa kolmea aivan tavallista maaoravaa. Tai no, melkein tavallista...
Sarja -
19:35-19:45Alvin ja pikkuoravat S03E46
Kausi 3, 46/52. Superkaakao. Piirretty lastensarja keskinkertaisesta lauluntekijästä David Sevillestä, joka hoitaa kolmea aivan tavallista maaoravaa. Tai no, melkein tavallista...
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19:45-20:00Alvin ja pikkuoravat S03E47
Kausi 3, 47/52. Tero yökylässä. Piirretty lastensarja keskinkertaisesta lauluntekijästä David Sevillestä, joka hoitaa kolmea aivan tavallista maaoravaa. Tai no, melkein tavallista...
Antero Mertaranta & Kristian Kuusela. Legendaarinen leijonaääni kutsui vieraakseen vuoden 2019 maailmanmestarin. Kristian Kuusela muistelee kevään tuhkimotarinan käänteitä ja paljastaa uransa hienoimman hetken.
01:00-06:00MTV Uutiset Live
Tärkeimmät uutiset ja kiinnostavimmat puheenaiheet - aina!
06:00-14:00MTV Uutiset Live
Tärkeimmät uutiset ja kiinnostavimmat puheenaiheet - aina!
14:00-16:10Serie A: Fiorentina - Napoli
Fiorentina - Napoli ( 17.5.2024 ). Englanninkielinen selostus.
16:10-17:15MXGP Motocross: Ranska
Motocrossin MM-sarja, MXGP-luokan osakilpailu ( 19.5.2024 ). Englanninkielinen selostus.
17:15-18:00Vesillä S03E02
Kausi 3, 2/6. Vesillä-ohjelma seilaa edelleeen Savon ytimessä. Kuopion Kallavedellä matkaan tarttuu näyttelijä Ismo Apell ja maailma nopein vene. Ketonen pääsee lisäksi harvinaiselle keikalle Kuopioon.
Sarja -
18:00-18:30La Liga Best 11 E09
Jakso 9/9.
Sarja -
18:30-22:30Ravit: Lahti ja Halmstad
Suora lähetys Lahden ja Halmstadin raviradalta.
22:30-00:30Yleisurheilua: Tokio, Japani
Yleisurheilua: Tokio, Japani ( 19.5.2024 ). Selostajana Jari Porttila, asiantuntijana Tommi Evilä.
23:00-00:30Sport Doc: Armand Duplantis - Born to Fly
Dokumentissa seurataan amerikanruotsalaisen Armand Mondo Duplantisin nousua ja kasvua isänsä valmentamasta lapsitähdestä maailman parhaaksi seiväshyppääjäksi seuraten hänen harjoitteluaan ja kilpailujaan.
Dokumentti -
00:30-01:00FIA Karting Highlights: Val D´Argenton, Ranska
FIA Karting mestaruuskisojen koosteohjelma. Englanninkielinen ohjelma.
01:00-06:00MTV Uutiset Live
Tärkeimmät uutiset ja kiinnostavimmat puheenaiheet - aina!
06:00-12:00MTV Uutiset Live
Tärkeimmät uutiset ja kiinnostavimmat puheenaiheet - aina!
12:00-20:30ATP Tennis: Lyon
ATP 250 -turnaus Lyon, 1. kierros ( 20.5.2024 ). Englanninkielinen selostus.
Studiossa juontajana Suvi Puukangas, asiantuntijoina Olli Jokinen ja Lasse Kukkonen. Paikan päällä Prahassa Sami Kapanen.
21:15-23:40Jääkiekon MM: Suomi - Tanska
Suomi - Tanska ( 20.5.2024 ). Selostajana Antero Mertaranta. Studiossa juontajana Suvi Puukangas, asiantuntijoina Lasse Kukkonen ja Olli Jokinen. Paikan päällä Prahassa Sami Kapanen.
Studiossa juontajana Suvi Puukangas, asiantuntijoina Olli Jokinen ja Lasse Kukkonen. Paikan päällä Prahassa Sami Kapanen.
Tahko. Kausi 3, 1/6. Vesillä-ohjelman kolmas kausi starttaa viihdetähti Antti Ketosen luotsaamana Syvärin ja Kallaveden ääreltä Savosta. Tahkon satamassa testataan Suomen pisintä Ziplineä ja maastopyöräillään.
00:30-01:00Track & Field Weekly E05
Jakso 5/24. Englanninkielinen ohjelma.
Sarja -
01:00-06:00MTV Uutiset Live
Tärkeimmät uutiset ja kiinnostavimmat puheenaiheet - aina!
06:00-12:30MTV Uutiset Live
Tärkeimmät uutiset ja kiinnostavimmat puheenaiheet - aina!
12:30-21:25ATP Tennis: Genève
Genève. ATP 250 -turnaus Geneve, 1. kierros ( 20.5.2024 ). Englanninkielinen selostus. Suora lähetys. HUOM!! Tennis jatkuu klo 21:25 MTV Katsomossa, sillä tällä kanavalla siirrytään jalkapallo-otteluun.
21:25-23:35La Liga 2: Espanyol - Oviedo
Espanyol - Oviedo. Espanyol - Oviedo ( 20.5.2024 ). Englanninkielinen selostus. Suora lähetys.
23:35-01:00Sport Doc: When We Were Kings
When We Were Kings.
00:15-02:30All Eyez on Me
Artisti Tupac Shakur syntyi New Yorkissa Black Panther -liikkeen jäsenen poikana ja kasvoi...
02:30-04:00Beck: Menetetty poika (42)
Metsästä löytyy osa kadonneeksi ilmoitetun miehen ruumiista. Mies oli tunnetun kirjailijan poika....
04:00-04:25On Set
Viihdeohjelma On Set vie Hollywoodin tähtitehtaan kulissien taakse.
04:25-04:50On Set
Viihdeohjelma On Set vie Hollywoodin tähtitehtaan kulissien taakse.
04:50-05:00Star File
Viihdeohjelma, jonka jokaisessa osassa piirretään muotokuva jostakin Hollywood-tähdestä,...
05:00-05:10Star File
Viihdeohjelma, jonka jokaisessa osassa piirretään muotokuva jostakin Hollywood-tähdestä,...
05:10-05:35On Set
Viihdeohjelma On Set vie Hollywoodin tähtitehtaan kulissien taakse.
05:35-07:10Micke & Veronika
Romanttinen komedia eri maailmoista tulevasta epäsopivasta parista, joka rakastuu kaikkien...
07:10-08:55Margin Call
Jännittävä kuvaus viimeisestä vuorokaudesta ennen kansainvälisen finanssikriisin alkua syksyllä...
08:55-10:35Uusia alkuja
Lämminhenkinen musiikkidraama juuri jätetyn laulaja-lauluntekijän (Keira Knightley) ja...
10:35-12:30Joan Baez: I Am a Noise
Dokumentissa legendaarinen folk-laulaja ja aktivisti Joan Baez sukeltaa ainutlaatuiseen...
12:30-13:20Love, Inevitably
Candela saa tietää koulunsa sulkemisesta. Massimo tajuaa Francescan ja isän pettäneen hänet. Enää...
13:20-14:10Love, Inevitably
Kausi päättyy. Rakastavaiset viettävät yön yhdessä. Kaikki näyttää hyvältä, kun Massimo saa...
Kaasuvuoto aiheuttaa ulkonaliikkumiskiellon. Jengi yrittää tappaa aikaa pelien avulla, mutta...
Kausi päättyy. Saga kysyy, lähteekö Jenny ensi keväänä mukaan Berliiniin. Jenny palauttaa uuden...
14:55-15:20Solsidan - onnea onkimassa
Alex ja Anna iloitsevat rennosta illallisesta, mutta vieraslista laajenee väärään suuntaan....
15:20-15:45Solsidan - onnea onkimassa
Anna on lähtenyt Unkariin, ja Alex jää yksin kotitöitä karttavan Pallen kanssa. Fredde ja Mickan...
15:45-16:10Fake Patient
Albin pelastaa valepotilasohjelman näyttelemällä uskottavasti. Hän alkaa valmistautua pahimpaan....
16:10-16:35Fake Patient
Kausi päättyy. Albin tekee vielä testin tv-sarjaa varten ja joutuu antamaan terveystietoja....
16:35-16:55Tervetuloa Sjölyckaniin!
Sjölyckan saa uudet naapurit, joiden kanssa Thomas ja Bernt riitaantuvat heti. Klara on ensin...
16:55-17:20Tervetuloa Sjölyckaniin!
Naapuruuskonflikti eskaloituu. Klara yrittää rajoittaa materiaalitoimituksia ja Bernt löytää...
17:20-17:45Ronja Ryövärintytär
Ronja varttuu Matiaksenlinnassa ryövärijoukon keskuudessa. Eräänä päivänä hän tapaa Birk-pojan,...
17:45-18:10Ronja Ryövärintytär
Ronja varttuu Matiaksenlinnassa ryövärijoukon keskuudessa. Eräänä päivänä hän tapaa Birk-pojan,...
18:10-18:25Pidätä henkeä!
Tunnemyrskyt riehuvat saarella. Wilma yrittää hyödyntää Rubenin hämmennystä saadakseen apua vielä...
18:25-18:45Pidätä henkeä!
Jokin on vallannut saaren - kummitukset vai avaruusoliot? Ystävämme pakenevat ja yrittävät...
18:45-19:10DikDek - Painajainen majatalossa S01E05
Kausi 1, 5/7. Kohtalo: Kas, nainen! Anna on varma, että Tapsa on ihastunut majatalossa asuvaan...
Sarja -
19:10-19:35DikDek - Painajainen majatalossa S01E06
Kausi 1, 6/7. Händikäppers in da house. Tapsan vanhat "kaverit" Händi ja Käppers...
Sarja -
19:35-20:20Kämppikset S01E03
Kausi 1, 3/10. Hei sun heiluvilles. Raimo ei osaa regoida oikein, kun Hanne säntäilee...
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20:20-21:00Pahan väri S01E02
Kausi 1, 2/9. Leenan painajaiset. Leenan kokemukset hiipivät pahoihin uniin. Kaius tutkii...
Sarja -
21:00-21:50Omerta 6/12 S01E03
Kausi 1, 3/4. Valtion virkamiehet. Pakosuuunnitelma kääntyy päälaelleen Valko-Venäjällä ja iskun...
Sarja -
Meech keskittyy laajentamiseen ja Kolumbian kontakteihin, kun Terry yrittää löytää tasapainon...
22:40-23:25Bäckström S01E03
Kausi alkaa. Bäckströmin seuratessa lapsuudenystävänsä murhan johtolankaa Palmassa löytyy...
Kolme ruotsalaispoliisia. Yksi murhattu, yksi vangittu ja yksi kadonnut. Bäckström turvautuu...
22:00-02:00Worldwide Hits!
We've got a playlist filled with the hottest hits that have taken over the world!
02:00-09:00Non-Stop Hits
We're bringing you nothing but the biggest tracks and chart anthems, the hits never stop!
09:00-15:00Non-Stop Hits
We're bringing you nothing but the biggest tracks and chart anthems, the hits never stop!
15:00-17:00Non-Stop Hits
We're bringing you nothing but the biggest tracks and chart anthems, the hits never stop!
17:00-18:00Fresh Out
Fresh Out delivers the most important music and pop culture news of the week and beyond with artist interviews, in-studio performances, album drops and tour announcements.
18:00-20:00Totally 10s!
All the hits from the 10s in one place - what more could you want?
20:00-22:00Worldwide Hits
We've got a playlist filled with the hottest hits that have taken over the world!
22:00-23:00Euro Hits!
Tune in as we bring you some of the biggest and best Euro hits all in one playlist!
23:00-00:00Totally 10s!
All the hits from the 10s in one place - what more could you want?
22:35-00:50Den of Thieves
Toimintatrilleri, jossa L.A.:n poliisin kova erikoisryhmä saa kuulla legendaarisen ryöstäjän...
00:50-02:30Vallan kääntöpuoli
Nuori ja idealistinen vaalikampanjan lehdistötiedottaja kohtaa dilemman, kun toimittaja uhkaa...
02:30-03:55The Rental
Kauhutrilleri kahdesta pariskunnasta, jotka vuokraavat talon meren rannalta mukavaa viikonloppua...
03:55-06:05Green Book
Valkoisesta portsarista tulee kiertueella olevan mustan pianistin autonkuljettaja etelävaltioissa vuonna 1962. Draama voitti parhaan elokuvan Oscarin.
06:05-06:10Star File
Viihdeohjelma, jonka jokaisessa osassa piirretään muotokuva jostakin Hollywood-tähdestä,...
06:10-07:30Svensson Svensson
Kun Lenalle tarjotaan jännittävää työpaikkaa Tukholmasta, hän joutuu matkustamaan pääkaupungin ja...
07:30-09:10The Great Buster
Dokumentti komedialegenda Buster Keatonista. Entistetty arkistomateriaali sekoittuu tämän päivän...
09:10-11:00Onnen kukkuloilla
Ruotsalainen romanttinen komedia eri-ikäisistä ihmisistä, joiden elämät punoutuvat yhteen...
11:00-12:30Yhteinen onni
Johan työskentelee isänsä tilalla ja elää onnellisesti Anna-Karinin kanssa. Kun he menevät...
12:30-14:00Lasse hiihtolomalla
Lasse ylipuhuu perheensä lähtemään tunturilomalle huomatessaan, että Sophie lähtee sinne söpön...
Ylistetty draama 10-vuotiaasta Auggiesta, jolla on erilaiset kasvot ja joka aloittaa ensimmäistä...
15:50-17:25Göta Kanal 2
25 vuotta sitten kaksi laivaa purjehti kilpaa Götan kanavan läpi. Tapaus nousi kuuluisuuteen. Nyt...
17:25-19:10Coco ennen Chanelia
Ranskalainen elämäkertadraama muodinluoja Coco Chanelin elämästä ennen läpimurtoa. Nimiroolissa...
19:10-21:00Both Sides of the Blade
Ranskalainen kolmiodraama pariskunnasta, jonka elämä järkkyy, kun Sarah tapaa monen vuoden...
21:00-22:40Yves Saint Laurent
Elämäkerrallinen elokuva muodinluoja Yves Saint Laurentista ja hänen suhteestaan liikekumppani ja...
22:40-00:10Beck: Uusi elämä (43)
Martin Beck on palannut töihin sairaslomalta, kollegojensa iloksi. Tiimi hoitaa murhajuttua,...
Ruotsalaistrilleri Estellestä, joka palaa Tukholmaan hakemaan saalista ennätysmäisestä ryöstöstä, johon hänen miehensä Tommy osallistui vuosi sitten.
01:25-03:0091:an Karlssons Permis
Asevelvollinen nro 91 Karlsson ja nro 87 Axelsson joutuvat uusiin seikkailuihin aiheutettuaan sotkua valvomattomien kiväärien kanssa.
03:00-04:35Kesä Monikan kanssa
Monika ja Harry kokevat intohimoisen kesän paettuaan kaupungin huolia saaristoon. Muun maailman huolilta vapaina he löytävät erotiikan päihdyttävän voiman. Pian Monika tulee raskaaksi, ja heidän on palattava todellisuuteen.
Suurkapitalisti Jean Volkswagner saapuu Änglamarkiin muuttakseen kylän suureksi vapaa-ajan alueeksi. Hänellä on mukanaan ryhmä karskeja kätyreitä, joilla ei ole paljoakaan sanottavaa ovelalle paikalliselle vastarintaliikkeelle.
06:15-07:50Peppi Pitkätossu karkuteillä
Tommi ja Annika kyllästyvät äidinsä iänikuiseen jaaritteluun, joten he päättävät karata kotoa....
07:50-09:05Se pikkuinen Lotta
Lotta on rämäpäinen viisivuotias. Kun hän eräänä päivänä näkee sisarustensa pyöräilevän lujaa,...
09:05-10:30Mitt hem är Copacabana
Dokumenttimestari Arne Sucksdorffin klassinen draama, jossa seurataan neljää koditonta lasta...
10:30-12:25Änglagård - Tredje gången gillt
Fanny (Helena Bergström) palaa kotikyläänsä viimeisen kerran selvittääkseen, kuka oikeastaan on...
12:25-13:55Kurt Olsson - Filmen om mitt liv som mej själv
Tarina kansan rakastamasta Kurt Olssonista, jolla vuosien kuluessa tuntuu olleen sormensa pelissä...
13:55-16:10Kourallinen rakkautta
Vuoteen 1909 sijoittuva ruotsalaisdraama, jossa nuori työläistyttö saa töitä piikana ja aloittaa...
16:10-17:30Ryöstetty Rasmus ja Kalle Mestarietsivä
Lillköpingissä Punaisen ja Valkoisen Ruusun välinen taistelu jatkuu. Eräänä yönä Valkoinen Ruusu...
17:30-19:00Kronblom kommer till stan
Kronblom joutuu vaikeuksiin mutkikkaan ruotsalaisen byrokratian kanssa ja auttaa anoppia, joka on...
19:00-20:15Vitun neljätoista
14-vuotias Emma on vaihtamassa pikkutyttöporukkaansa isonveljensä kaveripiiriin. Heidän...
Romanttinen ruotsalaiskomedia siitä, miten koira voi olla suureksi avuksi rakkautta etsiessä....
Vuonna 1939 värmlantilainen Annika saapuu Tukholmaan ja aloittaa työt ravintola Gilletissä. Hän...
Grease - Amerikkalainen romanttinen komedia vuodelta 1978
02:00-03:51Love Is All You Need
Love Is All You Need - Tanskalainen komedia vuodelta 2012
03:55-05:35Mies joka antoi
Mies joka antoi - Amerikkalainen komedia vuodelta 2013
05:40-07:54Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse - Amerikkalainen toiminta vuodelta 2023
08:00-09:21Late Lammas - Elokuva
Late Lammas - Elokuva - Brittiläinen animaatio vuodelta 2015
10:00-11:21Megamind vs. Tuomiosyndikaatti
Megamind vs. Tuomiosyndikaatti - Amerikkalainen animaatio vuodelta 2023
Emoji-elokuva - USA, animaatioseikkailu, 2017
Ozzy - Espanjalainen animaatio vuodelta 2016
Gnoomit - Kanadalainen animaatio vuodelta 2017
18:00-19:31Kung Fu Panda 3
Kung Fu Panda 3 - Amerikkalainen animaatio vuodelta 2016
19:40-21:54Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse - Amerikkalainen toiminta vuodelta 2023
22:00-23:51Love Is All You Need
Love Is All You Need - Tanskalainen komedia vuodelta 2012
22:00-00:09The Woman King
The Woman King - Amerikkalainen toiminta vuodelta 2022
Resurrection - Amerikkalainen kauhuelokuva vuodelta 2022
02:00-03:38Expendables 4
Expendables 4 - Amerikkalainen toiminta vuodelta 2023
03:45-05:54The Woman King
The Woman King - Amerikkalainen toiminta vuodelta 2022
06:00-07:55Jesus Revolution
Jesus Revolution - Amerikkalainen draama vuodelta 2022
08:00-10:18Whitney Houston: I Wanna Dance with Somebody
Whitney Houston: I Wanna Dance with Somebody - Amerikkalainen draama vuodelta 2022
10:25-12:00Hurja jengi
Hurja jengi - Amerikkalainen animaatio vuodelta 2022
12:05-13:37Jerryn ja Margen lottosalaisuus
Jerryn ja Margen lottosalaisuus - Amerikkalainen komedia vuodelta 2022
13:50-15:46Call Jane
Call Jane - Amerikkalainen draama vuodelta 2022
15:50-17:54The Green Knight
The Green Knight - Irlantilainen draamafantasia vuodelta 2021
Blueback - Australialainen draama vuodelta 2022
20:00-21:55Jesus Revolution
Jesus Revolution - Amerikkalainen draama vuodelta 2022
22:00-23:26Into the Deep
Into the Deep - Amerikkalainen trilleri vuodelta 2022
Hardcore - Venäläinen toiminta vuodelta 2015
01:00-03:07Spider-Man: Homecoming
Spider-Man: Homecoming - Amerikkalainen supersankariseikkailu vuodelta 2017
Fall - Amerikkalainen trilleri vuodelta 2022
05:00-06:39The Expendables
The Expendables - Amerikkalainen toiminta vuodelta 2010
07:00-08:43Borg / McEnroe
Borg / McEnroe - Ruotsi, elämäkerrallinen urheiludraama, 2017
09:00-10:53Charlie's Angels
Charlie's Angels - Amerikkalianen toiminta vuodelta 2019
11:00-12:432 Fast 2 Furious
2 Fast 2 Furious - Amerikkalainen toiminta vuodelta 2003
13:00-14:41Men in Black 3
Men in Black 3 - Amerikalainen toiminta vuodelta 2012
14:50-16:45The Iron mask
The Iron mask - Venäläinen toiminta vuodelta 2019
16:50-18:47Star Trek Beyond
Star Trek Beyond - Amerikkalainen toiminta vuodelta 2016
18:50-20:57Spider-Man: Homecoming
Spider-Man: Homecoming - Amerikkalainen supersankariseikkailu vuodelta 2017
Fall - Amerikkalainen trilleri vuodelta 2022
23:00-00:39The Expendables
The Expendables - Amerikkalainen toiminta vuodelta 2010
23:30-01:20Lucky Number Slevin
Lucky Number Slevin - Amerikkalainen trilleri vuodelta 2006
01:25-02:56Before We Go
Before We Go - Amerikkalainen komedia vuodelta 2014
03:00-05:01The Infiltrator
The Infiltrator - Amerikkalainen trilleri vuodelta 2016
05:05-07:08Song to Song
Song to Song - Amerikkalainen draama vuodelta 2017
07:10-08:54Ole niin kiltti, älä rakasta häntä
Ole niin kiltti, älä rakasta häntä - Ranskalainen draama vuodelta 2021
09:00-10:33Juliet, Naked
Juliet, Naked - Brittiläinen komedia vuodelta 2018
11:00-13:08Pikku naisia
Pikku naisia - Amerikkalainen draama vuodelta 2019
13:15-14:57Rakkaudesta, unelmista ja kaloista
Rakkaudesta, unelmista ja kaloista - Brittiläinen romanttinen komedia vuodelta 2011
15:00-16:30Long Story Short
Long Story Short - Australialainen romanttinen komedia vuodelta 2021
17:00-18:27Midnight Sun
Midnight Sun - Amerikkalainen draama vuodelta 2018
19:00-20:31Before We Go
Before We Go - Amerikkalainen komedia vuodelta 2014
21:00-23:03Song to Song
Song to Song - Amerikkalainen draama vuodelta 2017
23:05-01:06The Infiltrator
The Infiltrator - Amerikkalainen trilleri vuodelta 2016
00:00-01:00Mahdottomat rautatiet Kuilujen yli
Kuilujen yli - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2018
01:00-02:00Kivimiehet Kova koe
Kova koe - Italia, dokumenttisarja, 2020
02:00-03:00Kivimiehet Pyristelyä aikaa vastaan
Pyristelyä aikaa vastaan - Italia, dokumenttisarja, 2020
03:00-03:55Kivimiehet Päätösten päivä
Päätösten päivä - Italia, dokumenttisarja, 2020
03:55-04:50Kivimiehet 201
201 - Italia, dokumenttisarja, 2021
04:50-05:50Kivimiehet 202
202 - Italia, dokumenttisarja, 2021
05:50-07:00Kivimiehet 203
203 - Italia, dokumenttisarja, 2021
07:00-07:55Jade Fever Mene syvälle
Mene syvälle - Kanada, dokumenttisarja, 2020
07:55-08:50Takamaiden kuljettajat Kova työ, kovat huvit
Kova työ, kovat huvit - Kanada, dokumenttisarja, 2021
08:50-09:40Takamaiden kuljettajat Maailmanloppu
Maailmanloppu - Kanada, dokumenttisarja, 2021
09:40-10:40Australian kullankaivajat 603
603 - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2020
10:40-11:35Australian kullankaivajat 604
604 - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2020
11:35-12:35Romuautot kiertoon MGB
MGB - Britannia, tositelevisiosarja, 2018
12:35-13:30Romuautot kiertoon Kuplavolkkari
Kuplavolkkari - Britannia, tositelevisiosarja, 2018
13:30-14:30Australian kullankaivajat 707
707 - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2021
14:30-15:25Australian kullankaivajat 708
708 - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2021
15:25-16:20Australian kullankaivajat 709
709 - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2021
16:20-17:15Ruostelaakson kunnostajat Nousu tuhkasta
Nousu tuhkasta - Kanada, dokumenttisarja, 2020
17:15-18:10Takamaiden romuautojen pelastajat
Takamaiden romuautojen pelastajat - Kanada, dokumenttisarja, 2022
18:10-19:10Australian hummerinpyytäjät 306
306 - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2020
19:10-20:10Australian rannikon pelastusjoukot 306
306 - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2021
20:10-21:05Australian kullankaivajat 603
603 - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2020
21:05-22:00Australian kullankaivajat 604
604 - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2020
22:00-23:00Jalokiven kaivajat Australiassa 202
202 - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2023
23:00-23:55Jäätynyttä kultaa Rubiinihimo
Rubiinihimo - Yhdysvallat, dokumenttisarja, 2021
23:55-00:50Takamaiden kuljettajat Kova työ, kovat huvit
Kova työ, kovat huvit - Kanada, dokumenttisarja, 2021
23:50-00:35Arvaamaton maapallomme Tappajatulvat
Tappajatulvat - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2017
00:35-01:25Malawin eläinpelastus Ota kiinni, jos saat
Ota kiinni, jos saat - Kanada, dokumenttisarja, 2019
01:25-02:15Villit selviytymistaidot Eläinten erikoisuuksia
Eläinten erikoisuuksia - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2019
02:15-03:00Australian eläintarha 102
102 - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2020
03:00-03:45Yorkshiren eläinlääkäri 1004
1004 - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2019
03:45-04:30Yorkshiren eläinlääkäri 1005
1005 - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2019
04:30-05:00Ray Mears Kiinan luonnossa Kiinan ruskeakarhut
Kiinan ruskeakarhut - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2020
05:00-05:50Villit selviytymistaidot Elämän haasteet
Elämän haasteet - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2019
05:50-06:55Villit selviytymistaidot Elämää puussa
Elämää puussa - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2019
06:55-07:40Yorkshiren eläinlääkäri 701
701 - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2018
07:40-08:25Yorkshiren eläinlääkäri 702
702 - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2018
08:25-09:15Villit selviytymistaidot Eläinten puolustustaidot
Eläinten puolustustaidot - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2019
09:15-10:05Villit selviytymistaidot Kylmäveriset eläimet
Kylmäveriset eläimet - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2019
10:05-10:55Kanada: Selviytymiskeinot villissä pohjolassa
Kanada: Selviytymiskeinot villissä pohjolassa - Yhdysvallat, dokumentti, 2022
10:55-11:50Arktinen Amerikka - katoava turvapaikka
Arktinen Amerikka - katoava turvapaikka - Itävalta, dokumentti, 2020
11:50-12:40Kesyttömät Isotjärvet Syvä pakkanen
Syvä pakkanen - Yhdysvallat, dokumenttisarja, 2022
12:40-13:35Kalliovuorten kesytön käytävä: Yellowstonesta Yukoniin Harmaakarhut
Harmaakarhut - Ranska, dokumenttisarja, 2022
13:35-14:20Norsusairaala 204
204 - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2021
14:20-15:05Yorkshiren eläinlääkäri 401
401 - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2013
15:05-15:55Luonnon joukkohyökkäykset
Luonnon joukkohyökkäykset - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2022
15:55-16:45Tappavat saalistajat Pieni, mutta tappava
Pieni, mutta tappava - Etelä-Afrikka, dokumenttisarja, 2020
16:45-17:30Sopeudu selviytymään Koalitiot
Koalitiot - Etelä-Afrikka, dokumenttisarja, 2020
17:30-18:20Villit taistelijat Taistelu ruuasta
Taistelu ruuasta - Espanja, dokumenttisarja, 2021
18:20-19:10Jokihirviöt Tulivuorisaaren kauhu
Tulivuorisaaren kauhu - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2017
19:10-20:15Syväsukellus Australiaan Trooppiset rannat
Trooppiset rannat - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2023
20:15-21:00Tappavat saalistajat Tappavat leuat
Tappavat leuat - Etelä-Afrikka, dokumenttisarja, 2020
21:00-21:55Karhujen paluu
Karhujen paluu - Saksa, dokumentti, 2020
21:55-22:45Villi Belgia Elämää varjoissa
Elämää varjoissa - Etelä-Afrikka, dokumentti, 2023
22:45-23:35Euroopan villi luonto Ilves
Ilves - Saksa, dokumenttisarja, 2020
23:35-00:30Euroopan villi luonto Ahma
Ahma - Saksa, dokumenttisarja, 2020
00:20-01:30Ristinnaulitut luut
Ristinnaulitut luut - Britannia, dokumentti, 2024
01:30-03:20Vastarinta: He taistelivat vastaan
Vastarinta: He taistelivat vastaan - Britannia, dokumentti, 2023
03:20-04:15Vastarinta Mauthausenissa
Vastarinta Mauthausenissa - Ranska, dokumentti, 2021
04:15-05:00Paavi ja Hitler - Pius XII:n salaisten kansioiden avaus
Paavi ja Hitler - Pius XII:n salaisten kansioiden avaus - Saksa, dokumentti, 2020
05:00-05:55Myytit: Ihmiskunnan mahtavat myytit Lohikäärmeet
Lohikäärmeet - Saksa, dokumenttisarja, 2023
05:55-06:40Vaiettu historia Hitlerin vihalomat
Hitlerin vihalomat - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2021
06:40-06:55Kirotut sukujuuret Hullun munkin kirous
Hullun munkin kirous - Kanada, dokumenttisarja, 2017
06:55-07:20Kirotut sukujuuret Haukkojen kirous
Haukkojen kirous - Kanada, dokumenttisarja, 2017
07:20-08:15Hieroglyfien salaisiidet 101
101 - Ranska, dokumenttisarja, 2022
08:15-09:10Hieroglyfien salaisiidet
Hieroglyfien salaisiidet
09:10-10:20Nousu ja tuho: Toisen maailmansodan käännekohdat Suunta kääntyy
Suunta kääntyy - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2019
10:20-11:25Toinen maailmansota - taistelut Euroopasta Normandian puhkaisu
Normandian puhkaisu - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2019
11:25-12:30Taisteluiden top-10 Panssarivaunut
Panssarivaunut - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2015
12:30-13:30Bettany Hughes ja maailman aarteet Viro
Viro - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2023
13:30-14:35Vatikaanin salaisten kansioiden paljastukset: Paavi ja paholainen Paholaisen kosto
Paholaisen kosto - Yhdysvallat, dokumenttisarja, 2021
14:35-15:35Vatikaanin salaisten kansioiden paljastukset: Paavi ja paholainen Rotat pakenevat länteen, idästä tulee uusi paholainen
Rotat pakenevat länteen, idästä tulee uusi paholainen - Yhdysvallat, dokumenttisarja, 2021
15:35-16:35Hieroglyfien salaisiidet 101
101 - Ranska, dokumenttisarja, 2022
16:35-17:35Hieroglyfien salaisiidet
Hieroglyfien salaisiidet
17:35-18:40Pompeiji: Villa Giulianan haudatut salaisuudet
Pompeiji: Villa Giulianan haudatut salaisuudet - Ranska, Italia, dokumentti, 2022
18:40-19:45Nousu ja tuho: Toisen maailmansodan käännekohdat Suunta kääntyy
Suunta kääntyy - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2019
19:45-20:55Toinen maailmansota - taistelut Euroopasta Normandian puhkaisu
Normandian puhkaisu - Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2019
20:55-21:55Salaiset aseet: Toinen maailmansota Aseet
Aseet - Australia, dokumenttisarja, 2022
21:55-23:00Töissä vihollisella Unohdettu trauma
Unohdettu trauma - Britannia, Saksa, dokumenttisarja, 2022
23:00-00:00Salainen natsitiede Pahaa kemiaa
Pahaa kemiaa - Yhdysvallat, dokumenttisarja, 2022
23:30-00:15Greatest Heists With Pierce Brosnan
Kaksi poliisiksi pukeutunutta varasta karkaa puolen miljoonan dollarin arvoisten taide-esineiden kanssa Bostonin museosta.
00:15-00:55When Big Things Go Wrong
Rakenteilla oleva tornihotelli sortuu varoittamatta New Orleansin kiireisessä keskustassa.
00:55-01:40The Hunt for Baltic Gold
Vaara vaanii meripihkan metsästäjiä. Krzysztofin pelto tulvii ja savua nousee asuntovaunusta.
01:40-02:25Pawn Stars S23E15
Kausi 23. Jakso 15/41. Parhaat Amerikan aarteet.
Sarja -
02:25-03:10World's Greatest Treasure Mysteries
Matty Blake palaa Floridan kuuluisalle aarrerannikolle auttaakseen aarteita pelastavaa ammattilaista eli John Brandonia ja hänen tiimiään, kun he sukeltavat hylkyihin, jotka kuuluivat kuuluisaan vuoden 1715 Espanj
03:10-03:35Storage Wars
Darrell ja Ivy ottavat yhteen Ivyn maaperällä, Barry löytää kulhoja, joilla on rauhoittava vaikutus, ja Jarrod ja Brandi saavat käsiinsä DJ-laitteita.
03:35-04:00Storage Wars
Placentiassa Rene ja Casey löytävät matkatavaroita täynnä olevan kopin, Barry ostaa varaston, joka saa hänet kyseenalaistamaan paikkansa huutokauppapelissä, ja Darrell saa käsiinsä hammastarvikkeita.
04:00-04:45Forged In Fire
Neljä seppää ryhtyy toimeen, kun heidän on taottava omintakeisia teriä erilaisten kotitaloustavaroiden metalleista.
04:45-05:30Ancient Aliens
Salaperäisiä esineitä ja uskomattomia voimia. Tutustu kymmeneen maailman upeimpaan artefaktiin.
05:30-06:15Forged in Fire
Toisessa jaksossa palaamme ahjon gladiaattorien areenalle katsomaan kahta uutta hurjaa kaksintaistelua.
06:15-07:00Pawn Stars
Corey tarkistaa Jason Aldeanin neonvalon, ja Rickillä on hauskaa, kun hän tutkii keraamista pöllövaasia, jonka on tehnyt itse Pablo Picasso.
07:00-07:20Auction Hunters
Ton ja Allen taistelevat paria ilkeää ja kaunaista naishuutokaupan metsästäjää vastaan, jotka tekevät tarjouksia pikemminkin kiusaamisen kuin strategian perusteella.
07:20-07:40Auction Hunters
Philadelphiassa kaverit kohtaavat epäilyttävän huutajan, jolla on sisäpiiritietoa, ja entisen NFL-tähti Vince Papalen taistelussa vintage-syöttölaitteesta ja siirtomaa-ajan musketista, joka voi olla valtavan arvokas.
07:40-08:25Forged In Fire
Clay Spencerin sepänverstaalla kolme takomon parasta seppää joutuu koville.
08:25-09:10Pawn Stars S20E01
Kausi 20. Jakso 1/8. Harrisonien panttilainaamossa häärivät miehet kolmessa sukupolvessa.
Sarja -
09:10-09:50Auction Hunters
Ennennäkemättömässä live-tapahtumassa Ton ja Allen osallistuvat eksklusiiviseen huippuluokan huutokauppaan ja yrittävät tehdä voittoa vain tunnissa.
09:50-10:15Auction Hunters
Ton ja Allen huomaavat, että panttilainaamon omistamisesta on odotettua enemmän vaivaa.
10:15-10:55Ancient Aliens S08E05
Kausi 8. Jakso 5/10. Maapallon ulkopuolinen evoluutio.
Sarja -
10:55-11:15Storage Wars
Stantonissa yksiköt on pakattu täyteen.
11:15-11:40Storage Wars
Mitä löytyy huutokaupattavaksi varastojen kätköistä? Kuka iskee kultasuoneen, vai onko tavaralla sittenkään mitään arvoa? Kuinka pitkälle voi mennä aarteen toivossa? Amerikkalaisen tosi-tv -ohjelman 14. tuotantokausi.
11:40-12:05Storage Wars S14E08
Kausi 14. Jakso 8. Barry ilmestyy huutokauppaan valmiina oppimaan ja tuo tuliaisena lahjan eräälle parhaista varastohaukoista.
Sarja -
12:05-12:45Forged In Fire
Montanan Bigforkissa sijaitsevassa New Agrarian - koulussa kolmea huippuseppää testataan ennennäkemättömällä tavalla.
12:45-13:30Pawn Stars
Corey hinkuu kauppoja, kun Guns n? Roses - keräilysetti ilmestyy liikkeeseen.
13:30-14:15Curse of Skinwalker Ranch
Tohtori Travis Taylor käy läpi uudelleen yllättävimmät ja kiehtovimmat ilmiöt, jotka on koettu Skinwalker Ranch - tilalla viimeisen vuoden aikana.
14:15-14:55Ancient Aliens
Salaperäisiä esineitä ja uskomattomia voimia. Tutustu kymmeneen maailman upeimpaan artefaktiin.
14:55-15:40The Unbelievable With Dan Aykroyd
Kuvittele tämä: vauvojen kokovartalokaasunaamari.
15:40-16:20Ross Kemp: Deep Sea Treasure Hunter S14E08
Jaksossa Ross jatkaa sukellusmatkaansa Egyptin rannikolla Punaisenmeren kristallinkirkkaissa vesissä. Matka on hänelle hyvin henkilökohtainen, sillä Rossin isoisä taisteli Pohjois-Afrikan kampanjassa toisessa maai
16:20-16:40Auction Hunters
Ton ja Allen kiirehtivät takaisin huutokaupasta ostaakseen harvinaisen sarjakuvan, jonka arvo on yli 100 000 dollaria.
16:40-17:00Auction Hunters
Ton ja Allen joutuvat reviirikiistaan Hollywood-huutokaupassa, mutta eivät saa keskenäänkään sovittua, ottavatko riskin antiikkisesta kolikkopelistä. Allen yrittää lentää rakettirepulla.
17:00-17:25Auction Hunters
Miehet vievät isosiskon naisen ensimmäisen huutokauppaan ja kun tilanne kärjistyy, hänestä tulee heidän salainen aseensa.
17:25-17:45Pawn Stars
Pallopelit pyörähtävät käyntiin, kun panttilainaamoon paiskataan ilmeisesti vuoden 1959 World Series -mestaruuden voittaneiden Dodgersien signeeraama baseball-pallo.
17:45-18:25Pawn Stars
Rick rokkaa, kun myyjä tuo Rolling Stonesien Keith Richardin pikkutakin tarjolle.
18:25-19:10Curse of Skinwalker Ranch
Tiimi palaa etsimään uusia todisteita salaperäisestä poikkeamasta taivaalla yli kilometrin päässä kolmioalueen yläpuolella.
19:10-19:50Greatest Heists With Pierce Brosnan
Kaksi poliisiksi pukeutunutta varasta karkaa puolen miljoonan dollarin arvoisten taide-esineiden kanssa Bostonin museosta.
19:50-20:35The UnXplained With William Shatner
Mikä motivoi varastamaan? Onko kyse vain rahasta vai onko rikollisilla jokin muu syy tehdä erityisen uskaliaita ryöstöjä? Ymmärrämmekö koskaan, mikä ajaa ihmisiä tekemään outoja ja vaarallisia rikoksia?
20:35-21:15Forged In Fire
Kilpailijoilla on vain viisi päivää aikaa takoa pyhä ja tappava Talwar-miekka.
21:15-22:00Forged in Fire
Ensimmäistä kertaa kolme aseseppää suuntaa historialliseen Mystic Seaportiin meriteemaista kisaa varten.
22:00-22:45Pawn Stars Do America
Palattuaan Las Vegasiin kaverit ovat valmiita nappaamaan jättipotin.
22:45-23:30History's Greatest Mysteries
Vuonna 1930 newyorkilainen Tammany Halliin ja FDR:ään yhdistetty tuomari katoaa.
23:30-00:15Ancient Aliens
2000-luvulla ufot ovat astuneet tieteen reunamilta koko kansan mielenkiinnonkohteeksi.
00:15-01:00Unidentified: Inside America's UFO Investigation
Kohtaaminen Amerikan sydänmailla kertoo pelottavan puolen ufoilmiöistä. Ryhmä seuraa räjähdysherkkiä ufoihin liittyviä todisteita, jotka liittyvät myös ihmiskunnan tuhoisimpiin aseisiin.
01:00-01:45Food Tech
Amerikkalaiset rakastavat eväitä lounasrasioissa aina leikkikentiltä toimistokoppeihin. Oletko koskaan miettinyt, miksi pähkinävoileipä tarttuu suulakeen? Tiesitkö, että miniporkkanat voisivat olla violetteja ilman hollantilaisia?
01:45-02:30Human Weapon
Savate eli vanha kenkä kehittyi Ranskassa 1800-luvulla. Jason ja Bill tutkivat Marseillen telakoita paljastaakseen sen salaisuudet.
Tutustu eläinten erilaisten muotojen kehitykseen, ja katso, miten pienikin muutos voi tehdä eron elämän ja sukupuuttoon kuolemisen välillä.
03:15-04:00WW2 Treasure Hunters
Suggs ja Stephen kaivavat Weedon Becissä esiin hurjan määrän toisen maailmansodan aikaisia reliikkejä ja saavat selville huippusalaisen asevaraston vaietun historian.
04:00-04:45Rome: Rise and Fall of an Empire
Kun Trajanus julistettiin keisariksi, hän päätti ryhtyä rakentamaan vaikeuksissa olevaa valtakuntaa uudelleen, jotta maa saisi mahdollisimman paljon vaikutusvaltaa.
04:45-05:30Pirate Treasure of the Knights Templar
Sarjassa arvostettu arkeologi ja seikkailija Barry Clifford yrittää ratkaista satoja vuosia vanhaa mysteeriä tutkijoista ja asiantuntijoista koostuvan tiiminsä avulla.
05:30-06:15Where Did It Come From?
Juontaja Michael Guillen matkaa Kiinaan tutkimaan nykyaikaisen maanviljelyosaamisen juuria.
06:15-07:00Unidentified: Inside America's UFO Investigation
Kohtaaminen Amerikan sydänmailla kertoo pelottavan puolen ufoilmiöistä. Ryhmä seuraa räjähdysherkkiä ufoihin liittyviä todisteita, jotka liittyvät myös ihmiskunnan tuhoisimpiin aseisiin.
07:00-07:45Food Tech
Amerikkalaiset rakastavat eväitä lounasrasioissa aina leikkikentiltä toimistokoppeihin. Oletko koskaan miettinyt, miksi pähkinävoileipä tarttuu suulakeen? Tiesitkö, että miniporkkanat voisivat olla violetteja ilman hollantilaisia?
07:45-08:30Human Weapon
Savate eli vanha kenkä kehittyi Ranskassa 1800-luvulla. Jason ja Bill tutkivat Marseillen telakoita paljastaakseen sen salaisuudet.
Tutustu eläinten erilaisten muotojen kehitykseen, ja katso, miten pienikin muutos voi tehdä eron elämän ja sukupuuttoon kuolemisen välillä.
09:15-10:00WW2 Treasure Hunters
Suggs ja Stephen kaivavat Weedon Becissä esiin hurjan määrän toisen maailmansodan aikaisia reliikkejä ja saavat selville huippusalaisen asevaraston vaietun historian.
10:00-10:45Rome: Rise and Fall of an Empire
Kun Trajanus julistettiin keisariksi, hän päätti ryhtyä rakentamaan vaikeuksissa olevaa valtakuntaa uudelleen, jotta maa saisi mahdollisimman paljon vaikutusvaltaa.
10:45-11:30Pirate Treasure of the Knights Templar
Sarjassa arvostettu arkeologi ja seikkailija Barry Clifford yrittää ratkaista satoja vuosia vanhaa mysteeriä tutkijoista ja asiantuntijoista koostuvan tiiminsä avulla.
11:30-12:15Where Did It Come From?
Juontaja Michael Guillen matkaa Kiinaan tutkimaan nykyaikaisen maanviljelyosaamisen juuria.
12:15-13:00Unidentified: Inside America's UFO Investigation
Kohtaaminen Amerikan sydänmailla kertoo pelottavan puolen ufoilmiöistä. Ryhmä seuraa räjähdysherkkiä ufoihin liittyviä todisteita, jotka liittyvät myös ihmiskunnan tuhoisimpiin aseisiin.
13:00-13:45Food Tech
Amerikkalaiset rakastavat eväitä lounasrasioissa aina leikkikentiltä toimistokoppeihin. Oletko koskaan miettinyt, miksi pähkinävoileipä tarttuu suulakeen? Tiesitkö, että miniporkkanat voisivat olla violetteja ilman hollantilaisia?
13:45-14:30Human Weapon
Savate eli vanha kenkä kehittyi Ranskassa 1800-luvulla. Jason ja Bill tutkivat Marseillen telakoita paljastaakseen sen salaisuudet.
Tutustu eläinten erilaisten muotojen kehitykseen, ja katso, miten pienikin muutos voi tehdä eron elämän ja sukupuuttoon kuolemisen välillä.
15:15-16:00WW2 Treasure Hunters
Suggs ja Stephen kaivavat Weedon Becissä esiin hurjan määrän toisen maailmansodan aikaisia reliikkejä ja saavat selville huippusalaisen asevaraston vaietun historian.
16:00-16:45Rome: Rise and Fall of an Empire
Kun Trajanus julistettiin keisariksi, hän päätti ryhtyä rakentamaan vaikeuksissa olevaa valtakuntaa uudelleen, jotta maa saisi mahdollisimman paljon vaikutusvaltaa.
16:45-17:30Pirate Treasure of the Knights Templar
Sarjassa arvostettu arkeologi ja seikkailija Barry Clifford yrittää ratkaista satoja vuosia vanhaa mysteeriä tutkijoista ja asiantuntijoista koostuvan tiiminsä avulla.
17:30-18:15Where Did It Come From?
Juontaja Michael Guillen matkaa Kiinaan tutkimaan nykyaikaisen maanviljelyosaamisen juuria.
18:15-19:00Buried: Knights Templar and the Holy Grail
Tiimi suuntaa Akkoon, jonne rakennettiin satoja vuosia sitten yksi suurimpia tunnelikomplekseja. Uusi teknologia paljastaa mystisen salaisen huoneen.
19:00-19:45Chasing Mummies
Sotaharjoitukset keskeyttävät Zahin ryhmän matkan entisöimään muinaista minareettia. Heidän täytyy matkata läpi Valkoisen aavikon ja leiriytyä keitaalle.
19:45-20:30The Curse of Civil War Gold
Jännitys kasvaa, kun Kevin ryhmineen löytää todisteita sisällissodan aikaisen kenraalin omistuksilta. Ne voisivat vakuuttaa Martyn siitä, että heidän teoriansa pitää paikkansa.
20:30-21:15Brad Meltzer's Decoded
Yleisen käsityksen mukaan maailman tunnetuin taikuri kuoli epäonnistuneeseen taikatemppuun, mutta uudet todisteet antavat ymmärtää, ettei kuolema ehkä ollutkaan vahinko.
21:15-22:00Ancient Aliens
Ympäri maailmaa tunnetaan muinaisia riittejä ja rituaaleja, joiden uskotaan yhdistävän ihmiset toiseen ulottuvuuteen. Kenen tai minkä kanssa ihminen silloin kommunikoi?
Tutustu eläinten erilaisten muotojen kehitykseen, ja katso, miten pienikin muutos voi tehdä eron elämän ja sukupuuttoon kuolemisen välillä.
22:45-00:15Engineering an Empire
Rooma oli yli 500 vuoden ajan maailman mahtavin ja kehittynein sivilisaatio. Sen mahti perustui ennenkokemattomaan insinööritaitoon sekä työvoiman hyödyntämiseen.
00:00-01:00Eläinten pelastajat
Eläinten oikeuksiin ja hyvinvointiin erikoistunut järjestö tekee väsymättä työtä kaltoinkohdeltujen eläinten hyväksi.
01:00-01:45Phoenixin eläinpoliisit
Ongelmia aiheuttamassa.
01:45-02:30Zoltan The Wolfman
Uusi tositelevisiosarja villieläinasiantuntija Zoltan Horkaista, joka kouluttaa eläimiä elokuviin sekä tv-ohjelmiin.
02:30-03:15Dodo Heroes
Kiehtovia tarinoita kipeästi avun tarpeessa olevista eläimistä ympäri maailmaa sekä ihmisistä, jotka auttavat niitä voimiaan säästelemättä.
03:15-04:00Swimming With Monsters: Steve Backshall
Steve matkustaa Cortezin merelle opiskelemaan ahnaan humboldtin kalmarin saalistuskäyttäytymistä käyttäen itseään syöttinä. Päätyykö hän syöttinä syvyyksiin asti?
04:00-04:45Philadelphian eläinpoliisit
PSPCA haluaa oikeutta auttamilleen eläimille.
04:45-05:30Homestead Rescue: Home Sweet Homestead
Kausi 2 osa 7/13. Osa kaupunkilaisista on kyllästynyt hetkisen maailman sykkeeseen ja haluaa muttaa maalle.
05:30-06:15Philadelphian eläinpoliisit
PSPCA:n virkailijat epäilevät, että eräs mies kasvattaa koiranpentuja kellarikerroksessa Philadelphiassa.
06:15-07:00Dogs: The Untold Story
Matka maailman ympäri näyttää, miten koirasta tuli maailman arvostetuimpiin eläimiin kuuluva laji.
07:00-07:50Philadelphian eläinpoliisit
PSPCA haluaa oikeutta auttamilleen eläimille.
07:50-08:40Dogs: The Untold Story
Matka maailman ympäri näyttää, miten koirasta tuli maailman arvostetuimpiin eläimiin kuuluva laji.
08:40-09:30Homestead Rescue: Home Sweet Homestead
Kausi 3 osa 9/13. Osa kaupunkilaisista on kyllästynyt hetkisen maailman sykkeeseen ja haluaa muttaa maalle.
09:30-10:25Uskomattomat uima-altaat
Viidakkotunnelmaa. Vanhanaikainen allas kaipaa uudistusta. Lucas luo takapihalle viidakkokeitaan, josta ei yllätyksiä puutu.
10:25-11:20Irwinin perheen eläintarha S02E10
Kausi 2, osa 10. Krokotiilimiehenä tunnetuksi tulleen Steve Irwinin perintö elää hänen leskessään Terrissä sekä lapsissaan Bindissä ja Robertissa.
Sarja -
11:20-12:15Dogs 101: Specials
Ohjelmassa tarkastellaan koirarotujen eroja sekä esitellään nopeimmat, laiskimmat, pienimmät, suurimmat, rumimmat ja älykkäimmät koirarodut.
12:15-13:10Homestead Rescue: Home Sweet Homestead
Marty siirtää huojuvan mökin tulvalta suojatulle perustukselle. Matt opettaa sairasta äitiä kohtaamaan villisikapelkonsa.
13:10-14:05Koteja lemmikkiperheille
Suunnittelija Antonio Ballatore rakastaa eläimiä. Hänen intohimonaan on yhdessä tiiminsä kanssa kunnostaa ränsistyneitä ja ahtaita koteja sekä niiden pihoja uuteen, eläin- ja ihmisystävällisempään kuosiin.
14:05-15:00Irwinin perheen eläintarha S02E08
Kausi 2, osa 8. Krokotiilimiehenä tunnetuksi tulleen Steve Irwinin perintö elää hänen leskessään Terrissä sekä lapsissaan Bindissä ja Robertissa.
Sarja -
Coloradossa mustakarhut tunkeutuvat sisälle mökkiin omistajan nukkuessa yläkerrassa.
16:00-17:00I Was Prey
Miten saalistajasta tuleekin saalis? Villieläinten hyökkäysten kohteeksi joutuneet ihmiset kertovat kokemuksistaan.
17:00-18:00Ehdonalaisvangit koirankouluttajina S02E08
Kausi 10 osa 4/21. Tia Torres kuntouttaa kaltoinkohdeltuja amerikanpitbullterriereitä ehdonalaisvankien avulla Villalobosin pelastuskeskuksessa.
18:00-19:00Homestead Rescue: Home Sweet Homestead S02E08
Kausi 3 osa 10/13. Osa kaupunkilaisista on kyllästynyt hetkisen maailman sykkeeseen ja haluaa muttaa maalle.
19:00-20:00Uskomattomat uima-altaat
Ikioma vesipuisto.
20:00-21:00Irwinin perheen eläintarha
Krokotiilimiehenä tunnetuksi tulleen Steve Irwinin perintö elää hänen leskessään Terrissä sekä lapsissaan Bindissä ja Robertissa.
21:00-22:00Monster Croc Invasion
Isokokoisten krokotiilien hyökkäykset ihmistä kohtaan ja jopa kuolemantapaukset ovat lisääntyneet Costa Ricassa.
22:00-23:00Man-Eating Super Snake
Etelä-Floridan viranomaiset yrittävät hillitä afrikkalaisen kalliopytonin leviämistä. Sen tiedetään hyökänneen ihmisten kimppuun ja jopa tappaneen ja syöneen ihmisiä.
23:00-00:00Erakkoperhe erämaassa
Villit ja vapaat Brownit elävät Alaskan erämaassa.
23:10-00:15Kultakuume: White Water
Katkennut kommunikaatio ja putoilevat kivet piinaavat kultaa etsiviä Dustinia ja työryhmää. Dustin saa huonoja uutisia isästään Fredistä.
00:15-01:25America's Backyard Gold
Dave Turin ratkaisee vuosisatoja vanhoja arvoituksia Amerikoiden tutkimattomilla kultakentillä ja auttaa kaivajia kohti kultaisia palkkapäiviä.
01:25-02:35Ed Stafford: First Man Out
Ed kohtaa psykologisen sodankäynnin sotilaan ja todellisen ninjan, Hakim Islerin, Setsuanin maakunnan Zoige-soilla.
02:35-03:40Yliluonnollisen jäljillä
Japanin Okinawassa tutkitaan tapauksia, joissa toisen maailmansodan taisteluissa kuolleiden sielut ovat vallanneet ihmisiä.
03:40-04:50Arvokaman etsijät
11. kausi alkaa uusintana.
04:50-06:00Arvokaman etsijät
Kausi 11 osa 2/12. Nykypäivän aarteenetsijä Drew Pritchard matkustaa ympäri Britanniaa etsiessään upeita ja ihmeellisiä antiikkiesineitä. Mitä isompi saalis, sitä onnellisempi mies.
06:00-06:25Baggage Battles
Kausi 1 osa 20/26. Sarjassa kierretään maailmalla huutamassa kilpaa noutamatta jääneitä matkalaukkuja, lunastamattomia tilauksia ja alkuperäisten omistajiensa unohtamia löytötavaroita.
06:25-07:15Redwood Kings
Entisellä uimapukumalli Jennifer Stanolla on kaikki: mainetta, suloiset lapset ja miljoonakoti. Vain puumaja puuttuu.
07:15-08:05Alaska: Viimeinen rintama
August joutuu tekemään vaikeita tulevaisuuttaan koskevia päätöksiä. Ajatuksiaan selvittääkseen Elvin ottaa veljensä mukaan retkelle Red Mountain -vuorelle.
08:05-08:30Valmistuksen salat
Oletko koskaan miettinyt, miten jokapäiväisiä tuotteita, kuten savikannuja, kanaherkkuja ja NASCAR-moottoreita valmistetaan?
08:30-09:00Valmistuksen salat
Oletko koskaan miettinyt, miten jokapäiväisiä tuotteita, kuten kynsisaksia ja ruokaöljyä valmistetaan?
09:00-10:05Wheeler Dealers
Autokauppias Mike Brewer on palannut Britanniaan! Mekaanikko Marc "Elvis" Priestlyn kanssa hän etsii ja entisöi klassikkoautoja, jotka myydään voitolla eteenpäin.
10:05-11:10Bitchin' Rides
Kindig-It Design -liikkeen omistaja Dave Kindig kustomoi ainutlaatuisia menopelejä vaativille asiakkailleen.
11:10-12:15Alaskan rajamailla
Jäät alkavat lähteä, ja lumi sulaa. Neil pyrkii aloittamaan kaivoksen kunnostusta.
12:15-13:20Gold Rush
Yukonin kullankaivajat pistävät kaiken likoon rikastumisen toivossa.
13:20-14:25Gold Rush
Yukonin kullankaivajat pistävät rikastumisen toivossa kaiken likoon.
14:25-15:00Valmistuksen salat
Oletko koskaan miettinyt, miten jokapäiväisiä tuotteita, kuten lämpömittareita, levitteitä ja sombreroja valmistetaan? Sarjassa tarkastellaan tuttuja tavaroita tarkemmin.
15:00-15:30Valmistuksen salat
Sarjassa näytetään, kuinka jokapäiväisessä käytössämme olevat perustavarat ja -tuotteet tehdään.
15:30-16:40Arvokaman etsijät: Entisöijät
Veistäjä Nick saa tehtäväkseen loihtia jotain uutta kahdesta päättömästä puutarhakoristeesta.
16:40-17:50Arvokaman etsijät: Entisöijät
Valoasiantuntija Jolene saa haasteen entisöidä erikoisen empiretyylisen kattokruunun.
17:50-18:55Wheeler Dealers
Autokauppias Mike Brewer on palannut Britanniaan! Mekaanikko Marc "Elvis" Priestlyn kanssa hän etsii ja entisöi klassikkoautoja, jotka myydään voitolla eteenpäin.
18:55-20:00Wheeler Dealers
Autokauppias Mike Brewer on palannut Britanniaan! Mekaanikko Marc "Elvis" Priestlyn kanssa hän etsii ja entisöi klassikkoautoja, jotka myydään voitolla eteenpäin.
20:00-21:00Wheeler Dealers World Tour
Mike ja Elvis lähtevät valloittamaan maailmaa! Tällä kertaa ovat panokset korkeammalla, aikataulut tiukemmat ja luomukset entistä hämmästyttävämpiä.
21:00-22:05Wheeler Dealers World Tour
Mike ja Elvis lähtevät valloittamaan maailmaa! Tällä kertaa ovat panokset korkeammalla, aikataulut tiukemmat ja luomukset entistä hämmästyttävämpiä.
22:05-23:10Arvokaman etsijät: Klassikkoautot
Paul ja Drew suuntaavat Kentiin katsomaan ylellistä Sunbeam Alpine -roadsteria.
23:10-00:15Erakkoperhe erämaassa
Alaskan erämaassa asuu villinä syntynyt ja kasvanut perhe.
23:40-00:30Bermudan kolmion kirous
New discoveries might finally explain the truth behind one of the Triangle's most infamous mysteries, when 306 US Navy crewmen vanished without a trace.
00:30-01:20NASAn salaiset kansiot
Looking at how pictures from the Hubble telescope make the comet of the century look like an alien spacecraft.
01:20-02:10NASAn salaiset kansiot
Looking at the mysterious trails on the lunar surface near the Apollo landing sites, as well as a strange space object.
02:10-03:00Killers Of The Cosmos
More than 100 million pieces of small space debris are floating around the Earth.
03:00-03:48Killers Of The Cosmos
Aliens could be lethal killers who want to invade and plunder our world.
03:48-04:12Miten kaikki tehdään?
How deliveries are made to the International Space Station
04:12-04:36Miten kaikki tehdään?
How to make a bicycle which can fold up to a tenth the size of a regular bike
04:36-05:00Miten kaikki tehdään?
How to make the Fender Stratocaster electric guitar, and a look at the way Swedish fermented cod roe Kalles caviar is made
05:00-05:24Miten kaikki tehdään?
A look at the gravity-defying 'magic' behind Pisa's leaning tower. Plus, the making of chocolate digestive biscuits.
05:24-05:48Valmistuksen salat
More everyday items go under the microscope.
05:48-06:12Valmistuksen salat
More everyday items go under the microscope.
06:12-06:36Valmistuksen salat
More everyday items go under the microscope.
06:36-07:00Valmistuksen salat
More everyday items go under the microscope.
07:00-07:24Valmistuksen salat
More everyday items are put under the microscope as we discover how racing leathers are manufactured and wood rocking chairs are made.
07:24-07:48Valmistuksen salat
A chance to find out how mountain bikes are produced and lever action rifles are manufactured.
07:48-08:12Valmistuksen salat
A look at how saunas are produced and how wheelchair lifts are manufactured.
08:12-08:36Valmistuksen salat
More everyday items are put under the microscope as we discover how upright pianos are manufactured and flags are produced.
08:36-09:00Valmistuksen salat
A guide to the process behind making oil lamps and chocolate mints.
09:00-09:48Uljas universumi
New discoveries reveal that neutron stars have the power to destroy planets and even other stars.
09:48-10:36Uljas universumi
Supernovas are the violent deaths of giant stars, and new discoveries reveal that these cataclysmic events create the elements that are essential to all life in the universe.
10:36-11:24Uljas universumi
New discoveries reveal the importance of black holes in creating stars, giving light, and building the universe itself.
11:24-12:12Killers Of The Cosmos
Dramatised-documentary series in which Aidan Gillen plays a detective examining dangerous phenomena in the universe.
12:12-13:00Killers Of The Cosmos
Every day, Earth is bombarded by 100 tons of meteoroids from space.
13:00-13:24Miten kaikki tehdään?
The complex technological processes involved in creating seemingly simple modern-day objects.
13:24-13:50Miten kaikki tehdään?
The complex technological processes involved in creating seemingly simple modern-day objects.
13:50-14:14Miten kaikki tehdään?
How do they build one of the world's most exclusive luxury cars? How do they make a referee's whistle that can be heard above 50,000 screaming fans? How they make paprika smoky?
14:14-14:38Miten kaikki tehdään?
How do they turn English willow into cricket bats for India's top players? How do they craft stunning hand-made Spanish fans? And, how do they build foundations for tall buildings?
14:38-15:02Miten kaikki tehdään?
How do they build a tractor every three minutes to power Indian agriculture? How do they cast the bronze bells that help Swiss farmers keep track of their cows?
15:02-15:26Miten kaikki tehdään?
How do they collect millions of real birds' nests to make birds' nest soup? How do they use aerospace technology to make rowers go faster? And, how are castanets made?
15:26-16:14Maanalaiset salaisuudet
A strange cave freezes in summer and melts in winter, and a huge sand dune swallows a small child in an instant.
16:14-17:02Maanalaiset salaisuudet
When an infamous pirate city sunk into the sea, a huge treasure may have gone with it.
17:02-17:50Vieraita avaruudesta
A virtual-reality simulator predicts a collision between a comet and Earth.
17:50-18:40Uljas universumi
New discoveries reveal the secrets of hundreds of strange, tiny worlds called dwarf planets.
18:40-19:30Uljas universumi
Planets that orbit two suns instead of one might be deadly hell worlds, but discoveries reveal that sci-fi star systems with binary stars might be optimal places for alien life.
19:30-19:55Valmistuksen salat
A look at how ice buckets are manufactured, and putting together a replica of a human skeleton.
19:55-20:20Valmistuksen salat
The development process behind the production and manufacture of scuba lights and convertible sandals.
20:20-20:45Valmistuksen salat
The development process behind the manufacturing of wood windows, and the production of woven cashmere.
20:45-21:10Valmistuksen salat
A chance to discover the manufacturing processes that go into the production of gas barbecues and mattress pads.
21:10-21:35Valmistuksen salat
How skateboards are manufactured and braided pastry produced, and how techniques have changed with the passage of time.
21:35-22:00Valmistuksen salat
The manufacturing process behind plasma gems are manufactured and a look at how special effects snow is made.
22:00-22:50Uljas universumi
Earth's history is marked by one cosmic disaster after another, forging the path of human evolution;
22:50-23:40Vieraita avaruudesta
Link analysis uncovers a correlation between UFO sightings and secret government sites and Nick and Sarah follow a lead deep underground; Paul and Kawa track UFO reports to a secret atomic site in Argentina.
23:40-00:30NASAn salaiset kansiot
Experts investigate if a nearby exoplanet could be the home to an alien civilization after a new discovery confirms that life can thrive on such a world.
00:00-01:00An American Murder Mystery: The Staircase
The 2001 death of Kathleen Peterson.
In 1968, actress Victoria Vetri became Playmate of the Year.
02:00-03:00Murhaaja kotonani
When Roger's best friend, Bob Duke, asks for a 'favour', he thinks Bob is venting.
03:00-03:30Bail Jumpers
In Louisiana, Tina and Darnell learn about UFOs and demons from Jesse.
03:30-04:00Bail Jumpers
Kay and John's fugitive, Michael, likes to drive fast.
04:00-05:00Hengenvaaralliset vanhemmat
Five-year-old Sir Ameir Stackhouse dies at home in Wisconsin on Father's Day.
Police officers in Pueblo, Colorado are shocked when 77-year-old Susan Hernandez is found dead in her basement.
In Ohio, local antiques dealer Mary Kay Wohlfarth mysteriously vanishes.
07:00-08:00Pahuuden ääni
When Michael Humphreys and Sandra Walton are gunned down, detectives don't know who the intended victim was - until they find recordings of phone conversations.
08:00-09:00Pahuuden ääni
When Sharon Garrison's family report her missing, there's evidence to suggest she left town.
09:00-10:00Hinnalla millä hyvänsä
When financial difficulties force Tina to drop out of college, she takes a job in a Minnesota Prison.
10:00-11:00Hinnalla millä hyvänsä
Daniel and Nicole are living it up, and when Dan offers Nicole's father, John, some fast money, he can't refuse.
11:00-12:00Welcome To Killer Town
Donna Fontaine and her boyfriend are found shot dead in a burning house.
12:00-13:00Welcome To Killer Town
Patricia Mills is killed in a house fire in Texas.
13:00-14:00Murder in the Heartland
A case in which a saddle-maker in the cowboy town of Emmett, Idaho, was beaten to death.
14:00-15:00Murder in the Heartland
How the community of Kankakee, Illinois, came together to aid police in uncovering the vile killer in the shooting death of model Sarah Washington.
The story of an unconventional New York family dragged into the headlines after one of them was murdered in brutal fashion.
A case in which a failing family business led to murder, as one relative was found to be worth more dead than alive.
17:00-17:30Kenet ihmeessä nain?
When Amber met Scott Peterson, she thought she found her soul mate.
17:30-18:00Kenet ihmeessä nain?
When Jen's popular husband Jack sets up a baseball academy for local kids everyone is keen to get involved.
18:00-18:30Kenet ihmeessä nain?
Diane is swept off her feet when she meets Frenchman Philippe.
18:30-19:00Kenet ihmeessä nain?
Divorcee Katherine Blankenship never expected to find love in her former classmate, war veteran Glenn Seymour.
19:00-20:00Tavallinen murhaaja
Four best friends, two married couples, multiple sordid secrets, one huge betrayal... and a murder.
20:00-21:00Tavallinen murhaaja
When Dr Jim Kohnle is found dead in a devastating fire at his family home, it appears to be a tragic
21:00-22:00Breaking Point
Sarah, 27, sells her body in order to fund a lavish lifestyle.
22:00-23:00Murder Under the Friday Night Lights
Two football players are shot to death, shattering two small Texas towns.
23:00-00:00Murhaaja kotonani
When Roger's best friend, Bob Duke, asks for a 'favour', he thinks Bob is venting.
00:00-01:00Ghost Loop
The Spirit Hunters arrive in Palatka, Florida, to help a mother who fears an unknown entity is crawling into her children's bedrooms.
01:00-02:00The Alaska Triangle
A Sasquatch colony terrorises the residents of remote Prince of Wales Island; decades of UFO sightings on Kodiak Island lead many to believe that aliens are working with the US military.
02:00-03:00The Alaska Triangle
A sonar recording that may prove that a prehistoric monster stalked the seas around Kodiak Island.
03:00-04:00Mysteries At The Museum
Don Wildman investigates a sinister haunting in California, a bizarre ancient Egyptian artefact and a scorned sea captain's curse.
04:00-05:00Mysteries At The Museum
Don investigates an ominous orb with unusual powers, an interstellar sound from the dark side of the moon and the true identity of a world-renowned writer.
05:00-06:00Ghost Loop
The Spirit Hunters arrive in Palatka, Florida, to help a mother who fears an unknown entity is crawling into her children's bedrooms.
06:00-07:00Treasure Quest: Snake Island
Looming storms and a leaky boat threaten to shut down the mission just as Cork closes in on the Treasure of the Trinity.
07:00-08:00Building Alaska
Nick races to finish his cabin before his mum visits again.
08:00-09:00Ice Cold Gold
Time is short in Saqqaq and Eric pushes the team to explore every corner.
09:00-10:00Treasure Quest: Snake Island
A critical clue on Snake Island sends the team into the dangerous Paraguayan jungle, with more deadl
10:00-11:00Finding Bigfoot
The team heads to northern Florida to help a family that believes they have a bigfoot living on their property.
11:00-12:00Mysteries At The Museum
Don Wildman examines a painting by Vincent Van Gogh, a dress worn by a ground-breaking athlete and a massive airplane used to combat a deadly inferno.
12:00-13:00Expedition Unknown
Josh takes on the Indian Ocean's punishing waters as he chases the lost treasure of Olivier Levasseur rumored to be worth more than a billion dollars.
13:00-14:00Kindred Spirits
A menacing ghost frightens an 11-year-old girl.
14:00-15:00Building Alaska
All the builders are in the final stretch as they complete their cabins and floating lodge.
15:00-16:00Ice Cold Gold
Eric continues to battle gold fever as he pushes himself and his team well past their limits.
16:00-17:00Treasure Quest: Snake Island
The team finds even more artifacts that lead them closer to treasure. They meet with a local histori
17:00-18:00Finding Bigfoot
On a midnight mission to confirm Bigfoot sightings in Oregon the team is disturbed by a strange, rumbling growl.
18:00-19:00Mysteries At The Museum
Don Wildman examines an extraterrestrial encounter linked to a bizarre spider, a survivor turned circus performer and a rusty can of beans that symbolises a high-tech craze.
19:00-20:00Expedition Unknown
Josh Gates investigates the Dyatlov Pass Incident, where nine hikers died in unexplained circumstances.
20:00-21:00Kindred Spirits
A hostile spirit attacks a homeowner and smashes objects.
21:00-22:00The Dead Files
Steve and Amy investigate a family-owned restaurant threatened by violent paranormal activity in Albuquerque.
22:00-23:00The Ghost Town Terror
The team find links between the bloody history of Anaconda, Montana, and Gunslinger Gulch.
23:00-00:00Destination Fear
The team confront their childhood fears at the infamous Waverly Hills Sanatorium in Louisville, KY, reputed to be America's most haunted location.
Don?t miss the latest trends in the most sensual pieces of fashion, we?re talking about the latest lingerie collections presented on the world podiums! Sizzling hot looks from top lingerie designers
Don?t miss the latest trends in the most sensual pieces of fashion, we?re talking about the latest lingerie collections presented on the world podiums! Sizzling hot looks from top lingerie designers
Everyone needs a great swimsuit in their wardrobe, better to have more than one.
Everyone needs a great swimsuit in their wardrobe, better to have more than one.
02:00-02:30Top Models
Top Models
02:30-03:00Top Models
Top Models
Don?t miss the latest trends in the most sensual pieces of fashion, we?re talking about the latest lingerie collections presented on the world podiums! Sizzling hot looks from top lingerie designers
Don?t miss the latest trends in the most sensual pieces of fashion, we?re talking about the latest lingerie collections presented on the world podiums! Sizzling hot looks from top lingerie designers
Everyone needs a great swimsuit in their wardrobe, better to have more than one.
Everyone needs a great swimsuit in their wardrobe, better to have more than one.
05:00-05:30Top Photoshoots
Dive into the breathtaking world of the fashion photography to discover behind-the-scenes atmosphere and enjoy the most beautiful masterpieces of the iconic photographers and their muses
05:30-06:00Top Photoshoots
Dive into the breathtaking world of the fashion photography to discover behind-the-scenes atmosphere and enjoy the most beautiful masterpieces of the iconic photographers and their muses
06:00-06:30Fashion & Sports
Athleisure is conquering the world! Everyone looks like having just finished a work-out in the gym, while grabbing a cappuccino.
06:30-07:00Fashion & Sports
Athleisure is conquering the world! Everyone looks like having just finished a work-out in the gym, while grabbing a cappuccino.
Get inspired with the latest trends in hairstyles, enjoy the tips and tricks of the top makeup artists and get the best use of the exclusive guide in the world of skincare products!
Get inspired with the latest trends in hairstyles, enjoy the tips and tricks of the top makeup artists and get the best use of the exclusive guide in the world of skincare products!
08:00-08:30Fashion From Germany
Explore German fashion famous for its elegant lines, unconventional young designs, and manufacturers of sports and outdoor clothing to find exceptional RTW and custom-made pieces for your wardrobe!
08:30-09:00Fashion From Germany
Explore German fashion famous for its elegant lines, unconventional young designs, and manufacturers of sports and outdoor clothing to find exceptional RTW and custom-made pieces for your wardrobe!
09:00-09:30Kaia Gerber
Seems like mother Cindy is passing a baton to a worthy successor.
09:30-10:00Kaia Gerber
Seems like mother Cindy is passing a baton to a worthy successor.
10:00-10:30Fashion Destination
Discover Greece, the cradle of Western civilization, a country that is steeped in history, surrounded by turquoise waters and breathtaking sandy beaches with ambrosial food and fantastic weather!
10:30-11:00Fashion Destination
Discover Greece, the cradle of Western civilization, a country that is steeped in history, surrounded by turquoise waters and breathtaking sandy beaches with ambrosial food and fantastic weather!
11:00-11:30Fashion Junior
Follow kids fashion trends that will be huge in the recent and coming seasons, stay tuned for the best dressed celebs? kids and runway highlights!
11:30-12:00Fashion Junior
Follow kids fashion trends that will be huge in the recent and coming seasons, stay tuned for the best dressed celebs? kids and runway highlights!
12:00-12:30Men's Fashion Week
Enjoy the highlights of the men?s fashion weeks and learn about the newest collections from the top runways to pick up the must-haves for your wardrobe and look trendy in any occasion.
12:30-13:00Men's Fashion Week
Enjoy the highlights of the men?s fashion weeks and learn about the newest collections from the top runways to pick up the must-haves for your wardrobe and look trendy in any occasion.
13:00-13:30Fashion Films
Sit back, relax and enjoy a handful of experimental narrative fashion films with top models starring, it?s one of the most artistic ways to follow the latest collections!
13:30-14:00Fashion Films
Sit back, relax and enjoy a handful of experimental narrative fashion films with top models starring, it?s one of the most artistic ways to follow the latest collections!
Grab a clue on what's going on in the world of brides before you hit a salon! Enjoy a wide array of high fashion choices, undeniably romantic and decidedly feminine.
Grab a clue on what's going on in the world of brides before you hit a salon! Enjoy a wide array of high fashion choices, undeniably romantic and decidedly feminine.
15:00-15:30Top Photoshoots
Dive into the breathtaking world of the fashion photography to discover behind-the-scenes atmosphere and enjoy the most beautiful masterpieces of the iconic photographers and their muses
15:30-16:00Top Photoshoots
Dive into the breathtaking world of the fashion photography to discover behind-the-scenes atmosphere and enjoy the most beautiful masterpieces of the iconic photographers and their muses
16:00-16:30Fashion Teens
Explore the latest fashion trends for teens, the cutest outfits of the A-list celebrities, mix & match insights, and style tips for all occasions.
16:30-17:00Fashion Teens
Explore the latest fashion trends for teens, the cutest outfits of the A-list celebrities, mix & match insights, and style tips for all occasions.
Explore stories of the top fashion designers of all time! Meet the legends, like Coco Chanel or Karl Lagerfeld and don?t miss the amazingly talented young designers who shape the future of fashion now
Explore stories of the top fashion designers of all time! Meet the legends, like Coco Chanel or Karl Lagerfeld and don?t miss the amazingly talented young designers who shape the future of fashion now
18:00-18:30Fashion From Turkey
Explore the diverse, creative and innovative Turkish fashion with its bright and young design scene showcasing a mix of mythological symbols, high-tech, Anatolian craftsmanship, and haute couture.
18:30-19:00Fashion From Turkey
Explore the diverse, creative and innovative Turkish fashion with its bright and young design scene showcasing a mix of mythological symbols, high-tech, Anatolian craftsmanship, and haute couture.
19:00-19:30Fashion Destination
Discover Maldives which offers spellbinding sceneries, vibrant culture, pristine beaches, and fascinating landmarks! Apart from idyllic locations with powdery white sands, it is also famous for water sports and other adventure ac
19:30-20:00Fashion Destination
Discover Maldives which offers spellbinding sceneries, vibrant culture, pristine beaches, and fascinating landmarks! Apart from idyllic locations with powdery white sands, it is also famous for water sports and other adventure ac
20:00-20:30Fashion News
Check out the inside scoop on fashion news, all the daily news you need to know, including standout fashion moments, major events, current collections and trends on and off the runway.
20:30-21:00Fashion News
Check out the inside scoop on fashion news, all the daily news you need to know, including standout fashion moments, major events, current collections and trends on and off the runway.
21:00-21:30Kaia Gerber
Seems like mother Cindy is passing a baton to a worthy successor.
21:30-22:00Kaia Gerber
Seems like mother Cindy is passing a baton to a worthy successor.
22:00-22:30Fashion Magazines
FashionTV gives you an exclusive look at the photoshoots of magazine editorials from all over the world.
22:30-23:00Fashion Magazines
FashionTV gives you an exclusive look at the photoshoots of magazine editorials from all over the world.
23:00-23:30Top Models
Top Models
23:30-00:00Top Models
Top Models
Explore stories of the top fashion designers of all time! Meet the legends, like Coco Chanel or Karl Lagerfeld and don?t miss the amazingly talented young designers who shape the future of fashion now
Don?t miss the latest trends in the most sensual pieces of fashion, we?re talking about the latest lingerie collections presented on the world podiums! Sizzling hot looks from top lingerie designers
Don?t miss the latest trends in the most sensual pieces of fashion, we?re talking about the latest lingerie collections presented on the world podiums! Sizzling hot looks from top lingerie designers
Everyone needs a great swimsuit in their wardrobe, better to have more than one. Enjoy trendsetting collections to find a reliable, well-fitted, and stylish option for your poolside excellence
Everyone needs a great swimsuit in their wardrobe, better to have more than one. Enjoy trendsetting collections to find a reliable, well-fitted, and stylish option for your poolside excellence
03:00-03:30TOP MODELS
Meet this season?s modeling stars and those who are on their way to international fashion stardom. Most in-demand girls from around the globe and their fascinating stories!
03:30-04:00TOP MODELS
Meet this season?s modeling stars and those who are on their way to international fashion stardom. Most in-demand girls from around the globe and their fascinating stories!
Don?t miss the latest trends in the most sensual pieces of fashion, we?re talking about the latest lingerie collections presented on the world podiums! Sizzling hot looks from top lingerie designers
Don?t miss the latest trends in the most sensual pieces of fashion, we?re talking about the latest lingerie collections presented on the world podiums! Sizzling hot looks from top lingerie designers
Everyone needs a great swimsuit in their wardrobe, better to have more than one. Enjoy trendsetting collections to find a reliable, well-fitted, and stylish option for your poolside excellence
Everyone needs a great swimsuit in their wardrobe, better to have more than one. Enjoy trendsetting collections to find a reliable, well-fitted, and stylish option for your poolside excellence
Dive into the breathtaking world of the fashion photography to discover behind-the-scenes atmosphere and enjoy the most beautiful masterpieces of the iconic photographers and their muses
Dive into the breathtaking world of the fashion photography to discover behind-the-scenes atmosphere and enjoy the most beautiful masterpieces of the iconic photographers and their muses
07:00-07:30FASHION & SPORTS
Athleisure is conquering the world! Everyone looks like having just finished a work-out in the gym, while grabbing a cappuccino. If this lifestyle is yours, be first to discover the must-haves!
07:30-08:00FASHION & SPORTS
Athleisure is conquering the world! Everyone looks like having just finished a work-out in the gym, while grabbing a cappuccino. If this lifestyle is yours, be first to discover the must-haves!
Get inspired with the latest trends in hairstyles, enjoy the tips and tricks of the top makeup artists and get the best use of the exclusive guide in the world of skincare products!
Get inspired with the latest trends in hairstyles, enjoy the tips and tricks of the top makeup artists and get the best use of the exclusive guide in the world of skincare products!
Explore German fashion famous for its elegant lines, unconventional young designs, and manufacturers of sports and outdoor clothing to find exceptional RTW and custom-made pieces for your wardrobe!
Explore German fashion famous for its elegant lines, unconventional young designs, and manufacturers of sports and outdoor clothing to find exceptional RTW and custom-made pieces for your wardrobe!
10:00-10:30KAIA GERBER
Seems like mother Cindy is passing a baton to a worthy successor. Don?t miss out the story on Kaia Gerber to learn about her first steps to the stardom of fashion and film industry.
10:30-11:00KAIA GERBER
Seems like mother Cindy is passing a baton to a worthy successor. Don?t miss out the story on Kaia Gerber to learn about her first steps to the stardom of fashion and film industry.
Discover Greece, the cradle of Western civilization, a country that is steeped in history, surrounded by turquoise waters and breathtaking sandy beaches with ambrosial food and fantastic weather!
Discover Greece, the cradle of Western civilization, a country that is steeped in history, surrounded by turquoise waters and breathtaking sandy beaches with ambrosial food and fantastic weather!
Follow kids fashion trends that will be huge in the recent and coming seasons, stay tuned for the best dressed celebs? kids and runway highlights!
Follow kids fashion trends that will be huge in the recent and coming seasons, stay tuned for the best dressed celebs? kids and runway highlights!
Enjoy the highlights of the men?s fashion weeks and learn about the newest collections from the top runways to pick up the must-haves for your wardrobe and look trendy in any occasion.
Enjoy the highlights of the men?s fashion weeks and learn about the newest collections from the top runways to pick up the must-haves for your wardrobe and look trendy in any occasion.
14:00-14:30FASHION FILMS
Sit back, relax and enjoy a handful of experimental narrative fashion films with top models starring, it?s one of the most artistic ways to follow the latest collections!
14:30-15:00FASHION FILMS
Sit back, relax and enjoy a handful of experimental narrative fashion films with top models starring, it?s one of the most artistic ways to follow the latest collections!
Grab a clue on what's going on in the world of brides before you hit a salon! Enjoy a wide array of high fashion choices, undeniably romantic and decidedly feminine.
Grab a clue on what's going on in the world of brides before you hit a salon! Enjoy a wide array of high fashion choices, undeniably romantic and decidedly feminine.
Dive into the breathtaking world of the fashion photography to discover behind-the-scenes atmosphere and enjoy the most beautiful masterpieces of the iconic photographers and their muses
Dive into the breathtaking world of the fashion photography to discover behind-the-scenes atmosphere and enjoy the most beautiful masterpieces of the iconic photographers and their muses
17:00-17:30FASHION TEENS
Explore the latest fashion trends for teens, the cutest outfits of the A-list celebrities, mix & match insights, and style tips for all occasions.
17:30-18:00FASHION TEENS
Explore the latest fashion trends for teens, the cutest outfits of the A-list celebrities, mix & match insights, and style tips for all occasions.
Explore stories of the top fashion designers of all time! Meet the legends, like Coco Chanel or Karl Lagerfeld and don?t miss the amazingly talented young designers who shape the future of fashion now
Explore stories of the top fashion designers of all time! Meet the legends, like Coco Chanel or Karl Lagerfeld and don?t miss the amazingly talented young designers who shape the future of fashion now
Explore the diverse, creative and innovative Turkish fashion with its bright and young design scene showcasing a mix of mythological symbols, high-tech, Anatolian craftsmanship, and haute couture.
Explore the diverse, creative and innovative Turkish fashion with its bright and young design scene showcasing a mix of mythological symbols, high-tech, Anatolian craftsmanship, and haute couture.
Discover Maldives which offers spellbinding sceneries, vibrant culture, pristine beaches, and fascinating landmarks!
Discover Maldives which offers spellbinding sceneries, vibrant culture, pristine beaches, and fascinating landmarks!
21:00-21:30FASHION NEWS
Check out the inside scoop on fashion news, all the daily news you need to know, including standout fashion moments, major events, current collections and trends on and off the runway.
21:30-22:00FASHION NEWS
Check out the inside scoop on fashion news, all the daily news you need to know, including standout fashion moments, major events, current collections and trends on and off the runway.
22:00-22:30KAIA GERBER
Seems like mother Cindy is passing a baton to a worthy successor. Don?t miss out the story on Kaia Gerber to learn about her first steps to the stardom of fashion and film industry.
22:30-23:00KAIA GERBER
Seems like mother Cindy is passing a baton to a worthy successor. Don?t miss out the story on Kaia Gerber to learn about her first steps to the stardom of fashion and film industry.
Explore the current array of the top fashion magazines, the vehicles of our luxury dreams and the source of inspiration. Check in for the latest updates, cutest outlooks and fashion insights
Explore the current array of the top fashion magazines, the vehicles of our luxury dreams and the source of inspiration. Check in for the latest updates, cutest outlooks and fashion insights
FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.
00:55-01:00RED CARPET
FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets and Hollywood glamour.
FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.
FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.
FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets, hollywood glamour and launch events
Get to know the intimate side of FashionTV. silk, lace and everything seductive, bringing you the best in photo shoots, fashion shows and more.
Get to know the intimate side of FashionTV. silk, lace and everything seductive, bringing you the best in photo shoots, fashion shows and more.
02:55-03:00RED CARPET
FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets and Hollywood glamour.
FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.
FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.
FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets, hollywood glamour and launch events
FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.
FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.
04:55-05:00RED CARPET
FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets and Hollywood glamour.
FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.
FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.
FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets, hollywood glamour and launch events
Set aside all your daily stuff! Everything you wanted to know about Victoria?s Secret show - an array of looks from brand's signature wings to special collaborations and its exiting backstage
Set aside all your daily stuff! Everything you wanted to know about Victoria?s Secret show - an array of looks from brand's signature wings to special collaborations and its exiting backstage
06:55-07:00RED CARPET
FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets and Hollywood glamour.
FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.
FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.
FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets, hollywood glamour and launch events
FashionTV brings you the stylish world of men's fashion. top designers and the most dashing men in the modeling industry, beautiful clothing and beautiful people.
FashionTV brings you the stylish world of men's fashion. top designers and the most dashing men in the modeling industry, beautiful clothing and beautiful people.
08:55-09:00RED CARPET
FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets and Hollywood glamour.
09:00-09:30HAIR & MAKE UP
Your backstage pass to the world's greatest hair & make-up gurus of fashion!
09:30-09:55HAIR & MAKE UP
Your backstage pass to the world's greatest hair & make-up gurus of fashion!
FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets, hollywood glamour and launch events
FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.
FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.
10:55-11:00RED CARPET
FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets and Hollywood glamour.
11:00-11:30THE STORY OF
Join FashionTV, as we take you on a complete journey with fashion?s greatest icons. Celebrate world glamor with breathtaking fashion, passion, and all the action
11:30-12:00THE STORY OF
Join FashionTV, as we take you on a complete journey with fashion?s greatest icons. Celebrate world glamor with breathtaking fashion, passion, and all the action
FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.
FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.
FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets, hollywood glamour and launch events
FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.
FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.
13:55-14:00RED CARPET
FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets and Hollywood glamour.
FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.
FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.
FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets, hollywood glamour and launch events
FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.
FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.
15:55-16:00RED CARPET
FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets and Hollywood glamour.
16:00-16:30MODEL TALKS
A unique chance to get to know everything you've ever wanted to know about the world's most famous beauties. hear what they have to say about the world of fashion, modeling and what's its like to be a runway model.
16:30-16:55MODEL TALKS
A unique chance to get to know everything you've ever wanted to know about the world's most famous beauties. hear what they have to say about the world of fashion, modeling and what's its like to be a runway model.
FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets, hollywood glamour and launch events
Join FashionTV for an hour of the most iconic photoshoots, behind the scenes coverage, and fashion films.
Join FashionTV for an hour of the most iconic photoshoots, behind the scenes coverage, and fashion films.
17:55-18:00RED CARPET
FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets and Hollywood glamour.
FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.
FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.
FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets, hollywood glamour and launch events
Set aside all your daily stuff! Everything you wanted to know about Victoria?s Secret show - an array of looks from brand's signature wings to special collaborations and its exiting backstage
FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.
19:55-20:00RED CARPET
FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets and Hollywood glamour.
FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.
FashionTV brings you all the worldwide fashion weeks, exotic & unique collections & trends from around the world.
FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets, hollywood glamour and launch events
FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.
FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.
21:55-22:00RED CARPET
FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets and Hollywood glamour.
FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.
FashionTV brings you the latest coverage during the world's biggest fashion weeks, highlighting the best shows, backstage moments, front row appearances of the biggest brands and designers worldwide. Fashion news and reviews.
FashionTV brings you an exclusive look at all of the fashion week front rows, red carpets, hollywood glamour and launch events
23:00-23:30THE STORY OF
Join FashionTV, as we take you on a complete journey with fashion?s greatest icons. Celebrate world glamor with breathtaking fashion, passion, and all the action
23:30-00:00THE STORY OF
Join FashionTV, as we take you on a complete journey with fashion?s greatest icons. Celebrate world glamor with breathtaking fashion, passion, and all the action
23:30-00:46Naiset Eliitti | Cheile Gradistei
01:00-01:36Miehet Eliitti | Cheile Gradistei
02:50-04:00Galicia | MXGP | 1.lähtö
04:00-04:49The Power of the Olympics
04:49-05:00Italian ympäriajo | 15.etappi
05:00-05:30Olympiakarsinta | Istanbul
05:30-06:00Olympiakarsinta | Istanbul
06:00-07:00Ratsastus: Royal Windsor Horse Show
07:00-08:00Tro Bro Leon
08:00-09:00Ratsastus: Royal Windsor Horse Show
09:00-10:23Supertri E | Lontoo
10:23-12:00Tour of Burgos | 1.etappi
12:00-14:00Italian ympäriajo | 15.etappi
14:00-15:25Roland Garros
Miehet | Kaksinpeli | Finaali
15:25-15:47Tour of Burgos | 2.etappi
15:47-16:00Tour of Burgos | 3.etappi
16:00-16:31Roland Garros
Naiset | Kaksinpeli | Finaali
16:31-18:00Tour of Burgos | 4.etappi
18:00-18:30Jousiammunta: EM-kisat, Essen
18:30-19:00Jousiammunta: EM-kisat, Essen
19:00-20:00Judo Show
20:00-21:00Extremeurheilu: World Series, Montpellier
21:00-22:00Kiipeilyurheilu: Maailmancup Salt Lake City
Maailmancup | Salt Lake City
22:00-23:30The Minute
23:30-01:30The Minute
00:24-01:29Ratsastus: Royal Windsor Horse Show
01:29-02:28FIM Speedway GP | Varsova
02:28-04:02Kiipeilyurheilu: Maailmancup Salt Lake City
Maailmancup | Salt Lake City
04:02-04:32Kiipeilyurheilu: Maailmancup Salt Lake City
Maailmancup | Salt Lake City
04:32-05:51Kiipeilyurheilu: Maailmancup Salt Lake City
Maailmancup | Salt Lake City
05:51-06:30Kiipeilyurheilu: Maailmancup Salt Lake City
Maailmancup | Salt Lake City
06:30-07:00The Power of the Olympics
07:00-08:59Wells Fargo Championship | 4.päivä
PGA Tour
08:59-10:26Italian ympäriajo | 15.etappi
10:26-10:59Maastopyöräily: Maailmancup Liguria
UCI Mountain Bike World Series
10:59-12:58Breakdance: World Series, Montpellier
12:58-14:05FIA WEC | Spa 6 tunnin ajo
14:05-16:00Snooker: MM-kisat
16:00-17:00Skeittaus: World Series, Montpellier
17:00-17:59Tour of Burgos | 3.etappi
17:59-18:59Maantiepyöräily: Tour of Burgos, 4.etappi
18:59-20:26Italian ympäriajo | 15.etappi
20:26-21:23Bells Beach | World League Championship Tour
21:23-21:55Maastopyöräily: Maailmancup Liguria
UCI Mountain Bike World Series
21:55-22:55One Make Racing: Porsche Supercup, Emilia Romagna
22:55-23:53Berliini | 2.lähtö
23:53-23:56The Minute
23:56-00:38Ranska | MX2 | 1.lähtö
00:00-05:00NASCAR Cup Series All-Star Open & All-Star Race LIVE
Cup Series All-Star Open & All-Star Race - Kilpailu ajetaan North Wilkesboro Speedwaylla, Pohjois-Carolinassa. (19.5.2024)
05:00-07:00Ohjelma ilmoitetaan myöhemmin
Ohjelma ilmoitetaan myöhemmin.
14:00-16:00Valioliiga Arsenal - Everton
Arsenal - Everton - 38. kierroksen ottelu pelataan Emirates Stadiumilla, Lontoossa. (19.5.2024)
16:00-18:00Valioliiga Brighton - Manchester United
Brighton - Manchester United - 38. kierroksen ottelu pelataan American Express Stadiumilla. (19.5.2024)
18:00-20:00Valioliiga Chelsea - Bournemouth
Chelsea - Bournemouth - 38. kierroksen ottelu pelataan Stamford Bridgellä, Lontoossa. (19.5.2024)
20:00-22:00Valioliiga Manchester City - West Ham
Manchester City - West Ham - 38. kierroksen ottelu pelataan Etihad Stadiumilla. (19.5.2024)
22:00-23:00Bundesliga highlights
Bundesliga highlights - Magasin
23:00-00:00PL Stories
PL Stories - Magasin
Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll
10:00-15:00NASCAR NASCAR All-Star
NASCAR All-Star - 19.5.2024.
15:00-15:25GP Confidential Ep7
Ep7 - Makasiiniohjelmassa syvennytään F1-tekniikan salaisuuksiin. Ohjelma täydentää F1-maailmaa ennennäkemättömällä tavalla ja on täydellinen F1-faneille. Ep7.
15:25-15:55F1 Emilia Romagnan aika-ajot, kooste
Emilia Romagnan aika-ajot, kooste - Kooste Emilia Romagnan aika-ajoista 18.5.2024.
15:55-16:25F1 Emilia Romagnan osakilpailu, kooste
Emilia Romagnan osakilpailu, kooste - Kooste Emilia Romagnan osakilpailusta 19.5.2024.
16:25-18:30Naisten Bundesliiga Hoffenheim - Bayern München LIVE
Hoffenheim - Bayern München - 20.5.2024.
18:30-20:30Jääkiekon MM Suomi - Itävalta
Suomi - Itävalta - 16.5.2024. Alkulohkon ottelu. Selostus Antti Mäkinen, asiantuntija Jussi Jokinen.
20:30-22:30Jääkiekon MM Kanada - Suomi
Kanada - Suomi - 18.5.2024. Alkulohkon ottelu. Selostus Antti Mäkinen, asiantuntija Jussi Jokinen.
22:30-00:30Jääkiekon MM Slovakia - Latvia
Slovakia - Latvia - 19.5.2024. Alkulohkon ottelu. Selostus Jussi Eskola.
21:15-00:30Jääkiekon MM Sveitsi - Kanada LIVE
Sveitsi - Kanada - 19.5.2024. Alkulohkon ottelu. Selostus Tero Kainulainen.
Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll
10:00-12:00Jääkiekon MM Norja - Itävalta
Norja - Itävalta - 19.5.2024. Alkulohkon ottelu. Selostus Casper Pitkänen.
12:00-14:00Jääkiekon MM Yhdysvallat - Kazakstan
Yhdysvallat - Kazakstan - 19.5.2024. Alkulohkon ottelu. Selostus Mikko Aaltonen.
14:00-15:00NHL: Tonight
NHL: Tonight - Huippuhetket NHL-kierroksen otteluista, haastattelut ja analyysit sekä tärkeimmät uutiset.
17:10-20:20Jääkiekon MM Iso-Britannia - Norja LIVE
Iso-Britannia - Norja - 20.5.2024. Alkulohkon ottelu. Selostus Mikko Aaltonen.
20:20-21:15MM-Studio LIVE
MM-Studio - Suora lähetys.
21:15-00:30Jääkiekon MM Suomi - Tanska LIVE
Suomi - Tanska - 20.5.2024. Alkulohkon ottelu. Selostus Antti Mäkinen, asiantuntija Jussi Jokinen.
23:55-02:00NWSL NJ/NY Gotham - Chicago Red Stars LIVE
NJ/NY Gotham - Chicago Red Stars - 19.5.2024.
Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll
10:00-11:00Valioliiga: Premier League Review
Valioliiga: Premier League Review - Makasiiniohjelma.
11:00-13:00Valioliiga Liverpool - Wolverhampton
Liverpool - Wolverhampton - 19.5.2024. Selostus Tero Kainulainen
13:00-15:00Valioliiga Arsenal - Everton
Arsenal - Everton - 19.5.2024. Selostus Mikko Innanen.
15:00-17:00Valioliiga Manchester City - West Ham
Manchester City - West Ham - 19.5.2024. Selostus Ville Kuusinen.
17:10-20:15Jääkiekon MM Ruotsi - Ranska LIVE
Ruotsi - Ranska - 20.5.2024. Alkulohkon ottelu. Selostus Jussi Eskola.
20:15-21:10Bundesliiga: Bundesliga Highlights 34. kierros
34. kierros - Huippuhetkiä 34. kierrokselta.
21:10-00:15Jääkiekon MM Kazakstan - Puola LIVE
Kazakstan - Puola - 20.5.2024. Alkulohkon ottelu. Selostus Tero Kainulainen.
00:00-02:00Premier League Chelsea-Bournemouth
Chelsea-Bournemouth - Fotboll
12:30-14:30Premier League Burnley-Nottingham
Burnley-Nottingham - Fotboll
14:30-16:30Premier League Luton-Fulham
Luton-Fulham - Fotboll
16:30-19:00League One Bolton-Oxford
Bolton-Oxford - Fotboll
19:00-21:00Premier League Chelsea-Bournemouth
Chelsea-Bournemouth - Fotboll
21:00-23:00Premier League Brentford-Newcastle
Brentford-Newcastle - Fotboll
23:00-00:00Premier League Review
Premier League Review - Magasin
23:00-01:00Valioliiga Liverpool - Wolverhampton
Liverpool - Wolverhampton - 38. kierroksen ottelu pelataan Anfieldillä. (19.5.2024)
01:00-03:00Valioliiga Brighton - Manchester United
Brighton - Manchester United - 38. kierroksen ottelu pelataan American Express Stadiumilla. (19.5.2024)
12:30-14:30Valioliiga Brighton - Manchester United
Brighton - Manchester United - 38. kierroksen ottelu pelataan American Express Stadiumilla. (19.5.2024)
14:30-16:30Valioliiga Liverpool - Wolverhampton
Liverpool - Wolverhampton - 38. kierroksen ottelu pelataan Anfieldillä. (19.5.2024)
16:30-18:30Valioliiga Arsenal - Everton
Arsenal - Everton - 38. kierroksen ottelu pelataan Emirates Stadiumilla, Lontoossa. (19.5.2024)
18:30-21:00League Two Crawley - Crewe
Crawley - Crewe - Playoff-finaali pelataan Wembley Stadiumilla, Lontoossa. (20.5.2024)
21:00-22:00Premier League Review
Premier League Review - Magasin
22:00-00:00Valioliiga Manchester City - West Ham
Manchester City - West Ham - 38. kierroksen ottelu pelataan Etihad Stadiumilla. (19.5.2024)
00:00-02:05Jääkiekon MM USA - Kazakstan
USA - Kazakstan - Lohkovaiheen ottelu pelataan Ostravar Arénassa, Ostravassa, Tekissä. (19.5.2024)
02:05-05:00NHL Pudotuspeli ilmoitetaan myöhemmin LIVE
Pudotuspeli ilmoitetaan myöhemmin
Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll
12:00-14:00NHL Pudotuspeli ilmoitetaan myöhemmin
Pudotuspeli ilmoitetaan myöhemmin
14:00-15:00NHL Tonight
NHL Tonight - Magasin
15:00-17:00Jääkiekon MM Sveitsi - Kanada
Sveitsi - Kanada - Lohkovaiheen ottelu pelataan O2 Arenassa, Prahassa, Tekissä. (19.5.2024)
17:15-19:45Jääkiekon MM Iso-Britannia - Norja LIVE
Iso-Britannia - Norja - Lohkovaiheen ottelu pelataan O2 Arenassa, Prahassa, Tekissä. (20.5.2024)
20:00-22:00NHL Pudotuspeli ilmoitetaan myöhemmin
Pudotuspeli ilmoitetaan myöhemmin
22:00-00:00NHL Pudotuspeli ilmoitetaan myöhemmin
Pudotuspeli ilmoitetaan myöhemmin
20:00-02:00US PGA Championship PGA Championship - 4. kierros LIVE
PGA Championship - 4. kierros - Kilpailu pelataan Valhalla Golf Coursella, Louisvillessä, USA:ssa. Selostus Antti Vaalas & Mikko Ilonen. (16.-19.5.2024)
02:00-05:05LPGA Tour Mizuho Americas Open - 4. kierros
Mizuho Americas Open - 4. kierros - Kilpailu pelataan Liberty National Golf Clubilla, Jersey Cityssä, USA:ssa. (16.-19.5.2024)
10:00-16:00PGA Tour US PGA Championship - 4. kierros
US PGA Championship - 4. kierros - Kilpailu pelataan Oak Hill Country Clubin East Coursella, Rochesterissa, New Yorkissa. Selostus Riku Soravuo. (18.-21.5.2023)
16:00-19:00LPGA Tour Mizuho Americas Open - 4. kierros
Mizuho Americas Open - 4. kierros - Kilpailu pelataan Liberty National Golf Clubilla, Jersey Cityssä, USA:ssa. (16.-19.5.2024)
19:00-19:15Golf Cards
Golf Cards - Kenttäopas Golf Cardin haltijoille etelän Trelleborgista pohjoisen Skellefteåhon.
19:15-19:30Golf Cards
Golf Cards - Kenttäopas Golf Cardin haltijoille etelän Trelleborgista pohjoisen Skellefteåhon.
19:30-19:45Golf Cards
Golf Cards - Kenttäopas Golf Cardin haltijoille etelän Trelleborgista pohjoisen Skellefteåhon.
19:45-20:00Golf Cards
Golf Cards - Kenttäopas Golf Cardin haltijoille etelän Trelleborgista pohjoisen Skellefteåhon.
20:00-02:00PGA Tour US PGA Championship - 4. kierros
US PGA Championship - 4. kierros - Kilpailu pelataan Oak Hill Country Clubin East Coursella, Rochesterissa, New Yorkissa. Selostus Riku Soravuo. (18.-21.5.2023)
22:00-00:30Bundesliiga: Leverkusen - Augsburg
34. kierroksen ottelu pelataan BayArenalla. (18.5.2024)
11:00-19:00RedBull TV
19:00-22:00Tanskan Superliiga: Hvidovre - OB
30. kierroksen ottelu pelataan Pro Ventilation Arenalla, Hvidovressa. (16.5.2024)
22:00-01:00Valioliiga: Manchester City - West Ham
38. kierroksen ottelu pelataan Etihad Stadiumilla. (19.5.2024)
Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll
Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll
Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll
Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll
Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll
Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll
Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll
Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 2
Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 2
Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 2
Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll
Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll
Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 3
Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 3
Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 3
Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll
Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll
Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 4
Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 4
Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 4
Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 5
Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 5
Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 5
Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 5
Lähetystauko - Sändningsuppehåll Live 5
23:00-03:00Liiga: No Broadcasting
Liiga: No Broadcasting
03:00-07:00Liiga: No Broadcasting
Liiga: No Broadcasting
07:00-11:00Liiga: No Broadcasting
Liiga: No Broadcasting
11:00-15:00Liiga: No Broadcasting
Liiga: No Broadcasting
15:00-19:00Liiga: No Broadcasting
Liiga: No Broadcasting
19:00-23:00Liiga: No Broadcasting
Liiga: No Broadcasting
23:00-03:00Liiga: No Broadcasting
Liiga: No Broadcasting
00:00-00:30The Adventures of Danny & The Dingo: Fed Up with Goon
The crew heads to Cleveland, and Goon?s annoying antics earn repercussions.
00:30-01:00The Adventures of Danny & The Dingo: Making Connections
A two-time Olympic snowboarder and his eccentric best friend put the ?fo? real? in Reality TV.
01:00-02:00Camp Woodward 10
Ethan, Zion, and Cyprus arrive at Camp Woodward right as the Girls Week is under way.
02:00-03:00Camp Woodward 11
It?s the second annual King of the Cabin challenge. Let the battle begin!
03:00-03:25The Dometic Outdoor Challenge with Owen Wright
The series starts with the top 4 Australian surf clubs competing at setting up a camp site and junior surfing.
03:25-03:50The Dometic Outdoor Challenge with Owen Wright
This Dometic Outdoor Challenge episode have the teams competing in a step-off tag team and a fishing contest.
03:50-04:15The Dometic Outdoor Challenge with Owen Wright
With double points at stake, the surfers dispute a Grudge Match tag team to see which club comes on top.
04:15-04:30Snowbound 2
The Snowbound series assembles short form content provided by the greatest brands in the business.
04:30-05:00Highlights World Skateboarding Tour 2023 - Rome, Park
Highlights show with the best moments from the final 2023 World Skateboarding Tour Park event, in Rome, Italy.
05:00-05:20The Sun Came Out
A Burton snowboarding movie with Mark McMorris, Danny Davis, Red Gerard, Kimmy Fasani and more.
An all-female freeski documentary, covering the 21/22 season from the French Alps to Salt Lake City streets.
06:00-06:35Woodward Peace Park 2019
Danny Davis and crew went to Woodward Tahoe where they hosted the 2019 Woodward Peace Park Championships.
06:35-07:00Snowchef USA: We Tried Park City Food and it was?
Chef John and Foodie JD go back to the world-renowned destination for outdoor adventure, the lovely Park City.
07:00-07:40FireRide Festival: The Beginning
The FireRide Festival, in Mexico, is a 2-day bike extravaganza with prizes for jumps, tricks, and more.
07:40-08:00Catch Up with Kevin Nikulski & Dustyn Alt
Flatland BMX riders Kevin Nikulski and Dustyn Alt explore Lisbon?s streets and share their personal story.
08:00-08:30Bubba's World
In an effort of redemption, Eric Sorby, takes on the task of finding James Stewart an assistant.
08:30-08:45Highlights Trans Madeira Summer 2023
Part one of the best moments and most beautiful views captured during this great mountain bike event.
08:45-09:00Catch Up with Adolf Silva
In this episode, we talk to MTB rider Adolf Silva, a promising talent in the modality.
09:00-10:00Camp Woodward 10
Ethan, Zion, and Cyprus arrive at Camp Woodward right as the Girls Week is under way.
10:00-10:30Camp Woodward 11
It?s the second annual King of the Cabin challenge. Let the battle begin!
10:30-11:00NEXT GEN Skateboarding
Next Gen's final episode delves into the winner's background and his prize weekend at the Tampa AM.
11:00-11:25The Dometic Outdoor Challenge with Owen Wright
The series starts with the top 4 Australian surf clubs competing at setting up a camp site and junior surfing.
11:25-11:50The Dometic Outdoor Challenge with Owen Wright
This Dometic Outdoor Challenge episode have the teams competing in a step-off tag team and a fishing contest.
11:50-12:15The Dometic Outdoor Challenge with Owen Wright
With double points at stake, the surfers dispute a Grudge Match tag team to see which club comes on top.
12:15-12:30The Sun Came Out
A Burton snowboarding movie with Mark McMorris, Danny Davis, Red Gerard, Kimmy Fasani and more.
12:30-13:00Highlights World Skateboarding Tour 2023 - Rome, Park
Highlights show with the best moments from the final 2023 World Skateboarding Tour Park event, in Rome, Italy.
13:00-13:35Woodward Peace Park 2019
Danny Davis and crew went to Woodward Tahoe where they hosted the 2019 Woodward Peace Park Championships.
13:35-14:00Snowchef USA: We Tried Park City Food and it was?
Chef John and Foodie JD go back to the world-renowned destination for outdoor adventure, the lovely Park City.
14:00-14:30The Adventures of Danny & The Dingo: Vans Tahoe Cup
The crew charges the Vans Tahoe Cup, taking on the rail, slopestyle, and Superpipe competitions.
14:30-15:00The Adventures of Danny & The Dingo: Freak out
Willis clashes with a bouncer at the Denver premiere before the crew sets off for Danny?s birthday.
15:00-15:40FireRide Festival: The Beginning
The FireRide Festival, in Mexico, is a 2-day bike extravaganza with prizes for jumps, tricks, and more.
15:40-16:00Catch Up with Kevin Nikulski & Dustyn Alt
Flatland BMX riders Kevin Nikulski and Dustyn Alt explore Lisbon?s streets and share their personal story.
16:00-16:30Bubba's World
In an effort of redemption, Eric Sorby, takes on the task of finding James Stewart an assistant.
16:30-16:45Highlights Trans Madeira Summer 2023
Part one of the best moments and most beautiful views captured during this great mountain bike event.
16:45-17:00Catch Up with Adolf Silva
In this episode, we talk to MTB rider Adolf Silva, a promising talent in the modality.
17:00-18:00Camp Woodward 10
Ethan, Zion, and Cyprus arrive at Camp Woodward right as the Girls Week is under way.
18:00-18:30Camp Woodward 11
It?s the second annual King of the Cabin challenge. Let the battle begin!
18:30-19:00NEXT GEN Skateboarding
Next Gen's final episode delves into the winner's background and his prize weekend at the Tampa AM.
19:00-19:25The Dometic Outdoor Challenge with Owen Wright
The series starts with the top 4 Australian surf clubs competing at setting up a camp site and junior surfing.
19:25-19:50The Dometic Outdoor Challenge with Owen Wright
This Dometic Outdoor Challenge episode have the teams competing in a step-off tag team and a fishing contest.
19:50-20:15The Dometic Outdoor Challenge with Owen Wright
With double points at stake, the surfers dispute a Grudge Match tag team to see which club comes on top.
20:15-20:30Snowbound 2
The Snowbound series assembles short form content provided by the greatest brands in the business.
20:30-21:00Highlights World Skateboarding Tour 2023 - Rome, Park
Highlights show with the best moments from the final 2023 World Skateboarding Tour Park event, in Rome, Italy.
21:00-21:20The Sun Came Out
A Burton snowboarding movie with Mark McMorris, Danny Davis, Red Gerard, Kimmy Fasani and more.
An all-female freeski documentary, covering the 21/22 season from the French Alps to Salt Lake City streets.
22:00-22:35Woodward Peace Park 2019
Danny Davis and crew went to Woodward Tahoe where they hosted the 2019 Woodward Peace Park Championships.
22:35-23:00Snowchef USA: We Tried Park City Food and it was?
Chef John and Foodie JD go back to the world-renowned destination for outdoor adventure, the lovely Park City.
23:00-23:40FireRide Festival: The Beginning
The FireRide Festival, in Mexico, is a 2-day bike extravaganza with prizes for jumps, tricks, and more.
23:40-00:00Catch Up with Kevin Nikulski & Dustyn Alt
Flatland BMX riders Kevin Nikulski and Dustyn Alt explore Lisbon?s streets and share their personal story.
00:00-00:30Inside Sailing
Welcome to Inside Sailing, the TV program that brings you all the very best action from some of the most spectacular sailing events around the world.
00:30-01:00Poseidon Games
The Poseidon Games is a global sporting tour that included a variety of water sports using hydro-flight in 2018. The global circuit started in April 2018 in Australia and travelled to 3 other destinations including Singapore, New York
Surfing has ceased a long time ago to be considered a niche sport.
02:00-02:30Alpine Freestyle Kayaking
Graz, at the south of Austria, is a popular tourist destination as it has been recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
02:30-03:00Behind The Scenes - Karujet World Championship
The much awaited 19th edition of the Karujet has finally roared through the island of Guadeloupe.
SKAGERRAK follows the preparation and mental development of the Danish professional stand up paddle athlete Casper Steinfath in his attempt to be the first person in the world to paddle from Denmark to Norway.
04:00-05:00Vendée Globe Review
To date, the VENDÉE GLOBE is the only solo sailing race around the world that is non-stop and without assistance.
05:00-05:30H2O Racing: F1H2O World Championship: GP of Sharjah
After over 85 championships in over 12 countries, the P1 world is fast, and growing.
05:30-06:00Jet Ski World Series
The moment many people have been waiting for has finally arrived.
06:00-07:0052 Super Series: Sailing: 52 Super Series
Established as the world?s leading grand prix for monohull yacht, the 52 Super Series is a yacht racing circuit like no other.
07:00-07:30Inside Sailing
Welcome to Inside Sailing, the TV program that brings you all the very best action from some of the most spectacular sailing events around the world.
07:30-08:00Poseidon Games
The Poseidon Games is a global sporting tour that included a variety of water sports using hydro-flight in 2018. The global circuit started in April 2018 in Australia and travelled to 3 other destinations including Singapore, New York
08:00-08:30Screen Heroes
On this episode, we are going to check out the Surf at Lisbon Film Fest in Portugal.
08:30-09:00Screen Heroes
In today's episode of Screen Heroes we land in France.
09:00-09:30The Boat Show
Tune in for all the latest in the nautical world, from water tests to recaps from all the boat shows from around the world.
09:30-10:00The Boat Show
After producing the 43 and the 50 foot models, Pardo Yachts launched the Pardo 38, now available in the outboard version, so let's test it out in Aventura, Florida.
Surfing has ceased a long time ago to be considered a niche sport.
SKAGERRAK follows the preparation and mental development of the Danish professional stand up paddle athlete Casper Steinfath in his attempt to be the first person in the world to paddle from Denmark to Norway.
12:00-12:30Alpine Freestyle Kayaking
Graz, at the south of Austria, is a popular tourist destination as it has been recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
12:30-13:00Behind The Scenes - Karujet World Championship
The much awaited 19th edition of the Karujet has finally roared through the island of Guadeloupe.
13:00-14:00Vendée Globe Review
To date, the VENDÉE GLOBE is the only solo sailing race around the world that is non-stop and without assistance.
14:00-14:30H2O Racing: F1H2O World Championship: GP of Sharjah
After over 85 championships in over 12 countries, the P1 world is fast, and growing.
14:30-15:00Jet Ski World Series
The moment many people have been waiting for has finally arrived.
15:00-16:0052 Super Series: Sailing: 52 Super Series
Established as the world?s leading grand prix for monohull yacht, the 52 Super Series is a yacht racing circuit like no other.
16:00-16:30Inside Sailing
Welcome to Inside Sailing, the TV program that brings you all the very best action from some of the most spectacular sailing events around the world.
16:30-17:00Poseidon Games
The Poseidon Games is a global sporting tour that included a variety of water sports using hydro-flight in 2018. The global circuit started in April 2018 in Australia and travelled to 3 other destinations including Singapore, New York
17:00-17:30Screen Heroes
On this episode, we are going to check out the Surf at Lisbon Film Fest in Portugal.
17:30-18:00Screen Heroes
In today's episode of Screen Heroes we land in France.
18:00-18:30The Boat Show
Tune in for all the latest in the nautical world, from water tests to recaps from all the boat shows from around the world.
18:30-19:00The Boat Show
After producing the 43 and the 50 foot models, Pardo Yachts launched the Pardo 38, now available in the outboard version, so let's test it out in Aventura, Florida.
19:00-20:00Vendée Globe Review
To date, the VENDÉE GLOBE is the only solo sailing race around the world that is non-stop and without assistance.
SKAGERRAK follows the preparation and mental development of the Danish professional stand up paddle athlete Casper Steinfath in his attempt to be the first person in the world to paddle from Denmark to Norway.
21:00-21:30Jump On Board
We are approaching our end of our trip and the next stop is Skiros.
21:30-22:00Jump On Board
Mia has left the girls behind and we are reaching the sad ending of our trip.
22:00-23:00The South To Sian Journals
A collection of stories documenting the people, places & adventures that occurred during the 2 years making ?South To Sian? - the challenges, the surfers, riders, shapers, bike builders, filmmakers and photographers.
23:00-23:30Flavours of Venice
In this episode, Andi takes us on a journey around the streets of Venice, the sinking city.
23:30-00:00Flavours of Venice
In this second episode of Flavours of Venice, Andi will be learning the art of the gondola, visiting one of the most beautiful displays of art and getting a taste of the lagoon.
00:00-01:00FS MMA
BodogFIGHT features classic MMA matches involving some of your favorite fighters! This contest goes the distance and victory is well deserved for one fighter when Anthony "Antdawg" Figueroa and Pete Sabala go toe to toe in a catch weight bout
01:00-02:00WCCB: Marco Huck vs. Ola Afolabi II
In this edition of World Class Championship Boxing, the WBO Cruiserweight World Championship is on the line when Germany's Marco Huck and Britain's Ola Afolabi meet for the second time in their memorable rivalry.
02:00-03:00WCCB: Jack Culcay vs. Emanuele Cavallucci
Former WBA Super Welterweight World Champion Jack Culcay is in search of his 6th consecutive victory as he takes on Emanuel Cavallucci of Italy, hoping to propel himself into World Title contention.
03:00-04:00Fight Quest: In the Philippines
Episode 1: Philippines - Hosts Jimmy Smith and Doug Anderson learn the Fight Discipline of Kali - one of the deadliest, most ancient fighting systems on earth, and the Martial Art of Knives and Sticks with Masters Cri
The main event in this episode is a heavyweight collision between Chris Arreola and Tomasz Adamek in a battle of one-loss competitors.
04:30-05:00FS Grand Sumo
For the first time the top ranked sumo competitors in the world are featured in an action packed series, FIGHT SPORTS GRAND SUMO.
05:00-05:30Karate 1 Premier League
Rabat, Morocco welcomes one of the most anticipated events in Martial Arts this year as the Karate 1 Premier League returns.
This episode features interviews with 2-time UFC heavyweight champion Frank Mir where he discusses his ?Legend? Status and his UFC debut, as well as an interview with his wife and manager Jenny Mir and how she juggles motherhood and her husba
06:00-07:00FS MMA
BodogFIGHT features classic MMA matches involving some of your favorite fighters! This contest goes the distance and victory is well deserved for one fighter when Anthony "Antdawg" Figueroa and Pete Sabala go toe to toe in a catch weight bout
07:00-08:00WCCB: Marco Huck vs. Ola Afolabi II
In this edition of World Class Championship Boxing, the WBO Cruiserweight World Championship is on the line when Germany's Marco Huck and Britain's Ola Afolabi meet for the second time in their memorable rivalry.
08:00-09:00WCCB: Jack Culcay vs. Emanuele Cavallucci
Former WBA Super Welterweight World Champion Jack Culcay is in search of his 6th consecutive victory as he takes on Emanuel Cavallucci of Italy, hoping to propel himself into World Title contention.
09:00-10:00Fight Quest: In the Philippines
Episode 1: Philippines - Hosts Jimmy Smith and Doug Anderson learn the Fight Discipline of Kali - one of the deadliest, most ancient fighting systems on earth, and the Martial Art of Knives and Sticks with Masters Cri
The main event in this episode is a heavyweight collision between Chris Arreola and Tomasz Adamek in a battle of one-loss competitors.
10:30-11:00FS Grand Sumo
For the first time the top ranked sumo competitors in the world are featured in an action packed series, FIGHT SPORTS GRAND SUMO.
11:00-11:30Karate 1 Premier League
Rabat, Morocco welcomes one of the most anticipated events in Martial Arts this year as the Karate 1 Premier League returns.
FIGHT SPORTS Presents 'Introducing:', a new original documentary series that covers the current stars of today and rising stars of tomorrow.
12:00-13:00MEGA Fights In 60
MEGA Fights are premiere events from the sport of boxing including HBO World Championship Boxing and historic PPV events plus past, current and future World Champions.
13:00-14:00WCCB: Marco Huck vs. Ola Afolabi II
In this edition of World Class Championship Boxing, the WBO Cruiserweight World Championship is on the line when Germany's Marco Huck and Britain's Ola Afolabi meet for the second time in their memorable rivalry.
14:00-15:00WCCB: Jack Culcay vs. Emanuele Cavallucci
Former WBA Super Welterweight World Champion Jack Culcay is in search of his 6th consecutive victory as he takes on Emanuel Cavallucci of Italy, hoping to propel himself into World Title contention.
15:00-16:00Fight Quest: In the Philippines
Episode 1: Philippines - Hosts Jimmy Smith and Doug Anderson learn the Fight Discipline of Kali - one of the deadliest, most ancient fighting systems on earth, and the Martial Art of Knives and Sticks with Masters Cri
The main event in this episode is a heavyweight collision between Chris Arreola and Tomasz Adamek in a battle of one-loss competitors.
16:30-17:00FS Grand Sumo
For the first time the top ranked sumo competitors in the world are featured in an action packed series, FIGHT SPORTS GRAND SUMO.
17:00-17:30Karate 1 Premier League
Rabat, Morocco welcomes one of the most anticipated events in Martial Arts this year as the Karate 1 Premier League returns.
FIGHT SPORTS Presents 'Introducing:', a new original documentary series that covers the current stars of today and rising stars of tomorrow.
18:00-19:00MEGA Fights In 60
MEGA Fights are premiere events from the sport of boxing including HBO World Championship Boxing and historic PPV events plus past, current and future World Champions.
19:00-21:00MEGA Fights
MEGA Fights are premiere events from the sport of boxing including HBO World Championship Boxing and historic PPV events plus past, current and future World Champions.
21:00-21:30Wide World of Fights
Lamont Peterson takes on Amir Khan in a bout with a controversial ending, as well as kickboxing, sumo and more!
21:30-22:00Judo for the World
Judo for the World features the best competitors in the sport as they compete in a global tour for an opportunity to vie for the gold in the World Judo Championship.
The main event in this episode is Jhonny Gonzalez defending the WBO bantamweight title against Gerry Penalosa.
22:30-23:00FS Grand Sumo
For the first time the top ranked sumo competitors in the world are featured in an action packed series, FIGHT SPORTS GRAND SUMO.
WCK features intense, nonstop battles in both freestyle kickboxing and Muay Thai from around the world.
13:45-02:00R6 Manchester Major: R6 Manchester Major Day 3
R6 Manchester Major Day 3
02:00-03:29SHUT UP & PLAY : Dark Souls
Matt jumps into his favourite game Dark Souls
03:29-04:00THE ARCHIVE: 2012
2012 will go down in gaming history for many things, but few would have predicted that one particular FPS title would go on to become one of the biggest esports in the scene.
04:00-05:30SHUT UP & PLAY : Little Kitty, Big City
Ash checks out the adventure game, Little Kitty, Big City
05:30-06:00THE ARCHIVE: 2000
The Millennium.
06:00-06:17FIRST IMPRESSIONS: Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader Full Release
The Warhammer journey continues - this time Willis gets his hand on the full release to see just how it's improved from the Beta.
06:17-06:31FIRST IMPRESSIONS: Against the Storm
In a land of eternal rain and misery, Willis is very at home.
06:31-07:00ORIGINS : Call of Duty 2003-2011
In this first part of Origins: Call of Duty, we take you through the first years of this global sensational Video Game
07:00-07:17GINX Docs: How Frostpunk Altered the Course of City Builder Games
We're looking at Frostpunk. A game that went too far, in a genre that doesn't go far enough.
07:17-07:31GINX Docs: Will The Sims be Dethroned by New Life Sim Games?
We're looking at The Sims - or rather, the titles gunning for the Life-Sim throne that the game has held for the past few decades.
07:31-08:00THE ARCHIVE: 2017
While those naughty folks at EA were figuring out how to best monetise their games, Nintendo were busy releasing not only one of the best consoles of all time, but some of the best games too.
08:00-08:16GINX Docs: Valorant in 2023
Ginx original documentaries that explore the stories and secrets from all your favourite games.
08:16-08:30GINX Docs: Which house should you pick in Hogwarts Legacy?
Ginx original documentaries that explore the stories and secrets from all your favourite games.
08:30-08:45TOP 10: PT1 Best game to screen adaptations
Video game movies aren't all bad - here are Cole's favourites.
08:45-09:00TOP 10: PT2 Worst video game movies
Outside the 10 or so good adaptations, every other video game movie sucks. Here are the worst ones.
09:00-10:30SHUT UP & PLAY : Rocket League
It's Monday Mixer! This week the team jump in to their favourite game, Rocket League
10:30-11:00LET'S GO VIRAL: Adam Savage
It's the one you've been waiting for.
11:00-12:30SHUT UP & PLAY : Manor Lords
Rob & George check out the upcoming city builder, Manor Lords
12:30-12:58THE ARCHIVE: 2011
Skyrim, Dark Souls, Minecraft.
12:58-13:15ICONS: Simple: The Prodigy
From an unchained wildcard forced out of rosters, to the backbone of Natus Vincere, we take a look at the journey taken by the legendary Ukrainian AWPer; and what he overcame to become the best in the world.
13:15-13:30ICONS: Serral: The Night King
As the man who challenged South Korean dominance in Starcraft, Serral has created waves in the esports world.
13:30-13:45GINX Docs: Is Horizon Call of the Mountain the game to buy into VR for?
Ginx original documentaries that explore the stories and secrets from all your favourite games.
13:45-14:00GINX Docs: Is Sons of the Forest the future of Survival games?
Ginx original documentaries that explore the stories and secrets from all your favourite games.
14:00-15:00THE GAMES THAT MADE ME: Rob Pierson
On today's episode we are joined by Rob Pearson.
15:00-01:30R6 Manchester Major: R6 Manchester Major Day 4
R6 Manchester Major Day 4
23:35-00:30IMSA WeatherTech SportsCar Championship 2024: Rolex 24 at Daytona, Dytona International Speedway
Rolex 24 at Daytona, Dytona International Speedway
00:30-01:00Michelin Le Mans Cup 2023: Season Review
Tune in to see the most interesting parts and best bits from the Michelin Le Mans Cup.
Porsche exits the diesel business.
01:25-01:55Dream Cars
Open sportscars from Ferrari, Alfa Romeo, Lamborghini and Maserati are the most beautiful, elegant and exciting convertibles in the world.
01:55-02:20Go Green!
The Detroit Motor Show is the biggest auto show in the US.
02:20-02:50FIM World Motocross Championship 2022
The FIM Motocross World Championship - also known as the MXGP - is the premier championship of motocross racing.
02:50-03:35400 Thunder Australian Drag Racing Series 2019: Pro Alcohol, Winternationals, Willowbank Raceway
The 400 Thunder is the top racing series for professional drag racing from Australia and is a superlative spectacle.
03:35-04:05Racing Files
Once the dominant force in motor-racing, after the Second World War Alfa Romeo?s star began to wane.
04:05-04:30Spa Classic: Highlight 2023
Highlight 2023
04:30-05:15Rolex Monterey Motorsports Reunion : Highlight 2023
The "Rolex Monterey Motorsports Reunion" is an event for historic racecars at Laguna Seca
05:15-05:40Classic Races: German Touring Championship 1993
Tough, fierce battles and always exciting: In 1993 the 'German Touring Championship' was already in the year 1993 was considered one of the best touring-car-series in the world.
05:40-06:04Classic Ride: Women's Oldtimer
A small group of car enthusiastic ladies offers resistance in the otherwise man dominated oldtimer world . One of them is Johanna.
06:04-06:35Rally 2024
06:35-07:00Morocco Desert Challenge 2023 : Stage 1
The "Morocco Desert Challenge" is a regional rally event for cars and bikes with a length of roughly 2.600 kilometres
07:00-07:50European Le Mans Series 2023: Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya, Spain
The European Le Mans Series is a multiclass endurance championship with several races across Europe
07:50-08:45NZ Speedway Championship 2023
The Quater Mile Western Spring Speedway, Round 2
08:45-09:09FIA European Truck Racing Series 2023: Autodrom Most, Czeck Republic
The FIA European Truck Racing Championship is the biggest, most imposing racing series in the world.
09:09-09:54Fanatec GT World Challenge Asia 2023: Fuji Inernational Speedway, Japan
The "GTWC Asia" is an endurance championship for GT-cars in Asia
09:54-10:45Fanatec GT World Challenge America 2024: Sonoma Raceway
Sonoma Raceway
10:45-11:30Fanatec GT World Challenge Europe 2024: Circuit Paul Ricard, France
Circuit Paul Ricard, France
11:30-12:20IMSA WeatherTech SportsCar Championship 2024: Rolex 24 at Daytona, Dytona International Speedway
Rolex 24 at Daytona, Dytona International Speedway
12:20-12:50Michelin Le Mans Cup 2023: Season Review
Tune in to see the most interesting parts and best bits from the Michelin Le Mans Cup.
A fascinating trip through the desert and the mountains of Oman with the complete Mercedes SUV range.
13:15-13:45Dream Cars
BMW X5M, Audi Q7, Mercedes GLS and Porsche Cayenne turbo are the strongest and fastest SUVs of the world.
13:45-14:05Go Green!
For many years, the BMW 3 Series has been on top of its competition.
14:05-14:35FIM World Motocross Championship 2022
The FIM Motocross World Championship - also known as the MXGP - is the premier championship of motocross racing.
14:35-15:19400 Thunder Australian Drag Racing Series 2019: Pro Slammer, Nitro Up North, Hidden Valley Raceway, New Zealand
The 400 Thunder is the top racing series for professional drag racing from Australia and is a superlative spectacle.
15:19-15:45TER Series 2023 : Season Review
The "TER" is an european rally championship for modern rally cars
15:45-16:15Belgian Rally Championship 2024
The "BRC" is a belgian rally championship where drivers of modern rally cars compete against each other on gravel and tarmac
16:15-16:40Rally 2023
Rallye Isla de los Volcanes
16:40-17:05Tour European Rally 2023: Rally Terra Sarda, Italy
The "TER" is an european rally championship for modern rally cars
17:05-17:30Tour European Rally Historic 2023: Rally Terra Sarda, Italy
The "TER" is an european rally championship for classic rally cars
17:30-17:55UK Rally Show 2023
The "UK Rally Show" is a british offroad series with up to six events per season
17:55-18:55World Rally Raid Championship 2024
Abu Dhabi Desert Challenge
There are SUV models that have proven themselves, such as the Range Rover.
19:20-19:45Dream Cars
Queen Elizabeth II, who is the Queen of the United Kingdom since 1952, owns a Range Rover State Review LWB Hybrid.
19:45-20:10Go Green!
The Geneva Motor Show - the first major European motor show of the year.
20:10-20:40FIM World Motocross Championship 2022
The FIM Motocross World Championship - also known as the MXGP - is the premier championship of motocross racing.
20:40-21:25King of the Roads 2023: Armoy Part 2
Narrow roads and speeds of more than 200 mp/h: we present some of the most dangerous motorbike races in the world, where the top riders put their lives on the line again and again in the battle for the title of "
21:25-21:50FIM Superenduro World Championship 2024
Grand Prix of Poland, Krakow
21:50-22:45FIM X-Trial World Championship 2024: Grand Prix of France, Chalon-Sur Saone
Grand Prix of France, Chalon-Sur Saone
22:45-23:10FIM World Motocross Championship 2024
FIM World Motocross Championship 2024
23:10-00:05Australian Motocross Championship 2023
The "Australian Motocross Championship" is a regional offroad series for bikes with up to eight events per season
00:00-01:00X Games - Minneapolis
X Games' global reach continues to expand as the popular sports tournament hits Minneapolis.
01:00-02:00X Games - Minneapolis
X Games' global reach continues to expand as the popular sports tournament hits Minneapolis.
02:00-03:00Extreme Fighting Championship
EFC Africa, the Extreme Fighting Championship, is the biggest Mixed Martial Arts competition on the African continent.
03:00-04:00Extreme Fighting Championship
The Extreme Fighting Championship is the biggest Mixed Martial Arts competition on the African continent.
04:00-05:00Extreme Fighting Championship
The Extreme Fighting Championship is the biggest Mixed Martial Arts competition on the African continent.
05:00-06:00Extreme Fighting Championship
The Extreme Fighting Championship is the biggest Mixed Martial Arts competition on the African continent.
06:00-07:00Extreme Fighting Championship
The Extreme Fighting Championship is the biggest Mixed Martial Arts competition on the African continent.
07:00-08:00Action Sports World
Action Sports World takes you to the most exciting locations, adventures and events including freeskiing, mountain biking, climbing and a host of other energetic sport disciplines.
08:00-08:30Nitro World Games: All Access
Created by Nitro Circus and action sports icon Travis Pastrana, Nitro World Games pushes the limits of action sports competition.
08:30-09:00Nitro World Games: All Access
Created by Nitro Circus and action sports icon Travis Pastrana, Nitro World Games pushes the limits of action sports competition.
09:00-10:00Rumble & Hum
The day has arrived for Adrianne to step-up and become a qualified tattoo artist.
10:00-11:00X Games - Minneapolis
X Games' global reach continues to expand as the popular sports tournament hits Minneapolis.
11:00-12:00Beyond The Beaten Path
This unique programme follows the three adventurous Eagar brothers as they undertake incredible journeys to odd and exotic destinations around the world.
12:00-12:30Sports Adventure
Some of the world's wildest, most exotic and spectacular locations feature in this action-packed programme.
12:30-13:00Sports Adventure
Some of the world's wildest, most exotic and spectacular locations feature in this action-packed programme.
13:00-14:00Road To Nitro World Games
See all the behind-the-scenes planning and hard work that goes into the Nitro World Games and explore why this is the competition the athletes want, the fans want, and the sport demands.
14:00-14:30Drift Allstars: Bust Ups & Burn Outs
In this exclusive access behind-the-scenes series we will be following the bust ups and burn outs of the latest Drift All-Stars season across Europe.
14:30-15:00Drift Allstars: Bust Ups & Burn Outs
In this exclusive access behind-the-scenes series we will be following the bust ups and burn outs of the latest Drift All-Stars season across Europe.
15:00-15:30Drift Allstars: Bust Ups & Burn Outs
In this exclusive access behind-the-scenes series we will be following the bust ups and burn outs of the latest Drift All-Stars season across Europe.
15:30-16:00Dumball: Dumbest Of The Dumb
Join us as we take a look back over the best bits of the Dumball Rally's ten-year history.
16:00-16:30Dumball: Dumbest Of The Dumb
Join us as we take a look back over the best bits of the Dumball Rally's ten-year history.
16:30-17:00Dumball: Dumbest Of The Dumb
Join us as we take a look back over the best bits of the Dumball Rally's ten-year history.
17:00-17:30Dumball: Idiots In India
Join the Dumball banger rally in India on the first leg of the journey, as it departs from Chennai.
17:30-18:00Dumball: Idiots In India
Join the Dumball banger rally in India on the first leg of the journey, as it departs from Chennai.
18:00-18:30Dumball: Idiots In India
Join the Dumball banger rally in India on the first leg of the journey, as it departs from Chennai.
18:30-19:00Dumball: Idiots In India
Join the Dumball banger rally in India on the first leg of the journey, as it departs from Chennai.
19:00-20:00Pro Bull Riders
Join the world's best bull-riding talent as they saddle up for another season of dangerous, adrenaline-fuelled action!
20:00-21:00X Games - Minneapolis
X Games' global reach continues to expand as the popular sports tournament hits Minneapolis.
21:00-22:00Extreme Fighting Championship
The Extreme Fighting Championship is the biggest Mixed Martial Arts competition on the African continent.
Mixed Martial Arts competition.
23:00-00:00Strongman Champions League
The SCL is the biggest strongman competition worldwide, with over 16 stages throughout the year and more than 60 strongman competing in this professional league.
23:49-00:42Foo Fighters - Austin City Limits
The Austin City Limits Music Festival is an annual music festival that takes place at Zilker Park in Austin, Texas.
00:42-01:00Jake Bugg - Live at Hype Machine's Hype Hotel
Nineteen-year-old British singer-songwriter Jake Bugg is a man of few words, that is until he begins his strumming.
01:00-03:03Rush - The Rise Of Kings
Through a stunning combination of rare footage and insider insight this film traces the complete history of Rush.
03:03-03:44Pet Shop Boys - Live at Roskilde 2009
Filmed in Roskilde, Denmark, this concert film will give all fans a spectacular Live experience from start to finish.
03:44-04:00Various Artists - iConcerts Hits
A selection of our best concert previews and exclusive interviews.
04:00-05:39Lenny Kravitz - Just Let Go: Live
?Just Let Go? combines full live performances from Lenny Kravitz?s 2014 European Tour with interviews and rehearsal footage to give a unique insight into the creative process behind Lenny Kravitz?s music and the sta
05:39-07:00Bring Me the Horizon - Reading & Leeds Festival 2022
The Reading and Leeds Festivals are a pair of music festivals that take place annually in the cities of Reading and Leeds in England.
07:00-08:25BLACKPINK - The Show
The Show opened with "Kill This Love", following a video featuring sights of dark and empty cities around the world.
08:25-09:19R.E.M. - Live in Milan 2008
Filmed at Arena Civica, Milan, this concert film will give all fans a spectacular Live experience from start to finish.
09:19-10:03The 1975 - Live in London 2013
Filmed at Roundhouse, London, this concert film will give all fans a spectacular Live experience from start to finish.
10:03-11:36Shania Twain - Still the One: Live from Vegas
La reine originelle du mélange de country et de pop Shania Twain vous invite à danser dans vos chaussures de cowboy et à chanter en ch?ur avec tous ses plus grands succès dans son spectaculaire « Shania
11:36-12:30Lorde - Live at Coachella
The Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival is an annual music and arts festival held at the Empire Polo Club in Indio, California, in the Coachella Valley
12:30-12:46The Strumbellas - A Baeble NEXT Session
Stomp your feet and shout along! The Strumbellas are in the house for our newest Baeble NEXT Session.
12:46-13:00Various Artists - iConcerts Hits
A selection of our best concert previews and exclusive interviews.
13:00-14:39Lenny Kravitz - Just Let Go: Live
?Just Let Go? combines full live performances from Lenny Kravitz?s 2014 European Tour with interviews and rehearsal footage to give a unique insight into the creative process behind Lenny Kravitz?s music and the sta
14:39-16:00Bring Me the Horizon - Reading & Leeds Festival 2022
The Reading and Leeds Festivals are a pair of music festivals that take place annually in the cities of Reading and Leeds in England.
16:00-18:06Bon Jovi - Live in New York
Live at New York is a Bon Jovi movie and video about the concert held in New York on July 15, 2008.
18:06-19:07Prince - The Unauthorized Biography
Documentary focusing on the legendary musician's life and work, from his troubled childhood in Minneapolis to becoming one of the most popular and innovative artists in contemporary music.
19:07-20:33U2 - From The Sky Down
"From The Sky Down" is a documentary by Oscar-winning director Davis Guggenheim.
20:33-21:33Enrique Iglesias - Live from Odyssey Arena
Filmed at Odyssey Arena, Belfast, this concert film will give all fans a spectacular Live experience from start to finish.
21:33-21:53lovelytheband - Live at Baeble HQ
Mitchy, Jordan and Sam swung by the studio to perform a couple of their hits from their debut album "finding It hard to smile".
21:53-22:02Various Artists - iConcerts Hits
A selection of our best concert previews and exclusive interviews.
22:02-23:43Bryan Ferry - Live in Lyon
From his earliest recordings with Roxy Music at the beginning of the 1970s, Bryan Ferry has taken his place as one of the most iconic and innovative musicians and songwriters to emerge in popular music.
23:43-00:53Maroon 5 - Live in London 2014
Filmed at Roundhouse, London, this concert film will give all fans a spectacular Live experience from start to finish.
22:50-00:30Klaus Mäkelä, Orchestre de Paris - Jolas, Mahler
Betsy Jolas (b.
00:30-01:20The life I love - The pianist Menahem Pressler
The life I love - The pianist Menahem Pressler
01:20-02:45Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, Lahav Shani, Pinchas Zukerman: Bruch, Ben-Haim, Tchaikovsky
Max Bruch (1838 -1920) Violin Concerto No.
02:45-04:00Fondation Singer Polignac: Justin Taylor et Sophie de Bardonnèche
François Franc?ur (1698 - 1787) Sonata no.
04:00-05:45'Dido and Æneas' by Purcell at the Grand Théâtre, Geneva
Dido and Æneas Tragic opera in three acts by Henry Purcell (1659 - 1695) Libretto by Nahum Tate after Virgil's 'Aeneid' Le Concert d'Astrée, Emmanuelle Haïm (Conductor) Franck Chartier (Stage
05:45-07:50'Les Pêcheurs de perles' by Bizet at the Capitole Theatre, Toulouse
Les pêcheurs de perles (The Pearl Fishers) Opera in three acts by Georges Bizet (1838 - 1875) Libretto by Eugène Cormon and Michel Carré First performance in Paris, Théâtre Lyrique,
07:50-08:00Rhapsodie pour clarinette et orchestre
Rhapsodie pour clarinette et orchestre
08:00-08:55Miles Davis Münchner Klaviersommer ´88
Miles Davis Münchner Klaviersommer ´88
08:55-09:55ONJ | Dancing in your Head(s) | La Galaxie Ornette - Banlieues Bleues
Orchestre National de Jazz | Dancing in your Head(s) |Ornette Galaxy Fred Maurin, Artistic direction, guitar, Fred Pallem, orchestration Jean-Michel Couchet, Alto saxophone, Anna-
09:55-10:55Eric Truffaz | Estreilla Besson, Piano Lille Festival 2020
Playlist - Ganga Aarti (E.
10:55-11:55Keith Jarrett | Lugano Jazz Festival 1986
Keith Jarrett Estival Jazz 1986 Keith Jarrett (piano) Gary Peacock (Bass) Jack DeJohnette (drums) Recorded in 1986, Lugano, Swiss Tv director, Sandro Pedrazzetti
11:55-14:5520th Leeds International Piano Competition | Finals
Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, Andrew Manze (conductor) Leds Tows Hall, 17 & 18 September 2021
14:55-17:30Rameau's Les Boréades at the Opéra de Dijon
Les Boréades 'Tragédie en musique' in five acts by Jean-François Rameau (1683 - 1764) Libretto by Louis de Cahusac First performance at Aix-en-Provence, Théâtre de l'Archevêché, 21 July 1982 Le Concert d'A
17:45-18:15Dvo?ák | The Noon Witch
Dvo?ák | The Noon Witch
18:15-20:05Simon Rattle and the London Symphony Orchestra: Berg, Beethoven
Alban Berg (1885 - 1935) Lulu-Suite Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 - 1827) Symphony no 9 in D minor, op. 125 'Choral'
20:05-21:30René Jacobs conducts Beethoven's Missa solemnis
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 - 1827) Missa solemnis in D major, op.
21:30-22:20Magic Moments of Music: Sergiu Celibidache & the Berliner Philharmoniker
Magic Moments of Music: Sergiu Celibidache & the Berliner Philharmoniker
22:20-23:45Berliner Philharmoniker, Kirill Petrenko: Europakonzert 2022
Berliner Phiharmoniker, Kirill Petrenko (conductor) 1 May 2022
23:45-01:30Maurizio Pollini, Claudio Abbado, Berliner Philharmoniker: Mendelssohn, Beethoven
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 - 1827) Choral Fantasy Op. 80 Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy (1809 - 1847) Symphony No. 2 Op. 52
22:00-01:00Puccini's Manon Lescaut at the Gran Teatre del Liceu
Puccini's Manon Lescaut at the Gran Teatre del Liceu
01:00-02:22Orchestre de Paris, Lahav Shani, Kirill Gerstein: Beethoven, Tchaikovsky
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770?1827) Piano Concerto No.
03:00-03:34Daniel & Michael Barenboim moments musicaux at the Boulez Saal: Mozart violin sonata K 526 and Vari
Daniel Barenboim (piano), Michael Barenboim (violin) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 - 1791) 6 Variations on 'Hélas, j'ai perdu mon amant', K.
03:34-04:07Daniel Barenboim moments musicaux at the Boulez Saal: Chopin
Frédéric Chopin (1810 - 1849) Etudes, op.
04:07-05:43Jeanine de Bique at the Bayreuth Baroque Opera Festival
Jeanine De Bique (Soprano) Concerto Köln George Frideric Handel (1685?1759) Overture from Partenope HWV 27 Carl Heinrich Graun (1704/1705?1759) Risolvere non oso from Rodelinda George Frideric
06:35-10:30Vinci's 'Alessandro nell?Indie at the Bayreuth Baroque Opera Festival
Alessandro nell'Indie 'Dramma per musica' in three acts by Leonardo Vinci Libretto by Pietro Metastasio, First perfomance in Rome, Teatro delle Dame, 2 January 1730 oh!} Orkiestra
10:30-11:39The Czech Philharmonic and Manfred Honeck: Mozart, Beethoven
Czech Philharmonic, Manfred Honeck (conductor) Rudolf Buchbinder (piano) Edvard Grieg (1843 - 1907) Peer Gynt - excerpts Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 - 1791) Piano Concerto No.
11:39-13:30Czech Philharmonic, Jakub Hr??a, Daniil Trifonov: Scriabin, Suk
Alexander Scriabin (1872 ? 1915) Piano Concerto in F sharp minor, Op. 20 Josef Suk (1874 ? 1935) Asrael Op. 27
14:00-14:59Daniel Barenboim, Moment musical at the Boulez Saal: Beethoven, Diabelli Variations
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 - 1827) Diabelli Variations, op. 120. Recorded at the Pierre Boulez Saal, Berlin, 10 April 2020
14:59-15:49Daniel & Michael Barenboim moments musicaux at the Boulez Saal: Mozart violin sonata K 526 and Vari
Daniel Barenboim (piano), Michael Barenboim (violin) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 - 1791) 6 Variations on 'Hélas, j'ai perdu mon amant', K.
15:49-17:13Franco Fagioli sings Vinci - Bayreuth Baroque Festival
Leonardo Vinci (c.
18:00-18:46Sandra Nkaké [Elles] - Le Mans Jazz, Concerts in/out
Sandra Nkaké (voice) Jî Drû (voice, flute, keyboards) Paul Colomb (cello)
18:46-19:41Roy Ayers - Bayfront Jazz Festival
Roy Ayers | Bayfront Jazz Festival 2021 Miami, 2021 Directed by Amos Rozenberg The 2021 inaugural edition of the Bayfront Jazz Festival takes place in Miami's Bayfront Park.
19:41-21:03Dee Dee Bridgewater - Bayfront Jazz Festival
Dee Dee Bridgewater | Bayfront Jazz Festival 2021 Miami, 2021 Directed by Amos Rozenberg The 2021 inaugural edition of the Bayfront Jazz Festival takes place in Miami's Bayfront Park.
22:00-23:50Swan Lake by Angelin Preljocaj - Chaillot - Théâtre national de la Danse
Swan Lake by Angelin Preljocaj - Chaillot - Théâtre national de la Danse
23:50-01:00Semyon Bychkov, Czech Philharmonic: Smetana
Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, Semyon Bychkov (Conductor) Bed?ich Smetana (1824 ? 1884) My Fatherland Recorded at the Rudolfinum, Prague, 17 November 2020
23:00-05:00Hits Don't Lie
Hits don't lie! Get ready for the biggest and best worldwide smashes from past to present!
05:00-06:00When Love Takes Over: Romantic
...Duets. MTV loves love and there's nothing more romantic than a duet to get you in your feels.
06:00-11:00Non-Stop Y2Ks!
The 00s gave us some iconic tracks and we're going to play some of them for you non-stop!
11:00-16:00Hits On Shuffle!
MTV has set itself to shuffle with the hottest and most-loved hits from some of your favourite artists! There may be a few surprises along the way!
16:00-17:00We Belong Together! Classic
... Collabs.
17:00-22:00Non-Stop Y2Ks!
The 00s gave us some iconic tracks and we're going to play some of them for you non-stop!
22:00-23:00Chillout Zone
Sit back, relax and ease your mind with these sweet, chilled out tunes.
23:00-05:00Hits Don't Lie
Hits don't lie! Get ready for the biggest and best worldwide smashes from past to present!
00:00-04:00Totally 80s!
We won't slip into the seventies or nudge into the nineties, we're totally dedicated to classic hits and iconic anthems from the 80s!
04:00-06:00Non-Stop 80s Hits!
We got hits... We got hits from the 80s. And guess what? They don't stop! You're welcome!
06:00-08:00Super Pop Hits!
Join us for the ultimate 80s pop playlist - dance and sing, get up and do your thing!
08:00-12:00Forever 80s
Nothing but the best hits from the most memorable acts of the 1980s. No filler!
12:00-14:00Power Ballad Heaven!
We have nothing but wall-to-wall power ballad heaven for your listening pleasure.
14:00-15:00Indie 80s!
We've selected the biggest and best indie anthems from the 80s just for you!
15:00-19:00I Want My MTV 80s!
It's non-stop global nostalgia right here at MTV 80s - and that's what we want, right now!
19:00-21:00Non-Stop 80s Hits!
We got hits... We got hits from the 80s. And guess what? They don't stop! You're welcome!
21:00-23:00Super Pop Hits!
Join us for the ultimate 80s pop playlist - dance and sing, get up and do your thing!
23:00-00:00Headbangers Ball!
Your ticket to the heaviest headbanging ball is right here: Enjoy all the best in '80s metal and rock and get your mosh on!
23:25-02:45Ultimate 90s Playlist!
Nothing but the best tracks and ultimate anthems from the 90s.
02:45-06:0090s Mixtape!
We're bringing you a no-nonsense, hand-picked selection of 90s pop, R&B and dance videos from the MTV archive!
06:00-09:00Ultimate 90s Playlist!
Nothing but the best tracks and ultimate anthems from the 90s.
09:00-10:00Girl Power Hour!
Zig-A-Zig-ah! It's all about girl power! Tune in for all the biggest girl power hits from the 90s.
10:00-12:45Saved By The 90s!
If you need a bit of a break from modern pop, then look no further! The 90s are here to save us, so enjoy these giant hits from a golden decade of music.
12:45-16:00USA Hitlist!
From the Backstreet Boys to Britney, Mariah to Janet, Bon Jovi to Green Day - it's time to celebrate the best that the USA had to offer in the 1990s!
16:00-17:00Alternative Nation!
Become part of the 90s Alternative Nation right now on MTV 90s!
17:00-20:0090s Mixtape!
We're bringing you a no-nonsense, hand-picked selection of 90s pop, R&B and dance videos from the MTV archive!
20:00-23:00Boys vs Girls: 90s Hits!
The boys are taking on the girls in our playlist of back to back classic 90s hits! The result? Everyone's a winner!
23:00-00:00Alternative Nation!
Become part of the 90s Alternative Nation right now on MTV 90s!
23:50-00:35Jersey Shore Family Vacation
Perhe suuntaa takaisin vanhoille hoodeilleen viettämään mukavaa päivää, ja Mike ja Nicole käyvät tyypillistä Jersey-debattia.
Rob, Steelo ja Nina Agdal yrittävät hallita liike-energiaansa EN VOI PYSÄHTYÄ -osiossa, kippistävät särkyneillä laseilla osiossa MURSKATUT MALJAT ja istahtavat lounaalle sinne, missä ON OUTO PÖYTÄ.
Rob, Steelo ja Nina Agdal muistelevat, mitä kaikkea TUPAKAN VOIMALLA voikaan tehdä. He kulkevat PEPPU TIUKKANA ja toteavat, että asia EI KUULU MULLE.
Rob, Steelo ja Nina Agdal keskustelevat KIPUMATOISTA, tarkastelevat vesipuistojen VILLEJÄ LIUKUJA ja muistelevat kokemiaan VAHINKOPAHOINPITELYJÄ.
Uudessa Ridiculousness-jaksossa Rob, Steelo ja Lolo Wood leikkivät Rappuleikkejä, näkevät Epätarkkuutta armeijassa ja heittävät kätensä ilmaan painovoimaa vastustavassa osiossa Kiinni jäi.
02:05-02:50Behind the Music (2021)
Tässä Behind the Musicin jaksossa Lil Wayne kertoo, miten 9-vuotiaasta rap-battle-osallistujasta tuli maailman parhaana tunnettu räppäri.
02:50-03:40MTV World Stage
World Stage esittelee parhaat pop-esitykset MTV:n tapahtumista ja festivaaleilta ympäri maailmaa.
Rob, Steelo ja Carly Aquilino saavat selville, miksi pelkkä hyppiminen riittää osiossa TRAMPOLIINIA MONEEN TARPEESEEN, käyttävät jalkojaan antaakseen POTKUA ELÄMÄÄN ja ovat pahoillaan, etteivät huomaa NÄKYMÄTTÖMIÄ NAPEROITA ajoissa.
Rob, Steelo ja Draya Michele maistelevat ESIPURESKELTUA RUOKAA, kuuntelevat MOUHOTTAVIA MIEHIÄ ja näkevät USKOMATTOMIA NÄKYJÄ.
04:20-07:00Night Videos
As night falls, MTV plays you the best videos out there -- all night long.
07:00-10:40MTV Breakfast Club
Daily morning show featuring music videos.
10:40-11:20Teen Mom 2
Kail kutsuu Devoinin podcastiinsa.
11:20-12:05Teen Mom 2
Jadelle tehdään plastiikkakirurginen operaatio, mutta toipuminen saa vaarallisen käänteen, ja Briana yrittää auttaa häntä tilanteen eskaloituessa.
12:05-12:45Teen Mom 2
Jaden toipuminen käy entistä hankalammaksi, kun jännite hänen vanhempiensa ja Seanin välillä kasvaa.
12:45-13:30Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders
Tällä kaudella 400 tyttöä, jotka ovat uskaltaneet unelmoida pääsystä maailmankuuluksi Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaderiksi, panevat kaiken peliin kauden 2015-2016 alustavien koe-esiintymisten alkaessa.
13:30-14:10Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders
23 konkaria tulee mukaan koe-esiintymisprosessiin ja saa vastaansa 59 uutta kokelasta, jotka kilpailevat paikoistaan.
14:10-14:50Catfish: The TV Show
Alyssan ystävä Mary usutti hänet deittisivustolle, jossa Alyssa tapasi elämänsä rakkauden, Tylerin.
14:50-15:30Catfish: The TV Show
Puhuttuaan Mattin kanssa viisi vuotta Kim on valmis tapaamaan nettirakkautensa.
Jaksossa Rob, Chanel ja Steelo katsovat aktiivisia tutkintoja, lähtevät takaisin puuhun ja tapaavat armeijalaatua olevia äitejä.
Uudessa Ridiculousness-jaksossa Rob Dyrdek, Steelo Brim ja Nina Agdal toteavat, että Muutto on syvältä, kauhistelevat Likaisia lautasia sekä kaahaavat, kunnes Yksi rengas puuttuu.
Ridiculousnessin uudessa jaksossa Robin ja Steelon vieraana on Karrueche Tran.
Rob, Steelo ja Karrueche Tran joutuvat portaiden nöyryyttämiksi osiossa PORRASTEMPPUJA LUKIOSSA, kavahtavat KUMMIA MALJAPUHEITA ja näkevät, miten tansseja tuhotaan, kun joku TIKTOKKAA PIHALLA.
17:00-17:45Help! I'm in a Secret Relationship
Kryptovälittäjä Rick tapasi influensserityttöystävänsä Shanellen sosiaalisessa mediassa.
17:45-18:30Catfish: The TV Show
Craig tapasi Zoen Facebookissa ja heidän välilleen kehittyi pian syvällinen suhde.
18:30-19:10Catfish: The TV Show
Shawny erosi äskettäin miehestään ja pyytää nyt Nevin ja Maxin apua hänen uuden rakkaansa henkilöllisyyden selvittämisessä. Tilanne muuttuu mielenkiintoiseksi kun selviää, että Shawnylla voi itsellään olla salaisuuksia.
19:10-19:55Catfish: The TV Show
Seitsemän vuoden draaman jälkeen Gemini haluaa epätoivoisesti tavata Myrandan.
19:55-20:45Catfish: The TV Show
Jouduttuaan bestiksensä huijaamaksi netissä, Larissa haki tukea nettiystävältään Anthonylta.
20:45-21:30Caught In The Act: Unfaithful
Emily ja Brandon ovat olleet epäsovinnaisessa suhteessa kuusi vuotta.
Uudessa Ridiculousness-jaksossa Rob, Steelo ja Carly Aquilino ovat Huonoja esteissä, saavat kiinni Outoja itse teossa sekä pelaavat Hämmentävää krikettiä.
Tällä kertaa Rob, Chanel ja Steelo todistavat herkkuhetkiä JÄÄKAAPPI-ISKUT-osiossa, selvittävät noloja tilanteita osiossa JÄÄ VEGASIIN ja juhlistavat KÖMPELYYSVAIHE-miehiä.
Uudessa "Ridiculousness"-jaksossa Rob, Chanel ja Steelo todistavat, kuinka tehdään Melkein maailmanennätys ja puhuvat siitä, kun on Renkaiden aika, ja siitä, kuinka pöydistä voi tulla Känninäyttämöitä.
Rob, Chanel ja Steelo pohtivat, mitä LIIVIMIEHILLÄ on mielessään.
23:00-23:45Jersey Shore Family Vacation
Jersey Shoren perhedynamiikka kokee kolauksen, kun Sammi "Sweetheart" Giancola tekee paluun.
23:45-00:25Teen Mom Family Reunion
Jännitteet ovat huipussaan, kun Mackenzie saapuu huvilaan uuden kullan kanssa.
21:00-01:00Non-Stop Bangerz!
Nothing but the biggest tunes and non-stop bangerz right now on Club MTV!
01:00-02:00Reload! Club Classics
We're going big on dancefloor smashes from across our favourite decades - that's massive tunes from the 90s, 00s and 10s!
02:00-03:00Ultimate Rap & RnB
We're gonna party like it's your birthday with the ultimate Rap & RnB bangers!
03:00-08:00Big Tunes!
Classic anthems or new dancefloor smashes. As long as they're big tunes, we're playing them all right now!
08:00-10:5000s Eurodance: 50 Big Ones
We love everything about 00s Eurodance so check out 50 back-to-back Eurodance bangers from back in the day.
10:50-13:00Big Tunes!
Classic anthems or new dancefloor smashes. As long as they're big tunes, we're playing them all right now!
13:00-14:00Reload! Club Classics
We're going big on dancefloor smashes from across our favourite decades - that's massive tunes from the 90s, 00s and 10s!
14:00-19:00Big Tunes!
Classic anthems or new dancefloor smashes. As long as they're big tunes, we're playing them all right now!
19:00-20:00Ultimate Rap & RnB
We're gonna party like it's your birthday with the ultimate Rap & RnB bangers!
20:00-00:00100% Party Tunes!
Classic anthems or new dancefloor smashes. As long as they're 100% party tunes, we're playing them all!
21:00-01:00Worldwide Hits!
We've got a playlist filled with the hottest hits that have taken over the world!
01:00-08:00Non-Stop Hits
Whether you're looking for a 00s chart smash or the freshest pop sensation, you'll find more hits, more often on MTV Hits!
08:00-14:00Non-Stop Hits
Whether you're looking for a 00s chart smash or the freshest pop sensation, you'll find more hits, more often on MTV Hits!
14:00-16:00Non-Stop Hits
Whether you're looking for a 00s chart smash or the freshest pop sensation, you'll find more hits, more often on MTV Hits!
16:00-17:00Fresh Out
Fresh Out delivers the most important music and pop culture news of the week.
17:00-19:00Totally 10s!
All the hits from the 10s in one place - what more could you want?
19:00-21:00Worldwide Hits
We've got a playlist filled with the hottest hits that have taken over the world!
21:00-22:00Euro Hits!
Tune in as we bring you some of the biggest and best Euro hits all in one playlist!
22:00-23:00Totally 10s!
All the hits from the 10s in one place - what more could you want?
23:00-02:00Worldwide Hits!
We've got a playlist filled with the hottest hits that have taken over the world!
23:55-00:55MTV Rewind: 2017
Step into the MTV Time Machine and travel back to 2017 to check out what tracks were stealing our hearts and ruling the charts!
00:55-02:10Euro Chart Of The 20s So Far
...Hot 20! We're taking a look at 20 of the biggest hits that graced the Euro charts this decade! But which track will be No.
02:10-02:55MTV Live Vault!
We've headed down to the MTV Live Vault and discovered some amazing stuff.
Plug in your guitar and amp up the volume because we're bringing you the best of the best from the Rock, Alternative and Indie scene!
04:00-07:40MTV's 50 Love Songs Of The 10s
... And 20s.
07:40-08:00Global Beats!
Tune in for a selection of the biggest Hip-Hop, R&B, K-Pop and Reggaeton beats that are taking over the world!
08:00-09:00MTV Rewind: 2018
Step into the MTV Time Machine and travel back to 2018 to check out what tracks were stealing our hearts and ruling the charts!
09:00-10:30Dua Lipa x Zara Larsson x Ed
...Sheeran. Nothing but back to back hits from three of Europe's biggest artists!
10:30-10:55MTV Live Vault!
We've headed down to the MTV Live Vault and discovered some amazing stuff.
10:55-12:00Global Beats!
Tune in for a selection of the biggest Hip-Hop, R&B, K-Pop and Reggaeton beats that are taking over the world!
Plug in your guitar and amp up the volume because we're bringing you the best of the best from the Rock, Alternative and Indie scene!
13:00-13:20MTV Push Presents: Cat Burns
Having taken the music scene by storm with her unique sound, captivating performances and deeply personal lyrics, Cat Burns sits down with MTV to tell us why this is just the beginning!
13:20-13:40MTV Push Presents: Sam Ryder
Sam Ryder chats to MTV about life, music and his rise to superstardom - and gives us exclusive performances of two of his tracks!
13:40-14:05MTV Push Presents: Renee Rapp
Renne Rap chats to MTV about life, music and her rise to superstardom, and give us exclusive performances of two of her tracks!
14:05-14:30MTV Push Presents: Flo
Flo sits down with MTV to chat about life, music and their rise to superstardom, and gives us exclusive performances of some of their tracks!
14:30-16:00HD Hits!
We've got big hits and they're even bigger in high def baby!
16:00-17:00MTV Rewind: 2018
Step into the MTV Time Machine and travel back to 2018 to check out what tracks were stealing our hearts and ruling the charts!
17:00-18:30Dua Lipa x Zara Larsson x Ed
...Sheeran. Nothing but back to back hits from three of Europe's biggest artists!
18:30-19:00MTV Live Vault!
We've headed down to the MTV Live Vault and discovered some amazing stuff.
19:00-20:00Global Beats!
Tune in for a selection of the biggest Hip-Hop, R&B, K-Pop and Reggaeton beats that are taking over the world!
Plug in your guitar and amp up the volume because we're bringing you the best of the best from the Rock, Alternative and Indie scene!
21:00-21:40MTV Unplugged
... Twenty One Pilots.
21:40-22:25Coldplay: Official Top 10
We use exclusive official sales and streaming stats to bring you the definitive countdown of the 10 biggest tracks from one of the most successful bands in the world - Coldplay!
22:25-00:00HD Hits!
We've got big hits and they're even bigger in high def baby!